[2013 - Report] Umar Akmal might never play cricket again


First Class Captain
Oct 4, 2008

it says that due to epilepsy attacks he might never play cricket again, he has never told PCB about this epilepsy disease,

i hope its not true and my Allah give Umar shifa.
What?!!! I hope he recovers soon.. Too good a player to miss
Yarr I'm sure it's exaggeration. I'd rather not lose our greatest batting talent in 20 years
I'm not going to believe this at all, some random newspaper named Dunya.

Especially when there is a credible article on criclens on the media exaggeration of this incident. Everyone relax, Insha'Allah he'll be fine.
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Re: Umar Akmal might never play cricket again: Dunya

Man it kinda feels bad to have made fun (albeit good natured) of him. I hope it's not epilepsy. If it is, then hope he gets well enough and plays again.
Even if Umar is suffering from epilepsy he can still play cricket. Jonty Rhodes is an example.

Inshallah we will seen him in green again.
The news item in the OP is exaggeration and speculation.

As a cricket player he spends more time in the ground than with his family members so I believe his domestic or national colleagues including management would be the first one to conceal this disease....

We should wait for couple of days before PCB conduct his medical diagnosis, I hope it turns to be that he fainted because of vitamin C or Calcium deficiency.

Once when I was 16 or 17 years old, I myself fell in my room unconscious . I got up after couple of minutes , recollected my self and by the grace of Allah I have not fallen again since that day .
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Epilepsy should not stop a person from playing cricket.

My dad has this condition and he is normal as long as he takes his medicine. One of my cousins wife also has this condition and she started taking medicine recently and she is doing quite well.

I hope he recovers soon as Pak cricket needs him a lot. Would be a huge loss for Pak cricket.
I'm not going to believe this at all, some random newspaper named Dunya.

Especially when there is a credible article on criclens on the media exaggeration of this incident. Everyone relax, Insha'Allah he'll be fine.

Dunya is one of most read and popular newspaper of Pakistan ..
Talk about crappy standards of journalism. He is 23 and is primarily a batsman, not a fast bowler who had some accidental career threatening injury.
News channel should be punished for publishing self-made masala stories.
Oh God,I hope it's just some exaggeration,this can't be true:( :(
He is an important part of the team,we can't afford to loose him..
Get well soon,Umar!IA..
you have got to be kidding me.... he cant just lose it can he? besides we really cant afford to lose batsmen. wish him the best of recovery.
every knows pakistani media they create fake news for their publicity.lets wait for pcb reports
i hope every thing is ok
for everybody who says epilepsy should not stop someone from playing cricket is absolutely false. 80% of people who suffer from epilepsy can be managed through medication and 20% cannot be. just hope he doesn't fall under the 20% if the above is true.
I hope he gets well soon and that this news report is basically the standard lousy reportage.
Tony Greig and Jonty Rhodes - two names who went to have a successful and long international careers despite having the medical condition epilepsy.

Wish Umar all the best and hope to see him back on the field very soon.
I hope we can see him back in the field again. I may not be a the biggest fan of Umar but this thread gave me more chills than when Mashrafe was injured just before the 2011 WC
He would fit in well in the IPL then, with all the flashing lights and fireworks.
As posted in the other thread,

Let's calm down and look at the track record of our local Urdu/Hindi media in dishing out true stories, let alone one so intimate with Akmal's health issues.

Exactly, I'll take it with a grain of salt for now.
yuvraj played 2011 wc despite suffering from cancer (he didnt knew at that time)

umar akmal will be back soon. hope he recovers fast
Sounds like media hype to me . I am certain he can play cricket even if he has epilepsy .
may allah give him speedy recovery he is the best pak bat .............i really want to see him back in UAE
Ban this Dunya newspaper, so called popular newspaper in Pakistan.
the media are sick, lying about people's conditions to get more attention. Astaqfurillah
Wish him a speedy recovery insha'Allah.
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Dunya newspaper should not be read by anyone in Pakistan anymore, horrible and pathetic stuff.
Wish Umer Akmal a speedy recovery, may Allah give him health... fantastic player and God willing he will have a great career!
Lesson: Pakistan has the worst media and cricket board. The only thing that puts everything together is the love for the game.

Such disgusting people. If I were umar I would just go over and punch him in the face
I hope this is not true. If so we have lost the greatest talent to come out of PAK in 20+ years. It so sad if this is true.
They don't even spare someone's health.

The media continues to plummet.
Waiting for Saj's response on this news article. He is the reliable source.
Indian media type reporting, sensationalizing anything :facepalm:
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>Just a reminder that the account ( <a href="https://twitter.com/imu_akmal">@imu_akmal</a> ) which is pretending to be Umar Akmal is a fake account. Please RT</p>— Saj Sadiq (@Saj_PakPassion) <a href="https://twitter.com/Saj_PakPassion/statuses/364417594578579457">August 5, 2013</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Not sure if he suffers from this but if he does it probably is one of the less chronic cases. Reason is if it was more serious other people would have some idea as he has been playing first class cricket for almost 5 years now.

So praying not true but if it is than perhaps a mild case where it can be controlled he still can play at the highest level.
I hope its not true and he recovers from whatevers wrong with him.
"I am fully fit. will meet the Chairman soon and then do a press conference" Umar Akmal.
I hope the news has no truth in it whatsoever. And shame on so called journalists going so far as to give someone a fake disability. A line has been crossed.
if it is true, then inspite of it, he should be able to play. depends on the degree of severeness.

none the less, hoping it is a false news.
Ever heard of freedom of the press? Media is a business first and foremost and they have every right to report whatever they feel would make their business more profitable so long as they don't impinge on someone else' rights(slander, illegal phone taps and invasion of privacy for instance) in which case the wronged party has the right to legal recourse.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>Just a reminder that the account ( <a href="https://twitter.com/imu_akmal">@imu_akmal</a> ) which is pretending to be Umar Akmal is a fake account. Please RT</p>— Saj Sadiq (@Saj_PakPassion) <a href="https://twitter.com/Saj_PakPassion/statuses/364417594578579457">August 5, 2013</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

so pathetic how people actually take time out of their lives to pretend to be famous, wow
eevn if the news is true,it will never stop him from playing cricket,nothing t worry about,all the best to him
Umar Akmal’s illness not career threatening: Jonty Rhodes

MUMBAI: Former South African batsman and brilliant fielder Jonty Rhodes has advised unfit Pakistan batsman Umar Akmal to be patient and follow the doctor’s advice to overcome his ‘mysterious’ illness.

Umar was recently diagnosed with a seizure condition which is co-related with epilepsy, a disease which also affected former Test players like the late Tony Greig and Jonty Rhodes.

In medical terms, the frequent attacks of ‘seizure’ is called epilepsy.

Speaking exclusively over his mobile from South Africa, the 45-year-old Rhodes said: “Umar Akmal is a dashing batsman and can play for many years to come. “

"However, to overcome his present condition, has to be patient and strictly follow the medications prescribed by his doctor."

“A seizure is a sudden surge of vibration-creative activity in the brain. The frequency of attack is different in different people because all people have different brains,” elaborated Rhodes.

“I would like to tell Umar that this disease is curable if proper dosage of medicine is maintained. He must look after himself at this stage to prolong his career,” Rhodes added.

Rhodes said he suffered from a very mild form of epilepsy, so the illness never really threatened his career.

“I had a very mild form of epilepsy so the treatment was also of short duration and never hampered my career as such.”

Meanwhile, Umar is being treated by Lahore’s renowned neuro-physician, Dr Atiq-ur-Rehman who has advised him for some more tests.

“The ‘seizure’ attack is confirmed but the issue is not serious. May be due to stress or lack of sleep or over-playing, this may have occurred. With the passage of time and with proper rest, Umar will recover,” said a PCB official on Sunday

Source : http://dawn.com/news/1038585/umar-akmals-illness-not-career-threatening-jonty-rhodes
nice gesture. Hope hes tested quick and recovers soon
Umar Akmal’s illness not career threatening: Jonty Rhodes

Former South African batsman and brilliant fielder Jonty Rhodes has advised unfit Pakistan batsman Umar Akmal to be patient and follow the doctor’s advice to overcome his ‘mysterious’ illness.

Umar was recently diagnosed with a seizure condition which is co-related with epilepsy, a disease which also affected former Test players like the late Tony Greig and Jonty Rhodes.

In medical terms, the frequent attacks of ‘seizure’ is called epilepsy.

Speaking exclusively over his mobile from South Africa, the 45-year-old Rhodes said: “Umar Akmal is a dashing batsman and can play for many years to come.

"However, to overcome his present condition, has to be patient and strictly follow the medications prescribed by his doctor."

“A seizure is a sudden surge of vibration-creative activity in the brain. The frequency of attack is different in different people because all people have different brains,” elaborated Rhodes.

“I would like to tell Umar that this disease is curable if proper dosage of medicine is maintained. He must look after himself at this stage to prolong his career,” Rhodes added.

Rhodes said he suffered from a very mild form of epilepsy, so the illness never really threatened his career.

“I had a very mild form of epilepsy so the treatment was also of short duration and never hampered my career as such.”
Meanwhile, Umar is being treated by Lahore’s renowned neuro-physician, Dr Atiq-ur-Rehman who has advised him for some more tests.

“The ‘seizure’ attack is confirmed but the issue is not serious. May be due to stress or lack of sleep or over-playing, this may have occurred. With the passage of time and with proper rest, Umar will recover,” said a PCB official on Sunday.

Source: http://dawn.com/news/1038585/umar-akmals-illness-not-career-threatening-jonty-rhodes
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oh, didn't know that Akmal had a seizure attack. Wish him a speedy recovery.
badly being missed in this ODI side...no urgency in this batting line up
He definitely has some problem the gravity of which is being assessed by doctors from Lahore to Karachi.
they would miss him desperately if Sarfraz had to bat and play the same role as UA.
thankfully Afridi and Hafeez made sure the loser didn't bat