Afghan man charged in killings of Muslims in New Mexico


First Class Player
Jun 25, 2019

TORONTO -- A family of five who were struck by a vehicle were targeted because they were Muslims, Canadian police said Monday.

Four members of the family were killed in the incident and one remains in hospital.

The incident occurred Sunday evening when a truck plowed into the group of pedestrians.

“This was an act of mass murder perpetuated against Muslims,” London Mayor Ed Holder said. “It was rooted in unspeakable hatred. The magnitude of such hatred can make one question who we were as a city.”

Police in London, Ontario said the victims are a 74-year-old woman, a 46-year-old man, a 44-year-old woman and a 15-year-old girl.

A nine-year-old boy remains in hospital in serious condition. The family requested the names not be released.

A man is under arrest and faces four counts of first-degree murder.

Police said suspect Nathaniel Veltman, 20, a resident of London, Ontario, did not know his victims. Police said a black pick up truck mounted a curve and struck the victims at an intersection.

“We believe the victims were targeted because of their Islamic faith,” London Police Chief Stephen Williams said.

“We understand that this event may cause fear and anxiety in the community, particularly in the Muslim community, in any community targeted by hate,'' he said. ‘’There is no tolerance in this community who are motivated by hate target others with violence.”

Police said arrested the suspect man in the parking lot of a nearby mall.


Four members of a Muslim family were killed in a "premeditated" vehicle attack on Sunday, Canadian police say.

The attack took place in the city of London, Ontario province. A boy aged nine, the family's only survivor, is in hospital with serious injuries.

A 20-year-old Canadian man has been charged with four counts of murder and one count of attempted murder.

The attack was the worst against Canadian Muslims since six people were killed in a Quebec City mosque in 2017.

"It is believed that these victims were targeted because they were Muslim," Det Supt Paul Waight told a news conference on Monday.

Police are weighing possible terrorism charges, he said, adding that it is believed to be a hate crime.

The victims were two women - aged 74 and 44 - a 46-year-old man and a 15-year-old girl. They have not been named, in accordance with the wishes of the family. A nine-year-old boy was in hospital with serious but non-life-threatening injuries, said police.

Police named the alleged attacker as Nathanial Veltman, 20, of London, Ontario. He was arrested without incident at a shopping centre about 6km (4.8 miles) from the crime scene.

It is not yet known if the suspect has ties to any hate groups, said Det Supt Waight.

"There is no known previous connection between the suspect and the victims," Det Supt Waight said, adding that the suspect was wearing a vest that appeared to be "like body armour".

Police said Mr Veltman had no previous convictions.

Officials added that there was good weather and high visibility conditions when the black truck was seen mounting the kerb on Hyde Park Road at around 20:40 local time on Sunday.

One witness told CTV News she had to shield her young daughter's eyes from the bodies.

Another witness told CTV the scene was "just chaos".

"There were people everywhere and running," said Paige Martin. "Citizens were trying to direct the emergency vehicles where to go. There was a lot of pointing and screaming and arm waving."

A 2016 census found that London - a city about 200km (125 miles) south-west of Toronto - is growing increasingly diverse. One in five people was born outside of Canada, with Arabs being the area's largest minority group, and South Asians coming in a close second.

Ontario Premier Doug Ford was among those who paid tribute to the victims, tweeting: "Hate and Islamophobia have NO place in Ontario."

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau tweeted that he was "horrified" by the news.

"To the loved ones of those who were terrorised by yesterday's act of hatred, we are here for you," he wrote.

"This was an act of mass murder, perpetrated against Muslims, against Londoners, and rooted in unspeakable hatred," said London Mayor Ed Holder.

In a statement, Mayor Holder said he was speaking "on behalf of all Londoners when I say our hearts are broken".

"We grieve for the family, three generations of whom are now deceased."

The mayor's statement added that he had ordered flags outside London City Hall to be lowered for three days of mourning.

The National Council of Canadian Muslims (NCCM) said in a statement that the attacker should face terrorism charges.

"A man allegedly got in his car, saw a Muslim family walking down the street, and made the decision that they do not deserve to live," said the organisation's CEO Mustafa Farooq.

"He did not know them. This is a terrorist attack on Canadian soil, and should be treated as such," his statement continued.

People react near flowers laid at the fatal crime scene in London, Ontario, Canada June 7, 2021

Nawaz Tahir, a London lawyer and representative of the Muslim community, said during the police news conference: "These were innocent human beings who were killed simply because they were Muslim."

"We will stand strong against Islamophobia. We will stand strong against terror with faith, with love, and a quest for justice," he continued.

"Hate will never overshadow the light of love."

It is not the first time members of the Muslim community in Canada have come under attack.

In January 2017, a Canadian man fatally shot six worshippers at the Quebec Islamic Cultural Centre, and seriously injured five others. The perpetrator was sentenced to life in prison.

Canada's deadliest vehicle-ramming attack happened in 2018, when a self-described "incel" (involuntary celibate) ploughed his van into a group of pedestrians in Toronto, killing 10 people.

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This comes just weeks after 200 bodies of Native American were found buried at a residential school in Canada.
So tragic, such a lovely family by the looks of it. May the Almighty give them paradise.

Another disgusting act of murder because of Islamaphobia esp spread by the western media.
Media needs to take responsibility in the amount of hate they portrayed on Muslims since 9/11. We have seen the effects of it since then, with Trumpism inciting more hate from white supremacists.
Beautiful family, that doesn't get to see another day because of this hate.

This should be treated as an act of terrorism.
Such things are to be expected when the BBC and other media channels link everything to "Islamic extremism".
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un to multiple generations of a family killed in a hate crime yesterday in London, Ontario. Their family now has a sole survivor. No more praising of Canadian multiculturalism to paper over the hatred of so many in this country.</p>— nashwa (@nashwakay) <a href="">June 7, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
Inna lillahi wa inna alayhi rajioon

This is terribly sad , hope that little boy pulls through.
Inna lillahi wa inna alayhi rajioon
May Allah grant them paradise.

Hopefully the person who did this get what they deserve. Can’t even imagine how sick someone has to be to do something like this. This is what constant and unchecked Islamophobia leads to.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">The family requested that a picture of those who died in today's London Ontario attack be removed from social media. So I deleted my previous tweet. Absolutely heartbreaking. <a href=""></a></p>— YB (@BoglerYael) <a href="">June 7, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

BTW the family of the victims have requested that people not post pictures of the family. I know the pictures are on social media already but we should do our part to honour the request and not post the them here.
I hope they RIP apart the killer, have to pose a vicious jail time that every racist will get a chill up his spine
RIP to the victims.

Absolutely barbaric attack. Imagine what the poor 9 year old must be going through. One day you're part of a beautiful family. The next day, you are immediately orphaned by a senseless racist attack. He needs a lot of support and counselling if he hopefully pulls through.
This is so heart breaking, RIP.. Wish I could kill that AHOLE who did this.
I found out earlier this evening and still in a shock. RIP
The departed were my friend's khala and her family. Barbaric. My heart is sinking thinking about it.
The rat who did this deserve poison which cause cancer i-e slow death !!!
Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi rajioon. Heartbreaking! And can’t imagine how the young boy must be feeling:(
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">I spoke on the phone this evening with <a href="">@LdnOntMayor</a> and <a href="">@NTahir2015</a> about the hateful and heinous attack that took place in London, Ontario yesterday. I let them know we’ll continue to use every tool we have to combat Islamophobia - and we’ll be here for those who are grieving.</p>— Justin Trudeau (@JustinTrudeau) <a href="">June 8, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">I’m horrified by the news from London, Ontario. To the loved ones of those who were terrorized by yesterday’s act of hatred, we are here for you. We are also here for the child who remains in hospital - our hearts go out to you, and you will be in our thoughts as you recover.</p>— Justin Trudeau (@JustinTrudeau) <a href="">June 7, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-partner="tweetdeck"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Saddened to learn of the killing of a Muslim Pakistani-origin Canadian family in London, Ontario. This condemnable act of terrorism reveals the growing Islamophobia in Western countries. Islamophonia needs to be countered holistically by the international community.</p>— Imran Khan (@ImranKhanPTI) <a href="">June 8, 2021</a></blockquote>
<script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
Atrocious. Rest in pieces and condolences to the extended family.

I thought Canada was not the USA.
Atrocious. Rest in pieces and condolences to the extended family.

I thought Canada was not the USA.

Its not.

But there is always that one off incident. You cant use one incident to genralize the whole country.

Really feel gutted by this event and feel sorry for the kid. But when tradeu says we are here for you, he really means it. Canadian society will always be there for you in any tragedy.
After a week or two they will probably inform the kid, and i just feel sorry him. It sucks when they wil have to tell him.

The hospital will have relevent doctors on his side when breaking the news, but still its the most hardest thing to do.

My uncle and his whole family died in a fire in toronto. Only his little child survived, when the doctors informed her after a week of what happened, that was really the toughest situation.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">The family requested that a picture of those who died in today's London Ontario attack be removed from social media. So I deleted my previous tweet. Absolutely heartbreaking. <a href=""></a></p>— YB (@BoglerYael) <a href="">June 7, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

BTW the family of the victims have requested that people not post pictures of the family. I know the pictures are on social media already but we should do our part to honour the request and not post the them here.

Note to all posters, please refrain from posting any images of the family.
So so sad. Innah Lillahi Wah Innah Illaihi Rajioon

Barely any coverage in the media. They would be frothing at the mouth if this was the other way round.
Shows the impact of right wing in the west.

Thats why muslims living in the west should support left wing parties to save their lives
I saw the pics of the family on social media.

Shocked and totally devestated that this is still happening.

Canada has its own issues of racism and white supremacy and much of it seems to be lurking underground.
Well that's what many Canadians say, particularly those who look down on other nations.

I'd be amazed if there's no racism, even if it's not the overt type. When I was at school there was a boy who joined our class and his family had recently moved here from Canada, and he made a weird comment which suggested he had been brought up in a white supremacist family. Not that one person can represent a nation, but those Pakistani Canadians on here claiming no racism are probably immigrants who are just happy not to be kicked out of the country for being brown.
Tragic news. Really is.

Canada was considered the last place this sort of stuff happens.
TORONTO — A driver plowed a pickup truck into a family of five, killing four of them and seriously injuring the other in a deliberate attack that targeted the victims because they were Muslims, Canadian police said Monday.

Authorities said a young man was arrested in the parking lot of a nearby mall after the incident Sunday night in the Ontario city of London. Police said a black pickup truck mounted a curb and struck the victims at an intersection.

“This was an act of mass murder perpetuated against Muslims,” Mayor Ed Holder said. “It was rooted in unspeakable hatred.”

Police said the dead were a 74-year-old woman, a 46-year-old man, a 44-year-old woman and a 15-year-old girl. A 9-year-old boy was reported in serious condition. The family requested the names not be released, officials said.

“In one act of murder some individual has wiped out three generations of family. It’s horrific,” Holder said in an interview with The Associated Press.

Nathaniel Veltman, 20, was in custody facing four counts of first-degree murder. Police said Veltman, a resident of London, did not know the victims.

Detective Supt. Paul Waight said police did not know at this point if the suspect was a member of any specific hate group. He said London police are working with federal police and prosecutors to see about potential terrorism charges. He declined to detail evidence pointing to a possible hate crime, but said the attack was planned.

About a dozen police officers combed the area around the crash site looking for evidence Monday. Blue markers on the ground dotted the intersection.

“We believe the victims were targeted because of their Islamic faith,” Police Chief Stephen Williams said. “There is no tolerance in this community who are motivated by hate target others with violence.”

Canada is generally welcoming toward immigrants and all religions, but in 2017 a French Canadian man known for far-right, nationalist views went on a shooting rampage at a Quebec City mosque that killed six people.

One woman who witnessed the aftermath of the deadly crash said she couldn’t stop thinking about the victims. Paige Martin said she was stopped at a red light around 8:30 p.m. when a large pickup roared past her. She said her car shook from the force.

“I was shaken up, thinking it was an erratic driver,″ Martin said.

Minutes later, she said, she came upon a gruesome, chaotic scene at an intersection near her home, with first responders running to help, a police officer performing chest compressions on one person and three other people lying on the ground. A few dozen people stood on the sidewalk and several drivers got out of their cars to help.

“I can’t get the sound of the screams out of my head,” Martin said.

From her apartment, Martin said she could see the scene and watched an official drape a sheet over one body about midnight. “My heart is just so broken for them,” she said.

Zahid Khan, a family friend, said the three generations among the dead were a grandmother, father, mother and teenage daughter. The family had immigrated from Pakistan 14 years ago and were dedicated, decent and generous members of the London Muslim Mosque, he said.

“They were just out for their walk that they would go out for every day,” Khan said through tears near the site of the crash. “I just wanted to see.”

A fundraising webpage said the father was a physiotherapist and cricket enthusiast and his wife was working on a PhD in civil engineering at Western University in London. Their daughter was finishing ninth grade, and the grandmother was a “pillar” of the family, the page said.

Qazi Khalil said he saw the family on Thursday when they were out for their nightly walk. The families lived close to each other and would get together on holidays, he said.

“This has totally destroyed me from the inside,” Khalil said. “I can’t really come to the terms they were no longer here.”

The National Council of Canadian Muslims said Muslims in Canada have become all too familiar with the violence of Islamophobia. “This is a terrorist attack on Canadian soil, and should be treated as such,″ council head Mustafa Farooq said.

Nawaz Tahir, a London lawyer and Muslim community leader, said, “We must confront and stamp out Islamophobia and Islamic violence — not tomorrow, today, for the sake of our children, our family, our communities.”

The mayor said flags would be lowered for three days in London, which he said has 30,000 to 40,000 Muslims among its more than 400,000 residents.

“To the Muslim community in London and to Muslims across the country, know that we stand with you. Islamophobia has no place in any of our communities. This hate is insidious and despicable — and it must stop,” Prime Minister Justin Trudeau tweeted.
I hope Justin meets the kid, and labels it terrorism so that the message goes out to any terrorists out there that such acts are not acceptable in Canada.

I have always been proud of how Canada has dealt with multi-culturalism, and i hope they dont turn into another USA.
This is really heart breaking.
Om Shanti.

I thought Canada is a nice place for minorities.
This is really heart breaking.
Om Shanti.

I thought Canada is a nice place for minorities.

It is and it still is. Canada is known to be a multi cultural land.

If a muslim is involved ina terrorist attack, and people say that we thought that islam is a peacful religion than?

You cant genaralize, you will have trouble makers in every society
Talk about your over the top assumptions.

Just because some white kid bullied you doesnt mean same happens everywhere.

You will have one off incidents.
Many of you are acting like western media. A one of terrorist attack being led to muslims nations being labelled as terrorist state.

You guys are labelling wjole of canada as racists from this incident

It seems to happen quite a lot. There was shooting at mosque couple of years ago too
Absolutely horrific. A 9 year-old boy the survivor, who watched his 4 other members of his family get killed. Such hatred is unspeakable sometimes.
Facebook and Youtube are full of white supremacists and alt right loonies.

They need to be held accountable for spreading hate.
Following shootings at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand that left 49 people dead and many others injured, some experts urge Canadians to recognize Islamophobia continues to be an ongoing problem at home.

On Jan. 29, 2017, terrorist Alexandre Bissonnette killed six men at a Quebec City mosque and injured two others.

“The fact that the attack was on a mosque strongly suggests that this was a hate crime and an act of terrorism,” said Ihsaan Gardee, executive director of the National Council of Canadian Muslim (NCCM) in 2017.

“This is the nightmare scenario that Canadian Muslims have been dreading.”

Gardee added there is a “growing and documented climate” of Islamophobia in Canada.

For years, the NCCM has been tracking anti-Muslim incidents, from threats to online hate, to hate propaganda to vandalism to verbal and physical attacks.

In 2019, the council noted nine anti-Muslim incidents, including hate propaganda in Hamilton, Ont., Ottawa and Cranbrook, B.C., all involving the yellow vest movement.

On Jan. 26, the Edmonton police said their hate crimes unit was called to investigate after a popular mosque in the city’s northwest end was visited by a group known to police. The NCCM reported other incidents including hateful letters, robberies and online threats.

Haroon Siddiqui, distinguished visiting professor at Ryerson University in Toronto, told Global News that even with reported crimes of hate, some still find it hard to believe Islamophobia is widespread.

“Any time six people are murdered in cold blood in a mosque, we have a problem,” he said. “We don’t need statistics to tell us anything else.”

But statistics also back up this problem.

Police-reported hate crimes targeting Muslims in Canada tripled between 2012 and 2015, according to a Statistics Canada report in 2017, despite the overall numbers of such crimes decreased over the same period.

In 2015, police across the country recorded 159 hate crimes targeted at Muslims, up from 45 in 2012, representing an increase of 253 per cent.

Islamophobia in Canada isn’t new. Experts say it’s time we face the problem - imageView image in full screen
A floral tribute is seen on Linwood Avenue near the Linwood Masjid on March 15 in Christchurch, New Zealand. Credit: Getty

Another Statistics Canada report released in 2018 (with data from 2017) found Jewish people in Canada were the biggest targets for hate crimes (360 hate crime incidents last year), while hate crimes against Muslims topped 349 incidents. But Muslims were a more prominent target when it came to violent crimes.

“Uttering threats” was the most common offence, followed by assault and assault with a weapon, assault causing bodily harm or aggravated assault. Many of these hate crimes happened in Quebec.

On Friday, the Canadian Muslim Alliance released a statement following New Zealand’s mosque attacks, adding this act is a clear display of Islamophobia.

“We commend the various levels of government that have recognized that Islamophobia is a very real problem, and we urge them to start taking practical steps to prevent it,” the statement read.

“Islamophobia is a direct result of the anti-Muslim rhetoric conveyed in the media, through which individuals like these are radicalized. We appeal to the Canadian, Quebec and municipal governments to stand against this type of hate speech. Words matter.”

On Jan. 29, Quebec premier François Legault told reporters there was “no Islamophobia in Quebec,” adding the province would not have a national day to combat the problem. The next day, after significant criticism, Legault backtracked on his comments.

“Islamophobia, xenophobia, racism and hate exist, but not an Islamophobic current,” an aide to Legault told reporters. “Quebec is not Islamophobic or racist.”

In Ottawa, the Commons heritage committee recommended Jan. 29 as a “national day of remembrance and action on Islamophobia and other forms of religious discrimination.,” while Toronto Mayor John Tory announced the same week that the city was proclaiming Jan. 29 a day of remembrance and action on Islamophobia.

But following Thursday’s attacks in New Zealand (and other ant-Muslim attacks before it), Siddiqui said another problem is how people of influence talk about anti-Muslim crimes.

On Friday, following the shooting in New Zealand, Trump faced criticism on Twitter for leaving out the word “Muslim” in his message to followers, while Conservative leader Andrew Scheer received similar backlash by not using the words “Muslim” or “mosques” in his first tweet. He later added both words in a longer statement on Friday.

Siddiqui explained it further adds to a larger narrative that Islamophobia doesn’t exist.

“It shows you any attempt to highlight Islamophobia is going to be put down because people want to stay denial or other people want to keep a lot of people in denial,” he told Global News.

The NCCM also released a statement, calling out politicians not mentioning “Muslim” or “mosque” in their commentary.

“It is essential that our elected leaders speak out clearly and unequivocally against such attacks and name them for the Islamophobic terrorist attacks that they are,” Gardee said.

Faisal Bhabha, an associate professor and human rights expert at Osgoode Hall Law School at York University in Toronto, said even using the word Islamophobia to describe these acts is concerning to some.

“There are those who are worried that it might mean something that will lead [Canada] to develop public policy and law,” he told Global News. “I think those who are concerned about Islamophobia might be concerned that it’s going to be used in an improper way the way to stifle speech or they might be racists.”

Several hundred people march in solidarity for the victims of the mosque shooting in Quebec City on February 5, 2017. Credit Getty.

For a majority of Canadians, he added, hate speech is not well understood. “There’s a very narrow definition of hate speech in the criminal code which is the only legal definition we have,” he continued.

“When you examine somebody’s attitudes about what they think about people, you find that they all have deeply discriminatory attitudes towards people. And so there’s a whole lot of unconscious racism that exists.”

Anti-Muslim attacks ‘are not surprising’
Bhabha added while it was inspiring for the country to stand in solitary with Canadian Muslims following the Quebec City mosque shooting or even the attacks in New Zealand, crimes like this don’t surprise him.

“We know that when a terrible act against an identifiable group happens, it creates almost a sort of social permission,” he said. “And even worse [some] don’t see the connection between those extreme acts and the everyday ordinary attitudes and actions that contribute to the conditions that give rise to those extreme acts.”

He said with shooting like this one, as well as Quebec City and several other examples in the U.S., there needs to be larger discussions around the radicalization of young white men in our society.

Siddiqui said conquering something as complex as Islamophobia starts with recognizing it exists, as well as the wrongs we have done as a country.

Bhabha finds it difficult to believe some Canadians just don’t interact with Muslims on their day-to-day. “I really think that multiculturalism as a policy has failed to the extent that Canadians don’t actually really know each other,” he said. “Because if we did, we wouldn’t have the the scale of these sorts of problems rising.”

Speaking with Global News on Friday, Luqman Ahmed, an Imam with the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at of Canada, said acts of anti-Muslim bigotry are a result of misconceptions and hate mongering against Muslims.

“I believe every person has the right to believe as they may choose and there are people who would criticize Islam, disagree with Islamic faith, and i don’t expect everyone to agree with my faith,” he said. “But we have to differentiate between critiquing an ideology in a moral way vs. spreading hatred against people.”

Ahmed said anti-Muslim bigotry isn’t rampant in Canada, adding the majority of Canadians stand in solidarity with Muslims when such attacks happen, but there are certain elements in society we need to tackle.

“I’ve seen that a lot of Muslim organizations reach out to people, to help them understand Islamic faith and Muslims,” he continued, adding his mosque has open houses encouraging everyone in the community to meet Muslim neighbours.”

He added the problem is when people generalize actions from a few members of a faith.

“The majority of Muslims are peaceful and want to live in an open free society like everyone else.”
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It seems to happen quite a lot. There was shooting at mosque couple of years ago too

that was 4 years ago. That happened in Quebec City. Its the French Canadian side of Canada.

No it does not happen quiet alot in Canada
There is so heartbreaking. I feel sorry for the 9 year old kid. So so sad.

May the departed rest in paradise.
Detective Supt. Paul Waight said police did not know at this point if the suspect was a member of any specific hate group. He said London police are working with federal police and prosecutors to see about potential terrorism charges. He declined to detail evidence pointing to a possible hate crime, but said the attack was planned.

The suspect was most probably radicalized by Islamophobic far-right extremist ideology.

So many politicians around the world are making easy money by exploiting Islamophobia / racism.

Sad and ironic part is, all these American, Canadian, New Zealand and Australian (etc.) far right extremists who are attacking Muslims, Sikhs, Latinos and Asians (etc.) are too stupid to even realize that they themselves are decedents of immigrants just a few generations ago.

Hopefully the Canadian authorities investigate it thoroughly and go to the root of evil.
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that was 4 years ago. That happened in Quebec City. Its the French Canadian side of Canada.

No it does not happen quiet alot in Canada

I agree that this incident does not represent all of Canada. That being said, Racism in Canada does very much exist. It is just not quite as blatant as some parts of the US but trust me it very much exist. Infact, racism came out pretty blatantly in 2015 when the Conservative party ran on some very islamophobic policies.

The multicultural Canada we see is mostly from major cities like Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal etc outside of that not so much especially in rural areas. I lived in London for over a year, the city is very diverse but there were definitely times when I felt unwelcome in certain areas of the city. London is also surrounded by some small rural areas that lean heavily on the right wing.
How police reached the conclusion that this is a hate crime? My first instinct was it was a drunk driving incident.
How police reached the conclusion that this is a hate crime? My first instinct was it was a drunk driving incident.

The guy was caught few minutes after the incident. I assume they came to this conclusion after questioning him and doing their assessment.
The guy was caught few minutes after the incident. I assume they came to this conclusion after questioning him and doing their assessment.
I think either the guy himself confess of hate towards muslims or they search his house and found hate material against muslims. Usually police does not announce it so soon within 24 hours
Lol at the feeling that there is no racism in Canada, it is everywhere. Unlike the US, here it is very silent where the goras do not tell you how they feel to your face but behind the scenes, backdoor and in silence which is more dangerous
It's a polarized world these days. Hate crimes against various minorities are happening daily across the world. Including Pakistann, Europe, N. America...etc
I think either the guy himself confess of hate towards muslims or they search his house and found hate material against muslims. Usually police does not announce it so soon within 24 hours

You are right, normally they don’t announce the motive so early. The terrorist likely confessed for the police to know the motive so quickly.
Another horror story-Like all these terrorist morons that kill innocent people they dont know, they gain nothing but destroy many lives. Evil *******
Absolutely devastating news. RIP to the victims.

Hope Canada does a NZ and takes a strong stand against such deplorable attacks
I think either the guy himself confess of hate towards muslims or they search his house and found hate material against muslims. Usually police does not announce it so soon within 24 hours

I don't know seems like a pretty straight forward case to me. He was of sound mind when he was caught and he had no connection whatsoever with the family he ran over.
Horrible and cowardly attack from a 20-year old terrorist.

May Allah (SWT) send the victims to Jannah.

Justin Trudeau needs to deal with these far-right groups.
People are acting surprised that Canada has a problem with racism when the racist Evangelical Stephen Harper governed Canada for a decade and Canada's right wing has been blurring the lines with the Alt Right. A lot of white canadians have fallen for MAGA propaganda, I can assure you guys most White Canadian men respect Trump more than Trudeau or any other Canadian politician. People want to act like racism is only a problem in Qeubec but English Canada is no better, it's literally culturally the same as large parts of America, Canada has a fake facade of being some progressive bastion in the west.
Following shootings at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand that left 49 people dead and many others injured, some experts urge Canadians to recognize Islamophobia continues to be an ongoing problem at home.

On Jan. 29, 2017, terrorist Alexandre Bissonnette killed six men at a Quebec City mosque and injured two others.

“The fact that the attack was on a mosque strongly suggests that this was a hate crime and an act of terrorism,” said Ihsaan Gardee, executive director of the National Council of Canadian Muslim (NCCM) in 2017.

“This is the nightmare scenario that Canadian Muslims have been dreading.”

Gardee added there is a “growing and documented climate” of Islamophobia in Canada.

For years, the NCCM has been tracking anti-Muslim incidents, from threats to online hate, to hate propaganda to vandalism to verbal and physical attacks.

In 2019, the council noted nine anti-Muslim incidents, including hate propaganda in Hamilton, Ont., Ottawa and Cranbrook, B.C., all involving the yellow vest movement.

On Jan. 26, the Edmonton police said their hate crimes unit was called to investigate after a popular mosque in the city’s northwest end was visited by a group known to police. The NCCM reported other incidents including hateful letters, robberies and online threats.

Haroon Siddiqui, distinguished visiting professor at Ryerson University in Toronto, told Global News that even with reported crimes of hate, some still find it hard to believe Islamophobia is widespread.

“Any time six people are murdered in cold blood in a mosque, we have a problem,” he said. “We don’t need statistics to tell us anything else.”

But statistics also back up this problem.

Police-reported hate crimes targeting Muslims in Canada tripled between 2012 and 2015, according to a Statistics Canada report in 2017, despite the overall numbers of such crimes decreased over the same period.

In 2015, police across the country recorded 159 hate crimes targeted at Muslims, up from 45 in 2012, representing an increase of 253 per cent.

Islamophobia in Canada isn’t new. Experts say it’s time we face the problem - imageView image in full screen
A floral tribute is seen on Linwood Avenue near the Linwood Masjid on March 15 in Christchurch, New Zealand. Credit: Getty

Another Statistics Canada report released in 2018 (with data from 2017) found Jewish people in Canada were the biggest targets for hate crimes (360 hate crime incidents last year), while hate crimes against Muslims topped 349 incidents. But Muslims were a more prominent target when it came to violent crimes.

“Uttering threats” was the most common offence, followed by assault and assault with a weapon, assault causing bodily harm or aggravated assault. Many of these hate crimes happened in Quebec.

On Friday, the Canadian Muslim Alliance released a statement following New Zealand’s mosque attacks, adding this act is a clear display of Islamophobia.

“We commend the various levels of government that have recognized that Islamophobia is a very real problem, and we urge them to start taking practical steps to prevent it,” the statement read.

“Islamophobia is a direct result of the anti-Muslim rhetoric conveyed in the media, through which individuals like these are radicalized. We appeal to the Canadian, Quebec and municipal governments to stand against this type of hate speech. Words matter.”

On Jan. 29, Quebec premier François Legault told reporters there was “no Islamophobia in Quebec,” adding the province would not have a national day to combat the problem. The next day, after significant criticism, Legault backtracked on his comments.

“Islamophobia, xenophobia, racism and hate exist, but not an Islamophobic current,” an aide to Legault told reporters. “Quebec is not Islamophobic or racist.”

In Ottawa, the Commons heritage committee recommended Jan. 29 as a “national day of remembrance and action on Islamophobia and other forms of religious discrimination.,” while Toronto Mayor John Tory announced the same week that the city was proclaiming Jan. 29 a day of remembrance and action on Islamophobia.

But following Thursday’s attacks in New Zealand (and other ant-Muslim attacks before it), Siddiqui said another problem is how people of influence talk about anti-Muslim crimes.

On Friday, following the shooting in New Zealand, Trump faced criticism on Twitter for leaving out the word “Muslim” in his message to followers, while Conservative leader Andrew Scheer received similar backlash by not using the words “Muslim” or “mosques” in his first tweet. He later added both words in a longer statement on Friday.

Siddiqui explained it further adds to a larger narrative that Islamophobia doesn’t exist.

“It shows you any attempt to highlight Islamophobia is going to be put down because people want to stay denial or other people want to keep a lot of people in denial,” he told Global News.

The NCCM also released a statement, calling out politicians not mentioning “Muslim” or “mosque” in their commentary.

“It is essential that our elected leaders speak out clearly and unequivocally against such attacks and name them for the Islamophobic terrorist attacks that they are,” Gardee said.

Faisal Bhabha, an associate professor and human rights expert at Osgoode Hall Law School at York University in Toronto, said even using the word Islamophobia to describe these acts is concerning to some.

“There are those who are worried that it might mean something that will lead [Canada] to develop public policy and law,” he told Global News. “I think those who are concerned about Islamophobia might be concerned that it’s going to be used in an improper way the way to stifle speech or they might be racists.”

Several hundred people march in solidarity for the victims of the mosque shooting in Quebec City on February 5, 2017. Credit Getty.

For a majority of Canadians, he added, hate speech is not well understood. “There’s a very narrow definition of hate speech in the criminal code which is the only legal definition we have,” he continued.

“When you examine somebody’s attitudes about what they think about people, you find that they all have deeply discriminatory attitudes towards people. And so there’s a whole lot of unconscious racism that exists.”

Anti-Muslim attacks ‘are not surprising’
Bhabha added while it was inspiring for the country to stand in solitary with Canadian Muslims following the Quebec City mosque shooting or even the attacks in New Zealand, crimes like this don’t surprise him.

“We know that when a terrible act against an identifiable group happens, it creates almost a sort of social permission,” he said. “And even worse [some] don’t see the connection between those extreme acts and the everyday ordinary attitudes and actions that contribute to the conditions that give rise to those extreme acts.”

He said with shooting like this one, as well as Quebec City and several other examples in the U.S., there needs to be larger discussions around the radicalization of young white men in our society.

Siddiqui said conquering something as complex as Islamophobia starts with recognizing it exists, as well as the wrongs we have done as a country.

Bhabha finds it difficult to believe some Canadians just don’t interact with Muslims on their day-to-day. “I really think that multiculturalism as a policy has failed to the extent that Canadians don’t actually really know each other,” he said. “Because if we did, we wouldn’t have the the scale of these sorts of problems rising.”

Speaking with Global News on Friday, Luqman Ahmed, an Imam with the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at of Canada, said acts of anti-Muslim bigotry are a result of misconceptions and hate mongering against Muslims.

“I believe every person has the right to believe as they may choose and there are people who would criticize Islam, disagree with Islamic faith, and i don’t expect everyone to agree with my faith,” he said. “But we have to differentiate between critiquing an ideology in a moral way vs. spreading hatred against people.”

Ahmed said anti-Muslim bigotry isn’t rampant in Canada, adding the majority of Canadians stand in solidarity with Muslims when such attacks happen, but there are certain elements in society we need to tackle.

“I’ve seen that a lot of Muslim organizations reach out to people, to help them understand Islamic faith and Muslims,” he continued, adding his mosque has open houses encouraging everyone in the community to meet Muslim neighbours.”

He added the problem is when people generalize actions from a few members of a faith.

“The majority of Muslims are peaceful and want to live in an open free society like everyone else.”

I have the NZ video, I can never get the "help me" sounds of the lady out of my mind, and the ******* shot her instead. That moment for me was like someone took my guts out, the feeling of gforce, how can anyone just kill someone like that, cars were passing by no one stopped
TORONTO (AP) — A pickup truck attack that killed four members of an immigrant family has shaken Canada and drew denunciations Tuesday from the country’s prime minister, who called it a hate crime directed at Muslims.

The victims — two parents, two children and a grandmother — were on an evening walk when the driver of the truck struck them at an intersection in London, Ontario.

“This was a terrorist attack, motivated by hatred, in the heart of one of our communities,” Prime Minister Justin Trudeau told Parliament. “If anyone thinks racism and hatred don’t exist in this country, I want to say this: How do we explain such violence to a child in a hospital? How can we look families in the eye and say “Islamophobia isn’t real”?

The victims’ extended family issued a statement identifying the dead as Salman Afzal, 46; his wife Madiha, 44; their daughter Yumna, 15; and a 74-year-old grandmother whose name was withheld. The sole survivor was a hospitalized 9-year-old boy who was identified as Fayez. Friends said the family immigrated to Canada 14 years ago.

Many Canadians have been enjoying evening walks to get fresh air after long days at home during the pandemic, Trudeau said.

“But unlike every other night, this family never made it home,” Trudeau said. “Their lives were taken in a brutal, cowardly and brazen act of violence. This killing was no accident. … Canadians are outraged by what happened on Sunday. And many Muslim Canadians are scared.”

Trudeau said words matter and in part blamed rhetoric, disinformation and extremism online and in politics.

“They can be a seed that grows into an ugly, pervasive trend. And sometimes, they lead to real violence,” the prime minister said.

Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan said on Twitter that the attack revealed the growing Islamophobia in Western countries.

A 20-year-old suspect, Nathaniel Veltman, was arrested in the parking lot of a nearby mall. He was facing four counts of first-degree murder. Police were inside the suspect’s London apartment on Tuesday.

Police said Veltman did not know the victims. Detective Supt. Paul Waight said it was not clear if he belonged to any specific hate group, but that local police were working with federal authorities to investigate potential terrorism charges. He said the attack was planned.

Everyone who knew the Afzal family knew “the model family they were as Muslims, Canadians and Pakistanis,” the statement from the extended family said. “They worked extremely hard in their fields and excelled. Their children were top students in their school and connected strongly with their spiritual identity.”

A fundraising webpage said the father was a physiotherapist and cricket enthusiast and his wife was working on a doctorate in civil engineering at Western University in London. Their daughter was finishing ninth grade, and the grandmother was a “pillar” of the family, the page said.

The family statement urged the public to stand against hate and Islamophobia.

“This young man who committed this act of terror was influenced by a group that he associated with, and the rest of the community must take a strong stand against this, from the highest levels in our government to every member of the community,” the statement said.

Flowers were placed around a light pole and a tree where the truck crossed onto the sidewalk. A vigil was scheduled for Tuesday night at the mosque the family attended. Trudeau and other federal political party leaders were scheduled to attend.

Rauf Ahmad and three friends watched the growing tribute on the corner.

“I didn’t think there was racism in Canada, and I felt very safe when I came here two years ago, but I do not feel safe now,” Ahmad said. “Humanity is first. We should not care about whether someone is a Muslim, a Jew or a Christian.”

Zahid Khan, a family friend, said the family belonged to the London Muslim Mosque.

“They were just out for their walk that they would go out for every day,” Khan said through tears near the site of the crash. “I just wanted to see.”

Mayor Ed Holder said flags would be lowered for three days in London, which he said has 30,000 to 40,000 Muslims among its more than 400,000 residents.

Canada is generally welcoming toward immigrants and all religions, but in 2017 a French Canadian man known for far-right, nationalist views went on a shooting rampage at a Quebec City mosque that killed six people.

“Canada is not immune to the kind of intolerance and division we have seen elsewhere in the world,” Trudeau said.
People are acting surprised that Canada has a problem with racism when the racist Evangelical Stephen Harper governed Canada for a decade and Canada's right wing has been blurring the lines with the Alt Right. A lot of white canadians have fallen for MAGA propaganda, I can assure you guys most White Canadian men respect Trump more than Trudeau or any other Canadian politician. People want to act like racism is only a problem in Qeubec but English Canada is no better, it's literally culturally the same as large parts of America, Canada has a fake facade of being some progressive bastion in the west.

No, I disagree. It might seem like it in hindsight but that's not a fair description of Harper's government.

Stephen Harper didn't use race-driven tactics until his final elections. He got a lot of minority votes during his initial campaigns. It was a mish-mash of reasons that led him down this divisive path. It all started in the 2011 elections, BQ (local French party) had fallen apart in Quebec giving the other parties (NDP, Liberals, Conservatives) a chance to reel in all of those extra votes.

NDP won that initial election in Quebec and took most of the seats. However, they immediately lost the voters' confidence because they didn't do a good enough job.

This meant the next elections (2015) were wide open in Quebec again.

Since Harper was already losing support in Ontario, he went all-in on the Quebec votes in that last year. It was a last-ditch effort of a drowning politician. Obviously, it backfired and even the Quebecers saw right through it and went with the Liberals.

As for the rest, I wouldn't use terms such as "a lot" of white Canadians or "most" white Canadians as that starts to sound like qualifiers people often use with Muslims. A few don't spoil the entire community.

However, experts have stated there is a growing alt-right problem in North America and this includes Canada. You are spot on about that. In fact, I believe it has been noted as one of the biggest threats to this part of the world. It's become important for decisive, corrective measures to control what's going on.
Lol at the feeling that there is no racism in Canada, it is everywhere. Unlike the US, here it is very silent where the goras do not tell you how they feel to your face but behind the scenes, backdoor and in silence which is more dangerous

Funy how you call canadians racists than use the word gora.
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The National Assembly on Tuesday echoed with vehement condemnations of the killing of a Muslim Pakistani-origin family in Canada, with both government and opposition leaders denouncing the event as ‘Islamophobic’.

Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi, while expressing concern over the "rising trend of Islamophobic attacks in the Western world", urged the international community to pay attention and stop the trend immediately.

"International human rights organisations should raise their voice on this issue. I hope that international media will also play its due role," Qureshi added.

“The details of the attack made my heart shake and eyes wet," the FM said while speaking on the floor of NA, adding that, "We are seeing the trend of Islamophobic attacks for some time [and] they are on the rise in the Western world. For the last two years, we are bringing global attention to this — that this is a trend, not individual acts."

The foreign minister said that while the investigation was underway by the Canadian police, he could only see hate as the primary motive for the attack.

"This is a hate crime," Qureshi asserted, adding he had sought details of the matter.

"This isn't an isolated incident, it is a rising trend”.

Earlier, the FM also took to Twitter to condemn the incident, saying three generations of Pakistani-Canadians had been killed for their faith.

In a separate statement, the minister said the incident was a "test case for the Canadian government and society".

He went on to add that the Canadian government must play its due role in restoring the confidence and protection of the Muslims residing in the country.

Qureshi said that the Pakistani Consul General in Toronto established contact with the relatives of the victim family who lost their lives in the tragic incident.

Federal Minister for Human Rights Dr Shireen Mazari, speaking on the floor of the National Assembly, also condemned the attack, saying if states bombard Muslim nations, it is always justified as (an act of) "self-defence", and when Muslims defend themselves, it is declared terrorism.

"What happened in Canada was terrorism and Muslims were targeted," she said.

The minister said the Canadian authorities had already admitted that the attack was Islamophobic.

Former interior minister and PML-N leader Ahsan Iqbal said the event was heart-breaking.

"It was an inhumane act. We need to educate the world as well as other Islamic countries," the PML-N leader said.

A day before, on June 7, the police said a man accused of killing four members of a Canadian Muslim family by running them over in his pickup truck, targeted them in an attack motivated by hate.

"There is evidence that this was a planned, premeditated act, motivated by hate," Detective Superintendent Paul Waight of the London police department told reporters.

"We believe the victims were targeted because of their Islamic faith," Waight said.

He added that the police in London - 200 km (120 miles) southwest of Toronto - were consulting with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and prosecutors about potentially filing terrorism charges.

Express Tribune
How police reached the conclusion that this is a hate crime? My first instinct was it was a drunk driving incident.

The guy was caught few minutes after the incident. I assume they came to this conclusion after questioning him and doing their assessment.

I think either the guy himself confess of hate towards muslims or they search his house and found hate material against muslims. Usually police does not announce it so soon within 24 hours

The guy was found wearing a military helmet and armoured vest. He was parked from a short distance to a mosque as well.
How police reached the conclusion that this is a hate crime? My first instinct was it was a drunk driving incident.

The guy was caught few minutes after the incident. I assume they came to this conclusion after questioning him and doing their assessment.

TORONTO (AP) — A pickup truck attack that killed four members of an immigrant family has shaken Canada and drew denunciations Tuesday from the country’s prime minister, who called it a hate crime directed at Muslims.

The victims — two parents, two children and a grandmother — were on an evening walk when the driver of the truck struck them at an intersection in London, Ontario.

“This was a terrorist attack, motivated by hatred, in the heart of one of our communities,” Prime Minister Justin Trudeau told Parliament. “If anyone thinks racism and hatred don’t exist in this country, I want to say this: How do we explain such violence to a child in a hospital? How can we look families in the eye and say “Islamophobia isn’t real”?

The victims’ extended family issued a statement identifying the dead as Salman Afzal, 46; his wife Madiha, 44; their daughter Yumna, 15; and a 74-year-old grandmother whose name was withheld. The sole survivor was a hospitalized 9-year-old boy who was identified as Fayez. Friends said the family immigrated to Canada 14 years ago.

Many Canadians have been enjoying evening walks to get fresh air after long days at home during the pandemic, Trudeau said.

“But unlike every other night, this family never made it home,” Trudeau said. “Their lives were taken in a brutal, cowardly and brazen act of violence. This killing was no accident. … Canadians are outraged by what happened on Sunday. And many Muslim Canadians are scared.”

Trudeau said words matter and in part blamed rhetoric, disinformation and extremism online and in politics.

“They can be a seed that grows into an ugly, pervasive trend. And sometimes, they lead to real violence,” the prime minister said.

Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan said on Twitter that the attack revealed the growing Islamophobia in Western countries.

A 20-year-old suspect, Nathaniel Veltman, was arrested in the parking lot of a nearby mall. He was facing four counts of first-degree murder. Police were inside the suspect’s London apartment on Tuesday.

Police said Veltman did not know the victims. Detective Supt. Paul Waight said it was not clear if he belonged to any specific hate group, but that local police were working with federal authorities to investigate potential terrorism charges. He said the attack was planned.

Everyone who knew the Afzal family knew “the model family they were as Muslims, Canadians and Pakistanis,” the statement from the extended family said. “They worked extremely hard in their fields and excelled. Their children were top students in their school and connected strongly with their spiritual identity.”

A fundraising webpage said the father was a physiotherapist and cricket enthusiast and his wife was working on a doctorate in civil engineering at Western University in London. Their daughter was finishing ninth grade, and the grandmother was a “pillar” of the family, the page said.

The family statement urged the public to stand against hate and Islamophobia.

“This young man who committed this act of terror was influenced by a group that he associated with, and the rest of the community must take a strong stand against this, from the highest levels in our government to every member of the community,” the statement said.

Flowers were placed around a light pole and a tree where the truck crossed onto the sidewalk. A vigil was scheduled for Tuesday night at the mosque the family attended. Trudeau and other federal political party leaders were scheduled to attend.

Rauf Ahmad and three friends watched the growing tribute on the corner.

“I didn’t think there was racism in Canada, and I felt very safe when I came here two years ago, but I do not feel safe now,” Ahmad said. “Humanity is first. We should not care about whether someone is a Muslim, a Jew or a Christian.”

Zahid Khan, a family friend, said the family belonged to the London Muslim Mosque.

“They were just out for their walk that they would go out for every day,” Khan said through tears near the site of the crash. “I just wanted to see.”

Mayor Ed Holder said flags would be lowered for three days in London, which he said has 30,000 to 40,000 Muslims among its more than 400,000 residents.

Canada is generally welcoming toward immigrants and all religions, but in 2017 a French Canadian man known for far-right, nationalist views went on a shooting rampage at a Quebec City mosque that killed six people.

“Canada is not immune to the kind of intolerance and division we have seen elsewhere in the world,” Trudeau said.

I am proud of prime minister Justin of calling it a terrorist attack. I hope the canadian intelligence agencies take strict action against such terrorists who have no place in the canadian community.
The National Assembly on Tuesday echoed with vehement condemnations of the killing of a Muslim Pakistani-origin family in Canada, with both government and opposition leaders denouncing the event as ‘Islamophobic’.

Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi, while expressing concern over the "rising trend of Islamophobic attacks in the Western world", urged the international community to pay attention and stop the trend immediately.

"International human rights organisations should raise their voice on this issue. I hope that international media will also play its due role," Qureshi added.

“The details of the attack made my heart shake and eyes wet," the FM said while speaking on the floor of NA, adding that, "We are seeing the trend of Islamophobic attacks for some time [and] they are on the rise in the Western world. For the last two years, we are bringing global attention to this — that this is a trend, not individual acts."

The foreign minister said that while the investigation was underway by the Canadian police, he could only see hate as the primary motive for the attack.

"This is a hate crime," Qureshi asserted, adding he had sought details of the matter.

"This isn't an isolated incident, it is a rising trend”.

Earlier, the FM also took to Twitter to condemn the incident, saying three generations of Pakistani-Canadians had been killed for their faith.

In a separate statement, the minister said the incident was a "test case for the Canadian government and society".

He went on to add that the Canadian government must play its due role in restoring the confidence and protection of the Muslims residing in the country.

Qureshi said that the Pakistani Consul General in Toronto established contact with the relatives of the victim family who lost their lives in the tragic incident.

Federal Minister for Human Rights Dr Shireen Mazari, speaking on the floor of the National Assembly, also condemned the attack, saying if states bombard Muslim nations, it is always justified as (an act of) "self-defence", and when Muslims defend themselves, it is declared terrorism.

"What happened in Canada was terrorism and Muslims were targeted," she said.

The minister said the Canadian authorities had already admitted that the attack was Islamophobic.

Former interior minister and PML-N leader Ahsan Iqbal said the event was heart-breaking.

"It was an inhumane act. We need to educate the world as well as other Islamic countries," the PML-N leader said.

A day before, on June 7, the police said a man accused of killing four members of a Canadian Muslim family by running them over in his pickup truck, targeted them in an attack motivated by hate.

"There is evidence that this was a planned, premeditated act, motivated by hate," Detective Superintendent Paul Waight of the London police department told reporters.

"We believe the victims were targeted because of their Islamic faith," Waight said.

He added that the police in London - 200 km (120 miles) southwest of Toronto - were consulting with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and prosecutors about potentially filing terrorism charges.

Express Tribune

Good statment by the pm and i heard they passed legislation regarding this.

I just saw the pic of the kid who survived. Feel really bad for him.

I hope he has family over there or else they might place him in foster care system.

Really feel gutted for him, i doubt they have informed him yet of the news though
Pakistan's Prime Minister Imran Khan is calling on world leaders to crack down on online hate and extremism following the deadly truck attack in London, Ont. — now being investigated by authorities as a possible act of terror.

Four people were killed and a nine-year-old boy suffered serious injuries when they were run down by a pickup truck Sunday evening.

Police say the family was targeted because they were Muslim. The family moved to Canada from Pakistan in 2007.

"Everyone is shocked in [Pakistan], because we saw the family picture, and so a family being targeted like that has had a deep impact in Pakistan," Khan told the CBC's chief political correspondent Rosemary Barton.

Khan, a former captain of Pakistan's national cricket team, entered politics shortly after his retirement from the sport in 1992 and became Pakistan's prime minister in 2018.

"I think there should be a very strict action against this," said Khan of online radicalization.

"When there are these hate websites which create hatred amongst human beings, there should be an international action against them."

While investigators have not yet determined if the accused, 20-year-old Nathaniel Veltman, participated in online activity that promoted extremism or violence, Khan said the recent pattern of domestic terror in Western countries demands a heightened focus on online radicalization.

The perpetrators of other recent mass killings — such as the 2017 gun attack at a Quebec City mosque and the 2018 Yonge Street van attack in Toronto — took part in online activities that are believed by investigators to have contributed to their radicalization.

Khan said he has raised the issue with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. He described Trudeau as a leader who understands the importance of fighting online hate and Islamophobia, though he said other leaders have not yet made the same commitment.

Yumna Afzaal, 15, left, Madiha Salman, 44, centre left, Talat Afzaal, 74, and Salman Afzaal, 46, right, were out for an evening walk when they were run over by a man who police say was motivated by anti-Muslim hate. (Submitted by Afzaal family)

"The world leaders, whenever they decide upon taking action, this will be dealt with," Khan said.

"The problem is at the moment, there is not enough motivation and that some international leaders, or leaders in the Western countries, actually don't understand this phenomenon."

Trudeau pledged to crack down on online hate speech when he introduced a new digital charter in 2019, though critics say Ottawa has been slow to implement changes that could stop online radicalization.

The government is now poised to tackle Islamophobia once again. MPs voted today in favour of an NDP proposal to hold an emergency summit on Islamophobia by the end of July.

New Democrat Leader Jagmeet Singh said Canada must address the threat of white supremacy and far-right radicalization and make policy changes at every level of government to prevent another attack.

While Khan said he "mostly agrees" with Trudeau and his position on extremism, he also expressed concern with some Canadian laws that he believes are contributing to Islamophobia.

Khan described Quebec's Bill 21 — which bans public servants, including teachers and police officers, from wearing religious symbols at work — as a form of "secular extremism" that leads to intolerance against Muslims.

"You want humans to basically be free to express the way they want to be, as long as it doesn't cause pain and hurt to other human beings," Khan said.
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Thousands of people marched on Friday in support of a Canadian Muslim family run over and killed by a man driving a pick-up truck last Sunday in an attack the police described as a hate crime.

The four victims, spanning three generations, were killed when Nathaniel Veltman, 20, ran into them while they were out for an evening walk near their home. A fifth family member, a 9-year-old boy, survived. read more

People in London, Ontario marched about 7 kilometers (4.4 miles) from the spot where the family was struck down to a nearby mosque, the site close to where Veltman was arrested by police.

Some carried placards with messages reading 'Hate has no home here', 'Love over hate.' Similar events were held in other cities in Ontario, Canada's most populous province.

"The best part was not just the numbers ... but the diversity of the people coming from every single community in London, coming together for this cause," said 19-year old college student Abdullah Al Jarad at the march.

The attack sparked outrage across Canada, with politicians from all sides condemning the crime, spurring growing calls to take action to curb hate crime and Islamophobia.

Veltman made a brief court appearance on Thursday and will return to court on Monday. He faces four charges of first-degree murder and one of attempted murder. read more

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has called the killings a "terrorist attack" and vowed to clamp down on far-right groups and online hate.

I feel like a hate crime would be if the perpetrator attacked someone. So, for example, if he punched a woman because she was wearing a hijab. But mowing down a family with a truck because they're Muslim? Surely that constitutes a terror attack?

Even if he hasn't pledged any allegiance to white nationalist ideology, surely murdering a family due to their religion is an act of terror.
OPP investigates TikTok video mocking family with references to the London, Ont., attack

Ontario Provincial Police are investigating after a TikTok video believed to have been recorded in the town of Minto appears to mock a local family and references the man charged in the fatal attack on a Muslim family in London.

Wellington County OPP Const. Kirk MacDonald told CBC K-W on Friday that police are aware of the video posted online, and is early into the investigation, so couldn't provide any further details at this time.

The video appears to have been shot from inside a home, looking out the window while a family of three is walking down the street.

In a joint statement, Minto Mayor George Bridge and Kelly Linton, warden of Wellington County, said the video is "abhorrent."

"Islamaphobia and all forms of racism have no place in our community," the statement said.

In the video, while a family walks along the sidewalk, a man is heard saying, "Where's Nathaniel Veltman when you need him?"

As a truck passes, the person says, "Buddy, you missed them. Back up." The video ends with the person laughing.

'It's the abnormal,' mayor says of video

Veltman, 20, was charged Monday with four counts of first-degree murder and one count of attempted murder in a hit and run that left four family members dead and one boy in hospital. London police have said they believe he targeted the family because of their Muslim faith.

"That's pretty disturbing for somebody to have that thought process, and then to put it on a video and send it out there," Bridge told CBC News.

The mayor said the video has been widely condemned on social media and does not reflect the views of most people who live in Minto.

"We don't want this thing to be looked at as the norm. It's the abnormal."

NCCM head cites systemic problems

Mustafa Farooq, CEO of the National Council of Canadian Muslims (NCCM), said the video "reminds us, yet again, yet again, yet again, there is a serious problem and it needs to be confronted systemically."

Farooq said his organization is working with law enforcement and social media platforms to respond to troubling content posted online.

In recent days, he said, the organization has become aware of "a number of folks who have been celebrating the London attack."

NCCM has also received reports of people being harassed in London in relation to the attack, said Farooq, adding the council has also received emails from people saying the incident was justified.

"It's part of what we've grown to expect," he said, shaking his head.

"The vast majority of Canadians are responding with support, but you have a segment that celebrates this stuff or looks the other way."

Unfortunately there has been cases of a few Canadians celebrating the attack and calling for more. Funny thing is Muslims get labeled as terrorist but I don’t think I have ever seen a normal Muslim celebrate a Isis attack.
Muslim victims of truck attack given farewell with coffins draped in Canadian flags

Several hundred mourners joined a public funeral service on Saturday to bid farewell to a Canadian Muslim family run over and killed by a man in a pick-up truck on last Sunday in an attack the police said was driven by hate.


The hour-long ceremony started after the four coffins draped in Canadian flags rolled into the compound of the Islamic Centre of Southwest Ontario, and ended with prayers and condolences offered by religious and community leaders.

The four victims, spanning three generations, were killed when Nathaniel Veltman, 20, ran into them while they were out for an evening walk near their home in London, Ontario. A fifth family member, a nine-year-old boy, is recovering from his injuries in the hospital.

Police have said the attack was premeditated and allege the family was targeted because of their Islamic faith.

The funeral procession later proceeded for a private burial.

"And the very fact their coffins are draped in the beautiful Canadian flag is an apt testimony of the fact that the entire Canadian nation stands with them," Raza Bashir Tarar High Commissioner for Pakistan to Canada told the gathering.

The family moved to Canada from Pakistan some 14 years ago.

The attack sparked outrage across Canada, with politicians from all sides condemning the crime, spurring growing calls to take action to curb hate crime and Islamophobia. The city of London, 200 km (120 miles) southwest of Toronto, has seen an outpouring of support in the aftermath of the attack.

That has given some hope to the grieving community to look beyond the tragedy.

"Irrespective of colour and creed, the expressions of raw emotion, the prayers, the quiet tears, the messages of comfort from people we know and from people that are complete strangers, it has been the first step towards finding a way to heal," Ali Islam, maternal uncle of Madiha Salman, one of the victims, told the gathering.

Veltman, who returns to court on Monday, faces four charges of first-degree murder and one of attempted murder.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has called the killings a 'terrorist attack' and vowed to clamp down on far-right groups and online hate.

"I think we're emotionally exhausted," Imam Aarij Anwer told the Canadian Broadcasting Corp before the ceremony. "We're looking forward to having some closure on Saturday."
May the departed souls RIP!

Terrible terrible news. Absolutely heartbroken for the 9 year old boy who will have to live with both physical and mental pain all his life.

As for media and political leaders, absolutely shameful to turn this heinous act into political event. I was absolutely disgusted with vigil that was hijacked by dumb politicians including dumb ‘TruDope’
Canada truck attack suspect charged with terrorism

Canada's attorney general has approved terror charges against a man accused of killing four members of a Muslim family with his vehicle in London, Ontario.

London police have said that Nathaniel Veltman, 20, intentionally targeted the family because of their faith, running them over in a "premeditated" attack.

Mr Veltman also faces four first-degree murder charges and one attempted murder charge.

Three generations of the Afzaal family were killed, leaving just one survivor.

Salman Afzaal, 46, Madiha Salman, 44, Yumna Afzaal, 15, and Mr Afzaal's mother, 74, were killed while on an evening walk on 6 June. The family's nine-year-old son was the only survivor, and remains in hospital with serious injuries.

Mr Veltman - who police have said has had no prior convictions - has not yet entered a plea. He made a brief appearance through a video call in court on Monday, wearing an oversized orange t-shirt and orange pants, with a blue face covering, local media report.

He told the judge he had not yet retained a lawyer.

The next court hearing has been scheduled for 21 June.

Commenting on the additional terrorism charge on Monday, Canada's deputy prime minister Chrystia Freeland said it was "important" to name the attack "as an act of terror".

London police said in a statement that they worked with the attorney general and federal prosecutors to determine Mr Veltman's charges. Authorities said that the investigation is still ongoing but there is no further threat to the public.

They have not yet said what evidence led to the belief that the murders were motivated by hate.
May the departed souls RIP!

Terrible terrible news. Absolutely heartbroken for the 9 year old boy who will have to live with both physical and mental pain all his life.

As for media and political leaders, absolutely shameful to turn this heinous act into political event. I was absolutely disgusted with vigil that was hijacked by dumb politicians including dumb ‘TruDope’

I didn’t watch the vigil, did Trudeau say something political? Or do you consider the PM even attending the vigil for one of the worst terrorist attack in Canadian history to be political?
I didn’t watch the vigil, did Trudeau say something political? Or do you consider the PM even attending the vigil for one of the worst terrorist attack in Canadian history to be political?

Pretty much all federal(except bloc) and provincial leaders made a speech. Yea definitely in poor taste to single out Trudeau in that post. There is a time and place to display political alliance or opposition and it should be left out of this thread.
I didn’t watch the vigil, did Trudeau say something political? Or do you consider the PM even attending the vigil for one of the worst terrorist attack in Canadian history to be political?

Firstly, it wasn’t ‘Worst terrorist attack in Canadian history’, Quebec attack is still worst.

Trudeau and other leaders present at Vigil was indeed politically motivated to vow minority vote bank, considering we could have election late this year( same with D Ford attending).

Just recently 215 corpses were found in BC but we didnt see any leaders rushing to BC to hold event with first nation people? Are the lives of indigenious people less worthy?

It is sad that politicians are using death of innocent people for their agenda and cheap votes. Trudeau don’t give a tos about anyone but himself. A corrupt leader who needs to be kicked out of Ottawa SOON.
Pretty much all federal(except bloc) and provincial leaders made a speech. Yea definitely in poor taste to single out Trudeau in that post. There is a time and place to display political alliance or opposition and it should be left out of this thread.

I wasn’t intending to turn into political, i feel really sad for the boy who have the face the life challenges alone. I appologize if i came across political. The only reason i singled out Trudeau cause he is PM of the nation. His action is dividing Canadian society which is root cause of hatred in our society.
Firstly, it wasn’t ‘Worst terrorist attack in Canadian history’, Quebec attack is still worst.

Trudeau and other leaders present at Vigil was indeed politically motivated to vow minority vote bank, considering we could have election late this year( same with D Ford attending).

Just recently 215 corpses were found in BC but we didnt see any leaders rushing to BC to hold event with first nation people? Are the lives of indigenious people less worthy?

It is sad that politicians are using death of innocent people for their agenda and cheap votes. Trudeau don’t give a tos about anyone but himself. A corrupt leader who needs to be kicked out of Ottawa SOON.

Cmon man at least read my post, I said “one of the worst” not the worst.

Trudeau and others did make a statement on the residential school tragedy. The family in London died a few days ago so I guess attending their vigil was bit more of a priority but I am sure most politicians will meet up with First Nation leaders.

I am not denying that politics was a motive but it would have looked horrible if the PM just skipped the vigil which is being held for one of the worst attacks in the history of nation.

Sure kick Trudeau out but for who? O'toole or Bernier lol? Do you think they give a “toss” about others?

TBH Trudeau isn’t even my first choice either, I would vote for Jagmeet if my riding wasn’t a close race between the Libs and Cons.
I wasn’t intending to turn into political, i feel really sad for the boy who have the face the life challenges alone. I appologize if i came across political. The only reason i singled out Trudeau cause he is PM of the nation. His action is dividing Canadian society which is root cause of hatred in our society.

I don’t want to derail this thread but this point makes no sense. Leaders like Harper and Bernier have directly demonized the Muslim community. O’toole praised residential schools. The PC party is filled with Islamophobes. Isn’t that dividing the country?

Trudeau is likely corrupt but what has he done to divide the country?
I wasn’t intending to turn into political, i feel really sad for the boy who have the face the life challenges alone. I appologize if i came across political. The only reason i singled out Trudeau cause he is PM of the nation. His action is dividing Canadian society which is root cause of hatred in our society.

Yea I can understand the sentiment and this can definitely be discussed separately as the same can likely be argued for the conservatives. The vigil did become too political for my liking as well but I also realize that there was likely no other way. Definitely was a bit disappointed with the crowd at times also for the over the top cheering for Jagmeet and for booing Doug Ford. It was definitely not the right place to do that.
Yea I can understand the sentiment and this can definitely be discussed separately as the same can likely be argued for the conservatives. The vigil did become too political for my liking as well but I also realize that there was likely no other way. Definitely was a bit disappointed with the crowd at times also for the over the top cheering for Jagmeet and for booing Doug Ford. It was definitely not the right place to do that.

There should have been no booing at the vigil but do you blame the crowd? Doug Ford has members in his party which have directly attacked Muslims and have worked with hate groups. I know we shouldn’t make this about politics but it’s pretty obvious it is the demonization of Muslims by certain politicians that resulted in this heinous attack.

I am pretty sure veltman didn’t just wake up one day and randomly chose to kill. Someone filled his head with hate and fear, he probably wanted to “take Canada back” like some politicians have been telling people to do. I am sorry if this is in bad taste for this thread but we can’t just ignore the likely reason for the attack.