Any Ex-Muslims here?


Oct 28, 2013
Seeing as this is a Pakistan Cricket Forum, I thought it be interesting to see how many Ex-Muslims we have here, I'm not here to judge you either, but am interested in how you become an Atheist, or whatever belief you may hold now.

And do you still feel Pakistani if you were born there, or does the religious factor of it turn you off, do you still pledge loyalty to it through stuff like sports etc, and if your abroad do you prefer it there and there stuff like sports or is Pakistan still in your heart?

This thread I wasn't intending to derail anyone, I'm just interested.
I have not heard of any "ex" muslims. Isn't rejecting islam a serious offense? No one will claim in public that they deserted islam. In Afghanistan, a person who converted to christianity was let go. I really doubt deserting islam is punishable by death. Only Allah knows best!
I have not heard of any "ex" muslims. Isn't rejecting islam a serious offense? No one will claim in public that they deserted islam. In Afghanistan, a person who converted to christianity was let go. I really doubt deserting islam is punishable by death. Only Allah knows best!
Yeah, but it's the internet and most people identities are hidden, though I doubt anyone would start bragging about it in the street
Theres also another guy called Shakil who is a ex muslim. But he still knows a lot of suras off by heart.
Theres also another guy called Shakil who is a ex muslim. But he still knows a lot of suras off by heart.

Only the ones in the "amma" (last) para. But that was because of my upbringing in a conservative household and I still sometimes pray out of respect so I still get to revise a little bit
I'm interested to know too. :)
I totally understand why agnostics exists but I never really understand atheists tbh. Why they are so sure that there is no God?

I used to have my moments of 'kufr' too btw. I have openly said some pretty blasphemous stuff against God out of impatience which can probably get me killed in certain countries.
But in the end my faith always remained strong. Nothing else made more sense to me, personally. I believe in God fully. The infinite stretch of the universe, the planets, the galaxies, the nature, the whole earth and so on, is a proof of his existence in my opinion. However, I do have questions as to why he lets certain things happen in this world. Hopefully, I'll remember those questions after I die. :)
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Quite a few ex-muslims here in Bangalore. Though they are not very open about it.
I totally understand why agnostics exists but I never really understand atheists tbh. Why they are so sure that there is no God?

Although, I could be termed more as towards the Gnostic Atheist spectrum in terms of belief in a Personal God


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Well I'm agnostic.I used to be very vocal about it in the past but now I have realized that religion or the lack of it is too useless/irrelevant in life to be concerned about so I try my best to avoid religion vs Atheism debates or anything religious for that matter.It's difficult to exercise something like that in Pakistan so I have to fake all those hugs and prayers on eids but I just think what the hell...just think of it as good excersise and move on
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Interesting, so how do you guys rate your loyalty or love for Pakistan at the moment, and if it became more accepting?
i think there is another one here Shaykh apologies already i i'm wrong
I am muslim, however I am not a person who believes in every thing that muslims say. I refuse to believe that God will send everyone to hell except Muslims. To me all religions had a purpose, of course they may be corrupted over time, however as a human I will respect everyone and every religions, unless it is a truly demonic religion which brings harm to people. I really hate extremists in our faith or any other faith for that matter. They are the worse of humans
Interesting, so how do you guys rate your loyalty or love for Pakistan at the moment, and if it became more accepting?

well Pakistan is where I was born, it runs in my blood, I cant hate it even if it becomes a taliban state tommorow (though i might have to migrate)

See I see it like this: My country is more important to me than anything else cause even if I migrate to some other country my appearance, my accent, my habits, my idiosyncricaies all will reflect my PAKISTANIYAT ('Pakistaniness') not my RELIGION!!!

P.s: I think non-religious/secular people are more loyal to Pakistan than the religious brigade who very shamefully admit/announce that Islam comes first to them not their country (However my point is that we can practice islam anywhere(we were muslims even in india) but if something happens to Pak would we be able to enjoy our freedom as confident Pakistanis???)
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Interesting how others view islam. For me it is not merely a religoun but a complete way of life. Don't know what type of person i would be without my religoun.
well Pakistan is where I was born, it runs in my blood, I cant hate it even if it becomes a taliban state tommorow (though i might have to migrate)

See I see it like this: My country is more important to me than anything else cause even if I migrate to some other country my appearance, my accent, my habits, my idiosyncricaies all will reflect my PAKISTANIYAT ('Pakistaniness') not my RELIGION!!!

P.s: I think non-religious/secular people are more loyal to Pakistan than the religious brigade who very shamefully admit/announce that Islam comes first to them not their country (However my point is that we can practice islam anywhere(we were muslims even in india) but if something happens to Pak would we be able to enjoy our freedom as confident Pakistanis???)

That's very interesting, i'm really engrossed by your insight

For some people, people so adamant against the religion of islam while living in the 'islamic republic of pakistan' would be treacherous but it's quite a turn up to have someone who still feels pakistani, nonetheless
I am what you call ex-muslim ,by the way neither i am a a theist,i don't like to be categorize,i am who i am and i have my own belief ,that all.
I have many possibilitie about the existence or non existence of 'god' iif you want i can share them and i don't need group or someone who think the same as me.
Muslim ,christians,jews ,hindus or whatever you want are just group create by humans for many reasons .
This is what i think personnaly.
Unfortunately, insecurity is rampant in many Muslim countries hence many apostates have to hide their identity and stay anonymous for the safety factor.

Born atheist but parents are ex-Muslims and now agnostic. I have conversed with few ex-Muslims and majority seem to point towards rampant contradictions in the Quran and absolute illogical surah's and ahadiths which drove them to question the authenticity behind all those messages. Many of them did not casually leave the faith over minor doubts but once they started to think critically and gain knowledge about the universe, Islam became harder and harder for them to accept as the 'One truth.'
Unfortunately, insecurity is rampant in many Muslim countries hence many apostates have to hide their identity and stay anonymous for the safety factor.

Born atheist but parents are ex-Muslims and now agnostic. I have conversed with few ex-Muslims and majority seem to point towards rampant contradictions in the Quran and absolute illogical surah's and ahadiths which drove them to question the authenticity behind all those messages. Many of them did not casually leave the faith over minor doubts but once they started to think critically and gain knowledge about the universe, Islam became harder and harder for them to accept as the 'One truth.'

Reminds me of a talk by Nouman Ali khan where he talks about the late great dr Israr Ahmed
Dr Israr had a great idea, where he wanted muslim minds to be also academic and ready for the new world so he sent them to prestigious american universities like yale, harvard, etc
Unfortunately , once these students came under the tutelage of their professors and read of people like nietzsche and descartes and became confused by their new social surroundings, they became estranged from their religion
Unfortunately, insecurity is rampant in many Muslim countries hence many apostates have to hide their identity and stay anonymous for the safety factor.

Born atheist but parents are ex-Muslims and now agnostic. I have conversed with few ex-Muslims and majority seem to point towards rampant contradictions in the Quran and absolute illogical surah's and ahadiths which drove them to question the authenticity behind all those messages. Many of them did not casually leave the faith over minor doubts but once they started to think critically and gain knowledge about the universe, Islam became harder and harder for them to accept as the 'One truth.'

That would explain a lot. My parents lived through partition, crossed borders and didn't have time to nit-pick over logic of surahs or hadiths. They just worked hard and spent every penny on giving us a good future.
why call your selves ex-Muslims..why not just say "i'm and atheist or agnostic"?

its sad you've left but then again perhaps for the better for all...
Apart from QazzarFan, no one mentions how they turned away from Islam? Although it's personal but I'm interested to know your views.
Sad to hear such stories but there is no compulsion in religion.
a lot of people are leaving Islam because extremists are running our faith these days. If intelligent and logical people were in charge of our faith, then I am sure many people wont leave and in fact Islam will grow, since there are beautiful things in the faith
agnostic deist (believer in god but not in religion) here.

muslims hypocrisy, jahalat molviat, and, certain things about islam were reasons of me turning away from religion.
a lot of people are leaving Islam because extremists are running our faith these days. If intelligent and logical people were in charge of our faith, then I am sure many people wont leave and in fact Islam will grow, since there are beautiful things in the faith

Precisely this.
a lot of people are leaving Islam because extremists are running our faith these days. If intelligent and logical people were in charge of our faith, then I am sure many people wont leave and in fact Islam will grow, since there are beautiful things in the faith

We need some top quality role models. Preferably Scientists or leaders.
Ex-Muslims still are culturally Muslims as they are born and brought up in Muslim households. they may be still 99% Muslim except perhaps the belief. there may be chance some of them may return as a practising muslim. Christianity may be also harvesting some Muslims. don't know how it is in Pakistan.
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Ex-Muslims still are culturally Muslims as they are born and brought up in Muslim households. they may be still 99% Muslim except perhaps the belief. there may be chance some of them may return as a practising muslim. Christianity may be also harvesting some Muslims. don't know how it is in Pakistan.

Very much the case with me at least. I don't pray 5 times a day (a habit that's very common even among the so called 'Believers' here in Pakistan) but then on Eids I do it(pray) just to ensure that the over all 'festive mood' doesn't get ruined if I choose not to be a part of my family on occasions which are so close to their heart.
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Any Ex Muslims here?

Unfortunately, insecurity is rampant in many Muslim countries hence many apostates have to hide their identity and stay anonymous for the safety factor.

Born atheist but parents are ex-Muslims and now agnostic. I have conversed with few ex-Muslims and majority seem to point towards rampant contradictions in the Quran and absolute illogical surah's and ahadiths which drove them to question the authenticity behind all those messages. Many of them did not casually leave the faith over minor doubts but once they started to think critically and gain knowledge about the universe, Islam became harder and harder for them to accept as the 'One truth.'

Can you share which surah and hadiths that you found illogical and contradictions in Quran you found.
Well..Just a question..

What do you Guys believe?.If Allah(SWT) did not create this world..Then how could it all start..

One thing led to other..simple complex animals...simple elemnts fused over billions of years..collision gave minerals..etc

But How did it all start..I mean just imgine..the first micro-particle...The first matter..who created it and why..Who organised this symmetry..who adjusted speeds of planets..If everything is so do Planets have their Precise orbits marked out and have not collided in Billions of years..

It has been like this..from eternity..and we decided learning Science ,,,only some thousands of years ago..

Only the ones in the "amma" (last) para. But that was because of my upbringing in a conservative household and I still sometimes pray out of respect so I still get to revise a little bit

That is weird and interesting both .

Do you believe there is a creator or you have become Atheist ?
Why would an anti-thiest be any more or less 'loyal' to Pakistan than your average Muslim? Seems a strange comparison to make.
Well..Just a question..

What do you Guys believe?.If Allah(SWT) did not create this world..Then how could it all start..

One thing led to other..simple complex animals...simple elemnts fused over billions of years..collision gave minerals..etc

But How did it all start..I mean just imgine..the first micro-particle...The first matter..who created it and why..Who organised this symmetry..who adjusted speeds of planets..If everything is so do Planets have their Precise orbits marked out and have not collided in Billions of years..

It has been like this..from eternity..and we decided learning Science ,,,only some thousands of years ago..


I agree. I have a similar lesson in my Islamic textbook.:amir
Why would an anti-thiest be any more or less 'loyal' to Pakistan than your average Muslim? Seems a strange comparison to make.

Thats the definition of "Pakistani" as defined by the Mullahs and their supporters to further their religious agenda.

One has to be a fierce " Muslim " first to qualify as a loyal supporter of an Islamic Republic.
We are not Brahamgyaani's, we are like insects in front of God. We hardly know anything about universe.

Few surah's and ahadiths may sound offensive to you, but problem only erupts when you enforce it on others. Praying daily in private without any fuss is tough? Devoting 1 hour daily for spiritual hunger is too much?

Most people hate religion today due to excessive brainwashing via new media platforms. Its a booming business, criminals are head of Gurdwaras/Mandirs/Masjids. We regularly have gang wars, reports of sexual abuse, money fraud, police nabbing priests with blue films. In India, religious places have turned into picnic spots. People go all the way to places like Uttarakhand for Kedarnath/Hemkunt Sahib yatra, but prostitution, drug mafia, meat, cheating is rampant on such holy places. I firmly believe recent flash floods is result of sins committed there.

An ethical life, with the normal duties of a householder is perfect lifestyle to please Supreme God.
Why would an anti-thiest be any more or less 'loyal' to Pakistan than your average Muslim? Seems a strange comparison to make.

Its a confused/silly question which can only exist in a society like Pakistan which came into being in the name of religion.
The religious brigade believe that since Islam was the reason Pak came into being (However I on the other hand think it was Muslims(not Islam), there's a difference!) hence only those who love their religion will end up loving their country truly while ignoring completely that sentimental things like love for your country, parents, your home-town et al come natural to you, religion doesn't (It needs serious convincing to have any kind of importance/emotional value in your life or you end up just wearing it without caring about it...something that is the case with a lot of people here but they'd never admit it :afridi )
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I am still culturally Christian, even though I stopped believeing in God decades ago. Mrs Robert calls me "not Christian, but Christian-like".
I know a couple of Muslims who have said they don't believe, but it doesn't really have much impact on their life, they just get on with what they're doing and no one really cares. Whether that would be the same if they started speaking publicly about it is a different matter. There does seem to be a line drawn when Muslims start openly preaching against Islam.
I'm a hindu .... But i'm agnostic.... I dont visit temple... Even when i visited 4-5 times in last decade.... It wasnt for praying but to accompany or for my parents wish ....

I believe that there is a creator who has perfectly created living things and to support these beings , he created non-living things...

But categorizing that creator into different faiths is something i dont believe in ..

I don't pray but i believe that my creator will be happy if i dont do bad things that effects others... That itself is enough to make my creator happy ....

I also feel that , If there really was a creator then why children & infants had to loose their lives in mishaps & others mistakes..Why they dont get a chance to prove their nature ? ... :13:

Life is like a Game with 1 life.... Be the most honest & helpful individual still you may suffer to the core OR on the other hand, Do the worst of things & still live happily uneffected...
This is the unfair nature of life ...
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Well..Just a question..

What do you Guys believe?.If Allah(SWT) did not create this world..Then how could it all start..

One thing led to other..simple complex animals...simple elemnts fused over billions of years..collision gave minerals..etc

But How did it all start..I mean just imgine..the first micro-particle...The first matter..who created it and why..Who organised this symmetry..who adjusted speeds of planets..If everything is so do Planets have their Precise orbits marked out and have not collided in Billions of years..

It has been like this..from eternity..and we decided learning Science ,,,only some thousands of years ago..


How does the mystery of not knowing how life started equate to 'God created it'? For all we know we were a genetic experiment of some Alien race. Their 'dolly the sheep'. Noone knows. Religous people appear to have this condescending attitude they somehow know how it started. Their proof? Words in a book.

Ex-Muslim here. Friends and family went through horrid times. All deeply religious Muslims, so what was God testing them on exactly? ''You have 10/10 for the last ten years but here I will make your life a misery so I can 'test' your faith''. Uhh yeah right. Tell that to millions of miserable naked children going hungry, millions of people getting raped and murdered. I am sure if they know they're being tested they'll sleep easier. I refused to believe there can be a God who teaches love, humbleness, mercy yet is anything but that himself as he wants constant praise 24/7 and will roast you alive for eternity for eating the wrong meat. An infinite punishment for a finite crime. Second reason was ridiculous stories like Jonah, Noah etc which have zero proof historically that they ever happened. Third was that it seems we ripped off Islam from Christianity just like we accuse Ahmedis of ripping off Islam from us.

I don't know if there is God or not. Maybe there is. Maybe he just sits and doesn't care which for me makes more sense.
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That is weird and interesting both .

Do you believe there is a creator or you have become Atheist ?

I believe there is a creator.

However I believe that creator doesn't interfere with the universe in any way (otherwise it will just crumble due to butterfly effect). The sun rises each morning and settles after every sunset. No one has observed any aberration or discrepancies. So IMO it stands to reason that most likely (as per induction) the laws of the universe will remain the same in the future as well and there is most likely no interference possible. This basically means an impersonal God which can be an actual physical phenomena or some sort of weird creature (as in he is simulating the universe on his laptop)

I was not always like this but my continuous search for truth led me out of Islam. I was never able to find resolve my cognitive dissonance that Islam is the only truth and not have a concrete and provable way to justify being so. Also statistics, evolutionary theory and a bit of neurology helped me understand the nature of reality and why things are the way they are. It was very depressing but I ultimately found out the truth I was so craving for /end-rant
I'd be interested you know how one's family reacted/now acts with those who aren't Muslims anymore...are hey accepting or are they (putting it mildly) not very happy about it? Do they know even?

Obviously this is a very personal question, so won't be surprised if no one answers
I'd be interested you know how one's family reacted/now acts with those who aren't Muslims anymore...are hey accepting or are they (putting it mildly) not very happy about it? Do they know even?

Obviously this is a very personal question, so won't be surprised if no one answers

"He will get through the phase, one day" is the universal thinking when such things happen :jf
I'd be interested you know how one's family reacted/now acts with those who aren't Muslims anymore...are hey accepting or are they (putting it mildly) not very happy about it? Do they know even?

Obviously this is a very personal question, so won't be surprised if no one answers

Usually religious debates but now just silence on that topic. I respect and accept their faith and if it brings them comfort and happiness then I wish they never stop praying. They know I have my beliefs and its left at that.
'You have 10/10 for the last ten years but here I will make your life a misery so I can 'test' your faith''. Uhh yeah right. Tell that to millions of miserable naked children going hungry, millions of people getting raped and murdered. I am sure if they know they're being tested they'll sleep easier. I refused to believe there can be a God who teaches love, humbleness, mercy yet is anything but that himself as he wants constant praise 24/7 and will roast you alive for eternity for eating the wrong meat. An infinite punishment for a finite crime. Second reason was ridiculous stories like Jonah, Noah etc which have zero proof historically that they ever happened. Third was that it seems we ripped off Islam from Christianity just like we accuse Ahmedis of ripping off Islam from us.

Well said. There is no use praying to him even if he exists. There are no rewards for doing good or punishments for doing bad.

The worse thing is that this God and his book has even managed to convince millions that being a part of his fold and being his loyal servant is more important than doing good deeds if you are from a different religion, that is if you dont want to rot in hellfire.

This God prefers those who are subservient to him over those who work for humanity but dont praise him or are not submissive to him.
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My initial reaction to the OP thread was sure why not, as lot of ppl move abroad and there they become atheists, I don't see a bigger trend people leaving Islam for another religion though that does happen in some parts of world, but in west the trend is more to become atheists than follow a different religion, and that being said if you are no longer muslim you still associate with Pakistan and cricket and that's why you are here on this forum.
a lot of people are leaving Islam because extremists are running our faith these days. If intelligent and logical people were in charge of our faith, then I am sure many people wont leave and in fact Islam will grow, since there are beautiful things in the faith

Well if those people were intelligent and logical, they wouldn't allow extremists or media fed opinion to cloud their intelligence and logic.
Are the ex-Muslims in here going to bring up their kids as atheists or will they inculcate the Islamic values in their children right from an early age so that they are never wise enough to question the irrationality of their religion ?
so alternatively, do you guys believe in the existence of Satan and worship him or no?

I would say that they would say that there is no Satan as well, as Satan and God go hand in hand, without one there is no need for the other. This reminds me of a saying that was either in a movie or by some intellectual or by someone and it goes like this, that "Biggest achievement for devil in 20th century is to make people question his existence, as with no devil there is no God as well".
Are the ex-Muslims in here going to bring up their kids as atheists or will they inculcate the Islamic values in their children right from an early age so that they are never wise enough to question the irrationality of their religion ?

That is kind of an odd question, why would they do something they don't believe in?
Pressure from family, spouse and society. Plus the Qaumi Taalem at Schools in Muslim countries , how can it be avoided ?

Well since the ex-Muslim will have unparalleled access to their children they will be able to persuade them of their atheistic superiority.
Well since the ex-Muslim will have unparalleled access to their children they will be able to persuade them of their atheistic superiority.

If my wife would want to raise them as Muslims I would have zero problems. My family or kids believing it causes me no issues, everyone has their reasons for faith or lack of. If it brings someone peace then good for them and I can only admire them for their dedication.
As Atheists or Ex-Muslims, what is your feeling about other Muslims? are they seems to you as sheeple? is Internet responsible for any of you become ex-Muslim? Internet is full of critics as I see.
If my wife would want to raise them as Muslims I would have zero problems. My family or kids believing it causes me no issues, everyone has their reasons for faith or lack of. If it brings someone peace then good for them and I can only admire them for their dedication.

Well said. Each person has their own mind and ability to form an intelligent opinion.
I have never met any atheists among Muslims from either Pakistan , India or even Bangladesh. However most of the Iranians. Albanians and Bosnians that I have met overseas seem to loathe their Muslim identity for some reason and looked to avoid any discussion regarding Islam.
I have never met any atheists among Muslims from either Pakistan , India or even Bangladesh. However most of the Iranians. Albanians and Bosnians that I have met overseas seem to loathe their Muslim identity for some reason and looked to avoid any discussion regarding Islam.

Iranians who are overseas are generally opponents of their fundo regime so it's not that surprising that they don't want to discuss religion. Albanians and Bosnians were never really big on Islam in the first place other than in name. After their suffering on account of being Muslims in recent years you could hardly blame them for wanting to avoid the subject.
Personally i don't believe in 'god' 'allah''yehovah',hell or heaven , i believe human create god for many reason,mainly to transcend the idea of death .
You gonna ask me so how the universe and you are create?The response is i don't know,science give some part of the response by big bang theory and others but not the entire solution ,but i believe in futur humans gonna discover it.

For exemple imagine a man ( a aborigene for exemple) who live like prehistoric time or you can say 'savagely' and who never interact with this 'new world' and his 'new technology' ,if you meet this man , show him electricity and ask him who create that,if he believe in a kind of 'god' there are lot of chance he tell you it is his 'god' because that look like lightning.What do you think is more correct,saying it's 'god' who create it or 'i don't know' ?And if you take this man with you and interact him with this 'new world',he slowly gonna understand what is electricity ,how ,why and who create it.

All religions are human made .
Even if a 'creator' exist i don't think he interact ,care or whatever you want with us .
Iranians who are overseas are generally opponents of their fundo regime so it's not that surprising that they don't want to discuss religion. Albanians and Bosnians were never really big on Islam in the first place other than in name. After their suffering on account of being Muslims in recent years you could hardly blame them for wanting to avoid the subject.

The Bosnians and Albanians I know are still "cultural Muslims" (they may enjoy a drink or two sporadically, but aren't "ashamed" of Islam), and the Bosnians particularly feel a strong connection with Turkey (I guess considering their inflated importance during the Ottoman empire, esp. in administration ; gave more "grand vizir" than any other group, per capita, in par with the Albanians).

The Iranians who are found in the Western world are indeed those who fled the Islamic revolution, so that may explain it. I know a girl from Shiraz, she's agnostic, her father a communist and her mother (and family) "deeply religious", as she puts it... I think even when it comes to the Iranians their "anti Islamic" stance is, generally, over-rated.
Iranians are probably the most religious (or spiritual) group in the world, and Islam has articulated their identity over the centuries, to the extent that even the Shah of Iran - some in the West would look as "the symbol of secular Iran" - went to Mecca and gave "purely Islamic" names to his daughters.

If you're British, the likes of Newton, Darwin, ... were all either anti Christians or heterodox Christians ; if you're Iranian (or Persian), all your cultural heavyweights, from the likes of Ibn Sina and al Ghazali to Maulana Rumi and going through Omar Khayyam, were actually deeply Muslims, so I guess it helps in connecting Iranians with Islam despite professing an explicit agnosticism or even atheism.
I am still culturally Christian, even though I stopped believeing in God decades ago. Mrs Robert calls me "not Christian, but Christian-like".


But on a serious note , why you not believe in God , when Bible does say so? Just a curiosity Question ?
I believe there is a creator.

So , you believe in a creator , who created the universe and laws that govern in , but is not bothered about what is happening? That sounds odd , please do not mind. But if a creator creates something , there must be some purpose.
What do those who are not followers of religions think origins of it? Just curious to know as it's usually put down to similar sounding stories etc.
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What do those who are not followers of religions think origins of it? Just curious to know as it's usually put down to similar sounding stories etc.

origin of what,god or religion or ourself?
I have observed a lot of Pashtuns are athiests or mildly religious. Tanzeel is an example.

Surprised to see so many Pak athiests on Pak Passion. I guess there are thousands of closet athiests in Pak.
I have observed a lot of Pashtuns are athiests or mildly religious. Tanzeel is an example.

Surprised to see so many Pak athiests on Pak Passion. I guess there are thousands of closet athiests in Pak.

Not really the case.

It's a very small minority on here.

I don't want to be racist or anything but it is a well known fact that a lot of Pashtuns rarely miss a prayer or a roza.

(p.s Tanzeel can't speak pashto. He's Nakli :afridi.... (I'm joking) )
So , you believe in a creator , who created the universe and laws that govern in , but is not bothered about what is happening? That sounds odd , please do not mind. But if a creator creates something , there must be some purpose.

Creator doesn't have to be something with sentient. Read the rest of my post for reasons why "Impersonal God" is the only valid choice as far as empiricism ( inductive reasoning) is concerned which is argued to be the only way humans acquire knowledge