Has Pakistan finally lost the Kashmir Cause?

Modi tried reaching out to Pakistan twice. First when he took oath in 2014 and then in 2016 by attending a wedding in Shariff family household. The latter was reciprocated by Pathankot one week later. India still even invited and let people from the ISI inspect the airbase although it was a sensitive place from national security perspective. What more do you expect modi to do?

I am not sure whether it was after Uri or Pulwama but it was pakistan that ended trade with India and is buying it indirectly via dubai at a higher cost. Even after Galwan, India and China still do trade like how mature nations behave.

But now after being snubbed twice don't expect Modi to extend his hand again. India China have disagreements regarding Ladakh and Arunachal Pradesh yet neither exports terrorism into teh other country and are still tryin g to talk it out. In fact both countries have made an agreement to not use weapons against each other hence at bordr skirmishes we see soldiers of both side fight with sticks. Whereas pakistan actively exports terrorism into Indian Kashmir. If they can stop it and support the Kashmir cause but still sit down to talk with India then we will agree too.

We've heard all this before from your chief propoganist on the site. "India tried to include Pakistan players in the IPL but they said bad words, now India will never trust them again forever and ever."

"Hindutva leaders Vajpayee/Modi reached out to Pakistan then were answered by terrorism, blah blah."

You are forgetting we know your ideology, we know the roots of hindutva, they were on open display back in the days of Babri Masjid demolition. There were scores of hindutva sites crowing about the ending of Pakistan. There probably still are, but I imagine they are more underground now, or they dress themselves up in more respectable clothing like BJP scarves.
We've heard all this before from your chief propoganist on the site. "India tried to include Pakistan players in the IPL but they said bad words, now India will never trust them again forever and ever."

"Hindutva leaders Vajpayee/Modi reached out to Pakistan then were answered by terrorism, blah blah."

You are forgetting we know your ideology, we know the roots of hindutva, they were on open display back in the days of Babri Masjid demolition. There were scores of hindutva sites crowing about the ending of Pakistan. There probably still are, but I imagine they are more underground now, or they dress themselves up in more respectable clothing like BJP scarves.
You are free to think whatever you want. You said India doesn't want good relations with Pak and I replied with examples. You brushed it away as propoganda. Its fine with us as it doesn't matter to us anymore. Kashmiris too are realizing that Pakistan only looks after its interest and used them for decades. With teh situation in Gilgit Baltistan it wouldn't be much long before they start to demand integrating with India. While you can cry all you want about hindutva and break bangles.
Bottom line, Pakistan has kept India at bay for 75+ years over Kashmir. If India had the courage, the means, the military, then it would have forced Pakistan out of Kashmir by now.

India is all talk, all lies, and a weak nation, which is why Indians claim the repeal of an 'article' is some kind of victory when the fact still remains, Indian doesn't have the balls to go toe to toe with Pakistan. Tried 4 times and still India failed to reclaim Kashmir

Plus, never trust an Indian who lives and or is desperate to move to the West - we all know what they really think of India deep down.
Because these major countries plan for the next 50 years, and there is no doubt that part of this planning was to bring down Pakistan's economy and boost India's economy. And they were aware of all of this.
Till 60s-70s Pakistan was considered the Asian economic tiger.

The reason why UNSC resolution was not implemented was that Pakistan never vacated PoK as per the first requirement of the resolution.
We've heard all this before from your chief propoganist on the site. "India tried to include Pakistan players in the IPL but they said bad words, now India will never trust them again forever and ever."

"Hindutva leaders Vajpayee/Modi reached out to Pakistan then were answered by terrorism, blah blah."

You are forgetting we know your ideology, we know the roots of hindutva, they were on open display back in the days of Babri Masjid demolition. There were scores of hindutva sites crowing about the ending of Pakistan. There probably still are, but I imagine they are more underground now, or they dress themselves up in more respectable clothing like BJP scarves.
The best part is the world is now beginning to know what Hindutva is.

What many are now learning is that Gandhi was assassinated by an RSS member, Godse, who is revered within the Hindutva ideology.

This is why the hatred towards Pakistan wasn't really to do with Islam per se, but the fact the creation of Pakistan lead to the carving of India.

India has a history of losing land, from ceasing control to 30000 British troops, to China waltzing in; Kashmir is just a tick in the box - lost forever and never to be regained by India.
We've heard all this before from your chief propoganist on the site. "India tried to include Pakistan players in the IPL but they said bad words, now India will never trust them again forever and ever."

"Hindutva leaders Vajpayee/Modi reached out to Pakistan then were answered by terrorism, blah blah."

You are forgetting we know your ideology, we know the roots of hindutva, they were on open display back in the days of Babri Masjid demolition. There were scores of hindutva sites crowing about the ending of Pakistan. There probably still are, but I imagine they are more underground now, or they dress themselves up in more respectable clothing like BJP scarves.

You are forgetting, it doesn't affect India one bit what Pakistan thinks. Neither is India affected by opinion of pakistanis in UK.

The door is firmly closed on pakistan.

So unless there is provocation by Pakistan, India will just ignore and move ahead.
You are free to think whatever you want. You said India doesn't want good relations with Pak and I replied with examples. You brushed it away as propoganda. Its fine with us as it doesn't matter to us anymore. Kashmiris too are realizing that Pakistan only looks after its interest and used them for decades. With teh situation in Gilgit Baltistan it wouldn't be much long before they start to demand integrating with India. While you can cry all you want about hindutva and break bangles.
One of the biggest achievements of Modi is his policy of downgrading relations with Pakistan and not wasting time and effort on futile talks.
India tried 4 times?
Which is still less than the number of times you, and Hindutva supporters have failed to answer the following questions:

1. If India is such a great country, heading towards superpower status, becoming a global economic and political behemoth, and its society moving in the right direction - then why are Millions and Millions of Indians desperate to flee to the West and Middle East for a better life?

2. Indians like to claim they will never be push overs again, claim the British never scarred generations of Indians, then why are Millions and Millions of Indians desperate to flee India for a better life in the West under the White man's rule? More so, if Millions of Hindutva followers despise Islam and Muslim, why do they seek for a better life in Islamic countries like the UAE?

3. If India towers over Pakistan in every aspect known, why doesn't India go toe to toe with Pakistan and reclaim Kashmir instead of begging the UN to do something?

Many of us, including Indians, know the answers deep down, the majority of Indians know what India really is, the question is if Modi supporters are brave enough to answer.
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You are free to think whatever you want. You said India doesn't want good relations with Pak and I replied with examples. You brushed it away as propoganda. Its fine with us as it doesn't matter to us anymore. Kashmiris too are realizing that Pakistan only looks after its interest and used them for decades. With teh situation in Gilgit Baltistan it wouldn't be much long before they start to demand integrating with India. While you can cry all you want about hindutva and break bangles.
Lol. If it didn't matter to you any more, why would you be here bleating about it?

* Note to @cricketjoshila : bleating is another word you can add to your dictionary, you've overused the last one you copied from me - whining.
You are forgetting, it doesn't affect India one bit what Pakistan thinks. Neither is India affected by opinion of pakistanis in UK.

The door is firmly closed on pakistan.

So unless there is provocation by Pakistan, India will just ignore and move ahead.

Thank you. Feel free to move on ahead on a non-Pakistan based site and perhaps your actions will finally back up your promises. But I won't hold my breath.
You are forgetting, it doesn't affect India one bit what Pakistan thinks. Neither is India affected by opinion of pakistanis in UK.

The door is firmly closed on pakistan.

So unless there is provocation by Pakistan, India will just ignore and move ahead.
That is the narrative most Indian has to adhere to it but deep down inside every Indian knows that Muslim lives rent free in Indian mind.

Indian Muslims and Pakistani Muslims aren't converting back to Hinduism so I guess it will be perpetual occupation.
That is the narrative most Indian has to adhere to it but deep down inside every Indian knows that Muslim lives rent free in Indian mind.

Indian Muslims and Pakistani Muslims aren't converting back to Hinduism so I guess it will be perpetual occupation.
Any PP Kashmiris from either side around to contribute?

My personal opinion IOK is and was always a lost cause from Pakistan point of view. This was never gonna realistically happen, especially after nukes. Generals knew that but greed, and lack of education of general populace destroyed us.

my opinion AK and GB is not going anywhere in our lifetime. There are troubling signs, but that is the story of Pakistan really. Brink of collapse tamasha all the time. Now it seems some entrepreneurial people in Pakistan are even monetizing the tamasha for Indian YouTube clicks.
You are forgetting, it doesn't affect India one bit what Pakistan thinks. Neither is India affected by opinion of pakistanis in UK.

The door is firmly closed on pakistan.

So unless there is provocation by Pakistan, India will just ignore and move ahead.
Your on here. You don't see us on Ind sites. That tells us you do care and you know that wishing away a problem doesn't mean it goes away.
You are free to think whatever you want. You said India doesn't want good relations with Pak and I replied with examples. You brushed it away as propoganda. Its fine with us as it doesn't matter to us anymore. Kashmiris too are realizing that Pakistan only looks after its interest and used them for decades. With teh situation in Gilgit Baltistan it wouldn't be much long before they start to demand integrating with India. While you can cry all you want about hindutva and break bangles.
The chances of any Muslims anywhere in PK wanting to be a united with a basket case like Ind, where people are lynched for eating beef is less than zero.
The chances of any Muslims anywhere in PK wanting to be a united with a basket case like Ind, where people are lynched for eating beef is less than zero.
Do you know how many muslims have sought asylum outside India?
Muslims are lynched in paksitan in the name of blasphemy does that mean people get lynched day in and day out?
Would Nikhat Zareen have won a gold medal in boxing if she was in Pakistan?
How many Indian muslims have you spoken? 10, 100, 1000 to come to this conclusion?
How many lynchings have happened in past 3 years for eating beef?
Have you ever set foot in India to see how muslims live?
Has the muslim population in Gujarat decreased rapidly post 2002 riots?
Has even 1 muslim left India and come to Pakistan in fear of his life?

I am sure you would have figures and facts about the above.

As far as I know this is how muslims in India live.




Just search in google you will find vlogs of muslims in India documenting their daily life.Have you seen the 100s of varieties of food they have in India that is unheard of in Pakistan. You don't know **** about India but just watch stray incidents and come into a grand conclusion. There are no bomb blasts in masjids here. Sunnis, Shias, Ahmadis all coexist peacefully.
Do you know how many muslims have sought asylum outside India?
Muslims are lynched in paksitan in the name of blasphemy does that mean people get lynched day in and day out?
Would Nikhat Zareen have won a gold medal in boxing if she was in Pakistan?
How many Indian muslims have you spoken? 10, 100, 1000 to come to this conclusion?
How many lynchings have happened in past 3 years for eating beef?
Have you ever set foot in India to see how muslims live?
Has the muslim population in Gujarat decreased rapidly post 2002 riots?
Has even 1 muslim left India and come to Pakistan in fear of his life?

I am sure you would have figures and facts about the above.

As far as I know this is how muslims in India live.




Just search in google you will find vlogs of muslims in India documenting their daily life.Have you seen the 100s of varieties of food they have in India that is unheard of in Pakistan. You don't know **** about India but just watch stray incidents and come into a grand conclusion. There are no bomb blasts in masjids here. Sunnis, Shias, Ahmadis all coexist peacefully.
Illogical equivalency and whataboutism and nothing more.

You are more concerned with comparison then the event happening in India. A typical cop out move when minority plight, particularly Muslims, are highlighted in India.

what is the acceptable amount of lynching of Muslims are acceptable by non-Muslims of Indian? :)
Do you know how many muslims have sought asylum outside India?
Muslims are lynched in paksitan in the name of blasphemy does that mean people get lynched day in and day out?
Would Nikhat Zareen have won a gold medal in boxing if she was in Pakistan?
How many Indian muslims have you spoken? 10, 100, 1000 to come to this conclusion?
How many lynchings have happened in past 3 years for eating beef?
Have you ever set foot in India to see how muslims live?
Has the muslim population in Gujarat decreased rapidly post 2002 riots?
Has even 1 muslim left India and come to Pakistan in fear of his life?

I am sure you would have figures and facts about the above.

As far as I know this is how muslims in India live.




Just search in google you will find vlogs of muslims in India documenting their daily life.Have you seen the 100s of varieties of food they have in India that is unheard of in Pakistan. You don't know **** about India but just watch stray incidents and come into a grand conclusion. There are no bomb blasts in masjids here. Sunnis, Shias, Ahmadis all coexist peacefully.
I can show plenty of videos of Hindus of Pakistan celebrating Holi each year but at the same time show plenty of videos where minority are being marginalized.

Such videos does not negate the fact that both India and Pakistan repressed their minorities.

It highlight one difference tho, majority of educated Hindu overlook and some how always find a way to justify and defend violence against minorities whereas majority of educated middle class Pakistani, even on this forum, always condemn such acts within Pakistan.
Do you know how many muslims have sought asylum outside India?
Muslims are lynched in paksitan in the name of blasphemy does that mean people get lynched day in and day out?
Would Nikhat Zareen have won a gold medal in boxing if she was in Pakistan?
How many Indian muslims have you spoken? 10, 100, 1000 to come to this conclusion?
How many lynchings have happened in past 3 years for eating beef?
Have you ever set foot in India to see how muslims live?
Has the muslim population in Gujarat decreased rapidly post 2002 riots?
Has even 1 muslim left India and come to Pakistan in fear of his life?

I am sure you would have figures and facts about the above.

As far as I know this is how muslims in India live.




Just search in google you will find vlogs of muslims in India documenting their daily life.Have you seen the 100s of varieties of food they have in India that is unheard of in Pakistan. You don't know **** about India but just watch stray incidents and come into a grand conclusion. There are no bomb blasts in masjids here. Sunnis, Shias, Ahmadis all coexist peacefully.
Not to distract from the conversation but those food items look delicious. I always wanted to try the authentic Indian Hyderabad biryani.
Do you know how many muslims have sought asylum outside India?
Muslims are lynched in paksitan in the name of blasphemy does that mean people get lynched day in and day out?
Would Nikhat Zareen have won a gold medal in boxing if she was in Pakistan?
How many Indian muslims have you spoken? 10, 100, 1000 to come to this conclusion?
How many lynchings have happened in past 3 years for eating beef?
Have you ever set foot in India to see how muslims live?
Has the muslim population in Gujarat decreased rapidly post 2002 riots?
Has even 1 muslim left India and come to Pakistan in fear of his life?

I am sure you would have figures and facts about the above.

As far as I know this is how muslims in India live.




Just search in google you will find vlogs of muslims in India documenting their daily life.Have you seen the 100s of varieties of food they have in India that is unheard of in Pakistan. You don't know **** about India but just watch stray incidents and come into a grand conclusion. There are no bomb blasts in masjids here. Sunnis, Shias, Ahmadis all coexist peacefully.
But no matter what, they will never seek to join a basket case like you. We have our problems but you have legalised racism, where human beings are inferior because of their birth. So take a hike
Illogical equivalency and whataboutism and nothing more.

You are more concerned with comparison then the event happening in India. A typical cop out move when minority plight, particularly Muslims, are highlighted in India.

what is the acceptable amount of lynching of Muslims are acceptable by non-Muslims of Indian? :)
Wish you had read properly. I did not equate lynchings in India to Pakistan. I said just because lynchings happen in Pakistan doesn't mean its a norm in Pakistan too. These mob lynchings cannot be completely stopped just like rapes, murders etc. If muslims were persecuted I am sure atleast 100 out of 20 crore would have sought asylum in Pakistan as they would be ready to live a poor life in Pakistan than losing their life in India. How many sought refuge In Pakistan? For that matter how many sought asylum elsewhere too.

Do you know how many lynchings have happened due to eating beef in past 10 years since Modi came to power? Out of a 20 crore population you cherry pick stray incidents and draw a grand conclusion.
But no matter what, they will never seek to join a basket case like you. We have our problems but you have legalised racism, where human beings are inferior because of their birth. So take a hike
Look who is speaking about legalizing racism without an iota of shame.

Who has it in their constitution that non-muslims cannot attain high offices?
Who has it in their passport targetting a particular community?
Who puts in an ad saying muslims are not allowed to apply for sanitation related jobs?

Can't believe that after having discrimination in your constitution you accuse others about it. Good bye hypocricy.
Look who is speaking about legalizing racism without an iota of shame.

Who has it in their constitution that non-muslims cannot attain high offices?
Who has it in their passport targetting a particular community?
Who puts in an ad saying muslims are not allowed to apply for sanitation related jobs?

Can't believe that after having discrimination in your constitution you accuse others about it. Good bye hypocricy.
When you have 100s of millions of untouchables, yes untouchables in the 21st century, beaten to death for the audacity to drink from a temple watering hole, then you guys shouldn't be trying to lecture anyone.
When you have 100s of millions of untouchables, yes untouchables in the 21st century, beaten to death for the audacity to drink from a temple watering hole, then you guys shouldn't be trying to lecture anyone.
Yes, we have dalits who have been mistreated for centuries and done even today. But we have not put the discrimination in our constitution thereby legalizing it.
Yes, we have dalits who have been mistreated for centuries and done even today. But we have not put the discrimination in our constitution thereby legalizing it.
We are in the 21st century and you beating and killing people for an accident of birth and you want the people of GB to volunteer to join you.🤣🤣
We are in the 21st century and you beating and killing people for an accident of birth and you want the people of GB to volunteer to join you.🤣🤣
Ok dude, India is the worst place for minorities while Pakistan is heaven that doesn't disciminate people for an accident of birth. In fact it doesn't discriminate even if they are accidentally born Shia,Ismaili etc. Hope Pakistan opens its doors to the persecuted minorities of India so that they can live and practice their religion with full freedom. Will be interesting to see how many accept it.
Ok dude, India is the worst place for minorities while Pakistan is heaven that doesn't disciminate people for an accident of birth. In fact it doesn't discriminate even if they aren't accidentally born Shia,Ismaili etc. Hope Pakistan opens its doors to the persecuted minorities of India so that they can live and practice their religion with full freedom.
We know PK has problems, read up posts on here and they are more than pointed out, we have no delusions. Its you guys that claim that Ind is Souper Powaar. Its you that told us that GB would want to join Ind.
Wish you had read properly. I did not equate lynchings in India to Pakistan. I said just because lynchings happen in Pakistan doesn't mean its a norm in Pakistan too. These mob lynchings cannot be completely stopped just like rapes, murders etc. If muslims were persecuted I am sure atleast 100 out of 20 crore would have sought asylum in Pakistan as they would be ready to live a poor life in Pakistan than losing their life in India. How many sought refuge In Pakistan? For that matter how many sought asylum elsewhere too.

Do you know how many lynchings have happened due to eating beef in past 10 years since Modi came to power? Out of a 20 crore population you cherry pick stray incidents and draw a grand conclusion.
I did read it properly and your reply further reinforce my original reply to your comment.

Your argument, as many Indian always argue, Why hasn't Indian muslims migrated to Pakistan if lynching is that prevalent in India, is derived from defensive and false sense of nationalist point of view, which is agreeing that it happens but not enough for Indian muslims to migrate to Pakistan out of all the countries in the world. lol

I do not think it is your fault, it is the environment most of RSS/Modi/Hindutva supporters and non-violent Hindu grew up in, the critical thinking in raising their voice against violence without whataboutism or 'not enough have been killed' excuse escapes them without most even realizing.

When it comes to minorities, India is similar to Pakistan, It's just India can buy a Gucci belt - A 3rd world country with a Gucci belt.

Since number is how most Indian minimized bigotry and violence prevalent against Muslims of India then I shall a share a number, at least 85 have been murdered due to blasphemy in Pakistan since 1990. I fully condemned it.

So what is the acceptable number by non-violent ordinary Hindu citizens of India?
We know PK has problems, read up posts on here and they are more than pointed out, we have no delusions. Its you guys that claim that Ind is Souper Powaar. Its you that told us that GB would want to join Ind.
Its not just us. I posted a video of a pakistani jouno Syed Muzammil in this thread where he claimed huge protests in GB where they treatened to open the gates to Kargil. While pakistani media has blacked out this completely. Anyways if you are happy to think muslims in India live in constant fear I shall take it in face value. I guess you would have surely spoken to several Indian muslims and even visited India several times to come to this conclusion.
Its not just us. I posted a video of a pakistani jouno Syed Muzammil in this thread where he claimed huge protests in GB where they treatened to open the gates to Kargil. While pakistani media has blacked out this completely. Anyways if you are happy to think muslims in India live in constant fear I shall take it in face value. I guess you would have surely spoken to several Indian muslims and even visited India several times to come to this conclusion.
That was more to do with the anger with the overthrow of the elected govt of GB by the Junta.
I did read it properly and your reply further reinforce my original reply to your comment.

Your argument, as many Indian always argue, Why hasn't Indian muslims migrated to Pakistan if lynching is that prevalent in India, is derived from defensive and false sense of nationalist point of view, which is agreeing that it happens but not enough for Indian muslims to migrate to Pakistan out of all the countries in the world. lol

I do not think it is your fault, it is the environment most of RSS/Modi/Hindutva supporters and non-violent Hindu grew up in, the critical thinking in raising their voice against violence without whataboutism or 'not enough have been killed' excuse escapes them without most even realizing.

When it comes to minorities, India is similar to Pakistan, It's just India can buy a Gucci belt - A 3rd world country with a Gucci belt.

Since number is how most Indian minimized bigotry and violence prevalent against Muslims of India then I shall a share a number, at least 85 have been murdered due to blasphemy in Pakistan since 1990. I fully condemned it.

So what is the acceptable number by non-violent ordinary Hindu citizens of India?
I don't say lynchings never happen nor riots dont happen in India. But equating this to condition of minorities in Pakistan is ridiculous. Dr abdus salaam headed your space program and similarly Dr kalam here. We know where both of them ended up. Forget a PM, President, can a non muslim become interior minister or finance minister or an ISI chief. There is no glass cieling for muslims in India and abosultely no comparison between muslims of India and non-muslims of Pakistan.

If Pakistan cannot buy a Gucci belt its due its own mischief. No one tied its hands to not work hard. We may still be a 3rd world country but atleast we have a goals by which to become a developed country. You can mock all you want.
I don't say lynchings never happen nor riots dont happen in India. But equating this to condition of minorities in Pakistan is ridiculous. Dr abdus salaam headed your space program and similarly Dr kalam here. We know where both of them ended up. Forget a PM, President, can a non muslim become interior minister or finance minister or an ISI chief. There is no glass cieling for muslims in India and abosultely no comparison between muslims of India and non-muslims of Pakistan.

If Pakistan cannot buy a Gucci belt its due its own mischief. No one tied its hands to not work hard. We may still be a 3rd world country but atleast we have a goals by which to become a developed country. You can mock all you want.
And there you go again.

Picked a few example from Pakistan to again diminishes the significance of violence and plight of minorities in India.
First, congrates India for being able to purchase a Gucci belt and I am saddened that you missed the point about that analogy. I wasted my time and readers time that you totally missed the point, but not a least bit surprised.

Again, if you do not mind, what is the acceptable number by non-violent Hindus?, you're keep ignoring it.

And, for Indian, who pretend to care a lot less about Pakistan, are quick to compare it with Pakistan when it comes to treatment of minorities.

I have never, nor most on this forum, matter of fact, majority of middle class educated Pakistani never defended Pakistani treatment of minorities but in every post you reply as if we are defending by highlighting pointed example from Pakistan. A defensive move by someone who is unable to defend bigotry and violence against minorities by their fellow countrymen.

Anyways, It looks as if your response will be and can only be 'what about in Pakistan", I do not think it's worth discussing delusionalism anymore as many on this forum have a quit a grip on that concept.
And there you go again.

Picked a few example from Pakistan to again diminishes the significance of violence and plight of minorities in India.
First, congrates India for being able to purchase a Gucci belt and I am saddened that you missed the point about that analogy. I wasted my time and readers time that you totally missed the point, but not a least bit surprised.

Again, if you do not mind, what is the acceptable number by non-violent Hindus?, you're keep ignoring it.

And, for Indian, who pretend to care a lot less about Pakistan, are quick to compare it with Pakistan when it comes to treatment of minorities.

I have never, nor most on this forum, matter of fact, majority of middle class educated Pakistani never defended Pakistani treatment of minorities but in every post you reply as if we are defending by highlighting pointed example from Pakistan. A defensive move by someone who is unable to defend bigotry and violence against minorities by their fellow countrymen.

Anyways, It looks as if your response will be and can only be 'what about in Pakistan", I do not think it's worth discussing delusionalism anymore as many on this forum have a quit a grip on that concept.
There is no acceptable number my friend. Even one death is not acceptable. But generalizing that muslims are being repressed is what is not acceptable. Forget it, its not worth discussing with you.
India had 4 opportunies to reclaim Kashmir, but FAILED, royally.

Think about it, allegedly, Pakistan was at itaa weakest in 1971. Yet between 1947 and 2023, Indian continues to beg the UN to help out.

India is the only one that has lost the Kashmir cause, this is assuming there was a cause in the first place.
India had 4 opportunies to reclaim Kashmir, but FAILED, royally.

Think about it, allegedly, Pakistan was at itaa weakest in 1971. Yet between 1947 and 2023, Indian continues to beg the UN to help out.

India is the only one that has lost the Kashmir cause, this is assuming there was a cause in the first place.
I wonder which country observes Kashmir Solidarity Day?
It's India which has a militarized region, infact IOK is well known for being the highest militarized region in the world. Why else would you need an army in such large numbers unless you want to "forcefully" hold it?

Pakistan's Kashmir is Azad and free of occupation, curfew, kidnapping and military unlike IOK and neither India has been able to gain an inch of Azad Kashmir since 48 and neither would ever dare to against a nuclear nation, so who has lost the Kashmir cause? Despite Pakistan government being a total circus all along. After Abhinandan humiliation, we have seen India's iota response so story/facts are all out there to read, it will never happen.

Both countries are much better off finding the ultimate solution and working towards eternal peace. Too long of bitterness over a land, Kashmiris should be the ones deciding their faith and that is the only realistic solution for a peaceful military occupation free region
'Any story could be your last' - India's crackdown on Kashmir press.

Fahad Shah, who edited a digital magazine, was arrested under anti-terror laws in February 2022, accused of "propagating terror".

A month before him, freelance journalist Sajad Gul was arrested soon after he posted a video on social media of locals shouting anti-India slogans. Sajad was charged with criminal conspiracy. Both have been re-arrested under new charges, each time they have been granted bail.

The latest journalist arrest was in March this year. Irfan Meraj, whose work has appeared in international outlets, is accused of having links with terror funding.

Many others from the press have had cases registered against them.

The BBC has repeatedly asked the regional administration and police to respond to the allegations against them. We have sought interviews and also sent emails with specific questions. We have not received a reply.

At the G20 meeting in Srinagar in May we asked Manoj Sinha, the region's top administrator, about allegations of a media crackdown. He said the press "enjoys absolute freedom". Journalists were "detained and arrested on terror charges and for attempts to disrupt social harmony, not for journalism or for writing stories," he said.

We have heard multiple accounts which belie the claims.

More than 90% of the journalists I spoke to said they had been summoned by the police at least once, many of them multiple times over a story. Some said the tone of the police was polite. Others said they were met with anger and threats.

"We live in fear that any story could be our last story. And then you'd be in jail," one journalist said.

"Journalism is dead and buried in Kashmir," another reporter told me.

Each of the journalists I spoke to said they had been called by the police numerous times over the past few years for "routine background checks"

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Only Allah SWT knows what the facist bjp regime has done in Kashmir the last 4 years. There is no independent news coming out from the area.

There is no acceptable number my friend. Even one death is not acceptable. But generalizing that muslims are being repressed is what is not acceptable. Forget it, its not worth discussing with you.
Actually most Indian begin to generalized whenever the plight of a Muslim or Muslims are highlighted after incident involving violence and bigotry against Muslims in India at the hands of Hindu majority. The usual reply from Indians lot is always, " what about in Pakistan", "look at the number", "We had a muslim president", "SRK is a Muslim", "many muslims are doing good in India", "what about Hindus in Pakistan", the list is endless :)
Indian police condemn BBC for article on press freedom in Kashmir.

Police in Indian-administered Kashmir threaten to initiate legal action against the British broadcaster for reporting on media crackdown in disputed region.

Police in Indian-administered Kashmir have “strongly objected” to an article published by the BBC on press freedom in the Muslim-majority region and have threatened to take legal action for “unfairly castigating” its work.

The report by the British broadcaster, headlined “Any story could be your last” – India’s crackdown on Kashmir press, was published on Friday and highlights the case of several Kashmiri journalists incarcerated on “terrorism” charges, under which bail is difficult to get. The report also documents the day-to-day harassment and intimidation other journalists have faced from security forces.

It's India which has a militarized region, infact IOK is well known for being the highest militarized region in the world. Why else would you need an army in such large numbers unless you want to "forcefully" hold it?

Pakistan's Kashmir is Azad and free of occupation, curfew, kidnapping and military unlike IOK and neither India has been able to gain an inch of Azad Kashmir since 48 and neither would ever dare to against a nuclear nation, so who has lost the Kashmir cause? Despite Pakistan government being a total circus all along. After Abhinandan humiliation, we have seen India's iota response so story/facts are all out there to read, it will never happen.

Both countries are much better off finding the ultimate solution and working towards eternal peace. Too long of bitterness over a land, Kashmiris should be the ones deciding their faith and that is the only realistic solution for a peaceful military occupation free region

From what I know of British Kashmiris and Afghans, India's biggest loss will be Pakistan which has provided a nice buffer region to protect them from the worst backlash. If Pakistan was gone, only Baghwan could save India from the enemies at the gate.
Who genuinely show concern for the liberation of the oppressed.
Balochis feel oppressed too and so do TTP because they're unable to implement a sharia rule. The same way I guess India has multiple people in different regions who feel oppressed too. The truth is people only support what is favourable for them. These kind of words are a joke. The world doesn't work on idealism. However having ideals is necessary too. That definitely helps in chartering a middle path.
The people of Kashmir valley dont want to join Pakistan anymore. They want azadi. as in completely independent Kashmir, so Pakistan has already lost the people there.
The people of Kashmir valley dont want to join Pakistan anymore. They want azadi. as in completely independent Kashmir, so Pakistan has already lost the people there.
I agree with this. At the most, majority of Kashmiris now only seem to want azadi and not Pakistan. Whatever floats their boats. In a way it is a blessing for Pakistan and we can hope the state can move away from this Kashmiri obsession and start prioritizing Pakistanis before being wannabe saviors of every Tom, Dick, and Harry in the muslim world.

Let the Kashmiris become whatever they want to become. Pakistanis are suffering and are in dire need of help. Pakistan should use the precious few resources to put Pakistanis first.
The people of Kashmir valley dont want to join Pakistan anymore. They want azadi. as in completely independent Kashmir, so Pakistan has already lost the people there.
We also endorse the cause of granting them independence.

By abrogating the Article 370 do you believe this step is moving them closer to achieving independence?
We also endorse the cause of granting them independence.

By abrogating the Article 370 do you believe this step is moving them closer to achieving independence?
No, however separating Ladakh from a Kashmir is a start. When Kashmiris want azadi they want to include areas which either want integration with India (Hindu parts of Jammu), or autonomy within India (Ladakh, Muslim districts of Jammu).

They should be more realistic and focus only on the valley. South Tyrol and Aland Islands can be a good model to aspire for. South Tyrol is a German part of Italy, and Aland Islands is a Swedish part of Finland. They have maximum autonomy, and even though they dont really identify with Italy or Finland, the max autonomy is good enough for them.
Kashmir’s original name is Kashyapamar. 300 years of Mughal rule turned Kashyapamar’s demopgraphy into a muslim majority. 300 years Mughal rule + 200 years Anglosikh misrule + 70 years of Congress’s mismanagement cannot overturn the 5000 years rich Hindu and Buddhist heritage of Kashyapamar.
Kashmir’s original name is Kashyapamar. 300 years of Mughal rule turned Kashyapamar’s demopgraphy into a muslim majority. 300 years Mughal rule + 200 years Anglosikh misrule + 70 years of Congress’s mismanagement cannot overturn the 5000 years rich Hindu and Buddhist heritage of Kashyapamar.
The current day muslims of Kashmir don’t care about their history, I believe.
The current day muslims of Kashmir don’t care about their history, I believe.

It’s ok.
Bharat is not liable to teach or convince anyone about the 5000 years and beyond history of this region.

The government of India holds the right to add, replace or displace the people in Kashyapamar while upholding high degree of regards for human rights.
Kashmir’s original name is Kashyapamar. 300 years of Mughal rule turned Kashyapamar’s demopgraphy into a muslim majority. 300 years Mughal rule + 200 years Anglosikh misrule + 70 years of Congress’s mismanagement cannot overturn the 5000 years rich Hindu and Buddhist heritage of Kashyapamar.
Kashmir was Muslim majority land long before Mughals conquered it. They also conquered Kashmir from another Muslim, Yakub Shah, who was the last native rules of Kashmir.

Also Kashmiri nationalist do not like Mughal rule as they lost the independence they had under the Chak Dynasty, and they view themselves under occupation ever since.

The Hindu and Buddhist heritage of Kashmir does not belong to anyone but Kashmirs. It has nothing to do with biharis, or Tamils, or Bengalis. Its not that they have a problem with that, its clearly that Hindus have a problem with the Muslim history of Kashmir. The muslim heritage of Kashmir does not belong to Arabs, or Somailis, or Koreans, it also belongs to the Kashmiri people.
Kashmir was Muslim majority land long before Mughals conquered it. They also conquered Kashmir from another Muslim, Yakub Shah, who was the last native rules of Kashmir.

Also Kashmiri nationalist do not like Mughal rule as they lost the independence they had under the Chak Dynasty, and they view themselves under occupation ever since.

The Hindu and Buddhist heritage of Kashmir does not belong to anyone but Kashmirs. It has nothing to do with biharis, or Tamils, or Bengalis. Its not that they have a problem with that, its clearly that Hindus have a problem with the Muslim history of Kashmir. The muslim heritage of Kashmir does not belong to Arabs, or Somailis, or Koreans, it also belongs to the Kashmiri people.

Sorry to say, the modern day Muslims of Kashyapamar have in the last 100 years behaved as if this land is their jagir. Their blatant disregard and disrespect for the 5000 years old Hindu and Buddhist heritage of the valley has irked Bharatiyans till Kanyakumari so much that they do not want to bargain now or compromise with them. The Hurriyat has lost its seat on the table because of this disrespectful and arrogant attitude.

Kashyapamar belongs to the Dravid as much as the Dravid belongs to the Kashyapamar.
The current day muslims of Kashmir don’t care about their history, I believe.
Wrong. Why would they have a problem with it?

Same way Europeans dont have a problem with the pagan heritage of Europe. It belongs to them. However the Christian history of Europe also belongs to them. The Christian heritage does not belong to Israel since Christianity originated there.

Same way Egyptians dont have a problem with ancient Egypt. That heritage belongs to them. However the Muslim history of Egypt also belongs to them.

The problem is not that Muslims of subcontinent dont care about pre-islamic heritage, its that some Hindus want them to disown the rich Muslim history.
Sorry to say, the modern day Muslims of Kashyapamar have in the last 100 years behaved as if this land is their jagir. Their blatant disregard and disrespect for the 5000 years old Hindu and Buddhist heritage of the valley has irked Bharatiyans till Kanyakumari so much that they do not want to bargain now or compromise with them. The Hurriyat has lost its seat on the table because of this disrespectful and arrogant attitude.

Kashyapamar belongs to the Dravid as much as the Dravid belongs to the Kashyapamar.
If Kashmir is not the jagir of Kashmiris then whose is it? The Dravid? As in South Indians? I dont know what they have to do with Kashmir.

Somalia is Muslim country, but that does not mean that Kashmiris have anything in common with them culturally. Same way I dont think that Kashmirs have anything in common with South Indians.
The question is what can Pak offer Kashmiris at the moment that they would consider merging with us?. I know many Kashmiris from AJK who all want independence from both Pak and India. Ask them about their background and most always call themselves "Kashmiri" never Pakistani or Indian. We can't feed millions in Pak yet dream of getting Kashmir!! As much as I love Pak the truth is always bitter.
The question is what can Pak offer Kashmiris at the moment that they would consider merging with us?. I know many Kashmiris from AJK who all want independence from both Pak and India. Ask them about their background and most always call themselves "Kashmiri" never Pakistani or Indian. We can't feed millions in Pak yet dream of getting Kashmir!! As much as I love Pak the truth is always bitter.

Excellent point. I have also noticed this from Kashmiris even from Azad Kashmir. They live under the protection of Pakistan establishment but yet never usually call themselves Pakistanis.

I keep parroting this again and again - Pakistan has very few resources and priority must be given to Pakistanis first. Time to move away from Kashmir or any other ummah brotherhood fantasies and focus on Pakistanis first who need all the help right now.
Excellent point. I have also noticed this from Kashmiris even from Azad Kashmir. They live under the protection of Pakistan establishment but yet never usually call themselves Pakistanis.

I keep parroting this again and again - Pakistan has very few resources and priority must be given to Pakistanis first. Time to move away from Kashmir or any other ummah brotherhood fantasies and focus on Pakistanis first who need all the help right now.
I have always echoed your sentiments here only to be called an Indian! I want a happy and prosperous Pakistan if it means without the burden of Kashmir. The opposite is wasting our money on an ungrateful people who don't love or respect Pakistan. If we supposedly free Kashmir then all Kashmiris living in Pakistan must be made to leave our country is the thing I insist upon. Most Pakistanis wrongly look upon this as a defeat when what we are doing is saying to India "you deal with this burden". Equally, the Ummah thing never existed in the first place when historically Muslim's have never been one people. No other Muslim country other then us goes on about this ridiculous Muslim unity thing.
Give AJK complete freedom then every Kashmiri leaves Pakistan. Forcefully seize their passports, houses, businesses and land then tell them to "get out of Pakistan it's not yours!". After that Kashmiris can fight for freedom from India or live as their slaves. When the current AJK is invaded by India the very next day then they do not have the protection of the Pak military. If not then build your own new country and infrastructure. Either way we get to spend so much of our money on real Pakistanis. If they are not Pakistanis then have no right to live in Pakistan. I have often said this to people of Mirpur and Jhelum on their face that establish your own country. Problem solved...India you deal with this headache.
Give AJK complete freedom then every Kashmiri leaves Pakistan. Forcefully seize their passports, houses, businesses and land then tell them to "get out of Pakistan it's not yours!". After that Kashmiris can fight for freedom from India or live as their slaves. When the current AJK is invaded by India the very next day then they do not have the protection of the Pak military. If not then build your own new country and infrastructure. Either way we get to spend so much of our money on real Pakistanis. If they are not Pakistanis then have no right to live in Pakistan. I have often said this to people of Mirpur and Jhelum on their face that establish your own country. Problem solved...India you deal with this headache.
+1 to this point.

It is pathetic that some Pakistanis think if one does not support Kashmiris then he is not patriotic or worse, an Indian. How about being a Pakistani because one wants to support Pakistanis first?

Thanks to 70+ years of Kashmir obsession by the establishment, quite a few Kashmiris think they are super special entities descended from heavens and we have to bow to their desires, such that they can leech of Pakistan's few resources and not have the courtesy of calling themselves Pakistanis or looking down on other Pakistanis.

Enough with this obsession. Seize their assets, let them get out of Pakistan and let India deal with this baggage. At least then we can hope to see real improvements in Pakistan instead of the Bajwas of the world sucking Pakiostan dry under the guise of "liberating" the thankless Kashmiris who in reality do not give two hoots about Pakistan.
+1 to this point.

It is pathetic that some Pakistanis think if one does not support Kashmiris then he is not patriotic or worse, an Indian. How about being a Pakistani because one wants to support Pakistanis first?

Thanks to 70+ years of Kashmir obsession by the establishment, quite a few Kashmiris think they are super special entities descended from heavens and we have to bow to their desires, such that they can leech of Pakistan's few resources and not have the courtesy of calling themselves Pakistanis or looking down on other Pakistanis.

Enough with this obsession. Seize their assets, let them get out of Pakistan and let India deal with this baggage. At least then we can hope to see real improvements in Pakistan instead of the Bajwas of the world sucking Pakiostan dry under the guise of "liberating" the thankless Kashmiris who in reality do not give two hoots about Pakistan.
Kashmiris love the attention they get from both Pak and India. What Kashmiris as a whole really want is for this so called "special status" to be preserved forever. They get an independent Kashmir while retaining Pak and Indian nationalities too. This means they should be allowed to work and live in the two neighbouring countries as nationals yet Pak and Indian people can not own property, live or work in Kashmir. I want to tell them clearly that this absurd and irrational dream of yours will never come true. Then many of them cry over why Pakistanis don't own the people of AJK, mock them and see them as a separate entity because you are that. Just like the people of Israel they look upon themselves as special even though most people living in AJK are not even real Kashmiris. Most are Punjabis who relocated there after 1948. Kashmir and it's people are a burden on Pakistan.
The people of Kashmir valley dont want to join Pakistan anymore. They want azadi. as in completely independent Kashmir, so Pakistan has already lost the people there.
Many Pakistanis want that as well. We want to get rid of the burden of Kashmir and its people both side of the LOC forever. I have met so many real Pakistanis too who want to give them independence in return they all must leave Pakistan forever.
Many Pakistanis want that as well. We want to get rid of the burden of Kashmir and its people both side of the LOC forever. I have met so many real Pakistanis too who want to give them independence in return they all must leave Pakistan forever.

It seems like people in Pakistan are as fed up as we are. Let’s also not forget what they did with the indegenous Hindu population of the valley in the 1990s. The forced exodus of them would always be a stain on their so called cause. They don’t deserve it because they don’t have the right.
It seems like people in Pakistan are as fed up as we are. Let’s also not forget what they did with the indegenous Hindu population of the valley in the 1990s. The forced exodus of them would always be a stain on their so called cause. They don’t deserve it because they don’t have the right.
Pak and India have put these ungrateful people on a pedestal for too long. It is time to let them down with a bang. There independent Kashmir without any infrastructure will struggle when Islamabad and Delhi cease all support. Pak will definitely throw them out in no time if this were to happen. What happened to the Hindu's is now being done to the Muslim's of your valley but really Pak is now distancing itself from all of that. I have noticed a lack of interest from the Pak media on this issue. I want Pak to get rid of them forever....they are not Pakistanis and never were. Even Imran Khan openly spoke about their complete independence some time back. By the way Kashmiris should never play Cricket for Pakistan neither do we need their support. Establish your own Kashmir Cricket team. 90% of Pak-Bharat problems will be solved if a free Kashmir was established so everyone's happy.
Independent AJK also means we won't have to call trouble making and poorly educated Mirpuris as Pakistanis anymore. Wonderful:)!
When the Indian army invades AJK abusing their women and killing their men these ungrateful and fake Kashmiris will be begging the Pak military to save them but no one will. The infamous Zaid Hamid made this excellent point a few weeks back. Please have your independent AJK just leave Pak permanently. You are not Pakistanis!
Quite a fascinating thread on my favorite topic. There are 4 stake holders as we all know in this issue.

Kashmir issue has radicalized Pakistani youth giving them a purpose that will never be served. It's in India's best interest as well. Army gobbling up funds for their own relevance along with jihadi factories for the same purpose is beneficial for India.

India claims it wants Gilgit but it knows it can't. Not because of Pak's nukes. It's because of the most powerful stakeholder in this -China. The Chinese sensed it and started the heat near ladalh and Arunachal. Modi, the strong man he claims to be, has no answer.

The Chinese want to keep India in check but can't escalate a war on this border. Their primary focus is on Taiwan and it's chips and in South China sea overall.

So, there will be a stalemate. This wouldn't hurt China or India but will bleed Pakistani economy.

As far as the last stakeholders are concerned, the kashmiris themselves have no say and will not have any say in it. They are stuck and they will be for a generation or two. That's expected. After 370 abrogation, everybody expected another Hamas emerging from Kashmir. Nope. There is no powerful Iran backing this. Infact there is no one that will back Kashmiris. They will be part of India's growth story and will be content with it.

The new wars will be fought diplomatically with economic backing. With primary focus on global South, it should be concerning to Pakistanis that they aren't even a part of global South discussion. With Chinese economy stuttering and impending slowdown in world economies, every dollar invested in the world will be strategic with far reaching consequences. That dollar will be invested where there is a potential for growth, where there is political stability and if the country is part of a larger global alliance. Pakistan doesn't fit in any of these categories. I don't see fortunes of Pakistanis changing for atleast a decade by which time it will already be too late. The primary FDI sources to Pak have been the gulf, China, USA. Gulf is spending heavily to diversify their economies from oil. China is struggling to grow and USA isn't giving a penny. It's over.

Finally, as a retd Indian general recently said, there is no need to wage a war for Gilgit. The people in Gilgit will take care of it themselves eventually.
Quite a fascinating thread on my favorite topic. There are 4 stake holders as we all know in this issue.

Kashmir issue has radicalized Pakistani youth giving them a purpose that will never be served. It's in India's best interest as well. Army gobbling up funds for their own relevance along with jihadi factories for the same purpose is beneficial for India.

India claims it wants Gilgit but it knows it can't. Not because of Pak's nukes. It's because of the most powerful stakeholder in this -China. The Chinese sensed it and started the heat near ladalh and Arunachal. Modi, the strong man he claims to be, has no answer.

The Chinese want to keep India in check but can't escalate a war on this border. Their primary focus is on Taiwan and it's chips and in South China sea overall.

So, there will be a stalemate. This wouldn't hurt China or India but will bleed Pakistani economy.

As far as the last stakeholders are concerned, the kashmiris themselves have no say and will not have any say in it. They are stuck and they will be for a generation or two. That's expected. After 370 abrogation, everybody expected another Hamas emerging from Kashmir. Nope. There is no powerful Iran backing this. Infact there is no one that will back Kashmiris. They will be part of India's growth story and will be content with it.

The new wars will be fought diplomatically with economic backing. With primary focus on global South, it should be concerning to Pakistanis that they aren't even a part of global South discussion. With Chinese economy stuttering and impending slowdown in world economies, every dollar invested in the world will be strategic with far reaching consequences. That dollar will be invested where there is a potential for growth, where there is political stability and if the country is part of a larger global alliance. Pakistan doesn't fit in any of these categories. I don't see fortunes of Pakistanis changing for atleast a decade by which time it will already be too late. The primary FDI sources to Pak have been the gulf, China, USA. Gulf is spending heavily to diversify their economies from oil. China is struggling to grow and USA isn't giving a penny. It's over.

Finally, as a retd Indian general recently said, there is no need to wage a war for Gilgit. The people in Gilgit will take care of it themselves eventually.
Curious - what is "global South"?
Five Indian officers killed in IIOJ&K
IIOJ&K police say their force had surrounded two men who belonged to a militant group
SRINAGAR: Five Indian officers and two suspected fighters were killed in separate gun battles this week in Indian-held Kashmir, with clashes ongoing, officials in the disputed region said Thursday.

On Wednesday, two Indian Army officers and a senior policeman carrying out a security sweep in a forested area of the southern Kashmir valley were ambushed and killed, with the two suspected gunmen holed up and firing at soldiers encircling their position.

IIOJ&K police said their force had surrounded two men who belonged to a militant group. “Our forces persist with unwavering resolve,” police posted on X, formerly known as Twitter.

Four people were killed on Tuesday, an Indian soldier, a police officer and two suspected fighters, during a prolonged firefight in the mountainous Rajouri area.

Gunmen first shot dead an army sniffer dog that had led the soldiers to the fighters. The deaths are the latest in the troubled Muslim-majority region.

Five Indian officers killed in IIOJ&K
IIOJ&K police say their force had surrounded two men who belonged to a militant group
SRINAGAR: Five Indian officers and two suspected fighters were killed in separate gun battles this week in Indian-held Kashmir, with clashes ongoing, officials in the disputed region said Thursday.

On Wednesday, two Indian Army officers and a senior policeman carrying out a security sweep in a forested area of the southern Kashmir valley were ambushed and killed, with the two suspected gunmen holed up and firing at soldiers encircling their position.

IIOJ&K police said their force had surrounded two men who belonged to a militant group. “Our forces persist with unwavering resolve,” police posted on X, formerly known as Twitter.

Four people were killed on Tuesday, an Indian soldier, a police officer and two suspected fighters, during a prolonged firefight in the mountainous Rajouri area.

Gunmen first shot dead an army sniffer dog that had led the soldiers to the fighters. The deaths are the latest in the troubled Muslim-majority region.

Rest in peace.
They will be avenged soon.
Pakistan raised the situation of Occupied Kashmir before the United Nations Decolonization Committee and termed India's unilateral actions in Occupied Kashmir as a modern-day colonial project.

The UN body launched a general debate on independence from foreign occupation at UN headquarters in New York on Monday.

Held more than six decades after the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples, the debate involved many member states and resolved the issues of the 17 Non-Self-Governing Territories. Emphasized the need.

Pakistan's Ambassador to the United Nations Munir Akram urged India to create favorable conditions for negotiations and promote a peaceful settlement for the United Nations and its member states in accordance with the relevant UN resolutions and the wishes of the Kashmiri people.

Pakistan raised the situation of Occupied Kashmir before the United Nations Decolonization Committee and termed India's unilateral actions in Occupied Kashmir as a modern-day colonial project.

The UN body launched a general debate on independence from foreign occupation at UN headquarters in New York on Monday.

Held more than six decades after the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples, the debate involved many member states and resolved the issues of the 17 Non-Self-Governing Territories. Emphasized the need.

Pakistan's Ambassador to the United Nations Munir Akram urged India to create favorable conditions for negotiations and promote a peaceful settlement for the United Nations and its member states in accordance with the relevant UN resolutions and the wishes of the Kashmiri people.

The declaration, known as UN General Assembly Resolution 1514, was adopted during the 15th session of the Assembly, declaring foreign rule as a violation of human rights, affirming the right to self-determination and colonial rule. calls for the abolition of

The President of the General Assembly, Dennis Francis, said that the work of the Fourth Committee is important in terms of building confidence in the United Nations at a time when the multilateral system and its institutions are facing further crisis in terms of their credibility.

Munir Akram welcomed the committee's recommendations and the Secretary General's request to find innovative ways to advance the agenda.

He lamented the situation in Jammu and Kashmir and Palestine that there are still people who are deprived of the right to self-determination and supported the call for a two-state solution in the Middle East.

He termed India's unilateral actions in the occupied territories as a modern-day colonial project in which human rights violations, extrajudicial killings and demographic changes are being carried out.

Referring to the issuance of fake domicile certificates and land grabbing, he said that India was pursuing a Hindu majority agenda in a Muslim majority region.

He urged India to negotiate and create favorable conditions for the solution of the Kashmir issue, as well as end human rights violations and demographic changes, and demanded the United Nations and its member states to implement the relevant resolutions of the United Nations. And promote a peaceful solution according to the aspirations of the Kashmiri people.

He added that since 1946, 80 former colonies have gained independence, yet there are people who are still deprived of the right to self-determination, the most prominent of which are the people of Occupied Jammu and Kashmir and Palestine.

He said that Pakistan believes that lasting peace in the Middle East can only be achieved through a two-state solution and the establishment of a viable, independent and contiguous Palestinian state with pre-1967 borders and the restoration of Al-Quds Sharif as its capital. can be obtained.

He further said that the Indian occupation of Jammu and Kashmir is the worst manifestation of modern colonialism.

He pointed out that the right of self-determination of the people of Jammu and Kashmir has been clearly recognized in the United Nations Security Council Resolution No. 47 and several subsequent resolutions, which state that the State of Jammu and Kashmir Final authority should be decided by the people there through a free and fair referendum under the auspices of the United Nations.

Munir Akram said that although both India and Pakistan have accepted these resolutions, India has avoided implementing these resolutions through force and deception for more than 75 years and since 1989, India has been occupying Jammu and Kashmir. More than 100,000 Kashmiris have been killed due to brutal repression.

He said that since August 5, 2019, India has taken unilateral and illegal steps to annex occupied Jammu and Kashmir and Kashmir today is the most densely occupied area in the world where more than 9 lakh Indian occupation troops are deployed.

He said that the Indian occupying forces carried out a nefarious campaign of extrajudicial killings and forced disappearance of 13,000 young Kashmiri boys in fake encounters and kidnappings, the real Kashmiri leadership has been in jail since 2019 and many leaders have died in Indian custody.

Source: Dawn
Pakistan raised the situation of Occupied Kashmir before the United Nations Decolonization Committee and termed India's unilateral actions in Occupied Kashmir as a modern-day colonial project.

The UN body launched a general debate on independence from foreign occupation at UN headquarters in New York on Monday.

Held more than six decades after the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples, the debate involved many member states and resolved the issues of the 17 Non-Self-Governing Territories. Emphasized the need.

Pakistan's Ambassador to the United Nations Munir Akram urged India to create favorable conditions for negotiations and promote a peaceful settlement for the United Nations and its member states in accordance with the relevant UN resolutions and the wishes of the Kashmiri people.

Pakistan raised the situation of Occupied Kashmir before the United Nations Decolonization Committee and termed India's unilateral actions in Occupied Kashmir as a modern-day colonial project.

The UN body launched a general debate on independence from foreign occupation at UN headquarters in New York on Monday.

Held more than six decades after the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples, the debate involved many member states and resolved the issues of the 17 Non-Self-Governing Territories. Emphasized the need.

Pakistan's Ambassador to the United Nations Munir Akram urged India to create favorable conditions for negotiations and promote a peaceful settlement for the United Nations and its member states in accordance with the relevant UN resolutions and the wishes of the Kashmiri people.

The declaration, known as UN General Assembly Resolution 1514, was adopted during the 15th session of the Assembly, declaring foreign rule as a violation of human rights, affirming the right to self-determination and colonial rule. calls for the abolition of

The President of the General Assembly, Dennis Francis, said that the work of the Fourth Committee is important in terms of building confidence in the United Nations at a time when the multilateral system and its institutions are facing further crisis in terms of their credibility.

Munir Akram welcomed the committee's recommendations and the Secretary General's request to find innovative ways to advance the agenda.

He lamented the situation in Jammu and Kashmir and Palestine that there are still people who are deprived of the right to self-determination and supported the call for a two-state solution in the Middle East.

He termed India's unilateral actions in the occupied territories as a modern-day colonial project in which human rights violations, extrajudicial killings and demographic changes are being carried out.

Referring to the issuance of fake domicile certificates and land grabbing, he said that India was pursuing a Hindu majority agenda in a Muslim majority region.

He urged India to negotiate and create favorable conditions for the solution of the Kashmir issue, as well as end human rights violations and demographic changes, and demanded the United Nations and its member states to implement the relevant resolutions of the United Nations. And promote a peaceful solution according to the aspirations of the Kashmiri people.

He added that since 1946, 80 former colonies have gained independence, yet there are people who are still deprived of the right to self-determination, the most prominent of which are the people of Occupied Jammu and Kashmir and Palestine.

He said that Pakistan believes that lasting peace in the Middle East can only be achieved through a two-state solution and the establishment of a viable, independent and contiguous Palestinian state with pre-1967 borders and the restoration of Al-Quds Sharif as its capital. can be obtained.

He further said that the Indian occupation of Jammu and Kashmir is the worst manifestation of modern colonialism.

He pointed out that the right of self-determination of the people of Jammu and Kashmir has been clearly recognized in the United Nations Security Council Resolution No. 47 and several subsequent resolutions, which state that the State of Jammu and Kashmir Final authority should be decided by the people there through a free and fair referendum under the auspices of the United Nations.

Munir Akram said that although both India and Pakistan have accepted these resolutions, India has avoided implementing these resolutions through force and deception for more than 75 years and since 1989, India has been occupying Jammu and Kashmir. More than 100,000 Kashmiris have been killed due to brutal repression.

He said that since August 5, 2019, India has taken unilateral and illegal steps to annex occupied Jammu and Kashmir and Kashmir today is the most densely occupied area in the world where more than 9 lakh Indian occupation troops are deployed.

He said that the Indian occupying forces carried out a nefarious campaign of extrajudicial killings and forced disappearance of 13,000 young Kashmiri boys in fake encounters and kidnappings, the real Kashmiri leadership has been in jail since 2019 and many leaders have died in Indian custody.

Source: Dawn
We were told by a certain Pakistani poster that it's India that is desperate for Pakistan's side of Kashmir. @Technics 1210
Pakistan raised the situation of Occupied Kashmir before the United Nations Decolonization Committee and termed India's unilateral actions in Occupied Kashmir as a modern-day colonial project.

The UN body launched a general debate on independence from foreign occupation at UN headquarters in New York on Monday.

Held more than six decades after the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples, the debate involved many member states and resolved the issues of the 17 Non-Self-Governing Territories. Emphasized the need.

Pakistan's Ambassador to the United Nations Munir Akram urged India to create favorable conditions for negotiations and promote a peaceful settlement for the United Nations and its member states in accordance with the relevant UN resolutions and the wishes of the Kashmiri people.

Pakistan raised the situation of Occupied Kashmir before the United Nations Decolonization Committee and termed India's unilateral actions in Occupied Kashmir as a modern-day colonial project.

The UN body launched a general debate on independence from foreign occupation at UN headquarters in New York on Monday.

Held more than six decades after the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples, the debate involved many member states and resolved the issues of the 17 Non-Self-Governing Territories. Emphasized the need.

Pakistan's Ambassador to the United Nations Munir Akram urged India to create favorable conditions for negotiations and promote a peaceful settlement for the United Nations and its member states in accordance with the relevant UN resolutions and the wishes of the Kashmiri people.

The declaration, known as UN General Assembly Resolution 1514, was adopted during the 15th session of the Assembly, declaring foreign rule as a violation of human rights, affirming the right to self-determination and colonial rule. calls for the abolition of

The President of the General Assembly, Dennis Francis, said that the work of the Fourth Committee is important in terms of building confidence in the United Nations at a time when the multilateral system and its institutions are facing further crisis in terms of their credibility.

Munir Akram welcomed the committee's recommendations and the Secretary General's request to find innovative ways to advance the agenda.

He lamented the situation in Jammu and Kashmir and Palestine that there are still people who are deprived of the right to self-determination and supported the call for a two-state solution in the Middle East.

He termed India's unilateral actions in the occupied territories as a modern-day colonial project in which human rights violations, extrajudicial killings and demographic changes are being carried out.

Referring to the issuance of fake domicile certificates and land grabbing, he said that India was pursuing a Hindu majority agenda in a Muslim majority region.

He urged India to negotiate and create favorable conditions for the solution of the Kashmir issue, as well as end human rights violations and demographic changes, and demanded the United Nations and its member states to implement the relevant resolutions of the United Nations. And promote a peaceful solution according to the aspirations of the Kashmiri people.

He added that since 1946, 80 former colonies have gained independence, yet there are people who are still deprived of the right to self-determination, the most prominent of which are the people of Occupied Jammu and Kashmir and Palestine.

He said that Pakistan believes that lasting peace in the Middle East can only be achieved through a two-state solution and the establishment of a viable, independent and contiguous Palestinian state with pre-1967 borders and the restoration of Al-Quds Sharif as its capital. can be obtained.

He further said that the Indian occupation of Jammu and Kashmir is the worst manifestation of modern colonialism.

He pointed out that the right of self-determination of the people of Jammu and Kashmir has been clearly recognized in the United Nations Security Council Resolution No. 47 and several subsequent resolutions, which state that the State of Jammu and Kashmir Final authority should be decided by the people there through a free and fair referendum under the auspices of the United Nations.

Munir Akram said that although both India and Pakistan have accepted these resolutions, India has avoided implementing these resolutions through force and deception for more than 75 years and since 1989, India has been occupying Jammu and Kashmir. More than 100,000 Kashmiris have been killed due to brutal repression.

He said that since August 5, 2019, India has taken unilateral and illegal steps to annex occupied Jammu and Kashmir and Kashmir today is the most densely occupied area in the world where more than 9 lakh Indian occupation troops are deployed.

He said that the Indian occupying forces carried out a nefarious campaign of extrajudicial killings and forced disappearance of 13,000 young Kashmiri boys in fake encounters and kidnappings, the real Kashmiri leadership has been in jail since 2019 and many leaders have died in Indian custody.

Source: Dawn
It's always ironic when pakistan raises the UN Security council resolution when they themselves didn't meet the conditions required for its execution.
Eight Kashmiri freedom fighters embraced martyrdom in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir in a series of separate clashes with the occupation forces over the past two days, it emerged on Friday.

According to the police, shooting broke out on Thursday when Indian soldiers launched a search for reported armed men in the southern Kulgam area, with five of them died on Friday, police said.

In a separate clash, also on Thursday, Indian security forces clamed to have killed two fighters near the Line of Control. Another fighter was killed on Friday in the Rajouri area during a shootout with soldiers, a police statement said, reporting a "huge" stash of arms had been seized.

Souce: Express Tribune
