Has Pakistan finally lost the Kashmir Cause?

Pakistan couldn't run bangladesh
Pakistan can't even run Pakistan
What are they going to do with kashmir?
Lolll they were not offered this was a recent modi medua propoganda....

I have already given you the reasons how this would not had beeb possible due to ussr veto

This is nothing to do with Modi. He was not even born or an infant by all means. It's well documented how Nehru played his cards not in the best possible way back in those days.
There is no point arguing with someone who is not pakistani and yet tries to tell us about pakistan history that too with a false story ..

That's the broad history whether you like it or not.
Honestly, if the existing impasse continues India won't have to take anything from Pakistan. Things could disintegrate fast. People don't care for nation state if there is no food on the table. No point asking a hungry family Pakistan ka Matlab Kya .... Army can impose itself but even army men won't fight for a losing cause.
Pakistan's economy is at an all time low. India has drawn up new borders and removed the special status it once gave to Jammu and Kashmir. The reason why India and Pakistan dont have normal relations is because of Kashmir. Both countries lay claim on the whole Kashmir, Jammu and Baltistan area.

While India lays claim and has done well economically. Pakistan has faced more problems on Kashmir politically. The army gets to take a larger cut in the budget under the name of Kashmir cause, and the army also enjoys its influence on our politics due to the Kashmir cause.

There are rumors that the army doesnt want the Kashmir issue to be solved, as if it does get solved, the army losses its influence and grip over the control of Pakistan and its governance.

Pakistan is not gonna take Kashmir from India, that is only possible if India's economy collapses and than Pakistan takes advantage of that. Meanwhile, Pakistan's own economy is collapsing and India could take advantage of this.

Also, if by some miracle we do get whole Kashmir and Jammu, Pakistan has promised some land to China, and most likely would get Kargil, Siachen and some areas of Ladekh. This would result in an increase in the population and plus there will be a hindu population that Pakistan wont be able to give rights to. Plus, Pakistan would not be giving independence to Kashmiris, they will make them part of Pakistan as we have invested in tourism in the Pakistan administrated Kashmir and Baltistan.

India is a major trading power, and Pakistan needs to be trading with the neighbor to help improve its own economy.

Your thoughts?

Kashmir is a lost cause, only doing further damage on Pakistan where we Army takes the front row seat

Consider an alternative: absolute end to any support for the insurgency. No tactical, resource or even training grounds are accessible to the insurgents. This will result in an initial increase in violence, before a calm ensues. In exchange Pakistan can actively lobby through diplomatic channels that it is a good conscious operator. With no insurgency to oppress, india then becomes the de facto oppressor with the continued police state it maintains in Kashmir. Global sentiment would change from indifference to sympathy. It may not change status quo, but would prevent alienation of Pakistan and its labeling as a sponsor of terrorism.
I dont think its a good time for India to make any aggressive moves in occupied Kashmir. The Pakistan forces are would like a diversion and to gain some respect back. Pak forces will be happy to unleash huge attacks on Indian forces, things could get out of hand. India cannot defeat a Nuclear power, its idiotic to even fantasise about this.

Its a pointless discussion apart from mentioning the Indian abuses, as Kashmiris will never accept Indian rule esp Hindutva rule.
I dont think its a good time for India to make any aggressive moves in occupied Kashmir. The Pakistan forces are would like a diversion and to gain some respect back. Pak forces will be happy to unleash huge attacks on Indian forces, things could get out of hand. India cannot defeat a Nuclear power, its idiotic to even fantasise about this.

Its a pointless discussion apart from mentioning the Indian abuses, as Kashmiris will never accept Indian rule esp Hindutva rule.

I can smell the fear and anxiety dripping from this post and rightfully so. Indian army is ready to launch Operation Carpediem. Stay tuned.
I can smell the fear and anxiety dripping from this post and rightfully so. Indian army is ready to launch Operation Carpediem. Stay tuned.

Indian citizens are deluded. :)))

Why in the world would I be in fear?

Indian army will only launch rape, torture and murder against unarmed people, such is this cowardly army. Violence breeds violence so when in retaliation Indian soldier are killed , dont cry as you support violence now.
Consider an alternative: absolute end to any support for the insurgency. No tactical, resource or even training grounds are accessible to the insurgents. This will result in an initial increase in violence, before a calm ensues. In exchange Pakistan can actively lobby through diplomatic channels that it is a good conscious operator. With no insurgency to oppress, india then becomes the de facto oppressor with the continued police state it maintains in Kashmir. Global sentiment would change from indifference to sympathy. It may not change status quo, but would prevent alienation of Pakistan and its labeling as a sponsor of terrorism.

Interesting point
I don't think Pakistan should give up on Kashmir. I find it interesting that there are threads popping up like this, the moment things are not good in Pakistan. Are these the buddies from across the border creating such threads?

What Pakistan should do is not divert the precious few resources of the country for this. Perhaps a diplomatic avenue first. As much as helping Kashmiris is a noble cause, definitely not at the expense of Pakistan's own citizens. Please put the country's citizens first before caring for others, this is what every country does (and rightfully so). I'm sick of Pakistanis being deprived and starved at the pretext of Pakistan being the defender of all muslims.

The countries or outsiders that praise and goad Pakistan to do so are only doing so because they don't want to bear the financial+political burden of this mantle and want someone else (Pakistan) to do that.
I dont think its a good time for India to make any aggressive moves in occupied Kashmir. The Pakistan forces are would like a diversion and to gain some respect back. Pak forces will be happy to unleash huge attacks on Indian forces, things could get out of hand. India cannot defeat a Nuclear power, its idiotic to even fantasise about this.

Its a pointless discussion apart from mentioning the Indian abuses, as Kashmiris will never accept Indian rule esp Hindutva rule.

More chance of Pakistani Army attacking India to gain back the love.
When Hari singhs force had to run back and tribals reached near Srinagar, Hari Singh begged the Indian govt to intervene, but India said he would have to sign the instrument first. (The whole Kashmir conflict starts from here as India claims he signed it but Pakistan says show the document, but that is a discussion of another thread and time)

Anyways, India got involved and started to move back the Pakistani tribals.


Major is below what they teach in your Pakistani schools ?

A bunch of Pakistani tribals held off the Indian army to keep POK ?
Major is below what they teach in your Pakistani schools ?

A bunch of Pakistani tribals held off the Indian army to keep POK ?

I think you have comprehension issues, maybe give it another read perhaps to understand it .

Hint: hari singh forces are not indian forces

Also rrad the last line of the post you qoueted atleast 20 times, maybe than you will understand what i wrote.
I can smell the fear and anxiety dripping from this post and rightfully so. Indian army is ready to launch Operation Carpediem. Stay tuned.

Is this similar to Operation Tea Sipping which India carried successfully through their brave wing commander tea sipping in fear and anxiety?
I think you have comprehension issues, maybe give it another read perhaps to understand it .

Hint: hari singh forces are not indian forces

Also rrad the last line of the post you qoueted atleast 20 times, maybe than you will understand what i wrote.

Ok then apologies.

So you are saying the tribal resistance against the Indian army was not the reason Pakistan was able to hold onto POK.

I misinterpreted.
Stop confiscating Kashmiris’ properties, FO tells New Delhi

Pakistan on Thursday expressed concern over recurring acts of confiscation of properties of Kashmiri activists and human rights defenders in Indian held Jammu and Kashmir.

“India’s National Investigation Agency and the State Investigation Agency (SIA) have moved aggre*s*sively to seize immovable properties of several Kashmiri activists,” Foreign Office spokesperson Mumtaz Zahra Baloch told a weekly briefing.

She said it was a matter of concern that just SIA had attached 124 such properties since its establishment in 2021.

“We condemn India’s recent move to confiscate the property of All Parties Hurriyat Conference spokesperson and Tehreek-i-Hurriyat leader, Ayaz Akbar, in Srinagar. Mr Akbar remains behind the bars since 2017 on fictitious charges,” she said.

“Kashmiris are the rightful heirs to their own land. It is unfortunate that non-Kashmiris are being encouraged to buy land and property in the disputed territory while the properties of Kashmiris are being confiscated and destroyed,” she said.

When asked to comment on reports that Afghan government was ready to shift the Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) in the northern part of Afghanistan, she said Pakistan was engaged with the Afghan interim government on the serious concern that it has about the menace of terrorism.

About concerns raised by US State Department spokesperson over functioning of military courts, Ms Baloch reiterated that Pakistan was a country of laws and the Constitution.

“Any actions of the Government of Pak*istan with regard to the events of May 9 will be in accordance with our laws and Constitution,” the spokesperson said.

In response to a question about cases registered against Pakistani expatriates for writing or speaking against the government or some of the institutions, Ms Baloch said Pakistan will continue to follow its laws and Constitution in holding those responsible for May 9 events to account.

When asked if a Pakistani social media activist, retired Major Adil Raja, has been arrested in the UK, and had such a request been made by Pakistan, the spokesperson said: “It would be more appropriate if the details are sought from the UK authorities.”

Stop confiscating Kashmiris’ properties, FO tells New Delhi

Pakistan on Thursday expressed concern over recurring acts of confiscation of properties of Kashmiri activists and human rights defenders in Indian held Jammu and Kashmir.

“India’s National Investigation Agency and the State Investigation Agency (SIA) have moved aggre*s*sively to seize immovable properties of several Kashmiri activists,” Foreign Office spokesperson Mumtaz Zahra Baloch told a weekly briefing.

She said it was a matter of concern that just SIA had attached 124 such properties since its establishment in 2021.

“We condemn India’s recent move to confiscate the property of All Parties Hurriyat Conference spokesperson and Tehreek-i-Hurriyat leader, Ayaz Akbar, in Srinagar. Mr Akbar remains behind the bars since 2017 on fictitious charges,” she said.

“Kashmiris are the rightful heirs to their own land. It is unfortunate that non-Kashmiris are being encouraged to buy land and property in the disputed territory while the properties of Kashmiris are being confiscated and destroyed,” she said.

When asked to comment on reports that Afghan government was ready to shift the Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) in the northern part of Afghanistan, she said Pakistan was engaged with the Afghan interim government on the serious concern that it has about the menace of terrorism.

About concerns raised by US State Department spokesperson over functioning of military courts, Ms Baloch reiterated that Pakistan was a country of laws and the Constitution.

“Any actions of the Government of Pak*istan with regard to the events of May 9 will be in accordance with our laws and Constitution,” the spokesperson said.

In response to a question about cases registered against Pakistani expatriates for writing or speaking against the government or some of the institutions, Ms Baloch said Pakistan will continue to follow its laws and Constitution in holding those responsible for May 9 events to account.

When asked if a Pakistani social media activist, retired Major Adil Raja, has been arrested in the UK, and had such a request been made by Pakistan, the spokesperson said: “It would be more appropriate if the details are sought from the UK authorities.”


As if India is going to bat an eyelid.
Agree with Major, that if Pakistan makes the LOC as the permanent border and moves on from Kashmir, it can help the relationship. But will the establishment(Pak army) allow it? Will they let go of their MVP status in Pakistan?
Its been 4 years since the abrogation of article 370 in J & K. With the regional parties out of the picture due to Governor's rule there has been a lot of devlopment in Kashmir. Stone pelting has miraculously disappeared. terrorism down by 40%. Tourism has increased to a all time record with over 1.25 crore people having visited the state till August this year and is expected to breach the all time high of 1.85 crore by end of this year.

After 34 years the muhurram procession was held peacefully. Cinema theatres have opened after 30 years in Srinagr and other places wherein many younsters have experienced watching a movie on the big screen for the first time.

The famous Lal Chowk which used to be covered by Pakistani flag now has a permamnent Indian flag. The independence day celebrations had an unprecedented 3000+ visitors whereas previously only 100-150 would attend.

Srinagar is getting ist own AIMS where Jammu is getting an IIM. Dubai based Emaar group which built the Burj Khalifa is now building a huge mall worth thousnads of crores.

On the other hand PoK people are reeling with no wheat forget about basic amenities.

Scores of local Kashmiri youtubers are now all over youtube happily posting vlogs on the devlelopment in Kashmir. In fact there are videos where they are either taking pictures with army or joking with them. I shall be posting those here. Hope my pakistani friends can post any positive videos from PoK too.

Sports Development in Kashmir. Girls playing Rugby, Football and even martial arts

To OP, if what you say is true, give them their right to choose Pak, India or Independence. As UN Int law states is their right.
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To OP, if what you say is true, give them their right to choose Pak, India or Independence. As UN Int law states is their right.

For that to happen Pakistan needs to first get out of PoK as per UN resolution. Ask your army to do so. Give India 5 more years and they will choose India on their own will. 70 years of misleading by the selfish politicains of kashmir and separatists needs some time of helaing which has already started.
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Ok, I wasn't aware there were other threads.

For that to happen Pakistan needs to first get out of PoK as per UN resolution. Ask your army to do so. Give India 5 more years and they will choose India on their own will. 70 years of misleading by the selfish politicains of kashmir and separatists needs some time of helaing which has already started.
We could hold a referendum tomorrow AJK and 95% would vote for PK, do the same on the Ind side and 95% would vote against Ind occupation. Whether they would vote to unite with PK or go independent is the only bit in question
We could hold a referendum tomorrow AJK and 95% would vote for PK, do the same on the Ind side and 95% would vote against Ind occupation. Whether they would vote to unite with PK or go independent is the only bit in question
Doesn’t look like it from scores of videos from Pakistani youtubers talking to people of PoK.
Anyways, you’ll find plenty of Kashmiri youtubers these days speaking about how peaceful Kashmir has been lately, and about how much development it has gone through since late.

On the contrary, you’ll find plenty of Pakistani youtubers speaking to people of PoK, and all they say is how miserable they have been and continue to be.
We could hold a referendum tomorrow AJK and 95% would vote for PK, do the same on the Ind side and 95% would vote against Ind occupation. Whether they would vote to unite with PK or go independent is the only bit in question
Who is stopping Pakistan from withdrawing its army and holding a referendum tomorrow and show the world that thay have done their part of the deal? Instead of that they used their deep assets in Kashmir to support terrorism and misled the people into stone pelting. why is it that suddenly in past few years stone pelting has disappeared once the local politicains lost their power and hurriyat was locked down? If 95% of people of AJK would vote for PK why did they declare 14th Aug as black day just 10 days ago while kashmiris flocked to the stadium to participate in the independence day celebration.


Meanwhile in PoK


As I said earlier India has now established peace and begun development in Kashmir which is the first step. Just a few more years and the older generation too will accept India just like the youngsters have started to. Meanwhile voices of dissent in PoK are getting stronger looking at how people in Kashmir are atleast not fighting for wheat and basic amenities.
Anyways, you’ll find plenty of Kashmiri youtubers these days speaking about how peaceful Kashmir has been lately, and about how much development it has gone through since late.

On the contrary, you’ll find plenty of Pakistani youtubers speaking to people of PoK, and all they say is how miserable they have been and continue to be.
Even our pakistani posters here know it but just dont want to accept it. Look at the hundreds of pakistani reaction channels on youtube. They were all shell shocked at how Kashmiris are freely moving around and the devlopment work of Srinagar Smart City. Now after 5 months of watching these videos they have acceoted that their media didn't show them this and have accepted that if thsi is teh 'zulm' happening to Kashmiris then even they would want that 'zulm' where they get electricity, water, internet and most importantly food.
Who is stopping Pakistan from withdrawing its army and holding a referendum tomorrow and show the world that thay have done their part of the deal? Instead of that they used their deep assets in Kashmir to support terrorism and misled the people into stone pelting. why is it that suddenly in past few years stone pelting has disappeared once the local politicains lost their power and hurriyat was locked down? If 95% of people of AJK would vote for PK why did they declare 14th Aug as black day just 10 days ago while kashmiris flocked to the stadium to participate in the independence day celebration.


Meanwhile in PoK


As I said earlier India has now established peace and begun development in Kashmir which is the first step. Just a few more years and the older generation too will accept India just like the youngsters have started to. Meanwhile voices of dissent in PoK are getting stronger looking at how people in Kashmir are atleast not fighting for wheat and basic amenities.
You are looking for excuses. AJK will vote for PK, and I wouldn't mind a referendum under UN auspices to make your excuses even thinner than Modis morals. I think both parties should withdraw, have a UN peace keeping force and hold referendums with 3 options- Ind, PK or Independence. Kashmiris see you as an occupying force its the reason human rights and Independent journalists are banned.
You are looking for excuses. AJK will vote for PK, and I wouldn't mind a referendum under UN auspices to make your excuses even thinner than Modis morals. I think both parties should withdraw, have a UN peace keeping force and hold referendums with 3 options- Ind, PK or Independence. Kashmiris see you as an occupying force its the reason human rights and Independent journalists are banned.

As per UN Pak needs to remove its forces completely, then India will only keep forces which is enough to maintain law and order and then the referendum. Since Pakistanis insists on the UN refrendum completely forgetting the Simla Accord it signed in exchange of 91000 soldiers then show some spine and remove your army as the first step. If India still doesn't remove its army do a referendum in PoK under the eyes of UN to show the world its sincerity for the Kashmir cause. Until you fufil your end of the deal all this talk about referendum is empty talk.

As for Kashmiris seeing India as occupying force why are they attending Indian Independence Day celebrations in 1000s when before abrogation only 100-150 attended? How come Kashmiris are enjoying movies, swimming pools, srinagar smart city renovations? Local Kashmiri youtubers are more credible than independent journalists. If they see India as occupying force why is Umran Malik playing for India? Why did Tajimul Islam win a medal for India in Taekwondo? Why the 1000s of Kashmiris playing in different sporting disciplines like Rugby, football, basketball, taekwondo, wushu etc? Why this sudden change in attitude after abrogation of 370? Logically they should have intensified their stone pelting but its completely disappeared once the Abdullahs and Mehbooba Muftis lost their power and Mirwaiz Farooqs and Yasin Maliks were locked down. Now instead of stones the youth are picking up bats, balls, cameras which clearly shows how they were misled prior to abrogation of article 370.
As per UN Pak needs to remove its forces completely, then India will only keep forces which is enough to maintain law and order and then the referendum. Since Pakistanis insists on the UN refrendum completely forgetting the Simla Accord it signed in exchange of 91000 soldiers then show some spine and remove your army as the first step. If India still doesn't remove its army do a referendum in PoK under the eyes of UN to show the world its sincerity for the Kashmir cause. Until you fufil your end of the deal all this talk about referendum is empty talk.

As for Kashmiris seeing India as occupying force why are they attending Indian Independence Day celebrations in 1000s when before abrogation only 100-150 attended? How come Kashmiris are enjoying movies, swimming pools, srinagar smart city renovations? Local Kashmiri youtubers are more credible than independent journalists. If they see India as occupying force why is Umran Malik playing for India? Why did Tajimul Islam win a medal for India in Taekwondo? Why the 1000s of Kashmiris playing in different sporting disciplines like Rugby, football, basketball, taekwondo, wushu etc? Why this sudden change in attitude after abrogation of 370? Logically they should have intensified their stone pelting but its completely disappeared once the Abdullahs and Mehbooba Muftis lost their power and Mirwaiz Farooqs and Yasin Maliks were locked down. Now instead of stones the youth are picking up bats, balls, cameras which clearly shows how they were misled prior to abrogation of article 370.
We need peace to move forward and for that to happen we need the Kashmiri people to be given a choice and if you are confident that Ind has it in the bag, demilitarise and hold referendum. What are you scared of, you started the thread so what do you have to fear🤣🤣🤣🤣
Certainly, if things have genuinely improved to such an extent then there should be no issue in conducting a referendum in India because what YouTubers are portraying doesn't hold as much significance as what truly matters is the desires of the Kashmiri people.
We need peace to move forward and for that to happen we need the Kashmiri people to be given a choice and if you are confident that Ind has it in the bag, demilitarise and hold referendum. What are you scared of, you started the thread so what do you have to fear🤣🤣🤣🤣

I dont know in what language I need to spell it out. As per UN charter its Pakistan that needs to first completely get out of PoK. First fulfill that condition before asking the second condition to be fulfilled. Since Pakistan is so confident about it why isn't your army pulling back and then you can demand the world to pressurize India to fulfill their conditions. Without doing your part of the deal you are asking India to demilitarize. Maharaja Hari Singh had already signed the accession when the pushtun tribes attacked. So UN at that time recognized that Pakistan is the occupier hence asked Pakistan to completely remove its forces and India could still have a limited number of its force to maintain peace and then the referendum.

From here onwards the more Pakistan delays it the more better for us. All the toxicity that had seeped in Kashmir through the decades of due to separatists and local politicains is finally detoxifying. As a positive step there is no longer violence and deaths of kashmiris. Not even pellet shootings. Slowly but surely Kashmiris are integrating into Indian society. Once the IT firms which will be built in the next few years start functioning Kashmir will have its own tech hubs and bring it on par with other cities of India. By then Pakistan would still be fighting over Khatam-e-Naboowat with its economy in ruins.
Certainly, if things have genuinely improved to such an extent then there should be no issue in conducting a referendum in India because what YouTubers are portraying doesn't hold as much significance as what truly matters is the desires of the Kashmiri people.
India will never hold a referendum even if they are sure that majority Kashmiris will vote for India. It’s a risk not worth taking.

I personally don’t care even if they don’t like India. I just want them to progress and live peacefully without causing any trouble.
Certainly, if things have genuinely improved to such an extent then there should be no issue in conducting a referendum in India because what YouTubers are portraying doesn't hold as much significance as what truly matters is the desires of the Kashmiri people.
The youtubers are not from Tamil Nadu or Nagaland. They are local Kashmiri muslims who are documenting their day-to-day lives. With Pakistan going around with a begging bowl they no longer have the resources to fund the terrorists in large scale like the past. Have you heard of stone pelting or pellet injuries in past 4 years? earlier schools used to be closed at the drop of the hat but there have been no hartals since 2019. Now children are getting educated and education leads to opportunities. As for referrendum refer to my post above.
India will never hold a referendum even if they are sure that majority Kashmiris will vote for India. It’s a risk not worth taking.

I personally don’t care even if they don’t like India. I just want them to progress and live peacefully without causing any trouble.
Do you think Pakistan will risk pulling out their army? Neither country will do it. Especially now when there is peace in J&K while dissent in PoK Pakistan will never pull out their forces and risk anything.
Do you think Pakistan will risk pulling out their army? Neither country will do it. Especially now when there is peace in J&K while dissent in PoK Pakistan will never pull out their forces and risk anything.
Peace in J & K is something the Pakistani establishment or Government would never want.
Here a Kashmiri lady by the name of Yana Mir speaking about the significance of Kashmir Solidarity Day observed by Pakistan -

We could hold a referendum tomorrow AJK and 95% would vote for PK, do the same on the Ind side and 95% would vote against Ind occupation. Whether they would vote to unite with PK or go independent is the only bit in question
Who are you to talk on behalf of Kashmiris ?
The UN resolution about the referendum had already passed, but no major country is in favor of Pakistan because they need India's large market.
Due to this reason, the UN resolution is not being implemented. Pakistan has been entangled in its internal affairs for a long time, and there is no doubt that everyone is striving to gain in power, and undoubtedly, our politicians and establishment have forgotten Kashmir cause.
The UN resolution about the referendum had already passed, but no major country is in favor of Pakistan because they need India's large market.
Due to this reason, the UN resolution is not being implemented. Pakistan has been entangled in its internal affairs for a long time, and there is no doubt that everyone is striving to gain in power, and undoubtedly, our politicians and establishment have forgotten Kashmir cause.
Indian market came into the equation in the last 20 odd years. Why didn’t any major country come in Pakistan’s favor before that?
Indian market came into the equation in the last 20 odd years. Why didn’t any major country come in Pakistan’s favor before that?
Because these major countries plan for the next 50 years, and there is no doubt that part of this planning was to bring down Pakistan's economy and boost India's economy. And they were aware of all of this.
Who are you to talk on behalf of Kashmiris ?
Well no one, that's why they should be asked about what they want. Not held hostage by 800,000 troops that rape as weapon of war. Do you agree with ind policy of using rape as a weapon of war
Well no one, that's why they should be asked about what they want. Not held hostage by 800,000 troops that rape as weapon of war. Do you agree with ind policy of using rape as a weapon of war

Then why did 1000s of women attend the independence day celebrations 2 weeks back whereas pre 2019 hardly 100-150 people attended? Why are women taking pictures with CRPF officers? Why has stone pelting disappeared all of a sudden? Why isn't Pakistan flag hoisted any longer at lal chowk? How come muharrum procession took place peacefully after 34 years? Why are youngsters participating in sports programs and playing Rugby, Football, tennis, volleyball, football and martial arts? Why are there no hartals? why are Kashmiris actively starting to participate in government activities which they hardly did past 70 years? Why are Kashmiris now able to enjoy watching cinemas in theatres? What changed in past 4 years?

Don't tell me a community which couldn't be forced for 70 years suddenly felt threatened by gun and started participating. Please can you enlighten why all the above happened and change in attitude and mindset in recent years.
Pakistan is not a stable country. They are always in turmoil. No educated fellow will chose to be with a friend that is unpredictable and violent.
I'm not sure if any of these Kashmir youtube videos or claimed public opinions genuine. But I'm a staunch believer of Pakistan putting the interests of Pakistanis first and then try to be a caretaker of every other lost soul (including Kashmiris) in the planet. I'm sick of the decades long obsession with Kashmir to the point where it has drained all funding to military which in turn ... ruined our economy, made fauj the de facto ruler, ruined our education system forcing intelligent people to get out of Pakistan, increased corruption and a strong sifarish based culture .... I could go on and on.

I'm also sick of the few kashmiris I run into to have a snobbish or holier than thou attitude towards Pakistanis. I will never be surprised even if Kashmir breaks away from India, and say it becomes independent, then Kashmiris will behave the same way as Afghans towards Pakistan over the long run - drain and live off Pakistan's resources but talk smack and have animosity towards Pakistan.

Look at the contrast in life brothers, Pakistan is having problems for basic necessities while a neighbor who was behind us in space is now going to the moon. Pakistan is being treated as a forgotten backwater or a borderline failed state by most international economies or business entities ... all for what? For the nonsensical fake pride of being the global defenders of Islam or the uninvited defenders of Kashmiris? Look where this has led after all these decades? Pakistan only has precious few resources, and it should be focused on Pakistanis before it is too late.

Pakistan for Pakistanis first!
I'm not sure if any of these Kashmir youtube videos or claimed public opinions genuine. But I'm a staunch believer of Pakistan putting the interests of Pakistanis first and then try to be a caretaker of every other lost soul (including Kashmiris) in the planet. I'm sick of the decades long obsession with Kashmir to the point where it has drained all funding to military which in turn ... ruined our economy, made fauj the de facto ruler, ruined our education system forcing intelligent people to get out of Pakistan, increased corruption and a strong sifarish based culture .... I could go on and on.

I'm also sick of the few kashmiris I run into to have a snobbish or holier than thou attitude towards Pakistanis. I will never be surprised even if Kashmir breaks away from India, and say it becomes independent, then Kashmiris will behave the same way as Afghans towards Pakistan over the long run - drain and live off Pakistan's resources but talk smack and have animosity towards Pakistan.

Look at the contrast in life brothers, Pakistan is having problems for basic necessities while a neighbor who was behind us in space is now going to the moon. Pakistan is being treated as a forgotten backwater or a borderline failed state by most international economies or business entities ... all for what? For the nonsensical fake pride of being the global defenders of Islam or the uninvited defenders of Kashmiris? Look where this has led after all these decades? Pakistan only has precious few resources, and it should be focused on Pakistanis before it is too late.

Pakistan for Pakistanis first!
Ok the public opinions may not be genuine but what about the public moving about freely without any hindrance.

- Why are there no stone pelting incidents now?
- How come Kashmiri youth now actively participate in various sporting activities be it Rugby, Basketball, football, volleyball, tennis, taekwondo etc?
- Why is there no public outcry with a permanent India flag at Lal Chowk whereas earlier it used to have Pakistan flag?
- Why are Kashmiris enjoying cinema halls, swimming pools while as per Pakistan they should be in a jail?
- Are all the hijab clad women who enjoying teh various tourist spots of teh newly developed Lal Chowk, Dal lake, polo view market etc hindu women masquerading as kashmiri muslims?
- Why has been not a single hartal in past 3 years whereas before that Kashmiri children missed school for half the academic year?
- How come there was a muhurram procession after 34 years and it went by peacefully?

Even if we take the argument that the kashmiri youtubers are not being genuine the vlogs they show are basically public videos where people are moving about freely with no restrictions whatsoever. Pakistan is currently no in a position to feed its own population let alone the additional burden of Kashmiris and the Kashmiris have realized that they are better off staying with India while voices of dissent are raising in PoK. The biggest change since abrogation of article 370 is the local corrupt Kashmiri politician like abdullahs and mehboobas have now been rendered toothless while hurruyat is now closed for good. So there is no one to mislead the youth into stone pelting.
Ok the public opinions may not be genuine but what about the public moving about freely without any hindrance.

- Why are there no stone pelting incidents now?
- How come Kashmiri youth now actively participate in various sporting activities be it Rugby, Basketball, football, volleyball, tennis, taekwondo etc?
- Why is there no public outcry with a permanent India flag at Lal Chowk whereas earlier it used to have Pakistan flag?
- Why are Kashmiris enjoying cinema halls, swimming pools while as per Pakistan they should be in a jail?
- Are all the hijab clad women who enjoying teh various tourist spots of teh newly developed Lal Chowk, Dal lake, polo view market etc hindu women masquerading as kashmiri muslims?
- Why has been not a single hartal in past 3 years whereas before that Kashmiri children missed school for half the academic year?
- How come there was a muhurram procession after 34 years and it went by peacefully?

Even if we take the argument that the kashmiri youtubers are not being genuine the vlogs they show are basically public videos where people are moving about freely with no restrictions whatsoever. Pakistan is currently no in a position to feed its own population let alone the additional burden of Kashmiris and the Kashmiris have realized that they are better off staying with India while voices of dissent are raising in PoK. The biggest change since abrogation of article 370 is the local corrupt Kashmiri politician like abdullahs and mehboobas have now been rendered toothless while hurruyat is now closed for good. So there is no one to mislead the youth into stone pelting.
Maybe what you say is true. I'm not sure, I don't know and I personally don't care much about India or Kashmir.

My point is that Pakistan as an entity should stop this Kashmiris obsession and start caring about well being of its own citizens.
Maybe what you say is true. I'm not sure, I don't know and I personally don't care much about India or Kashmir.

My point is that Pakistan as an entity should stop this Kashmiris obsession and start caring about well being of its own citizens.
That is impossible. If Kashmir issue is resolved how the army be able to sustain as the supreme power if India is no longer a threat. How will it be able to do businesses like real estate, agriculture etc.? So India and Kashmir issue will be milked to the end. But funnily other than supporting terrorism Pakistan has hardly done any kind of development in PoK which the people there are realizing too.
Kashmir is as useless as Palestine. Just build a wall around them and leave them to their own devices.

The only referendum should be to the mainland Indian and Pakistani populations as to how tall the wall should be. Other than that, it's time to put a lid on the 75+ year old rona-dhona with little economic/social progress to show for themselves.
Pakistan loses everything its army touches. It was bound to happen.

India is a super power whereas Pakistan is a nation who loves to beg to maintain the luxuries of the establishment.
For that to happen Pakistan needs to first get out of PoK as per UN resolution. Ask your army to do so. Give India 5 more years and they will choose India on their own will. 70 years of misleading by the selfish politicains of kashmir and separatists needs some time of helaing which has already started.

What does PoK even mean? When you use such misleading language, why would anyone take you seriously? Just more useless hindutva propaganda.
Let's stick with Pakistani Kashmir and Indian Kashmir for now
Pakistan loses everything its army touches. It was bound to happen.

India is a super power whereas Pakistan is a nation who loves to beg to maintain the luxuries of the establishment.

How is India a "super power"

Please elaborate.
Then why did 1000s of women attend the independence day celebrations 2 weeks back whereas pre 2019 hardly 100-150 people attended? Why are women taking pictures with CRPF officers? Why has stone pelting disappeared all of a sudden? Why isn't Pakistan flag hoisted any longer at lal chowk? How come muharrum procession took place peacefully after 34 years? Why are youngsters participating in sports programs and playing Rugby, Football, tennis, volleyball, football and martial arts? Why are there no hartals? why are Kashmiris actively starting to participate in government activities which they hardly did past 70 years? Why are Kashmiris now able to enjoy watching cinemas in theatres? What changed in past 4 years?

Don't tell me a community which couldn't be forced for 70 years suddenly felt threatened by gun and started participating. Please can you enlighten why all the above happened and change in attitude and mindset in recent years.
So the 1000s attending a celebration justifies their rape and all is OK. You are confused as to your arguments and have no answer as to why you won't let the Kashmiris decide, well we know why because the Kashmiris will take revenge on your rape,murder, and disappearances.
So the 1000s attending a celebration justifies their rape and all is OK. You are confused as to your arguments and have no answer as to why you won't let the Kashmiris decide, well we know why because the Kashmiris will take revenge on your rape,murder, and disappearances.
My point is why will the women attend the independence day celebrations of their rapists which they didn't attend the past 70 years? Did they suddenly have a change of heart and forgive their rapists? Why are girls suddenly participating in the sports programs organized by their rapists? Why aren't the youth no longer revolting against their occupiers? Why are they accepting tiranga at Lal Chowk whereas earlier they used to put on the Pakistani flag then? Why are there no hartals? Why are they enjoying movies in cinemas halls, vlogging, swimming etc?

Lets say the Indian government is still not confident about holding a referendum but what is stopping the kashmiris from continuing their freedom struggle. Not even 1 strike or stone pelting in past 3 years? What has changed now? I asked you these questions in my previous post as well but still haven't got an answer
Famous Kashmiri Journalist Iqrar Ul Hasan echoing his thoughts that Pakistan has lost Kashmir.

I feel had Jinnah not attempted to invade Kashmir after independence, Pakistan may have been a successful country today. The military wouldn't have this Kashmir/India Boogey man card to control the country and economy.

However it is all over for Pakistan now, no coming back, way, way down in the rabbit hole, it will just go the way it is, with the rare high and majority low to lowest..
My point is why will the women attend the independence day celebrations of their rapists which they didn't attend the past 70 years? Did they suddenly have a change of heart and forgive their rapists? Why are girls suddenly participating in the sports programs organized by their rapists? Why aren't the youth no longer revolting against their occupiers? Why are they accepting tiranga at Lal Chowk whereas earlier they used to put on the Pakistani flag then? Why are there no hartals? Why are they enjoying movies in cinemas halls, vlogging, swimming etc?

Lets say the Indian government is still not confident about holding a referendum but what is stopping the kashmiris from continuing their freedom struggle. Not even 1 strike or stone pelting in past 3 years? What has changed now? I asked you these questions in my previous post as well but still haven't got an answer
So based a few people attending, the Kashmiri need to forgetting a choice. Just brilliant 👏
So based a few people attending, the Kashmiri need to forgetting a choice. Just brilliant 👏
I have asked you thrice and you haven't answered even once. Its not a few people but more than 1000-1500 where earlier it used to be 100-150 people. I shall ask you one last time, what has changed now that the following is happening or not happening.

- Why are there no stone pelting incidents now?
- How come Kashmiri youth now actively participate in various sporting activities be it Rugby, Basketball, football, volleyball, tennis, taekwondo etc?
- Why is there no public outcry with a permanent India flag at Lal Chowk whereas earlier it used to have Pakistan flag?
- Why are Kashmiris enjoying cinema halls, swimming pools while as per Pakistan they should be in a jail?
- Are all the hijab clad women who are enjoying the various tourist spots of the newly developed Lal Chowk, Dal lake, polo view market etc hindu women masquerading as kashmiri muslims?
- Why has been not a single hartal in past 3 years whereas before that Kashmiri children missed school for half the academic year?
- How come there was a muhurram procession after 34 years and it went by peacefully?

Hope you can answer the above?
I have asked you thrice and you haven't answered even once. Its not a few people but more than 1000-1500 where earlier it used to be 100-150 people. I shall ask you one last time, what has changed now that the following is happening or not happening.

- Why are there no stone pelting incidents now?
- How come Kashmiri youth now actively participate in various sporting activities be it Rugby, Basketball, football, volleyball, tennis, taekwondo etc?
- Why is there no public outcry with a permanent India flag at Lal Chowk whereas earlier it used to have Pakistan flag?
- Why are Kashmiris enjoying cinema halls, swimming pools while as per Pakistan they should be in a jail?
- Are all the hijab clad women who are enjoying the various tourist spots of the newly developed Lal Chowk, Dal lake, polo view market etc hindu women masquerading as kashmiri muslims?
- Why has been not a single hartal in past 3 years whereas before that Kashmiri children missed school for half the academic year?
- How come there was a muhurram procession after 34 years and it went by peacefully?

Hope you can answer the above?
But you guys have always claimed that Kashmir is normal and the 800,000 troops are just on holiday. So we're you lying then or now.
But you guys have always claimed that Kashmir is normal and the 800,000 troops are just on holiday. So we're you lying then or now.
Once again you have failed to answer. When did India claim everything is normal. The kashmir pandit exodus happened in public. Stone pelting videos are in 1000s. pellet injuries to was reported. Terrorsist activities was a daily routiune for army to handle. Hartals was a norm in a daily life. The local politicians used the article 370 for their own political greed keeping the people poor. Separatists misled the youth to stone pelting. But after 5th August 2019 things changed for the better for Kashmiris. I am asking you 1 last time why has things chnaged after the politicians and separatists were shown their place.

- Why are there no stone pelting incidents now?
- How come Kashmiri youth now actively participate in various sporting activities be it Rugby, Basketball, football, volleyball, tennis, taekwondo etc?
- Why is there no public outcry with a permanent India flag at Lal Chowk whereas earlier it used to have Pakistan flag?
- Why are Kashmiris enjoying cinema halls, swimming pools while as per Pakistan they should be in a jail?
- Are all the hijab clad women who enjoying teh various tourist spots of teh newly developed Lal Chowk, Dal lake, polo view market etc hindu women masquerading as kashmiri muslims?
- Why has been not a single hartal in past 3 years whereas before that Kashmiri children missed school for half the academic year?
- How come there was a muhurram procession after 34 years and it went by peacefully?
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Once again you have failed to answer. When did India claim everything is normal. The kashmir pandit exodus happened in public. Stone pelting videos are in 1000s. pellet injuries to was reported. Terrorsist activities was a daily routiune for army to handle. Hartals was a norm in a daily life. The local politicians used the article 370 for their own political greed keeping the people poor. Separatists misled the youth to stone pelting. But after 5th August 2019 things changed for the better for Kashmiris. I am asking you 1 last time why has things chnaged after the politicians and separatists were shown their place.

- Why are there no stone pelting incidents now?
- How come Kashmiri youth now actively participate in various sporting activities be it Rugby, Basketball, football, volleyball, tennis, taekwondo etc?
- Why is there no public outcry with a permanent India flag at Lal Chowk whereas earlier it used to have Pakistan flag?
- Why are Kashmiris enjoying cinema halls, swimming pools while as per Pakistan they should be in a jail?
- Are all the hijab clad women who enjoying teh various tourist spots of teh newly developed Lal Chowk, Dal lake, polo view market etc hindu women masquerading as kashmiri muslims?
- Why has been not a single hartal in past 3 years whereas before that Kashmiri children missed school for half the academic year?
- How come there was a muhurram procession after 34 years and it went by peacefully?
So now the Inds are saying Kashmir wasn't normal. So you guys lied for decades by saying the Kashmiris weren't demanding their rights. Make up your mind. If it was normal then why not hold the referendum and let the people decide. All Kashmiris ask for is to decide their own fate, why is that too much to ask.
So now the Inds are saying Kashmir wasn't normal. So you guys lied for decades by saying the Kashmiris weren't demanding their rights. Make up your mind. If it was normal then why not hold the referendum and let the people decide. All Kashmiris ask for is to decide their own fate, why is that too much to ask.
Buddy to be fair if a referendum is held in India & Pakistan today, most provinces in Pakistan and some in India would want independence.

People are stupid. You can see even Brits were stupid to vote for Brexit.
Buddy to be fair if a referendum is held in India & Pakistan today, most provinces in Pakistan and some in India would want independence.

People are stupid. You can see even Brits were stupid to vote for Brexit.
why most in Pakistan and few in india?

Article 35A Denied J&K Non-Residents Their Key Rights: Supreme Court​

New Delhi: Article 35A of the Constitution has deprived people not residing in Jammu and Kashmir of some key constitutional rights, Chief Justice of India DY Chandrachud said today. Equality of opportunity, employment in the state government and right to buy land -- "all this this article snatches away from citizens... Because the residents (of Jammu and Kashmir) had special rights, the non-residents were excluded," he said. He also agreed with the Centre that the Indian constitution is a document that is "on a higher platform than the J&K Constitution".

His observations came during the 11th day of hearing of the petitions challenging the scrapping of Article 370, which granted Jammu and Kashmir its special status.

Article 35A, which was also scrapped in August 2019 along with Article 370, allowed the legislature of the erstwhile state to define "permanent residents" and provide them with special rights and privileges in terms of public employment, immovable property and settlement.

"There is a direct right under Article 16(1) which was taken away was employment under the state government. Employment under the State Government is specifically provided under Article 16(1). So while on the one hand Article 16(1) was preserved, on the other hand, Article 35A directly took away that fundamental right and was protected from any challenge on this ground," the Chief Justice said.

Similarly, Article 19 recognizes the right to live and settle in any part of the country. "Hence all the three fundamental rights were essentially taken away by 35A... Power of judicial review was taken away," he added.

Providing a level playing field has been one of Centre's key arguments in scrapping the special status of Jammu and Kashmir.
Arguing on behalf of the Centre, Solicitor General Tushar Mehta said the move has put the people of Jammu and Kashmir on par with the rest of the country. It implements all those welfare laws which were not implemented earlier in Jammu and Kashmir.

As example, he cited the constitutional amendment that added Right to Education.

"Any amendment made to the Indian Constitution would not apply to Jammu and Kashmir until it was invoked through Article 370… So Right to Education was never implemented in Jammu and Kashmir till 2019, because this route was not followed at all," he said.

Justice Chadrachud cited Mr Mehta's earlier example of the amendment of the Preamble. "That's why secularism and socialism amendment was never adopted in Jammu and Kashmir," he said.

When you have unrealistic dreams, you are bound to end up disappointed.
"No One Talks About Losing Stock": S Jaishankar's Swipe At Pakistan.

External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar on Tuesday took a humorous swipe at Pakistan over the Kashmir issue - a subject the country frequently tries to flag in global forums with no success - declaring "no one talks about losing stock".

New Delhi: External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar on Tuesday took a swipe at Pakistan over the Kashmir issue - a subject the country frequently tries to flag in global forums with no success - declaring "no one talks about a losing stock".
In an exclusive interview with NDTV, it was put to Mr Jaishankar that one of his biggest achievements as India's external affairs minister is that he is no longer grilled about the Pakistan-Kashmir issue - a quagmire of a subject that hounded several of his predecessors and their governments.

"If today no one talks about Pakistan or it is not mentioned as much... what can I say? One way of looking at it is 'verdict of the market'. Which losing stock talks? No one talks about a losing stock," he responded with a smile in an interview ahead of the G20 summit to be held in Delhi next weekend.

he minister's comment comes after India in April dismissed Pakistan's objection to the hosting of a G20 meet in the union territories of Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh. The government told Pakistan it is "natural" to hold events in these areas are they are an "integral and inalienable" part of the country.

India hosted G20 Tourism Working Group meet in Srinagar and youth event in Leh.

The Pakistani Foreign Ministry had earlier hit out at India's "irresponsible move" and called the scheduling of G20 events in J&K and Leh "the latest in a series of self-serving measures".

On Kashmir And Article 370:

From the cheeky jab at Pakistan, Mr Jaishankar shifted to a more serious topic - Jammu and Kashmir and the scrapping of Article 370, which granted the former state 'special status' and the removal of which, Narendra Modi's government has said, played a key role in combatting terrorism in the region.

India will never hold a referendum even if they are sure that majority Kashmiris will vote for India. It’s a risk not worth taking.

I personally don’t care even if they don’t like India. I just want them to progress and live peacefully without causing any trouble.
it's not just about risk, none of the Indian politicians (including those in oppositions) think Kashmir doesn't belong to India. There may be some differences on how to govern it, no serious politician at national level believes Kashmir's is not India's part. No one would push for referendum, because no one pushes for referendum for any other part of India. No one actually cares what UN resolution is, which by the way, puts the onus on Pakistan to carry out prerequisites, which they will not do. So, If Pakistanis are keen about referendums, they are free to hold one in Pak held Kashmir, where they are sure about winning it by 95%. Looking at the way what Pakistanis are going through, I really doubt any common Pakistani cares about Kashmir more than getting next meal on the table or petrol in their bikes..

so yeah, there is nothing Pakistan can do about Kashmir cause anymore. I think even their leadership, politicians and their true leader military generals, knows about it. They will talk about it as it sells, but nothing will ever get done.
I thought it was pretty obvious . Pakistan army has already accepted this and is trying its best to form a relation with India, hence the return of the Shareefs.

That doesn't answer the question I asked. You claimed India is a superpower, and I asked how does India qualify as a superpower.

As for Pakistan army trying to form a relation with India, that is what they should be doing anyway, although they won't have much chance for two reasons:

1) India won't trust relations with a military govt which is up for sale at any time - and I don't blame them for that. I wouldn't trust them either.

2) India itself doesn't want good relations with Pakistan because they are mired in hindutva ideology which despises the very notion of Pakistan.
That doesn't answer the question I asked. You claimed India is a superpower, and I asked how does India qualify as a superpower.

As for Pakistan army trying to form a relation with India, that is what they should be doing anyway, although they won't have much chance for two reasons:

1) India won't trust relations with a military govt which is up for sale at any time - and I don't blame them for that. I wouldn't trust them either.

2) India itself doesn't want good relations with Pakistan because they are mired in hindutva ideology which despises the very notion of Pakistan.
Modi tried reaching out to Pakistan twice. First when he took oath in 2014 and then in 2016 by attending a wedding in Shariff family household. The latter was reciprocated by Pathankot one week later. India still even invited and let people from the ISI inspect the airbase although it was a sensitive place from national security perspective. What more do you expect modi to do?

I am not sure whether it was after Uri or Pulwama but it was pakistan that ended trade with India and is buying it indirectly via dubai at a higher cost. Even after Galwan, India and China still do trade like how mature nations behave.

But now after being snubbed twice don't expect Modi to extend his hand again. India China have disagreements regarding Ladakh and Arunachal Pradesh yet neither exports terrorism into teh other country and are still tryin g to talk it out. In fact both countries have made an agreement to not use weapons against each other hence at bordr skirmishes we see soldiers of both side fight with sticks. Whereas pakistan actively exports terrorism into Indian Kashmir. If they can stop it and support the Kashmir cause but still sit down to talk with India then we will agree too.
The electric buses have started being operational in kashmir as part of the Srinagar Smart City Project. These buses are part of the Made in India initiative and made by TATA. Below are Kashmiri youngsters creating vlogs to share their happiness regarding all the development in Kashmir post 2019 370 abrogation.


On the other hand an alarming situation in Gilgit Baltistan. Wonder why the media has a complete blackout about this.
