If Misbah-ul-Haq is removed as captain, who can take his place and do a better job?


Senior Test Player
Aug 30, 2012
Post of the Week
Its a big question . We all know how poorly misbah has captained the side in recent past. We have lost 3 odi series in a row under his captaincy now with england whitewashing us 4-0 , srilanka winning 3-1 and now aussies winning 2-1.
Lets suppose misbah is removed, who can fit in the shoes of captain? If u think misbah should continue as a captain, let us know why.
Hafeez is the obvious choice and the natural successor.

There's barely another option. Malik and Afridi should not be considered since they dont even merit a spot. Asad or Azhar at this moment would be pushing it.
Only if we could trade Kakmal with Dhoni; captain, keeper, hitter...all problems solved.
I would like to see Azhar take on the role.

Hafeez, while he played a good knock today (after struggling in the first half of his nervous innings), was not too long ago being questioned about his spot as an opener since he's been out of form. Someone too inconsistent shouldn't be made captain, unless of course he changes his batting position and has more success..

Knowing Pakistan, I wouldn't be surprised if the next guy we pick is also a bit clueless/defensive. But hopefully if it is someone young and they are persisted with, that person will learn a thing or two overtime...but really though, I don't think I see anyone who will wow us with his aggressive intent/we will see a drastic change on the field, etc.
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I would like to see Azhar take on the role.

Hafeez, while he played a good knock today (after struggling in the first half of his nervous innings), was not too long ago being questioned about his spot as an opener since he's been out of form. Someone too inconsistent shouldn't be made captain, unless of course he changes his batting position and has more success..

Knowing Pakistan, I wouldn't be surprised if the next guy we pick is also a bit clueless/defensive. But hopefully if it is someone young and they are persisted with, that person will learn a thing or two overtime...but really though, I don't think I see anyone who will wow us with his aggressive intent/we will see a drastic change on the field, etc.

Azhar Ali is too young and knowing Pakistani players they will under perform for sure
Hafeez is VC so he is offcourse next captain .... make azhar ali VC give him confidence
misbah and afridi should leave ... so their wont b any senior vs junior thing
Yes, that is a valid point, which is why I think perhaps your post #4 has some truth to it.

Regardless, I would like to see the PCB make some kind of a change because what we have going on now is not working.
I also find it very hard to find anyone.. hafeez, azhar, maybe malik if he becomes a regular in the team but no one which makes a great impression.
Hafeez was dropped once in his innings. His form may not be back.

Plus, his captaincy in T20's left much to be desired. In some ways, it was even more defensive than Misbah :facepalm:

Maybe Azhar Ali or Junaid Khan?
I wont be surprised if malik is made captain and misbah is dropped forever to replace him... just like misbah suddenly was brought back in the team as a captain
Whats interesting is that Misbah was the highest Pak scorer in England series and second highest in Sri Lanka series. As a captain he's leading by example but unfortunaterly when the rest of the team brain farts how are we going to win anything.
I would like to see Azhar take on the role.

Hafeez, while he played a good knock today (after struggling in the first half of his nervous innings), was not too long ago being questioned about his spot as an opener since he's been out of form. Someone too inconsistent shouldn't be made captain, unless of course he changes his batting position and has more success..

Knowing Pakistan, I wouldn't be surprised if the next guy we pick is also a bit clueless/defensive. But hopefully if it is someone young and they are persisted with, that person will learn a thing or two overtime...but really though, I don't think I see anyone who will wow us with his aggressive intent/we will see a drastic change on the field, etc.
Ironically Hafeez is probably our most consistent player. He's the most consistent bowler (though Ajmal is better). It actually felt like Hafeez was getting whacked yesterday, was disappointed. He still went for 4.9 runs an over. Which actually feels very poor considering what we're used to from him these days.

Hafeez is expected to perform with the bat (opening too, a specialist batting position), bowl and as well as being one of our main/best fielders. And perhaps help Misbah with his captaincy. And being the only player with ajmal who plays all three formats too. There is a huge amount of responsibility, we rely on him a lot.

Personally I think the load is already Hafeez is struggling with. But I don't think he can handle ODI captaincy on top of that atm. He already has to manage far more than any other player. Not saying he's our best ODI player, but the workload he has is the highest.

I honestly dunno who I'd give it to. Probably better it stick with Misbah at the moment, maybe groom Azhar for the role, but don't think he can take over tomorrow.

If Malik does find his way in the team (which feels like he will after this series loss), maybe he should captain. His form is better with captaincy and he's by far the stand out/most accomplished captain in domestic. It comes natural to him, don't think he'll be burdened by it (in fact he'll probably improve). But that's the only realistic choice I see atm. But I do not like appointing someone totally out of any form captain. The guy averages 10 with the bat these days and is not really relied on his bowling. All I can say I liked his effort fielding yesterday.

Better to stick with Misbah at the moment.
Hafeez to be captain with Azhar Ali his deputy...
But i do not see any thing from Hafeez....
The biggest question is "How will Hafeez play in Pakistan side in South Africa series or in Australia where world cup is going to take place....Hafeez's bowling will not be that effective and his batting is not effective at all....Pakistan will atleast need 3 seamers....Will Pakistan leave Ajmal out of the side????
Pakistan needs a whole new base right from the scratch. These bits and pieces players are good for nothing. Not one player is worthy to be captain. Can you believe it?

As an indian, it is ofcourse a natural tendancy to laugh a bit on pakistans cricket team misery but on deeper level, i want to see pak team fighting ruthlessly against opposition. Even if against india, then be it.

This pak team is depressing to watch. Not even a shade of what once it were.
Captain has to be someone worth their place in the side on merit, sadly there arent many players in team worth of that.
As desparate as it sounds and it is, I would make a bold decision and go with someone young who will be around for a good 5 years and build the team around them. As mentioned above it has to be someone worth their salt, as much as I would like to go with Azhar he at the moment is finding his game, the rotation one.

I would go for Asad Shafiq, a good nudger and has both gears.
Hafeez was dropped once in his innings. His form may not be back.

Plus, his captaincy in T20's left much to be desired. In some ways, it was even more defensive than Misbah :facepalm:

Maybe Azhar Ali or Junaid Khan?

Sample size is too small to judge him right now, i have a feeling that he may become a very good captain.
I think we should wait till India series and then analyse..Any one from Hafeez or Azhar,who continues his good work against Indians is an good option...
Performance under pressure against India in India will make it clear who is worth of captaincy..
Having malik as captain means we will have 3 so called "all-rounders" in the team in form of malik, afridi and hafeez none of whom can seem to hold a cricket bat and know how to use it.
I started a thread last year October 2011 suggesting that Malik should replace Misbah as ODI captain... I got slated for it...


Afridi, Razzler, Misbah, Kakmal & Younis should make way,

hell be surrounded by new upcoming batsmen, hes a proven ODI player mentally stronger then Hafeez and a better batsmen when he click back in form as Hafeez did yesterday after about 15 innings
I started a thread last year October 2011 suggesting that Malik should replace Misbah as ODI captain... I got slated for it...


Afridi, Razzler, Misbah, Kakmal & Younis should make way,

hell be surrounded by new upcoming batsmen, hes a proven ODI player mentally stronger then Hafeez and a better batsmen when he click back in form as Hafeez did yesterday after about 15 innings

Feel free to make another thread and get slated even more. The guys nothing more then a glorified tailender.

Hes been given plenty of chances and isnt even up to score decent runs at top level anymore.

But hey some pakistan fans want further mediocrity.
I started a thread last year October 2011 suggesting that Malik should replace Misbah as ODI captain... I got slated for it...


Afridi, Razzler, Misbah, Kakmal & Younis should make way,

hell be surrounded by new upcoming batsmen, hes a proven ODI player mentally stronger then Hafeez and a better batsmen when he click back in form as Hafeez did yesterday after about 15 innings

anyone who suggest this ridiculous notion should go and see a shrink. Nonsense!

he's had plenty of chances and has done nothing, lets move along now!
I started a thread last year October 2011 suggesting that Malik should replace Misbah as ODI captain... I got slated for it...


Afridi, Razzler, Misbah, Kakmal & Younis should make way,

hell be surrounded by new upcoming batsmen, hes a proven ODI player mentally stronger then Hafeez and a better batsmen when he click back in form as Hafeez did yesterday after about 15 innings

Well people like you deserve to be slated.
Malik is the most suitable choice here as i have said before.

Based on what? His fielding? or his politcal connections?

Oh wait i heard hes good at tossing the coin?

excellent! he will come in handy then.
Malik is a very good captain but he's not a permanent in the side. He was a very good option though and I would have liked him as T20 captain.

I'd do a brave move and go with Nasir Jamshed as captain. The guy seems so mature and has a wise head on his shoulders. He's secured his place in the ODI team for some time now and giving him the captaincy would boost his confidence immensely. I actually remember another left handed opening batsman who was 22 given the captaincy, he was a huge success. That was a risk and it paid off. I am talking about Graeme Smith btw.
Misbah takes advice from Hafeez, so Hafeez is not a solution at all.
'' I would love Hammad Azam or the current u19 captain come in & captain Pakistan as they would be more pro active,positive & attacking & it would be a long term solution.''
It should be somebody who isn't afraid to try new things and be different as well as experiment.
Ajmal wouldn't be a bad choice either because of his never give up attitude & attacking way but age is against him. Firstly politics should be removed & the captain must have the freedom of developing his own strategies and should not be told what to do & how to do it!!!
Hafeez is the best fit for this role IMHO. Misbah is the best one for the current situation but HAfeez is the future.
Hafeez is the best fit for this role IMHO. Misbah is the best one for the current situation but HAfeez is the future.

Except he cannot fulfill his primary role.
Azhar Ali to be made captain, NO SENIORS apart from Saeed Ajmal left in the squad.

A bit extreme but that's the only way forward.

I would happily accept Pakistan losing if the new breed/replacements fight to the last ball being bowled, slowly the fans would get behind them (it will take time), and they will come good.
Malik is a very good captain but he's not a permanent in the side. He was a very good option though and I would have liked him as T20 captain.

I'd do a brave move and go with Nasir Jamshed as captain. The guy seems so mature and has a wise head on his shoulders. He's secured his place in the ODI team for some time now and giving him the captaincy would boost his confidence immensely. I actually remember another left handed opening batsman who was 22 given the captaincy, he was a huge success. That was a risk and it paid off. I am talking about Graeme Smith btw.

We are pakistan though we have to always look at the short term as long term options are too risky considering how the state of pak cricket swings constantly, btw our opening slot is very important and when you have a youngster such as jamshed performing you wouldnt want to burden him any further but yeah it could boost his confidence but what past captaincy experience has he had? Azar would also be a risk for the same reasons, afridi can't be chosen for his past experiences and questiom marks over his place in the side whilst our best choice malik is out of form and is well known for his politics. Hafeez already has too much on his plate and i feel that right now he is the wrong choice. We don't really have many options so i guess will have to stick with misbah until hafeez eventually takes over.
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Hafeez is the best choice. He is currently captaining the T20 side and they are grooming him to be the captain of ODI and test teams as well.
Seriously a risk needs to be taken like SA did with Smith. We must give the captaincy to Nasir Jamshed who seems a cool and calm cricketer. A wise head on his shoulders. Good cricketing brain is evident through the way he constructs his innings. He's young, and an aggressive positive cricketer.

He's a long term option and would suit Pakistan well. It would give him a lot of confidence too and his place in the ODI side is secure now for a very long time. I seriously think PCB should follow what SA did. Look how well SA's risk has paid off. They've had the same captain for 10 years and they are now the NO.1 side in test cricket.

A lot of similarities between Nasir & Smith. Both left handers. Both openers. Both are very strong off their pads. Both are big units. Both are positive aggressive batsman and both are captaincy material. Smith was given the captaincy when he was 22. Nasir is 22 now and we are looking for a captain....
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Who is the name that goes down first in all three formats?

Therein, will you find your deserved captain.

Pakistan needs a whole new base right from the scratch. These bits and pieces players are good for nothing. Not one player is worthy to be captain. Can you believe it?

As an indian, it is ofcourse a natural tendancy to laugh a bit on pakistans cricket team misery but on deeper level, i want to see pak team fighting ruthlessly against opposition. Even if against india, then be it.

This pak team is depressing to watch. Not even a shade of what once it were.

Yeah.. I Agree to these statement fully.. Our Current Team Is fullly a Crap. SOme of them Is either too defensive and some others are too sluggish who often Give away their wickets like KG Kidz without troubling the scorer's.. Non of them is eligible:9:

We have to start from the Begining removing the Oldies and 'Out of Form HIGHLY RATED players'.

From this limited resourse available for us I would Consider either Malik Or Azhar. I think Azhar deserves more.. as he is young and energetic....

This strategy may take away some series at the begining.. BUt in Time Steadying a Young team would Be better than tRYINg TO STEADY PLAYERS Of 32+..
Umar Akmal if given confidence and backed by team management.
Afridi. He was the previous captain with a good record. His form is always patchy but still can make the final XI.
Hafeez, Malik, Junaid Khan

Hafeez hasn't been all that as T20 captain. I guess, although I am not sure, he wouldn't be too much different from Misbah in terms of aggressiveness. Negatives: Average player Positives: Hard working

Malik has to be in the ODI line up first to be even considered. Negative: Possibly more team politics. Positive experience

Junaid Khan/Azhar Ali/Nasir Jamshed could be an option as he is young although he has zero experience. It would be better to make him VC first. Negatives: ODI spot not permanent yet and no experience Positives: young

Afridi just to expedite his retirement. It would be like Afridi losing series against India or SA most likely to announce his retirement.
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As an outsider Azhar Ali seems the most sensible choice to lead Pakistan.

One thing is certain you cannot have Misbah leading you guys for two long in ODI's, they way this team plays its cricket is against everything Pakistan cricket is known for, Misbah is not only defensive but a gutless captain who has zero sense of match situation or strategy you cannot allow a man who is more recognized for his chokes against us than the captain of Pakistan leading your team.
Hafeez is the only choice right now but the management should start grooming Azhar for this position in both test and ODIs. I'd say remove Misbah from ODIs before the India series, Make Hafeez the captain and Azhar his deputy.

Bring in Hammad Azam at no.6 :)
Hafeez is the only choice right now but the management should start grooming Azhar for this position in both test and ODIs. I'd say remove Misbah from ODIs before the India series, Make Hafeez the captain and Azhar his deputy.

Bring in Hammad Azam at no.6 :)

The thing is, Hammad is a rubbish bowler.
To be honest, in yesterdays match Hafeez seemed more like the captain than Misbah, making majority of the decisions, if not all. Misbah seemed to have no say & looked disconcerned in the match.
in an ideal world

Anwar Ali
Raza Hasan

Still not sure about keeper but for me, its anybody but Kamran !
in an ideal world

Anwar Ali
Raza Hasan

Still not sure about keeper but for me, its anybody but Kamran !

Hmm, not too bad, although Fawad would also be good at #6.
Hmm, not too bad, although Fawad would also be good at #6.

the thing is we already have 2 accumulators in Asad and Azhar and Umar is not a very liable attacking options. Our openers are scoring for now but you know as much as anyone that is it is a rare thing. We need aggressive batsmen down the order so Fawad down at 6 will just put undue pressure on him to accelerate. I'm a big Fawad fan and want him in the test side as an opener but in ODIs in the current scheme of things, he'll struggle. Hammad is actually a more suitable requirement for the team.
in an ideal world

Anwar Ali
Raza Hasan

Still not sure about keeper but for me, its anybody but Kamran !

No in an ideal world

Misbah can NEVER be replaced.Quit blaming the loss of our mediocre team on Misbah.If anything Misbah has won this team more games as a Captian than it deserves.
Ironically Hafeez is probably our most consistent player. He's the most consistent bowler (though Ajmal is better). It actually felt like Hafeez was getting whacked yesterday, was disappointed. He still went for 4.9 runs an over. Which actually feels very poor considering what we're used to from him these days.

Hafeez is expected to perform with the bat (opening too, a specialist batting position), bowl and as well as being one of our main/best fielders. And perhaps help Misbah with his captaincy. And being the only player with ajmal who plays all three formats too. There is a huge amount of responsibility, we rely on him a lot.

Personally I think the load is already Hafeez is struggling with. But I don't think he can handle ODI captaincy on top of that atm. He already has to manage far more than any other player. Not saying he's our best ODI player, but the workload he has is the highest.

I honestly dunno who I'd give it to. Probably better it stick with Misbah at the moment, maybe groom Azhar for the role, but don't think he can take over tomorrow.

If Malik does find his way in the team (which feels like he will after this series loss), maybe he should captain. His form is better with captaincy and he's by far the stand out/most accomplished captain in domestic. It comes natural to him, don't think he'll be burdened by it (in fact he'll probably improve). But that's the only realistic choice I see atm. But I do not like appointing someone totally out of any form captain. The guy averages 10 with the bat these days and is not really relied on his bowling. All I can say I liked his effort fielding yesterday.

Better to stick with Misbah at the moment.

Yeah it felt like that, but getting smashed is always a risk with spinners.

I actually do agree with most of your post - however, given there have been 3 ODI series losses already, there wil be pressure on the PCB to act and the captaincy issue will no doubt be on the top of their list. I feel that it's inevitable at the moment. Misbah's facial expression before the presentation ceremony told a story, and I think he is done in this format. :misbah

We don't have a lot of quality players tbh barring Ajmal when it comes to bowling (and have some out of form players), so I don't expect to see a huge change as a result of captaincy chopping. It takes a very astute captain to get something out of average players.

Fast bowling is another issue. Gulla peaked during the WC last year and was known to be the best in business in the shorter formats, but he seems to be out of form as well for quite some time now, definitely not a game changer anymore. The biased fan in me is still hoping for him to step up his game come T20 WC though...

Then there's the ever present WK issue, Kami is just making a comeback and one cannot expect him to settle in right away (I don't think he should have been recalled, but that's anther story). Similarly, Razzaq's absence from the ODIs has left a void for that all-rounder position which we can't seem to fill. He played a very important role for us, and even with decline in pace, Razzaq was quite clever with the bowling and he could be used in short spells (not to mention our dependency on his late order hitting).

At the same time, we have an Afridi who perhaps due to injuries has been below par this year as compared to his usual self. Afridi was a matchwinner for us quite a few times, and him not being his best is a worry too.

So basically, we have an ODI team which is lacking a fast bowling all-rounder capable of strong hitting, our fast bowling attack is quite frankly mediocre as compared to even last year, and essentially, we only have one star bowler who really has no support. We also don't have the services of a decent WK-batsman at the moment and although Hafeez finally did well yesterday, the jury is still out on his opening spot.

It doesn't look so good to be honest for whoever takes on this new captaincy role. I think the PCB needs to really hunt for fast bowling talent and find an all rounder of the Razzaq type ASAP, if they are to go ahead and make a captaincy change.

Give the new captain the best possible chance for success by making good selections and then Inshallah, let's hope for the best. :iqasim
Hafeez captain, Azhar Ali vice-captain.

In a couple of years, Azhar Ali could take over from Hafeez.

If Hafeez's personal form drops off to the point where he must be dropped, Azhar could simply take over as captain sooner than expected.
I'm surprised only three of us have mentioned Ajmal in this thread.

He is the first name picked in all three formats.
I'm surprised only three of us have mentioned Ajmal in this thread.

He is the first name picked in all three formats.

In my personal opinion, Ajmal is an extremely seedha saadha and shareef insan, these Captaincy tricks and trade is definitely not his cup of tea. I don't think he even has good leadership skills or to have that bearing on the field. Mind you this team may have some viscous people who ready to stab at your back if you snooze just a little. I mean they will just eat him alive. He has a limited mind spectrum and he has a limited specialty which he is very good at and that's about it.
I cannot say this about Australia, England, or South Africa since they are mostly elite professionals but in a typical Pakistan cricket team, a captain MUST know how to effectively use a stick with carrots. Unfortunately this is just the way we are and this is just the way our culture is.
You are mostly dealing with low IQ and little educated folks with big egos who sometimes just can't handle this much fame and money so it goes into their heads. Plus there is a lot of political influence in the team. Pakistani captaincy is not the job of a "Shareef person". You need to have a "danday maar" type of an honest guy who appreciates and encourages what's right and stands firmly against what's not.

We don't have anyone in the current squad who can do it but I personally think Asad Shafiq is a tough cookie to crumble. He can perhaps try to do it better than anyone else.
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Shoaib Malik but then that would put the chances of Haris Sohail getting selected in the ODI & T20 team quite slim because Malik will occupy the no.5 slot in both formats...quite the dilemma but Malik is the most accomplished at domestic level especially in T20 format...I really think he should be made the T20 captain as we were at our best in the format under Malik. However, it's unlikely given that Hafeez has been appointed captain. I really think Malik would be miles better as a captain then Hafeez as Malik has solid credentials.
The only player worth his place is "Saeed Ajmal". The way he bowls, gives you the feeling that he is the most aggressive and positive person in the team. Also, He has never been involved in any unnecessary controversy (Except his bowling action). No politics.

Two things going against him, age and lack of proper english speaking skills. For the first one, Misbah and Afridi aren't any younger and they have been given captaincy very recently - so why not Ajmal. For the second one, we should never decide captain based on who speaks better english as long as he delivers on the field.

Make Ajmal the captain - Groom Azhar Ali under him. Get rid of factional politics players, bits n pieces players, players out of their expiry date etc. Enforcing a team culture, hard working environment will become a lot easier and you will be on a journey to build a very strong team for the future.
If Ajmal is captain, then the TV companies can rest assured that people will watch all the boring awards just to see his interview. The potential of so many gems!
If Ajmal is captain, then the TV companies can rest assured that people will watch all the boring awards just to see his interview. The potential of so many gems!

Yep, me too but again media interviews shouldn't matter if he can deliver on the field. We had Inzi who managed just fine.
If Ajmal is captain, then the TV companies can rest assured that people will watch all the boring awards just to see his interview. The potential of so many gems!

Lol, imagine all the hits youtube would get after the interviews were uploaded.
I'm surprised only three of us have mentioned Ajmal in this thread.

He is the first name picked in all three formats.

Yeh, Ajmal has respect among other players. I think that's the most important thing for a Pakistan captain to have. As chuck said he is aggressive in mindset and from his bowling, seems fairly sharp.

The problem is though, I don't think he's got any captaincy experience, domestic or international (maybe someone like pakcricketfan can confirm?), and that means learning on the job, which isn't really a good idea for a 34 year old.

The other thing is, Ajmal is found carrying the team on his back at times, almost alone. I do think he's capable of the extra rigors of captaincy but is it really worth putting the strain on him?

In any case, it's not worth pondering over too much because Ajmal's too bold a choice so it won't happen (unless there's another spot-fixing shake-up, God forbid)
Azhar Ali should become the next captain of Pakistan.. even if players under perform let them do it after sometime team will be settled as they will see that no one is changing the captain..