Indian ministers rebuke Der Spiegel for ‘racist’ cartoon mocking population size


PakPassion Administrator
Staff member
Oct 2, 2004

A cartoon in the German magazine Der Spiegel poking fun at India as it becomes more populous than China has been castigated as “racist” by Indian ministers.

The cartoon shows a rickety old Indian train packed with people and swarms of passengers atop it. On a parallel track, a sleek Chinese bullet train is seen with just two drivers, looking surprised at the sight of the Indian train.

According to United Nations projections published on Monday, India has a population of 1,425,775,850, surpassing China for the first time.

Kanchan Gupta, senior adviser to the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, tweeted: “Hi Germany, this is outrageously racist. Der Spiegel caricaturing India in this manner has no resemblance to reality. Purpose is to show India down and suck up to China.”

Rajeev Chandrasekhar, the minister for electronics and information technology, also reacted angrily, tweeting: “Dear Cartoonist at @derspiegel… Notwithstanding your attempt at mocking India … it’s not smart to bet against India under PM [MENTION=140582]Naren[/MENTION]dramodi ji…. In a few years India’s economy will be bigger than Germany’s.”

Some Indians pointed out that it was true that during busy festivals when millions of Indians rush to go home, some trains do look like the one in the cartoon.

Western criticism has always rankled Indian governments but under Narendra Modi, the resentment is much sharper.

Any negative coverage, such as the recent BBC documentary, India: The Modi Question, which examined the prime minister’s role in the 2002 anti-Muslim riots, is routinely dismissed as a malicious conspiracy to defame Modi and, by association, India.

In 2021, Modi himself made the same claim during an election rally in Assam, complaining that Indian tea and yoga were being maligned by foreigners.

“These days there are conspiracies against the nation. They are trying to malign the image of Indian tea worldwide. Some documents have revealed that such conspiracy is being hatched by forces sitting in a foreign land,” he said.

Last week, Baijayant Panda, an MP and spokesperson for the ruling Bharatiya Janata party, wrote a column in the Hindustan Times accusing the western media of outright prejudice against India.

Panda accused the media of ignoring India’s progress and, without naming it, singled out the New York Times for what he called its bias and routine India-bashing. He added: “What is peculiar is the abandonment of objectivity in the single-minded pursuit of a predetermined narrative.”

In 2014, the New York Times published a cartoon mocking India’s feat in putting a robotic probe into orbit around Mars. It showed an Indian farmer with a cow knocking at the door of a room marked Elite Space Club. After protests, the newspaper published an apology.
I think its funny and true as well.

Nothing racist about it. In India people do hang from trains and they do mostly look like the one in the picture.

I dont know anything about chinese trains though.
I really don't know why Indians get so sensitive about this stuff. I often say that for all it's supposed economic power, India still looks like Bangladesh. Obviously the western world sees it that way too. We see trains like this in Pakistan as well, is it racist to say so?

In fact I remember there used to be a Pakistani lampoon show called 50/50 (I think) where they would show people getting on trains or buses with chickens or goats, maybe they were racist too. :91:
I think its funny and true as well.

Nothing racist about it. In India people do hang from trains and they do mostly look like the one in the picture.

I dont know anything about chinese trains though.

India has bullet trains too - maybe the cartoonist should have shown that?
In the past week or so I have seen the Western media mocking and criticising India in more ways than one.

It is happening folks, India is now being humiliated in the West on all fronts, and there is nothing Modi can do about it.
Kanchan Gupta, senior adviser to the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, tweeted: “Hi Germany, this is outrageously racist. Der Spiegel caricaturing India in this manner has no resemblance to reality. Purpose is to show India down and suck up to China.”

So it has no resemblance to reality? :91:

I can post hundreds of these images but don't have time for that. Don't know who this Kanchan Gupta is, but she is definitely a 'noob' when it comes to observing the real India. :inti

In the past week or so I have seen the Western media mocking and criticising India in more ways than one.

It is happening folks, India is now being humiliated in the West on all fronts, and there is nothing Modi can do about it.

But but Modi is getting praised from all around the globe. Even Penguins in Antarctica want Modi as their PM. :inti
lol, what's racist about that cartoon?

sanghis are so thin skinned! How dare anyone mock India especially under feku?
Cringed reading through those statements from the "ministers". It's an effing caricature fgs
Why dont Indian posters give their governments the same advice as they give Pakistanis here when our faith is insulted

"Ignore it and they will go away "
I think its funny and true as well.

Nothing racist about it. In India people do hang from trains and they do mostly look like the one in the picture.

I dont know anything about chinese trains though.

I think the stereotype is the issue here. The cartoon potraying Indians travel by clinging on or climbing top of the train. Not everyone travels like that. India also has bullet train, ISRO, Biocon, IPL, Infosys(IT), Yoga etc etc. They could have shown anything to represent the country but chose a derogatory photo showing India in poor light.

Having said that, minister should not have reacted. There will always be haters and naysayers, just check the posts in this thread for example :p

It is always better to ignore and move ahead with the path of developement. When people starts talking about you, remember you are doing something right.
In the past week or so I have seen the Western media mocking and criticising India in more ways than one.

It is happening folks, India is now being humiliated in the West on all fronts, and there is nothing Modi can do about it.

"Well, ofcourse this govt don't accept persecuation of anyone but we strongly and totally disagree with the character assassination done by the gentleman here"

OUCH :uakmal

Clearly west is humiliating India in all fronts. What a slap and that too in British Parliament :p
In the past week or so I have seen the Western media mocking and criticising India in more ways than one.

It is happening folks, India is now being humiliated in the West on all fronts, and there is nothing Modi can do about it.

India is now being humiliated in the West on all fronts

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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">It’s great to see so many developers across India pursuing their passion and sharing their ideas with users around the world. I had the pleasure of meeting Hitwicket, India’s top-rated cricket app, Prayoga, an AR-based yoga app, and LookUp, an easy to use dictionary app! 🏏 🧘 📖 <a href=""></a></p>— Tim Cook (@tim_cook) <a href="">April 21, 2023</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

India being humiliated by west on all front where West = Bradford UK

"Well, ofcourse this govt don't accept persecuation of anyone but we strongly and totally disagree with the character assassination done by the gentleman here"

OUCH :uakmal

Clearly west is humiliating India in all fronts. What a slap and that too in British Parliament :p

Hahahaha. A picture depicting Indian train travellers referred to as a persecution and as character assassination when the only aspect that is untrue is the colour of the train carriages.

Oh man, the humiliation is strong.

I think the stereotype is the issue here. The cartoon potraying Indians travel by clinging on or climbing top of the train. Not everyone travels like that. India also has bullet train, ISRO, Biocon, IPL, Infosys(IT), Yoga etc etc. They could have shown anything to represent the country but chose a derogatory photo showing India in poor light.

Having said that, minister should not have reacted. There will always be haters and naysayers, just check the posts in this thread for example :p

It is always better to ignore and move ahead with the path of developement. When people starts talking about you, remember you are doing something right.

Are you alright? Can't you see the other train in that cartoon? Just goes to show andhbhakhts will always remain andhbhakhts. :91: :inti
LMAO so the other train has a Chinese flag. Now I can understand why [MENTION=152021]Rajdeep[/MENTION] is hurt. :91: :inti
Someone is hurt, responding to the same post twice, with a company that has opened a store.

Humiliation is strong.


He's based in the UK as well, should do what his hero Tarek Farterh did and join an anti-Islam rally. He'll soon find out how well respected Indians are by the westerners.
LMAO so the other train has a Chinese flag. Now I can understand why [MENTION=152021]Rajdeep[/MENTION] is hurt. :91: :inti

Yes its satire pointing to the growth of China in leading so many out of poverty but India has a long way to go.

Nothing racist about it.
Yes its satire pointing to the growth of China in leading so many out of poverty but India has a long way to go.

Nothing racist about it.

Not sure this post was required bcoz brother Bhaag Viru already accepted from first post without even looking at the cartoon that there is nothing racist about it and anyone thinks otherwise is Andhbhakt
Not sure this post was required bcoz brother Bhaag Viru already accepted from first post without even looking at the cartoon that there is nothing racist about it and anyone thinks otherwise is Andhbhakt

You feel its a stereotype but its not. Most Indians travel like this still. Maybe one day they wont. When you have such a large population you must also ensure they prosper.
Indians continue their record for being most thin-skinned people for 30th consecutive year
So it has no resemblance to reality? :91:

I can post hundreds of these images but don't have time for that. Don't know who this Kanchan Gupta is, but she is definitely a 'noob' when it comes to observing the real India. :inti


Not sure this post was required bcoz brother Bhaag Viru already accepted from first post without even looking at the cartoon that there is nothing racist about it and anyone thinks otherwise is Andhbhakt

I also posted this which you ignored? According to Kanchan Gupta, it has no resemblance to reality. :kp

Here are some other pictures: :inti


Indians continue their record for being most thin-skinned people for 30th consecutive year

Cartoons like these were pretty common in India during 90s and everyone used to laugh them off. But after 2014 we have got an army of intolerant and sensitive people who can't even face the reality. As I said many times before, India and Indians were lot more progressive during 90s, 2000s. Everything changed after feku became our PM. We are going 5 years back with each passing year. :inti
What is racist about this? Accepting critique is the first step to resolving the problem.
According to Elon the biggest threat to humanity is the collapse in population over the coming centuries, so the Inds are doing their bit( like us) and keep the human race alive. Well done both
What is racist about this? Accepting critique is the first step to resolving the problem.

Exactly. A sitting home minister/ secretary calling an entire demographic as child groomers or something of that nature can count for being offensive but this is no big deal.

Also no one is losing their head (literally and figuratively) for this cartoon so all good.

Heartwarming to see people having a laugh :)
Indians continue their record for being most thin-skinned people for 30th consecutive year

We have become thin skinned only during last 9 years, we used to be alright earlier. Even under previous sanghi governments.
I think the stereotype is the issue here. The cartoon potraying Indians travel by clinging on or climbing top of the train. Not everyone travels like that. India also has bullet train.

It does not, according to Google at least.
Where is the racism?

Maybe if you dont want to be depicted maybe dont do such acts and bring proper standards and improve the quality of life.

Nope, they wont do that but get offended if someone shows them the mirror.
It does not, according to Google at least.

India does not have Bullet Trains (200 MPH), they do however have high speed rail (100 MPH)

The image in the OP not only reveals the truth about India but also depicts how fast China is accelerating ahead of India, and that India will never catch up; even when it comes to trains.
Earlier this month, the UN had estimated that India will overtake China to become the world’s most populous country by the middle of the year.

On Monday, the multilateral agency said India’s population will eclipse an ageing China by the end of this month.

Der Spiegel’s cartoon depicts an overcrowded Indian Railways train with passengers hanging on from the sides and atop it, overtaking a sleek Chinese train running on a parallel track. Trains across India are usually overcrowded as they are a cheap mode of transport available for millions who wish to transit throughout the country.

Many Indians criticised the outlet and claimed it reeked of racism and was a “crass” attempt at “peddling old stereotypes” about the country.

“Notwithstanding your attempt at mocking India, it’s not smart to bet against India under PM [Narendra Modi]. In a few years, India’s economy will be bigger than Germany’s,” tweeted federal minister Rajeev Chandrasekhar.

Kanchan Gupta, a senior adviser with the Indian Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, lashed out at the German outlet and claimed the purpose [of the cartoon] was to show “India down and suck up to China”.

“[Germany] this is outrageously racist. [Der Spiegel] caricaturing India in this manner has no resemblance to reality,” he tweeted.

He added that “this is as bad if not worse than the racist cartoon in [New York Times] lampooning India’s successful Mars mission”.

The reference was to a 2014 cartoon that The New York Times published after India launched its Mars Mission. Indians claimed the cartoon mocked India. The paper had later issued an apology after reader complaints.

“A [cartoon] by German magazine [Der Spiegel] about [India’s] population overtaking [China’s] with typical elite, superior & colonial mindset depicting India as back-ward & less-evolved nation, is highly condemnable. West is jealous of India’s growth & prosperity,” wrote one observer.

“In German, the name of the influential magazine Der Spiegel means The Mirror. But going by this derogatory, racist cartoon, it should change its name to Rassistischer Troll [racist troll],” tweeted Baijayant Jay Panda, national vice president of the ruling, Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).

“Cartoon by German Magazine ‘Der Spiegel’ is in bad taste,” said Vijayasai Reddy V, a member of parliament.

“The Western World prefers to depict India as poor and struggling... Cannot wait for the next few years when India will overtake Germany as the 4th biggest GDP.”

“The German cartoon on India’s population is a crass & racist attempt at peddling old stereotypes, to showcase India as some exotic basket case. It reflects a denial – the West cannot accept India’s growth story. So NYT shows a man with a cow & Der Spiegel has an overcrowded train,” weighed in another user.

Its absolutely true. Too many people in India.

And you are one of those «too many» people.

Really don’t understand mindset of people like you. You are enjoying your life and the blessings God has given you and at same time criticising the population. As if it’s your duty to provide for them.

And I believe you will play your part in your mission by not having children?