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Malala Yousafzai - Mega Discussion Thread

what is secularism in the pakistani context not the christian european context??

Secularism simply basis itself on the idea of freedom religion and treating all as equal!

Don't see a Christian European context here(might have originated there), I think Secularism would mean all over the world.

If going by origins, then democracy has also no place in Islamic countries like Pakistan, isn't it?
Taliban – A Holistic View

It has become even more critical that we clearly understand TALIBAN. There is alot of confusion out there and that was the main objective behind attacking Malala. Again i am not an expert but this is what i think: there are 3 broad categories of Taliban.

1. Migrants: Taliban who came from Afghanistan when the US attacked Afghanistan.
2. Local disgruntled groups: People in the Army and general public who have been in a way forced to take up weapons
3. Puppets: Groups who are being directly funded and trained by the US, India etc.

Now the first thing which we need to do is clearly differentiate between the above in order to understand what Taliban is. The main difference between these three categories is that the Category 1 and 2 initially were PRO Pakistan and even today they are not attacking the general public but ONLY the armed forces and Police ONLY because they see America as an enemy and our forces as its ally. The 3rd category has never been PRO Pakistan and can never be in the future as well, they are being funded by the foreign elements to create uncertainty, anarchy in Pakistan and at the same time create this global confusion about TALIBAN. They have been successful in this unfortunately and today when we say Taliban we don’t have these 3 categories in mind. Another important distinguishing factor is that the only thing required to again make the 1st and 2nd category of Taliban PRO Pakistan again is that we distance ourselves from this US War on terror while the 3rd category will, like I said earlier, they are and will always be against Pakistan and continue creating these confusions.

Another important thing to realize here is that the American government and Army is OUR ENEMY. Anyone who has doubts about this is completely unaware of the ground realities and facts.

We are today in a far greater mess than we realize we are in. We are digging our graves ourselves without even realizing that we are doing it.

The ONLY, yes the ONLY way out of this mess is to distance ourselves from American war on terror and eventually getting the 1st and 2nd category of Taliban on our side. I have absolutely no doubts that they will make sure within months that the 3rd category is taken care off.

Yes it is easier said than done, yes the US won’t let this to happen just like that, yes we will have to go through a very tough time in the process, yes we might risk sanctions being imposed on us, yes we might risk being isolated in the world BUT let me tell you one thing for sure that this is eventually going to happen anyway, we have only two options, either continue the existing strategy and die a slow death or have courage and faith and grab the bull by its horn and eliminate this problem from the root.

The biggest crime Musharraf committed was to push us into this mess. One day we will have to say to the American president of that time that we have had enough of this **** and YES WE ARE NOT WITH YOU! It would have been far easier for us to handle the situation if we had said no at that time. So many lives lost, so much damage done to the country and we are going round in circles.

Drone attacks and military operations give a reason to the 1st and 2nd category to take up arms against us. They don’t want to be against us, they are being pushed into this by this strategy. Anyone who has children WILL take up arms against anyone or everyone who he thinks is directly or indirectly involved in the massacre of his innocent children. All of us can’t see our children bear the pain of an injection and you expect someone to be patient when he sees his child’s body in pieces!

The attack on Malala is exactly in this context. The peach march was an attempt to show to the world that you need to differentiate between the Taliban’s. No matter what our pathetic leaders like Nawaz Sharif and Fazul Rehman say it was successful.

The amount of international coverage it got, the amount of debate it generated was a perfect opportunity for our pathetic government to fight this case internationally BUT why would they when they are in actually not different from the 3rd category of Taliban.

Anyone who thinks that the Americans don’t need to justify drone attacks in the US or to the world or this war on terror is WRONG! They don’t have money to fight a war by penetrating inside a country, the American government for the first time in its history had to make an amendment in their law in order to borrow more loan! If it is not the Vietnam mutiny like situation yet but it is almost there, American soldiers are at a verge of mutiny.

Just think about it, why Malala and why now? Malala is no ordinary girl, she is a symbol and icon of peace and a living testament that the 3rd category of Taliban can be defeated. The positive discussion that had generated globally after the peace march had to be negated and this poor girls become a perfect target for these monsters. Have a look around you, on twitter on Facebook etc they have to a certain extent achieved their objective of maintaining the confusion that exists when it comes to Taliban. People in the emotions are giving statements that the government should start an army operation in wazristan, the Talibans should been shown no mercy, without even realizing that the 1st and 2nd category of Taliban had nothing to do with this attack. I have every reason to believe that the foreign elements like the US are behind this attack.

They are confusing us, the tried and tested divide and rule strategy is being implemented and we are acting in FEAR. We have to take charge of things and prepare ourselves for hardship. Take a bold stand against this war on terror, value the life of an innocent daughter in wazristan as much as we value the life of our daughters at home. Stop and turn back now, change before it is too late and too difficult…

We need to look at the Americans in the eyes and tell them: TO HELL WITH YOU! I don’t want your money and I won’t tolerate your drones anymore! If in return the Americans push me into a war I am prepared for it, not because I long for it but I genuinely believe that instead of turning a blind eye over Malala, instead of waiting for it to happen with my daughter it is better that I do something today!

If I don’t act today, I only prolong our failure, If I act today I have a great chance of turning around things.

Think about it…

malala a token for the wealthy 'liberalists' of pakistan who dream of having their own white house and inviting obama over for some red wine
backed by altaf hussain, a thug who openly professes to be a champion of the middle class
malala a token for the wealthy 'liberalists' of pakistan who dream of having their own white house and inviting obama over for some red wine
backed by altaf hussain, a thug who openly professes to be a champion of the middle class

Agree, should've been killed, lucky escape but there's always a next time though
As expected... Western media got what it was looking for;
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:facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:

first of all, its not related to drones

its a straight forward war between a civilized world and barbaric world.

Either Pakistan cleans it's our mess otherwise world will clean it themselves.

people who assumed that west can't resolve this issue, they are just silly..
when there would be need, west wont hesitate to nuke the radical belt .

and if there is a need, they can air lift, our radical leaders (fazal ur rehman, sami-ul-haq, etc.)
yes, western media is tarnishing our shinning image.
they are jealous of our peaceful country.

No. I was talking about what is written on the gun. Does it say "Pakistani extremism"?
first of all, its not related to drones

its a straight forward war between a civilized world and barbaric world.
Wonder why this barbaric world did not exist only 40 or so years ago? Where did those barbaric people come from all of a sudden?

Either Pakistan cleans it's our mess otherwise world will clean it themselves.

people who assumed that west can't resolve this issue, they are just silly..
when there would be need, west wont hesitate to nuke the radical belt .

and if there is a need, they can air lift, our radical leaders (fazal ur rehman, sami-ul-haq, etc.)

Unfortunately the people who are trying to "resolve" Pakistan's mess, have much bigger messes in their own backyards. If they can't resolve their own mess, how can they resolve somebody else's mess?
No. I was talking about what is written on the gun. Does it say "Pakistani extremism"?

it is fair whats written on it.

You need to read the "sharaie jawaz" by TTP spoke-person.

Radical/extremist islam is a real issue that needs a real resolution.
Wonder why this barbaric world did not exist only 40 or so years ago? Where did those barbaric people come from all of a sudden?

Unfortunately the people who are trying to "resolve" Pakistan's mess, have much bigger messes in their own backyards. If they can't resolve their own mess, how can they resolve somebody else's mess?

actually it's not "all of sudden" ...but thats need a separate thread.

think about it, for pearl harbor, they nuked the japan..
for 9/11, they carpeted two countries ...

if taliban harms them, and if they feel it necessary they will not hesitate to nuke waziristan...

who can stop them?
As expected... Western media got what it was looking for;

and they are right in portraying this image of ours...screw the west..try to fix our system!

taliban can just go on streets killing children in Pakistan? are you serious? screw our so called civilian government..we need a military dictator to kill all these taliban groups
Just a word of warning

Any post or poster seen to be inciting hatred or act of violence against anyone will be severely dealt with and may face a possible indefinite ban

Lets discuss this in a civilized manner or not discuss at all - your choice.
All I hope this will finally be a turning point against these extremists.
first of all, its not related to drones

its a straight forward war between a civilized world and barbaric world.

Either Pakistan cleans it's our mess otherwise world will clean it themselves.

people who assumed that west can't resolve this issue, they are just silly..
when there would be need, west wont hesitate to nuke the radical belt .

and if there is a need, they can air lift, our radical leaders (fazal ur rehman, sami-ul-haq, etc.)

Wow! Civilized world......I do not know whether to laugh or cry at this statement..

Yeah they have been civilized in lying when they attacked Iraq ..Yeah they were civilized in Veitnam,Hiroshma and Nagasaki.......Yeah they are civilized who supported the creation of Israel and till today they are killing innocent children and women in Palestine,Afghanistan and Waziristan.....And watch out for more civilized actions from them in Iran... Yeah a country Iran,thousands miles away from USA is a risk for them but already a nuclear armed Israel is not a security risk to adjoining Muslim World...??

Not our very own mess but handed over to us by CIA ..Was not Usama a CIA agent...??Again do not you know Fazul-ur-Rehman has been pivotal in strengthening both previous moderate regimes ...

Nope,they do not need to go nuclear anywhere...It would be stupid...It will be like this that a Chaudhry or Wadara of a village kicks out every individual from his jurisdiction..Will he be called a chaudhry or wadara of fields and lifeless objects??
As long as their are Nawabs,Wadaras they have no major worries because it is easier to control and maneuver through these people..

Its only about their wish to control everything and everyone to remain the rulers of the world...When it is for their good it is good when it is bad for them it is bad..(Example is these Jihads)
Malala Yousufzai - Free Pakistan - Kill the Taliban

Watch my video "Malala Yousufzai - Free Pakistan - Kill the Taliban"

Video in 2 parts -

1) CBS News story reporting Malala Yousufzai shot
2) Musical tribute to Malala Yousufzai - Free Pakistan - Kill the Taliban - "May it be" by Enya.

May it be the shadow's call
Will fly away
May it be your journey on
To light the day
When the night is overcome
You may rise to find the sun
A promise lives within you now

Taliban have reiterated their vow to kill Pakistani girl if she survives .Time has come to finish Taliban from Pakistan completely. Killing a teenager girl is an act of crowardnes. Malala did her best to spread something good for the community. Allah All Mighty may save her from those lowly humans

And to the people on this forum who are apathetic and have a soft corner for Talibanis - remember , at max decade or two from now , when the current youth and teens of Pakistan who are growing up witnessing all these wars ,Arab spring movement , etc they will shun all these extremist and militant ideals for knowledge , love and peace

[offtopic ]According to official UNICEF data , an estimated 1.2 million children are trafficked each year worldwide and not Indian children being forced into prostitution .Those figures are extremely exaggerated
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Taliban have reiterated their vow to kill Pakistani girl if she survives .Time has come to finish Taliban from Pakistan completely. Killing a teenager girl is an act of crowardnes. Malala did her best to spread something good for the community. Allah All Mighty may save her from those lowly humans

And to the people on this forum who are apathetic and have a soft corner for Talibanis - remember , at max decade or two from now , when the current youth and teens of Pakistan who are growing up witnessing all these wars ,Arab spring movement , etc they will shun all these extremist and militant ideals for knowledge , love and peace

[offtopic ]According to official UNICEF data , an estimated 1.2 million children are trafficked each year worldwide and not Indian children being forced into prostitution .Those figures are extremely exaggerated

Watch my video "Malala Yousufzai - Free Pakistan - Kill the Taliban"

Video in 2 parts -

1) CBS News story reporting Malala Yousufzai shot
2) Musical tribute to Malala Yousufzai - Free Pakistan - Kill the Taliban - "May it be" by Enya.

May it be the shadow's call
Will fly away
May it be your journey on
To light the day
When the night is overcome
You may rise to find the sun
A promise lives within you now


Strange!Infact very strange......these guys only registered themselves Just for one post and just for one purpose!!!!!!!

I congratulate Americans and their favorite tool media on awakening the nation by highlighting a single incident ,something we Muslims and Pakistanis have not been able to realise after thousands of such kind of incidents.....Really we are a group of jokers in a joke world......

Breaking News Youtube has been unblocked!!!
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Strange!Infact very strange......these guys only registered themselves Just for one post and just for one purpose!!!!!!!

I congratulate Americans and their favorite tool media on awakening the nation by highlighting a single incident ,something we Muslims and Pakistanis have not been able to realise after thousands of such kind of incidents.....Really we are a group of jokers in a joke world......

Breaking News Youtube has been unblocked!!!

Are you sure about Youtube? Source? Article? Or can you access it in Pakistan right now.
I am watching this video..

Thats all ...I was only able to see this video ....





This video from Sky news is quite emotional and they added a song to dedicate her in the end...

The most strange thing i heard from Malala is that She asked ambassador Richard holbrook to help us and do what your country can..........I do not know who told such a young and innocent girl that America is there for good!............!!
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<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/3lxSRsp_FRU" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Talk about courage!

Sirajuddin Ahmad, the spokesman for the Taliban in the Swat Valley, said that Ms. Yousafzai became a target because she had been "brainwashed" into making anti-Taliban statements by her father, Ziauddin Yousafzai.

"We warned him several times to stop his daughter from using dirty language against us, but he didn't listen and forced us to take this extreme step," he said.
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i think it's degrading for malala to be put forward as a champion for women when she was forced into politics by her father
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/3lxSRsp_FRU" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Talk about courage!

Sirajuddin Ahmad, the spokesman for the Taliban in the Swat Valley, said that Ms. Yousafzai became a target because she had been "brainwashed" into making anti-Taliban statements by her father, Ziauddin Yousafzai.

"We warned him several times to stop his daughter from using dirty language against us, but he didn't listen and forced us to take this extreme step," he said.

My friend, you are a Bengali living in Texas USA. Pardon my French, but what the hell would you know about the Taliban or Pakistan for that matter?
The "western media" taking a real beating in this thread. Some people have really got their priorities twisted somewhere....
My friend, you are a Bengali living in Texas USA. Pardon my French, but what the hell would you know about the Taliban or Pakistan for that matter?

My friend, I don't have to be from the region to know about the sordid tales of Taliban groups. Pakistan's well being is in everyone's best interest and at the moment, the whole world is in discussion & expressing concern about this girl....This issue transcends man made political boundaries.
My friend, I don't have to be from the region to know about the sordid tales of Taliban groups. Pakistan's well being is in everyone's best interest and at the moment, the whole world is in discussion & expressing concern about this girl....This issue transcends man made political boundaries.

So you rely on "sordid tales of Taliban groups" to form an opinion on Pakistan as a US based Bengali? I think that tells it's own story.
So you rely on "sordid tales of Taliban groups" to form an opinion on Pakistan as a US based Bengali? I think that tells it's own story.

I don't believe anyone has to know anything about the place or has to be from somewhere to make assertions on the internet. Thought you would know that by now.
i think it's degrading for malala to be put forward as a champion for women when she was forced into politics by her father

What exactly is degrading when a child or her parents stands up for her right to learn?!!
Is it because she is a girl or that she has to wait till she turns into an adult before realizing that she missed being in school during her childhood years?!!

If her parents stood up for this right the Bravo to them as well.

Lets be clear the threat is simply not against this girl or her parents, its against all those people who stand for the right of a female child to be educated. Even going to school is a threat!!

These lunatics would attack a school with the same ease they shot this child. In that case your theory propagates the fact that a parent sending his child to school has a political agenda.

If you were a father and realized that certain armed lunatics will not allow your kids to go to school you will use every god damn avenue available to fight this, whether its the Army, Police, CIA, RAW, ISI or whatever......

Your not doing the child any favor by keeping quiet and locking her up at home and while away her youth.

These are the sort of brave people any country needs not those who decide to pick and choose between armed and bearded lunatic imbeciles as good and bad!!!!
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My friend, you are a Bengali living in Texas USA. Pardon my French, but what the hell would you know about the Taliban or Pakistan for that matter?

The same way so many Pakistanis/Bengalis are expert on the US/CIA/Israel though they have never set foot in the USA
'We condemn Malala attack, but who will condemn drone strikes?'

ISLAMABAD : Jamiat Ulema Islam-Fazal group chief Maulana Fazlur Rehman
has said that he condemns
the attack on young Malala Yousufzai, but who will protest the deaths caused by drone strikes, Express News reported on Friday.

Speaking to the media at the Islamabad airport, Rehman said that sometimes Salala and
sometimes Malala were being made the pretext to eliminate a section of society and he condemns that strongly.

Fazlur Rehman was quick to
point blame at erroneous
policies of the government,
which according to Rehman
had resulted in the deaths of over 40,000 Pakistanis.

Rehman also hit out at some people who were condemning the attack on Malala, saying that the hands of such people
were “soaked with blood”
since they never condemn when a mosque is bombed.

He added that the attack on
the young girl from Swat was condemnable, and termed it as an act of oppression which finds no precedent in Pushtun

where JUI-F/PTI condemned Taliban by Name?

Provide the link that PTI/JUI-F condemn the Taliban (by Name) for this attack.

Thanks in advance.
The same way so many Pakistanis/Bengalis are expert on the US/CIA/Israel though they have never set foot in the USA

Illogical and senseless !!!We have nothing to do with their internal domestic affairs,rules of business,prosperity, transparency, civilization or moral values...

What we know is that they are killing innocent children and women because of drone strikes..

Because we know they killed thousands in Iraq after telling a lie...

Because we know why they support Israel against Palestine and every of his neighbor.. A country Thousands of miles away from Iran is worried of his security from a possibility of Iran going nuclear ..But Israel's neighboring countries have no risk from an already nuclear armed occupier and usurper of Palestinian territories..

We know that when Jihadis were for their benefit it was good but now the same guys are bad for the security of this world...

Because we can see the difference in western media's approach when a Malala is killed or when 15 Children and women are killed by a US soldier.....We can see the silence on countless innocent drone deaths....

Because we know that speaking against jews or holocaust is a crime but any speech against Prophet(PBUH) is according to freedom of speech....

When dictator is with them they are with him and when any dictator is against them they cry for democracy....

We can see the difference in their treatment to a killer Raymond Davis who killed two people like a butcher and a different treatment to a woman Aafia who is behind the bars only for this guilt that she pointed a gun towards an American....

Can you still not see the differences??

Do we still need to observe them carefully??No my friend we do not need to land in USA to observe them!!!!
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normally dont like to feed the troll but BZ surely the credit goes to your PPP and Naseerullah Babar for creating these barbaric talibans in the early 90s (the Pakistani version of them that we are seeing today) credit to the secular and liberal party i guess that created fanatic monsters..the creation of zia established themselves in afghanistan and later into kashmir but these guys are something else.

its disgusting what the jamatis or other ignorants have been spreading on facebook etc...people actually try to justify the shooting of make excusing linking it with drones or american jewish conspiracy as typical..yet the facebook they are using to utter such rubbish is both american and founded by a jewish guy...

But i do think the trend of making children some sort of heroes brings them into danger, pressure and stress, we saw with arfa karim and now with malala, yes make them role models as there is shortage of such people for youngsters but at what cost?
The same way so many Pakistanis/Bengalis are expert on the US/CIA/Israel though they have never set foot in the USA

At least the Americans/CIA have been prepared to put their troops in Afghanistan to do what they need to do in the interests of their country. When a Bengali does the same rather than sit on the sidelines sniping at Pakistan I'll give him the respect.
" The burkha is from the stone age and bearded men remind me of firawn"
These are the words of malala yousufzai, you'd be forgiven for mistaking it for the words of edl

I will say it's historically incorrect...

There were no burqas during stone age... I wonder if they wear any clothes...

Hijab was the invention (to exploit women) of Assuriyan Empire ...which was then adopted by Persian Empire...and then adopted by Muslim Empire

Regarding Burka..it got nothing to with Islam or any civilized world...
It's a representation of the societies which were left out of the main stream civilization.

I think thats what this girl meant by it.

and also in old times, there were little means for shaving...
All good/Bad had beards...
The prophet commanded the muslims in over 20 different hadiths to trim the moustache and leave the beard to grow.
Allah commanded the Muslim women to cover themselves, I don't have the exact reference right now but I can get it for you
The prophet commanded the muslims in over 20 different hadiths to trim the moustache and leave the beard to grow.

lol Pakistanis culturally do the total opposite. :altaf

If I'm not wrong, in the hadith it's because we would look like "Zoroastrians"... lol.
Illogical and senseless !!!We have nothing to do with their internal domestic affairs,rules of business,prosperity, transparency, civilization or moral values...

What we know is that they are killing innocent children and women because of drone strikes..

Because we know they killed thousands in Iraq after telling a lie...

Because we know why they support Israel against Palestine and every of his neighbor.. A country Thousands of miles away from Iran is worried of his security from a possibility of Iran going nuclear ..But Israel's neighboring countries have no risk from an already nuclear armed occupier and usurper of Palestinian territories..

We know that when Jihadis were for their benefit it was good but now the same guys are bad for the security of this world...

Because we can see the difference in western media's approach when a Malala is killed or when 15 Children and women are killed by a US soldier.....We can see the silence on countless innocent drone deaths....

Because we know that speaking against jews or holocaust is a crime but any speech against Prophet(PBUH) is according to freedom of speech....

When dictator is with them they are with him and when any dictator is against them they cry for democracy....

We can see the difference in their treatment to a killer Raymond Davis who killed two people like a butcher and a different treatment to a woman Aafia who is behind the bars only for this guilt that she pointed a gun towards an American....

Can you still not see the differences??

Do we still need to observe them carefully??No my friend we do not need to land in USA to observe them!!!!

Similarly you dont need to live in Pakistan to understand Pakistan or Pakistanis.

The points you mentioned are mostly correct, but partially.

Lets try them one by one:

Iran: Here is a news flash; Irans Arab neighbours are more anti-Iran than the USA. And they are the ones more fearful of Iranian nuclear weapons than the US

Dr Aafia/Raymond; The Americans did as was expected of them; the main question is: 1) Who sold Dr Aafia 2) Who released RD?

Iraq: The US waged an illegal war on the basis of a lie and it has to be condemned. Are you going to similarly condemn Iraq for waging a war on Iran and for killing their own Kurds and Shias.

One thing I dont get is why Muslims are so shocked that American or any country protects its interests.
What does China , the supposed champion of so many Muslims do?

They support dictators when it suits them; they ban Uighurs from fasting when it suits them, they waged wars when it suited them and so on. Yet many Pakistanis close their eyes and pretend not to notice when China infringes on other people or Muslims.
lol Pakistanis culturally do the total opposite. :altaf

If I'm not wrong, in the hadith it's because we would look like "Zoroastrians"... lol.

It's not just one hadith, there's around twenty different hadiths where the prophet has said to trim the moustache and grow the beard.
Vilification of the victim and massive passages bemoaning the hypocrisy of the western media. Par for the course for some people when it comes to attacks conducted by the beloved freedom fighters I guess.
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Drones kill so Malala can live...

But then Drones kill someone else's Malala..

A never-ending cycle of destruction.
Thanks (first time I saw someone from PTI named TTP)

I read PTI press release and found no mention of TTP

lets hope if this incident encourages pti to be vocal against ttp.

P.S. just read Imran statement...again he failed to condemn TTP..and used usual words. :(

:facepalm: @ PTI chairman

Khan has also courted criticism by saying he will not publicly name the Taliban while criticising the men who attempted to kill Malala, because he feared it would put his party's supporters at risk.

Shafqat got some moral courage...cannot say about IK
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Similarly you dont need to live in Pakistan to understand Pakistan or Pakistanis.

The points you mentioned are mostly correct, but partially.

Lets try them one by one:

Iran: Here is a news flash; Irans Arab neighbours are more anti-Iran than the USA. And they are the ones more fearful of Iranian nuclear weapons than the US

Dr Aafia/Raymond; The Americans did as was expected of them; the main question is: 1) Who sold Dr Aafia 2) Who released RD?

Iraq: The US waged an illegal war on the basis of a lie and it has to be condemned. Are you going to similarly condemn Iraq for waging a war on Iran and for killing their own Kurds and Shias.

One thing I dont get is why Muslims are so shocked that American or any country protects its interests.
What does China , the supposed champion of so many Muslims do?

They support dictators when it suits them; they ban Uighurs from fasting when it suits them, they waged wars when it suited them and so on. Yet many Pakistanis close their eyes and pretend not to notice when China infringes on other people or Muslims.

Going by your reasoning nothing in this world is correct....Most things in this world are relative....Some have correct proportion heavier than wrong one and some have more negatives than positives....

First of all their are weaknesses that others exploit....But that does not mean all the blame goes to that weak person...If anyone is killed because he could not defend himself does not make the guilty or the killer innocent

For Iran.. i would say let his neighboring countries solve that issue..What uncle sam and Israel has to do with it??

For Raymond/Aafia i again say she was not sold by our country nor he was released by our people ..This mission was accomplished by the servants of USA who have their accounts and children in western countries....Must know the difference between rulers and general public...

Of course i have to condemn that war..And again uncle Sam was the motivator for Saddam hussain... Why do not they plan something peaceful for the world???

China is no where close to US at all in his handling of Muslims .....

But your main point is that Every country has to protect his own interests

Yeah that's the point....And this is the end of discussion..If this is the case then there is no reason for debate,no reason to judge right or wrong,no reason to look for morality,humanity and rightness ...this is not interest ,it is called greed

This interest is limitless and perpetual..So it means you can go to any extent to safeguard your interests....
This is actually what is happening they want to remain the world rulers forever and for this they are doing everything...

But there has to be a limit ,there has to be a limit of greed,selfishness, hypocrisy,wars, killing of innocents.......
The same argument was made when he refused to talk about MQM in Karachi. I think that's the right approach. There is a reason we can go to Balochistan and no one targets us there, we could go to karachi and no one targets us there and no one targets us on the borders of Wazirstan.

Altaf today condemned TTP (by name) and offered support to Army.

IK took stand against mqm (and we all appreciated) but when mqm reacted, PTI had to make a "tactical" retreat...

Isn't shamefully cowardice to not name the criminals and terrorist?

if you wont take a stand against terrorists, of course they will not target you.

(they attacked malala as she took a stand while living 24/7 there)

maybe its a right approach for a demagogue...but not for leaders...as they are meant to take stands...
Altaf today condemned TTP (by name) and offered support to Army.

IK took stand against mqm (and we all appreciated) but when mqm reacted, PTI had to make a "tactical" retreat...

Isn't shamefully cowardice to not name the criminals and terrorist?

if you wont take a stand against terrorists, of course they will not target you.

(they attacked malala as she took a stand while living 24/7 there)

maybe its a right approach for a demagogue...but not for leaders...as they are meant to take stands...

PTI wants to negotiate peace, there is no reason for us to take a side between the state which to some is also criminal or the militant outfits fighting the state.

We have some influence on the militants be it in karachi, Balochistan or FATA and we want to use that to negotiate peace.

Also it's easy for Altaf to condemn Talibans sitting in his comfortable house in London while his own militants wreck havoc in karachi :facepalm:
PTI wants to negotiate peace, there is no reason for us to take a side between the state which to some is also criminal or the militant outfits fighting the state.

We have some influence on the militants be it in karachi, Balochistan or FATA and we want to use that to negotiate peace.

Also it's easy for Altaf to condemn Talibans sitting in his comfortable house in London while his own militants wreck havoc in karachi :facepalm:

Maybe MQM members should join the army and volunteer to fight the Taliban. Put their money where their mouth is.
Malala Yousafzai: Taliban shooting victim travels to UK

The BBC's Aleem Maqbool says Malala's treatment is likely to include some skull reconstruction
The 14-year-old Pakistani girl shot in the head by Taliban gunmen last week is being flown to the UK for medical treatment, the Pakistani army has said.

Malala Yousafzai has until now been at a military hospital in Rawalpindi, with doctors saying her progress over the next few days would be "critical".

The girl wrote a diary about suffering under the Taliban and was accused by them of "promoting secularism".

The UK said Malala's transfer followed London's offer to help her in any way.

Malala was taken to Islamabad and then left the country on board an air ambulance provided by the United Arab Emirates, accompanied by a full medical team.

The military said her doctors in Rawalpindi were "pleased with her present condition which has been described as optimal".

"The panel of doctors recommended that Malala be shifted abroad to a UK centre which has the capability to provide integrated care to children who have sustained severe injury," it said.

She is expected to need treatment to repair or replace damaged bones in her skull and to undergo neurological treatment.

The UK said it would not release information about where she was being taken to respect patient confidentiality, but said it had "capacity for Malala to be treated without affecting the normal operations of the hospital".

The UK's Foreign Secretary William Hague said the attack on Malala and her friends "shocked Pakistan and the world" and that her bravery was "an example to us all".

"Malala will now receive specialist medical care in an NHS [National Health Service] hospital. Our thoughts remain with Malala and her family at this difficult time."

"The public revulsion and condemnation of this cowardly attack shows that the people of Pakistan will not be beaten by terrorists. The UK stands shoulder to shoulder with Pakistan in its fight against terrorism."

UN petition

The teenager - who was a well-known campaigner for education for girls - was attacked last Tuesday as she was returning home from school in Mingora in north-western Swat.

Two armed men, on foot, stopped a van packed with about a dozen schoolgirls in a congested area of the town.

One of them got into the van and asked which of the girls was Malala Yousafzai before he fired three shots, hitting Malala in the head and injuring two others.

The Taliban has warned they will target Malala Yousafzai again.

The BBC's Aleem Maqbool in Islamabad says Malala has been kept sedated and on a ventilator since she was taken to hospital, with tight security around her.

The ventilator was removed briefly over the weekend to see how she coped and presumably have determined she is well enough to travel, says our correspondent.

He adds that the brutal attack on a child has shocked people in Pakistan and around the world.

Four people have been arrested in connection with the attack. They were among about 100 people rounded up this week, most of whom were later released on bail.

On Monday, former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, who is now the UN's Special Envoy for Global Education, said he was launching a petition in Malala's name "in support of what Malala fought for".

Source: http://m.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-19944078?
Altaf today condemned TTP (by name) and offered support to Army.

IK took stand against mqm (and we all appreciated) but when mqm reacted, PTI had to make a "tactical" retreat...

Isn't shamefully cowardice to not name the criminals and terrorist?

if you wont take a stand against terrorists, of course they will not target you.

(they attacked malala as she took a stand while living 24/7 there)

maybe its a right approach for a demagogue...but not for leaders...as they are meant to take stands...

yes leaders should make stands for example against targeted killings, drone attacks, terrorism, wot, poverty, lack of education, lack of healthcare, oh yes leaders should make a stand..also against ethnic cleansing for example in the 80's in karachi, and in sindh in the 70's and so forth..yes leaders should make a stand..

just wondering where your leaders are were and will be?? i think i know where..sunny dubai perhaps?
Taliban threaten journalists over Malala Yousafzai coverage


The Pakistani Taliban have reacted to the torrent of negative media coverage after their attempt to assassinate a 14-year-old schoolgirl by threatening journalists.

Several Pakistani and international news organisations have been forced in recent days to take extra security precautions after receiving threats from militants that one news executive described as "specific" and directed against named individuals.

A journalist in Swat, the region where the attack on Malala Yousafzai took place, has even been given police guards after receiving a written warning saying police had "credible information that you are on the hit list of the Tehreek-e-Taliban Swat".

Coverage of the attempted killing, which the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) were quick to take credit for, has been unrelenting.

"Undoubtedly this is the worst press the TTP has ever had, there is no doubt," said Rana Jawad, Islamabad bureau chief at Geo News, who believed Pakistani media coverage had been "sustained, purposeful and focused".

According to Jawad, in the first day after the shooting the TTP demanded news organisations provide "balanced" coverage, by which they meant giving prominence to the Taliban's justification for the attack.

The Pakistani Taliban have made an unusually large number of statements about the killing, in which they have cited Islamic laws they claim Yousafzai broke with her campaign for girls' education.

The militants appear to have been especially enraged by remarks made on television and radio by commentators and ordinary members of the public alike, who have been unusually outspoken in their condemnation of a movement that most people are normal careful not to cross.

Muhammad Amir Rana, director of the Pakistan Institute for Peace Studies, which monitors jihadi media, said the TTP had long held grievances against a mainstream media they regarded as a westernised, secular "puppet" of the armed forces.

But he said their current alarm at the country's broadcasters was reflected in a new peak in public opposition to the TTP.

"We have seen a similar public sentiment in the past, but this time it is quite unique," he said. "This case has provided a catharsis of the masses for all the grievances that have been building up for years."
Schoolgirl Shot by Taliban Arrives In UK

The Pakistani schoolgirl who was shot by the Taliban for campaigning for the right to go to school has arrived in the UK.

Malala Yousafzai, 14, was flown to Birmingham Airport and taken by ambulance to the city's Queen Elizabeth Hospital, where she will receive specialist "prolonged care" to help her recover.

The teenager was shot on a bus in front of her friends last Tuesday, in what Foreign Secretary William Hague described as a "barbaric attack".

Her life was saved by neurosurgeons in a Pakistani military hospital and she has since been in intensive care.

But doctors decided she needed "prolonged care" to help her recover from the physical and psychological effects of the attack.

Hospital staff in Birmingham say they are used to receiving such casualties. Medical Director Dr Dave Rosser said it was "part of their day job", having taken battle casualties for the past ten years.

He said Malala had a decent chance of a good recovery, otherwise she would not have been flown over from Pakistan.

He revealed that she could be at the hospital for weeks, if not months. A detailed assessment of her condition is due to be carried out this evening.

Dr Rosser was not prepared to reveal any clinical details, but 17 teams with different specialisms are available to aid her rehabilitation.

Amid ongoing threats to Malala's life from extremists, he said security at the hospital is taken seriously "at the best of times."

Earlier, Mr Hague said: "Malala's bravery in standing up for the right of all young girls in Pakistan to an education is an example to us all.

"Malala will now receive specialist medical care in an NHS hospital. Our thoughts remain with Malala and her family at this difficult time.

"The public revulsion and condemnation of this cowardly attack shows that the people of Pakistan will not be beaten by terrorists.

"The UK stands shoulder to shoulder with Pakistan in its fight against terrorism."

Malala was shot with two classmates as they made their way home from school in Swat, in the north west of Pakistan.

She was attacked by the Taliban for promoting the education of girls and criticising the militant group.

The teenager has been transferred to the UK by an air ambulance arranged by the United Arab Emirates (UAE), the Pakistani army said.

The Queen Elizabeth Hospital has a trauma ward which treats British personnel wounded in Afghanistan.

In a statement, the Pakistani authorities said: "The panel of doctors recommended that Malala be shifted abroad to a UK centre which has the capability to provide integrated care to children who have sustained severe injury."

Malala was accompanied by an army intensive care specialist who provided continued care during the trip.

"All expenses including transportation of Malala by specially equipped air ambulance and treatment abroad will be borne by the government of Pakistan," the statement added.

A Downing Street spokeswoman said all transport, migration, medical, accommodation and subsistence costs for Malala and her party were being met by the Pakistani government.

The spokeswoman added: "We offered last Thursday our help to the government of Pakistan in caring for her because she does need particular specialist care."

Asked if she will be provided with guards at the hospital, the spokeswoman said: "You wouldn't expect me to talk about security matters in detail but certainly security has been taken into account."

Former Prime Minister Gordon Brown, who is UN Special Envoy for Global Education, said he would be visiting Pakistan next month to speak to President Asif Ali Zardari about Malala's cause of education for girls.

He said: "I know that Britain will offer Malala the best treatment possible and the British people will welcome her, hoping and praying for her recovery."

He added: "Today we are launching on www.educationenvoy.org a petition under the headline 'I am Malala' in support of what Malala fought for - that every girl has the chance to go to school.

"Today, sadly, 32 million girls are not going to school and it is time to fight harder for Malala's dream to come true."

The petition will be handed to Mr Zardari and UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.


Good luck to her she is sure lucky

A summary of the idiotic propaganda that some Pakistanis are spreading on the web to smear Malala's name. I have myself seen a couple of these pics on my facebook that were sadly liked by quite a few people.

Some Pakistanis are too far gone down this path of paranoia and delusion. Being indignant about the lack of drone victims support is one thing, creating elaborate conspiracies about an injured child is quite another.
^ Yes I have almost given up now. This mentality cannot be changed. I dont understand why we cannot condemn drone attack victims AND Malala. Is that too hard?

They say drone attacks dont get any coverage? They get nothing but coverage in Pakistan and have been a hot topic in the media for a long time. The fact that the mass populace can do little to change ISI/Army/Government's current role/ambivalence towards drone strikes is NOT indicative of the fact that there are MASSIVE protests against drone strikes that do get coverage( Difa-e-Pakistan councel/PTI/political talk shows).

Now, when Malala is getting coverage for being a voice suppressed for wanting education, there is no reason why she should not get coverage on the media AS WELL and have mass protests against her violators.

Its just the way media works! They operate on knee-jerk reactions. When an anti-drone rally/peace march/drone strike happens, the topic becomes at issue. When "white people" from organizations like REPRIEVE and Jemima Khan come on Hamid Mir's Capital Talk at primetime to discuss the illegitimacy of drone strikes, then its okay, but when there is international condemnation against the Malala issue, somehow then it has to be a controversy.

The media will pretty soon be consumed by another issue and that will become a hot topic. The next "Ishq-e-Rasool" type fiasco is waiting to implode in Pakistan to change the topic. How long did media spend on BHOJA air crash? How long did media spend on Sialkot massacre? basically, enough time till another event consumed them.

People need to stop exercising selective memory.

I am TRULY sorry for PTI supporters that Malala got shot by the Taliban just days after Imran Khan's wonderful peace march campaign. It is unfortunate that it had to get overshadowed by ONE victim who happened to be a UNIQUE figure unlike ANY in Pakistan that stood up for education despite being a mere 14 years old. But for God's sake leave the poor girl alone and let her have her day in the media without implicating her in a grand conspiracy.

Agree with above.

Just want to add that the number of victims of attacks committed by Taliban range in the thousands which includes hundreds if not thousands of innocent children. How many were given the same attention that Malala got. This goes to show that not all victims get the same attention, it has nothing to do with victims of Taliban attacks versus victims of drone strikes. Malala became a symbol because of her already established recognition as a voice for peace, tolerance and women's education.
Lol blaming the PTI Walas for the conspiracy theories of far right. I am sorry I will just have to laugh at it.

The one argument however I have seen PTI Supporters is Why are the victims of drone attacks not getting any coverage. don't get me wrong our protests against drones is getting the coverage but noone is pressing the government to release the names of those killed in drone attacks or even talk about them on tv. The Tv debates right after our Peace March showed that no one in the media talked about the victims.

oh yeh I forgot to mention this lovely fact about the far right the same far right that is busy calling us Yahood o Nasara and better yet declared us Kaafirs in their Sakhar Jalsa

Just thinking of this shair right now

Hum Aah Bhi Bharte Hain To Ho Jaate Hain Badnaam
Woh Qattel Bhi Karte Hain To Charcha Nahin Hota

Few months ago Dr. Awab made a joke on twitter about a terrorist attack on parliament and there was a huge outcry against him not only on twitter but also on the mainstream media but lately there have been articles/tweets about drones and yet no one is talking about. "Drone me out" for instance an article about PTI Supporter which not only compares PTI Supporters to thunder Squad of JI who is known for their violence also mocks the victims of drone attacks but there isn't a word on the twitter from the so called left of pakistan or even the mainstream media.

so all in let me just repeat this great poetry.

Hum Aah Bhi Bharte Hain To Ho Jaate Hain Badnaam
Woh Qattel Bhi Karte Hain To Charcha Nahin Hota