Millions of Indians will turn up at Delhi airport if US offers to settle them in America: Taliban


PakPassion Administrator
Staff member
Oct 2, 2004
A senior Taliban spokesperson has said that millions of Indians will throng New Delhi airport if the US administration offers to fly them to America and settle them there.


In an interview with India’s TV9, Sohail Shaheen, the spokesperson for the Taliban’s political office in Qatar, sought to dismiss as “propaganda” media reports claiming that millions of Afghans were fleeing the Taliban rule in their country.

Anchor: “You [Taliban] have consistently assured the people of their safety. You have also announced a general amnesty. Yet crowds of Afghans are fleeing the country. Why is that so?”

Shaheen: “If the US makes an announcement now in India that anybody who wants to relocate to America shall reach Delhi airport within three hours, you will see hundreds of thousands of people [Indians] will turn up there.”

He went on to ask the anchor, “Does that mean all of these people are terrified of your [Indian] government?”

The anchor interjects: “A large number of people gathered at the same place where the deadly explosion took place a day earlier in a desperate attempt to get out of Afghanistan. How would you respond to this?

The anchor was referring to the August 27 suicide blasts that ripped through crowds at the American-controlled Kabul airport, killing dozens, including 13 US service members. The Khorasan franchise of Islamic State claimed credit for the sickening attack.

Shaheen: “You said a large number of people turned up at the airport. This is not true.” He blamed the US announcement of evacuating people from Afghanistan for the chaos at the airport.

“Most of the people gathered at the airport had never worked with the US or its allies. They saw it as an opportunity to get out of Afghanistan and settle in Western countries,” he added.

Express Tribune
That is true.

Already hundreds of thousands of Indians try to illegally enter the US through Mexico. Indians are the nationality who are caught most (along with Mexicans) trying to illegally cross into US. So nothing wrong in that statement t
India is run by Hindu Taliban these days so this Mullah is not wrong.

However, he just scored an own goal because yes, many Indians specially Muslims are scared of the government just like Afghans are scared of the savagery that is Taliban.
Pakistan would be the same if this was done today.
Afghans are running to Iran pakistan central asia anywhere they can but the talibani tries to be funny.
That's a truth bomb by the Taliban.
Taliban also said something similar to an Iranian tv host :))

If USA offered a free ride and new life in Budapest, people would come running to the airport.
Many people from India (and other countries) try to come to west illegally. So, this man is right.

I think people fleeing there are mostly economic migrants.
It's true for everyone including posters here. American dream is desired by everyone be it india china or Pakistan.
True to some extent, but most people will miss the point here.

People are running away and fearing becuase they know how ruthless the Taliban govt is. They have already placed bans on male and female being in the same educational institution and who knows what more bans are to come.
We want peace in afghnistan and India should support Taliban in the interest of our afghan friends.

It sounds cliched but the cheapest way to build relationship is by promoting cricket & film industry ties. ( in accordance to local laws ).
If these are successful then we can invest in telecom & IT sector. Gotta do things step by step, using minimum resources at the beginning. Whatever india has invested in infra should be utilised for the public good, but no more infra investments for now.
India is run by Hindu Taliban these days so this Mullah is not wrong.

However, he just scored an own goal because yes, many Indians specially Muslims are scared of the government just like Afghans are scared of the savagery that is Taliban.

Nice try but afghan men were escaping during 20yrs of usa occupation , millions are in Turkey Europe as illegal immigrants, lodes in the jungle in France trying to get to UK a lot have criminal tendencies too

People are escaping poverty not taliban , since there are no jobs

A certain area called gujrat in pakistan has a lot of these men trying to escape to the west many have ended up in Europe and north Africa trying dangerous crossings who are they escaping the taliban as well? Some baloch militants killed a few of these gujratis on iran border .

It's all getting to the west these deluded people think the west is paved with gold get a hard reality check when they come here but its enough to send some remittance back and then the family by a toyota corolla and make a kotee and pretend to be rich and that their kid abroad is some professional eventhough he's probably living and working worse than a dog with 10 people shacked up in one room in Europe.

With afghnaistans case it's pepetual war so you can probably excuse why people are trying to escape.

But in pakistans case it has failed deeply in creating meaningful jobs for its young men . Pti for all its claims has created very little and so as this so called cpec as created very little boom in jobs.

Only China, Vietnam, s Korea has been successful in lifting people out of poverty and creating millions of jobs and a huge manufacturing base for its people
Amreeka doesn't have to make an announcement; millions of Indians are trying to flee 'Incredible' India right now - and past decade or so - despite the fraudulent claims of a strong economy and job opportunities.

As for the Amreekan dream, it's actually a nightmare for the vast majority now with economic slavery at the forefront, a polarised society, and persistent media brainwashing. The same can be said of UK and Europe - there's no quality of life anymore. You work to pay off your debts till you die.
Afghans are running to Iran pakistan central asia anywhere they can but the talibani tries to be funny.


this phrase Talibani I am seeing on some Indian right wing media... what's behind it?
True to some extent, but most people will miss the point here.

People are running away and fearing becuase they know how ruthless the Taliban govt is. They have already placed bans on male and female being in the same educational institution and who knows what more bans are to come.

This is the point Taliban are addressing lol.

The vast majority of Afghans have no fear, it's a trible land, always has been. They are actually less fearful, knowing they can sleep at night or drive around without having a missile dropped on them.

People will want to leave poor nations for a better future, which includes 100x the population of Afghanistan would leave from India to the US.
This is the point Taliban are addressing lol.

The vast majority of Afghans have no fear, it's a trible land, always has been. They are actually less fearful, knowing they can sleep at night or drive around without having a missile dropped on them.

People will want to leave poor nations for a better future, which includes 100x the population of Afghanistan would leave from India to the US.

Often when the discussion regarding taliban is done most of you overlook the 1990s afghanistan. The 90s afghanistan has left an effect on the afghani people. There is and will be fear till the time taliban is there.

Read up on people like faryadi zardad that extorted money from the afghanis and was involved in torturing them. He still lives in affhanistan after being freed by the UK. There is geniune fear amongest people.

Yes at times ot does get exagerrated a little bit like the airport scenes to some extent. In pakistan aswell we have people who go to the airport just to watch the fun and sit their do nothing. There were such people aswell at hamid karzai airport.

But there is fear of the this ruthless govt. No one would want to live under a regime where the law makers hold ak 47s in there arms and have no idea how to use a pen to do paper work.

Where do you think will these taliban fighters go? They will also be made in charge of handling govt procedures and be part of the patrolling of shariah.
Often when the discussion regarding taliban is done most of you overlook the 1990s afghanistan. The 90s afghanistan has left an effect on the afghani people. There is and will be fear till the time taliban is there.

Read up on people like faryadi zardad that extorted money from the afghanis and was involved in torturing them. He still lives in affhanistan after being freed by the UK. There is geniune fear amongest people.

Yes at times ot does get exagerrated a little bit like the airport scenes to some extent. In pakistan aswell we have people who go to the airport just to watch the fun and sit their do nothing. There were such people aswell at hamid karzai airport.

But there is fear of the this ruthless govt. No one would want to live under a regime where the law makers hold ak 47s in there arms and have no idea how to use a pen to do paper work.

Where do you think will these taliban fighters go? They will also be made in charge of handling govt procedures and be part of the patrolling of shariah.

They are Afghans, they've been occupied for 20 years, before their parents were occupied, before their great grandparents etc. To suggest MOST Afghans are scared living under the Taliban, a more moderate version too is nothing but western propaganda picked up by other countries who have lost in the land.
1990s Afghanistan! Ha ha!

Try the 80s when USSR invaded Afghanistan, when OBL was a hero to Americans cos he was fighting their war through proxy with the help of the CIA.
1990s Afghanistan! Ha ha!

Try the 80s when USSR invaded Afghanistan, when OBL was a hero to Americans cos he was fighting their war through proxy with the help of the CIA.

A picture is worth a thousand words and all that:

This is the point Taliban are addressing lol.

The vast majority of Afghans have no fear, it's a trible land, always has been. They are actually less fearful, knowing they can sleep at night or drive around without having a missile dropped on them.

People will want to leave poor nations for a better future, which includes 100x the population of Afghanistan would leave from India to the US.

So if vast majority of Afghans have no fear what about those videos from the chaos in Kabul airport where they are desperate to flee? Some even hanging from plane and plunged to unfortunate death.

Is that a sign of people living there with no fear for you?

I know most of your posts here are pure fantasy than any reality behind it but atleast dont make it so obvious man :))
So if vast majority of Afghans have no fear what about those videos from the chaos in Kabul airport where they are desperate to flee? Some even hanging from plane and plunged to unfortunate death.

Is that a sign of people living there with no fear for you?

I know most of your posts here are pure fantasy than any reality behind it but atleast dont make it so obvious man :))

I think its your fantasy India doesnt house hundreds of millions in poverty. Indians who are starving will also hang off planes in a desperate effort to land in a nation where they will get 3 meals a day.
I think its your fantasy India doesnt house hundreds of millions in poverty. Indians who are starving will also hang off planes in a desperate effort to land in a nation where they will get 3 meals a day.

Indians move to west for better opportunities. The very same reason you or perhaps your parents have moved to the UK from Pakistan.

But Afghans are attempting to flee in fear of their lives. We have all seen those horrific footages from Kabul airport.

For you to sit in the comfort of UK, hide behind your computer screen and say Afghans are happy living under Taliban is shocking. But then again...nothing from you surprise anymore. Just an advice, restrict it to the internet forums...dont say all these in real lives outside tough man.
Indians move to west for better opportunities. The very same reason you or perhaps your parents have moved to the UK from Pakistan.

But Afghans are attempting to flee in fear of their lives. We have all seen those horrific footages from Kabul airport.

For you to sit in the comfort of UK, hide behind your computer screen and say Afghans are happy living under Taliban is shocking. But then again...nothing from you surprise anymore. Just an advice, restrict it to the internet forums...dont say all these in real lives outside tough man.

So your govt should not then talk to these savage Talibans, right?
Lol, what a rebuke! That's class from the Taliban.

Talibans have definitely changed, they've turned up with a sense of humour this time.
Indians move to west for better opportunities. The very same reason you or perhaps your parents have moved to the UK from Pakistan.

But Afghans are attempting to flee in fear of their lives. We have all seen those horrific footages from Kabul airport.

For you to sit in the comfort of UK, hide behind your computer screen and say Afghans are happy living under Taliban is shocking. But then again...nothing from you surprise anymore. Just an advice, restrict it to the internet forums...dont say all these in real lives outside tough man.

Spare me what you think, it means nothing to me. I dont even read your posts. lol

Millions more Indians are in fear in India compared to Afghanistan. Dalits, Muslims, Christians and others fear your extremist government which you support. Land a plane from a 2nd world nation and the Indians will hang off every inch to escape the poverty and the RSS Hindu fanatics./
Nothing but the brutal truth said by the Taliban. Indeed, as the Indian media is so happy to see people leaving Afghanistan they need to be given a harsh reminder. Send a few fights to Delhi and Mumbai offering free visa's and tickets to any western country and 90% of India would be falling over each other. The Taliban spokesperson is mentioning India because they seem to be obsessed with people leaving Afghanistan.
Nothing but the brutal truth said by the Taliban. Indeed, as the Indian media is so happy to see people leaving Afghanistan they need to be given a harsh reminder. Send a few fights to Delhi and Mumbai offering free visa's and tickets to any western country and 90% of India would be falling over each other. The Taliban spokesperson is mentioning India because they seem to be obsessed with people leaving Afghanistan.

As I've, stated before, India has, historical ties with Afghanistan where gandhari and shakuni was hailed from. So it's not surprising that Afghanistan will be a point of interest. It doesn't matter whether rest of the country is in poverty or flourishing.


Just needed to mention this. (PAKLFC isn't one from the below group but didn't want to make another post so here it goes)

Many people (especially those living in UK) values people based upon their standards of life. That's a pretty shallow way to look at life. In multiple threads, I've seen UK based Pakistani the obsession towards $$$$ and how it impacts their judgement especially here in PP. I don't know why such drive exists though for brit Pakistanis. Even here, most of the posts that follows the trend are from brit Pakistanis.
As I've, stated before, India has, historical ties with Afghanistan where gandhari and shakuni was hailed from. So it's not surprising that Afghanistan will be a point of interest. It doesn't matter whether rest of the country is in poverty or flourishing.


Just needed to mention this. (PAKLFC isn't one from the below group but didn't want to make another post so here it goes)

Many people (especially those living in UK) values people based upon their standards of life. That's a pretty shallow way to look at life. In multiple threads, I've seen UK based Pakistani the obsession towards $$$$ and how it impacts their judgement especially here in PP. I don't know why such drive exists though for brit Pakistanis. Even here, most of the posts that follows the trend are from brit Pakistanis.

Depends what standards of life you're talking about. Obviously if people conduct themselves in a manner that's going to endear them to others, it will be valued.

You're trying to make it out as though only Brit Pakistanis are obsessed with chasing money which is far from the truth. There's nothing wrong about trying to enhance your life as long as long you're not screwing others over to get there.

Naturally, people are going to judge you differently if you were stinking rich than miserably poor. I would just say live your life by being a good person, behaving with others as you like them to behave with you. You can still earn respect even if you're not wealthy.
So if vast majority of Afghans have no fear what about those videos from the chaos in Kabul airport where they are desperate to flee? Some even hanging from plane and plunged to unfortunate death.

Is that a sign of people living there with no fear for you?

I know most of your posts here are pure fantasy than any reality behind it but atleast dont make it so obvious man :))
When locals work with and help invaders or occupying forces, they are known as 'collaborators' or 'traitors'. When the occupying forces leave (or are removed) guess what happens to these collaborators and traitors?

As an example, look at what the French people did to collaborators who had been helping the German occupying forces during WW2.
As I've, stated before, India has, historical ties with Afghanistan where gandhari and shakuni was hailed from. So it's not surprising that Afghanistan will be a point of interest. It doesn't matter whether rest of the country is in poverty or flourishing.


Just needed to mention this. (PAKLFC isn't one from the below group but didn't want to make another post so here it goes)

Many people (especially those living in UK) values people based upon their standards of life. That's a pretty shallow way to look at life. In multiple threads, I've seen UK based Pakistani the obsession towards $$$$ and how it impacts their judgement especially here in PP. I don't know why such drive exists though for brit Pakistanis. Even here, most of the posts that follows the trend are from brit Pakistanis.

Pak's relationship with Afghanistan is much more historical then India's. Not only do we have millions of Afghan refugee's but our KPK region is almost identical to Afghanistan. Our tribes are identical to Afghan Pathan tribes too.

This thread is about the Taliban reminding Indian media how many would want to escape their country if the west offered Indian people free visa's and tickets. There would be an endless line at all Indian airports make no mistake about this at all.

"Many people (especially those living in UK) values people based upon their standards of life. That's a pretty shallow way to look at life. In multiple threads, I've seen UK based Pakistani the obsession towards $$$$ and how it impacts their judgement especially here in PP. I don't know why such drive exists though for brit Pakistanis. Even here, most of the posts that follows the trend are from brit Pakistanis."

What exactly does this mean? If I understand you correctly then you are saying that Pak people look upon others through living standards. ll the more reason why dirt poor Indian's would be on the same jets as the Afghan's if afforded similar opportunities by the west. Shallow or deep most people do look upon through the eyes of materialism.
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Pak's relationship with Afghanistan is much more historical then India's. Not only do we have millions of Afghan refugee's but our KPK region is almost identical to Afghanistan. Our tribes are identical to Afghan Pathan tribes too.

Where did i deny that? Just because you care for some entitiy X, does it mean no other can care for them too? or just bnecause you have close ties with some person Y, he(she) can not have close relationship with some other person?

From where this exclusivitity came from?

This thread is about the Taliban reminding Indian media how many would want to escape their country if the west offered Indian people free visa's and tickets. There would be an endless line at all Indian airports make no mistake about this at all.

May be, may be not. We can tell when actually that happens.

"Many people (especially those living in UK) values people based upon their standards of life. That's a pretty shallow way to look at life. In multiple threads, I've seen UK based Pakistani the obsession towards $$$$ and how it impacts their judgement especially here in PP. I don't know why such drive exists though for brit Pakistanis. Even here, most of the posts that follows the trend are from brit Pakistanis."

What exactly does this mean? If I understand you correctly then you are saying that Pak people look upon others through living standards. ll the more reason why dirt poor Indian's would be on the same jets as the Afghan's if afforded similar opportunities by the west. Shallow or deep most people do look upon through the eyes of materialism.

If you prefer materialism and denounced what God has given to human as moral codes is ok with you, then it is fine. Everyone will live life the way one wants to be. I just wrote my opinion retgarding that subject as you have done here.
Depends what standards of life you're talking about. Obviously if people conduct themselves in a manner that's going to endear them to others, it will be valued.

You're trying to make it out as though only Brit Pakistanis are obsessed with chasing money which is far from the truth. There's nothing wrong about trying to enhance your life as long as long you're not screwing others over to get there.

Naturally, people are going to judge you differently if you were stinking rich than miserably poor. I would just say live your life by being a good person, behaving with others as you like them to behave with you. You can still earn respect even if you're not wealthy.

As a muslim, should one promote this behavior?

Isn't it contradictory to what Quran states?
Where did i deny that? Just because you care for some entitiy X, does it mean no other can care for them too? or just bnecause you have close ties with some person Y, he(she) can not have close relationship with some other person?

From where this exclusivitity came from?

May be, may be not. We can tell when actually that happens.

If you prefer materialism and denounced what God has given to human as moral codes is ok with you, then it is fine. Everyone will live life the way one wants to be. I just wrote my opinion retgarding that subject as you have done here.

I did not accuse you of anything. You can have any relations with the Afghans but not at the expense of instigating terrorism in Pak lest you want the same in IoK. The likes of Gaurav Arya and Ajit Doval have admitted to this. We want a government in Afghanistan that does not allow Indian terrorism to flourish from there.

My opinion is simple keeping on topic here. Indian media got a proper shattering reply when the Talib told him let the west send some free flights to India then see how many people want to leave your poverty stricken land. Loving materialism is human nature irrespective of one's background.
I did not accuse you of anything. You can have any relations with the Afghans but not at the expense of instigating terrorism in Pak lest you want the same in IoK. The likes of Gaurav Arya and Ajit Doval have admitted to this. We want a government in Afghanistan that does not allow Indian terrorism to flourish from there.

My opinion is simple keeping on topic here. Indian media got a proper shattering reply when the Talib told him let the west send some free flights to India then see how many people want to leave your poverty stricken land. Loving materialism is human nature irrespective of one's background.

Have you ever went down the mud in the rural sector nand worked with them to estimate what they will do? If not, then your assumption is based upon your own biased materialistic nature which you are reflecting upon others as "facts" although that will be your own insecurities that is coming in to play here.
There is a difference. Indians or Pakistanis or people from any other developing country will throng the airports in thousands to go to the US/West, but for economic reasons. Everyone wants a better standard of life and the West promises that (through media, cinema etc). Economic migration has been around for centuries and is the norm of life.

But what is happening in Afghanistan is different, people are not leaving in those planes for economic reasons, they are literally running for their lives. They fear persecution and qualify as refugees.

I am amazed how the anchor could not point out this difference to the Taliban guest.

Also, obviously I can't speak for all the Indians, but inspite of a majoritarian govt (and I am no fan of theirs) things here in India are not as bad as Taliban ruled Afghanistan is. Yes there is poverty here, and minorities are not well represented in the government, but in a country with a population of 1.3B and not much wealth(thanks to the socialist policies of all governments since independence), there's always going to be problems and people left behind in the race to development, but what I see on the ground is things are improving. I would sincerely ask you to come visit India and see for yourself.

And also, the standard of life has become much better in India compared to a few decades ago, at least for the vast middle class, a lot of Indians by choice are returning to India and work/live/settle here, I know because I am one of them. Its still nowhere near the developed countries, but it is also upto the individuals and their priorities in life.
And also, the standard of life has become much better in India compared to a few decades ago, at least for the vast middle class, a lot of Indians by choice are returning to India and work/live/settle here, I know because I am one of them. Its still nowhere near the developed countries, but it is also upto the individuals and their priorities in life.

I know many Indians who have moved back to India from the US, but to be fair, all of them moved back because of the employment-based green card queue since it will take 50+ years for an Indian-born individual to get an employment-based green card. If you visit websites for professionals in tech, you will see Indians posting all the time about this exactly same thing.

Though yes, your overall point is true that there are not that many refugees from Pakistan or India, and at least in the case of Pakistan it's limited to Ahmedis or Hazaras.
As a muslim, should one promote this behavior?

Isn't it contradictory to what Quran states?

What’s contradictory here? Are you saying that living a peaceful and morally cautious life is not promoted in Quran?
You're right, most Non-resident Indians only come back to India when forced. But having lived in India for 20 years, then spent more than a decade in the US and now back in India for the past few years, I have seen many Indians like me who returned from the US and don't miss that lifestyle much. As I said, things have improved a lot here (at least before Covid) and hopefully will continue to improve.

I am sure Pakistan is witnessing growth just like India. I hope that both India and Pakistan continue to grow economically and that would help people in both the countries to have a better standard of life.

I know many Indians who have moved back to India from the US, but to be fair, all of them moved back because of the employment-based green card queue since it will take 50+ years for an Indian-born individual to get an employment-based green card. If you visit websites for professionals in tech, you will see Indians posting all the time about this exactly same thing.

Though yes, your overall point is true that there are not that many refugees from Pakistan or India, and at least in the case of Pakistan it's limited to Ahmedis or Hazaras.
Have you ever went down the mud in the rural sector nand worked with them to estimate what they will do? If not, then your assumption is based upon your own biased materialistic nature which you are reflecting upon others as "facts" although that will be your own insecurities that is coming in to play here.

This thread is about how Indian's would be begging for free flights and tickets to the west had they been made available. It has nothing to do with materialism at all. You must be an angel who would reject a great house, car and million's in the bank. Ask a hungry and homeless man what he would give for all that. Once more back on topic the Taliban are absolutely right shutting up that Indian anchor.
As I've, stated before, India has, historical ties with Afghanistan where gandhari and shakuni was hailed from. So it's not surprising that Afghanistan will be a point of interest. It doesn't matter whether rest of the country is in poverty or flourishing.



The only ties Afghanistan has with India in the documented history is that, be it The Khiljis or The Lodis or The Suries etc, their were quite a few Afghan pushtoon warriors who attacked India, killed thousands of Hindu army men and ruled over India for centuries.

Indians have been slaves under Afghanis for centuries ~ That’s the actual LINK, if you are truly yearning for one.

This ghandhari n shakuni link has no meaning or value. Perhaps a big majority of Indians didnt even know or cared about it before it all started in the last few years.

It’s only used to find a political excuse to justify the fake Indian love for Afghanistan.
Its laughable how few Pakistanis like you think they will decide and define what links India shares with any country.

Its even funnier that they decide what Indians know and care for.

Thanks to Modi, that he has shut out our relationship with pakistan.

Yep, Afghani pushtoon warriors never invaded India, never killed many many Hindus and never ruled India over the Hindu slaves for centuries.

Thanks Modi for teaching the actual n true history to Bhakts.
This ghandhari n shakuni link has no meaning or value. .

Of course it won't hold any value to you since you are a Muslim.

Similar to how any verse from Quran isn't useful or doesn't have any meaning to me since I am non Muslim.

I am not asking you to hold any value.

I am saying I hold value.

Learn the difference. It's not a request or question. It's a statement.
When locals work with and help invaders or occupying forces, they are known as 'collaborators' or 'traitors'. When the occupying forces leave (or are removed) guess what happens to these collaborators and traitors?

As an example, look at what the French people did to collaborators who had been helping the German occupying forces during WW2.

So all those people desperate to flee the country as shown on the video are all traitors?

Since when you started giving certificates?

And they are Traitors why bcoz they do not support and want to live under brutal regime of Taliban?

Some of the taliban defenders here sitting in USA/UK are hilarious.
So all those people desperate to flee the country as shown on the video are all traitors?

Since when you started giving certificates?

And they are Traitors why bcoz they do not support and want to live under brutal regime of Taliban?

Some of the taliban defenders here sitting in USA/UK are hilarious.

Regime so brutal that it took only 2 to 4 unarmed Taliban per city to conquer :))

You Indians should consider ditching the crap they feed you on meme channels.

Right now you have the Indian foreign minister begging for a meeting with Taliban in Doha and the Indians "at home" living in fantasy land.

Now that Indian terrorist sponsoring consulates have been closed, hopefully peaceful times are ahead for Afghanistan.
I agree that there will be uncontrollable crowds outside the airport but I doubt that you will have people hanging and dropping out of an airplane.
Not currently as quality of life has improved a lot
I agree that there will be uncontrollable crowds outside the airport but I doubt that you will have people hanging and dropping out of an airplane.
Not currently as quality of life has improved a lot

Hanging off airplanes isn't desperation, it's just sheer stupidity. If they wanted to die, they could just jump off a high building. You can only assume they were dumb enough to think they could actually hang off a plane all the way to USA, so if that's the case they were probably economic migrants of the dumbest order.
So all those people desperate to flee the country as shown on the video are all traitors?

Since when you started giving certificates?

And they are Traitors why bcoz they do not support and want to live under brutal regime of Taliban?

Some of the taliban defenders here sitting in USA/UK are hilarious.
You obviously didn't understand the post. All those people with documents provided by the US and the other occupying forces and trying to leave were in one way or another working with the occupying forces, else they wouldn't have been provided with documents. Like it or not, they were 'collaborators'.

I gave you an example of what the French did to collaborators who had helped the Germans during WW2.

From the sounds of it you don't even know where France is, or who was occupying whose countries, or even what WW2 was !! Else you wouldn't be arguing like a simpleton.

As for those without documents, they are chancers hoping to find a way to get into a western country. Just like those who risk their lives every day trying to cross the English Channel and the Mediterranean Sea by dinghies and leaking boats to to get to the West for a better life. Sure, some of them are refugees and genuine asylum seekers, but the vast majority are illegal migrants. These chancers in Kabul are no different.
Everyone here promoting materialistic way of life. Are you stating Quran advocates for it?

how and where?
Islam has nothing against earning when done honestly. Yes, Islam does recommend striking a good balance.

However, are you saying that EVERYONE here is promoting accumulation of wealth by hook or crook?
Hanging off airplanes isn't desperation, it's just sheer stupidity. If they wanted to die, they could just jump off a high building. You can only assume they were dumb enough to think they could actually hang off a plane all the way to USA, so if that's the case they were probably economic migrants of the dumbest order.
Nah. They were highly educated and experienced aeronautical and structural engineers and scientists, who were experts at aerodynamics, and had watched "The Flight of the Phoenix" starring amongst others James Stewart, Richard Attenborough, Hardy Krüger, Ernest Borgnine, many times over, and were convinced they knew what they were doing.
Of course it won't hold any value to you since you are a Muslim.

Similar to how any verse from Quran isn't useful or doesn't have any meaning to me since I am non Muslim.

I am not asking you to hold any value.

I am saying I hold value.

Learn the difference. It's not a request or question. It's a statement.

and where did I say, YOU personally don't hold any value? Did I single you out?

I said
Perhaps a big majority of Indians didnt even know or cared about it before it all started in the last few years.

understand the difference?
how and where?
Islam has nothing against earning when done honestly. Yes, Islam does recommend striking a good balance.

However, are you saying that EVERYONE here is promoting accumulation of wealth by hook or crook?

Yes. except one, i can see everyone promoting the materialistic way of life. If Quran doesn't teaches it, then I guess it is a failure of those people of becoming a "muslim".
and where did I say, YOU personally don't hold any value? Did I single you out?

I said

understand the difference?

Don't give statement with ambiguity. I am an indian too. If you want to clarify it, then clear it in the statement itself.
I agree that there will be uncontrollable crowds outside the airport but I doubt that you will have people hanging and dropping out of an airplane.
Not currently as quality of life has improved a lot

Many do. Its common actually. This chap from India went it for it and it paid off

Stowaway who survived 4,000-mile flight from Delhi to UK at 40,000ft and -60C in jet’s undercarriage now works at Heathrow
Yes. except one, i can see everyone promoting the materialistic way of life. If Quran doesn't teaches it, then I guess it is a failure of those people of becoming a "muslim".

And how many Hindus do you want to see as an example of failing to become a Hindu under the guidance of Hinduism?
Where does it say that all Muslims are angels?

Just like every other religious or non-religious group, Muslims also have various shades of gray.

Funny that it had to be explained to you since you are acting as if you didn't know this.
Yep, Afghani pushtoon warriors never invaded India, never killed many many Hindus and never ruled India over the Hindu slaves for centuries.

Thanks Modi for teaching the actual n true history to Bhakts.

There is a long history of Afghanistan before its islamic one.

It was ruled by Mauryans, Guptas Kushans Kabul Shahis. All non muslim empires.
There is a long history of Afghanistan before its islamic one.

It was ruled by Mauryans, Guptas Kushans Kabul Shahis. All non muslim empires.

by the same logic, you should have a lot stronger ties with PAKISTAN due to same kinda rulers. So when is your govt sending "infrastructure" projects and it's investment in Pakistan just as you did in Afghanistan due to Shakuni and ghandari link?

You know, unlike Afghanies, we didn't enslave you for centuries.
In my neighborhood, there is an indian shop the owner said he entered Germany illegally as a young kid through the sea route and was stopped by German guards and went through a lot of tough times.

Anyways, it will be the same if the announcement is made at Karachi airport by the USA, it will be the same crazy scenes.

That is the story of third-world countries.
And how many Hindus do you want to see as an example of failing to become a Hindu under the guidance of Hinduism?
Where does it say that all Muslims are angels?

Just like every other religious or non-religious group, Muslims also have various shades of gray.

Funny that it had to be explained to you since you are acting as if you didn't know this.

Right now, what I see here is, Hindus wishing/praying for Afghanistan where as some muslims are having issues with this very action.

Painting every aspect of life in materialistic way will yield this kind of insecurities where you will watch everything in materialistic lenses and will fail to appreciate genuine emotions from people.

For most people here, everything in life is a business deal. And it is disappointing since these same Muslims posters talk about morality, ethics, humanity.
There is a long history of Afghanistan before its islamic one.

It was ruled by Mauryans, Guptas Kushans Kabul Shahis. All non muslim empires.

if Afghanistan has Indian heritage then when Ghazni and Ghori ‘invaded’ what is ‘modern India’ were they just returning to their own lands and hence were not invaders? Surely if they were invaders then Marathas were also invaders in bengal!
by the same logic, you should have a lot stronger ties with PAKISTAN due to same kinda rulers. So when is your govt sending "infrastructure" projects and it's investment in Pakistan just as you did in Afghanistan due to Shakuni and ghandari link?

You know, unlike Afghanies, we didn't enslave you for centuries.

We should have but problem is the non compatibility,even the educated muslims i see are too much into religion ,its okay to be religious but its absolutly not okay when it dictates the term in ur life to a point ,where it becomes difficult to assimilate in society,plz dont take it personally im just stating what i have experienced by meeting muslims in india,usa or china
A senior Taliban spokesperson has said that millions of Indians will throng New Delhi airport if the US administration offers to fly them to America and settle them there.

This is the truth. People who were interpreters, or others who worked against the Taliban have a legitimate reason for fear. Most of the other people who are leaving are doing so for economic reasons.