Muslims flee Indian business hub after religious clashes, attacks


PakPassion Administrator
Staff member
Oct 2, 2004
A police officer sits outside a mosque that was attacked by a mob, in Gurugram

GURUGRAM, India, Aug 10 (Reuters) - Over 3,000 poor Muslims have fled a business hub outside New Delhi this month, fearing for their lives after Hindu-Muslim clashes and sporadic attacks targeting them, residents, police and a community group said.

Shops and shacks owned or run by Muslims and their houses in two large slum areas were padlocked when Reuters visited them more than a week after seven people were killed in clashes in Nuh and Gurugram districts in Haryana state, adjoining the Indian capital.

The violence began on July 31 after a Hindu religious procession, organised by groups ideologically aligned with the ruling Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), was targeted and a mosque attacked in retaliation. Police quelled the unrest in 48 hours.

But minor attacks targeting Muslims have continued for days, scaring families who had moved to the new urban centre of Gurugram - where 250 of the Fortune 500 companies have offices - in search of a livelihood.

Stone-throwing, arson and vandalisation of two small Muslim shrines in the slum districts forced hundreds of Muslim families to abandon their single-room houses and seek shelter at a train station before heading out, witnesses said.

"Many of us spent the entire night on a railway platform because it was much safer there," Raufullah Javed, a tailor who fled to his home village in the eastern state of Bihar, told Reuters by phone.

The Gurugram president of Jamiat-Ulema-e-Hind (Council of Indian Muslim Theologians) Mufti Mohammed Salim estimated that more than 3,000 Muslims had left the district after the violence.

Four Muslim shopkeepers who also fled to their villages in eastern India said by phone that members of hardline Hindu groups had questioned them about their businesses and families.

"Some Hindu men came in a large group and started asking questions such as how much money I earn," said Shahid Sheikh, a barber who fled from Tigra village, home to over 1,200 Muslim families.

"Many Muslims decided it's best to leave for a while," said Sheikh, adding that some Hindu owners of shops rented out to Muslims wanted them to vacate.

Tensions between India's majority Hindus and minority Muslims have risen over issues such as the eating of beef and inter-faith marriages with Muslims saying they have been increasingly targeted by Hindu activists since Prime Minister Narendra Modi's BJP government took power in 2014.

BJP leaders say clashes between the two communities have broken out in the past as well and have been less frequent since they came to power.

The trouble in Gurugram, a city of over 1.5 million people formerly known as Gurgaon, has exposed multinationals such as Google, American Express, Dell, Samsung, Ernst & Young and Deloitte based there to risks of violence and disruption.

Haryana police said they had arrested over 200 men from both communities in connection with the violence and some Muslims who had fled had begun to trickle back.

Anil Vij, the interior minister of Haryana's BJP government, said he had received reports of some Muslims leaving but the situation is completely under control now.

"No one is asking them to leave and we are providing full security in all communally sensitive areas," he told Reuters.
Does Ind have an election around the corner. Last election it was Pulwama and obviously they need something for the new election
Anyways, some unemployed and worthless people love spending their time involving themselves with these issues in my country. I'm the last person bothered with religion. An Indian is an Indian, a part of my family, irrespective of his/her religion.
Anyways, some unemployed and worthless people love spending their time involving themselves with these issues in my country. I'm the last person bothered with religion. An Indian is an Indian, a part of my family, irrespective of his/her religion.
Stop the naivety- Ind has elections coming and the BJP use these to remind you guys that you're not the same.
So Muslims attacked a hindu religious procession passing through a muslim majority area. 4 hindus killed.

Now Hindus obviously will retaliate.

Thing is, i am sure some politician must have incited the attacks on the hindu procession. Giving examples of how some Muslims ruled over India and how hindus must be reminded that.

The poor ordinary muslim falls in trap and attacks.

The Hindus now have their own mahapanchayat and declare boycott of Muslims.

The Muslims must realise that they are not some super human race and examples of medieval dynasties isn't going to help them if they attack the majority community. There are no laws that prevents non Muslims to take processions through muslim dominated areas. If non Muslims impose such conditions then will that be ok?

Coming to Hindus, they need to understand that certain actions though perfectly legal may be avoided. You need to understand stand that the Muslims have long been treated as a political votebank and hence they have been appeased through political patronage. They will take time to realise that non muslims have equal rights. While Hindus need to be firm on their rights they also need not be like a sledgehammer. Don't become a political votebank like the otherside.
Stop the naivety- Ind has elections coming and the BJP use these to remind you guys that you're not the same.

BJP is very popular and all opinion polls project that they will return to power with a similar majority. So don't know what you are on about.
BJP is very popular and all opinion polls project that they will return to power with a similar majority. So don't know what you are on about.
They are popular because of such things. They have become through the religion card. There would be no BJP if it wasn't for the fermenting of Hindu Muslim conflict
Hindus and desi muslims cannot coexist. This artificial coexistence in India has to be worlds greatest social experiment.

On one side you have one of world’s oldest major religion which literally has no country to its name till now.

On the other side, you have a religion which rules 25% of the world, with multiple countries in its control which safeguards and secures its existence in the future. Countries where other religions are openly mocked, ridiculed and are kept far away from political power and higher social status.

If religion truly has a place in the world, India has the right to secure itself as a stronghold of Hindus.

It is already appealing Muslims have made their way into India’s parliament and higher institutions despite their intentions of hoisting the Islamic flag in India.

Woke people showing fake sympathy for the so called poor illegal immigrants who set ablaze hundreds of vehicles. You won’t allow your kids mingle with theirs. You won’t feel safe if your own mother or sister has to walk through their ghettos. The moment the cameraman turns their back, majority of these people get back to their sick criminal ways if life. It’s the sad brutal truth of the modern world. For long the leftist woke propaganda had blinded Indians into a trap and an ultimate downfall. Finally the Indians have realised they need to fight for their existence.
Hindus and desi muslims cannot coexist. This artificial coexistence in India has to be worlds greatest social experiment.

On one side you have one of world’s oldest major religion which literally has no country to its name till now.

On the other side, you have a religion which rules 25% of the world, with multiple countries in its control which safeguards and secures its existence in the future. Countries where other religions are openly mocked, ridiculed and are kept far away from political power and higher social status.

If religion truly has a place in the world, India has the right to secure itself as a stronghold of Hindus.

It is already appealing Muslims have made their way into India’s parliament and higher institutions despite their intentions of hoisting the Islamic flag in India.

Woke people showing fake sympathy for the so called poor illegal immigrants who set ablaze hundreds of vehicles. You won’t allow your kids mingle with theirs. You won’t feel safe if your own mother or sister has to walk through their ghettos. The moment the cameraman turns their back, majority of these people get back to their sick criminal ways if life. It’s the sad brutal truth of the modern world. For long the leftist woke propaganda had blinded Indians into a trap and an ultimate downfall. Finally the Indians have realised they need to fight for their existence.
So much for the inclusivity of all-embracing Hindu religion.
So much for the inclusivity of all-embracing Hindu religion.
New PP but same old posters being apologists for ethnic cleansing of Muslims.

Some of the scenes of attacks by skinny saffron clad extremists looks out of the a bad Bollywood horror movie.

BJP/RSS extremists have been killing on mass for years but acc to joshilas and hitmans of this world , its the Muslims fault.
BJP is very popular and all opinion polls project that they will return to power with a similar majority. So don't know what you are on about.

Why are Hindus so attracted to extremist nutjobs? Does it give you guys goosebumps seeing ethnic cleansing of non-Hindus?
New PP but same old posters being apologists for ethnic cleansing of Muslims.

Some of the scenes of attacks by skinny saffron clad extremists looks out of the a bad Bollywood horror movie.

BJP/RSS extremists have been killing on mass for years but acc to joshilas and hitmans of this world , its the Muslims fault.
It's even funnier when hardcore hindutvas try to pass themselves off as Christians in a pathetic effort to mask their hatred. Naming no names here....
It's even funnier when hardcore hindutvas try to pass themselves off as Christians in a pathetic effort to mask their hatred. Naming no names here....

This is more accurate .

The Muslim Indian youth simply need to form a group of a few hundred in each city/town , enough to deter even the scariest exremists seen in Indy and the Temple of Doom. I have no idea why they are afraid of them.
BJP is very popular and all opinion polls project that they will return to power with a similar majority. So don't know what you are on about.
Is that why Modi is trying some slimeball tactics of replacing the Chief Justice of India with his Minister in the panel of 3 that selects the Election Commissioners?
They are popular because of such things. They have become through the religion card. There would be no BJP if it wasn't for the fermenting of Hindu Muslim conflict

How many days have you spent in India that you pass off such summary judgements.
Is that why Modi is trying some slimeball tactics of replacing the Chief Justice of India with his Minister in the panel of 3 that selects the Election Commissioners?

Nothing slimeball.

From 1950 Till 6 months back, the cabinet would appoint the election commissioners.

Then Justice KM Joseph's bench thought that the CJI should be part of a panel to decide the election commissioners. But the judgement said that this new arrangement will only continue till parliament brings a law. So the parliament is bringing a law.

Now coming to why CJI should not be part of any such panel.

In 2014 the Lok sabha and Rajya Sabha unanimously passed the 99th constitutional amendment bill and formed the National Judicial Appointment Commission to replace the opaque and unaccountable collegium system.

The Supreme Court sturck it down saying legislature and executive cannot interfere into the judiciary. As the constitution provides for complete separation of power.

Then how can the CJI interfere into the executive domain?

Why should the judge be part of any appointment of the executive?

KM Joseph openly declared that the Supreme court can make laws. Modi government is actually doing what governments since 1997 should have done. Keep the judicial interference out of the legislature and executive.

In the history of the election commission, only one commissioner was ever held to be partisan and his removal recommended. It was Navin Chawla in 2008. Despite the chief election commissioner recommending the removal of Chawla, Pratibha Patil refused. I wonder which was the slimeball government in power then.

None of the 3 election commissioners are due to retire before 2024 elections.
This is more accurate .

The Muslim Indian youth simply need to form a group of a few hundred in each city/town , enough to deter even the scariest exremists seen in Indy and the Temple of Doom. I have no idea why they are afraid of them.
And then when Hindus will retaliate, you can cry genocide here.

Unfortunately for you, real world is neither indy nor temple of doom.

And your chest thumping doesn't work in the real world.
New PP but same old posters being apologists for ethnic cleansing of Muslims.

Some of the scenes of attacks by skinny saffron clad extremists looks out of the a bad Bollywood horror movie.

BJP/RSS extremists have been killing on mass for years but acc to joshilas and hitmans of this world , its the Muslims fault.

If you attack the religious procession of a 80 per cent majority then there will be retaliation.

And unfortunately some Muslims in India think like you and believe they can scare others. But then they realise how wrong they were.
If you attack the religious procession of a 80 per cent majority then there will be retaliation.

And unfortunately some Muslims in India think like you and believe they can scare others. But then they realise how wrong they were.

This is not only false but childish. Its the Hindu extremists who are in power and their devotee followers who are causing attacks on Muslims and Christians. You can play this lie to some uneducated kids in India but on here its only laughable.

Muslims should never be afraid of these vegetarian extremists. They tried puffing their chests out in the UK but quickly realised this isnt shining India, here it will not end well. Most Hindus and Muslims in the UK get on very well, because they know nothing else would work.
This is not only false but childish. Its the Hindu extremists who are in power and their devotee followers who are causing attacks on Muslims and Christians. You can play this lie to some uneducated kids in India but on here its only laughable.

Muslims should never be afraid of these vegetarian extremists. They tried puffing their chests out in the UK but quickly realised this isnt shining India, here it will not end well. Most Hindus and Muslims in the UK get on very well, because they know nothing else would work.

Who cares what you laugh at? You don't have the ability to whitewash the crimes committed by Muslims.

Muslims in India usually don't listen to pakistanis.

Hindus in UK made the mistake of joining the same political platform as pakistanis. They labour government's appeasement of the pakistanis have taught Hindus that their resources are better used if they back an opposite party.

Indian community in UK is the most well off community and has nothing to fear from pakistanis who are near the bottom. No amount of chest thumping on PP is going to change this truth.
This is not only false but childish. Its the Hindu extremists who are in power and their devotee followers who are causing attacks on Muslims and Christians. You can play this lie to some uneducated kids in India but on here its only laughable.

Muslims should never be afraid of these vegetarian extremists. They tried puffing their chests out in the UK but quickly realised this isnt shining India, here it will not end well. Most Hindus and Muslims in the UK get on very well, because they know nothing else would work.
Majority of Indians democratically voted for Modi as their PM. What do Indian Muslims expect,? The world has turned a blind eye including Muslim countries barring Pakistan. Case closed accept it or leave.
Who cares what you laugh at? You don't have the ability to whitewash the crimes committed by Muslims.

Muslims in India usually don't listen to pakistanis.

Hindus in UK made the mistake of joining the same political platform as pakistanis. They labour government's appeasement of the pakistanis have taught Hindus that their resources are better used if they back an opposite party.

Indian community in UK is the most well off community and has nothing to fear from pakistanis who are near the bottom. No amount of chest thumping on PP is going to change this truth.

You are a hindu living in Indian side of Bengal. Your views on British Indians political views have no insight or experience, so might be better to refrain from passing judgement. Unless you want to watch some Goodness Gracious Me videos to show you how British Indians converse in real life.
You are a hindu living in Indian side of Bengal. Your views on British Indians political views have no insight or experience, so might be better to refrain from passing judgement. Unless you want to watch some Goodness Gracious Me videos to show you how British Indians converse in real life.

Actually i have a large part of my extended family living in UK.

Since school summer vacations in India coincide with the UK summers, i have accompanied my grandfather to UK a number of times. He would visit UK to meet his cousins and brothers and their family. So it's not that i don't have experience of talking to people of Indian origin in UK.

But leave that aside, media reports state that people of Indian origin are moving away from labour.
Actually i have a large part of my extended family living in UK.

Since school summer vacations in India coincide with the UK summers, i have accompanied my grandfather to UK a number of times. He would visit UK to meet his cousins and brothers and their family. So it's not that i don't have experience of talking to people of Indian origin in UK.

But leave that aside, media reports state that people of Indian origin are moving away from labour.

Visiting your Indian family for a few weeks in the summer still doesn't give you any insight of Britain or British people. British Indians will be polite to your face, but the real British Indians are like Suella and Priti, their aim is to please the native Brits.
You're supposed to be a minority poster remember?
I'm from a non practising Hindu family. I accepted Lord Jesus Christ into my life at the age of 18. There should be no appeasement of any community in my country. Equal treatment for all.
I'm from a non practising Hindu family. I accepted Lord Jesus Christ into my life at the age of 18. There should be no appeasement of any community in my country. Equal treatment for all.
Majority of hindus are non practicing.
And so he must support the wrong policies?
They believe minorities from India should blindly support CONgress and it's minority (muslims, to be precise) appeasement policies they have practised over the years.

Newsflash, muslims in India aren't minority, they are the second largest majority. A population of 22 crores ain't minority.
What a joke!!!!!

First of all, explain what is a practising and what is a non practising hindu and what are the cricterias?
Practicing a religion means that the person believes in the jurisprudence of the scriptures of there religion. A non practicing means someone who identifies with the religion but does not include that in day to day life.

Now tell me what joke I cracked ?
They believe minorities from India should blindly support CONgress and it's minority (muslims, to be precise) appeasement policies they have practised over the years.

Newsflash, muslims in India aren't minority, they are the second largest majority. A population of 22 crores ain't minority.
Minority compared to hindus.
And so he must support the wrong policies?
Genuine person of minority would not single out Muslims, they would be equally scathing about the hindutva groups which rampage through neighbourhoods and spread terror among civilians.

You may be able to condone such nonsense in your own country but be mindful of spreading lies and propaganda on here, folk are not so gullible.
Practicing a religion means that the person believes in the jurisprudence of the scriptures of there religion. A non practicing means someone who identifies with the religion but does not include that in day to day life.

Now tell me what joke I cracked ?

Can you tell me what rituals are to be performed by Hindus on a day to day basis, as per scriptures and which scripture is the source?

And i am not talking about only Brahmins here.
Genuine person of minority would not single out Muslims, they would be equally scathing about the hindutva groups which rampage through neighbourhoods and spread terror among civilians.

You may be able to condone such nonsense in your own country but be mindful of spreading lies and propaganda on here, folk are not so gullible.

He is an Assamese and a Christian, so he knows very well what issues are created by Muslim appeasement.

You may want to keep these threats for the poor minorities of Pakistan. They wi be scared. Not others.
Genuine person of minority would not single out Muslims, they would be equally scathing about the hindutva groups which rampage through neighbourhoods and spread terror among civilians.

You may be able to condone such nonsense in your own country but be mindful of spreading lies and propaganda on here, folk are not so gullible.
Just because you and your likes believe minorities in India, specially Muslims, are under threat, please don't try to to ram it down our throats. I've lived all my life in Assam, and I know how much unity is there between Hindus and Muslims in my state. Muslims here in my state live a life of dignity, and share a brotherhood with Hindus. I have tons of Muslim friends and I have been to their home to enjoy cricket matches, and they have been to my place to enjoy my mother's home cooked mutton.

The CONgress have made a mess in my state over the years by allowing illegal Bangladeshi immigrants enter my state and eat away our resources. Even Assamese Muslims hate CONgres and those illegal immigrants.
Just because you and your likes believe minorities in India, specially Muslims, are under threat, please don't try to to ram it down our throats. I've lived all my life in Assam, and I know how much unity is there between Hindus and Muslims in my state. Muslims here in my state live a life of dignity, and share a brotherhood with Hindus. I have tons of Muslim friends and I have been to their home to enjoy cricket matches, and they have been to my place to enjoy my mother's home cooked mutton.

The CONgress have made a mess in my state over the years by allowing illegal Bangladeshi immigrants enter my state and eat away our resources. Even Assamese Muslims hate CONgres and those illegal immigrants.
That's funny, I hear from Bangladeshi associates how their country is flooded with Indian immigrants, all landing prime jobs because their PM Sheikh Hasina has been bought off by India.

For all the love you claim for your Muslim neighbours, I see you still failed to condemn the hindutva terror groups which plague the nation, and are in fact associated with your govt. Don't try to pull the wool over anyone's eyes here, the propaganda being churned out is clear and evident.
Can you tell me what rituals are to be performed by Hindus on a day to day basis, as per scriptures and which scripture is the source?

And i am not talking about only Brahmins here.
They do not , that is why I say that majority of Hindus are non practicing.
They do not , that is why I say that majority of Hindus are non practicing.

There are no such daily rituals for non Brahmins to perform. There are no such compulsory rituals that must be performed daily in order to qualify as a hindu. None.

Except for the Brahmins.
There are no such daily rituals for non Brahmins to perform. There are no such compulsory rituals that must be performed daily in order to qualify as a hindu. None.

Except for the Brahmins.
So you want to say there is no difference between atheist and a hindu ? If someone ask you which is the scripture that hindus adhere to , what will be your answer ?
So you want to say there is no difference between atheist and a hindu ? If someone ask you which is the scripture that hindus adhere to , what will be your answer ?

So basically you have no idea and you were passing judgements on hindus.

Atheist doesn't believe in religion. Hindus do.

The basic mantras are derived from the Vedas. Their explainatory treatises are the Upanishads.

Then the various sects have their puranas.

Like as a vaishnav i read the Bhagwat.

Next time don't pass judgements on others religion please.
Please, whenever you all post about another religion, make sure to consider that it shouldn't hurt the feelings of others.
So basically you have no idea and you were passing judgements on hindus.

Atheist doesn't believe in religion. Hindus do.

The basic mantras are derived from the Vedas. Their explainatory treatises are the Upanishads.

Then the various sects have their puranas.

Like as a vaishnav i read the Bhagwat.

Next time don't pass judgements on others religion please.
Bhagwad Geeta is a book of philoshopy , it comes as History.

If you are saying that Hindus derive mantras from Vedas , then the other laws should be derieved from them. Do you agree?
Bhagwad Geeta is a book of philoshopy , it comes as History.

If you are saying that Hindus derive mantras from Vedas , then the other laws should be derieved from them. Do you agree?

As i said, don't comment on things you don't know about.

Bhagwad Gita and Bhagwad which is a Purana are different.

For Hindus, Gita is a religious texts.

You sir have no understanding of Hinduism hence you think that Vedas are a set of laws that has to be followed and then one can be hindu.
As i said, don't comment on things you don't know about.

Bhagwad Gita and Bhagwad which is a Purana are different.

For Hindus, Gita is a religious texts.

You sir have no understanding of Hinduism hence you think that Vedas are a set of laws that has to be followed and then one can be hindu.
Okay So you are talking about Puranas? Do you consider puranas as authority ?

"Jitne bhi Muslim bachche hai…’: UP teacher’s viral video prompts outrage"​

Video of a UP teacher encouraging Hindu students to beat a Muslim kid has gone viral shocking social media users.

An undated video of a teacher allegedly encouraging Hindu students to slap a Muslim student went viral with UP's Muzaffarnagar Police reacting to it. "The station in-charge of Mansoorpur has been directed to investigate and take necessary action," the Twitter handle of Muzaffarnagar Police posted.

"I have declared jitne bhi Mohammedan bachhe hai..." the teacher said on the camera encouraging Hindu students to thrash a Muslim kid in the class. It is not yet known how the video was shot as the teacher seemed to be engaged in a conversation with the person explaining what she was doing.

Rich country with a 3rd world mentality that will remain mentally an abusive 3rd world country due to ill defined hatred towards Muslims. Can't imagine psychological impact on the kid getting abused and the kids slapping. Horrible.
Its lovely to see our friends from India are very concerned for Christians and minorities in Pakistan but in their own land defend abuses against them. Pakistan should open up free visas for our friends to help out.

"Jitne bhi Muslim bachche hai…’: UP teacher’s viral video prompts outrage"​

Video of a UP teacher encouraging Hindu students to beat a Muslim kid has gone viral shocking social media users.

An undated video of a teacher allegedly encouraging Hindu students to slap a Muslim student went viral with UP's Muzaffarnagar Police reacting to it. "The station in-charge of Mansoorpur has been directed to investigate and take necessary action," the Twitter handle of Muzaffarnagar Police posted.

"I have declared jitne bhi Mohammedan bachhe hai..." the teacher said on the camera encouraging Hindu students to thrash a Muslim kid in the class. It is not yet known how the video was shot as the teacher seemed to be engaged in a conversation with the person explaining what she was doing.

Rich country with a 3rd world mentality that will remain mentally an abusive 3rd world country due to ill defined hatred towards Muslims. Can't imagine psychological impact on the kid getting abused and the kids slapping. Horrible.

It's not a rich country. It's a third world country with some rich people living there, you can say the same about Bangladesh or Pakistan. That is the only reason you get third world mentality in India, the population is still living in third world conditions, and that combined with the militant hindutva ideology which has been cultivated since the ascent of the British Raj is leading directly to what we see today.
It's not a rich country. It's a third world country with some rich people living there, you can say the same about Bangladesh or Pakistan. That is the only reason you get third world mentality in India, the population is still living in third world conditions, and that combined with the militant hindutva ideology which has been cultivated since the ascent of the British Raj is leading directly to what we see today.
Actually third world countries are those that go around the world with a begging bowl in their hands asking for alms.
Actually third world countries are those that go around the world with a begging bowl in their hands asking for alms.

3rd World is a state of mind.

The problem with new Indians is they measure everything by the number of Dollars in their pockets.