Pakistan vs South Africa | 2nd Test | Lahore | 10/10/07 | Day 3

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Hall of Famer
Jun 27, 2003
All set for Day 3.

Inzi & Mizbi - the ul Haqs attempt to dig Pakistan out of a hole.

Play starts in 3 mins.
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3 to Inzi off the 1st ball through covers.

4 to Mizbi!


9 off the 1st over!

Go Pakistan:)
Hmmm..looks like I'm doing a solo shift in the Comm Box! Well Im staying here until Inzi gets the record...
Inzi needs 6 more runs to become Pakistan highest run scorer in test cricket, right now it is Miandad.
oxy- shouldn't spammers be banned from pakpassion?

I take it you will now ban yourself?
Hash said:
oxy- shouldn't spammers be banned from pakpassion?

I take it you will now ban yourself?

Public service - besides, Inzis out - Im going to sleep...
that was a soft dismissal from Inzi. Still short of Miandad and more importantly Pak is in BIG trouble.
Shaoib Malik with a mountain to climb.

T20 heroics from Malik & Mizbi?
Serious trouble now! I hope we can get within 50 runs of their total. Any bigger lead and we're really up against it.
Aww man, Inzi out.


We need 205 more runs to Tie SA. Malik is the new batsmen.
Pakistan iz in deep trouble ,fav son sucked again , oh well now its all up to the young bloods to save the day and the face.
Wow, what an over...

39.6 Steyn to Misbah-ul-Haq, no run, left alone outside off
39.5 Steyn to Misbah-ul-Haq, no run, left alone outside off
39.4 Steyn to Misbah-ul-Haq, no run, left alone outside off
39.3 Steyn to Misbah-ul-Haq, no run, left alone outside off
39.2 Steyn to Misbah-ul-Haq, no run, left alone outside off
39.1 Steyn to Misbah-ul-Haq, no run, left alone outside off
they are lying

he hit the fifth ball
This test match is really showing how bad PCB is. If Inzi was going to play his last test here, why wasn't he played in the first test? If he really did opt out, then he shouldn't have been played in a crucial test. Anyway, playing 2 pacers seeming very stupid now.

Lets see if Malik and Misbah can put together a partnership or else Pak will be staring further down the barrel..
Pak getting a taste of their own medicine. At this moment of time, looks like the trend of a Shoaib-less Pak losing to SA will continue barring a miracle.
The old traditional Pakistan batting collapse

looks like we will be followig on
we always blame the Pakistans openers for failing and putting pressure on the middle order,now in this test openers did their job and the so call BIG 3 failed miserably and left the team in shamble.

shame shame shame on YK,MOYO,and the biggest failure of all Inzi.
And I thought we had a really strong batting lineup going into the match and for once we cannot blame the openers.
Islamabadi said:
chokers....i don't get it why the hell i keep watching these A@#$%*$@
Are you watching? They're not chocking but being outplayed by a better test team at this time.
Get Waqar Younis out of the commentary box and into the game...we need to bowl SA for a very small total....thats the only way we're gonna win now, unless Misbah can pull us up to a respectable 1st innings score.
Islamabadi said:
chokers....i don't get it why the hell i keep watching these A@#$%*$@

the language is prob unnecessary but i understand the frustration....yaar its typical...i was just telling the samething to my friend...sometimes you wonder why we support this team...

Who were the smart alecs saying we don't need Shoaib?

We are being destroyed on home pitches by South African 'pace' attack whilst our pacers simmply bore us and are ineffective with Indian style medium pace
I hope Misbah understands that now that the tail are in, he cannot afford to just block, block , block. We need runs.
lol, i was actually expecting something today from Pakistan... i guess they have a thing for crushing hopes....
Steyn showing the results of pace. Took five on a dead Karachi wicket and now continuing the good work. Well bowled.
ooo one more thing...all of us plz welcome back shoaib akhtar bhai into the team....with these sorta performances...we can't even keep the devil out of our team if we wanted to
UsmanhailsAfridi said:
the language is prob unnecessary but i understand the frustration....yaar its typical...i was just telling the samething to my friend...sometimes you wonder why we support this team...
yaar, im feeling the same way... i know it sounds bad but that really how i feel right now...
ffs, this is not what i expected!! Misbah needs to hit out big time.
We had a brilliant two years under Inzi and Bob....almost sensational. And now we have had a terrible year. Have to take the rough with the smooth.
Rehman has a best of 96 in first class cricket, if he and the tail along with Misbah can eek out another 100 runs or so then we are right back into the match. Then the lead for South Africa will be 100 and then there we should try to get them out for 150-200 and chase down a target of 250-300 to win the game.

All is not lost yet.
Everyone needs to stop crying. It's not like Pak is not trying! They're simply just not good enough. Inzi is obviously past it and has always had an awful record against a pace dominant SA attack. Yousuf is great but hasn't played for a while. Younus, well he's a great batsman but made a mistake. But the difference for me is an inform Kallis and SA pace attack. Shoaib like he did before against SA, would'v made a HUGE difference. We all know that.
LightSpeedGT said:
Everyone needs to stop crying. It's not like Pak is not trying! They're simply just not good enough. Inzi is obviously past it and has always had an awful record against a pace dominant SA attack. Yousuf is great but hasn't played for a while. Younus, well he's a great batsman but made a mistake. But the difference for me is an inform Kallis and SA pace attack. Shoaib like he did before against SA, would'v made a HUGE difference. We all know that.
yet the people whos job it is don't know...
Raz said:
Rehman has a best of 96 in first class cricket, if he and the tail along with Misbah can eek out another 100 runs or so then we are right back into the match. Then the lead for South Africa will be 100 and then there we should try to get them out for 150-200 and chase down a target of 250-300 to win the game.

All is not lost yet.


But we cannot get another 100 runs by blocking/leaving every ball.
Raz said:
Rehman has a best of 96 in first class cricket, if he and the tail along with Misbah can eek out another 100 runs or so then we are right back into the match. Then the lead for South Africa will be 100 and then there we should try to get them out for 150-200 and chase down a target of 250-300 to win the game.

All is not lost yet.

talk about optimism
Oh well - seems like my prediction of 200 could come true! Zaheer is crying away...bit like in here!
This series is not really a shock. SA has always dominated Pak. It only changed when Shoaib began running through their top order on a regular basis. Simply put, SA team is Shoaib's bunny.
Surely Mohammed Asif with his Series Average of 90 and Strike Rate of 198 will save us :)))
Mizbi needs to save us... yet again.
our poor bowlers they cant even get a days rest, hope they dont get injured
Asif is a good bowler. But one thing I did notice was how the batsman were almost predictably playing straight as if waiting for the ball to cut in. The off cutter has been Asif's most deadly ball on dead wickets but seems to have been picked up by the opposition. Maybe if Asif had more pace, the batsman might still miss it. Asif, in helpful conditions, still remains a force to be reckoned with. Like the McGraths and Pollocks.
We can still draw this one! How many runs do we need to avoid the follow on? Like 100, or like 50? We need to avoid the follow on, keep lead to only like 350. We should be able to chase a score like that with Yousuf, Younis, Misbah, Malik, and Inzi.
come on Rehman

stop leaving every ball
Bobaran said:
We can still draw this one! How many runs do we need to avoid the follow on? Like 100, or like 50? We need to avoid the follow on, keep lead to only like 350. We should be able to chase a score like that with Yousuf, Younis, Misbah, Malik, and Inzi.

2 runs to avoid follow on

As Raz said.another 100 runs and we are still in the game.

But I don't see where these 100 runs will come from with our batsman hell bent on leaving/blocking every ball.
Man, some people here need to calm down - calling everyone left and right chokers.

I'm worried about Asif and Gul. Because of the stupid selection, they've already been over bowled to h e l l. And now they'll need to come back out and bowl again...
Rehman almost gone. a very difficult catch dropped by Boucher.

I hope Gul and Asif ready to face the music as the pitch still has good bounce
Hash said:
2 runs to avoid follow on

As Raz said.another 100 runs and we are still in the game.

But I don't see where these 100 runs will come from with our batsman hell bent on leaving/blocking every ball.

Harris started off like that at first and Boucher was very circumspect yesterday when the day started. Once Harris got his eye in he started playing his shots and the runs then started flowing. Rehman just needs to get comfortable at the crease and Misbah also needs to get set too.

For now blocking is ok, as long as the defense is solid. We just cannot afford another wicket to go down right now.
Pathetic reaction by glory seeking / part-time / only sing when you are winning 'fans'

Go and support Australia or India if you judge everything in trophy terms.
iafzal said:
Rehman almost gone. a very difficult catch dropped by Boucher.

I hope Gul and Asif ready to face the music as the pitch still has good bounce
They dished a fair bit out to the tail last night!
And is gone, there is something to celebrate. South Africa will, I repeat WILL have to bat again. Follow on is saved.:D
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