[PICTURES] Yogi Adityanath : India's anti-Muslim firebrand and possible future PM


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Staff member
Oct 2, 2004
New Delhi (AFP) – A monk known for his incendiary anti-Muslim rhetoric leads the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party into elections in India's most populous state Thursday, where a strong win could put him in pole position to succeed Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Yogi Adityanath, 49, has stirred controversy since his surprise appointment in 2017 as chief minister of Uttar Pradesh, a state in northern India home to over 200 million people -- more than the entire population of Brazil.

Office has done nothing to temper his views, and as he seeks a second term he is exhorting Hindu voters to back the BJP while riding roughshod over Muslims who make up one-fifth of the state's population.

A hardline protege of Modi, Adityanath has soared in popularity beyond Uttar Pradesh, thanks to his fiery speeches and projection as a tough, no-nonsense administrator.

"He is brazenly open about his Hindu politics and ideology... He has projected himself as a Hindu leader and that's what brings him crowds and votes," said journalist and political commentator Sunita Aron.

"When he does Muslim-bashing, he grabs eyeballs and audiences," she told AFP.

In the run-up to the bellwether polls this week, the saffron-clad monk did not mince his words, saying it would be a fight between "80 percent and 20 percent", referring to the state's demographic split on religion.

Crowds thronged one rally for a glimpse of the ascetic, despite coronavirus restrictions, cheering loudly each time he made a mocking reference to Muslim voters.

"They are worshippers of Jinnah," he tweeted last month, referring to Mohammad Ali Jinnah, the founder of India's arch-rival neighbour Pakistan.

"Pakistan is dear to them, we sacrifice our life for Maa Bharati (Mother India)."

Sacred cow

Born Ajay Singh Bisht, Adityanath comes from a humble background -- his father was a forest ranger and he was one of seven siblings.

While studying mathematics at university, Adityanath became an activist in the student wing of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, a right-wing Hindu organisation considered the ideological fountainhead of the BJP.

After graduating, he became a priest of Gorakhnath Temple, known for its strong Hindu supremacist tradition, and at the same time went into politics, elected to parliament for the first time in 1998 aged just 26.

Along the way, he founded a vigilante youth army named Hindu Yuva Vahini.

Volunteers of the group regularly rough up Muslims accused of slaughtering cows or "love jihad" -- a term used by nationalist extremists to accuse Muslim men of seducing Hindu women in order to force them to convert.

Cows are considered sacred by Hindus and their slaughter is banned in many states, including Uttar Pradesh.

Adityanath himself has several criminal cases pending against him in various courts.

In 2007, he spent 11 days in jail for trying to foment communal tension. In one speech he vowed: "If they (Muslims) kill one Hindu man, then we will kill 100 Muslim men."

But his notoriety did nothing to impede his twin-track progress: in 2014, he was appointed head priest of his temple.

After taking the reins as chief minister three years later, Adityanath announced curbs on slaughterhouses and on the use of loudspeakers for the Muslim call to prayer, fuelling an atmosphere of fear and intimidation.

Indian media reports say more than 100 alleged criminals -- most of them Muslims or low-caste Dalits -- have been extra-judicially killed by Uttar Pradesh police under his administration, a charge Adityanath denies.

Heir apparent?

His political style aligns firmly with his party, which has been accused of fuelling religious intolerance for electoral gain, calling into question India's long-cherished secular and democratic credentials.

Adityanath also appears to be a complementary foil to Modi, driving the party's Hindu majoritarian agenda with ferocity while the prime minister is to some extent constrained by the obligations of his office.

Within the party, he is seen as a possible successor to Modi, who is 20 years his senior.

A strong showing in the election -- which extends over seven rounds of voting before counting in early March -- will bolster that status.

Opinion polls put the BJP at around 43 percent, well ahead of the socialist Samajwadi party and easily enough for an absolute majority.

"It's too early to say about his role in the future. But it's clear that he is second only to Modi," a BJP member told AFP, requesting anonymity.

"It may be a bit premature but of course he is a contender for the prime minister's job."

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Question for Indian friends - is this monster likely to become PM of India or is it just bad reporting?
Yogi Adityanath believes in Hindu ideology living in Hindustan. Not sure why would it makes him a monster?

As far as few controversial statements he made in the past, no big deal. Many people makes controversial statements at some point or other. Heck we have a British PM who called women letter boxes.

Yogi should only be judged by his performance and not by virtue of his religious beliefs. The fact is he has been one of the high performing Chief ministers who has developed the state of Uttar Pradesh immensely in last 5 years. Just like how Modi did in Gujarat before he became the PM.

Having said all that, I personally don't think he will become PM.
Question for Indian friends - is this monster likely to become PM of India or is it just bad reporting?

He claims that there has been 0 Hindu-Muslims riots in Uttar Pradesh, a state with 200 million population with 38 million Muslims population, ever since he became CM of the state.
I don't think even the most hardline of Indians will be comfortable with this guy on the world stage.

He is a domestic firebrand and can whip up the emotions of the public quickly in rallies or jalsas. A good symbol, to demonstrate the power of Hindu ideology but only at home.

He doesn't have the intelligence of Modi to know how to straddle the line.
I don't think even the most hardline of Indians will be comfortable with this guy on the world stage.

He is a domestic firebrand and can whip up the emotions of the public quickly in rallies or jalsas. A good symbol, to demonstrate the power of Hindu ideology but only at home.

He doesn't have the intelligence of Modi to know how to straddle the line.

How is his performance of his govt compared to Modi or any CM?

Some of the work which Yogi govt highlights are:

1. Scholarships for 2 million minority students in UP.

2. ODOP scheme - which is claimed to have benefited Muslims most.
Whether it is the revival of the lock industry in Aligarh, brassware in Moradabad, bells and ‘ghunghroos' in Etah, leather products in Agra, shoes in Hamirpur, carpets in Bhadohi, chikan and zardozi in Lucknow and glassware in Firozabad, it is Muslims working in these industries that have directly benefitted with the revival of locally made products.

"For the first time, we found a government promoting locally made products which, in turn, gave us a platform to exhibit our skills and expand out trade," said Mohd Haroon, a bell maker from Etah.

Weavers from Azamgarh, Mau and Varanasi also found the ODOP scheme to be a boon for them.

3. Minority educational institustions

While the ODOP schemes economically strengthened the Muslim community, the Yogi government also enriched and improvised the educational institutions for Muslims.
He further said that the Yogi Adityanath government had introduced NCERT syllabus to bring madrasa education at par with other schools.

Danish Azad, member of the UP Bhasha Samiti, said that there are 17,000 private and 558 aided madrasas in the state and their upgradation and improvisation had changed the future of the students.

The Yogi Adityanath government has earmarked Rs 479 crore for madrasa modernization scheme, Rs 829 crore for minority male and female students scholarship and Rs 588 crore for multi-sectoral districts plan to make available basic infrastructural facilities in the districts with a minority-dominated population.
First things first, why is he ashamed of his own name?

Call him that everywhere and watch him and his supporters lose their minds: Ajay Mohan Bisht.
HARIDWAR, India — The police officer arrived at the Hindu temple here with a warning to the monks: Don’t repeat your hate speech.

Ten days earlier, before a packed audience and thousands watching online, the monks had called for violence against the country’s minority Muslims. Their speeches, in one of India’s holiest cities, promoted a genocidal campaign to “kill two million of them” and urged an ethnic cleansing of the kind that targeted Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar.

When videos of the event provoked national outrage, the police came. The saffron-clad preachers questioned whether the officer could be objective.

Yati Narsinghanand, the event’s firebrand organizer known for his violent rhetoric, assuaged their concerns.

“Biased?” Mr. Narsinghanand said, according to a video of the interaction. “He will be on our side,” he added, as the monks and the officer broke into laughter.

Once considered fringe, extremist elements are increasingly taking their militant message into the mainstream, stirring up communal hate in a push to reshape India’s constitutionally protected secular republic into a Hindu state. Activists and analysts say their agenda is being enabled, even normalized, by political leaders and law enforcement officials who offer tacit endorsements by not directly addressing such divisive issues.

After the monks’ call to arms went viral, Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his top leaders remained silent, except for a vice president with a largely ceremonial role who warned that “inciting people against each other is a crime against the nation” without making a specific reference to Haridwar. Junior members of Mr. Modi’s party attended the event, and the monks have often posted pictures with senior leaders.

“You have persons giving hate speech, actually calling for genocide of an entire group, and we find reluctance of the authorities to book these people,” Rohinton Fali Nariman, a recently retired Indian Supreme Court judge, said in a public lecture. “Unfortunately, the other higher echelons of the ruling party are not only being silent on hate speech, but almost endorsing it.”

Mr. Narsinghanand was later arrested after he ignored the police warning and repeated calls for violence. His lawyer, Uttam Singh Chauhan, said his speeches may have been a reaction to anti-Hindu comments by Muslim clerics.

Mr. Modi’s governing Bharatiya Janata Party did not respond to requests for comment.

“Does the prime minister or home minister need to address every small, trivial issue?” said Vinod Bansal, a spokesman for the World Hindu Council, a party affiliate. “The accused have already been arrested. The secular groups will always highlight such incidents, but not when Hindus, Hindu gods and goddesses are under attack.”

The hate speech is stoking communal tensions in a country where small triggers have incited mass-death tragedies. The monks’ agenda already resonates with increasingly emboldened vigilante groups.

Vigilantes have beaten people accused of disrespecting cows, considered holy by some Hindus; dragged couples out of trains, cafes and homes on suspicion that Hindu women might be seduced by Muslim men; and barged into religious gatherings where they suspect people are being converted.

In recent weeks, global human rights organizations and local activists, as well as India’s retired security chiefs, have warned that the violent rhetoric has reached a dangerous new pitch. With right-wing messages spreading rapidly through social media and the government hesitant to take action, they are concerned that a singular event — a local dispute, or an attack by international terror groups such as Al Qaeda or the Islamic State — could lead to widespread violence that would be difficult to contain.

Gregory Stanton, the founder of Genocide Watch, a nonprofit group, who raised similar warnings ahead of the massacres in Rwanda in the 1990s, told a U.S. congressional briefing that the demonizing and discriminatory “processes” that lead to genocide have been well underway in India.

In an interview, he said Myanmar was an example of how the easy dissemination of misinformation and hate speech on social media prepares the ground for violence. The difference in India, he said, is that it would be the mobs taking action instead of the military.

“You have to stop it now,” he said, “because once the mobs take over it could really turn deadly.”

The Dasna Devi temple in Uttar Pradesh state, where Mr. Narsinghanand is the chief priest, is peppered with signs that call to prepare for a “dharm yudh,” or religious war. One calls on “Hindus, my lions” to value their weapons “just the way dedicated wives value their husbands.”

The temple’s main sign prohibits Muslims from entering.

The monks’ anger is rooted in a sense of internalized victimhood that dates to the founding of India’s republic after independence from British rule in 1947. When Pakistan was carved out of India in a bloody partition that left hundreds of thousands dead, the Hindu right was incensed that the founding fathers turned what remained of India into a secular republic.

They celebrate a Hindu hard-liner’s assassination of Mohandas Gandhi — a renowned symbol of nonviolent struggle, but to them a Muslim appeaser. Pooja Shakun Pandey, a monk at the Haridwar event, has held re-enactments of Gandhi’s assassination, firing a bullet into his effigy as blood runs down.

The forces that shaped the ideology of Gandhi’s assassin, Nathuram Godse, have slowly risen from the fringes to dominate India’s politics.

organization to which Mr. Godse belonged. Mr. Modi’s party sees the group as the fountainhead of its political ideology and has relied heavily on its vast network of volunteers to mobilize voters and secure victories.

When he was chief minister of Gujarat, Mr. Modi saw firsthand how unchecked communal tensions could turn into bloodletting.

In 2002, a train fire killed 59 Hindu pilgrims. Although the cause was disputed, violent mobs, in response, targeted the Muslim community, leaving more than 1,000 people dead, many burned alive.

Rights organizations and opposition leaders accused Mr. Modi of looking the other way. He rejected the allegations as political attacks.

After he rose to the country’s highest office in 2014 on a message of economic growth, there was hope that Mr. Modi could rein in the fury. Instead, he has often reverted to a Hindu-first agenda that inflames communal divides.

In 2017, Mr. Modi picked Yogi Adityanath, a monk who had started a youth group accused of vigilante violence, to lead Uttar Pradesh, India’s largest state with more than 200 million people.

In his saffron robe, Mr. Adityanath has legislated a ban on religious conversion by marriage, an idea that he calls “love jihad,” in which Muslim men lure Hindu women to convert them. His group has served as moral police, hounding interfaith couples and punishing anyone suspected of disrespecting cows.

As Mr. Adityanath campaigned for re-election, the group held a meeting in New Delhi around the same time as the monks’ event. With a picture of Mr. Adityanath behind them, attendees took an oath to turn India into a Hindu state, even if it meant killing for it.

Mr. Adityanath’s office would not address his current relations with the group, but said the chief minister “had nothing to do” with the meeting.

Dhirendra K. Jha, a writer who has studied the rise of Hindu nationalism, said he worried that extremists now dominate India’s politics in such a way that those who call for violence feel protected.

“Unless this is dealt with, the kind of consequences that may happen — I can’t even imagine, I don’t dare to imagine,” said Mr. Jha.

The choice of Haridwar as the venue for a bold call to violence was strategic — the city attracts millions of visitors annually, often for religious festivals and pilgrimages.

The riverbank was recently busy with seers and worshipers. Families picnicked and took dips in the chilly water. Even as some religious authorities appeared troubled by the calls for violence, they were reluctant to condemn them.

Pradeep Jha, the main organizer of the city’s largest pilgrimage festival, said he shared the vision of a Hindu state, not through violence but by urging India’s Muslims to convert back; in such a view, everyone in India was Hindu at one point.

“I believe we need to pursue our goals with patience, with peace,” he said. “Otherwise, what is our difference with others?”

Mr. Narsinghanand has made a name for himself doing the exact opposite.

As he sees it, India’s Muslims — who account for 15 percent of the population — will turn the country into a Muslim state within a decade. To prevent such an outcome, he has told followers that they must “be willing to die,” pointing to the Taliban and Islamic State as a “role model.”

In 2020, Mr. Narsinghanand was among the hard-liners stoking tensions during monthslong protests over a citizenship amendment seen as discriminatory toward Muslims. He called for violence, using the language of a “final battle.” “They are jihadis, and we will have to finish them off,” he said.

Riots followed in New Delhi, with 50 people killed, a majority of them Muslims.

Mr. Narsinghanand was always observant, but not an extremist, according to his 82-year-old father, Rajeshwar Dayal Tyagi.

He was a top college student, earning a scholarship to study food technology in Moscow. There, he helped open a vegetarian restaurant for Indian students that still operates.

Returning to India in 1996, he started a computer training institute with money from Mr. Tyagi’s pension. He soon dedicated his life to being a monk, leaving behind his wife and young daughter, said his father.

“I feel pained, I feel angry, it gives me stress,” his father said. “It’s not a good idea to use harsh words against anybody.”

Despite the police warning, Mr. Narsinghanand and his fellow monks repeated their messages of hate, including on national television and social media.

“This Constitution will be the end of the Hindus, all one billion Hindus,” Mr. Narsinghanand said at a virtual event. “Whoever believes in this system, in this Supreme Court, in these politicians, in this Constitution, in this army and police — they will die a dog’s death.”

When the police came to arrest an associate, he threatened the officers, who politely urged him to calm down. “You will all die,” Mr. Narsinghanand is seen in a video telling them.

The police arrested Mr. Narsinghanand on Jan. 15, and he was charged in court with hate speech.

“He said nothing wrong,” said Swami Amritanand, an organizer of the Haridwar event. “We are doing what America is doing, we are doing what Britain is doing.”

Mr. Amritanand said the call for arms was justified because “within the next 10 to 12 years there will be a horrible war that will play out in India.”

Late last month, the monks again sounded a violent call to create a Hindu state, this time at an event hundreds of miles away from Haridwar in Uttar Pradesh. They threatened violence — referencing a bombing of India’s assembly — if Mr. Narsinghanand was not released.

Ms. Pandey described their actions as defensive. “We must prepare to protect ourselves,” she said.

To the Haridwar police, the event in Uttar Pradesh did not count as a repeat offense. Rakendra Singh Kathait, the senior police officer in Haridwar, said Mr. Narsinghanand was in jail because he had acted again in the city; others like Ms. Pandey got a warning.

“If she goes and says it from Kolkata, it doesn’t count as repeat here,” Mr. Kathait said.

First things first, why is he ashamed of his own name?

Call him that everywhere and watch him and his supporters lose their minds: Ajay Mohan Bisht.

Very silly thing to do no?

He has turned into a monk and that is why changed his name. Do you call Swami Vivekananda with his real name Narendranath Dutta?
Even Hitler had the German economy going.

Veiling his bigotry behind economy is probably the easiest thing to do.

Containing the spread of his bigotry will not be as easy.
Very silly thing to do no?

He has turned into a monk and that is why changed his name. Do you call Swami Vivekananda with his real name Narendranath Dutta?

Comparing swami Vivekananda with Yogi :)) bro relax , Bisht can be our PM 😝
Even Hitler had the German economy going.

Veiling his bigotry behind economy is probably the easiest thing to do.

Containing the spread of his bigotry will not be as easy.

What do you make of his claim that there has no riot in last 4 year ever since he became CM?
Comparing swami Vivekananda with Yogi :)) bro relax , Bisht can be our PM 😝

Ha ha. But Yogi won't be a PM. He does not have it in him. That reporter is day dreaming or probably trolling.

I expect Akhilesh Jadhav to form the government in UP.
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What do you make of his claim that there has no riot in last 4 year ever since he became CM?

What is important is the pathetic state of medical services and education and job market in UP including his own constituency at Gorakhpur.

Yogi has failed to lead the people as a whole or command any respect. He is divisive, not educated and lacks governance capabilities. Infact if he keeps his mouth shut it is better, the moment he opens it becomes pretty evident that he needs to go.
Comparing swami Vivekananda with Yogi :)) bro relax , Bisht can be our PM ��

Bro I am not comparing him with Swami Vivekananda (god forgive me). I am saying that once a person becomes yogi, he gives up his previous identity and name. Its like a new birth...where they have to sacrifice everything materialistic. So Yogi Adityanath cant be called by his previous name.

And no, I personally don't want him to become PM. Don't think he is good enough to represent India in world stage like NaMo does.

Good on him !

Religious leaders have a single point agenda, this is not so different from Communists that remain poor and make sure others are poor as well.

Pragmatic Capitalist leaders are needed. In the same logic Manmohan Singh or many oldschool Congress leaders aren’t rich either.

I don’t mind the leaders becoming rich till they are making money for everyone.
Bro I am not comparing him with Swami Vivekananda (god forgive me). I am saying that once a person becomes yogi, he gives up his previous identity and name. Its like a new birth...where they have to sacrifice everything materialistic. So Yogi Adityanath cant be called by his previous name.

And no, I personally don't want him to become PM. Don't think he is good enough to represent India in world stage like NaMo does.

On the World stage he got stage fright when his teleprompter took a rest. I have never seen anything so pathetic. Was it that hard to utter some cliches?
On the World stage he got stage fright when his teleprompter took a rest. I have never seen anything so pathetic. Was it that hard to utter some cliches?

I remember when the ban on Modi was lifted and he was allowed to enter the UK; Wembley Arena was packed and the best compliment Hindutva apologists could give was - Modi speaks English.

Such low standards!
Only Indian people will suffer if this minority hater becomes PM. He has decided that his 200 million Muslim's love Pakistan and Quaid Jinnah all by himself. When his own followers and party workers mock and shoot the picture of another devout Hindu and founding father of his country Gandhi he is accusing the Muslim's of being traitors!!.
If Indians vote for him, he will be the PM. Thats the end if that.

No media will be able to stop anyone from becoming the PM if he or she has the people's vote.
Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi on Wednesday urged Indian Muslims to stand up for the protection of their fundamental rights in India.

In a statement released today, the minister said that the persecution campaign against Muslims in the neighbouring country will not stop if the Muslim community remained silent.

FM Qureshi strongly condemned the banning of the hijab at educational institutions in Karnataka, India. He added that the flag bearers of human rights should take notice and speak for the rights of Muslim girl students who are being deprived of their fundamental right to education.

Voicing concerns over the maltreatment of minorities in India, he stated that Pakistan will host the 48th session of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation’s (OIC) Council of Foreign Ministers and informed that the meeting will discuss the issues faced by the Muslim Ummah, including the Palestine and Kashmir disputes, and Islamophobia.

Qureshi's statement comes a day after a video of a lone Burqa-wearing Muslim student, who was heckled by Hindu far-right goons in India’s southern Karnataka state, stirred outrage and triggered protests after some schools in the state refused entry to female students wearing the hijab.

"We will continue [our protests] because it [wearing a hijab] is a part of being a Muslim girl; They [friends from other communities] even supported us," Muskan Khan who was heckled by the RSS goons told India’s NDTV.

Calls across India for anti-Muslim violence – even genocide – are moving from the fringes to the mainstream, while Hindu nationalist Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his top leaders keep silent, warned a recent report published in The New York Times.

"The hate speech is stoking communal tensions in India where small triggers have incited mass-death tragedies," the report written by a team of Times’ reporters said, pointing out that Hindu monks’ agenda already resonates with increasingly emboldened vigilante groups.

If Indians vote for him, he will be the PM. Thats the end if that.

No media will be able to stop anyone from becoming the PM if he or she has the people's vote.

Ok so should we shut down PP And move on because really there is nothing to discuss after this statement.
Ok so should we shut down PP And move on because really there is nothing to discuss after this statement.

No but you can look beyond every vote from a communal or Hindu-Muslim angle.

It’s ok and understandable if someone on a forum looks at Modi-Yogi from a communal angle but whenever I see even educated diplomats etc in Pakistan still use the same rhetoric.

Gujarat riots happened in 2002. Shouldn’t have happened and no innoncent should have been killed. Let me get that out of the way. Now Modi still won the next 2 terms in Gujarat as well and the hype or political propaganda was “Gujarat model of development” not Hindu -Muslim. Sure Modi rose to those ranks from the RSS and it is a right wing nationalistic organization.

It’s such a myopic view that every Indian will only vote on Hindu-Muslim angle.

In fact more than Modi, Imran Khan invokes Islam, Medina etc in every other speech and post. Do people in Pakistan vote form him for religion or because they have hope he will make some changes and improve economy?

Indian public is no different.

Yogi is also praised for improving the security situation in UP and also got praise for some welfare schemes. not everything is about communal or caste issues. UP is not all about Hindu-Muslim there is caste warfare too. Those kind of skirmishes is something that has and will always exist in India.
Ok so should we shut down PP And move on because really there is nothing to discuss after this statement.

Well, its not about PP. I am talking about media in general. Media usually has its bias and i forsee many such articles against Yogi. Many were written against Modi too. But at the end of the day, people voted Modi to the premiership. So Yogi will have his chance at premiership if he can convince the people.
No but you can look beyond every vote from a communal or Hindu-Muslim angle.

It’s ok and understandable if someone on a forum looks at Modi-Yogi from a communal angle but whenever I see even educated diplomats etc in Pakistan still use the same rhetoric.

Gujarat riots happened in 2002. Shouldn’t have happened and no innoncent should have been killed. Let me get that out of the way. Now Modi still won the next 2 terms in Gujarat as well and the hype or political propaganda was “Gujarat model of development” not Hindu -Muslim. Sure Modi rose to those ranks from the RSS and it is a right wing nationalistic organization.

It’s such a myopic view that every Indian will only vote on Hindu-Muslim angle.

In fact more than Modi, Imran Khan invokes Islam, Medina etc in every other speech and post. Do people in Pakistan vote form him for religion or because they have hope he will make some changes and improve economy?

Indian public is no different.

Yogi is also praised for improving the security situation in UP and also got praise for some welfare schemes. not everything is about communal or caste issues. UP is not all about Hindu-Muslim there is caste warfare too. Those kind of skirmishes is something that has and will always exist in India.

Pakistanis will always look at such matters from a Hindu-Muslim communal angle, given their country's history.

For them everyone from the BJP is a muslim-hating bigot calling for their genocide. Every statement or action from a BJP leader or action will be seen from that angle and blown all out of proportion.

Most Pakistanis firmly believe that Modi's election is a sign that India has become religiously polarised, even when Modi came to power primarily on a development agenda.

Never mind the fact that given the size of India's muslim electorate, the BJP could not have formed the government if muslims had not voted for it. Also never mind that the BJP does not even exist in many Indian states which have a hindu majority. Such truths come in the way of a narrative and must be conveniently ignored.

Why let the truth come in the way of a good narrative?

It's just how it's going to be.

But it does provide good entertainment, so I request my Pakistani friends to keep it coming. :afridi1
I wrote on this forum years before Modi became PM, he will win. Indians on here thought it was rubbish, years later they seeing Modi as the Hindutva saviour of India.

Yogi will be PM one day too, he fits in even more than Modi looking like the chap out of Indiana Jones & the Temple of Doom.

There are many Good moderate Hindus in India. Hinduism like other faiths is not based on extremism or hatred. But sadly there are 100's of millions of Hindutva extremists in India now, who have been radicalised by the RSS/BJP.

In decades to come Modi will be seen as a historic moderate Hindu.
Pakistanis will always look at such matters from a Hindu-Muslim communal angle, given their country's history.

For them everyone from the BJP is a muslim-hating bigot calling for their genocide. Every statement or action from a BJP leader or action will be seen from that angle and blown all out of proportion.

Most Pakistanis firmly believe that Modi's election is a sign that India has become religiously polarised, even when Modi came to power primarily on a development agenda.

Never mind the fact that given the size of India's muslim electorate, the BJP could not have formed the government if muslims had not voted for it. Also never mind that the BJP does not even exist in many Indian states which have a hindu majority. Such truths come in the way of a narrative and must be conveniently ignored.

Why let the truth come in the way of a good narrative?

It's just how it's going to be.

But it does provide good entertainment, so I request my Pakistani friends to keep it coming. :afridi1

You all don't get it and it isn't your fault, you all in defensive mode.

Most Pakistani condemn those remarks as any normal person would.

But most Pakistani also condemn those who try to justify, find an excuse for bigotry.

If one were to condemn bigotry then that'll be the end of it but Hindutva can't bring themselves to do that, hence pure entertainment for Pakistanis :)

Notice the difference :)
I wrote on this forum years before Modi became PM, he will win. Indians on here thought it was rubbish, years later they seeing Modi as the Hindutva saviour of India.

Yogi will be PM one day too, he fits in even more than Modi looking like the chap out of Indiana Jones & the Temple of Doom.

There are many Good moderate Hindus in India. Hinduism like other faiths is not based on extremism or hatred. But sadly there are 100's of millions of Hindutva extremists in India now, who have been radicalised by the RSS/BJP.

In decades to come Modi will be seen as a historic moderate Hindu.

Glad you follow Indian politics at such a granular level but do you know who won recently in KPK Pakistan elections?
Glad you follow Indian politics at such a granular level but do you know who won recently in KPK Pakistan elections?

You're mistaken.

One does not need to be a politican expert on Indian politics to see bloody saffron clear in the future of this nation. India has been over taken by Hindutva ideology.

I thought you'd be proud not be in denial. :sachin
New Delhi: The Uttar Pradesh government was told off by the Supreme Court for trying to recover money for property damage during the 2019 anti-Citizenship (Amendment) Act protests from those identified as protesters. The court said it is giving one final opportunity to the state to withdraw the proceedings or it will quash it for being in violation of the law.
"You have to follow the due process under the law. Please examine this, we are giving one opportunity till February 18," the court said.

The Uttar Pradesh government has acted like a "complainant, adjudicator and prosecutor" in conducting the proceedings to attach the properties of the accused, said a bench of justices DY Chandrachud and Surya Kant.

"Withdraw the proceedings or we will quash it for being in violation of the law laid down by this court," the bench said.

The top court was hearing a plea filed by Parwaiz Arif Titu seeking quashing of notices sent to alleged protesters by the district administration for recovering losses caused by damage to public properties during the anti-Citizenship (Amendment) Act (CAA) agitations in Uttar Pradesh and asked the state to respond to it.

The plea said the notices have been sent in an "arbitrary manner" and cited instances where a notice has been sent to a man who had died six years ago at the age of 94 and also to several others including two people who are aged above 90.

The counsel for the state government, Garima Prashad, said that 106 FIRs were registered against 833 rioters and 274 recovery notices were issued against them.

"Out of the 274 notices, recovery orders were passed in 236 while 38 cases were closed," said the UP government's counsel.

The bench said, "The Supreme Court has passed two judgements in 2009 and 2018, which said that judicial officers should be appointed in claim tribunals but instead you appointed Additional District Magistrates (ADM)".

Justice Surya Kant said, "Madam Prashad, this is just a suggestion. This plea concerns only a set of notices sent in December 2019, in relation to one kind of agitation or protest. You can withdraw them with a stroke of a pen. 236 notices in a big state like UP is not a big thing. If you are not going to listen, then be ready to face the consequences. We will tell you how the Supreme Court judgements need to be followed".

Justice Chandrachud asked why ADMs were conducting the proceedings when the court had directed that adjudication has to be done by a judicial officer.

The Uttar Pradesh government's counsel referred to a government order issued in 2011 on the constitution of claim tribunals and said that it was approved by the High Court in its subsequent orders.

She said that the state has notified the Uttar Pradesh Recovery of Damages to Public and Private Property Act on August 31, 2020.

Justice Chandrachud said, "We are not concerned with other proceedings. We are concerned with only the notices which have been sent in December 2019, during the CAA protests. You cannot bypass our orders. How can you appoint ADMs, when we had said it should be by judicial officers. Whatever proceedings were conducted in December 2019, was contrary to the law laid down by this court".

The UP government lawyer said that whatever the court has said will be considered.

If Indians vote for him, he will be the PM. Thats the end if that.

No media will be able to stop anyone from becoming the PM if he or she has the people's vote.

There is a clear undertone to this post. If you tacitly support Yogi and agree with him, you should just come out and state this.
If Indians vote for him, he will be the PM. Thats the end if that.

No media will be able to stop anyone from becoming the PM if he or she has the people's vote.

If that happens only Indian people will suffer. Your minorities may even create a big civil war. Pak will be happy to see Yogi as your PM.
I wrote on this forum years before Modi became PM, he will win. Indians on here thought it was rubbish, years later they seeing Modi as the Hindutva saviour of India.

Yogi will be PM one day too, he fits in even more than Modi looking like the chap out of Indiana Jones & the Temple of Doom.

There are many Good moderate Hindus in India. Hinduism like other faiths is not based on extremism or hatred. But sadly there are 100's of millions of Hindutva extremists in India now, who have been radicalised by the RSS/BJP.

In decades to come Modi will be seen as a historic moderate Hindu.

I did the same, a year before the election brought Modi sweeping to power, I raised the question about the BJP winning the elections, and the majority of Indian posters rubbished the suggestion. Of course now the same ones will defend his victory and won't hear a word against him. I don't mind at all, it's not my country, I just wish these people would speak more openly instead of trying to mislead.
I did the same, a year before the election brought Modi sweeping to power, I raised the question about the BJP winning the elections, and the majority of Indian posters rubbished the suggestion. Of course now the same ones will defend his victory and won't hear a word against him. I don't mind at all, it's not my country, I just wish these people would speak more openly instead of trying to mislead.

You are giving them too much credit. They were not misleading. They simply did not know. The Indian posters are the most ignorant about India. Even the well intentioned ones.
You are giving them too much credit. They were not misleading. They simply did not know. The Indian posters are the most ignorant about India. Even the well intentioned ones.

I guess this is inevitable considering this is a forum where the first language is English. Probably true of most Pakistani posters here as well, the majority are ex-pats who live abroad or Brits like me who have only a fractional grasp of subcontinental culture but enjoy imposing our well meaning views.

Welcome by the way bro, the forum has missed your frank and sometimes uncomforting hindutva insights.
If that happens only Indian people will suffer. Your minorities may even create a big civil war. Pak will be happy to see Yogi as your PM.

Just like UK voted for Boris, US for trump and Germany for Hitler. People do not always have an understanding of their best interest. When things can be more complicated (austerity) it is easier to take the populist path (Brexit).

However, Yogi is not similar to Modi. While he could not manage as Indian PM, he did a wonderful job as the CM of Gujarat (economically speaking). He already had made his name for his economic governance even before he was touted as the next PM.

Yogi doesn’t have those achievements and is not going to get there. Yogi was chosen as the CM due to his popularity amongst hindutva in one of the most uneducated and poor states of India. Unless he shows results in governance, he will not get the same backing.

This obviously assumes that there is a capable opposition and not an idiot like Rahul.

Just as I blame Corbyn for Brexit, I blame Rahul Gandhi for the continual domination of BJP
I guess this is inevitable considering this is a forum where the first language is English. Probably true of most Pakistani posters here as well, the majority are ex-pats who live abroad or Brits like me who have only a fractional grasp of subcontinental culture but enjoy imposing our well meaning views.

Welcome by the way bro, the forum has missed your frank and sometimes uncomforting hindutva insights.

I am not comfortable with this variant of hindutva myself, where muslims have to hide their identities in order to be accepted. Muslims are not asking Hindus what to wear then why are hindus trying to tell them what to wear? Hindus should fight for their right to wear their cultural and religious symbols, instead of wanting to deny muslims their just right to wear their religious and cultural clothing and symbols. Hindus are becoming like the sickulars they hate so much. The sickulars have mocked and denied hindu symbols in public sphere, and now the hindus are doing the same to muslims. I understand that hindus have deep seated prejudices because of the civilizational wounds of having being ruled by muslims, so I cut them some slack, but they should target the sickulars who have denied hindus their rights, not the indian muslims, who only want the right to practice their religion without dictating others what to do.
I am not comfortable with this variant of hindutva myself, where muslims have to hide their identities in order to be accepted. Muslims are not asking Hindus what to wear then why are hindus trying to tell them what to wear? Hindus should fight for their right to wear their cultural and religious symbols, instead of wanting to deny muslims their just right to wear their religious and cultural clothing and symbols. Hindus are becoming like the sickulars they hate so much. The sickulars have mocked and denied hindu symbols in public sphere, and now the hindus are doing the same to muslims. I understand that hindus have deep seated prejudices because of the civilizational wounds of having being ruled by muslims, so I cut them some slack, but they should target the sickulars who have denied hindus their rights, not the indian muslims, who only want the right to practice their religion without dictating others what to do.

So true. Always wondered why Modi champs on this forum use UN definitions of terrorism and refer to FATF Grey Lists like they are some Bhagavat Gita rather than use their own literature and wisdom passed down for centuries to make decisions instead.
Just like UK voted for Boris, US for trump and Germany for Hitler. People do not always have an understanding of their best interest. When things can be more complicated (austerity) it is easier to take the populist path (Brexit).

However, Yogi is not similar to Modi. While he could not manage as Indian PM, he did a wonderful job as the CM of Gujarat (economically speaking). He already had made his name for his economic governance even before he was touted as the next PM.

Yogi doesn’t have those achievements and is not going to get there. Yogi was chosen as the CM due to his popularity amongst hindutva in one of the most uneducated and poor states of India. Unless he shows results in governance, he will not get the same backing.

This obviously assumes that there is a capable opposition and not an idiot like Rahul.

Just as I blame Corbyn for Brexit, I blame Rahul Gandhi for the continual domination of BJP

Yogi is a greater Muslim hater then Modi. This Yogi guy openly calls for re conversions and rapes as can bee seen in many videos. The subject here is not what Rahul is but what the BJP and RSS are doing to India. I standby my views that Yogi the PM will bring civil war to India. Do you agree or disagree?
The way i see it, if Yogi becomes India's next PM - its bad for them.

Modi for all his cons, performed well in Gujarat in terms of improving the state's economy, jobs etc. He also has never directly said any anti-Muslim message. Therefore, he is still somewhat digestable for all walks of Indian population. Not to mention that he is a charming personality.

Yogi on the other hand has performed terribly in UP - the unemployment rate has gone up during his time for instance. He is overtly anti-Muslim and has zero class or astute. A good example is him being caught abusing on TV to an ANI reporter. He will also be a bad representation of "modern" India infront of the world as far as optics go as well.

Don't see him as a good option at all.
Pakistanis will always look at such matters from a Hindu-Muslim communal angle, given their country's history.

For them everyone from the BJP is a muslim-hating bigot calling for their genocide. Every statement or action from a BJP leader or action will be seen from that angle and blown all out of proportion.

Most Pakistanis firmly believe that Modi's election is a sign that India has become religiously polarised, even when Modi came to power primarily on a development agenda.

Never mind the fact that given the size of India's muslim electorate, the BJP could not have formed the government if muslims had not voted for it. Also never mind that the BJP does not even exist in many Indian states which have a hindu majority. Such truths come in the way of a narrative and must be conveniently ignored.

Why let the truth come in the way of a good narrative?

It's just how it's going to be.

But it does provide good entertainment, so I request my Pakistani friends to keep it coming. :afridi1

Maybe not everyone, but when senior figures from the party are calling out for genocide or endorsing it, what do you expect?
It will be one of the greatest upsets in human history if he doesn’t end up replacing Modi as the prime minister of India ..
The way i see it, if Yogi becomes India's next PM - its bad for them.

Modi for all his cons, performed well in Gujarat in terms of improving the state's economy, jobs etc. He also has never directly said any anti-Muslim message. Therefore, he is still somewhat digestable for all walks of Indian population. Not to mention that he is a charming personality.

Yogi on the other hand has performed terribly in UP - the unemployment rate has gone up during his time for instance. He is overtly anti-Muslim and has zero class or astute. A good example is him being caught abusing on TV to an ANI reporter. He will also be a bad representation of "modern" India infront of the world as far as optics go as well.

Don't see him as a good option at all.

Modi wasn't a good option either. At the end of the day, the likes of Yogi were brought to the table by Modi in the first place. At least with Yogi you know what you are getting, there isn't some facade to pass himself off as some sort of face of moderation.
Yogi is a greater Muslim hater then Modi. This Yogi guy openly calls for re conversions and rapes as can bee seen in many videos. The subject here is not what Rahul is but what the BJP and RSS are doing to India. I standby my views that Yogi the PM will bring civil war to India. Do you agree or disagree?

100% agree for me.

Yogi bear as PM will lead to civil war in India, and this war will make 300 years of British rule, and Mughal rule, look like a summer picnic.

The world will see India for what it really is. Their already fragile and dubious economy will collapse, no tourism, no cricket, and India will end up on every banned list from Investment, to travel one can think of.

As the saying goes, careful what you wish for!
100% agree for me.

Yogi bear as PM will lead to civil war in India, and this war will make 300 years of British rule, and Mughal rule, look like a summer picnic.

The world will see India for what it really is. Their already fragile and dubious economy will collapse, no tourism, no cricket, and India will end up on every banned list from Investment, to travel one can think of.

As the saying goes, careful what you wish for!

Those Hindu's who love and support the RSS will be crying tears of blood. After murdering non Hindu's he will turn to non Brahmin Hindu's followed by non religious Hindu's. There will be no end to his madness, he will only spare those who agree with his views. I know a lot of non religious Hindu lads even ladies who are terrified of the RSS and believe they will be forced to become religious even dress in saffron! They will be forced to abandon their Muslim, Sikh and Christian friends in India.
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Those Hindu's who love and support the RSS will be crying tears of blood. After murdering non Hindu's he will turn to non Brahmin Hindu's followed by non religious Hindu's. There will be no end to his madness, he will only spare those who agree with his views. I know a lot of non religious Hindu lads even ladies who are terrified of the RSS and believe they will be forced to become religious even dress in saffron! They will be forced to abandon their Muslim, Sikh and Christian friends in India.

I will go a step further, Sikhs will carve India further by claiming sovereign land for their people. Khalistan 2.0

The world largest *cough cough pity pity* democracy, where one man does not equal one vote, will be exposed for what it is, a rigged system.

We need Yogi in power; he'll accelerate Pakistan's concerns to warp speed!
I will go a step further, Sikhs will carve India further by claiming sovereign land for their people. Khalistan 2.0

The world largest *cough cough pity pity* democracy, where one man does not equal one vote, will be exposed for what it is, a rigged system.

We need Yogi in power; he'll accelerate Pakistan's concerns to warp speed!

Yeah this crazy Yogi couldn't do any better then the ISI! What is happening in India still it's people call it a democracy and condemn how Pak treats it's minorities:asif The world media already laughs at India these days. General Hameed Gul foretold some ten years back how it will be Hindu hardliners more then Pakistan or even China who will split up their union.

In the democratic west no one has a problem with the hijab, mosques or Muslim butchers. In democratic India they are fighting over hijabs and mosques every day now. Anyone who eats beef is lynched and butchers are out of business then threatened with death if they open shop.

If Muslim's are spared they start beating up the Christian community or the missionaries. After hijab they will turn on the Sikh turban or Christian crucifix whilst arguing that it is okay for Hindu's to paint their foreheads and put a red dot on it.
It will be one of the greatest upsets in human history if he doesn’t end up replacing Modi as the prime minister of India ..

He may get a higher job but sooner or later he will be the face of New Hindutva India.

I wonder why Muslims or women would want to vote for such an extremist.

Some quotes by the future leader.

“If a single Hindu is killed, we will not go to the authorities, but instead murder 10 people [in return].”

“If any organisation refuses to chant ‘Bharat Mata ki Jai’ or sing Vande Mataram, like we destroyed the Babri Masjid, we will destroy it"

"Shah Rukh Khan should remember that if a huge mass in society would boycott his films, he will also have to wander on streets like a normal Muslim....I am saying these people are speaking in a terrorist language. I think there is no difference between the language of Shah Rukh Khan and Hafiz Saeed."

‘Women Not Capable of Being Left Free or Independent
1970's and 1980's India was a good place or at least much better. Relations with Pak were amicable and they believed in coexistence. Today if anyone makes a film like "Amar, Akbar, Anthony" preaching unity through diversity he will be called a traitor. RSS hooligans would burn the house down of the artists and makers of a film like "Coolie" that had a Muslim hero and Catholic heroine. This is how India has changed for the worse. They say that cinema is a good indicator of the countries society as a whole.
Soon non Hindu's of India will be told to do a surya namaskar every morning. For Muslim's this is sheer blasphemy like forcing Hindu's to read the kalimah every morning.
1970's and 1980's India was a good place or at least much better. Relations with Pak were amicable and they believed in coexistence. Today if anyone makes a film like "Amar, Akbar, Anthony" preaching unity through diversity he will be called a traitor. RSS hooligans would burn the house down of the artists and makers of a film like "Coolie" that had a Muslim hero and Catholic heroine. This is how India has changed for the worse. They say that cinema is a good indicator of the countries society as a whole.

There is no way a film such as this would be made :sachin

According to Wiki it says he is a Hindu Monk. What is a Hindu Monk? [MENTION=76058]cricketjoshila[/MENTION]
You too seem to be taken in by media hype, blitzkrieg and headline creation.
Modi for all his cons, performed well in Gujarat in terms of improving the state's economy, jobs etc. He also has never directly said any anti-Muslim message.

Read above.

Therefore, he is still somewhat digestable for all walks of Indian population. Not to mention that he is a charming personality.

lol, this is a new one! Who told you he is digestable for all walks of Indian population? And charming personality? are you for real?
Here is the reality of Gujarat being epitome of economic development under the bigot,

In gross state domestic product (GSDP) growth, Gujarat stands at 5th position; (http://planningcommission.nic.in/data/datatable/0306/table 168.pdf)

Similarly, Gujarat was not in top position since 2004-05 to 2014-15 in GSDP growth rate. (http://niti.gov.in/content/gsdp-constant2004-05prices-percent-growth-2004-05-2014-15)

In case of GDP, with Rs10.94 lakh crore, forget other states, Gujarat is even behind UP.

Gujarat's public debt has grown nearly 3.6 times since 2006 and almost five times since 2001. The State is paying Rs44.15 crore per day as interest on outstanding debt, which is again public money. The latest available data on this is the Government budget document. The total interest outflow (http://financedepartment.gujarat.gov.in/Documents/Bud-Eng_716_2017-2-23_167.pdf) and the interest Gujarat is paying on its debt is one of the highest in the country.

Interest payment on public debt as percentage of revenue receipt stands at 14.32% on 2016-17. And total liabilities stands at Rs2.43 lakh crore as on 31 March 2017.
As for HDI indicators of Gujarat under him, don't get me started.
India just keeps eating itself alive. The fallout from the demise of the nation will be unlike anything the world has ever seen. Pakistan will again be at the forefront, probably having to take in millions of Indian Muslim refugees fleeing religious persecution. On the other end, we’d probably have good relations with Khalistan, that could be a boost to the nation.
Read above.

lol, this is a new one! Who told you he is digestable for all walks of Indian population? And charming personality? are you for real?

Look i am a Pakistani but an avid observer of Indian politics and Indian media. I see that the majority of population takes Modi as a larger than life figure. Possibly its because of the strong PR that has been done for him.

Reading the link you have shared above.
Look i am a Pakistani but an avid observer of Indian politics and Indian media. I see that the majority of population takes Modi as a larger than life figure. Possibly its because of the strong PR that has been done for him.

Reading the link you have shared above.
Good to know that you taken keen interest in Indian politics!

Regarding majority of Indian population adoring the event manager, well even at height of his popularity when he successfully encashed Pulwama suicide attack on Indian soldiers, 37.36% Indians voted for him which isn't majority by any stretch of imagination.

However I do agree with you that its all due to massive PR machinery that has been working for him for better part of last 2 decades which has catapulted him to where he is currently. On ground, he is as corrupt and incompetent as any typical Indian politician.
Good to know that you taken keen interest in Indian politics!

Regarding majority of Indian population adoring the event manager, well even at height of his popularity when he successfully encashed Pulwama suicide attack on Indian soldiers, 37.36% Indians voted for him which isn't majority by any stretch of imagination.

However I do agree with you that its all due to massive PR machinery that has been working for him for better part of last 2 decades which has catapulted him to where he is currently. On ground, he is as corrupt and incompetent as any typical Indian politician.

NDA got close to 45 per cent.

Can you tell how many times a ruling alliance has got more than 45 per cent in the general elections?
NDA got close to 45 per cent.

Can you tell how many times a ruling alliance has got more than 45 per cent in the general elections?
To start off, Congress alone has got at least 45% of total vote share 3 times in 1952 (45%), 1957 (47.8%) and 1984 (48.1%).

In 1962, it came really close (44.7%) to garner 45% of total vote share.

PS: However, if you think those were 'pre historic' times and vote share from that era doesn't matter, then I don't have anything else to add.
I have heard this vote% figure get cited too often by my liberal brothers...so let me clarify.

Voter turn out in 2019 election was 67% out of which 45% voted for NDA/BJP alliance and 37% for BJP alone. Its not as if 100% Indian population voted and BJP only got 37% out of it. Its simple mathematics.

Just like Pappu Gandhi...even his followers are dumb...LOL.
Just like feku bigot, his devotees are completely illiterate.

There has never been an election where 100% of electorate has voted. Even in those 'pre historic' times, there has hardly ever been an election where even 70% of electorate voted.

In fact in '62 general elections, only 55% of the total eligible voters voted, Congress alone secured close 45% of those polled votes!

Much better strike rate than fekuchand and his gullible devotees can even dream of. And at that time politics was much more clean, not like in today's communally vitiated times, something which is the sole contribution of feku and bisht to Indian polity.

However, unlike devotees I'm not bhakt of Congress or any other political party, I'm just pointing out how mentally challenged these people are under the tutelage of their master.
Even supposedly at their height of his powers, bigot could get 37% of the votes polled only due to successfully fooling gullible electorate in the name of Pulwama, nothing else mattered in those elections!

Nobody asked if he is the only answer to preserve our national security how come Pulwama happened in first place!
Devotees just like their master think that India didn't exist pre 2014.

They need to get this in this heads that there used to be an India which existed before 2014 too. A place which was much more peaceful and wasn't as much divided on communal lines as to what we witness today.
To start off, Congress alone has got at least 45% of total vote share 3 times in 1952 (45%), 1957 (47.8%) and 1984 (48.1%).

In 1962, it came really close (44.7%) to garner 45% of total vote share.

PS: However, if you think those were 'pre historic' times and vote share from that era doesn't matter, then I don't have anything else to add.

So in India's entire history, 45 per cent has been crossed only thrice by a pre poll alliance or party.

2 of them immediately after the republic came into being.

The 48 per cent in 1984 was post Indira Gandhi assassination. Isnt it?

Once new regional and national parties started forming no one got close to 45 per cent except in the exceptional circumstances of 1984. Not even Indira could get 45 per cent.

So NDA govt was the second to hit 45 per cent since 1957.
So in India's entire history, 45 per cent has been crossed only thrice by a pre poll alliance or party.

2 of them immediately after the republic came into being.

The 48 per cent in 1984 was post Indira Gandhi assassination. Isnt it?

Once new regional and national parties started forming no one got close to 45 per cent except in the exceptional circumstances of 1984. Not even Indira could get 45 per cent.

So NDA govt was the second to hit 45 per cent since 1957.

Do you support Yog Adityanath ?
Do you support Yog Adityanath ?

Of course he does lol..but what they don't realise is that they won't be able to keep their country together without using force if they keep electing nutjobs..inmho just sit back and watch the show..
So in India's entire history, 45 per cent has been crossed only thrice by a pre poll alliance or party.

2 of them immediately after the republic came into being.

The 48 per cent in 1984 was post Indira Gandhi assassination. Isnt it?

Once new regional and national parties started forming no one got close to 45 per cent except in the exceptional circumstances of 1984. Not even Indira could get 45 per cent.

So NDA govt was the second to hit 45 per cent since 1957.
So that electorate was naive! Well done!

I knew it and hence I used the word 'pre historic' times!

By the same token, NDA got 45% because of Pulwama, no other reason. They failed on all possible parameters of governance and was a complete disaster of a regime, just that Pulwama happened just in the nick of time.

Those who support Modi because he is a Hindu nationalist will also love Yogi.

I wonder why staunch hindutvas on these forums are shy to admit this is the reason why they support Yogi? It betrays a lack of real belief in the political power of invoking Hinduism as a political movement which could be the undoing of the BJP in the long run.
I wonder why staunch hindutvas on these forums are shy to admit this is the reason why they support Yogi? It betrays a lack of real belief in the political power of invoking Hinduism as a political movement which could be the undoing of the BJP in the long run.

We are not shy...just don't like to display our knives. Baghal mein churi, mooh mein Ram Ram