The Apprentice is back

jayed said:
2nd you on that.

syed was true true true class.
he's the one who coined up the 'sir alan..i'm just like you...humble background..worked my way up' etc.

he had 9 lives...always...was cool. the man. met him at mosque this fitr eid. the geezers tall.

is he pak or bengali?

Hes Bengali as far as I'm aware.
he's bengali so did you seem him before or after his drink driving ban?
irfan said:
he's bengali so did you seem him before or after his drink driving ban?

he was walking home with some guy as far as i could see (so after i think).
prayed asr at the mosque (probably making istigfaar).
he is an adulterer and he is a drink the shoaib of the business world.
Hash said:
Why would he be joking? Not everyone lives in the UK or America. Maybe they don't show it where Easa is? Maybe it isn't such a big show where Easa is?

Easa- The Apprentice is basically a reality TV show where 15 or so contestants who fancy themselves as budding business leaders of the future pit themselves against each other in a competetition to be emplyed by Sir Alan Sugar (google him to find out who he is) in a lucrative £100,000 per year job.

One of the very few good things they actually have on TV these days.
Thanks Hash. Yes, they don't show it here in Kuwait, unfortunately. I am going to have to watch a few episodes now. :)
ZM said:
yeah he mentioned on the radio 5 live last night, it was some apprentice podcast and he was saying that he was a karati teacher for 10years or something
I'm not watching it - just listen to the 5Live podcast in bed! Keeps you updated
So what if he drinks or is an adulterer...we should not meddle and leave that to Allah..maybe he turned over a new leaf.....
syed was a legend....
arhamkarim said:
So what if he drinks or is an adulterer...we should not meddle and leave that to Allah..maybe he turned over a new leaf.....
syed was a legend....

1-arham, he has just started another illicit relationship with another person from a fashion board.

2- True, but I haven't called him a kaafir. I meant that I should not take him as model. He is not one who's personal life is a life of conduct and of example.

3- Yes a legend.

4- Leave it to Allah, but that doesn't mean that I have to ignore Syed's actions. His actions contribute greatly to the extent that I don't like him that much.

5- If I didn't hate his actions, I would've liked him till the extent that I'd accept his doings. Alhamdulillah, I have that sense and I know when to abstain.

6- I am not meddling, merely stating. I haven't held a knife to his throat and forced him to say Allahu Allahu.
The third series of The Apprentice began on 28 March 2007 at 9:00pm on BBC One with 16 candidates. The first task was to sell coffee on the streets of Islington, London.[1]

Although many of the tasks are unknown at the moment, it has been reported that filming for the series has been seen taking place outside the Lloyds of London building in Lime Street and at London Zoo where contestants were seen "dressed as gorillas and trying to sell sweets to children but inadvertently terrifying them instead."[3] Series 3 of The Apprentice has 16 candidates instead of 14 which there were in Series 1 and 2. However two people, Ifti and Rory, were fired in the second episode.
I really, really wanted to like Tre because he looks and sounds a lot like one of my friends but he makes it impossible to warm to him.

He's walking around with a potato on his shoulders, has no manners and not an ounce of class. Saeed was 20 times the man Tre will ever be and that's saying a lot considering what Saeed was like.

As soon as he started saying f'in this and f'in that to a woman, I went right off him.

I mean it's not like he's got tourettes because he controls his swearing when he's in fornt of Sir Alan or his assistants. The guy is a maroon and I hope he gets kicked off tomorrow although I know that won't happen because he brings in the ratings!
suhaib said:
Series 3 of The Apprentice has 16 candidates instead of 14 which there were in Series 1 and 2. However two people, Ifti and Rory, were fired in the second episode.

What a blatant setup, they only added two extra candidates so that they could do some 'surprise' firings.

They're just copying the American version where Trump fires whoever he likes regardless of network considerations (number of episodes). One week Trump fired a whole team because they failed so miserably!!
Mercenary said:
I really, really wanted to like Tre because he looks and sounds a lot like one of my friends but he makes it impossible to warm to him.

He's walking around with a potato on his shoulders, has no manners and not an ounce of class. Saeed was 20 times the man Tre will ever be and that's saying a lot considering what Saeed was like.

As soon as he started saying f'in this and f'in that to a woman, I went right off him.

I mean it's not like he's got tourettes because he controls his swearing when he's in fornt of Sir Alan or his assistants. The guy is a maroon and I hope he gets kicked off tomorrow although I know that won't happen because he brings in the ratings!

surly that women deserved it, shes not even a women she acts like an animal.

and tre i think livens the place up especially at times when the tasks start getting boring.
I hope the ex army lieutenant wins it.

Seems like a really nice bloke, wish I could talk like that without trying.

It's true Tre has come up against 2 dismal project leaders but he's got to learn to cool it, doubt it will happen soon though
theres suppose to be a suprise today is well, there are rumors that 2 of the contestants have fallen in love,
Yeah but that woman who is supposed to be involved is ugly to the max man... i hope they stick to business , If I wanted bollywood I would change the channel...

For me, the cambridge graduate is looking good and Tre.....his flow is goin somewhere, as he put it to jadine...

I hate nearly all of the women on the show bar 3...especially the physics geek who thought she was charming and,, I wished tre punched her...

As for the guys... they are all pretty bland really.. I hated rory.. but I like the cambridge grad and tre, not because hes a muslim but because hes in your face and direct...I like that....

I am not too impressed with army man and adam hosker...

Sorry but Tre is a total idiot and deserves nothing but contempt.
Their all abunch of useless losers. 2 people stick out

Tre: What a loudmouth. Swearing and effing. And there was an article in the sun where he has done alot of BS during ramadan. And yes he blamed it on fasting. Well done.

Jadine: Female version of tre. Enough said.

The rest are just extras.
irfan said:
Sorry but Tre is a total idiot and deserves nothing but contempt.

He wasn't too bad this week, if only he can keep a lid on the f'in and blinding he could be a good candidate.
A very weak cast this year, who's that gay Indian bloke?

Never seen him say or do anything, they even brought it up on the 'You're Fired' show today!

Oxy said:
What is 'Tre' short for?

Tabrez? Tariq?

Trevor? :)))
hes not indian hes a uae man

hes a muslim and u calling him gay!!!!!!!!!!!
Boi said:
hes not indian hes a uae man

hes a muslim and u calling him gay!!!!!!!!!!!

Lohit isn't a Muslim name.

If he isnt Indian and Gay then i'll eat my hat!! Have you actually watched him? He makes Shahbaz seem straight!
Mercenary said:
Lohit isn't a Muslim name.

If he isnt Indian and Gay then i'll eat my hat!! Have you actually watched him? He makes Shahbaz seem straight!

hehe, God have you seen him in the first episode when he was dancing with jadine trying to sell coffee to those office loons. I watched the whole thing behind the sofa!
so what if he's gay anyway? Actually I find Tre to be quite gay acting if I'm honest, he's quite camp in his mannerisms & his voice is a bit girly.
Lohit is a gay.....ive said it ever since the cofee gayboi dance episode..the guy scares me........ i need ammi jii.... that said, igot no issue with gays.........

Gerry deserved to go.... TRE is a LEGEND... I LOVE HIM... i dont like jadine but she had a point withthe second activity..not the first but second.........

Gerry was useless...very weak...shes the sort of person that works at woolworths or the local co-op , what the hell is she doin on the show......... I do like her tho...but you could tell she was rubbish cos she didnt fight her corner..

She could have easily turned the tables on naomi ..........they have done something immoral...selling themselves..something completely wrong and if she isnt sacked then you are promoting immoral activites Sir Alan....this is the apprentice...not Londons next top (ill keep this word to myself but u know what im thinkin)...
The fact that she failed to do that just sums up someone useless to me.....

I hope Tre or simon (the other guy in tres team along with gay indian) goes on to win
that indian guy hardly ever does anythink, hes always hiding somewere, he should be fired
I think im watching a different apprentice

im in the usa

heidi and some other girl just got cut
you are watching the donald trump one, theres an alan sugar one is well, both the same but trumps is set in new york and sugars in london.
Tre was the only one who could handle Nadine to some degree. Naomi's just Christina's chamchee.

Tre for The Apprentice!
arhamkarim said:
that said, igot no issue with gays............. TRE is a LEGEND... I LOVE HIM...


Gerry was useless...very weak...shes the sort of person that works at woolworths or the local co-op , what the hell is she doin on the show......... I do like her tho...but you could tell she was rubbish cos she didnt fight her corner..

She worked at MI5. People with 200 iqs don't get to work there, but then again, what was her occupation; cleaning?

She could have easily turned the tables on naomi ..........they have done something immoral...selling themselves..something completely wrong and if she isnt sacked then you are promoting immoral activites Sir Alan....I hope Tre or simon (the other guy in tres team along with gay indian) goes on to win

-christinas a T A R T and so is naomi.
Lohit is weird and needs 'sendel' beats for his immorality.

btw, NOTHING can make shabhaz look straight!

1. you said you got no issue 'gainst gays and ur not one urself, but you wrote: 'tre....i love him'.

gerry worked at mi5 so i dont get were the 'woolworth' crap came from
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arhamkarim said:
Lohit is a gay.....ive said it ever since the cofee gayboi dance episode..the guy scares me........ i need ammi jii.... that said, igot no issue with gays.........

Gerry deserved to go.... TRE is a LEGEND... I LOVE HIM... i dont like jadine but she had a point withthe second activity..not the first but second.........

Gerry was useless...very weak...shes the sort of person that works at woolworths or the local co-op , what the hell is she doin on the show......... I do like her tho...but you could tell she was rubbish cos she didnt fight her corner..

She could have easily turned the tables on naomi ..........they have done something immoral...selling themselves..something completely wrong and if she isnt sacked then you are promoting immoral activites Sir Alan....this is the apprentice...not Londons next top (ill keep this word to myself but u know what im thinkin)...
The fact that she failed to do that just sums up someone useless to me.....

I hope Tre or simon (the other guy in tres team along with gay indian) goes on to win

any ones got the video of that dance?
jayed said:
-christinas a T A R T and so is naomi.
Lohit is weird and needs 'sendel' beats for his immorality.

btw, NOTHING can make shabhaz look straight!

1. you said you got no issue 'gainst gays and ur not one urself, but you wrote: 'tre....i love him'.

gerry worked at mi5 so i dont get were the 'woolworth' crap came from

Your quotations have confused im not sure wha u are saying...

I agree about christina and naomi and lohit.....
as for loving tre...i love him in a brotherly sort of way..........................

Gerry never worked at mi5 .,she got a job offer from them but came here instead...yeah it must have been cleaning or a secretary ......
From the first episode I found her a slow,nice old woman , the sort who works at the local co-op..........

Last time I went to the co-op and bought a powerade the woman asked me for ID and proof of age :O

The contestants are pretty useless considering 10,000 applied ......I think tre and simon and maybe army boy are the only ones worthy of being on there
That Scottish desi woman is the most useless. I have never actually seen her contribute to anything.

Tre is a bit full of himself but I want him to win.
I really cannot stand that Desi girls voice. Its just one of those accents that isn't easy on the ears. The only thing she has contributed to is freezing up when selling their product.
Uzzy said:
Yeah i remember that.

but that dance with the lyrics (by trisha...sorry jadine) and that eubankesque lisp:

ith neyha ith neyha happy bir-thsday happy bir-thsday ith nayha ith nayha....can u th-ee her can u th-ee her

arhamkarim said:
Your quotations have confused im not sure wha u are saying...

I agree about christina and naomi and lohit.....
as for loving tre...i love him in a brotherly sort of way..........................

Gerry never worked at mi5 .,she got a job offer from them but came here instead...yeah it must have been cleaning or a secretary ......
From the first episode I found her a slow,nice old woman , the sort who works at the local co-op..........

Last time I went to the co-op and bought a powerade the woman asked me for ID and proof of age :O

The contestants are pretty useless considering 10,000 applied ......I think tre and simon and maybe army boy are the only ones worthy of being on there

miscued. i meant all you had addressed.
Uzzy said:
Yeah i remember that.
she can apparently speak 5 languages.

this is how i sum it up:


the last four are so similar. What's there to brag about? and, her face is taller than a tolberone standing on height.
its probably not gujrati but spanish or french or some language she did for gcse....technically
I can speak 5 too
arhamkarim said:
its probably not gujrati but spanish or french or some language she did for gcse....technically
I can speak 5 too

if i take that option these are the languages i can speak (6)

-urdu (not tooo well)
-gcse subjects (2)
arhamkarim said:
its probably not gujrati but spanish or french or some language she did for gcse....technically
I can speak 5 too

Well i can speak 5 languages too:

French(very little)
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let's be honest here most young so called pakistanis born and bred in UK are barely fluent in English.
hey lets not turn this thread into 'how many languages you can speak'. we're talking about the apprentice, you know, the tv show?
Is it me or does alan need not need much money must he have made after the first 2 shows.....

I consider myself fairly well versed for a 16 year old but did not know who he was until the first series...the only people that I know who did are football and in particular,spurs supporters.........
pakistan seems to have come out with its own version now.

i saw an advert on geo, shows called 'deadline' and the advert show simular activities like apprentice, it said coming soon.
Hari Sombar said:
I like Tre, he's a joker, he reminds me off last series' Syeed

syed wasn't a joker; he was class. tres good; but he doesn't deserve to be ranked along side syed. syed could actually DO something
jayed said:
syed wasn't a joker; he was class. tres good; but he doesn't deserve to be ranked along side syed. syed could actually DO something

Actually syed was kinda hit and miss. Look at him now. You would have though he was on to something after he finished the apprentice. And yet he on shows such as celebrity circus thing.

Tre on the other hand is alright. Shame he can't control his attitude and temper
Elan Tedronai said:
Tre on the other hand is alright. Shame he can't control his attitude and temper

i wonder if tre will have a long face if he gets fired?
Elan Tedronai said:
Actually syed was kinda hit and miss. Look at him now. You would have though he was on to something after he finished the apprentice. And yet he on shows such as celebrity circus thing.

Tre on the other hand is alright. Shame he can't control his attitude and temper

eehhh no. don't you sir alan offered syed immunity from being fired once as he was so impressed with syeds selling prowess? it was edited for obvious reasons.

tre is no way in syeds league.
that ifti guy has opened an tile shop in manchester called eclipse tiles lol

he said that they edit the program and he made the name for the team Eclipse
Boi said:
that ifti guy has opened an tile shop in manchester called eclipse tiles lol

he said that they edit the program and he made the name for the team Eclipse

i bet this is his slogan:

'when you can break tiles with your bare hands you know you've bought crappy ones from eclipse tiles...i apply that same ethic into my business'

:))) :))) :)))
Zeenix said:
Very Girlie... Medic

:D stop it, your embarrasing me :))

edit: the post i commented on has just vanished :O :20:
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either the spotty guy or the dumb housewife should've been fired, both were terrible. Tre just annoys the hell out of me, his voice/accent is so stereotypically Brit Asian.