The Apprentice is back

Saqlain_doosra said:
That was jaywadne before stripping and then while stripping turned into jhonny leaver.

Perhaps the most embarrasing moment on the Apprentice ever, it's a good job the girls team won otherwise Sir Alan would have killed them for that.
I have been a little bit dissapointed this year in the aprentice. The contestents are not as good as i expected!!
Where do they find these contestants?

It seems like the boys and girls are taking in turns in being stupid - I mean spending over £400 on supplies is criminal

Also the genius that came up with the idea "lets give people that have ordered a full pizza a half a one instead" needs shooting

The right guy certainly got fired, altho that only gay in the village look alike is annoying and needs to go asap
I can vouch for at least one of them being a clown and not particularly bright. He was in my year at school.
raef is top guy the only one with class, the rest are just working class everyday scums
Geordie Ahmed said:
Where do they find these contestants?

It seems like the boys and girls are taking in turns in being stupid - I mean spending over £400 on supplies is criminal

Also the genius that came up with the idea "lets give people that have ordered a full pizza a half a one instead" needs shooting

The right guy certainly got fired, altho that only gay in the village look alike is annoying and needs to go asap

To be honest with you none of the aprentice from this year are worth employing for job yet. Myabe be with more time they will show better skills.
Boi said:
I have been a little bit dissapointed this year in the aprentice. The contestents are not as good as i expected!!

I reckon it is the ones who can blag the most crap in the auditions.

I like Simon honest and hardworking. Raef is a doorknob.

from the girls noone yet. although the fat one who seems to have a problem with thee asian girl is getting on my nerves.
Simon got fired this week although I feel Claire should have been.
Any notice how all of a sudden Raef's become quiet, kind of strange he's the only guy worth watching.
Fawad said:
Simon got fired this week although I feel Claire should have been.
Any notice how all of a sudden Raef's become quiet, kind of strange he's the only guy worth watching.

Agreed - Claire is just a loud mouthed idiot, she should have went
Claire gives Wakefield a bad name.

And, has anyone ever heard that woman with the short black hair ever actually speak?
This series has been pretty rubbish to be honest in terms of new ideas, tasks and most importantly the contestants.
Not that I'm misogynistic but the girls in this series are terrible, even one of the guests with Adrian Childs said the same thing.
Straight Bat said:
Claire gives Wakefield a bad name.

And, has anyone ever heard that woman with the short black hair ever actually speak?

Is she the best saleswoman in europe? :))) :))) :)))
Clearly the focus is on entertainment rather than how much business acumen they have all got.

When you have people like Lindi saying, yeah charging £4.99 per bed sheet/pillowcase/duvet cover sounds really good and then offers a 24 hour hotline for a laundry service you just think to yourself, "tell me you didn't just say that".

Raef is by far the best of the lot and one worth watching.
Team lost with 2 best sales women as they call them self. So cocky and yet made biggest blunders in sales and business.
Saqlain_doosra said:
Did you see her come out of shower??

Must have missed that but I'm assuming she didn't look all that but most girls look ordinary without makeup, it's no big deal.
The short guy, (I think he's called Kevin) got fired this week. Sara and Claire were in the boardroom with him. Sara got hounded by the other contenders once she got home, only Raef stuck up for her. Poor Sara was left flabbergasted.
The contestants this series are rubbish, especially Alex that gandoo, feel like smacking him in the face everytime his shows up on TV.
that jenny is a right snake and very she went after sara was despicable..i reckon she's rascist...she got rid of the first asain girl and is now after another..kevin was a wimp and a loser..deserved to get fired..alex is a snake and completley useless as far as i can tell!!...
the Great Khan said:
that jenny is a right snake and very she went after sara was despicable..i reckon she's rascist...she got rid of the first asain girl and is now after another..kevin was a wimp and a loser..deserved to get fired..alex is a snake and completley useless as far as i can tell!!...
Superb episode today.

They were tasked with buying 10 items from a Moroccon market. Simple - team that bought the 10 items for the lowest price wins.

Jenny gone - the snake !

and another one to be fired shortly :)

Some clasic lines today from Alan Sugar.
and Jennifer (the Irish one), fired too.

Top stuff today, best episode so far.
Definitely the best episode.

Some absolute classic gems from Alan Sugar.

Namely to Michael, "Pull down your trousers and we'll see if you're jewish" Great stuff.
well jeni the snake and jeni the irish slightly better looking one goes too...both bloody can you buy a white clock when it clearly says it should be green?? what a bunch of idiots..and i just loved the way jenni the snake finally got caught last!!..good work from sara and lucinda..and raef was his cool classy self as usual...!!...
Easily the best episode of the series and the most dramatic.

I thought Sara did very well using common sense and good understanding of basic concepts, the other team completly messed up with the Halal/kosher issue..not something you would expect from highly educated pro's.

Sir Alan was brilliant though in this one, less of the formulaic stuff.
it was hilarious!!!

they dont know what kosher chicken is??? how ignorant are these people. they actually asked some dude selling the chicken to pray to allah and bless the chicken....funniest of all one of the guys who dint know is jewish!!! sorrry i mean half jewish as he kept saying in the boardroom before alan sugar asked him to drop his pants!!! and that ginger one who looked like a kusra got anhilated in the boardroom..out of the blue BAM your fired!!!
I know the final four...

who wants to know...?

filming begins on may 17th for the final 4!
Toony™® said:
yes he is half english -half portuguese

although looks iranian...

I've heard he is Lebanese, his dad is a muslim, his mother is a christian. A friend of mine actually lives opposite him
Raz said:
I've heard he is Lebanese, his dad is a muslim, his mother is a christian. A friend of mine actually lives opposite him

Read elsewhere that his name, probably means he is from (at least half) Iranian decent others say anglo-portuguese..

and furthermore than Sara is from a minority muslim group (Khatri?)

Interesting to see the amount of diversity we have now on the show, everyone has to second guess ethnic background.

I don't think Raef or Sara are going to win, actually not many 'outstanding' candidates.
dblock said:
Read elsewhere that his name, probably means he is from (at least half) Iranian decent others say anglo-portuguese..

and furthermore than Sara is from a minority muslim group (Khatri?)

Interesting to see the amount of diversity we have now on the show, everyone has to second guess ethnic background.

I don't think Raef or Sara are going to win, actually not many 'outstanding' candidates.

Who are khatris, never heard of them before?
we have always called hindhus khatris which i always beleived was short for kashatri

now i'm a bit confused :20:

muslim kahtris :20:
Toony™® said:
I know the final four...

who wants to know...?

My predictions for the top 4 - Lee, Lucinda, Raef and Michael.

I tip Lucinda to win.
TAK said:
we have always called hindhus khatris which i always beleived was short for kashatri

now i'm a bit confused :20:

muslim kahtris :20:

Just because these guys were apparently hindus before their converted to Islam doesn't mean they should be called khatri, your either a muslim or not, I'm tired of these various sub groups in Islam.

There's a website too for muslim khatris :20: .
legslip said:
My predictions for the top 4 - Lee, Lucinda, Raef and Michael.

I tip Lucinda to win.

I would replace Michael with Alex. Michael is a lost case and I can't see him benefiting any business.
Harsh decision from Alan Sugar today.

I thought it was more to do with him not liking Sara and her talking too much, rather than the task in hand. Michael or the one that looks like a pig should have gone.
I still can't believe Michael is still there, he's all talk and no action.
Fawad said:
I still can't believe Michael is still there, he's all talk and no action.

He chats it from his backside all the time. Always makes the worst decisions and then blames others for the mistakes. Not to forget begging people to buy cakes :))) :))) .

On the good note best 4 were on same team. All 3 in board room should have been sacked.
Saqlain_doosra said:
He chats it from his backside all the time. Always makes the worst decisions and then blames others for the mistakes. Not to forget begging people to buy cakes :))) :))) .

On the good note best 4 were on same team. All 3 in board room should have been sacked.

sara wasn't the worst of the candidates, michael should have gone before. But she is looking to get married now
Mercenary said:
I cant believe Raef got fired!!

It was pure injustice that he got fired, the apprentice this year round will not have the same persona or magic as the others, barring say Lee, all the others are complete tripe and backstabbers right till the very end...

Very poor show and very poor from Alan Sugar...
Easily the worst apprentice so far, there has been no consistency at all.

The team that seems to win is the one with the one that does least badly rather than the one who excels more than the other, haven't seen much business brilliance really.
pathetic if you win 7 out of 9 tasks your lucky and full of hot air..unlike mike and clurr who seem to be in the board room every week but survive...they lost that task thanks to clurr and her stupid branding!!...yes the ad wasnt the best in terms of product placement but mikey should have gone..but alas mr sugar's just being loyal..isnt he??
Raef wants to act and if he has to go naked he will do! Bolly-star in the making??
the Great Khan said:
pathetic if you win 7 out of 9 tasks your lucky and full of hot air..unlike mike and clurr who seem to be in the board room every week but survive...they lost that task thanks to clurr and her stupid branding!!...yes the ad wasnt the best in terms of product placement but mikey should have gone..but alas mr sugar's just being loyal..isnt he??

There is a huge difference in candidates from this year to last year, we saw the emergence of a Tre, there was Simon, Katie and Katrina all worthy winners and all highly employable....this year we are left with tripe like:

Claire - Domineering, bossy and clearly there for the cameras
Michael - What has not already not been said about him
Lucinda - Simpleton but, great managerial skills but, I doubt Alan Sugar would employ her
Lee - Dynamic, Good manager and works well with everybody (only half-decent one in there but, his unneccessary attack on Sara was horrendous and really makes you wonder what if he kicks off if he was employed by Alan Sugar)
Helene - Vile, bossy and out for herself....
Alex - What is exactly doing in this programme??
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Luton Bad Boy said:
There is a huge difference in candidates from this year to last year, we saw the emergence of a Tre, there was Simon, Katie and Katrina all worthy winners and all highly employable....this year we are left with tripe like:

Claire - Domineering, bossy and clearly there for the cameras
Michael - What has not already not been said about him
Lucinda - Simpleton but, great managerial skills but, I doubt Alan Sugar would employ her
Lee - Dynamic, Good manager and works well with everybody (only half-decent one in there but, his unneccessary attack on Sara was horrendous and really makes you wonder what if he kicks off if he was employed by Alan Sugar)
Helene - Vile, bossy and out for herself....
Alex - What is exactly doing in this programme??
Good assessment of the candidates there. I really cant stand Claire, just reminds of the typical snake in the grass type people that you come across during your careers. The sort of person who would walk over anyone else, just to make themselves look good.

I think though that Alan Sugar seems to have fired people based on their personalities and whether he liked them or not.
the winner of the SAYED series.. i think the gori he was having a fling with, left after the 1st year!
completly crap series, cant belive what idiots were choosen, and some complete ******** decisons by sir alan,
Saj said:
Good assessment of the candidates there. I really cant stand Claire, just reminds of the typical snake in the grass type people that you come across during your careers. The sort of person who would walk over anyone else, just to make themselves look good.

I think though that Alan Sugar seems to have fired people based on their personalities and whether he liked them or not.

I hated Claire at the start but I don't mind her quite so much now. She's still a bit of a snake at times but she's the strongest candidate remaining. She's also showed glimpses of not being a total *****, such as when she refused to join in the bullying of Sara and pointed out that it wasn't Sara's fault that her team lost the task.
Alan Sugar really has lost it. Why on earth did he fire Raef? He was lucky that he wasn't in the board room as much? Then what does that make Michael? I think he sees abit of himself in Michael and perhaps the favouritism taking effect.
Ohh My!!!! oh Myy

First it was the firing of Sara that ticked me off and now Raef ( Decision to fire Raef is the worst ever!!)

Man wat is up with Alan Sugar Micheal should of gone!!

I think hes keeping Micheal in there for a reason and i think you all know why!!!
Nick is the most funny guy around, keeps on sucking up. He just agrees with every this sir alan sugar says. Looks as if Michael will win now? What can he do?
Big Mac said:
Nah, no way on earth that Michael wins this

That would be the biggest injustice on National TV but, sadly represents current worklife aswell e.g.:

The most suitable and often most intelligent go through work un-noticed, yet, the ones who cause rifts, moan, whinge, lie and treat work with no passion are praised....

It's part of life I am afraid, and sadly, the apprentice is representing it...
Big Mac said:
Nah, no way on earth that Michael wins this

Agree think he's being kept in for his comedic value even though he doesn't realise what a joke he is. When they do the CV/interview round he will be ripped apart by Sugar's chums esp that fat east end type geezer.
irfan said:
Agree think he's being kept in for his comedic value even though he doesn't realise what a joke he is. When they do the CV/interview round he will be ripped apart by Sugar's chums esp that fat east end type geezer.

Even Simon got ripped apart at that task last year but he still went on to win it.
dblock said:
Even Simon got ripped apart at that task last year but he still went on to win it.

Overall he wasn't a bad candidate. This Michael chats from his back side all the time and doesn't do anything.
dblock said:
Even Simon got ripped apart at that task last year but he still went on to win it.

Only because Katie decided she didn't want the job or it would have been her and Kristina in the final
Lee is the only Decent contesten left!!!

I hope he wins!!
Michael 'fired' from the Apprentice....3 weeks to late I'd say and it is a complete disgrace that Raef is not in the final 5 over Helene and Lucinda (who are definitely going next week)
Lmao at the bird sound Lee was making in the preview they showed for next weeks show.

I can't wait too see what even brought him to do that in an interview.
Luton Bad Boy said:
Michael 'fired' from the Apprentice....3 weeks to late I'd say and it is a complete disgrace that Raef is not in the final 5 over Helene and Lucinda (who are definitely going next week)

These interview guys normally grill every one so any can go next week. I think Raef should have been in top 5 instead of Helene. Michael should have gone first week, to his luck others did worse in first week.
Luton Bad Boy said:
Michael 'fired' from the Apprentice....3 weeks to late I'd say and it is a complete disgrace that Raef is not in the final 5 over Helene and Lucinda (who are definitely going next week)

Is that just your view or fact? Because I hope its the former.
Uzzy said:
Is that just your view or fact? Because I hope its the former.

Helene - What has she done in 10 weeks? Should have jointly been fired with Michael

Lucinda - Good Team Leader, poor at sales, poor with intitiative and poor with communication

If they don't go, it would be travesty in Apprentice history but, this series has already disappointed me...
Luton Bad Boy said:
Helene - What has she done in 10 weeks? Should have jointly been fired with Michael

Lucinda - Good Team Leader, poor at sales, poor with intitiative and poor with communication

If they don't go, it would be travesty in Apprentice history but, this series has already disappointed me...

Don't get me wrong they deserve to go aswell, but I was worried for abit that you posted spoilers.
Straight Bat said:
Lmao at the bird sound Lee was making in the preview they showed for next weeks show.

I can't wait too see what even brought him to do that in an interview.

I'm 90% sure it's something he wrote in his application or CV and the guy asked him to show him
Mercenary said:
I'm 90% sure it's something he wrote in his application or CV and the guy asked him to show him

Makes it even more unmissable - why would he ever write something about making bird noises in his CV!

The funniest part about this is that it directly links to a personal joke about one of my mates, I've got to make sure he sees this :D