The Misbah-ul-Haq Captaincy Analysis Thread

Who is the other option than Misbah to do captaincy anyway? I don't think Hafeez is ready. I don't think YK should do captaincy again, then who else? Umar Gul? Well he might get dropped soon! Giving captaincy to Ali when he is doing well as a batsman and he is young so not good idea either. So, I think Misbah is the best option at the moment. I don't think he is doing such a bad job.
At what point in any of the test matches did Pakistan look like registering a win with 20 wickets?


Sri Lanka won the first test, and were approaching a winning position in tests two and three! Without rain it could have been three flipping nil! Sri Lanka!

So I am not absolutely wrong, or even partly wrong!

We surely need to find a second penetrative pacer (actually need 3 good fast bowlers in tests)

Lankan bowling is not that penetrative either. Herath takes wickets mostly in Sri Lanka
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Who is the other option than Misbah to do captaincy anyway? I don't think Hafeez is ready. I don't think YK should do captaincy again, then who else? Umar Gul? Well he might get dropped soon! Giving captaincy to Ali when he is doing well as a batsman and he is young so not good idea either. So, I think Misbah is the best option at the moment. I don't think he is doing such a bad job.

There are many aggressive players ready for captaincy who can win us test matches in 2 days.
There are many aggressive players ready for captaincy who can win us test matches in 2 days.

LOL Haters (yes I said haters) need to be realistic here. They have to understand that there are no Amirs and Asifs or Moyo and Inzis in the team. I think Misbah has done pretty well with what he has.

If you look at the performance of Middle order, it's really improving. Combo of Azhar, YK, Misbah, Asad and now Adnan too, are doing pretty well.

Only Ajmal and Umar Gul have been consistent bowlers, who are being provided to Misbah. Others 3rd and 4th option of the bowler has always been inconsistent. And now Umar is losing his grip as well. Then what else do you want captain to do? Does he have Akhtar, whom he can use for 5 overs rapid spell? No. Does he have batsman like Sehwag who score tons of runs in few sessions and turn the game? No. Then, How attacking captain can be with this line-up?
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You asked for it.

Folks, it starts from here:

Then, when Ironcat was asked to define Minnnows, he failed spectacularly:

Now for the best part, when the pressure got to Ironcat, here was his defintion of Minnows:

I then ask if Zimbabwe and Bangladesh are game fish according to his defintion of Minnows:

DRUM ROLL . . . . . .

Now you all understand why Ironcat cannot provide a defintion of Minnows on his own, but must depend on others.

The most hilarious aspect of this is Ironcat was using ZIM/BANG to inflate Misbah's ODI record, a format which Ironcat believes is useless! :facepalm:

Tsk Tsk.
Ha Ha. Gutless when it comes to reopening THE thread, so likes skirmishes in the suburbs.:))

Only cows can hear you here.

What a sad defence.

Nothing you have posted changes the quality of Misbah's opponents no matter how hard you try to sugar coat the truth.

Misbah's tenure as Test Captain includes just 1 quality win Vs. England, and even then he played a very little role.

You too have been busted by your own words.

Misbots crumbling!
Namak shortcircuiting to a pie in the face. Answer his post rather than running away.

Who claimed they were useless? We are talking about whether Misbah faced a quality line up. QUALITY - Your word not mine. Zimbabwe, Bangladesh, NZ, and WI are not quality in any sense of the word. SL, mediocre.

Of course Minnows are not useless; they are useful when pumping stats – observed by Misbots who claim BANG/ZIM are not Minnows for the sake of inflating stats.

Deary me.

So, let's see. Do you have ANYTHING to prove that SL and NZ at home are mediocre teams?
There's a saying:

"Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me."

England were not going to be fooled by the same Spin attack/tactics twice in different formats. Yet your Messiah played the same party trick and recalled his friend into the ODI squad (on the grounds of a spinner - cough cough).

Beta had we played Tests after ODIs then 3-0 was out the question.

Misbah's captaincy had nothing to do with 3-0 but had everything to do with 0-4.
9-1. And 6-1 without BD/Zim. The only one being fooled here is you!
Laughing at Misbots who are programmed to believe Sri Lanka is a quality team.

Hello? Did you see the Test match today? No quality team would settle for a draw. A quality team would've gone for the kill by chasing down 150 odd runs in a session with 8 wickets in hand.

What did Sri Lanka do? They bottled it.

If this is quality then It just goes to demonstrates the low standards of Misbots.
Ha Ha.

Quoting a run chase decision to calla side mediocre.

In your sweetheart format, the "mediocre" team was the finalist. This mediocre team beat England a couple of months ago.

So, let's hear it. Do you have anything else to prove SL are mediocre? Other than your hogwash.
Misbots are an embarrassment to the rest of us who are fans of Pakistan cricket. They have regressed to celebrating a 0-1 series loss just because Misbah wasn't the captain in one game out of three. Could they actually find a way to display less interest in the progress and success of the team than this?
The chief trolling officer has constructed a paragraph with 5 sentences. Only a person of this dim wit would associate finding causes of defeats to "celebrations".
Oh my God. Who cares?!

Pakistan lost the series!

If you really cared about the team you would be more concerned that Pakistan lost 1-0 in Sri Lanka, and with or without Misbah did not look like winning any of the tests!

You, I and everyone else here are meant to be fans of the Pakistan team; captains and players come and go, while the institution and its meaning are what is consistent.
Err, read the thread title. This isn't a rant about "Pakistan lost the series."
At what point in any of the test matches did Pakistan look like registering a win with 20 wickets?


Sri Lanka won the first test, and were approaching a winning position in tests two and three! Without rain it could have been three flipping nil! Sri Lanka!

So I am not absolutely wrong, or even partly wrong!
Did you actually watch any of the tests?

Rain bailed SL out in the second one.

Only Pakistan made a game out of the 3rd one because they declared. Otherwise, neither Akmal nor Asad were about to be dismissed.
Okay thanks, pls send the memo to Ironcat who believes they are not minnows LOL :)))
This isn't even a fair contest. Look at the meekness of the arguments being presented here by the Miscows. Is that all you have got?
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Ironcat, Miscows is quite offensive - I don't appreciate it. You are a rude man.
In short, Ironcat doesn't deny the fact he considers Zimbabwe and Bangladesh non-minnow teams.

I bet if an Umar Akmal scored a ton against a Bangladesh side he'd label them as minnows then. He does what suits the player he is defending. That player most of the time is usually wrong.
I bet if an Umar Akmal scored a ton against a Bangladesh side he'd label them as minnows then. He does what suits the player he is defending. That player most of the time is usually wrong.

Why did you include Umar Akmals 40 against a make shift Windies side as one of his best games?

This was the Windies side that got trounced by Bangladesh because all the main stars were on strike and you put his 41 as one his best performances :))

Have some consistency at least.
A lot of Pakistan fans dont deserve Misbah, in my opinion.

Watch your team fall off a cliff when he gets knifed.
A lot of Pakistan fans dont deserve Misbah, in my opinion.

Watch your team fall off a cliff when he gets knifed.

Completely agree mate. Misbah brought stability to our team and we saw how team went on a upwards curve. We have history of volatile cricketers post Imran who blew hot and cold despite having immense talent in 90s.
Misbah reminds me of Fletcher regime in Eng who started off making steady progress with consistent selections. We had tried something like 20 different opening pairs 2003-2010. In last two years we had two guys at the top who played every single test with decent success. Many people want Hafeez out but bloke with all his limitations had three good series with the bat. Taufeeq might not be scoring consistently but as a pair they are doing a job.

Azhar and Asad are repaying faith in them.
Ajmal was labelled a one day bowler until 18 months ago but with a trusting captain he has become first name on our team sheet.

Junaid that everyone is praising now was condemned by most here after the first test but look now he ended up with 14 wickets in the series @21 a piece.

Point is that Misbah has backed these guys and most of them have proved he was right to trust them.

When Misbah finally leaves we will realise his true worth within 5 mins.
A lot of Pakistan fans dont deserve Misbah, in my opinion.

Watch your team fall off a cliff when he gets knifed.

When Misbah finally leaves we will realise his true worth within 5 mins.

One of the best things Misbah's done as a captain, I think, is use a little foresight. For all the oldies we have in this team, he seems to have created the next core of players to take over once the old guard steps down. Slowly, he's building a team which should prosper without himself and Younus, Amir and Asif, Yousuf. Something which seemed impossible 2 years ago.

I don't think any Pakistan captain has done this successfully since Imran.

So, in my opinion, Pakistan not doing well post-Misbah would be a strike against him and vice versa.

P.s, Misbah/Anti-Misbah debate is nothing more than a few posters debating moot points with the odd bit of trolling. Not really dissing them but it's gone way beyond any semblance of a constructive discussion. Mods must be kicking themselves for giving the topic POTW's.

P.s.s. No offense to those involved, most seem like top posters, but you're wasting your time.
Ironcat, Miscows is quite offensive - I don't appreciate it. You are a rude man.
There is a joke in there somewhere:

iZeeshan said:
You're pathetic man Ironcat who actually just doesn't know how to post at all and instead responds to the poster.

iZeeshan said:
You're actually a ridiculous poster because you don't realize that Misbah isn't doing anything to prevent collapses.
lol at Misbah fans happy that Misbah hasn't actually LOST a test this series..

+1 This. Very rude.
So, what happened to "Misbots"? I doubt it was a flop?

If you feel you don't belong in Miscows, have thou actions speak louder.

I have a record of your gazillion posts attacking Misbah - and those appreciative of him on this forum - with utter bias.

If you can show me three of your recent posts (excluding the commentaries) where you have praised him, maybe we won't need to spot a pattern here.
P.s, Misbah/Anti-Misbah debate is nothing more than a few posters debating moot points with the odd bit of trolling. Not really dissing them but it's gone way beyond any semblance of a constructive discussion. Mods must be kicking themselves for giving the topic POTW's.

P.s.s. No offense to those involved, most seem like top posters, but you're wasting your time.
While a great post on its own, you will find that it will be lost tomorrow after the haters unleash their barrage of insults on Misbah.

For example, the following argument is how it started and then the rest is all history:


Ironcat said:
Doesn't compute. After spot fixing, we could have had match fixing, sex scandal, drugs scandal, 0-2 saffer loss, and so on. We didn't - simply because a new captain was at helm and a new team under that captain was in place.

Namak_Halaal said:
We didn't because of Misbah, we did because the mentality of the team had changed after the trial; it’s not a physcological miracle you know. Sport is littered with examples of how a team progresses in the absence of corruption.

The word of the day is 'corruption'. Spot Fixing, Match Fixing, Dirty politics are all linked to corruption and .... Dirty politics for you.

Ironcat said:
So, now you have changed your line from "spot fixing" to "corruption". And you want us to believe that corruption has somehow disappeared because of the spot fixing trial? Boy, even law schools don't teach this level of faith in the justice system!

The world is littered with examples of captains and leaders bringing about changes. Changes including those to corruption. Like I said, instead of deflecting the evidence, prove why we didn't descend further into match fixing, sex scandals, drugs scandals, etc - all of which took place in your hottest "cricket" tournament recently. Surely, corruption doesn't just stop at random no-balls?

Namak_Halaal said:
I have not changed a single line, I did mention Trio-gate was the bubble bursting as far as corruption goes. Perhaps in your world the best defence is to pigeon hole crime but corruption is corruption whether it is match fixing or spot fixing. It was always about corruption, in the news, in the trial, not just in this thread but in other threads too.

You want me to prove why we didn't descend into further match fixing, sex scandals, drugs scandals, etc? Try getting your head round this for proof – FEAR. It is fear that changed everything in the Pakistan camp. This is not to say corruption will never appear again, but for the time being players and management are thinking straight and the results post Trio-gate prove it.

Ironcat said:
So, what’s your answer to the question in 2C? You want us to believe that corruption has somehow disappeared because of the spot fixing trial?

Let’s address the FEAR excuse. Give us a few examples where a group of people became world beaters out of FEAR. Those under Russian communism? Those under Egyptian Mubarak? Those under Kim Jong?

OK, maybe give us a few examples where FEAR rooted out a problem such as corruption. Fear of being jailed rooted out drunk driving? Fear of execution rooted out murder? Fear of penalties rooted out fouls? Fear of tax prosecution rooted out tax evasion? Fear of jail AND prosecution rooted out political corruption?

Next, you asked me to give a few examples where a group of people became world beaters due to LEADERSHIP. Apple became the most valued company in the world under Steve Jobs. Facebook became the largest social network under Zuckerburg. Pakistan became the world champions under Imran. Walmart became the largest retailer under Sam Walton. SA became the beacon of peace under Mandela. Want more?

And the next thing you know, these posters switched tracks and started to post meaningless sidetrackers. You can see them obsessed with the "minnows" drivel in this very thread when, in fact, that argument was shred into pieces in the original thread.
Misbah as a test captain and player should stay without any doubt

I have problems with him when it comes to ODI Cricket, I think his place should be given to a youngster
Misbah should retire from Odi? :))) Highest Pakistani batsmen average agaisnt ENgland. Pretty good agianst Sri Lanka................

He is better then the current lot, and you want him to retire. :))
A lot of Pakistan fans dont deserve Misbah, in my opinion.

Watch your team fall off a cliff when he gets knifed.

THis.. COmpletely agree..

Our people can't appreciate his efforts..

They don't understand that he is the best batsmen in ODI from the Pakistanis...

DO you know in that draeful tour of ENgland he was the highest scorer in ODIS? YEs, and that is agaisnt a Quality team.. And you want him to retire from Odis????
I can't get the 'Misbah has not faced quality opposition' argument.

He has already faced the Saffers and the English and has performed well above expectations against them. The only teams he hasn't faced yet are India and Australia. Can these teams be categorised as 'quality' given that both are on a decline and in the case of the former, on a rapid decline?

An argument can be made that Misbah has not played away yet.
I can't get the 'Misbah has not faced quality opposition' argument.

He has already faced the NZ, West indies, Saffers and the English and Srilanka and has performed well above expectations against them. The only teams he hasn't faced yet are India and Australia. Can these teams be categorised as 'quality' given that both are on a decline and in the case of the former, on a rapid decline?

An argument can be made that Misbah has not played away yet.

UAE is actually away my friend...:zaka
In short, Namak has no guts to respond to the posts in the thread where they belong. :snack:

Ho ho ho!

Says Ironcat.

Anyone who believes Zim and Bang are non minnow teams for the sake of bolstering a myth should be exposed, even if it is for giggles.
Ho ho ho!

Says Ironcat.

Anyone who believes Zim and Bang are non minnow teams for the sake of bolstering a myth should be exposed, even if it is for giggles.
In short, Namak has no guts to respond to the posts in the thread where they belong. :snack:
wather they are minnows or not thats not the point. THe point is, it was still not easy to beat Zimbabwe(yes a minnow team) People were fearing we would lose to Zimbabwe
So it is confirmed, Ironcat & Shahrukh619 believe Zimbabwe and Bangladesh are Non-Minnows.

Pakistan's first Test series defeat under Misbah must be a bitter pill to swallow.

*Exterminate* *Exterminate*
Delusion is the common denominating factor for Misbots.

Meanwhile Pakistan are ranked 6th in ODIs and barely 5th in Tests. This is what Captain fantastic has achieved since he took over.

Based on this he has attained "legend" status among Misbots LOL :)))
wather they are minnows or not thats not the point. THe point is, it was still not easy to beat Zimbabwe(yes a minnow team) People were fearing we would lose to Zimbabwe

Again Namak Halal making up stuff.. I think you should re read my post... Here let me highlight it for you.

Is that clear enough for you?

Again you are ignoring the post, only because you can;t answer it, and start posting rubbish in which you are good at.
Delusion is the common denominating factor for Misbots.

Meanwhile Pakistan are ranked 6th in ODIs and barely 5th in Tests. This is what Captain fantastic has achieved since he took over.

Based on this he has attained "legend" status among Misbots LOL :)))

:))) :))) :))) :)))

Nows who going to answer this post............. Oh man.... :)))

This guy needs to be reminded of Pakistans ranking before Misbah took over.
:))) :))) :))) :)))

Nows who going to answer this post............. Oh man.... :)))

This guy needs to be reminded of Pakistans ranking before Misbah took over.

Cant you remember?

We were ranked number 1. Every batsman used to bat at a strike rate of 100 and every bowler bowled to attacking fields at 90mph.

Even the spinners bowled 90mph.

Good old days.
misbah pathetic slow bating along with younis khan is not needed misbah turned shafiq into a defensive batsman when he first came he was an attacking batsman now even in odi he tuk tuks, i don't mind about tuk tuk in test but in odi it should be kept to a minimum.

I still don't understand why misbah can't rotate the strike for so called messiah he only has 2 modes of batting tuk tuuk or slog slog, if he could at least learn to rotate the strike his batting will be barely acceptable in odi.
For those asking for Misbah to be removed as captain - who would you like to replace him ?

As soon as Misbah quits, all the oath-taking and team grouping will return. Analysing performance is of course acceptable but it seems some people here are just taking personal potshots at him just to spite 'fanboys'.

Misbah's Test series record:

vs South Africa | 2 Tests | 0-0 | Home | Drawn
vs New Zealand | 2 Tests | 0-1 | Away | Won
vs West Indies | 2 Tests | 1-1 | Away | Drawn
vs Zimbabwe | 1 Test | 0-1 | Away | Won
vs Sri Lanka | 3 Tests | 1-0 | Home | Won
vs Bangladesh | 2 Tests | 0-2 | Away | Won
vs England | 3 Tests | 3-0 | Home | Won
vs Sri Lanka | 3 Tests | 1-0 | Away | Lost

PLD - 18
W - 9
D - 7
L - 2

Win Percentage - 50%

Misbah's ODI series record:

vs Ireland | 2 ODIs | 0-2 | Away | Won
vs Zimbabwe | 3 ODIs | 0-3 | Away | Won
vs Sri Lanka | 5 ODIs | 4-1 | Home | Won
vs Bangladesh | 3 ODIs | 0-3 | Away | Won
vs Afghanistan | 1 ODI | 1-0 | Home | Won
vs England | 4 ODIs | 0-4 | Home | Loss
Asia Cup | PLD-4 W-3 L-1 | Won the Asia Cup
vs Sri Lanka | 5 ODIs | Away | 3-1 | Loss

PLD - 27
W - 17
D/NR - 1
L - 9

Win Percentage - 62.9%
For those asking for Misbah to be removed as captain - who would you like to replace him ?

As soon as Misbah quits, all the oath-taking and team grouping will return. Analysing performance is of course acceptable but it seems some people here are just taking personal potshots at him just to spite 'fanboys'.

Misbah's Test series record:

vs South Africa | 2 Tests | 0-0 | Home | Drawn
vs New Zealand | 2 Tests | 0-1 | Away | Won
vs West Indies | 2 Tests | 1-1 | Away | Drawn
vs Zimbabwe | 1 Test | 0-1 | Away | Won
vs Sri Lanka | 3 Tests | 1-0 | Home | Won
vs Bangladesh | 2 Tests | 0-2 | Away | Won
vs England | 3 Tests | 3-0 | Home | Won
vs Sri Lanka | 3 Tests | 1-0 | Away | Lost

PLD - 18
W - 9
D - 7
L - 2

Win Percentage - 50%

Misbah's ODI series record:

vs Ireland | 2 ODIs | 0-2 | Away | Won
vs Zimbabwe | 3 ODIs | 0-3 | Away | Won
vs Sri Lanka | 5 ODIs | 4-1 | Home | Won
vs Bangladesh | 3 ODIs | 0-3 | Away | Won
vs Afghanistan | 1 ODI | 1-0 | Home | Won
vs England | 4 ODIs | 0-4 | Home | Loss
Asia Cup | PLD-4 W-3 L-1 | Won the Asia Cup
vs Sri Lanka | 5 ODIs | Away | 3-1 | Loss

PLD - 27
W - 17
D/NR - 1
L - 9

Win Percentage - 62.9%

You forgot the Asia cup game against SRi Lanka, when Misbah first captain the team:asif
You forgot the Asia cup game against SRi Lanka, when Misbah first captain the team:asif

In 2008 ? He was a stand-in I think then, I'm talking about when he took over full-time as captain.

I wonder how that record compares with other captains.
Alright captain. Nothing special but he's not as bad as people make him to be. He gets the blame for everything.

Not a master tactician but just your good 'ole senior player leading the boys.
Misbah is not a legend, but someone we NEED for now.

He has been fantastic since he became captain, but saying that he is Legend is very much over the line Imo.

This thread gets more and more ridiculous with each post because people are consistently misunderstanding the other poster. But I'm pretty sure we've all understood Shahrukh who thinks Misbah is a legend :)))

:facepalm: at this 'Misbots' vs 'Miscows' crap - no idea who came up with this.
A lot of Pakistan fans dont deserve Misbah, in my opinion.

Watch your team fall off a cliff when he gets knifed.

Excellent point! Shows you why Pakistan is in the state it is in. If the country ever lucked out in having a decent man at the helm, he would be ridiculed in no time and run out of office!
Misbah is not a legend, but someone we NEED for now.

He has been fantastic since he became captain, but saying that he is Legend is very much over the line Imo.
In Hollywood, they call him the Dark Knight.

Meanwhile, Miscows' recruiting drive has stuttered, so we are promoting Namak_Halaal from within.

He is now the Director of Fable Emissions. Please join me in congratulating him on this career-defining promotion. May the moo be with him.
Alright captain. Nothing special but he's not as bad as people make him to be. He gets the blame for everything.

Not a master tactician but just your good 'ole senior player leading the boys.

this !

and yes, he is by far the best candidate for captaincy ATM, in both Tests and ODIs.
In Hollywood, they call him the Dark Knight.

Meanwhile, Miscows' recruiting drive has stuttered, so we are promoting Namak_Halaal from within.

He is now the Director of Fable Emissions. Please join me in congratulating him on this career-defining promotion. May the moo be with him.

Well if we can beat the minnows and be at #4 in the test table then lets just keep on beating the minnows!!
In Hollywood, they call him the Dark Knight.

Meanwhile, Miscows' recruiting drive has stuttered, so we are promoting Namak_Halaal from within.

He is now the Director of Fable Emissions. Please join me in congratulating him on this career-defining promotion. May the moo be with him.




Pakistan loses a test series under Misbah.

Next Test series against heavyweights Zimbabwe.

Nothing more to say.

Why congrats only misbah ?
Yes Misbah lead the team but others played well too .
Should be congrats Pakistan and well played Misbah

Congrats :misbah for his efforts in resurrecting our test team after the 2010 fiasco.

Some bunch of fools were leading our test side before him and made a mockery of our cricket :afridi :butt :facepalm:
So it is confirmed, Ironcat & Shahrukh619 believe Zimbabwe and Bangladesh are Non-Minnows.

Pakistan's first Test series defeat under Misbah must be a bitter pill to swallow.

*Exterminate* *Exterminate*

It wasn't under Misbah.

It was under Misbah and Hafeez
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First it was Umpiring that cost us the 1st Test match, now it is Hafeez. Make your mind up Misbots.

In either case, history will record the Test series loss as a loss under the captaincy of Misbah and not an interim captain.

Candle in the wind. . .

It's true that misbah hasn't lost a test series yet , in fact he has lost only one test in his era. Anyone who says that misbah has lost the series as captain is full of hatred for him. With misbah back in the team , our test team looked better again.
Misbots scraping the barrel here.

It was Misbah – the captain - who was interviewed after the series loss, not Hafeez.

Now run along to Statsguru for your quick fix.
lol I'm absolutely enjoying this thread. no side is giving in.

Sent from my MT11i using Tapatalk 2
lol I'm absolutely enjoying this thread. no side is giving in.

Sent from my MT11i using Tapatalk 2

Welcome to the wonderful world of Namak_Halal, where actually documented stats and facts don't matter but what matters is intangible concepts like 'spirit' and 'mindset' things that nobody else can gauge but uncle namak halal.

A world where all pro Misbah stats are disregarded but hypothetical situations that NH envisages in his own head are used as evidence.
Talking about scraping the barrel

No captain with the desire to win through aggression would agree to a draw. Pakistan had to take 6 wickets in 10 overs. At least give it a go.

:))) clearly never watched test cricket.
ok if afridi performs against bangladesh they r minnow and if misbah wins a series against them they r not and they also say da same about umar akmal
Misbots looking forward to heavyweights Zimbabwe after a Test and ODI series against a mediocre team under Misbah ends in defeat.

What a defensive defeatist captain if there ever was one.

To top it off the likes of DV have the audacity to place Misbah higher than IK; the likes of Ironcat label Zimbabwe and Bangladesh non-minnows, not to mention ODIs do not count. Welcome to the world of Tuk Tuk mentality.

What is the world coming to I ask!?