The Misbah-ul-Haq Captaincy Analysis Thread

:)) Ironcat not knowing the meaning of a Ghaddar

N_H gives it to him straight and he tries to twist it to something else

Also, I can't find that post especially because it went ignored.

All in all, it said that Misbah has been a decent test captain (not a freaking legend by any means) and good test batsman that Pakistan definitely made the best use of in the troubled times. That being said, I think Misbah was also in the right place at the right time (coming in after spot fixing when the team wanted to do well) and his calm nature supplemented what Pakistan needed at the time.

However, he's an awful ODI/T20 captain who just sits back and watches the show go on. He comes in with a plan the night before and rarely seems to change his mind despite the way the game is going. Misbah is a reactionary captain rather than being captain and trying to stay on top. That can only be done by watching the game and not proven by statistics.
Ego is when our star bowlers words are not considered valuable by certain posters.

Man, what did I tell you? How many players have NOT thanked their captain when the team and players are doing well and winning. It's customary.

Just because Ajmal says Misbah is a good captain doesn't make him a legendary captain.

Besides, I already said, in tests, which is what I believe Ajmal was talking about, Misbah has been a decent captain, but obviously not legendary.

I bet all players have thanked and praised their captains after a win or a good performance. It's not something to live by and use it to prove a point.
:)) Ironcat not knowing the meaning of a Ghaddar

N_H gives it to him straight and he tries to twist it to something else

Also, I can't find that post especially because it went ignored.

All in all, it said that Misbah has been a decent test captain (not a freaking legend by any means) and good test batsman that Pakistan definitely made the best use of in the troubled times. That being said, I think Misbah was also in the right place at the right time (coming in after spot fixing when the team wanted to do well) and his calm nature supplemented what Pakistan needed at the time.

However, he's an awful ODI/T20 captain who just sits back and watches the show go on. He comes in with a plan the night before and rarely seems to change his mind despite the way the game is going. Misbah is a reactionary captain rather than being captain and trying to stay on top. That can only be done by watching the game and not proven by statistics.
About time you put a number or evidence or example in your posts. 27K instances of random opinions, and then you whine:
that post especially because it went ignored
Man, what did I tell you? How many players have NOT thanked their captain when the team and players are doing well and winning. It's customary.

Just because Ajmal says Misbah is a good captain doesn't make him a legendary captain.

Besides, I already said, in tests, which is what I believe Ajmal was talking about, Misbah has been a decent captain, but obviously not legendary.

I bet all players have thanked and praised their captains after a win or a good performance. It's not something to live by and use it to prove a point.

“I credit my captain (Misbahul Haq) for the success myself or Abdur Rehman (18 wickets) got in the series. He told us from the start that there would be spin pitches and he had confidence we could deliver,” Ajmal said.

“It felt good bowling in tandem with Rehman. There was less pressure on me. Our captain had planned out everything in detail like which bowler will bowl to which batsmen and so on and it worked beautifully.
“I credit my captain (Misbahul Haq) for the success myself or Abdur Rehman (18 wickets) got in the series. He told us from the start that there would be spin pitches and he had confidence we could deliver,” Ajmal said.

“It felt good bowling in tandem with Rehman. There was less pressure on me. Our captain had planned out everything in detail like which bowler will bowl to which batsmen and so on and it worked beautifully.

Did you not read what I said? I've always said Misbah is a decent test captain.

Just not legendary or as amazing as you guys make him out to be.
*sigh* this debate, even after 21 pages, fails to go anywhere due to egos and stubbornness (and stupidity) from either side

I think it's high time we just end it

The Misbah fans will continue to call the others haters, and the haters will call the others blind lovers, when the actuality is that they both meet somewhere in the middle, just on different extremes of the middle, if that makes sense

I may just end up regretting this post because someone is bound to say, "Oh look a Miscow has been schooled so he's jumping off the debate." And to you, I say, sir, need to get a grip of reality and stop making everything a competition and about your own ego.

It is the haters who are continuing to ignore all the main posts in this thread, and bring up small things and arguing about it. THey are more like trolling in this thread nothing else...
About time you put a number or evidence or example in your posts. 27K instances of random opinions, and then you whine:

Do you not read? One's captaincy can't just be judged by stats. You have to watch the game. How am I supposed to give you numbers for something so intangible?

Do you watch cricket or just like to read W/L ratios off Statsguru?

And again, instead of repeating yourself like you always do, you could have responded to what I said
It is the haters who are continuing to ignore all the main posts in this thread, and bring up small things and arguing about it. THey are more like trolling in this thread nothing else...

Calling Misbah a legend is nothing short of trolling.

Also, shahrukh, am I a hater? Do you watch cricket or just spend all day reading about Misbah on cricinfo?
Did you not read what I said? I've always said Misbah is a decent test captain.

Just not legendary or as amazing as you guys make him out to be.
If you haven't realized it yet in life, the world doesn't seem to care much about YOU say. DV is quoting Saeed Ajmal here.:))
Do you not read? One's captaincy can't just be judged by stats. You have to watch the game. How am I supposed to give you numbers for something so intangible?

Do you watch cricket or just like to read W/L ratios off Statsguru?

And again, instead of repeating yourself like you always do, you could have responded to what I said
This is the most pathetic of defenses you will find on the forum these days.

The next time a cop pulls you over for going at 30 mph above limit, try telling him "do you watch motorists or just like to read the speed off the speed gun"? :facepalm:
Man, what did I tell you? How many players have NOT thanked their captain when the team and players are doing well and winning. It's customary.

Just because Ajmal says Misbah is a good captain doesn't make him a legendary captain.

Besides, I already said, in tests, which is what I believe Ajmal was talking about, Misbah has been a decent captain, but obviously not legendary.

I bet all players have thanked and praised their captains after a win or a good performance. It's not something to live by and use it to prove a point.
:))) :))) :)) :)))
:))) So Ajmal, a pakistani player who is in the dressing room with Misbah, Misbahs team mate, playing with Misbah opinion on Misbah won't count......

What matter is the opinion of the haters..........
if we stuck to the topic of misbahs captaincy this thread would be half the size but instead we are more interested in showing the other person we are right and giving examples of when they got 'owned' and what not......

anyhow, i believe the good captain is one that gets results and misbahs 3-0 victory over england put him into the elite of pakistani captains. He played with only him and younis(best) as main batsmen and ajmal(superstar) and rehman(still wasnt a supastar before the series).

like that article states, the off-field harmony and belief in your teammates outweighs moving the fielders. NOT ONE person has complained about misbahs captaincy and most have praised him, he is a good captain.

now close the thread. lol
Did you not read what I said? I've always said Misbah is a decent test captain.

Just not legendary or as amazing as you guys make him out to be.

You call him decent and good.

Before you called him defeatist.

You are changing opinions fast.
If you haven't realized it yet in life, the world doesn't seem to care much about YOU say. DV is quoting Saeed Ajmal here.:))

Comprehension problems again.

My point was neither about Ajmal or myself.

He was quoting me, giving me proof that Misbah is a good captain because Ajmal says so and I said that I've always said Misbah is a decent captain, so what am I supposed to do with that quote?

Regardless, I don't understand how one player's opinion is gospel for everyone. Are you telling me a generally bad captain hasn't been thanked by his teammates after a win?
*sigh* this debate, even after 21 pages, fails to go anywhere due to egos and stubbornness (and stupidity) from either side

I think it's high time we just end it

The Misbah fans will continue to call the others haters, and the haters will call the others blind lovers, when the actuality is that they both meet somewhere in the middle, just on different extremes of the middle, if that makes sense

I may just end up regretting this post because someone is bound to say, "Oh look a Miscow has been schooled so he's jumping off the debate." And to you, I say, sir, need to get a grip of reality and stop making everything a competition and about your own ego.

Although it's hilarious to witness DV step up to the plate given the implosion of Ironcat (and the Second-Coming), anyone who jumps in at the tail end of a conversation has missed the boat completely and is posting on vapour fumes.

I agree, let’s saviour this thread until next time Misbah is in action.

Zimbabwe here we come!

Although it's hilarious to witness DV step up to the plate given the implosion of Ironcat (and the Second-Coming), anyone who jumps in at the tail end of a conversation has missed the boat completely and is posting on vapour fumes.

I agree, let’s saviour this thread until next time Misbah is in action.

Zimbabwe here we come!


Hello Namak.

Do you have anything to say yet about Ajmals praise of Misbahs planning?

Or did he still have nothing to do with 3-0?
Regardless, I don't understand how one player's opinion is gospel for everyone. Are you telling me a generally bad captain hasn't been thanked by his teammates after a win?
Like I said, the day you start to post something other than "do you watch cricket" to support your opinions, we will start to pay more attention to you.
This is the most pathetic of defenses you will find on the forum these days.

The next time a cop pulls you over for going at 30 mph above limit, try telling him "do you watch motorists or just like to read the speed off the speed gun"? :facepalm:

Are you really trying to tell me that you can tell everything about cricket just by looking at statistics? That example doesn't match up to this situation at all :facepalm:

What a joke.
Like I said, the day you start to post something other than "do you watch cricket" to support your opinions, we will start to pay more attention to you.

That's your choice. But to suggest that watching cricket does not matter and you can just figure everything out from reading statistics is absolutely ludicrous and no one can take you seriously.
Are you really trying to tell me that you can tell everything about cricket just by looking at statistics? That example doesn't match up to this situation at all :facepalm:

What a joke.
Like I said, the day you start to post something other than "do you watch cricket" to support your opinions, we will start to pay more attention to you.
:))) :))) :)) :)))
:))) So Ajmal, a pakistani player who is in the dressing room with Misbah, Misbahs team mate, playing with Misbah opinion on Misbah won't count......

What matter is the opinion of the haters..........

So players always say exactly what's on their mind or what the truth is in the media? The team's morale and current situation has a lot to do with it.

Regardless, there's no use arguing with someone who constantly puts 8 smileys in every post to act like it's proving some kind of a point.
That's your choice. But to suggest that watching cricket does not matter and you can just figure everything out from reading statistics is absolutely ludicrous and no one can take you seriously.
Look around you. There is only one person being taking seriously in this thread. And that's not you.
Like I said, the day you start to post something other than "do you watch cricket" to support your opinions, we will start to pay more attention to you.

So Ironcat, are you saying this: Statistics are Gospel and watching cricket has no bearing on the quality of a player.
Look around you. There is only one person being taking seriously in this thread. And that's not you.

Well it must be you then :))

Even DV doesn't take you seriously after you made that heinous defense to your "claim"
So players always say exactly what's on their mind or what the truth is in the media? The team's morale and current situation has a lot to do with it.

Regardless, there's no use arguing with someone who constantly puts 8 smileys in every post to act like it's proving some kind of a point.
When was the last time you quoted ANYONE a stat, example, evidence, or article on your own? Can you show us a post here?
What sleeping on the street can do to your brain...:))

Ironcat clearly has comprehension issues.


N_H calls Ironcat a Ghaddar

N_H gives the definition of a Ghaddar as someone who bets against his country

Ironcat defines "Ghaddar" as someone who is a blind hater

N_H logically identifies that would make Ironcat the blind hater

Ironcat thinks N_H is stupid for making that conclusion

What a guy.
So Ironcat, are you saying this: Statistics are Gospel and watching cricket has no bearing on the quality of a player.
What a painful statement. Read it and tell us why it needs a full dose of Advil.
When was the last time you quoted ANYONE a stat, example, evidence, or article on your own? Can you show us a post here?

What do you want a stat for Ironcat? You use stats repeatedly yet they have gotten you nowhere, because stats aren't gospel and can't always be taken 100% at face value. There's a story behind all statistics.
Hello Namak.

Do you have anything to say yet about Ajmals praise of Misbahs planning?

Or did he still have nothing to do with 3-0?

Yes, your attempt was a joke and hypocritical as I pointed out earlier.

Why should I believe in anything you do not believe yourself? It’s the same with Ironcat, he bets against his captain yet is defending Misbah in this thread, and of course you are defending Ironcat too. You have such low standards but we already know about that.

You Misbots have zero integrity in your fallacious arguments.

Ironcat clearly has comprehension issues.


N_H calls Ironcat a Ghaddar

N_H gives the definition of a Ghaddar as someone who bets against his country

Ironcat defines "Ghaddar" as someone who is a blind hater

N_H logically identifies that would make Ironcat the blind hater

Ironcat thinks N_H is stupid for making that conclusion

What a guy.
LOL, even Russel Arnold is not THAT clueless commentating about what is going on.

<---------------------- The point of this discussion

Your head
Namak Halal flees with his tail between his legs.

Bulletdrive runs away.

Zeeshan backtracks and apologises.

James stops obvious trolling and watches the England test match. No interest in Misbah haters.

What a spectacular demise.
What do you want a stat for Ironcat? You use stats repeatedly yet they have gotten you nowhere, because stats aren't gospel and can't always be taken 100% at face value. There's a story behind all statistics.
Let's see if he can rise to the challenge:

When was the last time you quoted ANYONE a stat, example, evidence, or article on your own? Can you show us a post here?

You have 27K posts to choose from.
Yes, your attempt was a joke and hypocritical as I pointed out earlier.

Why should I believe in anything you do not believe yourself? It’s the same with Ironcat, he bets against his captain yet is defending Misbah in this thread, and of course you are defending Ironcat too. You have such low standards but we already know about that.

You Misbots have zero integrity in your fallacious arguments.


Forget me and my 'hypocrisy'. This thread isnt about me.

Its about Misbah.

You allege Misbah had nothing to do with England series.

Ajmal (the chief destroyer) says Misbah planned it all.

These are the facts.

You can run away from them all you like.
Hello Namak.

Do you have anything to say yet about Ajmals praise of Misbahs planning?

Or did he still have nothing to do with 3-0?

well offcourse he doesn't.... Thats why he has ignored this aswell as other posts because he gets proven wrong again and again.\

NH, its better if you just deal with Teenda threads........
Yes, your attempt was a joke and hypocritical as I pointed out earlier.

Why should I believe in anything you do not believe yourself? It’s the same with Ironcat, he bets against his captain yet is defending Misbah in this thread, and of course you are defending Ironcat too. You have such low standards but we already know about that.

You Misbots have zero integrity in your fallacious arguments.

Like I said, what the life on the street can do to your brain....:))
I do not understand. Why are Misbots supporting a Ghaddar who bets against the Messiah they worship and cherish only to make a complete utter fool of himself by claiming he made more money than anyone else because Pakistan lost?

You want to know why Ironcat cannot answer whether he has faith in Misbah or not?

If the answer is YES then Ironcat is lying because he bet against the captain and Pakistan.

If the answer is NO then it torpedoes Ironcat's claim "Misbah is the best thing to happen to Pakistan cricket" because he had no faith in Misbah to begin with.

Talk about rock and a hard place.

Forget me and my 'hypocrisy'. This thread isnt about me.


Who said it’s about you? It’s about your hypocritical POV in defence of Misbah and Ironcat.

Like I said, I am not going to entertain your POV given you do not believe it yourself.

Just like Ironcat, the Ghaddar who bets against his Captain and Pakistan but expects us to believe in Misbah.

Practice what you preach.
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Who said it’s about you? It’s about your hypocritical POV in defence of Misbah and Ironcat.

Like I said, I am not going to entertain your POV given you do not belief it yourself.

Practice what you preach.

Answer the question.
Namak Halal flees with his tail between his legs.

Bulletdrive runs away.

Zeeshan backtracks and apologises.

James stops obvious trolling and watches the England test match. No interest in Misbah haters.

I thought you were better than that, but clearly not.

What a spectacular demise.[/QUOTE]

Let's see if he can rise to the challenge:

When was the last time you quoted ANYONE a stat, example, evidence, or article on your own? Can you show us a post here?

You have 27K posts to choose from.

I haven't had the need to provide any stat in this thread. You're the one doing all the stat providing - I'm just diffusing the notion your stats bring because stats don't tell the whole story.

Tell me what you want a stat for and I'll give you one (obviously within reason)

As for the past, I've provided stats multiple times when necessary but taken them with a grain of salt because I know that there's always a story behind stats.

You never answered me Ironcat.

Player A scores 81
Player B scores 51

Which player is better? Do you say player A or do you say it depends on the opposition/situation/venue, etc?
^Watch how Ironcat avoids the question because if he answers it, either way he's screwed.
Why are you giving attention to Misbots who rank Misbah with Imran Khan, Clive Lloyd, and Steve Waugh?

The audacity to say "Cricketing Knowledge"

Namak Halal flees with his tail between his legs.

Bulletdrive runs away.

Zeeshan backtracks and apologises.

James stops obvious trolling and watches the England test match. No interest in Misbah haters.

What a spectacular demise.

There's no point debating you Misbots who are now defending your ego's as well as your love. You bots have been schooled and there's nothing else needed to do now.

I'll end my self posting on this thread now until the next time this useless captain goes out to captain. It may be against the mighty Zimbabweans too.
There's no point debating you Misbots who are now defending your ego's as well as your love. You bots have been schooled and there's nothing else needed to do now.

I'll end my self posting on this thread now until the next time this useless captain goes out to captain. It may be against the mighty Zimbabweans too.

Such emotive language!

Such strong words!

What a way to end your posts in a thread! What an exit!
Who said it’s about you? It’s about your hypocritical POV in defence of Misbah and Ironcat.

Like I said, I am not going to entertain your POV given you do not believe it yourself.

Just like Ironcat, the Ghaddar who bets against his Captain and Pakistan but expects us to believe in Misbah.

Practice what you preach.

Im not defending Ironcat.

Quit the personal attacks :))

I'm asking you a direct question, forget the thread background, forget my 'hypocricy',forget any reasons I have presented,forget it all,forget Ironcat.

These are all diversions you are posting to dodge the question.

Lets go down to the main point.

Do YOU still stand by your assertion that Misbah did nothing in the England series when Saeed AJMAL says that Misbah was responsible for his bowling success?

This is what the thread is about. Answer the question with a yes or no or run away.

No more hiding Namak.
Im not defending Ironcat.

Quit the personal attacks :))

I'm asking you a direct question, forget the thread background, forget my 'hypocricy',forget any reasons I have presented,forget it all,forget Ironcat.

These are all diversions you are posting to dodge the question.

Lets go down to the main point.

Do YOU still stand by your assertion that Misbah did nothing in the England series when Saeed AJMAL says that Misbah was responsible for his bowling success?

This is what the thread is about. Answer the question with a yes or no or run away.

No more hiding Namak.

thats what he has been doing in this thread
I don't know why anyone claims for someone to have run away. People have other lives and come back to this thread eventually.
Why should I ignore your hypocrisy DV when you are attempting to highlight some mythical hypocrisy I allegedly practise?

You ask to respect all players but call a player a loser.

For the umpteenth I stand by every word I have said.

Now let me guess, you are going to claim I am hypocritical?
PS: Yes DV. You are out to defend the busted leader of Misbots. Or at least Ironcat is posting in your shadow.
I don't know why anyone claims for someone to have run away. People have other lives and come back to this thread eventually.

Yup. It's akin to people shouting 'PWND' and 'SCHOOLED' yet continue to demand evidence to the contrary.
Why should I ignore your hypocrisy DV when you are attempting to highlight some mythical hypocrisy I allegedly practise?

You ask to respect all players but call a player a loser.

For the umpteenth I stand by every word I have said.

Now let me guess, you are going to claim I am hypocritical?

No answer?

Why do you think you know better than Ajmal?
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This Misbots leader thing etc is puerile. Common uncle you can do better than this.

Ahhh so now I am an Uncle. This must be a new calculated strategy by Misbot’s President elect.

Well If I am an Uncle, that makes you a Bacha and Misbah a Dada.

I dig that.

I think you need to read what I posted again.

Here we go.

Stop posting on the forum DV. Your opinions are not valid because you know no better than the words of players which I can read up on the internet.

Pathetic to see you resort to Sachinista tactics.

only a player would know how good his captain is, as he is the one who is with him during the game...

We only judge the captain, based on his decisions and number of wins and stats, but the player knows the captains planning, how he removes pressure of his mates, how he influences them...

Younis Khan, a cricketer who has played 300+ plus games and played under several captains, rates Misbah very high...... That says alot
only a player would know how good his captain is, as he is the one who is with him during the game...

We only judge the captain, based on his decisions and number of wins and stats, but the player knows the captains planning, how he removes pressure of his mates, how he influences them...

Younis Khan, a cricketer who has played 300+ plus games and played under several captains, rates Misbah very high...... That says alot

Players might know how good a captain is but it's the fans who judge the captain - and the players.

Go back to bed.

PS: Misbah removes pressures? What a hoot.
Crediting the captain for planning the way he should bowl is a bit more than diplomatic....
He knows a lot :))

He knew Pakistan would do better without Misbah - Fail

He knew Hafeez would make a century - Fail

Grow up little child.

I didn't know from the onset; I had faith in the team. So what if I had faith in Hafeez scoring a century? He scored 196 right? So what if I had faith in Pakistan in Misbah's absence - Misbah was banned from playing the match remember?

I have faith in Pakistan. You do not even have faith in Misbah!

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DV didn't get his answer and his throwing his toys out the pram.

This is hilarious.

Grow up little child.

I didn't know from the onset; I had faith in the team. So what if I had faith in Hafeez scoring a century? He scored 196 right? So what if I had faith in Pakistan in Misbah's absence - Misbah was banned from playing the match remember?

I have faith in Pakistan. You do not.


Thats fantastic but what does that have to with anything?