The Misbah-ul-Haq Captaincy Analysis Thread

Poor guy. So scared of stats that he can only see the word "stats" in my question.

Can't provide a stat.

Can't provide an example.

Can't provide an article.

Can't provide a number.

Can't provide any evidence.

Mohammad Sami of Pakistan cricket.

Poor guy can't comprehend the reason for that or respond to a question I've asked him 3 times now.

Why? Because he has no answer.
Here let me make life a lot simpler for you.

Take your metaphoric ear plugs out and read every post carefully. I told you why I haven't provided any stats. I have mostly been diffusing your claims which you have provided stats for

You don't fight stats with stats.
Can't provide a stat.

Can't provide an example.

Can't provide an article.

Can't provide a number.

Can't provide any evidence.

Mohammad Sami of Pakistan cricket.
Can't provide a stat.

Can't provide an example.

Can't provide an article.

Can't provide a number.

Can't provide any evidence.

Mohammad Sami of Pakistan cricket.

Can't read.

Can't comprehend.

Can't move on.

Probably has some sort of disorder that stops him from coming up with new ideas.

Can't answer a question.

Blatantly avoids questions yet keeps repeating his crap.
Poor guy can't comprehend the reason for that or respond to a question I've asked him 3 times now.

Why? Because he has no answer.
So you have been diffusing stats-backed, examples-backed, articles-backed, numbers-backed, evidence-backed claims with....what?
So you have been diffusing stats-backed, examples-backed, articles-backed, numbers-backed, evidence-backed claims with....what?

Situations of those stats. The story behind them. Why those stats show what they do.

Poor guy thinks watching cricket has no bearing on anything.
Are you confident enough that your so called legend, Misbah ul Haq, will be able to defeat Australia, South Africa and England at their respective homes?

We have already beaten england and drawed south africa. Now wather it is home or away doesnt matter as uae is away for both countries not a home ground for neither literally....

Against australia, depending on the squad, under misbah, we would either win or draw the series to australia. Not lose it.
Situations of those stats. The story behind them. Why those stats show what they do.

Poor guy thinks watching cricket has no bearing on anything.
Ha Ha. And where have you done so?

So far, we see just 27K posts of utter nothing.
Numerous times I've told you why those stats exist yet you don't get it.

Would you like to start the argument again? have more posts than me in this thread.
My posts are stats-backed, articles-backed, examples-backed, numbers-backed, and evidence-backed. Audience wants that stuff - whether you like it or not.
Ironcat acting as if my entire PP career started in this thread.

Mere laaley only 3% of my posts have been in this and the other Misbah thread.

My life doesn't revolve around Misbah like it does for you. I post in plenty of other threads.
Is that for tests or all forms of cricket?

Because for tests I pretty much agree, but for LOIs, imo it it debatable.
For me tests trump everything else. I only rate ODI games in major championships. And he is one of our current best ODI batsmen in any case - although whether he is the best can be debated.
My posts are stats-backed, articles-backed, examples-backed, numbers-backed, and evidence-backed. Audience wants that stuff - whether you like it or not.

Is Player A who scores 81 runs or Player B who scores 51 runs better?

I bet the audience wants to know what's behind that.

OH and now we're considering the audience? Audience also doesn't want to see losses in ODIs, pathetic batting in PP overs, or Misbah at all. Now what?
For me tests trump everything else. I only rate ODI games in major championships. And he is one of our current best ODI batsmen in any case - although whether he is the best can be debated.

But ODIs mattered so much before Pak lost 3-1 didn't they? Or was that shahrukh. Just want to check.
Also Ironcat I'm so glad you brought up audience because audience cares about winning in ODIs a lot.
I pray to Allah he teaches DV how to read in this blessed month and not support the enemy of the faith. Ameen.

I pray to Allah he guides Ironcat to the path of brotherhood and not Ghaddari. Ameen.


Enemy of the faith?

Thats a HUGE allegation.

You are weak willed despicable human being, you promised not to post for 1 month for religious reasons but broke your word in 3 minutes.
Where have your stats gotten you so far? No one is convinced.
No one is convinced? Check again.
iZeeshan said:
You're right actually, I've made some pretty dumb arguments. Not even being sarcastic.

Unfortunately, I think arguing with you has made me dumber.

I'm willing to just drop it here Ironcat and conclude you the winner if that makes you happy, because I don't feel like doing this dance anymore. Especially since I entered mid-argument, so I guess that's not fair to anyone here.

I'll chime in when the next one starts.

I'm definitely making myself look worse on this forum by making occasionally citing ridiculous points here and there because of my own ego and don't want to stoop to your level.

So revel in your "victory" Ironcat just like you won that argument earlier by citing that match of IK's.
Ironcat acting as if my entire PP career started in this thread.

Mere laaley only 3% of my posts have been in this and the other Misbah thread.

My life doesn't revolve around Misbah like it does for you. I post in plenty of other threads.
So, show us some of the stats, evidence, examples, etc. from the other threads. Currently you have 27K posts of utter nothing.
So, show us some of the stats, evidence, examples, etc. from the other threads. Currently you have 27K posts of utter nothing.

You want me to dig through 27k posts?

Do it yourself. I know I have plenty of times in Akmal, Afridi, Hafeez, Gul and even Misbah threads (about his SR and inflated avg/not outs).

You're the one that's in doubt.

Also Ironcat why are you so intent on doubting one question. You're seriously avoiding a lot of stuff now.
But ODIs mattered so much before Pak lost 3-1 didn't they? Or was that shahrukh. Just want to check.
Were you brought up on Facebook your entire life? Because it looks like you want every random nothingness in this thread.

Can't provide a stat.

Can't provide an example.

Can't provide an article.

Can't provide a number.

Can't provide any evidence.

Can't remember.

Mohammad Sami of Pakistan cricket.
Were you brought up on Facebook your entire life? Because it looks like you want every random nothingness in this thread.

Can't provide a stat.

Can't provide an example.

Can't provide an article.

Can't provide a number.

Can't provide any evidence.

Can't remember.

Mohammad Sami of Pakistan cricket.

Stop repeating yourself. There hasn't been a situation where I needed to provide a stat.

Ironcat is Player A or Player B better. I don't need to mention averages because I'm sure they're etched in your brain from dodging them day and night.
We have already beaten england and drawed south africa. Now wather it is home or away doesnt matter as uae is away for both countries not a home ground for neither literally....

Against australia, depending on the squad, under misbah, we would either win or draw the series to australia. Not lose it.
The South African series contained the flattest tracks I've seen in a while. You could expect it to be a drawn series. Plus, the tracks in South Africa are more conductive to fast bowling. We made Kulu look like the next Mcgrath, imagine what Steyn would do on South African tracks.

In England the conditions are more favorable for fast bowling. Same in Australia.

Also, only a couple of players have actually played in an overseas test series. Out of those, I think only two have played in South Africa, where Pakistan's next test series is to be held.

With all of these factors are you still confident that we could them at their respective homes?

Don't think I'm interrogating you. I'm just asking for your opinion.
Where have I said that? It's not impossible...I'm just not your slave. Go do it yourself if you don't believe me.
Oh, I have already done it. Posted your last 50 posts or so. I have proven you post something of absolutely nothing.

iZeeshan said:
I know you think everyone makes claims they can't back up but I'm not one of them.
So far you appear to be the prime example of that breed.

iZeeshan said:
Hahahhahahaha Ironcat dodging such a simple question because he has no answer.

How is my question childish? I'm trying to prove a point.
You have a history of not proving anything, so there is no need to waste time on your chlidish questions.
I'm sorry. Last time I checked, Misbah was the ODI captain right?

Do you want evidence for that? :)))

How would IC say it? Oh yeah. SCHOOLED.
What? You are schooled? Again? Oh, come on, wait at least an hour next time.
The South African series contained the flattest tracks I've seen in a while. You could expect it to be a drawn series. Plus, the tracks in South Africa are more conductive to fast bowling. We made Kulu look like the next Mcgrath, imagine what Steyn would do on South African tracks.

In England the conditions are more favorable for fast bowling. Same in Australia.

Also, only a couple of players have actually played in an overseas test series. Out of those, I think only two have played in South Africa, where Pakistan's next test series is to be held.

With all of these factors are you still confident that we could them at their respective homes?

Don't think I'm interrogating you. I'm just asking for your opinion.

Is it our fault if sotuh africans cant bowl on flat tracks...

If i remember correctly, tanvir ahmed made a good start in that test series.....

But what matter was that at the sime pak was in its lowest point due to what happened in england, and we were still able to draw a series with the worlds no.2 test team at that time

Had you actually watched the current series, you would able to know that kulu actually bowled good and was swinging the ball.. Stop going through score cards and actually wath the game, or do you have a memory problem?
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For me tests trump everything else. I only rate ODI games in major championships. And he is one of our current best ODI batsmen in any case - although whether he is the best can be debated.
Thanks for your response.

I am going to assume that since you haven't said anything about T20's you don't care much about that format and have no quarrels with Misbah not being in the t20 team.

Now since you only rate ODI games in major championships, do you think Misbah should step down from ODI captaincy in order to groom a future leader for the next world cup? As tbh, Misbah probably won't last till 2015, so he should start grooming a future leader or else we will end up with Hafeez as captain. :facepalm:
What? You are schooled? Again? Oh, come on, wait at least an hour next time.

:))) everyone please note the numbers of these posts.

Ironcat is nearly about to cry because I schooled him so bad.

Does anyone want me to repeat it?

I will anyway because it makes me laugh.

Ironcat says audience wants stats.

I say audience also wants ODI wins.

Ironcat says we're not talking about ODIs.

I ask Misbah is the ODI captain right? *note title of this thread

Ironcat has no response hence the post quoted in this post :)))

Now that is legendary.
Why you not talking abt his captaincy? Are you trying to hide is captaincy record by deflecting the argument to batting averages:yk

Why are you getting hurt by misbahs average in odi cricket..

I think it would be better for you if you go through thr whole thread as you would reliaze that haters are not only tAlking about misbahs captaincy but also his batting aswell
But this thread is about Misbah Captaincy, isn't it?
Sure, but he hasn't captained long enough in ODIs to be compared with his predecessors. Opinion about someone's ODI captaincy based on a random series is naive.

Aussies schooled India and SL. Aussies got schooled by England.

England got schooled by India. England schooled Australia.

Pakistan schooled SL. SL schooled Pakistan.

So, it's fairly simple. Either give the ODI captain more time, or wait for a championship.
Ironcat, was my player A or player B better?

Just as a reminder, their averages are 81 and 51, respectively.
Yes, to a logical person, who knows what we mean by a 'sample'.

I already told you why I haven't posted any stats in this thread. You are the one posting stats and I'm diffusing them.

Go to the Whatmore thread where he wants people dropped, and I provided evidence of Afridi's match winning ability.

How are my last 50 posts in ONE thread a sample size for ALLL my posts. What stupid logic.

I think we should take your last 50 posts and see what we come up with.
The South African series contained the flattest tracks I've seen in a while. You could expect it to be a drawn series. Plus, the tracks in South Africa are more conductive to fast bowling. We made Kulu look like the next Mcgrath, imagine what Steyn would do on South African tracks.

In England the conditions are more favorable for fast bowling. Same in Australia.

Also, only a couple of players have actually played in an overseas test series. Out of those, I think only two have played in South Africa, where Pakistan's next test series is to be held.

With all of these factors are you still confident that we could them at their respective homes?

Don't think I'm interrogating you. I'm just asking for your opinion.

Also, uae is an away venue for pakistan.. Literally its not a home ground.. :)) i dont know what made you think it was a home ground. One cannot lpredict the outcome any of the series.. Of course everyone has faith in his team, but predictin an outcome is not a piece of cake...

But still, england series mattered more then anything else for pak fans.. Pak fans started to say same **** that oh lets see how misbah does against england, he would lose this and that. But at the end they wee proven wrong. And now they are moving more excuses
:))) everyone please note the numbers of these posts.

Ironcat is nearly about to cry because I schooled him so bad.

Does anyone want me to repeat it?

I will anyway because it makes me laugh.

Ironcat says audience wants stats.

I say audience also wants ODI wins.

Ironcat says we're not talking about ODIs.

I ask Misbah is the ODI captain right? *note title of this thread

Ironcat has no response hence the post quoted in this post :)))

Now that is legendary.
Like I said, even Russel Arnold doesn't suck at describing something as much as you do.

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I already told you why I haven't posted any stats in this thread. You are the one posting stats and I'm diffusing them.

Go to the Whatmore thread where he wants people dropped, and I provided evidence of Afridi's match winning ability.

How are my last 50 posts in ONE thread a sample size for ALLL my posts. What stupid logic.

I think we should take your last 50 posts and see what we come up with.
So, you mean to say, you have posted in this thread over 23 pages with absolutely nothing but hot air?

And I have already proved it with the 50 posts. If you want to counter it, provide a post on your own. Otherwise, we have the proof we needed.
Is it our fault if sotuh africans cant bowl on flat tracks...

If i remember correctly, tanvir ahmed made a good start in that test series.....

But what matter was that at the sime pak was in its lowest point due to what happened in england, and we were still able to draw a series with the worlds no.2 test team at that time

Had you actually watched the current series, you would able to know that kulu actually bowled good and was swinging the ball.. Stop going through score cards and actually wath the game, or do you have a memory problem?

Tanvir bowled well, ABD then went on to score a double ton. Almost a triple ton.

That series pitches were so flat it was impossible to see a result on them. Here is what a REAL LEGEND has to say about those pitches:

Jacques Kallis, the South Africa allrounder, has criticised the Abu Dhabi pitch, after Pakistan, led by a determined half-century by captain Misbah-ul-Haq, drew the second Test and the series. South Africa set Pakistan a target of 354 but managed only three wickets in the chase, though they did pick them up in quick succession after lunch to put pressure on their opponents.

"The groundsman needs to ensure the game of Test cricket stays healthy and produces a good contest between bat and ball," Kallis said. "It didn't really live up [to expectations] and you can probably play another Test match straight away and not get a result. The pitch was really flat.

"Our spinners bowled well but there was absolutely no turn on that pitch and no pace either. Any team would have struggled to take 10 wickets, today, out there."

Ironcat, was my player A or player B better?

Just as a reminder, their averages are 81 and 51, respectively.
How many times has Kitty dodged this question?
Like I said, even Russel Arnold doesn't suck at describing something as much as you do.


I can quote the actual posts when I get that better?

Ironcat, why are you so intent on dodging one question.

Has anyone else noticed how many times he's ignored it.

Shahrukh for all the crap you gave Namak for avoiding posts, look at what your chum Ironcat is doing right now.
Also, uae is an away venue for pakistan.. Literally its not a home ground.. :)) i dont know what made you think it was a home ground. One cannot lpredict the outcome any of the series.. Of course everyone has faith in his team, but predictin an outcome is not a piece of cake...

But still, england series mattered more then anything else for pak fans.. Pak fans started to say same **** that oh lets see how misbah does against england, he would lose this and that. But at the end they wee proven wrong. And now they are moving more excuses

Okay Shahrukh lets ask you. How do you think Pakistan will do in SA under Misbah?
So, you mean to say, you have posted in this thread over 23 pages with absolutely nothing but hot air?

And I have already proved it with the 50 posts. If you want to counter it, provide a post on your own. Otherwise, we have the proof we needed.

Ok fine I will try once I get home. By you have to answer my question first.

DID anyone notice how Ironcat got schooled with the ODIs argument? It so sad almost makes me feel bad for him. Why can't he just admit a mistake? I don't know.
Ironcat, was my player A or player B better?

Just as a reminder, their averages are 81 and 51, respectively.
If you can show us how any of this is relevant to this thread, then we can chat more about it.
Is it our fault if sotuh africans cant bowl on flat tracks...

If i remember correctly, tanvir ahmed made a good start in that test series.....

But what matter was that at the sime pak was in its lowest point due to what happened in england, and we were still able to draw a series with the worlds no.2 test team at that time

Had you actually watched the current series, you would able to know that kulu actually bowled good and was swinging the ball.. Stop going through score cards and actually wath the game, or do you have a memory problem?
I agree to the point that we did play well in that South African series.

But how is a drawn series in the UAE going to mean a win or a drawn series in South Africa?

Furthermore, Kula averages 18ish (I believe?) against Pakistan in test matches. And most of those matches were played in the subcontinent.

So you tell me from playing Kula in Asia to Dale Steyn in South Africa,
are you confident of either drawing or beating South Africa?

Just answer the above question.
If you can show us how any of this is relevant to this thread, then we can chat more about it.

You know exactly how it's important.

You only believe in stats and I'm going to school you on it.

At least he recognized the question after the 7th time.
I can quote the actual posts when I get that better?

Ironcat, why are you so intent on dodging one question.

Has anyone else noticed how many times he's ignored it.

Shahrukh for all the crap you gave Namak for avoiding posts, look at what your chum Ironcat is doing right now.
The only thing people are looking at here is that you have nothing to contribute to this thread other than your childish questions.

Take them to time pass or start a new thread.
The only thing people are looking at here is that you have nothing to contribute to this thread other than your childish questions.

Take them to time pass or start a new thread.

Yeah ok :eyesroll

I can't do that if you keep avoiding the question.

Also who was the one that asked Namak what he learned by sleeping on the streets? I think that constitutes as a childish question, no?
You know exactly how it's important.

You only believe in stats and I'm going to school you on it.

At least he recognized the question after the 7th time.
Oh, I can't wait.

As for recognizing your question after the 7th attempt, I'd take it as a sign that you better start asking some more mature questions instead.
Oh, I can't wait.

As for recognizing your question after the 7th attempt, I'd take it as a sign that you better start asking some more mature questions instead.

How is my question immature? Please use some stats to prove that.

Why can't you just answer it to shut me up?
Sure, but he hasn't captained long enough in ODIs to be compared with his predecessors. Opinion about someone's ODI captaincy based on a random series is naive.

Aussies schooled India and SL. Aussies got schooled by England.

England got schooled by India. England schooled Australia.

Pakistan schooled SL. SL schooled Pakistan.

So, it's fairly simple. Either give the ODI captain more time, or wait for a championship.

Hillarious. Ironcat was rambling on how Pakistan lost in the 1st Test because Misbah was not playing, based on ONE match but not a trend, but now he wants to give Misbah more time with the ODI captaincy to establish a trend.

Not only this, Ironcat was defending Misbah's ODI record (even though he pretended he didn't care about ODIs) in the 'Is Misbah A Match Winner Thread'.

Drum roll please. . . . .

ODIs don't matter much to me (except for the major tournaments) - but they do to you and even I busted your myth when I presented his ODI captaincy record.


In all the series where both tests and ODIs were played...

Before Spot Fixing:

Pakistan's test record: 3-12 (W/L of 0.25)
Pakistan's ODI record: 23-21 (W/L of 1.10)

After Spot Fixing:

Guess what? We had two captains after spot fixing. Misbah and Afridi. So, based on that "corruption" excuse, we should have seen a similar "FEAR" effect on both Misbah's and Afridi's captaincy records.

Now, watch what happens.

Pakistan's test record under Misbah: 9-1 (W/L of 9.00)
Pakistan's ODI record under Misbah: 10-5 (W/L of 2.00)

Pakistan's ODI record under Afridi: 10-10 (W/L of 1.00)

What do we see? Misbah's captaincy practically doubles the W/L ratio in ODIs and 36-tuples that in tests. Afridi's captaincy, on the other hand, has almost no effect on our performance - in fact, brings it down slightly.

Two captains. One supposed "corruption" effect. Two opposite results.

There is your coffin. Enjoy.

Now Ironcat begs us to give Misbah more time with the ODI captaincy because he got pulled up by a newbie.

Do not be fooled by the pretence of a Ghaddar.

Ironcat you need to answer the question. Stop dodging it.

How is my question immature? Please use some stats to prove that.

Why can't you just answer it to shut me up?
Because it has nothing to do with this thread. So, like i said, start a new thread, and ask the question in that thread. Otherwise, make your point already. We don't have all day.
N_H you should go a couple pages back and see how I made IC cry.

I'll post a summary in a little bit.
Because it has nothing to do with this thread. So, like i said, start a new thread, and ask the question in that thread. Otherwise, make your point already. We don't have all day.

Ironcat did you or did not claim that situation doesn't matter?

When you tell me that I don't post stats I'm trying to prove you why.

Ironcat just answer the question. Stop making yourself look even worse.
Actually no I'm sorry. You didn't EXACTLY say that situation doesn't matter.

But you keep saying that stats are everything.

Figure yourself out.
I agree to the point that we did play well in that South African series.

But how is a drawn series in the UAE going to mean a win or a drawn series in South Africa?

Furthermore, Kula averages 18ish (I believe?) against Pakistan in test matches. And most of those matches were played in the subcontinent.

So you tell me from playing Kula in Asia to Dale Steyn in South Africa,
are you confident of either drawing or beating South Africa?

Just answer the above question.

Klusekara was bowling good this time.. He has improved just like sohail tanvir..

You are making it sound like if klusekara is some rubbish bowler to whom we lost all our wickets easily.. But as i saod watch that series again you will see that klusekara was swinging the ball and was bowling just like sohaol tanvir bowled in the t20s and odis, swinging and threatning...

One cannot predict what will happen in south africa, who knows mayby we might be able to bat goo against the sa bowlers or who knows we might fail with the bat, but we would also have to do the same to there batting line up
Klusekara was bowling good this time.. He has improved just like sohail tanvir..

You are making it sound like if klusekara is some rubbish bowler to whom we lost all our wickets easily.. But as i saod watch that series again you will see that klusekara was swinging the ball and was bowling just like sohaol tanvir bowled in the t20s and odis, swinging and threatning...

One cannot predict what will happen in south africa, who knows mayby we might be able to bat goo against the sa bowlers or who knows we might fail with the bat, but we would also have to do the same to there batting line up

Maybe we should provide some stats of Kula's bowling against other countries.
Aww, Namak, you made an attempt. How sweet. Tell us if we should laugh at you or your post.:))
Hillarious. Ironcat was rambling on how Pakistan lost in the 1st Test because Misbah was not playing, based on ONE match but not a trend, but now he wants to give Misbah more time with the ODI captaincy to establish a trend.
So, did I make a judgment in Hafeez's captaincy?

Namak_Halaal said:
Not only this, Ironcat was defending Misbah's ODI record (even though he pretended he didn't care about ODIs) in the 'Is Misbah A Match Winner Thread'.
We are confused, Namak. Do I care about the ODIs or not?

Namak_Halaal said:
Now Ironcat begs us to give Misbah more time with the ODI captaincy because he got pulled up by a newbie.
The only person seems to be begging here for attention is the one on the street.

Remember this?

SL series predictions:
Namak_halaal said:
I believe Pakistan can do it with or with out Misbah.

3-0 to Pakistan is my prediction.

Ironcat said:
Not going to happen. At least the 3-0 in SL part. Mahela is a real captain. He will cajole at least a draw out of Misbah and maybe a win out of his replacement.

That said, sky is looking blue. We drop the 0-0 and 0-2 this year and then the 0-3 against the Aussies next year. Without having to do anything extreme, we should be able to remain in top 3 for a while.
Funny how the blame of the battin og afridi and others in the middle and lower order is being put on misbah
N_H you should go a couple pages back and see how I made IC cry.

I'll post a summary in a little bit.

Ironcat did you or did not claim that situation doesn't matter?

When you tell me that I don't post stats I'm trying to prove you why.

Ironcat just answer the question. Stop making yourself look even worse.

Actually no I'm sorry. You didn't EXACTLY say that situation doesn't matter.

But you keep saying that stats are everything.

Figure yourself out.
You know you don't have to type when you haven't got a clue?
Maybe we should provide some stats of Kula's bowling against other countries.

Again, you are ignoeing the fact that klusekara bowled good. He was swinging the ball quite well...

Stats don't show how klusekara was bowling..

I could show ypu tanvirs bowling stats against other countires. His stats are quite poor, but i hope you remember he was swinging te ball in the t20s and odis and even jayawardene praised him...

Plz it would be much better if you could watch the highlights of te game rather then bringing in stats
You know you don't have to type when you haven't got a clue?

Why have you been dodging the question for so long?

You clearly said earlier that you just want stats and the audience wants stats blah blah. I'm going to prove to you how misleading stats can be. That's all I want to do.

Now answer the question.
Again, you are ignoeing the fact that klusekara bowled good. He was swinging the ball quite well...

Stats don't show how klusekara was bowling..

I could show ypu tanvirs bowling stats against other countires. His stats are quite poor, but i hope you remember he was swinging te ball in the t20s and odis and even jayawardene praised him...

Plz it would be much better if you could watch the highlights of te game rather then bringing in stats

hahahhahahhahhahahhahaha shahrukh is telling me I should look at the highlights of the game rather than bring up stats. Wow this is comedic gold.