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It hasn't been that great though. I think it has fallen away big time in the past year. The feud with Randy was the high-point, which sadly got ruined by COVID. And the feud with Rollins was great just for the amazing matches they had. But this JD stuff has been rotten and boring. Unfortunate that Edge hasn't even worked with guys like Zayn, Owens, McIntyre, Cody, Gunther, LA Knight and so many others yet.

Those are booking issues, his own performances have been incredible all things considered. I think once Triple H took over, things have not been handled well, who has been clueless on how to handle gimmicks to the point where they had to hit reset a number of times.

Apart from Gunther and Cody, am not dying to see him with others. But he does need some notable names to work with.

I still think Edge the worker is taken for granted
Nah Cody has to beat Roman. My bet would be on Cody v Reigns at WrestleMania 40. I'm fairly certain they are going to let Roman be champ for another year. That's probably why they drafted Lashley and AJ to SmackDown too. So Reigns can have some fresh opponents.

But they might still put the WHC on Cody and do a match for all three belts when he faces Roman, that’s assuming Rollins doesn’t go over. Cody and Rollins I would think are the favourites
I hate AJ with this low-rent Bullet Club crap. It was good when he was a heel and had Gallows and Anderson. But now they've added Mia Yim and they are babyfaces. Plus Gallows and Anderson have been booked like jobbers ever sicne they came back. They badly need to rehabilitate AJ. He. returned last week or two weeks ago and it was done so anticlimactically that it didnt even seem like he was coming back after a lengthy injury.

This is the worst possible booking I could have imagined, Triple H genuinely believes he is better then AJ and his pettiness must have come into this, just think how all those old HHH returns were treated. I’ve seen a bigger deal made out over Gilberg comebacks then this, we’re talking AJ, arguably the greatest modern wrestler of all time, treated like a peasant
My fav is the 1998-2001 belt followed by the big gold and then the eagle one.

Feel like they need a touring champion. It is set to be presented as the 2nd belt (a bit inferior to the Undisputed IMO)

This just makes Reigns losing the titles (whenever it happens) a little less important IMO.

The winged eagle is a classic for sure. Worst one has to be the spinner belt. As much as I hate the current designs tat always have to have the WWE logo in front, its surprises me that they continued that wretched spinner belt for so long.
But they might still put the WHC on Cody and do a match for all three belts when he faces Roman, that’s assuming Rollins doesn’t go over. Cody and Rollins I would think are the favourites

That could be a direction too but I wouldn't be infavor of that. I think that would damper the moment when Cody finally beats Reigns. If they want to do the chase then they should do it right. I actually wouldn't mind Cody and Seth doing another match, this time for the WHC. And Rollins beats him this time and retains the belt. You could give Rollins a win back after losing to Cody thrice and you could add some more adversity to the babyface's journey where he is back to the end of the line.

And then he would have no choice but to win the Rumble to "complete his story"...hopefully after coming in at 1 or 2.
This is the worst possible booking I could have imagined, Triple H genuinely believes he is better then AJ and his pettiness must have come into this, just think how all those old HHH returns were treated. I’ve seen a bigger deal made out over Gilberg comebacks then this, we’re talking AJ, arguably the greatest modern wrestler of all time, treated like a peasant

AJ's booking has been shocking for well over three years now. I can excuse Vince for putting him in a tag team with Omos. He's Vince. But honestly expected better from H. Seems H has become a fan of Tony Khan's booking too, because now he seems to also think that every guy has to be in faction.
Those are booking issues, his own performances have been incredible all things considered. I think once Triple H took over, things have not been handled well, who has been clueless on how to handle gimmicks to the point where they had to hit reset a number of times.

Apart from Gunther and Cody, am not dying to see him with others. But he does need some notable names to work with.

I still think Edge the worker is taken for granted

No doubt. I wasn't faulting Edge's in-ring work, which has been nothing short of brilliant. Especially for his age and the fact that he has come back after a career-ending injury. I love his style of match as well, which usually begins very slowly but then ebbs and flows in a classic sense once it gets hot. I agree with you that he is an incredible worker. And one of the last active guys from that generation (of which Brock and Randy are also a part of) who were taught the basics of the business the right way. Instead of being told that its showbiz and you have to "entertain" the people.

But the booking has been very disappointing. Even before this JD feud that lasted for an eternity, he was being booked in feuds with The Miz. And I also don't get why his wife has to be shoe-horned into his feuds every now and again.

And though his work has been impeccable, I have to say, his promos have not be delivering as well for me. I'm not sure exactly where in this run it happened, or maybe its just that he's not as great of a babyface as he is a heel, but his promos have not felt natural to me in a very long time.
AJ's booking has been shocking for well over three years now. I can excuse Vince for putting him in a tag team with Omos. He's Vince. But honestly expected better from H. Seems H has become a fan of Tony Khan's booking too, because now he seems to also think that every guy has to be in faction.

Under Vince, AJ himself requested he wanted to take a step back after a gruelling run, the guy worked every house show all around the world as champion, never said no and done double duty to, remember when he fought Balor, no questions asked for the first time. I think AJ wanted to just work the upper mid card / close to that, I actually enjoyed his team with Omos, I’d say AJ was still relevant and a big name post WWE champion run, he main evented Wrestlemania, worked that title match with Drew and was in a fun tag team. I hope they can restore his reputation despite this god awful comeback, this was like that time Okada showed up in AEW, like seriously ?
No doubt. I wasn't faulting Edge's in-ring work, which has been nothing short of brilliant. Especially for his age and the fact that he has come back after a career-ending injury. I love his style of match as well, which usually begins very slowly but then ebbs and flows in a classic sense once it gets hot. I agree with you that he is an incredible worker. And one of the last active guys from that generation (of which Brock and Randy are also a part of) who were taught the basics of the business the right way. Instead of being told that its showbiz and you have to "entertain" the people.

But the booking has been very disappointing. Even before this JD feud that lasted for an eternity, he was being booked in feuds with The Miz. And I also don't get why his wife has to be shoe-horned into his feuds every now and again.

And though his work has been impeccable, I have to say, his promos have not be delivering as well for me. I'm not sure exactly where in this run it happened, or maybe its just that he's not as great of a babyface as he is a heel, but his promos have not felt natural to me in a very long time.

His work has been similar to Punk but Punk has been booking his stuff and almost everything he has been involved in was gold. Edge on the other hand a mixed bag but he has done his best to make use of what was given to him, Edge promos were outstanding during Covid, his character work and selling is arguably even better now then it has ever been but unfortunately, they give him the wrong gimmick or role, and at one point gave him the big show treatment with the heel and face turns.

Edge vs Lesnar anyone?
That could be a direction too but I wouldn't be infavor of that. I think that would damper the moment when Cody finally beats Reigns. If they want to do the chase then they should do it right. I actually wouldn't mind Cody and Seth doing another match, this time for the WHC. And Rollins beats him this time and retains the belt. You could give Rollins a win back after losing to Cody thrice and you could add some more adversity to the babyface's journey where he is back to the end of the line.

And then he would have no choice but to win the Rumble to "complete his story"...hopefully after coming in at 1 or 2.

I agree with you, I would prefer Rollins winning really and it would make great story sense to, It’s a 50/50 match could go either way. Cody should ideally pin Reigns, but maybe Rock will get their first who knows. There are rumours they want Reigns to pass Hogan to
The winged eagle is a classic for sure. Worst one has to be the spinner belt. As much as I hate the current designs tat always have to have the WWE logo in front, its surprises me that they continued that wretched spinner belt for so long.

I don't get the hate behind the spinner belt. The US spinner was awful yes, but WWE champion spinner wasn't that bad. There's been much worse belts in WWE history than that.
It hasn't been that great though. I think it has fallen away big time in the past year. The feud with Randy was the high-point, which sadly got ruined by COVID. And the feud with Rollins was great just for the amazing matches they had. But this JD stuff has been rotten and boring. Unfortunate that Edge hasn't even worked with guys like Zayn, Owens, McIntyre, Cody, Gunther, LA Knight and so many others yet.

KO vs Edge would make a great feud. Edge vs Drew as well but Edge has to be the heel there.
Oldberg has outlived his usefulness. Even with his name value, WWE clearly donot think that his price tag is justified anymore. And with good reason, the guy can barely move or have a coherent 2 minute match anymore. Goldberg knows he was done a long time ago. He has just been milking this name value for the last 3 years. He'll probably go out with a self-promoted retirement tour, which will make him even richer.

Because it makes little sense for WWE or AEW to spend the amount of money he is probably asking for, just to get him to get him to wrestler sporadically for a year.

AEW might get something out of him if they can get him to put over Wardlow. or drive ticket sales for a big show. But then again, what will his price tag be?

Wardlow's been boring after his MJF feud for me. His feud with Joe was good but was expecting him to become a big star.
I haven’t watched AEW since MJF vs Danielson, I am waiting for the return of….

Like Mussolini and Kennedy
I'm the cult of personality
The cult of personality
The cult of personality


MAH GAWDD can’t believe the GOAT is coming back :bow:
I hate AJ with this low-rent Bullet Club crap. It was good when he was a heel and had Gallows and Anderson. But now they've added Mia Yim and they are babyfaces. Plus Gallows and Anderson have been booked like jobbers ever sicne they came back. They badly need to rehabilitate AJ. He. returned last week or two weeks ago and it was done so anticlimactically that it didnt even seem like he was coming back after a lengthy injury.

Pretty sure WWE don't see any value in Gallows and Anderson and AJ pushed them to sign them. Gallows and Anderson can't work like a great tag team anymore. If it was 2016, yes sure, but their work has declined too much whether it's Impact, AEW or NJPW.
They should pay goldberg 20 mill so Wardlow can squash him in 2 min

Bill would do anything for money now. But I don't really see it being a big pay off for Wardlow either who's just winning the TNT championship and losing it since then. They haven't had a good TNT champion since Rusev.
Bill would do anything for money now. But I don't really see it being a big pay off for Wardlow either who's just winning the TNT championship and losing it since then. They haven't had a good TNT champion since Rusev.

Wardlow's booking has to be Tony Khan's biggest crime. Wardlow was molten hot coming out of that feud with MJF at DoN 2022. And the first thing that TK did on Dynamite the next week was put him in a joke match against 20 security guards. Now he has done the same thing with Powerhouse Hobbs. Which is precisely why a match like Goldberg might be one of the only things that rehabilitates Wardlow. Question is, is Goldberg worth a potentially Punk-like price tag (probably more) when he's only going to wrestle a handful of times more? At most you could hotshot a couple of PPVs out of him and draw some big gates. You could even do some big ratings. But it is not the kind of sustained success that a guy like Punk brings.
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They should pay goldberg 20 mill so Wardlow can squash him in 2 min

LMAO that would be brilliant. But I'm certain that Jericho will convince Tony to put him in Wardlow's spot. We all know how he feels about Goldberg not working with him in WCW.
Under Vince, AJ himself requested he wanted to take a step back after a gruelling run, the guy worked every house show all around the world as champion, never said no and done double duty to, remember when he fought Balor, no questions asked for the first time. I think AJ wanted to just work the upper mid card / close to that, I actually enjoyed his team with Omos, I’d say AJ was still relevant and a big name post WWE champion run, he main evented Wrestlemania, worked that title match with Drew and was in a fun tag team. I hope they can restore his reputation despite this god awful comeback, this was like that time Okada showed up in AEW, like seriously ?

I legit hated that AJ-Omos tag team that lasted over good 6 months.

But AJ is a top guy. I was expecting a JD OC feud with Balor vs AJ but think they're on seperate brands now. Even though both AJ and Finn have been on the same card since 2016, they've only wrestled each other just once and that too without any storyline (which actually made it better considering some of the storylines that have ruined some great feuds)
I haven’t watched AEW since MJF vs Danielson, I am waiting for the return of….

Like Mussolini and Kennedy
I'm the cult of personality
The cult of personality
The cult of personality


MAH GAWDD can’t believe the GOAT is coming back :bow:

Honestly, its the only thing I'm looking forward to wrestling right now. And honestly, I've really warmed up to the idea of their Saturday show. Especially since the Bucks and their ilk will be far away from that show.

This very simple but very on-point article did a great job of getting me even more excited: https://nodq.com/opinions/mr-tito-t...s-to-admit-that-cm-punk-is-a-legitimate-draw/
I legit hated that AJ-Omos tag team that lasted over good 6 months.

But AJ is a top guy. I was expecting a JD OC feud with Balor vs AJ but think they're on seperate brands now. Even though both AJ and Finn have been on the same card since 2016, they've only wrestled each other just once and that too without any storyline (which actually made it better considering some of the storylines that have ruined some great feuds)

It was good exposure for Omos and AJ did his best to sell him on the roster, also we were building towards AJ hitting the flying forearm off his shoulders, can’t say that’s a bad pay off :afridi
Pretty sure WWE don't see any value in Gallows and Anderson and AJ pushed them to sign them. Gallows and Anderson can't work like a great tag team anymore. If it was 2016, yes sure, but their work has declined too much whether it's Impact, AEW or NJPW.

Honestly I never liked their work. They are good as AJ's cronies, but I find their in-ring work to be mediocre. And I have seen alot of them during the pandemic era when they were shoehorned into every Elite angle.
Honestly, its the only thing I'm looking forward to wrestling right now. And honestly, I've really warmed up to the idea of their Saturday show. Especially since the Bucks and their ilk will be far away from that show.

This very simple but very on-point article did a great job of getting me even more excited: https://nodq.com/opinions/mr-tito-t...s-to-admit-that-cm-punk-is-a-legitimate-draw/

I will take a look at that, ah NODQ still exist:))) my young self had some good time on there :afridi

And agreed, honestly if they have the right personnel, I may watch it weekly and not just the Punk segments
Bill would do anything for money now. But I don't really see it being a big pay off for Wardlow either who's just winning the TNT championship and losing it since then. They haven't had a good TNT champion since Rusev.

LMAO that would be brilliant. But I'm certain that Jericho will convince Tony to put him in Wardlow's spot. We all know how he feels about Goldberg not working with him in WCW.

They did dilute Wardlow but that would be amazing to bring his stock up again. I agree Jericho is the real winner out of the debacle from last 12 months lol would it surprise you if he converted to Islam and tried to marry one of the Khan’s daughters if they had one? Jericho learned from the golden shovel he knows too much
Wardlow's been boring after his MJF feud for me. His feud with Joe was good but was expecting him to become a big star.

I think even the Joe feud was poorly executed. The reason for Joe turning on him made zero sense. The one good part...the reason why Joe cut his hair was just dropped on us out of the blue, rather than being something that was built towards and made the central issue of the feud. Not to mention, you could just tell from the very start that the only reason they were put in a tag team together was so Joe could turn on Wardlow.

But it was still better than Wardlow fighting 20 security guards in a joke match.
His work has been similar to Punk but Punk has been booking his stuff and almost everything he has been involved in was gold. Edge on the other hand a mixed bag but he has done his best to make use of what was given to him, Edge promos were outstanding during Covid, his character work and selling is arguably even better now then it has ever been but unfortunately, they give him the wrong gimmick or role, and at one point gave him the big show treatment with the heel and face turns.

Edge vs Lesnar anyone?

Edge vs Lesnar last time around was fantastic and Edge was a proper underdog there (as he was a midcarder back then). It would surely be a great match.
They did dilute Wardlow but that would be amazing to bring his stock up again. I agree Jericho is the real winner out of the debacle from last 12 months lol would it surprise you if he converted to Islam and tried to marry one of the Khan’s daughters if they had one? Jericho learned from the golden shovel he knows too much

I don't know if the Khans identify themselves as Muslims though. Yes Y2J does know how to benefit himself though.
Honestly I never liked their work. They are good as AJ's cronies, but I find their in-ring work to be mediocre. And I have seen alot of them during the pandemic era when they were shoehorned into every Elite angle.

That stuff was plain horrible. Them doing too sweet all time is sooooo annoying. Atleast with AJ, they actually have a megastar in there.
It was good exposure for Omos and AJ did his best to sell him on the roster, also we were building towards AJ hitting the flying forearm off his shoulders, can’t say that’s a bad pay off :afridi

Nah, it was a waste of AJ's matches. There wasn't a single competitive tag match in that run. AJ is too good to not be doing proper matches.
Nah, it was a waste of AJ's matches. There wasn't a single competitive tag match in that run. AJ is too good to not be doing proper matches.

I don’t think it was that bad and also considering his body probably would have been better off for it given the years of toil, AJ had requested such a spot but did some good stuff in between. I think there should be a middle ground where he can do the sort of matches we like to see on PPV but limit his overall workload. Under HHH there has been no direction at all
I will take a look at that, ah NODQ still exist:))) my young self had some good time on there :afridi

And agreed, honestly if they have the right personnel, I may watch it weekly and not just the Punk segments

I completely forgot that I used to read this website like 11-12 years ago too.

Yup. And chances are it will be a real show unlike Rampage which is just full of junk, filler matches. And the rumor that the show will contain the people who want to work with Punk, just excites me even more.
They did dilute Wardlow but that would be amazing to bring his stock up again. I agree Jericho is the real winner out of the debacle from last 12 months lol would it surprise you if he converted to Islam and tried to marry one of the Khan’s daughters if they had one? Jericho learned from the golden shovel he knows too much

Jericho has become the very thing that he hated when he scared a locker-room with Hogan, Nash and Hall and then later with HHH.

'You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.'
His work has been similar to Punk but Punk has been booking his stuff and almost everything he has been involved in was gold. Edge on the other hand a mixed bag but he has done his best to make use of what was given to him, Edge promos were outstanding during Covid, his character work and selling is arguably even better now then it has ever been but unfortunately, they give him the wrong gimmick or role, and at one point gave him the big show treatment with the heel and face turns.

Edge vs Lesnar anyone?

I dunno is Edge v Lesnar is a great idea with Edges history of neck injuries. Any match with Brock is incredibly physical. And Edge at the end of his career, does not need a serious injury.
I agree with you, I would prefer Rollins winning really and it would make great story sense to, It’s a 50/50 match could go either way. Cody should ideally pin Reigns, but maybe Rock will get their first who knows. There are rumours they want Reigns to pass Hogan to

There are a few guys they haven't beaten yet. AJ Styles, Lashley, Sheamus, Randy, Rollins (who he has never beaten). And with Edge on SmackDown, they could always revisit that feud for SummerSlam. I wouldn't be suprised at all if Roman went into next Mania as still champion.
Poor LA Knight. Comes out every week and gets a roaring response from the crowd. One of the most over guys in the company, excellent on the ring, incredible on the mic. And the best thing they can think of for him is a rave lighting match against Bray Wyatt.

If they had any brains, they would put the US Championship on him.
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So its official Rampage will become the new Dark, Dark Elevation. Which means its somehow going to become an even worse piece of garbage show than it already was. But tbh, I'm fine with that. If they can even do one good show out of Collision and Dynamite, I would be more than happy.
Poor LA Knight. Comes out every week and gets a roaring response from the crowd. One of the most over guys in the company, excellent on the ring, incredible on the mic. And the best thing they can think of for him is a rave lighting match against Bray Wyatt.

If they had any brains, they would put the US Championship on him.

Well he finally won a match lol
So its official Rampage will become the new Dark, Dark Elevation. Which means its somehow going to become an even worse piece of garbage show than it already was. But tbh, I'm fine with that. If they can even do one good show out of Collision and Dynamite, I would be more than happy.

In hindsight, it looks so weird that AEW decided to do Punk's return on a freaking Rampage.
There are a few guys they haven't beaten yet. AJ Styles, Lashley, Sheamus, Randy, Rollins (who he has never beaten). And with Edge on SmackDown, they could always revisit that feud for SummerSlam. I wouldn't be suprised at all if Roman went into next Mania as still champion.

They'll have to do a lot to keep Roman's run moving till Mania 40.
[MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] [MENTION=147292]RedwoodOriginal[/MENTION] unpopular opinion but I think Punk-Jeff Hardy rivalry is pretty underrated. Would like a mini feud between them again. Although very unlikely to happen. Plus both guys don't like each other in real life.
[MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] [MENTION=147292]RedwoodOriginal[/MENTION] unpopular opinion but I think Punk-Jeff Hardy rivalry is pretty underrated. Would like a mini feud between them again. Although very unlikely to happen. Plus both guys don't like each other in real life.

I thought it was an outstanding feud, Jeff doesn’t mind getting personal but I don’t think it’s good for him at this point.
The winged eagle is a classic for sure. Worst one has to be the spinner belt. As much as I hate the current designs tat always have to have the WWE logo in front, its surprises me that they continued that wretched spinner belt for so long.

That spinner belt should have boring Cena’s custom belt, because it fit his nonsensical kid image. Others wrestlers shouldn’t have had the misfortune of wearing it.
[MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] [MENTION=147292]RedwoodOriginal[/MENTION] unpopular opinion but I think Punk-Jeff Hardy rivalry is pretty underrated. Would like a mini feud between them again. Although very unlikely to happen. Plus both guys don't like each other in real life.

It was wonderful feud and Punk was an excellent heel. What I find funny is that after defeating Hardy in a loser leaves WWE match, Punk made his entrance the following week to Hardy’s music and wearing his attire, the reaction of the kids in the crowd was priceless. 😂
I stopped watching WWE a number of years ago now, but I've seen a lot of clips recently going viral of Backlash in Puerto Rico, looked like a great show with an unbelievable crowd. Threatening to pull me back in...
I stopped watching WWE a number of years ago now, but I've seen a lot of clips recently going viral of Backlash in Puerto Rico, looked like a great show with an unbelievable crowd. Threatening to pull me back in...

Recently got back into it after years off because how bland the product became… but recently started following here and there due to Cody Rhodes, who I had a feeling would be fantastic in this industry from the Legacy days, as well as Roman Reigns having found his feet.

Then there’s also a guy I’ve been watching on YouTube years before his wwe debut, Eric Bugenhagen aka Rick Boogs, who I’m also hoping hits his peak in WWE.
Recently got back into it after years off because how bland the product became… but recently started following here and there due to Cody Rhodes, who I had a feeling would be fantastic in this industry from the Legacy days, as well as Roman Reigns having found his feet.

Then there’s also a guy I’ve been watching on YouTube years before his wwe debut, Eric Bugenhagen aka Rick Boogs, who I’m also hoping hits his peak in WWE.

Tears of joy watching Carlito make his comeback to a raucous reception :)) he is still in phenomenal shape, have you see him recently? I think he use to go to the same gym as you
Lesnar vs Cody Rhodes was outstanding, it seems as though Lesnar got busted open the hard way. I want to see more from these two, they worked together nicely and the finish should play into future encounters

Am not a fan of bad bunny or any youtuber or celeb and I will say a prayer for Damien Priest because he shouldn’t need to do the job like that, but as a segment the match was fun

Also, am sorry but I just hate how the company dilute the mystique of giants. Are we went to believe Seth Rollins would really beat Omos in a real fight? it looked to me like he won clean as a whistle? anyway they can’t keep giving every giant the modern big show treatment
Lesnar vs Cody Rhodes was outstanding, it seems as though Lesnar got busted open the hard way. I want to see more from these two, they worked together nicely and the finish should play into future encounters

Am not a fan of bad bunny or any youtuber or celeb and I will say a prayer for Damien Priest because he shouldn’t need to do the job like that, but as a segment the match was fun

Also, am sorry but I just hate how the company dilute the mystique of giants. Are we went to believe Seth Rollins would really beat Omos in a real fight? it looked to me like he won clean as a whistle? anyway they can’t keep giving every giant the modern big show treatment

They are going to have Seth in the WHC finals probably. So booking him to lose here wouldn't have made sense. There simply shouldn't have been a Omos vs Seth booked here.

Priest vs Bunny was the most fun match. Was well produced as well. Seemed like a Vince match (reminded me of Theory vs McAfee of last year). The only thing that sucked was Priest getting the boot here. Think they would have gone with Dom if he was more developed and they had faith in him to carry the match. On the other hand, Priest has historically revelled in the losses and has gotten the limelight to elevate himself in the eyes of the wrestling fans. The same thing happened during his feud with Balor in NXT. He lost that match but used it to get over with the crowd immensely which started his push towards the NXT NA championship. Was an unknown guy in NXT before that Balor match. He'll probably use the light thrown on him to get over with the casual kids here.
I just feel like there'll be changes to JD soon.

Yes Lesnar vs Cody definitely felt like the first chapter in their rivalry. They'll probably have 1 or 2 more matches. Lesnar should win 1 IMO. I thought I saw Lesnar bleeding right before hitting the head. Think he bladed himself while camera was on Cody and the cut got bigger when he hit his head on the turnbuckle.
We still haven't been told the reason about their feud. Like Lesnar hasn't uttered a word about why he's going after Cody and we have already had one match.
Tears of joy watching Carlito make his comeback to a raucous reception :)) he is still in phenomenal shape, have you see him recently? I think he use to go to the same gym as you

It's not his shape but the guy looks the same age as in 2005.
Tears of joy watching Carlito make his comeback to a raucous reception :)) he is still in phenomenal shape, have you see him recently? I think he use to go to the same gym as you

Used to see him all the time from like 2017-2021 :)). But the gym closed down during COVID and this new gym nearby is way too small if you’re an athlete, so was able to meet him one last time, this time he was with Chris Masters.

But yeah I told him the same. Bro disappeared from the face of the earth, got in insane shape and then returned for the royal rumble in 21.

Even then he told me WWE were giving him contract issues. He didn’t seem to like dealing with them, but I hope it works out.
^ also… seeing him return with the apple gimmick was great too :))) I thought he may have shelved it and reprise himself more seriously.
In hindsight, it looks so weird that AEW decided to do Punk's return on a freaking Rampage.

Initially they wanted it to be a good B show. The first episode featured Omega v Christian and the second episode featured Punk's debut. But after a while, they just stopped giving a s**t and started putting nothing matches on the card that were there just to advance storylines, or give underneath guys wins on TV before they lost on Dynamite the next week.
[MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] [MENTION=147292]RedwoodOriginal[/MENTION] unpopular opinion but I think Punk-Jeff Hardy rivalry is pretty underrated. Would like a mini feud between them again. Although very unlikely to happen. Plus both guys don't like each other in real life.

Yup amazing feud. Definitely one of the highlights of WWE during that 2009-12 period, which is not one of my favorite periods in WWE. This was the first time that Punk really shone in WWE as a character too. Prior to that he had mostly been presented as a white meat babyface. Not to mention, the matches were great and the storyline was very compelling. Both guys had an issue and a POV that made sense.

Punk coming out in Hardy make-up was a heck of a memorable moment lol. That definitely brings back some memories.
Lesnar vs Cody Rhodes was outstanding, it seems as though Lesnar got busted open the hard way. I want to see more from these two, they worked together nicely and the finish should play into future encounters

Am not a fan of bad bunny or any youtuber or celeb and I will say a prayer for Damien Priest because he shouldn’t need to do the job like that, but as a segment the match was fun

Also, am sorry but I just hate how the company dilute the mystique of giants. Are we went to believe Seth Rollins would really beat Omos in a real fight? it looked to me like he won clean as a whistle? anyway they can’t keep giving every giant the modern big show treatment

Agree completely. I don't get why people are so down on the Lesnar v Cody match. I thought it was really well-executed and Lesnar getting busted open was a nice touch that added alot to the match. Question is whether it was intended or not. Because if it wasn't, you can be sure Cody will be getting a receipt next time. To the naked eye though, it seemed like Lesnar wanted to get busted open the hard way.

Once they booked the match Bunny had to go over. The better option would have been booking Rey/Bunny vs. Priest/Dominick. That way Dominick could have taken the pin and you could have protected Priest. But all things considered, it was a pretty fun match. Am not so down on celebs in wrestling as Cornette or some of the other guys are. If they can have a believable match, I'm all for it as long as its done sparingly and not at every show. Logan Paul is an exception to the rule because he is a genuine athlete, looks great and is actually more talented than alot of the guys on the WWE roster.

My problem is not as much with Seth beating him as it is with his booking in general. Modern day wrestling has normalized smaller guys. And though Seth isn't exactly a small guy, in this match he was. My problem is with the way Omos has been booked. All he does is win squash matches against underneath guys or jobbers. He lost to Lashley, Strowman, Lesnar and now Rollins. Why are we supposed to take this huge giant seriously if the only people he wins against are jobbers or undercarders?
That spinner belt should have boring Cena’s custom belt, because it fit his nonsensical kid image. Others wrestlers shouldn’t have had the misfortune of wearing it.

That was the worst thing about it. Its like if everyone during the Attitude Era wore Stone Cold's Smoking Skull belt. WOuldn't have made any sense.
Agree completely. I don't get why people are so down on the Lesnar v Cody match. I thought it was really well-executed and Lesnar getting busted open was a nice touch that added alot to the match. Question is whether it was intended or not. Because if it wasn't, you can be sure Cody will be getting a receipt next time. To the naked eye though, it seemed like Lesnar wanted to get busted open the hard way.

Once they booked the match Bunny had to go over. The better option would have been booking Rey/Bunny vs. Priest/Dominick. That way Dominick could have taken the pin and you could have protected Priest. But all things considered, it was a pretty fun match. Am not so down on celebs in wrestling as Cornette or some of the other guys are. If they can have a believable match, I'm all for it as long as its done sparingly and not at every show. Logan Paul is an exception to the rule because he is a genuine athlete, looks great and is actually more talented than alot of the guys on the WWE roster.

My problem is not as much with Seth beating him as it is with his booking in general. Modern day wrestling has normalized smaller guys. And though Seth isn't exactly a small guy, in this match he was. My problem is with the way Omos has been booked. All he does is win squash matches against underneath guys or jobbers. He lost to Lashley, Strowman, Lesnar and now Rollins. Why are we supposed to take this huge giant seriously if the only people he wins against are jobbers or undercarders?

Bunny beating some mid card heel like The Mizz or something is one thing, but beating a major talent, it’s ridiculous. Again, you can apply the Omos issues in another context to Preist to, the latter has a great ceiling but is punished equally for being talented/agile for a guy his size, they over exposed him and booked themselves into a corner. Omos for his size is pretty good compared to giants in the past and am not saying have him become indestructible like the 80’s, but they use him like a jobber LOL

Guys like Bunny and Logan, I see more as spot guys, it’s clear they are fans of wrestling but more in the mould of those young bro’s who use to enjoy doing flying attacks on each other every time the don’t try this at home add came on. In recent times I think only Pat Macafe is genuinely good, his ring awareness and ability to sell is impressive and he has a genuine athletic background, I think he worked as a heel initially? that helped develop his ring generalship
Used to see him all the time from like 2017-2021 :)). But the gym closed down during COVID and this new gym nearby is way too small if you’re an athlete, so was able to meet him one last time, this time he was with Chris Masters.

But yeah I told him the same. Bro disappeared from the face of the earth, got in insane shape and then returned for the royal rumble in 21.

Even then he told me WWE were giving him contract issues. He didn’t seem to like dealing with them, but I hope it works out.

Ah am a mark for both those guys man, I use to do the master lock on my cousins all the time, Chris was criminally under rated, both of them were and Carlito. They could do it all, work and talk, looked the part to, my god what a physique, I always pick Chris Masters in WWE SvR and that theme lol
That was the worst thing about it. Its like if everyone during the Attitude Era wore Stone Cold's Smoking Skull belt. WOuldn't have made any sense.

Somehow certain wrestlers could pull off the spinner though, don’t tell me HBK didn’t look good with it after he beat Cena in London :)) man that win and him holding the title was as good as him being champ one more time
Rollins v Edge for the World Heavyweight Championship in Saudi, I'm guessing? Should be a good match. I do question Edge's direction going forward though now that he's on SmackDown! Do we really want him going after Reigns again? Feel like that feud has already been done. Edge needs to be involved in fresh feuds and compelling storylines considering that he has a limited time left on his career. Sending him to SmackDown is alright but I don't see enough fresh feuds for him on that roster.

The only people he can feud with that he hasn't already feuded with are Theory, Lashley, Sheamus. If you want to elevate guys that a lower on the card than you could feud with LA Knight and Karrion Kross. But that's about it.

LA Knight, Kross
Bunny beating some mid card heel like The Mizz or something is one thing, but beating a major talent, it’s ridiculous. Again, you can apply the Omos issues in another context to Preist to, the latter has a great ceiling but is punished equally for being talented/agile for a guy his size, they over exposed him and booked themselves into a corner. Omos for his size is pretty good compared to giants in the past and am not saying have him become indestructible like the 80’s, but they use him like a jobber LOL

Guys like Bunny and Logan, I see more as spot guys, it’s clear they are fans of wrestling but more in the mould of those young bro’s who use to enjoy doing flying attacks on each other every time the don’t try this at home add came on. In recent times I think only Pat Macafe is genuinely good, his ring awareness and ability to sell is impressive and he has a genuine athletic background, I think he worked as a heel initially? that helped develop his ring generalship

Yeah I agree with you. Priest has the potential to be a major top-level star. He should not be losing to a musician wrestling his second match. Credit to Priest though, he made this match palatable where you could suspend your disbelief. His selling was excellent. He has improved alot as a worker and a character since joining JD. He had no personality to speak of during his US title run.

As for Omos, he too has improved alot. And I'm actually impressed that he can have mostly coherent matches now. He is miles better than someone like the Great Khali who was almost completely immobile, or someone like Giant Gonzalez, who was arguably even worse. But you can't keep beating him like this. You need to give him major wins against major opponents, otherwise he will lose that mystique as you mentioned.

I think Paul deserves a bit more credit. I definitely see him as a cut above the rest. He athleticism is quite astonishing and he seems to get what the business is about from a psychology POV. When he's in the ring, I completely buy him as someone who could be a wrestler if he wasn't a YouTube star. That's not something I can say for MacAfee or Bunny, eventhough MacAfee is an ex-football player.
Somehow certain wrestlers could pull off the spinner though, don’t tell me HBK didn’t look good with it after he beat Cena in London :)) man that win and him holding the title was as good as him being champ one more time

I dunno. That belt never worked for me. It fit Cena's gimmick initially but it should have been changed by 2008. Can't say the current belts are a massive improvement though.
Yeah I agree with you. Priest has the potential to be a major top-level star. He should not be losing to a musician wrestling his second match. Credit to Priest though, he made this match palatable where you could suspend your disbelief. His selling was excellent. He has improved alot as a worker and a character since joining JD. He had no personality to speak of during his US title run.

As for Omos, he too has improved alot. And I'm actually impressed that he can have mostly coherent matches now. He is miles better than someone like the Great Khali who was almost completely immobile, or someone like Giant Gonzalez, who was arguably even worse. But you can't keep beating him like this. You need to give him major wins against major opponents, otherwise he will lose that mystique as you mentioned.

I think Paul deserves a bit more credit. I definitely see him as a cut above the rest. He athleticism is quite astonishing and he seems to get what the business is about from a psychology POV. When he's in the ring, I completely buy him as someone who could be a wrestler if he wasn't a YouTube star. That's not something I can say for MacAfee or Bunny, eventhough MacAfee is an ex-football player.

The booking was horrible for Priest, they didn’t bother to protect him in the finish, the interference was just a part of the match opposed to actually influencing the outcome. Even after it, Bunny went 50/50 with Priest before getting the win. Both Bunny and Logan are like kids playing Rasler, they’ve made a mockery of the business, this is all it takes to get over now. I’d like to see Omos in the UFC just for the spectacle
Rollins v Edge for the World Heavyweight Championship in Saudi, I'm guessing? Should be a good match. I do question Edge's direction going forward though now that he's on SmackDown! Do we really want him going after Reigns again? Feel like that feud has already been done. Edge needs to be involved in fresh feuds and compelling storylines considering that he has a limited time left on his career. Sending him to SmackDown is alright but I don't see enough fresh feuds for him on that roster.

The only people he can feud with that he hasn't already feuded with are Theory, Lashley, Sheamus. If you want to elevate guys that a lower on the card than you could feud with LA Knight and Karrion Kross. But that's about it.

LA Knight, Kross

Edge/Rollins is a big match and has great background story, they can really build it up nicely in the next few weeks.

I don’t mind seeing Edge and Reigns, two big heavyweights and major names. But I think Reigns v Styles is more likely. I don’t know who Edge will work with, but I am all for a program with LA Knight opposed to the over rated Karrion Kross. I wouldn’t mind Edge vs Lashley or Sheamus either, not visited these matches before.

But for me I’d like Edge to revisit matches with Styles and Reigns, then go for LA Knight. Not bothered about the rest
On another note, is there any doubt in Punk’s name value and drawing power? he has sold 40-50k tickets all on his own in London, this wouldn’t be possible without the leaks of his comeback
Carlito looks to be in great shape. I always liked Carlito. His gimmick was really cool, pun intended.

Knowing Vince’s love for big muscular guys, had Carlito looked like this during his initial run, he might have been world champion.
Carlito looks to be in great shape. I always liked Carlito. His gimmick was really cool, pun intended.

Knowing Vince’s love for big muscular guys, had Carlito looked like this during his initial run, he might have been world champion.

It’s the body composition to? with age as he got bigger, he focussed more on the bulk. Like look at AJ in his TNA peak to now, a lot more muscle bound. But I’m no expert lol I suppose you could argue they could have worked more on the body but then risked losing agility. Chris Masters was a specimen but didn’t win the big one, on the other hand there were rumours Muhammad Hassan might beat Batista to win the WHC until the controversial angle at TGAB PPV, Hassan was lean though and one hell of a character
Yeah I agree with you. Priest has the potential to be a major top-level star. He should not be losing to a musician wrestling his second match. Credit to Priest though, he made this match palatable where you could suspend your disbelief. His selling was excellent. He has improved alot as a worker and a character since joining JD. He had no personality to speak of during his US title run.

As for Omos, he too has improved alot. And I'm actually impressed that he can have mostly coherent matches now. He is miles better than someone like the Great Khali who was almost completely immobile, or someone like Giant Gonzalez, who was arguably even worse. But you can't keep beating him like this. You need to give him major wins against major opponents, otherwise he will lose that mystique as you mentioned.

I think Paul deserves a bit more credit. I definitely see him as a cut above the rest. He athleticism is quite astonishing and he seems to get what the business is about from a psychology POV. When he's in the ring, I completely buy him as someone who could be a wrestler if he wasn't a YouTube star. That's not something I can say for MacAfee or Bunny, eventhough MacAfee is an ex-football player.

bro you just said a few posts above you think McAfee is better than Logan.
Edge/Rollins is a big match and has great background story, they can really build it up nicely in the next few weeks.

I don’t mind seeing Edge and Reigns, two big heavyweights and major names. But I think Reigns v Styles is more likely. I don’t know who Edge will work with, but I am all for a program with LA Knight opposed to the over rated Karrion Kross. I wouldn’t mind Edge vs Lashley or Sheamus either, not visited these matches before.

But for me I’d like Edge to revisit matches with Styles and Reigns, then go for LA Knight. Not bothered about the rest

Yes seems like it will be Edge vs Rollins. Or if Vince gets his hands on, we might get Theory there instead of Edge.

Edge vs Lashley will be intriguing for SD. Seth/Balor was fantastic but was given only 10 mins. I'd have liked a 15 min match atleast considering both guys revel in lengthier matches.
Bunny beating some mid card heel like The Mizz or something is one thing, but beating a major talent, it’s ridiculous. Again, you can apply the Omos issues in another context to Preist to, the latter has a great ceiling but is punished equally for being talented/agile for a guy his size, they over exposed him and booked themselves into a corner. Omos for his size is pretty good compared to giants in the past and am not saying have him become indestructible like the 80’s, but they use him like a jobber LOL

Guys like Bunny and Logan, I see more as spot guys, it’s clear they are fans of wrestling but more in the mould of those young bro’s who use to enjoy doing flying attacks on each other every time the don’t try this at home add came on. In recent times I think only Pat Macafe is genuinely good, his ring awareness and ability to sell is impressive and he has a genuine athletic background, I think he worked as a heel initially? that helped develop his ring generalship

In a video someone (Michael Cole I think) said, McAfee has a ring in his backyard which he got made once he retired from NFL. Said he had been training for a good year or two before having his match with Adam Cole.
Ah am a mark for both those guys man, I use to do the master lock on my cousins all the time, Chris was criminally under rated, both of them were and Carlito. They could do it all, work and talk, looked the part to, my god what a physique, I always pick Chris Masters in WWE SvR and that theme lol

I remember doing the masterlock on my sister and cousins during my childhood. Good old days, eh.

Speaking of the master lock, Bobby Lashley was the first man to break it and it is ironic that he now uses it as The Hurt Lock.
That was the worst thing about it. It’s like if everyone during the Attitude Era wore Stone Cold's Smoking Skull belt. WOuldn't have made any sense.

Good thing that Undertaker never won the WWE title during that period. Imagine Undertaker in his deadman gimmick wearing that toy belt. It would have looked so ridiculous.
Ah am a mark for both those guys man, I use to do the master lock on my cousins all the time, Chris was criminally under rated, both of them were and Carlito. They could do it all, work and talk, looked the part to, my god what a physique, I always pick Chris Masters in WWE SvR and that theme lol

Dude it was so surreal working out opposite to these guys. Chris was doing the cable machine to my left on the same cable station, and Carlito doing some exercises on the bench a couple of feet away.

Sadly I think I may have been one of the only, or maybe the only person that recognized them at the gym. Which I do understand since it’s been a few years since they were a mainstay on WWE. I used to troll my younger bros and cousins with the master lock as well :)), that move is legit for rough housing around. And then both these guys were a big part of the videos games from 2007-2009 as well. So that was really memorable for me.

Both are really cool though, no ego about them whatsoever. Both answered some of the questions I had and were very down to earth.