I thought it was outstanding honestly, no other three stars could have a match like that. They are all unique performers, can’t be judged by traditional expectations, we look at them also in the year 2023 and all things considered, it was brilliant TV. Edge was selling the 619 and gave Rey the spear instinctively, they really thought each spot through, this match is not for the modern fan. Seth Rollins is one of the monkeying leaders in the year of our lord 2023, he has been involved in plenty of automated matches now. AJ looked great from the word go, never looked to miss a beat, everything he did from a psychological pov, from a selling pov and overall ring awareness was great, maybe he was a bit cold, but that didn’t really matter at all and he was hot for the main event. None of these new guys are capable of performing on a same wave length of AJ and Rollins is sadly a Dollar Store AJ, they got no one else to turn to who they would deem age appropriate for the run, AJ even now, is light years ahead of the roster as far as ring performances are concerned, unless he doesn’t want it and a lighter schedule, it’s a no brainer, otherwise we are going to see the same formulaic automation from Rollins.