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The Wrestling Discussion Thread

That has been the problem with this mania. that it has felt like a Rock vs Cody more than Cody vs Roman. Unless they can do something magical in the last SD, everyone will still have the same feeling that Roman is just a tamed kitten in presence of Dwayne.
If anything happens it will happen on RAW. SD next week will just be a curtain jerker for Mania.
@RedwoodOriginal With Nigel’s illness, are you confident in AEW’s medical clearing him? also, do you think they will make the stupid decision of making blood a big part of the storyline or will it be banned completely. Daniel Bryan would also be risking his health.
I am confident of him being cleared medically just because of what I've seen with Bryan and Edge. Nothing is impossible. With the other thing honestly I am hoping that Nigel and Bryan are smart enough to know better.
Do you know that World Wrestling 'Entertainment' (WWE) is just entertainment and scripted fights, with not even real punches?
Not this again 😂

Why do people have to point this out every few hundred posts… yet action movies are watched with choreographed fighting as well or did Robert Downey Jr really die at the end of Avengers?

This is coming from someone who watches both UFC (real fighting) and WWE (pro wrestling)
Not this again 😂

Why do people have to point this out every few hundred posts… yet action movies are watched with choreographed fighting as well or did Robert Downey Jr really die at the end of Avengers?

This is coming from someone who watches both UFC (real fighting) and WWE (pro wrestling)

This is the most active and biggest thread on PP, this question doesn’t need to be asked to incite debate if that was the reason, we’re crazy enough to keep talking about wrestling till our very own final burial.

P.S RIP Robert Downey Jr
I meant the ability to cross over to other avenues of entertainment like Hollywood. Charlotte is the biggest star in women's wrestling but I don't see her as someone who could maybe be an action movie star one day. With Jade and Rhea I see that...the potential to enter the mainstream and the public imagination. Because their look and natural charisma stands out when compared to other female wrestlers in the business.

Yes in that regard I can totally see her in an X-Men movie or a comedy to be fair
Iyo Sky
Dikota Kai

Is this the best women’s roster ever in terms of all round wrestling pedigree🤔
If anything happens it will happen on RAW. SD next week will just be a curtain jerker for Mania.
yes. the buildup for this mania has been the best it's been for years but the Raw and SD before mania are lacking a certain anticipation. Like all the matches have been announced already. Don't know what they're going to do this week after from holding Andre the Giant Battle Royal that's totally meaningless. Think either Bron, Andrade or Gable will win this year.
yes. the buildup for this mania has been the best it's been for years but the Raw and SD before mania are lacking a certain anticipation. Like all the matches have been announced already. Don't know what they're going to do this week after from holding Andre the Giant Battle Royal that's totally meaningless. Think either Bron, Andrade or Gable will win this year.
Really? Because I can't wait to see what happens on RAW after what happened last week. SD has been more focused on the midcard but I got that feeling when Rock, Roman or Cody were not advertised for the show.

In previous years they tried to get everyone on the Mania card with this Battle Royal but since last couple of years they've stopped caring completely and relegated it to SD. Is Bron in it? I think he's working the NXT show.

Btw I saw AJ up close on SD this week and he's definitely not on steroids. I have seen enough roided up physiques to know when I see one that isn't. But man credit to him for putting in the work because he looks terrific and I know it couldn't have been easy to get this big and in shape.
Really? Because I can't wait to see what happens on RAW after what happened last week. SD has been more focused on the midcard but I got that feeling when Rock, Roman or Cody were not advertised for the show.

In previous years they tried to get everyone on the Mania card with this Battle Royal but since last couple of years they've stopped caring completely and relegated it to SD. Is Bron in it? I think he's working the NXT show.

Btw I saw AJ up close on SD this week and he's definitely not on steroids. I have seen enough roided up physiques to know when I see one that isn't. But man credit to him for putting in the work because he looks terrific and I know it couldn't have been easy to get this big and in shape.
I guess to each his own. I have mostly been amped up for the main Bloodline feud which is probably why I am not much pumped for the upcoming Raw.

I haven't followed NXT properly in over 2 years and have lost touch with it since everyone from the black and gold era moved away. so i may be wrong and bron might not be in it.

Yes great for AJ. Him and Lashley are in unreal shape considering their respective ages.
Really? Because I can't wait to see what happens on RAW after what happened last week. SD has been more focused on the midcard but I got that feeling when Rock, Roman or Cody were not advertised for the show.

In previous years they tried to get everyone on the Mania card with this Battle Royal but since last couple of years they've stopped caring completely and relegated it to SD. Is Bron in it? I think he's working the NXT show.

Btw I saw AJ up close on SD this week and he's definitely not on steroids. I have seen enough roided up physiques to know when I see one that isn't. But man credit to him for putting in the work because he looks terrific and I know it couldn't have been easy to get this big and in shape.

Spot on.

Am curious to see how Reigns responds on the final SD at least, there needs to be something big.

AJ is in tremendous condition, he has put on size even after making his initial comeback which suggests he has been training hard on the road to which is extremely difficult.
I guess to each his own. I have mostly been amped up for the main Bloodline feud which is probably why I am not much pumped for the upcoming Raw.

I haven't followed NXT properly in over 2 years and have lost touch with it since everyone from the black and gold era moved away. so i may be wrong and bron might not be in it.

Yes great for AJ. Him and Lashley are in unreal shape considering their respective ages.
Yeah I don't care for NXT either. I got interested in it back in 2021 after talking about it with you guys and subsequently went back and saw alot of the black and gold stuff, namely all the Takeovers. But when they rebranded the show and loaded with it with green talent I was out. I do think they are using it perfectly now though as a developmental territory. Though they should consider sending more of their undercard guys there who are not being used on the main-roster.
I guess to each his own. I have mostly been amped up for the main Bloodline feud which is probably why I am not much pumped for the upcoming Raw.

I haven't followed NXT properly in over 2 years and have lost touch with it since everyone from the black and gold era moved away. so i may be wrong and bron might not be in it.

Yes great for AJ. Him and Lashley are in unreal shape considering their respective ages.

Lashley and R-Truth haven’t aged one bit, you know what they say; black don’t crack
Spot on.

Am curious to see how Reigns responds on the final SD at least, there needs to be something big.

AJ is in tremendous condition, he has put on size even after making his initial comeback which suggests he has been training hard on the road to which is extremely difficult.
Same here. I think they know the position Reigns is in and they know they have to do something to sell the fans on this match one last time. Which is what makes me so curious to see what they do.
Lashley and R-Truth haven’t aged one bit, you know what they say; black don’t crack
R-Truth is the one that surprises me the most because he's 52 and doesn't look it one bit.

I guess not being an alcoholic and not doing a shi*ton of drugs really makes a difference lol. Because Shawn is 58 and looks like freaking ghoul.
Yeah I don't care for NXT either. I got interested in it back in 2021 after talking about it with you guys and subsequently went back and saw alot of the black and gold stuff, namely all the Takeovers. But when they rebranded the show and loaded with it with green talent I was out. I do think they are using it perfectly now though as a developmental territory. Though they should consider sending more of their undercard guys there who are not being used on the main-roster.
2016-2020 Nxt was the best consistent wrestling show for the time period it managed to remain so great. I am glad I watched it consistently from 2017-19 during its very peak.
It got cold once AEW started, in the start, AEW was consistently putting great shows because of the novelty factor and all it's faces being fresh. Jericho was still one of the coolest things in wrestling back then (Imagine :P ) Once AEW upstaged black and gold, Vince sorta panicked and rebranded it which made it unbearable to watch. But it's become a bit better with Shawn taking on the head ever since Trips got myocarditis. It's no longer the third brand. It's basically a proper developmental place now and focused on younger and green guys getting ready for the main roster which makes sense. Black and Gold had a 40 year old Bobby Roode as the Nxt Champion at one point.
Really? I thought it was on-par with wrestling and MMA
think the bro didn't read our below posts discussing rivalries and the staged aspect which we heavily discuss here.
He's a new one on PP i think but he is a good one IMO having read his posts on Cricket forum mainly.
He got Pipered by you and shaz here though. :p
Iyo Sky
Dikota Kai

Is this the best women’s roster ever in terms of all round wrestling pedigree🤔
Probably. Charlotte has been missing from tv for months now and has mainly been part timing for over 2 years now. Think the creative really killed her character by randomly having her show up and winning the women's title for no reason multiple times
Yes in that regard I can totally see her in an X-Men movie or a comedy to be fair
I don't really see any of the top ones having the acting chops. It's far more likely that someone on the mid or undercard end up doing Batista and breaking away properly. Sonya Deville is one that I think has good acting skills although i hate her character.
2016-2020 Nxt was the best consistent wrestling show for the time period it managed to remain so great. I am glad I watched it consistently from 2017-19 during its very peak.
It got cold once AEW started, in the start, AEW was consistently putting great shows because of the novelty factor and all it's faces being fresh. Jericho was still one of the coolest things in wrestling back then (Imagine :p ) Once AEW upstaged black and gold, Vince sorta panicked and rebranded it which made it unbearable to watch. But it's become a bit better with Shawn taking on the head ever since Trips got myocarditis. It's no longer the third brand. It's basically a proper developmental place now and focused on younger and green guys getting ready for the main roster which makes sense. Black and Gold had a 40 year old Bobby Roode as the Nxt Champion at one point.
Its funny to imagine a time when Chris Jericho was cool. It feels like such a long time ago because he has been so utterly rubbish for so long.

Yeah I think AEW was a big reason but beyond that I don't think Vince was ever comfortable with a show that had Adam Cole and Johnny Gargano as top guys and he just needed a reason. He was probably right about Gargano but not so much others like Cole. NXT to their credit elevated alot of guys who weren't the typical version of a WWE top guy. Who's to say where so many of these guys that are featured in prominent positions in WWE and AEW would be if it wasn't for NXT? For someone like Cole to get over on the indies or AEW is one thing. But getting that stamp of approval from guys like Hunter and Shawn was big.

The guy who I feel was most hard done by all this was Kyle O'Reilly. Because they were just getting ready to elevate him and make him NXT Champion after Cole put him over on his way out and then boom Vince pulls the plug on the whole thing and next week he's jobbing to Von Wagner lol.
Not this again 😂

Why do people have to point this out every few hundred posts… yet action movies are watched with choreographed fighting as well or did Robert Downey Jr really die at the end of Avengers?

This is coming from someone who watches both UFC (real fighting) and WWE (pro wrestling)
So you're telling me there was no battle that took place in the other galaxy and Palpatine didn't really rule for centuries?
think the bro didn't read our below posts discussing rivalries and the staged aspect which we heavily discuss here.
He's a new one on PP i think but he is a good one IMO having read his posts on Cricket forum mainly.
He got Pipered by you and shaz here though. :p
When people insult wrestling its personal for me. Because on some level you are insulting our intelligence by asking these types of questions.
R-Truth is the one that surprises me the most because he's 52 and doesn't look it one bit.

I guess not being an alcoholic and not doing a shi*ton of drugs really makes a difference lol. Because Shawn is 58 and looks like freaking ghoul.

That’s an interesting one, because Shawn found the Lord in the late 90’s to early 2000’s, being the optimist he hasn’t been using for like 25-26 years, yet he has aged a fair amount and lost his glorious golden locks; but that wouldn’t stop me singing the sexy boy theme like those fans did in the UK NXT show at the Royal Albert hall; am just furious I didn’t get the memo for his appearance, and that had to be the first time the crowd sang his theme lol
Cool thread. Stopped watching for years until around WM last year mainly because of my kids getting into it.

When do you guys think Senor Mitb will cash in?
I reckon he cashes in on Drew.

When I started watching again there was a lot of gas with LA Knight. I didn't get it. I find him boring and just a rip off and I don't think he's that talented in ring either.

I am waiting for the glass to break and Stone Cold making a return!
Cool thread. Stopped watching for years until around WM last year mainly because of my kids getting into it.

When do you guys think Senor Mitb will cash in?
I reckon he cashes in on Drew.

When I started watching again there was a lot of gas with LA Knight. I didn't get it. I find him boring and just a rip off and I don't think he's that talented in ring either.

I am waiting for the glass to break and Stone Cold making a return!

Wouldn’t you enjoy it more with the kids to though aha and I think the cash in happens after Drew beats Seth. With LA Knight I disagree but I would understand it if you are watching him at the same time as The Rock. Hopefully Austin gives Cena a stunner for exposing himself for Hollywood
Wouldn’t you enjoy it more with the kids to though aha and I think the cash in happens after Drew beats Seth. With LA Knight I disagree but I would understand it if you are watching him at the same time as The Rock. Hopefully Austin gives Cena a stunner for exposing himself for Hollywood
Sorry that sentence came out wrong. I meant I got back into it because of my kids lol.

I dunno man he tries to be funny and just ends up saying random stuff. Where as the rock, cena, punk for example were just natural with it.
Rhea Rhipley is a great character. Hope the Irish Las doesn't beat her.
Sorry that sentence came out wrong. I meant I got back into it because of my kids lol.

I dunno man he tries to be funny and just ends up saying random stuff. Where as the rock, cena, punk for example were just natural with it.
That's understandable. He's modelled himself after The Rock and Austin. And now Dwayne's come back, so his imitations have become more apparent.
The other thing about LA Knight is he needs appropriate tv team. If he gets on more frequently than he should, he will feel like an overstay.
It was nice to see Edge v Matt Cardona on Collision in a what was a very good match. I was reminded of the Edgeheads days lol. Cardona is another guy who is underrated imo. He was never a serious wrestler nor ever really booked strong but still managed to get over on his own by using the internet and social media to flesh out his gimmick. Since leaving the WWE he has followed the Cody formula of getting over on the indies and has been successful in making himself relevant again and becoming one of the bigger names on the indie scene. I think he could be a pretty decent midcard player in WWE if he gets the opportunity again. He's not a technical wizard but very sound in the ring and has some ability on the mic too.

Also, Edge v Malakai Black could be awesome.
@shaz619 The audio everyone was patiently waiting to hear... :inzi2

On an unrelated note, I am really starting to become a fan of Bryan Alvarez. This is the second time he has called out Dave for the total nonsense Dave spouts as he bends over backwards to defend AEW.

One thing, you will admit though. The existence of AEW has given us so much more to laugh at that I don't think would be there if we were just watching WWE. :ashwin
@shaz619 The audio everyone was patiently waiting to hear... :inzi2

On an unrelated note, I am really starting to become a fan of Bryan Alvarez. This is the second time he has called out Dave for the total nonsense Dave spouts as he bends over backwards to defend AEW.

One thing, you will admit though. The existence of AEW has given us so much more to laugh at that I don't think would be there if we were just watching WWE. :ashwin

Ah I listened to that they put it together super quick 🤣 I was hoping for something a little more spicy. And I agree there, I mean I use to watch AEW weekly at the start just so I could listen to Jim’s reviews 🤣

Did you listen to his review of Rock’s segment, Jim just picks up on little things your brain wouldn’t comprehend at the time, he pointed out how there were no baby faces trying to help Cody or even the camera man calling security or the cops etc

And on Alvarez I’ve heard about this but am not the most up to date because I stopped listening to Meltzer’s garbage a long time ago, is there trouble in paradise? what did Alvarez call him out on?
Ah I listened to that they put it together super quick 🤣 I was hoping for something a little more spicy. And I agree there, I mean I use to watch AEW weekly at the start just so I could listen to Jim’s reviews 🤣

Did you listen to his review of Rock’s segment, Jim just picks up on little things your brain wouldn’t comprehend at the time, he pointed out how there were no baby faces trying to help Cody or even the camera man calling security or the cops etc

And on Alvarez I’ve heard about this but am not the most up to date because I stopped listening to Meltzer’s garbage a long time ago, is there trouble in paradise? what did Alvarez call him out on?
I don't know but Alvarez himself sprouts a lot of nonsense.
It was nice to see Edge v Matt Cardona on Collision in a what was a very good match. I was reminded of the Edgeheads days lol. Cardona is another guy who is underrated imo. He was never a serious wrestler nor ever really booked strong but still managed to get over on his own by using the internet and social media to flesh out his gimmick. Since leaving the WWE he has followed the Cody formula of getting over on the indies and has been successful in making himself relevant again and becoming one of the bigger names on the indie scene. I think he could be a pretty decent midcard player in WWE if he gets the opportunity again. He's not a technical wizard but very sound in the ring and has some ability on the mic too.

Also, Edge v Malakai Black could be awesome.
Depends. Cardona has been almost trying WWE to offer him a contract for over a year now. Instead of that, WWE offered his wife a contract and got her signed. Think WWE don't really view Cardona as something good right now. Let's see how high Cardona actually reaches. Cody and Drew all that to come back as main eventers. I don't know if Cardona has that in him.
Yes Edge is someone who's able to have a great match with almost everyone. It's still baffling why his match with AJ never hit the highs.
Ah I listened to that they put it together super quick 🤣 I was hoping for something a little more spicy. And I agree there, I mean I use to watch AEW weekly at the start just so I could listen to Jim’s reviews 🤣

Did you listen to his review of Rock’s segment, Jim just picks up on little things your brain wouldn’t comprehend at the time, he pointed out how there were no baby faces trying to help Cody or even the camera man calling security or the cops etc

And on Alvarez I’ve heard about this but am not the most up to date because I stopped listening to Meltzer’s garbage a long time ago, is there trouble in paradise? what did Alvarez call him out on?
I listen to his full episodes so I haven't reached that part yet. But am looking forward to it for sure. Yeah, Jim is very astute observer and doesn't mince words when there's an absence of logic. After becoming a listener of his show I started at looking wrestlers differently just by how they conduct themselves during in-ring interviews. Whether they speak into the mic that the interviewer that introduced them is holding, or whether they just snatch the mic and make the interviewer look like a complete idiot as he/she fades away into the background. Happens more in AEW but you notice that the pros like Christian always do it the right way.

Hahah I think Alvarez is just not as thick as Dave and is capable of calling out something that is obviously stupid and illogical. Whereas, Dave can't even do that. Last time they were having an argument over AEW's overruns. Alvarez was basically saying that either format your show so that it ends on time, or plan the overrun into the format and advertise it properly (like NXT). Dave on the other said that it's the viewer's responsibility to be prepared for the overrun even if they don't know if it's happening or not lol.

Here's the audio if you want to hear Jim reviewing their debate and ripping Dave. It's pretty funny. :ROFLMAO:

Depends. Cardona has been almost trying WWE to offer him a contract for over a year now. Instead of that, WWE offered his wife a contract and got her signed. Think WWE don't really view Cardona as something good right now. Let's see how high Cardona actually reaches. Cody and Drew all that to come back as main eventers. I don't know if Cardona has that in him.
Yes Edge is someone who's able to have a great match with almost everyone. It's still baffling why his match with AJ never hit the highs.
I'm not saying he is a main-eventer. But he can be a very capable midcarder who can serve a purpose on the roster.

Happens. Sometimes two great wrestlers just don't have the right chemistry in the ring.
I'm not saying he is a main-eventer. But he can be a very capable midcarder who can serve a purpose on the roster.

Happens. Sometimes two great wrestlers just don't have the right chemistry in the ring.
Yes he might be. But remains to be seen whether AEW actually signs him up for a long tenure or it could turn out to be just a one off match.
Yes he might be. But remains to be seen whether AEW actually signs him up for a long tenure or it could turn out to be just a one off match.

I don't think AEW has any intention of signing him. Pretty sure this was a one-shot. He has done a one-shot before against Cody too.
Bryan won the WHC on the same day Nigel retired, it’s funny how life is right? and that was Bryan in his ultimate high remembering his rival, and then there’s Bill, never called Bret or checked up on him, nor changed in the years that followed despite making millions on the back of ending a legends career and you get why Bret is still bitter about it, I totally understand, Bill’s a scumbag.

A big part of it was his health, he tested positive for hepatitis B sadly and despair played a huge role to and he was severely depressed for many years, I think a WWE deal fell through to and he always wanted a run there. People can say what they want about Michael Cole but he has always been a top top bloke, when NXT UK came about, Cole bought Nigel into the WWE so he could have some closure.

I think Nigel goes into great details about his struggles on a Network documentary it’s called Chasing the Magic I think. If you watch that, it alone will sell a PPV match with Bryan, every wrestling smark fan in the UK is aware of his story.

Lmao @ that vid, I vaguely knew it, am sure it was a great outlet for him.

The true successor to William Regal and a pioneer of european strong style
Life can be very unfair sometimes. Nigel's career is a real tragedy because guys as talented as him don't come around very often. Goldberg is a scumbag and it can't be said enough. What's worse is that he tries to act like some kind of victim by noting how people always rip on him for ending Bret's career and how Bret doesn't forgive him. Like maybe you should have learned to wrestle mate before you decided to get in the ring and endanger someone's life and destroy their livelihood.

Yup that documentary is where I learned about Nigel's health issues. It was nice to hear guys like Rollins and Bryan talk about how great he was. But it was also a sad watch. And yeah, that's a great call about him being a spiritual successor to Regal. I'm sure he was a big influence on someone liek Claudio as well.
And that's really interesting about Cole. I didn't know that. Definitely increases my level of respect for him.
Life can be very unfair sometimes. Nigel's career is a real tragedy because guys as talented as him don't come around very often. Goldberg is a scumbag and it can't be said enough. What's worse is that he tries to act like some kind of victim by noting how people always rip on him for ending Bret's career and how Bret doesn't forgive him. Like maybe you should have learned to wrestle mate before you decided to get in the ring and endanger someone's life and destroy their livelihood.

Yup that documentary is where I learned about Nigel's health issues. It was nice to hear guys like Rollins and Bryan talk about how great he was. But it was also a sad watch. And yeah, that's a great call about him being a spiritual successor to Regal. I'm sure he was a big influence on someone liek Claudio as well.

The WCW PowerPlant failed him and I don’t know if he looked to get better, without his wrestling background I can see why it may not dawned on him. I’ve seen him be remorseful when it happened but what rubs me the wrong way is, he hasn’t really tried to mend fences with Bret over the years which has kept him bitter. Vince is Vince but even after the screw job he tried to keep in touch and got through once after Bret had his stroke; that may have been more prudent to his retirement, if he was second guessing it. Goldberg is responsible for depriving us of the following matches:

Bret vs 2000’s Shawn

Bret vs Kurt Angle

Bret vs 2000’s Rock

Bret vs Lesnar
The WCW PowerPlant failed him and I don’t know if he looked to get better, without his wrestling background I can see why it may not dawned on him. I’ve seen him be remorseful when it happened but what rubs me the wrong way is, he hasn’t really tried to mend fences with Bret over the years which has kept him bitter. Vince is Vince but even after the screw job he tried to keep in touch and got through once after Bret had his stroke; that may have been more prudent to his retirement, if he was second guessing it. Goldberg is responsible for depriving us of the following matches:

Bret vs 2000’s Shawn

Bret vs Kurt Angle

Bret vs 2000’s Rock

Bret vs Lesnar
Ah all these matches would have been legendary. Re: Goldberg I think the problem was that he was rushed to the ring before he was ready. They had some great trainers at the PowerPlant like Paul Orndorff, Bobby Eaton, Ole. But his lack of wrestling background and understanding of the business as well as not spending enough time properly training meant that he was always going to be limited in the ring.
Ah all these matches would have been legendary. Re: Goldberg I think the problem was that he was rushed to the ring before he was ready. They had some great trainers at the PowerPlant like Paul Orndorff, Bobby Eaton, Ole. But his lack of wrestling background and understanding of the business as well as not spending enough time properly training meant that he was always going to be limited in the ring.

Eric is also massively at fault, he got him over but long term damage was done.

On Bobby Eaton, isn’t he the greatest text book wrestler of all time? technically he is work is so beautiful, he doesn’t get enough praise now imo
@RedwoodOriginal I use to have all the Bret dream matches on SvR 2006, I think there may have been a dream match / challenge mode where you face Kurt Angle I think.

Everything Bret did was so real, I loved his worked punch to; since his, in modern times I think Taker’s 06-07 run where he opened up more with his ring work, I loved his fighting stance and the boxing technique of his striking, he put his weight into the right hand and punched through the target, his striking was outstanding during that period and he was a big Boxing fan, showed in his work.

What are your favourite worked punches ? @RedwoodOriginal @BunnyRabbit

The technique today is so horrid
Eric is also massively at fault, he got him over but long term damage was done.

On Bobby Eaton, isn’t he the greatest text book wrestler of all time? technically he is work is so beautiful, he doesn’t get enough praise now imo
Without a doubt. Eric is massively at fault. If he takes credit for putting Goldberg to national TV he should take credit for his shortcomings too.

He has to be one of the very best. Out of the four, Stan Lane, Ricky Morton, Robert Gibson and him, I always thought he was the best wrestler. And that's saying something because those are arguably two of the greatest tag teams of all-time.
@RedwoodOriginal I use to have all the Bret dream matches on SvR 2006, I think there may have been a dream match / challenge mode where you face Kurt Angle I think.

Everything Bret did was so real, I loved his worked punch to; since his, in modern times I think Taker’s 06-07 run where he opened up more with his ring work, I loved his fighting stance and the boxing technique of his striking, he put his weight into the right hand and punched through the target, his striking was outstanding during that period and he was a big Boxing fan, showed in his work.

What are your favourite worked punches ? @RedwoodOriginal @BunnyRabbit

The technique today is so horrid
Bret was just a perfect wrestler in every way. And yes, he had great worked punches.

I loved Scott Hall's worked punches because his height and size made it look like he was really beating the snot out of someone in the corner. My favorite though has got to be Jarrett because no matter what I think of him in WCW or TNA, his punches always stand-out when you're watching one of his matches. They are perfect. I guess if we go back and look we might find that just about everybody who came out of Memphis was taught how to throw a proper worked punch.

Meanwhile, Cena has to be a contender for one of the worst.

Modern day is just sad. Besides its more elbows and chops now than punches anyway.
Bret was just a perfect wrestler in every way. And yes, he had great worked punches.

I loved Scott Hall's worked punches because his height and size made it look like he was really beating the snot out of someone in the corner. My favorite though has got to be Jarrett because no matter what I think of him in WCW or TNA, his punches always stand-out when you're watching one of his matches. They are perfect. I guess if we go back and look we might find that just about everybody who came out of Memphis was taught how to throw a proper worked punch.

Meanwhile, Cena has to be a contender for one of the worst.

Modern day is just sad. Besides its more elbows and chops now than punches anyway.

Good shout on Scot Hall, you’re right about Memphis because Jerry Lawler has one of the best right hands ever.

Man the way Cena would roll his fists into a ball; super CRINGE.

Nobody should use chops besides Gunther and Charlotte.

It is sad, it is easier to do a super kick then throw a proper worked punch
@RedwoodOriginal I use to have all the Bret dream matches on SvR 2006, I think there may have been a dream match / challenge mode where you face Kurt Angle I think.

Everything Bret did was so real, I loved his worked punch to; since his, in modern times I think Taker’s 06-07 run where he opened up more with his ring work, I loved his fighting stance and the boxing technique of his striking, he put his weight into the right hand and punched through the target, his striking was outstanding during that period and he was a big Boxing fan, showed in his work.

What are your favourite worked punches ? @RedwoodOriginal @BunnyRabbit

The technique today is so horrid
Randy Orton (his punches are probably the best)
Undertaker (cool looking)
The Rock (good theatrics)
Roman only hits southpaw jabs but does it well.

WWE RAW Card for April 1, 2024 Episode:​

  • DIY & The New Day vs. The Judgment Day – Eight-Man Tag Team match
  • Candice LeRae & Indi Hartwell vs. Ivy Nile & Maxxine Dupri
  • The Rock & Roman Reigns to appear
  • Sami Zayn vs. Bronson Reed
@shaz619 @RedwoodOriginal

So cm punk was trending and i had a look at it. I am pretty sure K will lose his temper at Jack Perry again after watching it. :ROFLMAO:

So I just finished watching the interview and DAMN. I feel like this interview will be the topic of discussion in the IWC for months and months just through clips like the one you shared. Which is funny because it did not feel like a shoot interview. It just felt like a guy having an honest conversation, getting some things off his chest and answering some questions.

There was so much stuff said in this interview that its hard to even remember all of it. Simply because you just don't see wrestlers talking this honestly in interviews. But that's Punk for you. He's real and he doesn't give a f**k whether you like him or not. He is going to tell the truth and be himself.

The most telling thing about this interview though was what he said about AEW. That its not a real business. And its true because it does not matter to them that the buildings are half-empty of that viewership drops by 100,000 every year. Because Tony knows that he will just ask his billionaire dad for more money. Punk said it best when he said that guaranteed money ruined the wrestling business and he couldn't be more right. We already saw how guys like Hogan, Hall, Nash and numerous others took advantage of that in WCW and we're seeing these guys do that on a much smaller level.

Call it a burial if you want, but coming from a guy like him who has been so deeply involved in it, it means something. And I have to say that this interview changed my opinion on alot of things about AEW. It certainly made me less of an optimist than I was up until a few days ago because Punk laid bare what was previously rumored or said by people like Cornette and Last. Its a company that's about having great matches and being the talk of the town on the internet. None of the tangibles actually matter to these people. I'll still watch AEW just as ardently as I do now because I am a wrestling fan. And if there's great stuff there I will talk about it. But I ain't gonna be defending this s**tshow any longer, you can count on that lmao.
Some things that really stood out in this interview for me...off the top of my head:

- Tony is not a boss, he's a nice guy that wants to be everyone's friend. This one is not surprising since we talked about it just the other day @shaz619 but what's surprising is how much of a p***y this guy is that he simply cannot step in and deal with a situation. He will wait until it explodes and even then he will still do nothing. His conduct in the Page-Punk and Perry-Punk situation is just insane to me. "What do you want me to do?"

- Jack Perry is a little b***h who was probably told by the Young Bucks (after the glass incident on Collision) to shoot on Punk during his match. Because he clearly did not have a problem with Punk when Punk told him off. Jack Perry is also entitled little p***k who had the gall to cuss out a doctor, a senior executive (Mike Mansury) and Tony Schiavone; all of whom are not just his elders but also employees of AEW that are there to manage talent. Its wild to me that he was allowed to behave like this and not have any action taken against him.

- The reason Collision was so good at the start was because Punk was booking it.

- Besides being an empty headed dumbf**k, Adam Page is also highly unprofessional and does not deserve to be on national TV. He deserves to be on the indies along with the rest of his ilk where he can cater to the niche internet audience that read the dirtsheets and care about Colt Cabana in 2024.

- Nick Khan is the biggest reason Punk is in WWE.

- "If some goof is talking about having a 5 star match and the building is half-empty, then we're not in the same business." BOOM. What a line.
Some things that really stood out in this interview for me...off the top of my head:

- Tony is not a boss, he's a nice guy that wants to be everyone's friend. This one is not surprising since we talked about it just the other day @shaz619 but what's surprising is how much of a p***y this guy is that he simply cannot step in and deal with a situation. He will wait until it explodes and even then he will still do nothing. His conduct in the Page-Punk and Perry-Punk situation is just insane to me. "What do you want me to do?"

- Jack Perry is a little b***h who was probably told by the Young Bucks (after the glass incident on Collision) to shoot on Punk during his match. Because he clearly did not have a problem with Punk when Punk told him off. Jack Perry is also entitled little p***k who had the gall to cuss out a doctor, a senior executive (Mike Mansury) and Tony Schiavone; all of whom are not just his elders but also employees of AEW that are there to manage talent. Its wild to me that he was allowed to behave like this and not have any action taken against him.

- The reason Collision was so good at the start was because Punk was booking it.

- Besides being an empty headed dumbf**k, Adam Page is also highly unprofessional and does not deserve to be on national TV. He deserves to be on the indies along with the rest of his ilk where he can cater to the niche internet audience that read the dirtsheets and care about Colt Cabana in 2024.

- Nick Khan is the biggest reason Punk is in WWE.

- "If some goof is talking about having a 5 star match and the building is half-empty, then we're not in the same business." BOOM. What a line.

First of all, am a little drained from fasting because I got sick real bad a couple days ago, which may explain why I’ve been more active then usual. It’s very late and I took some medication before and during this Punk interview, but by God I listened to every damn minute 🤣🤣🤣 I don’t think there is anybody in wrestling past or present that can keep me hooked for what was about 3 hours? I don’t know the length because I clicked on the live stream and rewinded to the Punk bit when Rhea was on. And am going to get knocked out in a bit, but the best way to sum that up is; ‘Tell Me When I’m Telling Lies’.

I was rather passionate in my criticism of AEW recently, but @RedwoodOriginal I hope my views are somewhat justified because when the whole drama unfolded from that first press scrum, I read all the hipster dirt, I listened to what Punk had to say and especially the deep dive on The Experience. You feel me now when I said why I fear for MJF’s career down there? AEW is a complete sh!t show, it is even worse then I expected because everything I believed is true and that bit more.

There were so many great one liners in there that I wish I wrote some of them down.

I enjoyed the fact that he said he just choked Perry a little bit 🤣🤣

The Page stuff is even worse then reported, it’s a weak b!tch move to go behinds someones back like that, look it’s not screw job levels but we’re in that territory.

I find if fascinating that Nick Khan has been working on a Punk return for so long, and this reinforces my own position that it doesn’t happen by Triple H’s accord who in my opinion is forced to do business but I respect he can be a professional unlike some, isn’t it mad he could have shown up a week or two after Wembley? but didn’t, he could have buried the company and the championship but didn’t, it would have been crazy in terms of heat if he showed up right after that match with Joe

The other thing which was interesting to me was that there only seemed to be one interaction between Punk and Khan prior to the incident with Perry, at which point did he seriously feel like his life was threatened ? slandering Punk’s good name like that, I wouldn’t put it beyond the EVP’s to propagate that, but it seems so beneath Khan and out of character, like I can imagine him being a P, but at which point? it seems like an attempt to malign Punk’s name really

Outside that programme with MJF his time there was a nightmare and am glad he’s over that bull sh!t
Some things that really stood out in this interview for me...off the top of my head:

- Tony is not a boss, he's a nice guy that wants to be everyone's friend. This one is not surprising since we talked about it just the other day @shaz619 but what's surprising is how much of a p***y this guy is that he simply cannot step in and deal with a situation. He will wait until it explodes and even then he will still do nothing. His conduct in the Page-Punk and Perry-Punk situation is just insane to me. "What do you want me to do?"

- Jack Perry is a little b***h who was probably told by the Young Bucks (after the glass incident on Collision) to shoot on Punk during his match. Because he clearly did not have a problem with Punk when Punk told him off. Jack Perry is also entitled little p***k who had the gall to cuss out a doctor, a senior executive (Mike Mansury) and Tony Schiavone; all of whom are not just his elders but also employees of AEW that are there to manage talent. Its wild to me that he was allowed to behave like this and not have any action taken against him.

- The reason Collision was so good at the start was because Punk was booking it.

- Besides being an empty headed dumbf**k, Adam Page is also highly unprofessional and does not deserve to be on national TV. He deserves to be on the indies along with the rest of his ilk where he can cater to the niche internet audience that read the dirtsheets and care about Colt Cabana in 2024.

- Nick Khan is the biggest reason Punk is in WWE.

- "If some goof is talking about having a 5 star match and the building is half-empty, then we're not in the same business." BOOM. What a line.
He spoke highly of Nick Khan like almost every has ever since he was brought in to WWE. He's talked about mending Trips and his relationship. Trips as big of a politicians he has been, I think has a lot more business nous and professionalism to run a company better than people from AEW. And Trips knows if someone can help the business, he should let go of grudges. Tony is just child throwing tantrums which is what I have said for over a year. The guy is repulsive.
Punk doesn't care about star ratings as do majority of the legends. (sorry Jericho, you're not cool anymore)

Punk didn't mention MJF. Helwani had to ask him about it, and he said he still caters to the niche fanbase.

He did say him and Roman hate each other but Roman is a professional and will do a program with him if asked to.

He wasn't asked about Drew. I really wanted to know whether him and Drew hate each other or is that just on screen stuff.

He also said he hates promos with insider references and stuff which is basically the only way these indie guys and those in AEW know.
Also hearing that Roman somewhere said that if he loses the title at Mania this week, he'll retire.
It's no
First of all, am a little drained from fasting because I got sick real bad a couple days ago, which may explain why I’ve been more active then usual. It’s very late and I took some medication before and during this Punk interview, but by God I listened to every damn minute 🤣🤣🤣 I don’t think there is anybody in wrestling past or present that can keep me hooked for what was about 3 hours? I don’t know the length because I clicked on the live stream and rewinded to the Punk bit when Rhea was on. And am going to get knocked out in a bit, but the best way to sum that up is; ‘Tell Me When I’m Telling Lies’.

I was rather passionate in my criticism of AEW recently, but @RedwoodOriginal I hope my views are somewhat justified because when the whole drama unfolded from that first press scrum, I read all the hipster dirt, I listened to what Punk had to say and especially the deep dive on The Experience. You feel me now when I said why I fear for MJF’s career down there? AEW is a complete sh!t show, it is even worse then I expected because everything I believed is true and that bit more.

There were so many great one liners in there that I wish I wrote some of them down.

I enjoyed the fact that he said he just choked Perry a little bit 🤣🤣

The Page stuff is even worse then reported, it’s a weak b!tch move to go behinds someones back like that, look it’s not screw job levels but we’re in that territory.

I find if fascinating that Nick Khan has been working on a Punk return for so long, and this reinforces my own position that it doesn’t happen by Triple H’s accord who in my opinion is forced to do business but I respect he can be a professional unlike some, isn’t it mad he could have shown up a week or two after Wembley? but didn’t, he could have buried the company and the championship but didn’t, it would have been crazy in terms of heat if he showed up right after that match with Joe

The other thing which was interesting to me was that there only seemed to be one interaction between Punk and Khan prior to the incident with Perry, at which point did he seriously feel like his life was threatened ? slandering Punk’s good name like that, I wouldn’t put it beyond the EVP’s to propagate that, but it seems so beneath Khan and out of character, like I can imagine him being a P, but at which point? it seems like an attempt to malign Punk’s name really

Outside that programme with MJF his time there was a nightmare and am glad he’s over that bull sh!t
I'm man enough to admit when I'm wrong. So I'll admit it. You were right about pretty much everything you said the other day. AEW is the minor league and it will always be that way because of the people that are involved in key decision-making positions in that company and the person who is running it.

We keep banging on about how AEW has to appeal to a more mainstream audience and bring in more casual fans. Thing is, they don't care about bringing in more fans. They just want to live out their childhood dream of being small fishes in their little pond. And the person running it is a mark who will allow them to do whatever they want as long as they pick up a 5 star rating in the Observer.

That part is really fascinating to me. That he could have showed up on RAW literally the next week. If Bischoff was running this thing you could bet you a** that he would have tried to have Punk throw the belt in the trash lmao. :ROFLMAO:

And if the shoe was on the other foot and if legal action was not involved, I'm 100% sure AEW would have tried to do that, because in their minds its so "edgy" and "cool".

But that just speaks to the professional that Punk is. If he wants, he can talk about his entire AEW run in subtleties in a promo and still get the point across in a way the casual viewer doesn't feel left out but the people who know, know. But he don't need to because he is above that.

I laughed out loud at the just choked him out a little bit. I'm sure the internet is gonna have a field day with that one.

Well Tony "fearing for his life" was honestly something that just about everyone made fun of when he said it. Even some of AEW's more ardent supporters. But this just reinforces that because it doesn't seem like Punk ever had any kind of heat with Tony. You're right. I think the EVPs or someone else who is influential probably got in Tony's ear and said that this is your get out of jail free card because people will be shocked when you say you fired him. So this is your way to cover your a**

Nick Khan by all accounts seems like a very savvy businessman. He knows money when he sees it. And Punk is money.

Well there's one thing we disagree with, because I thought his programs with Moxley and Eddie Kingston were pretty brilliant too. And the really loved his last AEW match. Speaking of which, what a way to go out. It's funny how his program with Moxley ended up being so great when you consider that he had problems with Moxley too when Moxley just didn't want to job to him unless he was winning too lmao.

I kinda wish he went off on Mox and Jericho but we should be happy with what we got. Like you, I was totally gripped throughout this and also caught it at the livestream but the time just went by in a flash because it was so gripping.

P.S hope you are feeling better. Best wishes.
It's no

I'm man enough to admit when I'm wrong. So I'll admit it. You were right about pretty much everything you said the other day. AEW is the minor league and it will always be that way because of the people that are involved in key decision-making positions in that company and the person who is running it.

We keep banging on about how AEW has to appeal to a more mainstream audience and bring in more casual fans. Thing is, they don't care about bringing in more fans. They just want to live out their childhood dream of being small fishes in their little pond. And the person running it is a mark who will allow them to do whatever they want as long as they pick up a 5 star rating in the Observer.

That part is really fascinating to me. That he could have showed up on RAW literally the next week. If Bischoff was running this thing you could bet you a** that he would have tried to have Punk throw the belt in the trash lmao. :ROFLMAO:

And if the shoe was on the other foot and if legal action was not involved, I'm 100% sure AEW would have tried to do that, because in their minds its so "edgy" and "cool".

But that just speaks to the professional that Punk is. If he wants, he can talk about his entire AEW run in subtleties in a promo and still get the point across in a way the casual viewer doesn't feel left out but the people who know, know. But he don't need to because he is above that.

I laughed out loud at the just choked him out a little bit. I'm sure the internet is gonna have a field day with that one.

Well Tony "fearing for his life" was honestly something that just about everyone made fun of when he said it. Even some of AEW's more ardent supporters. But this just reinforces that because it doesn't seem like Punk ever had any kind of heat with Tony. You're right. I think the EVPs or someone else who is influential probably got in Tony's ear and said that this is your get out of jail free card because people will be shocked when you say you fired him. So this is your way to cover your a**

Nick Khan by all accounts seems like a very savvy businessman. He knows money when he sees it. And Punk is money.

Well there's one thing we disagree with, because I thought his programs with Moxley and Eddie Kingston were pretty brilliant too. And the really loved his last AEW match. Speaking of which, what a way to go out. It's funny how his program with Moxley ended up being so great when you consider that he had problems with Moxley too when Moxley just didn't want to job to him unless he was winning too lmao.

I kinda wish he went off on Mox and Jericho but we should be happy with what we got. Like you, I was totally gripped throughout this and also caught it at the livestream but the time just went by in a flash because it was so gripping.

P.S hope you are feeling better. Best wishes.
He can subtly bury reference AEW stuff in a promo on WWE but the thing is unlike AEW fanbase in attendance, WWE fans (casual ones) usually have no idea what happened in AEW or even care about it. The crowds on weekly WWE are usually just fans and families there to have some fun unlike AEW cultists who would make it their mission to go to the Dynamite or ruins.

A fun fact about Nick Khan. He participated on The Wheel Of Fortune and around 16k USD which he used to finance his bar exam for himself to become a lawyer.
He spoke highly of Nick Khan like almost every has ever since he was brought in to WWE. He's talked about mending Trips and his relationship. Trips as big of a politicians he has been, I think has a lot more business nous and professionalism to run a company better than people from AEW. And Trips knows if someone can help the business, he should let go of grudges. Tony is just child throwing tantrums which is what I have said for over a year. The guy is repulsive.
Punk doesn't care about star ratings as do majority of the legends. (sorry Jericho, you're not cool anymore)

Punk didn't mention MJF. Helwani had to ask him about it, and he said he still caters to the niche fanbase.

He did say him and Roman hate each other but Roman is a professional and will do a program with him if asked to.

He wasn't asked about Drew. I really wanted to know whether him and Drew hate each other or is that just on screen stuff.

He also said he hates promos with insider references and stuff which is basically the only way these indie guys and those in AEW know.
Hunter is a businessman and a professional. Eventhough it may not have been his idea to bring Punk back, I'm fairly certain he welcomed Punk with open arms and when you look at the way Punk has been used since coming back and the creative freedom he has had, you believe it. He knows what Punk brings especially in this day and age when the internet is what it is and Punk being the lightening rod of controversy that he is, is a major asset that keeps people talking about your product. Ofcourse there are idiots that fired him but I don't think we need to spend any more time talking about them. If anything, they did the wrestling business a favor by putting Punk in front of a far bigger audience.

I'm sure alot of people in WWE probably hate his guts. Like Roman and KO. Seth and Sami maybe don't love him because they used to be friends with the Bucks...probably still are. But maybe aren't necessarily as negative on him. But thing is, it doesn't matter. Because its WWE. They will do business because they are hired to do a job and expected to do it. There is a structure in place that compels them to do their job whether they like it or not. And maybe also because they are more mentally mature than The Elite.

Haha like he said in the interview, I want them to believe what they want to believe. So maybe you should too. Personally, I don't think he has any serious heat with Drew or Seth. With Seth whatever was there, probably is not anymore. What I found surprising was that he had serious heat with Corey Graves. Graves, incase you didn't know was a major Punk fan and besides being a sort of protege and friend of Punk, he also modelled his entire gimmick after Punk. Many even called him the rip-off version of Punk for years on the indies. But Punk stopped speaking to him after the lawsuit stuff which he mentioned in the interview and that probably rubbed Graves the wrong way.

Yeah I hate it too. But I think he may have been pointing to Cody's promo from a couple of weeks ago when he talked about "heels". For me, stuff like this always harkens back to Russo and whenever that idiot was in-charge of WCW or TNA, so I despise it. I don't mind AEW referencing wrestlers past from other companies or WWE doing the same thing. But insider references exposes the wrestling business which is why I hate it.
Wasn't it Roman saying it on Rosey's documentary? April Fool's jokes sound more likely though. Youre right.
I encountered a bunch of this s**t on Instagram and was very annoyed by the end of it. I'm fairly certain its a lame April Fools joke otherwise I would have read it on one of the wrestling websites I follow.
He can subtly bury reference AEW stuff in a promo on WWE but the thing is unlike AEW fanbase in attendance, WWE fans (casual ones) usually have no idea what happened in AEW or even care about it. The crowds on weekly WWE are usually just fans and families there to have some fun unlike AEW cultists who would make it their mission to go to the Dynamite or ruins.

A fun fact about Nick Khan. He participated on The Wheel Of Fortune and around 16k USD which he used to finance his bar exam for himself to become a lawyer.
Hahah that's true. I think Punk did make a reference to AEW in his first promo. It was pretty subtle but the crowd just didn't get it. And you're right, unlike AEW, WWE actually does have casual viewers who don't spend their entire lives on the internet.

That's interesting. Nick Khan is regarded as a big mover and shaker in Hollywood and said to be very well-connected. He probably also had a big hand in putting this TKO deal together so it doesn't surprise me that he is one steering the WWE ship from a business stand-point, while Hunter handles the creative side.
It's only Tuesday and already we have gotten this Punk interview and from what I've heard, an excellent Bray Wyatt documentary that I am yet to see.

This is going to be a heck of a week to be a wrestling fan and its only going to get better from here on out.
Hunter is a businessman and a professional. Eventhough it may not have been his idea to bring Punk back, I'm fairly certain he welcomed Punk with open arms and when you look at the way Punk has been used since coming back and the creative freedom he has had, you believe it. He knows what Punk brings especially in this day and age when the internet is what it is and Punk being the lightening rod of controversy that he is, is a major asset that keeps people talking about your product. Ofcourse there are idiots that fired him but I don't think we need to spend any more time talking about them. If anything, they did the wrestling business a favor by putting Punk in front of a far bigger audience.

I'm sure alot of people in WWE probably hate his guts. Like Roman and KO. Seth and Sami maybe don't love him because they used to be friends with the Bucks...probably still are. But maybe aren't necessarily as negative on him. But thing is, it doesn't matter. Because its WWE. They will do business because they are hired to do a job and expected to do it. There is a structure in place that compels them to do their job whether they like it or not. And maybe also because they are more mentally mature than The Elite.

Haha like he said in the interview, I want them to believe what they want to believe. So maybe you should too. Personally, I don't think he has any serious heat with Drew or Seth. With Seth whatever was there, probably is not anymore. What I found surprising was that he had serious heat with Corey Graves. Graves, incase you didn't know was a major Punk fan and besides being a sort of protege and friend of Punk, he also modelled his entire gimmick after Punk. Many even called him the rip-off version of Punk for years on the indies. But Punk stopped speaking to him after the lawsuit stuff which he mentioned in the interview and that probably rubbed Graves the wrong way.

Yeah I hate it too. But I think he may have been pointing to Cody's promo from a couple of weeks ago when he talked about "heels". For me, stuff like this always harkens back to Russo and whenever that idiot was in-charge of WCW or TNA, so I despise it. I don't mind AEW referencing wrestlers past from other companies or WWE doing the same thing. But insider references exposes the wrestling business which is why I hate it.
Seth, as much as I don't care about him, has a tendency of making an idiot out of himself. Like him trying to pick fights with Punk and Ospreay back in 2019. But Drew seems like a sensible guy who gets along with majority of people well. I am actually curious about Drew as he isn't someone known for being on bad terms with his colleagues.

People like Britt Baker, Ruby Soho, Guevara have made their living out of cutting promos with just insider references. They can't cut a proper wrestling promo. They wouldn't really know what to say if they are told to just talk about their rivalry with a character.
Hahah that's true. I think Punk did make a reference to AEW in his first promo. It was pretty subtle but the crowd just didn't get it. And you're right, unlike AEW, WWE actually does have casual viewers who don't spend their entire lives on the internet.

That's interesting. Nick Khan is regarded as a big mover and shaker in Hollywood and said to be very well-connected. He probably also had a big hand in putting this TKO deal together so it doesn't surprise me that he is one steering the WWE ship from a business stand-point, while Hunter handles the creative side.
Actually Nick is the one with least sources. The guy grinded a lot to get to where he's at right now. He relied on winning 16k USD at a tv show to become a lawyer. Till a few years back, he was representing Ariel Helwani. And now this guy has tons of journalists like Helwani wanting to get an interview with him.
Seth, as much as I don't care about him, has a tendency of making an idiot out of himself. Like him trying to pick fights with Punk and Ospreay back in 2019. But Drew seems like a sensible guy who gets along with majority of people well. I am actually curious about Drew as he isn't someone known for being on bad terms with his colleagues.

People like Britt Baker, Ruby Soho, Guevara have made their living out of cutting promos with just insider references. They can't cut a proper wrestling promo. They wouldn't really know what to say if they are told to just talk about their rivalry with a character.
I think Drew is just working and I would say the same about Seth in 2019. He was trying to get a match with Punk when there were rumors that Punk would come back because of his WWE Backstage deal with FOX. That's just what I believe though.

Oh there are too many people in AEW that do that. The names you mentioned aren't even on TV these days because of injuries, suspensions or just being irrelevant. But then again, that's what that minor league, indie mindset breeds. The Bucks probably do it more than anyone else. Especially when they try to be heels. I bet they will try to make some kind of lame, side reference to this on Dynamite this week because that's just how they are.
WrestleMania XL Card:

Night one (Saturday, April 6) --

  • The Rock & Roman Reigns vs. Cody Rhodes & Seth Rollins
  • WWE Women's World Champion Rhea Ripley defends against Becky Lynch
  • WWE Intercontinental Champion Gunther defends against Sami Zayn
  • Jey Uso vs. Jimmy Uso
  • Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championship six-pack ladder match: Finn Balor & Damian Priest defend against Johnny Gargano & Tommaso Ciampa, The Miz & R-Truth, Kofi Kingston & Xavier Woods, Pete Dunne & Tyler Bate, Grayson Waller & Austin Theory
  • Jade Cargill, Bianca Belair, & Naomi vs. Asuka, Kairi Sane, & Dakota Kai
  • Rey Mysterio & Dragon Lee vs. Dominik Mysterio & Santos Escobar

Night two (Sunday, April 7) --

  • Undisputed WWE Universal Champion Roman Reigns defends against Cody Rhodes
  • WWE World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins defends against Drew McIntyre
  • WWE Women's Champion IYO SKY defends against Bayley
  • WWE United States Champion Logan Paul defends against Kevin Owens & Randy Orton in a triple threat
  • LA Knight vs. AJ Styles
  • Philadelphia street fight: Bobby Lashley, Montez Ford, & Angelo Dawkins vs. Karrion Kross, Akam, & Rezar
"I'd rather choke on greatness, than starve on mediocrity."

Another memorable Punk line from this interview that just popped into my head.
Another solid segment for Raw in this bloodline saga. They are building up to WM so well. Really hope Priest cashes in there too. That would be the icing on the cake (Pak cricket lockeroom incoming)
I think Drew is just working and I would say the same about Seth in 2019. He was trying to get a match with Punk when there were rumors that Punk would come back because of his WWE Backstage deal with FOX. That's just what I believe though.

Oh there are too many people in AEW that do that. The names you mentioned aren't even on TV these days because of injuries, suspensions or just being irrelevant. But then again, that's what that minor league, indie mindset breeds. The Bucks probably do it more than anyone else. Especially when they try to be heels. I bet they will try to make some kind of lame, side reference to this on Dynamite this week because that's just how they are.
Seth is a bit immature as compared to Drew in terms of holding himself together. But they're professionals. Those who aren't end up getting fired by WWE like Velveteen, Enzo, Aries, Ach, Lio Rush etc
Seth is a bit immature as compared to Drew in terms of holding himself together. But they're professionals. Those who aren't end up getting fired by WWE like Velveteen, Enzo, Aries, Ach, Lio Rush etc
Well Seth does come from the indies. But he has been in WWE long enough where he has learned to be a professional. Tbh, I think most of the time Seth is just working. And I can tell because he's not that great at it. I did find it funny that he got angry not knowing about Punk's return. As if he is so important that he is supposed to know about everything.

Real shame about Aries because he was such a great wrestler. But apparently a real pain in the a** to work with, by all accounts.
It's no

I'm man enough to admit when I'm wrong. So I'll admit it. You were right about pretty much everything you said the other day. AEW is the minor league and it will always be that way because of the people that are involved in key decision-making positions in that company and the person who is running it.

We keep banging on about how AEW has to appeal to a more mainstream audience and bring in more casual fans. Thing is, they don't care about bringing in more fans. They just want to live out their childhood dream of being small fishes in their little pond. And the person running it is a mark who will allow them to do whatever they want as long as they pick up a 5 star rating in the Observer.

That part is really fascinating to me. That he could have showed up on RAW literally the next week. If Bischoff was running this thing you could bet you a** that he would have tried to have Punk throw the belt in the trash lmao. :ROFLMAO:

And if the shoe was on the other foot and if legal action was not involved, I'm 100% sure AEW would have tried to do that, because in their minds its so "edgy" and "cool".

But that just speaks to the professional that Punk is. If he wants, he can talk about his entire AEW run in subtleties in a promo and still get the point across in a way the casual viewer doesn't feel left out but the people who know, know. But he don't need to because he is above that.

I laughed out loud at the just choked him out a little bit. I'm sure the internet is gonna have a field day with that one.

Well Tony "fearing for his life" was honestly something that just about everyone made fun of when he said it. Even some of AEW's more ardent supporters. But this just reinforces that because it doesn't seem like Punk ever had any kind of heat with Tony. You're right. I think the EVPs or someone else who is influential probably got in Tony's ear and said that this is your get out of jail free card because people will be shocked when you say you fired him. So this is your way to cover your a**

Nick Khan by all accounts seems like a very savvy businessman. He knows money when he sees it. And Punk is money.

Well there's one thing we disagree with, because I thought his programs with Moxley and Eddie Kingston were pretty brilliant too. And the really loved his last AEW match. Speaking of which, what a way to go out. It's funny how his program with Moxley ended up being so great when you consider that he had problems with Moxley too when Moxley just didn't want to job to him unless he was winning too lmao.

I kinda wish he went off on Mox and Jericho but we should be happy with what we got. Like you, I was totally gripped throughout this and also caught it at the livestream but the time just went by in a flash because it was so gripping.

P.S hope you are feeling better. Best wishes.

‘I rather choke on greatness then starve on mediocrity.’

‘The press scrum for sure is a top 3 CM Punk promo.’ 💀

You are absolutely spot on, if the shoe was on the foot, e.g. Punk’s contract situation, AEW wouldn’t have missed the oppourtunity, the AEW fans would eat it up. If Punk showed up on RAW on the flip side he would be deemed the spawn of satan.

And lets not forget the piece of crap the Cobana is, and he’s not even employed by AEW as it stands!

And I meant I think Punk was in a happy place during the MJF program and the initial 6 months, but after that the wheels started to fall off in that regard. I absolutely agree every program he was in, was worth its weight in gold, there is not one bad match, not one bad promo, not one bad segment and as you say Collision was amazing when he was the booker, I was fascinated by his idea of what a good wrestling product should be and his thinking behind it, those comments may get lost in the shuffle but he has a great mind for the business and it was humbling to see how willing he is to learn from his peers even at this stage of his career and they make this man out to be an egomaniac, he’s a student of the game and even when he went sour on the business, he never prostituted the industry.

Collision was the best wrestling show on TV for those few weeks or was it a month? so you can understand my disgust with AEW when things unravelled because that show was everything I looked for in an alternative to WWE, it was a throwback to territory booking but amplified with modern adjustments, with a special talent masterminding the rise of that show because it put the business end at the front and centre of its goals.
Hunter is a businessman and a professional. Eventhough it may not have been his idea to bring Punk back, I'm fairly certain he welcomed Punk with open arms and when you look at the way Punk has been used since coming back and the creative freedom he has had, you believe it. He knows what Punk brings especially in this day and age when the internet is what it is and Punk being the lightening rod of controversy that he is, is a major asset that keeps people talking about your product. Ofcourse there are idiots that fired him but I don't think we need to spend any more time talking about them. If anything, they did the wrestling business a favor by putting Punk in front of a far bigger audience.

I'm sure alot of people in WWE probably hate his guts. Like Roman and KO. Seth and Sami maybe don't love him because they used to be friends with the Bucks...probably still are. But maybe aren't necessarily as negative on him. But thing is, it doesn't matter. Because its WWE. They will do business because they are hired to do a job and expected to do it. There is a structure in place that compels them to do their job whether they like it or not. And maybe also because they are more mentally mature than The Elite.

Haha like he said in the interview, I want them to believe what they want to believe. So maybe you should too. Personally, I don't think he has any serious heat with Drew or Seth. With Seth whatever was there, probably is not anymore. What I found surprising was that he had serious heat with Corey Graves. Graves, incase you didn't know was a major Punk fan and besides being a sort of protege and friend of Punk, he also modelled his entire gimmick after Punk. Many even called him the rip-off version of Punk for years on the indies. But Punk stopped speaking to him after the lawsuit stuff which he mentioned in the interview and that probably rubbed Graves the wrong way.

Yeah I hate it too. But I think he may have been pointing to Cody's promo from a couple of weeks ago when he talked about "heels". For me, stuff like this always harkens back to Russo and whenever that idiot was in-charge of WCW or TNA, so I despise it. I don't mind AEW referencing wrestlers past from other companies or WWE doing the same thing. But insider references exposes the wrestling business which is why I hate it.

This is why I love Punk’s mind for the business, he would never use those insider references. The Rock and Cody have been guilty of that despite the great work they’ve been doing.

@BunnyRabbit Yeah WWE casuals wont know much about his run in AEW besides he went to work there for a bit, this is why Punk has not been dumb enough to reflect so much on the past / his run there. He throws in a few easter eggs for guys like me, @RedwoodOriginal and the hipsters on social media who likely would have a meltdown over those few words and he doesn’t need to use X to achieve it!
Hahah that's true. I think Punk did make a reference to AEW in his first promo. It was pretty subtle but the crowd just didn't get it. And you're right, unlike AEW, WWE actually does have casual viewers who don't spend their entire lives on the internet.

That's interesting. Nick Khan is regarded as a big mover and shaker in Hollywood and said to be very well-connected. He probably also had a big hand in putting this TKO deal together so it doesn't surprise me that he is one steering the WWE ship from a business stand-point, while Hunter handles the creative side.

Nick Khan the slickes mofo in the entertainment business.

Remember One Bill Phil got his own friggin wrestling show.

USA Network don’t wanna pay up, yo that’s fine!! I will use a CM Punk to leverage the biggest streaming deal in entertainment history!!!
Triple H thinks CM Punk is too reserved, what a world we live in!

I also think Punk deliberately did not mention Mox or Y2J because given their past, they are likely to return to the WWE at some point potentially
Some of this is coming back now, but how about Jungle Idiot’s incentive for the glass spot was so that he didn’t need to travel to Canada? unlike on Dynamite, serious commitment was needed on a weekly basis, now this is not always ideal when there’s serious flight disruption etc but it’s not like these guys are on the road, was it too much to ask to show up weekly and dedicate yourself to building something which can draw money and benefit your development in the process?

Such a horrible culture backstage with little work ethic among the Elite and friends especially, it’s nice less work for a lot of money; but since when has then the business of pro wrestling, this is Disney Land for wrestlers with little ambition