‘I rather choke on greatness then starve on mediocrity.’
‘The press scrum for sure is a top 3 CM Punk promo.’
You are absolutely spot on, if the shoe was on the foot, e.g. Punk’s contract situation, AEW wouldn’t have missed the oppourtunity, the AEW fans would eat it up. If Punk showed up on RAW on the flip side he would be deemed the spawn of satan.
And lets not forget the piece of crap the Cobana is, and he’s not even employed by AEW as it stands!
And I meant I think Punk was in a happy place during the MJF program and the initial 6 months, but after that the wheels started to fall off in that regard. I absolutely agree every program he was in, was worth its weight in gold, there is not one bad match, not one bad promo, not one bad segment and as you say Collision was amazing when he was the booker, I was fascinated by his idea of what a good wrestling product should be and his thinking behind it, those comments may get lost in the shuffle but he has a great mind for the business and it was humbling to see how willing he is to learn from his peers even at this stage of his career and they make this man out to be an egomaniac, he’s a student of the game and even when he went sour on the business, he never prostituted the industry.
Collision was the best wrestling show on TV for those few weeks or was it a month? so you can understand my disgust with AEW when things unravelled because that show was everything I looked for in an alternative to WWE, it was a throwback to territory booking but amplified with modern adjustments, with a special talent masterminding the rise of that show because it put the business end at the front and centre of its goals.