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I mean I've heard far worse on Dynamite and I think he did eventually get to building the match with Bryan. I do think Ospreay was within his rights to respond, but doing it on national TV may not necessarily be a good idea. Apparently the directive came from Tony.

Trips comments were hypocritical and harsh when he probably has little awareness of where Ospreay has come from
Ospreay was definitely well within his rights to reply but a podcast or a media interview might have been a more appropriate place. And the funny thing is that he actually says at the start of the promo that 'he doesn't want to waste precious TV time' lol. I've seen worse on AEW but doing this on a show where they showed that All In footage was just overkill. They really exposed themselves badly on this show.

Triple H's comments seemed like those of a bitter person. Just speculating here, but my feeling is that Regal probably sold Hunter big on Ospreay and Hunter bought into it and probably thought that Ospreay would want to sign for WWE for the money and I'm guessing, a main roster spot? But fact is, being in WWE is not a goal for every wrestler. Some people just have a different perspective on life and value other things and that's okay. But yeah, the specificity of H's comments tell me that he is probably still upset that Ospreay chose AEW over WWE.
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Ospreay was definitely well within his rights to reply but a podcast or a media interview might have been a more appropriate place. And the funny thing is that he actually says at the start of the promo that 'he doesn't want to waste precious TV time' lol. I've seen worse on AEW but doing this on a show where they showed that All In footage was just overkill. They really exposed themselves badly on this show.

Triple H's comments seemed like those of a bitter person. Just speculating here, but my feeling is that Regal probably sold Hunter big on Ospreay and Hunter bought into it and probably thought that Ospreay would want to sign for WWE for the money and I'm guessing, a main roster spot? But fact is, being in WWE is not a goal for every wrestler. Some people just have a different perspective on life and value other things and that's okay. But yeah, the specificity of H's comments tell me that he is probably still upset that Ospreay chose AEW over WWE.

Social media and others ran to defend Haitch and attack Ospreay.

But ignore everything, as the chief of content or whatever and being tasked to scout/hire talent, what do those comments do for the WWE? you're meant to sell talent on potentially working for WWE and focus on legacy etc the 'positives'. But that 4/10 dingbat was like aaah they don't want the grind blah blah blah, he has this image in his head that he was a hybrid of Harley and Flair during his hey day, pure delusion. Anytime something doesn't go his way, even in the business world he has to be petty about it and it's just that we don't always get to see it
Both matches Rhea and Charlotte had at mania were some of the best and most intense women's matches I’ve ever seen, they were like a shoot fight and arguably the best matches on the card male or female.

With women’s matches in NA, another which is all time favourite is the Natalya vs Charlotte match with both Ric and Bret at ringside, Natalya is criminally underrated but here she got to pull out all stops and Charlotte showed she could be the next big thing in the womens division, it’s an obscure match but the storytelling was fantastic and you felt the raw emotion, I think both Ric/Bret were highly emotional to that night and am glad they got to see it ring side
Bianca vs Becky at Mania was also pretty awesome. The first Rhea vs Charlotte wasn't as good enough IMO. Sasha-Charlotte series was very good as well.
Tony's biggest problem is that he doesn't understand a damn thing about booking. Every match has to be a 15 minute banger. No wrestler ever simply beats someone in 3 minute TV match. They have to have a deeply competitive match where they barely manage to eek out a win at the end. Booking like this completely buries the talent, especially the champions who can't even get comprehensive wins against jobbers. On top of that routinely we see that there is no clear delineation between heels and babyfaces which results in matches that have no heat. Its like everyone is trying their darndest to go out there and try to get the best star rating from Dave Meltzer, rather than try to tell a compelling story that makes people want to come back week after week

And for the last couple of weeks, the program has gone completely off the rails. Maybe its the Punk interview that put them in a tail-spin. Last week you had that desperate Edge promo and 60 year old Billy Gunn beating top heel Jay White within an inch of his life for like 20 minutes. And then this week you had them reaching new lows showing the All In footage.

There's still alot of stuff that has potential. Ospreay is doing really well. Swerve is growing into a real star with box-office potential. Their PPVs certainly deliver on the match quality aspect. But the overarching theme that you can't ignore is that this is a minor league promotion that has no interest in becoming a major league promotion. They are only interested in appealing to their dwindling diehard fanbase.
Swerve, Joe and Edge are the only 3 people that look and feel like genuine wrestlers. Everything else is basically spot fests and pathetic acting.
@shaz619 @BunnyRabbit Drew's path seems pretty clear to me from here. You have Priest hold on to the belt for a couple of months and then in June at Clash at the Castle in Scotland, Drew wins it back infront of a partisan home crowd. Maybe Balor even costs Priest the belt to further Priest's face turn and the JD breakup. Then Drew holds on to the belt till WrestleMania where Punk beats him for it.
Drew needs the title to really elevate it tbh. Seth was a massive failure with his reign doing nothing for the title. Drew did wonders for the title in 2020 with his power feud against Randy and a sleeper hit against Ziggler. It was only once they started the MITB bs with Miz that his run truly suffered.
Priest seems like a wonderful guy but I doubt if he's ready to make a title reign interesting. I am expecting a Lashley sort of run from him with him getting wins just to stretch the run. But yes I can see him turning face soon.
Punk seems to be nearing his recovery. Think it won't be more than a month till he is fully recovered.
For the entirety of the 90’s I think it dawned on him that the lightweights can be a draw to and he was forced to experiment due to the steroid scandal, Bret was a great champion, so was Shawn and it is well documented what a big Vince guy he was. You know how things ended up with Diesel. Taker was just such a compelling character and breath of fresh air. Many a time he also used those big guys to solidify the smaller / better workers, they also bought in Sid to work that program with Shawn. Vince was trying to move away from being reliant on those big guys but bought them back for big events and had to pander to some of their ego’s, don’t even get me started on the whole deal involving Hogan and Bret at Mania, it was a shark tank; it makes me laugh that Tony can’t handle the jobbers he has hired. That’s Trips booking for you, straight as a whistle but lacks flair and drama, he hasn’t put together the perfect big event yet and the best bookers can surprise you, I know it annoyed us when Vince said he knows what’s best for us but there were many moments he created on the back of that and caught us off guard, Trips pandering to us is like being dictated by the IWC he did a lot of that in NXT to but if we are the experts, what does that say about him
That Austin Theory vs Pat McAfee was something magical (it felt like a nothing feud and nothing match but i caught everyone by surprise) I don't think Trips can create stuff like that.
I mean I've heard far worse on Dynamite and I think he did eventually get to building the match with Bryan. I do think Ospreay was within his rights to respond, but doing it on national TV may not necessarily be a good idea. Apparently the directive came from Tony.

Trips comments were hypocritical and harsh when he probably has little awareness of where Ospreay has come from, he's not like every waste of sperm from the independent circuit in the US
The first thing Ospreay needs to do if he wants to become a top guy in NA is to ensure he can wrestle every week without getting injured every 2 weeks. His wrestling style doesn't allow him to remain injury free for long when you are looking to getting dropped on head every match.
Social media and others ran to defend Haitch and attack Ospreay.

But ignore everything, as the chief of content or whatever and being tasked to scout/hire talent, what do those comments do for the WWE? you're meant to sell talent on potentially working for WWE and focus on legacy etc the 'positives'. But that 4/10 dingbat was like aaah they don't want the grind blah blah blah, he has this image in his head that he was a hybrid of Harley and Flair during his hey day, pure delusion. Anytime something doesn't go his way, even in the business world he has to be petty about it and it's just that we don't always get to see it
@RedwoodOriginal So now we know that in a battle of @shaz619 two biggest heels Trips and Ospreay, he'll be supporting Ospreay. Like the feud we got back in Rumble 2001 of Heel Angle vs Heel Trips for WWF championship :D
Bianca vs Becky at Mania was also pretty awesome. The first Rhea vs Charlotte wasn't as good enough IMO. Sasha-Charlotte series was very good as well.

Yes the Charlotte-Sasha series put the division on the map, very physical. The WM 32 triple threat was a big moment and that NXT Takeover Brooklyn match between Sasha and Bayley on PPV was special.

I actually haven’t seen Bianca vs Becky yet.
The first thing Ospreay needs to do if he wants to become a top guy in NA is to ensure he can wrestle every week without getting injured every 2 weeks. His wrestling style doesn't allow him to remain injury free for long when you are looking to getting dropped on head every match.

He should read the HHH book of staying injury free
NJPW must be really desperate if they are putting the IWGP World Heavyweight Championship on an outsider like Moxley. It's a good deal for AEW who can use this to sell another match on their Forbidden Door PPV or whatever. But it seems like NJPW has not been left with too many main-eventers after AEW poached Ospreay, Okada and Jay White.
Omega's comments about Punk are why I have always distinguished him for the Young Bucks, Adam Page and Jack Perry. He is definitely more mentally mature than them. What's also interesting is that apparently he has not had any power as an EVP in over four years. Although now that I think about it there haven't been many of Joshi princesses on AEW TV in quite some time.
It's a shame Omega has to wrestle such a physical style because he is a great wrestler. But I just don't understand the need to go out and kill yourself in the ring every time. Like its patently obvious that you're not going a have a very long career if you keep doing that.
Drew needs the title to really elevate it tbh. Seth was a massive failure with his reign doing nothing for the title. Drew did wonders for the title in 2020 with his power feud against Randy and a sleeper hit against Ziggler. It was only once they started the MITB bs with Miz that his run truly suffered.
Priest seems like a wonderful guy but I doubt if he's ready to make a title reign interesting. I am expecting a Lashley sort of run from him with him getting wins just to stretch the run. But yes I can see him turning face soon.
Punk seems to be nearing his recovery. Think it won't be more than a month till he is fully recovered.
Yup I enjoyed Drew's run as champion although it was kind of strange how at the end they just had Lashley bury him by beating him clean, even though Lashley was the heel. But I really enjoyed the Randy Orton feud. And the matches they had at SummerSlam and HIAC. The shame about Drew's run ofcourse was that it happened in front of no fans because before the pandemic he had become really popular as a babyface.

I dunno. I think Punk is still far away from recovery right now. But these two are more than capable of keeping this feud alive.
Social media and others ran to defend Haitch and attack Ospreay.

But ignore everything, as the chief of content or whatever and being tasked to scout/hire talent, what do those comments do for the WWE? you're meant to sell talent on potentially working for WWE and focus on legacy etc the 'positives'. But that 4/10 dingbat was like aaah they don't want the grind blah blah blah, he has this image in his head that he was a hybrid of Harley and Flair during his hey day, pure delusion. Anytime something doesn't go his way, even in the business world he has to be petty about it and it's just that we don't always get to see it
Yeah I don;t think he needed to make this comment. Doesn't reflect well on you as the booker of the biggest wrestling promotion in the world. But I dunno. I think the tribalism is affecting the wrestlers and the management too.
Swerve, Joe and Edge are the only 3 people that look and feel like genuine wrestlers. Everything else is basically spot fests and pathetic acting.
They have others too like Danielson, Ospreay, Christian, Mox, Okada. The problem is the booking doesn't always compliment the talent particularly well.
I didn't want to say this as an AJ fan, but under the new regime while his matches have been solid, I still expect more and I enjoyed him at the top of the card where I think he belongs. Maybe it's partly AJ to because he performed at a high level for so long / wanted a bit of a breather and he is starting to feel the pain now, which is insane when you look at his body of work but he always knew how to take bumps effectively without killing himself.

I reckon they could potentially have Cody break Roman title run and it could get to a point where we are sick of him and that's when they turn him heel? Cody is the same age as reigns and they will want to try and get the most out of him, Cody has always wanted to be THE guy so they will be pushing him to the limit.

I feel that Lesnar feud was important in cementing Cody as a main eventer looking back and sort of building him as a legitimate threat to Reigns. Hindsight is a funny thing, it is easy now to say it was the right thing, also because Cody got to work with Brock and that wouldn't be happening now. If Cody did go over last year, I still see events playing out as they did at WM 40 with Punk's injury in mind, but would Cody have had a successful title run, would the fans still be hot for him or would we be in a situation where there's a double turn at WM 40 in the main event with a Roman Reigns who'd have got his rematch by winning the RR and potentially have the fans rallying behind him? WWE can be a strange place
I love AJ but I feel like he is in more of an experienced vet role now. Where you can use him anywhere on the card and especially when you need to get a newer guy over. If I'm being critical though I think AJ's character work could use some work with this current gimmick. He had a more clearly defined character during 2016-17, when he was also a heel.

I can definitely see it happening. I don't think Cody can have an uninterrupted run at the top for as long as Roman. Obviously he will be chasing the belt numerous times because he is a babyface. But there are certain elements of his character and promos that I can very easily see getting repetitive. But I am willing to give him a go. I will say though that the heel turn will be fantastic whenever it comes and I hope he doesn't resist it like Cena because of the work he does in the community or whatever. I can already imagine him coming out in an all black suit.

Yup it was. I guess at the end of the day, he got the belt and now has a chance to show everyone what he is capable of. But as they say, getting to the top is easier than staying at the top.
NJPW must be really desperate if they are putting the IWGP World Heavyweight Championship on an outsider like Moxley. It's a good deal for AEW who can use this to sell another match on their Forbidden Door PPV or whatever. But it seems like NJPW has not been left with too many main-eventers after AEW poached Ospreay, Okada and Jay White.

SmackDown Results, April 12, 2024​

  • LA Knight def. Bobby Lashley and Santos Escobar in a Triple Threat Match to advance to next week’s No. 1 Contenders’ Match
  • Bron Breakker def. Cameron Grimes
  • Naomi def. Tiffany Stratton
  • Bianca Belair & Jade Cargill def. Chelsea Green & Piper Niven
  • AJ Styles def. Kevin Owens & Rey Mysterio in a Triple Threat to advance to next week’s No. 1 Contenders’ Match
Omega's comments on Brawl Out and Punk. I think even Cornette might not hate him as much now. Especially since he seems to be an animal lover too lol.

“Just because I represent a company or because I am an employee at one company over another, does that mean I love every storyline? Does that mean that I agree with every decision? No, of course not. I’m not the booker. I don’t have power, I haven’t had power for more than four years now in that company and I know that’s gonna sound odd because like, well Kenny, you’re an EVP. I’m nothing. I am nothing, and I’ll tell you why, it’s because I’m a terrible EVP. I don’t deserve to be an EVP.

“If people wanna ask for my advice, I’ll do my best to help them. If there’s a fire to put out backstage, I’m gonna do my best to be that person. But, if we go back and I don’t want to have to comment on it, but I’ll do it, just because it adds context to it.

“I thought my duty as an EVP during Brawl Out would be to enter the situation while there was chaos, de-escalate it and create a peaceful environment for everyone. I was able to create a peaceful environment for most important person in that altercation and that was Larry and I swear to God, honestly, that was my biggest — and that sounds funny but, I look at animals and our pets as people and Dobby of course (Omega’s cat), one of the most important people in my life. So, to get little Larry out of there was the most important thing to me and that was a success.

“Unfortunately, try as I may, things were too chaotic for me to be able to do anything on my own power… I believe it was in that instance when I realized that the way that I wanted to go about things wasn’t necessarily the way that other people wanted to, was also the way that other people necessarily didn’t want to and then it was also maybe not the way that the boss wanted to take care of it and I also thought of myself as a liability because I am, I don’t wanna say old school, I’m not old school. I just played a lot of contact sports and I’ve gotten into jiu-jitsu and boxing and mixed martial arts. I just know that sometimes, when you perform or when you fight, when everything’s on the line, when you give your heart, when you give your soul towards something and you’re in that moment of high stress or high anxiety where you’ve maybe emptied the tank and you’re just physically exhausted… But when you’re in an environment like that, sometimes emotions get the best of you and people will wanna throw hands… and I am unfortunately or fortunately a believer of it. I think if it’s decided, hey, this is the best way to solve things and you can shake hands after and move on after, I’m actually a believer of fighting.

“I am and that sounds terrible to say which is why, like, don’t make me an EVP in 2024. We can’t do that stuff anymore. I just feel that sometimes, that’s how you have to settle things. Sometimes, and I don’t mean you have to settle it and then it has to be shown on-screen to everyone or people have to brag online about who won, who lost. No, it’s not for that purpose. It’s for the purpose of just getting that stuff out that you need to get out, and I’ll admit, there were a number of times, even now with me, where I thought that-that might have been the most appropriate answer. It never came to that. We were able to talk things out and we became better friends and there was a level of respect at that point on between myself and these other parties and maybe I’ll share these stories later. It’s crazy.

“As much as I’ll believe in cooler heads prevailing, sitting down and talking, sometimes there’s just like, hey, I can’t even think straight until I start throwing some hay, you know? Or maybe that I need to be smacked on a little bit, whatever the case might be. I think if it’s a contained scenario and if it’s not a situation where, you know, there’s pulling people’s eyeballs out, low blows, hair-pulling or scratching, you know what I mean? If it’s just like, hey, let’s just hang and bang a little bit. I can see it sometimes being conducive for a positive work environment.

“Again, this is exactly why I have no power nor should I. So, that’s just how I feel and I’m gonna leave it at that.”

Later on in the stream, Omega was asked where things currently stand between he & Punk:

“Status with Punk right now? Um, I don’t know. It’s just mutual respect. We reached out to each other… I can’t really think of anyone that I dislike or have an issue with, especially an issue with wrestling… It’s not like, hey, we’re good now. It’s we were never bad. Honestly, if it weren’t for a complete other factor, we would have been able to have that talk on the night of Brawl Out. There’s no issue between him and I, as far I know (Omega laughed). I don’t think there is at all.

“That’s another thing too guys. I don’t wanna seem standoffish or secretive about what happened. Yes, there’s legalities and all that stuff but even if there wasn’t, and I know this is gonna sound weird because I’ve done a lot of comedy stuff in wrestling, but like, I’m actually not a huge fan of pulling back the curtain on stuff that doesn’t need to be out in public… If for whatever reasons, guys were to fight or whatever, it’s not for the public to know. That’s just for them to air out their stuff to get it out of their system. That’s all I mean.”
NJPW must be really desperate if they are putting the IWGP World Heavyweight Championship on an outsider like Moxley. It's a good deal for AEW who can use this to sell another match on their Forbidden Door PPV or whatever. But it seems like NJPW has not been left with too many main-eventers after AEW poached Ospreay, Okada and Jay White.

It’s a big milestone winning that championships, but we’re going to see more blade jobs in Japan. Mox is a deeply disturbed individual, rather then get serious help, this is his therapy, without being able to do the things he does in the ring, lord knows what he would do
Omega's comments on Brawl Out and Punk. I think even Cornette might not hate him as much now. Especially since he seems to be an animal lover too lol.

Later on in the stream, Omega was asked where things currently stand between he & Punk:

I don’t really trust Omega. And I think some of his comments reinforces the view that he and the elite went to look for Punk to fight, admitting he is a sh!t EVP doesn’t excuse his behaviour in the incident. If he’s suggesting that him and Punk had positive talks, then why did they need separate shows, plus am sure Omega could have acted as the mediator since he is implying he has achieved sainthood
Smackdown was great and that main event was probably the best in a while under 10 minutes? that’s how you go. Now that AJ is likely to get a shot he has turned it up a level, this is the performance I know he is capable of and expect, I think the LA Knight rematch will be better to. All three had such great chemistry and that’s how you work a spot oriented match, and be a bit more creative, though the talent on offer certainly helped there.
And Rey doing what he does at his age with all that wear and tear is nothing short of a miracle, I was blown away when I saw him in 2018 or 2019 live and couldn’t believe how he looked every bit as good as in his prime and he is still among the best in the world today, we take him for granted, it will be miserable when he leaves, I may just retire my username that day.
Yes the Charlotte-Sasha series put the division on the map, very physical. The WM 32 triple threat was a big moment and that NXT Takeover Brooklyn match between Sasha and Bayley on PPV was special.

I actually haven’t seen Bianca vs Becky yet.
That one is actually one of the best women's matches ever. It starts at a brisk pace and keeps at it. The real surprising thing is how Bianca has taken to wrestling and improved leaps and bounds. She had no experience in pro wrestling before signing up with NXT. Asuka is also someone who has had plethora of great matches both in NXT and main roster. Iyo Shirai vs Rhea at NXT is also an underrated gem.
That’s true but it just feels like a bad copy and paste right after last weekend
Obviously Tony can only dream of putting as compelling of a wrestling show with a proper narrative that WWE has been doing in 2024. The biggest talent of Tony is his ability to put over massively guys in the promotion that are signed to WWE. Even AJ couldn't make Jindar that big of a babyface (even though it only lasted for a week)
Yup I enjoyed Drew's run as champion although it was kind of strange how at the end they just had Lashley bury him by beating him clean, even though Lashley was the heel. But I really enjoyed the Randy Orton feud. And the matches they had at SummerSlam and HIAC. The shame about Drew's run ofcourse was that it happened in front of no fans because before the pandemic he had become really popular as a babyface.

I dunno. I think Punk is still far away from recovery right now. But these two are more than capable of keeping this feud alive.
Drew is easily among the best all round full time wrestlers in the whole world atm.
They have others too like Danielson, Ospreay, Christian, Mox, Okada. The problem is the booking doesn't always compliment the talent particularly well.
I don't think anyone needs to say how much of a great Bryan is. Like it's an understood fact. The fact that Tony has only used him for dream matches and not as the face of the company is plain stupid as he's the only guy alongside Mox who has genuine drawing power. Okada is great but Japanese wrestlers don't have a great track record of getting over in NA. And I don't have faith in Bucks. Anything they touch turns to turd. I have soured on Mox ever since he started mutilating himself on weekly basis.
Omega's comments about Punk are why I have always distinguished him for the Young Bucks, Adam Page and Jack Perry. He is definitely more mentally mature than them. What's also interesting is that apparently he has not had any power as an EVP in over four years. Although now that I think about it there haven't been many of Joshi princesses on AEW TV in quite some time.
He's the only who's seemed like a good guy in that clique of manchildren. The only gripe I have with him is his uber nonserious approach to developing his character (he almost plays like it a cartoon character), and he needs to refrain from hitting 10 vtriggers every match. Sometimes less is more as it leaves the fans craving for more.

If anything, the whole spotlight is now on Bucks (Hardy Boyz from Wish), Page (the guy who thinks he is too clever but isn't) and the less said about Jack, the better. These guys feel less like wrestlers and more like a part of immature IWC on twitter.
Omega's comments on Brawl Out and Punk. I think even Cornette might not hate him as much now. Especially since he seems to be an animal lover too lol.

Later on in the stream, Omega was asked where things currently stand between he & Punk:
Kenny needs to leave AEW once his contract expires and go to WWE with whatever money they offer him. He missed his chance when Vince was willing to pay him a 7 figure salary.
Smackdown was great and that main event was probably the best in a while under 10 minutes? that’s how you go. Now that AJ is likely to get a shot he has turned it up a level, this is the performance I know he is capable of and expect, I think the LA Knight rematch will be better to. All three had such great chemistry and that’s how you work a spot oriented match, and be a bit more creative, though the talent on offer certainly helped there.
AJ is most definitely the Kurt Angle of current WWE. He is the litmus test for guys to give their first feud and elevate them as much as he can. AJ looked the most fiery in the mainevent that he has done for some time now and it's a great sign. I don't want to see Cody vs LA Knight. Knight's matches are pretty boring tbh. The best feud he's had has been with Cameron Grimes back in NXT where Ted DeBiase was also involved.
And Rey doing what he does at his age with all that wear and tear is nothing short of a miracle, I was blown away when I saw him in 2018 or 2019 live and couldn’t believe how he looked every bit as good as in his prime and he is still among the best in the world today, we take him for granted, it will be miserable when he leaves, I may just retire my username that day.
He's ageless although you can see his belly growing bigger now. But his in ring work is still peerless.
Smackdown was great and that main event was probably the best in a while under 10 minutes? that’s how you go. Now that AJ is likely to get a shot he has turned it up a level, this is the performance I know he is capable of and expect, I think the LA Knight rematch will be better to. All three had such great chemistry and that’s how you work a spot oriented match, and be a bit more creative, though the talent on offer certainly helped there.
Forget the triple threat, how great is The Bloodline turn going to be. Roman is definitely going to turn face soon. The funniest thing about the angle was Solo hinting towards himself being the new tribal chief when he has the mic skills of a log. I am so ready for Roman's face run now. Heyman's acting was top notch throughout the SD.
Forget the triple threat, how great is The Bloodline turn going to be. Roman is definitely going to turn face soon. The funniest thing about the angle was Solo hinting towards himself being the new tribal chief when he has the mic skills of a log. I am so ready for Roman's face run now. Heyman's acting was top notch throughout the SD.

Yeah it’s interesting to see what they do but that main event was my highlight. Roman wont be around for a while so they got a lot of ground to cover
People will never let Dave live this down. Which is great...it always makes me laugh when people bring this up him and he goes 4.75 is just like 5 stars lol. Except it isn't.

His stupid star ratings are completely meaningless. The only people who still care about them are the same dwindling number of marks that still read his Newsletter.
@shaz619 @BunnyRabbit What did you guys think of Tama Tonga? Personally I think he looks like a bada** and fits right in with The Bloodline. He's Haku's son so maybe being a bada** is a real life thing too. I haven't really seen any of his matches from New Japan but his reputation is that he is a very solid worker in the ring.

Although I can't say I am totally buying into the idea of Solo as as the leader of Bloodline Wolfpac.
It’s a big milestone winning that championships, but we’re going to see more blade jobs in Japan. Mox is a deeply disturbed individual, rather then get serious help, this is his therapy, without being able to do the things he does in the ring, lord knows what he would do
Hahahaha the way you phrased that is really funny.

You're right. And being in AEW has allowed him to live out all his fantasies. He does fascinate me though. Like it amuses me how much he looks like a bad horror movie villain some times with his incessant bleeding in matches. Or just how deluded he is in thinking that he's this badasss tough guy shoot fighter wrestler.
I don’t really trust Omega. And I think some of his comments reinforces the view that he and the elite went to look for Punk to fight, admitting he is a sh!t EVP doesn’t excuse his behaviour in the incident. If he’s suggesting that him and Punk had positive talks, then why did they need separate shows, plus am sure Omega could have acted as the mediator since he is implying he has achieved sainthood
I don't think he has any reason to not be truthful here. And tbh, Punk never talked about having any issue with Omega. It was always Bucks and Page, who are also Colt Cabana's buddies. Separating everyone was Tony's idea. And as far as being the mediator is concerned, I genuinely think that the Bucks are petty enough to not listen to anyone. Whether its Omega, Tony Khan or whoever. I mean if someone has no intention of resolving ill will or bitterness, then there's nothing anyone can do about it.
@shaz619 @BunnyRabbit What did you guys think of Tama Tonga? Personally I think he looks like a bada** and fits right in with The Bloodline. He's Haku's son so maybe being a bada** is a real life thing too. I haven't really seen any of his matches from New Japan but his reputation is that he is a very solid worker in the ring.

Although I can't say I am totally buying into the idea of Solo as as the leader of Bloodline Wolfpac.

He got immense potential and a huge following, many of the smark neck beards will be seething that he didn’t join AEW, but I have high hopes for him and think with Heyman especially he will experience serious growth
Hahahaha the way you phrased that is really funny.

You're right. And being in AEW has allowed him to live out all his fantasies. He does fascinate me though. Like it amuses me how much he looks like a bad horror movie villain some times with his incessant bleeding in matches. Or just how deluded he is in thinking that he's this badasss tough guy shoot fighter wrestler.

It’s sad but true, I feel for the bloke. I use to rate him highly. I am serious when I say god knows what he would do am talking self harm etc he needs medical attention
I don't think he has any reason to not be truthful here. And tbh, Punk never talked about having any issue with Omega. It was always Bucks and Page, who are also Colt Cabana's buddies. Separating everyone was Tony's idea. And as far as being the mediator is concerned, I genuinely think that the Bucks are petty enough to not listen to anyone. Whether its Omega, Tony Khan or whoever. I mean if someone has no intention of resolving ill will or bitterness, then there's nothing anyone can do about it.

Am not sure I think if Omega wanted the Punk match it wild have happened regardless of the Bucks though right and if that didn’t happen, then he is more with them then wanting to mediate imo
Smackdown was great and that main event was probably the best in a while under 10 minutes? that’s how you go. Now that AJ is likely to get a shot he has turned it up a level, this is the performance I know he is capable of and expect, I think the LA Knight rematch will be better to. All three had such great chemistry and that’s how you work a spot oriented match, and be a bit more creative, though the talent on offer certainly helped there.
Heck of a main-event. I really enjoyed it. And yeah I wanna see them go 20 minutes in the ring next week. I think we need to dispel the myth that LA Knight is not good in the ring. He may not be as flashy but he knows how to work and understands all the fundamentals of getting a reaction out of a crowd. But it can't be just 10 or 12 minutes.
Heck of a main-event. I really enjoyed it. And yeah I wanna see them go 20 minutes in the ring next week. I think we need to dispel the myth that LA Knight is not good in the ring. He may not be as flashy but he knows how to work and understands all the fundamentals of getting a reaction out of a crowd. But it can't be just 10 or 12 minutes.

People seriously compare LA’s mic skills to Jack Swagger on twitter, forget the ring work, my god.. he is Jack Swagger withour YEAH lol wth
I don't think anyone needs to say how much of a great Bryan is. Like it's an understood fact. The fact that Tony has only used him for dream matches and not as the face of the company is plain stupid as he's the only guy alongside Mox who has genuine drawing power. Okada is great but Japanese wrestlers don't have a great track record of getting over in NA. And I don't have faith in Bucks. Anything they touch turns to turd. I have soured on Mox ever since he started mutilating himself on weekly basis.
AEW might be the only company where wrestlers become less interesting after going there.
He's the only who's seemed like a good guy in that clique of manchildren. The only gripe I have with him is his uber nonserious approach to developing his character (he almost plays like it a cartoon character), and he needs to refrain from hitting 10 vtriggers every match. Sometimes less is more as it leaves the fans craving for more.

If anything, the whole spotlight is now on Bucks (Hardy Boyz from Wish), Page (the guy who thinks he is too clever but isn't) and the less said about Jack, the better. These guys feel less like wrestlers and more like a part of immature IWC on twitter.
I think with him you have to ignore the character. Because he's a 0/10 promo and character. You have to take him on his in-ring ability only.
He got immense potential and a huge following, many of the smark neck beards will be seething that he didn’t join AEW, but I have high hopes for him and think with Heyman especially he will experience serious growth
He definitely passes the eye-test. I'm sure he will be in the ring soon enough. It'll be interesting if they bring Jacob Fatu into the mix too. He has been one of the most highly rated names outside WWE & AEW,for a long time. And he's another one who passes the eye-test because he looks like a killer and he can go in the ring too. I know alot of people see Solo as this spiritual successor to Umaga, but I think those people will change their mind once they see Jacob Fatu.
Am not sure I think if Omega wanted the Punk match it wild have happened regardless of the Bucks though right and if that didn’t happen, then he is more with them then wanting to mediate imo
Yeah but its also entirely possible that Tony was extra careful just keeping all of these people apart until a decision to mediate was reached by all parties. Maybe Omega wasn't as willing to have a match with Punk or maybe he just wanted to avoid any potential friction. At any rate I would still distinguish him from the Young Bucks in this entire situation.
I watched s1-3, I felt it was ground breaking at the time bro, it will change your perception of Ricochet and how WWE have missed the boat with him
Okay I'll continue watching. I enjoyed Ricochet immensely in season 1. But didn't really watch the show much after that.

Groundbreaking? I'm guessing you haven't seen a show by the name of Wrestling Society X? Just kidding lol.
People seriously compare LA’s mic skills to Jack Swagger on twitter, forget the ring work, my god.. he is Jack Swagger withour YEAH lol wth
Wrestling fans are as pickle as they come. They always need something that they can sound clever on, even if it makes zero sense. I think LA Knight needs to be involved in high-profile feuds for him to have something meaningful to say in his promos. If that's not there then obviously he is going to lean more on his catchphrases and signature lines. They have taken focus away from him somewhat in the last few months which was understandable because of Rock coming back. But now I think they need to bring that focus back and really start pushing him as a guy on the ascent to the main-event.
He definitely passes the eye-test. I'm sure he will be in the ring soon enough. It'll be interesting if they bring Jacob Fatu into the mix too. He has been one of the most highly rated names outside WWE & AEW,for a long time. And he's another one who passes the eye-test because he looks like a killer and he can go in the ring too. I know alot of people see Solo as this spiritual successor to Umaga, but I think those people will change their mind once they see Jacob Fatu.
I be thinking the same, it will be a bit awkward because Solo has stolen his father’s gimmick lol but at the same time, Fatu may have more personality to show and perhaps have a higher ceiling
Okay I'll continue watching. I enjoyed Ricochet immensely in season 1. But didn't really watch the show much after that.

Groundbreaking? I'm guessing you haven't seen a show by the name of Wrestling Society X? Just kidding lol.

See how s2 goes and I’d decide on that one, have they bought Morrison in yet? can’t recall which season that wasz

Wrestling Society X, is that where the best wrestle :yk3
@RedwoodOriginal I also think part of the reason Ospreay didn’t sign with WWE is how his great rival Ricochet has been booked. He gained prominence due to the matches they had and is probably thinking, we’re of the same vein, I’d not want to be used like that. Ricochet has largely been booked the same under both regimes.
Yeah but its also entirely possible that Tony was extra careful just keeping all of these people apart until a decision to mediate was reached by all parties. Maybe Omega wasn't as willing to have a match with Punk or maybe he just wanted to avoid any potential friction. At any rate I would still distinguish him from the Young Bucks in this entire situation.

I don’t like Kenny and don’t really want to give him any credit for anything, I will give you that; the Bucks are a special type of retar! I haven’t forgiven Kenny for what he did in Japan, but am slowly starting to forget it.
I think with him you have to ignore the character. Because he's a 0/10 promo and character. You have to take him on his in-ring ability only.
Yes but in WWE wrestlers without promo skills and character work rarely get over. He was getting a multimillion dollar deal back in 2019 from WWE but he decided to go to AEW. I highly doubt WWE would offer him that much money or even want to sign him now. Kenny probably realizes that AEW is crashing now, and he's suddenly praising Roman and Punk. I don't think he ever praised Roman before.
He definitely passes the eye-test. I'm sure he will be in the ring soon enough. It'll be interesting if they bring Jacob Fatu into the mix too. He has been one of the most highly rated names outside WWE & AEW,for a long time. And he's another one who passes the eye-test because he looks like a killer and he can go in the ring too. I know alot of people see Solo as this spiritual successor to Umaga, but I think those people will change their mind once they see Jacob Fatu.
I am more interested as to when they sign Zilla Fatu. That brother is Muslim now. :moyo2 and also does a cool looking pop up samoan spike which looks better than Solo's
People will never let Dave live this down. Which is great...it always makes me laugh when people bring this up him and he goes 4.75 is just like 5 stars lol. Except it isn't.

His stupid star ratings are completely meaningless. The only people who still care about them are the same dwindling number of marks that still read his Newsletter.
I like how your views have changed about Meltzer and his ratings as to what they were back in late 2021 early 2022. :D
@shaz619 @BunnyRabbit What did you guys think of Tama Tonga? Personally I think he looks like a bada** and fits right in with The Bloodline. He's Haku's son so maybe being a bada** is a real life thing too. I haven't really seen any of his matches from New Japan but his reputation is that he is a very solid worker in the ring.

Although I can't say I am totally buying into the idea of Solo as as the leader of Bloodline Wolfpac.
Haven't seen him much so can't really say anything.
I think Solo is going to be a pawn for The Rock. Dwayne's gonna be leading the Bloodline now. Solo has no mic skills or character work to be a leader yet.
Kenny knows how fast AEW is sinking now.

I think he is still happy there, he wouldn’t cope under the WWE schedule with his history of injuries.

Those who use to call him the best since sliced bread deserve this humiliation, he’s a merely a shadow now, at his best he doesn’t compare to Perry Saturn in terms of legacy.
Yes but in WWE wrestlers without promo skills and character work rarely get over. He was getting a multimillion dollar deal back in 2019 from WWE but he decided to go to AEW. I highly doubt WWE would offer him that much money or even want to sign him now. Kenny probably realizes that AEW is crashing now, and he's suddenly praising Roman and Punk. I don't think he ever praised Roman before.

Maybe sitting on the sofa has humbled him and if @RedwoodOriginalis right then while out, less likely to have been corrupted by the Bucks.

In 2019 he had a huge inflated ego thanks to Meltzer, the Bucks and the neckbeard hipster smarks. After-all, Nakamura, a man with a legacy and reputation which was far greater than Omega’s, was open to the idea of working in NXT and it propelled him to a pretty decent run on the main roster and ignoring that, the greatest NXT match of all time.
Haven't seen him much so can't really say anything.
I think Solo is going to be a pawn for The Rock. Dwayne's gonna be leading the Bloodline now. Solo has no mic skills or character work to be a leader yet.

I agree but am more optimistic on Solo’s character work, Shawn certainly got a lot out of him
I think he is still happy there, he wouldn’t cope under the WWE schedule with his history of injuries.

Those who use to call him the best since sliced bread deserve this humiliation, he’s a merely a shadow now, at his best he doesn’t compare to Perry Saturn in terms of legacy.
It was just Meltzer who hyped him like the greatest of all time which was laughable even then. His triology with Okada was great no doubt though. But i wouldn't ever call Omega the greatest of his generation ever and definitely not a Mania main eventer that his fans thought he was back then.
Maybe sitting on the sofa has humbled him and if @RedwoodOriginalis right then while out, less likely to have been corrupted by the Bucks.

In 2019 he had a huge inflated ego thanks to Meltzer, the Bucks and the neckbeard hipster smarks. After-all, Nakamura, a man with a legacy and reputation which was far greater than Omega’s, was o
I think he is still happy there, he wouldn’t cope under the WWE schedule with his history of injuries.

Those who use to call him the best since sliced bread deserve this humiliation, he’s a merely a shadow now, at his best he doesn’t compare to Perry Saturn in terms of legacy.

pen to the idea of working in NXT and it propelled him to a pretty decent run on the main roster and ignoring that, the greatest NXT match of a
Obviously anyone would be happy collecting a big fat check while sitting at home.
It was just Meltzer who hyped him like the greatest of all time which was laughable even then. His triology with Okada was great no doubt though. But i wouldn't ever call Omega the greatest of his generation ever and definitely not a Mania main eventer that his fans thought he was back then.

Not just Meltzer but all the dweebs who worship him to and that cult hipster following. I don’t think anybody is going to watch that trilogy again, overrated, it was the equivalent of a ring general carrying a broomstick and fooling the world what a legendary ring worker Omega was.

But my own bias aside, am not saying he isn’t capable of a good match, provided he could learn to sell better and stop being a goof in the ring or working with someone like a Bryan or Orton, I had exchanges with Omega on social media a while ago, he didn’t take too kindly to my suggestion that he would be a better performer starting from scratch in NXT
@RedwoodOriginal I also think part of the reason Ospreay didn’t sign with WWE is how his great rival Ricochet has been booked. He gained prominence due to the matches they had and is probably thinking, we’re of the same vein, I’d not want to be used like that. Ricochet has largely been booked the same under both regimes.
Yeah I think he has a much better chance of becoming a top guy in AEW, rather than WWE. Ricochet is more of a high-flyer though and not a good promo which is why he has been pigeonholed as the guy who does cool moves in a MITB match or just gives you a great 10 minute match on RAW. I think Ospreay might be more successful because he is a better promo. But the fundamental difference between WWE and AEW is that WWE is not looking for just incredible wrestlers. They want a complete package and if there isn't a complete package, the elements should be there where you can be molded into one.
I be thinking the same, it will be a bit awkward because Solo has stolen his father’s gimmick lol but at the same time, Fatu may have more personality to show and perhaps have a higher ceiling
Fatu and Tonga, both. But lets see what they do. As long as Heyman is there I'm confident they can keep this storyline compelling for the next 10 years. I mean his acting is just Oscar-worthy.