Warrior vs HHH , one of my all time favourites, doesn’t get enough credit
Hogan vs Warrior - I just think this match for the unified championship should be more appreciated, the big guys get stick but for more than 20 mins, these huge larger then life characters dug deep carrying all that muscle and found an extra gear or two to have a classic in my opinion
More controversial but Goldberg/Lesnar was actually a great match if you ignore the crowd
Big Show vs Akebono - This match might be a bit dumb but I was blown away in my youth for however long it lasted, it had my fam in fits, this is Wrestlemania man
JBL vs Fit Finlay was hilariously good
Hogan vs McMahon
Reigns vs Lesnar 1, where one of them bladed
Reigns vs Taker, this was good outside that tombstone spot imo
I would put Jericho vs Christian but I think that is well regarded?
I also think that because of the quality of women's matches now, Trish vs Mickie James might become more and more obscure, those two deserve their flowers, fought for a singles match and it was such a great script written by Mickie herself and they delivered on the night, great match