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What do you guys think about WWE bringing back the Uncle Howdy character with Bo Dallas? They have started showing QR Codes during RAW the same way they did with Bray, which means his return is around the corner. I feel like alot of people might have a problem with this because of it's association with Bray but I wanna see what they do.

It’s intriguing for sure and Bo Dallas is a bit under rated. I really enjoyed his Bolieve character, thought it was an amazing rib on Cena lol
Before the event itself, Bryan/Ospreay was the only match worth my while, firstly because of the styles clash and the potential in the ring from that perspective, AEW did a poor job selling the feud going by their video package and as for the rest of the card, they don’t have my faith in that regard anymore, they have mastered the art of doing cold matches between two characters without clearly defined roles.

But for this audience, and their knowledge of the performers (especially Bryan), their backgrounds and way of working; you can get away with the lack of prior heat to some extent, and I didn’t really know who was the true heel or baby either, but I had a view formed for both guys and that was the selling point.

And then the bell rang, and they sucked me in.

The athleticism of Ospreay was insane, the technique of Bryan was so beautiful to watch, they merged the two to have a proper effing wrestling match. From their grappling, to their work on the mat and the timing of their spots, it was all just executed so well, they didn’t overkill with the reversals either or go on longer then they needed to, the finishing stretch was perfect and they kept the crowd energy throughout, yes the chanting was super super cringe and that group are a big part of AEW’s regression, but this was a phenomenal wrestling match and it had me on my feet literally, I think it’s one of the best matches I have ever seen and certainly Ospreay’s best, I previously watched him against Jericho and while I gave him credit for a great showing, I felt Jericho’s ring generalship helped with the layout. Here, Bryan did lead but Ospreay kept up with his pace, he was able to down shift as necessary. Bryan was every bit as good as I have ever seen him, his technique and manoeuvring is so sound and he up shifted so well, keeps himself in such great condition and was alert against one of the most agile talents there was, not once was he out of position or in the wrong spot and his striking is better than ever.


Recent instances of me watching Ospreay

- Wembley against Jericho
- Grinding on HHH’s daughter
- His match with Bryan @ Dynasty

In all the above he has come across very well.

There are many times in this business to quote Kevin Nash, that the hype seldom delivers. But with Ospreay, he has IT man, he has made some adjustments from working in Japan to the NA territory unlike Omega. Shame on Triple H for getting caught up in his ego, it’s his failure he should be focussing on when he looks back on not being able to secure his services, he clearly was unaware of Ospreay’s situation with his step son, part of being a good talent scout is doing your research, I’d have given him a handsome deal and if schedule was a problem, there was still NXT until things settled or at least found a way to find a middle ground with his schedule and perhaps sold him on working a programme with his hero Styles!

Ospreay idolised AJ, Bryan and others from the golden era of independent wrestling, but he needs to remember that those guys were not just known for their spots and they enhanced their ring generalship to prolong their careers and got soaked in story driven wrestling, if he wants to be remembered this is what he needs to focus more on and also why I feel he’d have been a perfect fit in the WWE but there’s no reason why he can’t work this way in AEW, it’s just that the company is a sinking ship.
Bryan built heat on Ospreay so well in the match and he was over to / that’s difficult to do, but his attacks on Ospreay’s lower back and ellbow set the foundations nicely, every match needs such a foundation, you can be creative with this but that’s where your bread is buttered.

Was that MOTY so far? has to be.
Before the event itself, Bryan/Ospreay was the only match worth my while, firstly because of the styles clash and the potential in the ring from that perspective, AEW did a poor job selling the feud going by their video package and as for the rest of the card, they don’t have my faith in that regard anymore, they have mastered the art of doing cold matches between two characters without clearly defined roles.

But for this audience, and their knowledge of the performers (especially Bryan), their backgrounds and way of working; you can get away with the lack of prior heat to some extent, and I didn’t really know who was the true heel or baby either, but I had a view formed for both guys and that was the selling point.

And then the bell rang, and they sucked me in.

The athleticism of Ospreay was insane, the technique of Bryan was so beautiful to watch, they merged the two to have a proper effing wrestling match. From their grappling, to their work on the mat and the timing of their spots, it was all just executed so well, they didn’t overkill with the reversals either or go on longer then they needed to, the finishing stretch was perfect and they kept the crowd energy throughout, yes the chanting was super super cringe and that group are a big part of AEW’s regression, but this was a phenomenal wrestling match and it had me on my feet literally, I think it’s one of the best matches I have ever seen and certainly Ospreay’s best, I previously watched him against Jericho and while I gave him credit for a great showing, I felt Jericho’s ring generalship helped with the layout. Here, Bryan did lead but Ospreay kept up with his pace, he was able to down shift as necessary. Bryan was every bit as good as I have ever seen him, his technique and manoeuvring is so sound and he up shifted so well, keeps himself in such great condition and was alert against one of the most agile talents there was, not once was he out of position or in the wrong spot and his striking is better than ever.


Recent instances of me watching Ospreay

- Wembley against Jericho
- Grinding on HHH’s daughter
- His match with Bryan @ Dynasty

In all the above he has come across very well.

There are many times in this business to quote Kevin Nash, that the hype seldom delivers. But with Ospreay, he has IT man, he has made some adjustments from working in Japan to the NA territory unlike Omega. Shame on Triple H for getting caught up in his ego, it’s his failure he should be focussing on when he looks back on not being able to secure his services, he clearly was unaware of Ospreay’s situation with his step son, part of being a good talent scout is doing your research, I’d have given him a handsome deal and if schedule was a problem, there was still NXT until things settled or at least found a way to find a middle ground with his schedule and perhaps sold him on working a programme with his hero Styles!

Ospreay idolised AJ, Bryan and others from the golden era of independent wrestling, but he needs to remember that those guys were not just known for their spots and they enhanced their ring generalship to prolong their careers and got soaked in story driven wrestling, if he wants to be remembered this is what he needs to focus more on and also why I feel he’d have been a perfect fit in the WWE but there’s no reason why he can’t work this way in AEW, it’s just that the company is a sinking ship.
Great write-up and I agree big time. I didn't wanna say much about the match so I didn't spoil anything for you. But yeah, it was pretty incredible. The highlight for me was the spot where they essentially had a shootout. When both of them were in opposite corners, looking at each other and ready to hit their finishers and then ofcourse they did it. That was one of the coolest wrestling spots I have ever seen. I don't recall ever seeing that before. I'm glad we finally see eye to eye on Ospreay. He is a great and truly one-of-a-kind wrestler. And for AEW he is really the perfect guy to be the top babyface of the company because not only can he have great matches, but he can also talk, has some personality and is massively over with the fans.

The only minor quip I had was Danielson doing the seizures at the end. I just hate that and don't feel it serves any purpose than to pull you out of it. And what made it even worse was that they immediately showed the replay, which showed that Bryan had landed perfectly on his back, which killed the seriousness of the move and Bryan's selling.

What I like about Ospreay is that he doesn't just wrestle that fast-paced style that he is synonymous with. He had a really good match with Hobbs on Dynamite which was much more deliberate in pace and where he sold alot. Personally, I think he is super talented. You are right that he may have been great in WWE. Not only would he be able to become a far bigger star but he would have a lower probability of getting injured. But who knows, he's only 30...he might still end up in WWE one day. If he continues getting popular then I can very easily see Triple H reaching out to him with a boatload of cash...making himself out to be the valiant hero who didn't let an insult faze him from signing Ospreay.

...but only if Ospreay promises to take a picture with H after signing with WWE.
@shaz619 Tony Khan finding new ways to embarrass himself. Getting his poor father involved in this garbage too. The question is how much more desperate will he get to draw ratings and get some heat on Bucks and Perry? This was the biggest bunch of Sports Entertainmenty garbage since the last Mercedes Mone promo. Which is ironic because I thought AEW was created as an alternative to that kind of stuff.
Great write-up and I agree big time. I didn't wanna say much about the match so I didn't spoil anything for you. But yeah, it was pretty incredible. The highlight for me was the spot where they essentially had a shootout. When both of them were in opposite corners, looking at each other and ready to hit their finishers and then ofcourse they did it. That was one of the coolest wrestling spots I have ever seen. I don't recall ever seeing that before. I'm glad we finally see eye to eye on Ospreay. He is a great and truly one-of-a-kind wrestler. And for AEW he is really the perfect guy to be the top babyface of the company because not only can he have great matches, but he can also talk, has some personality and is massively over with the fans.

The only minor quip I had was Danielson doing the seizures at the end. I just hate that and don't feel it serves any purpose than to pull you out of it. And what made it even worse was that they immediately showed the replay, which showed that Bryan had landed perfectly on his back, which killed the seriousness of the move and Bryan's selling.

What I like about Ospreay is that he doesn't just wrestle that fast-paced style that he is synonymous with. He had a really good match with Hobbs on Dynamite which was much more deliberate in pace and where he sold alot. Personally, I think he is super talented. You are right that he may have been great in WWE. Not only would he be able to become a far bigger star but he would have a lower probability of getting injured. But who knows, he's only 30...he might still end up in WWE one day. If he continues getting popular then I can very easily see Triple H reaching out to him with a boatload of cash...making himself out to be the valiant hero who didn't let an insult faze him from signing Ospreay.

...but only if Ospreay promises to take a picture with H after signing with WWE.

I’ve followed Ospreay on/off a lot over the years and especially the stuff he did in the UK plus Japan and I just was not overly impressed each time he got those crazy star ratings, I rated his athleticism but the lack of ring generalship was deeply frustrating given the high ceiling for a worker of his talent. But in NA he has stepped up, there is so much passion and authenticity in his promos, he has a funny character but I actually know what it is at least right and he can work man, especially with the right opponent who can help bring out his best, I think he is doing the best work of his career right now in my view and there is still scope for him to get even better! I loved that spot to, don’t think I’ve seen it before and while it can come across as a bit dumb if anybody else tried it, I feel it worked here in a sort of Dragon Ball Z fashion or dare I wild wild west, two gun slingers with one bullet left. The other thing I liked, maybe it’s more of a critical look, but he didn’t take some crazy bumps or put himself in dangerous positions, having said that he should only have these matches on PPV.

You are right he has immense baby face potential and a programme with someone like an MJF would interest me greatly, there is so much talent there but a donkey running things who will most likely play booker/promoter and come up with dumb sh!t Imagine he allowed Bryan to book and produce for a bit I think be could do a good job.

And massive respect to Bryan to, he’s a legend and I will miss him when he’s gone, still arguably the best, he should never be questioned like ever, he is the modern day excellence of execution.

You know I think Ospreay could especially if Vince was still there, but I don’t know if Nick Khan will see Ospreay as much of draw and HHH will hold onto that grinding promo for a very long time.

MOTY though imo better then any match at Wrestlemania, imagine they worked like this at Wembley, it would be nuts.
@shaz619 Tony Khan finding new ways to embarrass himself. Getting his poor father involved in this garbage too. The question is how much more desperate will he get to draw ratings and get some heat on Bucks and Perry? This was the biggest bunch of Sports Entertainmenty garbage since the last Mercedes Mone promo. Which is ironic because I thought AEW was created as an alternative to that kind of stuff.

I saw that sell from Khan I was in fits 🤣 he went to bed then remembered to sell in his dreams, I haven’t watched the whole thing but will laugh buckets tomorow.

Maybe this is what they need, Tony getting battered every week to bring people back so they can laugh at him.
I’ve followed Ospreay on/off a lot over the years and especially the stuff he did in the UK plus Japan and I just was not overly impressed each time he got those crazy star ratings, I rated his athleticism but the lack of ring generalship was deeply frustrating given the high ceiling for a worker of his talent. But in NA he has stepped up, there is so much passion and authenticity in his promos, he has a funny character but I actually know what it is at least right and he can work man, especially with the right opponent who can help bring out his best, I think he is doing the best work of his career right now in my view and there is still scope for him to get even better! I loved that spot to, don’t think I’ve seen it before and while it can come across as a bit dumb if anybody else tried it, I feel it worked here in a sort of Dragon Ball Z fashion or dare I wild wild west, two gun slingers with one bullet left. The other thing I liked, maybe it’s more of a critical look, but he didn’t take some crazy bumps or put himself in dangerous positions, having said that he should only have these matches on PPV.

You are right he has immense baby face potential and a programme with someone like an MJF would interest me greatly, there is so much talent there but a donkey running things who will most likely play booker/promoter and come up with dumb sh!t Imagine he allowed Bryan to book and produce for a bit I think be could do a good job.

And massive respect to Bryan to, he’s a legend and I will miss him when he’s gone, still arguably the best, he should never be questioned like ever, he is the modern day excellence of execution.

You know I think Ospreay could especially if Vince was still there, but I don’t know if Nick Khan will see Ospreay as much of draw and HHH will hold onto that grinding promo for a very long time.

MOTY though imo better then any match at Wrestlemania, imagine they worked like this at Wembley, it would be nuts.
I get what you mean. Some of his New Japan matches have not connected with me either. I've seen some of his matches from RevPro too and eventhough some of them were pretty good, they were too much like modern. high work-rate indie matches. Where everything is about a faced-paced collection of moves and counters and kick-outs. So I don't blame you for having your reservations. But I'm just glad to see how quickly he has grasped the key elements you absolutely need to be successful in the US. Because how many times have we seen guys from Japan or Mexico just not getting what gets you over in US.

That's the hottest program on their hands now that Punk has left. MJF v Ospreay. And again, just because of MJF I feel like this program and this match has the potential to be something epic. I think they told a nice story with MJF. But now you have the motivation for his heel turn. Because as talented as MJF is at everything he does, being a heel is what he thrives at.

I think Nick Khan is a very savvy guy who very much seems to have a pulse on the the business. He also seems like an open-minded guy who is interested in doing new things like working with other promotions and making their business more global than ever. I was reading somewhere that their future plan is to only do the Big 4 PPVs in the US. The rest will all be abroad. And tbh if you wanna be bigger in England, I can't think of too many guys that can make you even popular in that market than Ospreay. All due respect to Drew...he's a much bigger star but he's not English and he doesn't have the same level of love from the marks. And Ospreay's deal is probably gonna come up years from now when he will likely be even bigger.
I saw that sell from Khan I was in fits 🤣 he went to bed then remembered to sell in his dreams, I haven’t watched the whole thing but will laugh buckets tomorow.

Maybe this is what they need, Tony getting battered every week to bring people back so they can laugh at him.
It was hilarious. First off it was like they were standing infront of 100 people. They can't even draw for s**t at their home in Jacksonville now. And then the segment itself. It was so cringeworthy. And Tony Khan was actually the worst thing about it.

And guess what? they drew their lowest ratings since January 2021 last night. :ROFLMAO:

It amazes me that Tony thinks that any of these people can draw viewers when their segments have always bleeded viewers (especially the Bucks) by the hundred thousands. Why would anyone turn on the channel and want to see these guys who are obviously the farthest thing from being stars? And what's even worse is that they are doing to drown Okada of all his value, just by associating with him.
WWE boss Triple H has two-word response for Sadiq Khan after pledge to bring WrestleMania to London

London Mayor Sadiq Khan has pledged to bring WrestleMania to London if re-elected, and WWE supremo Triple H appears to be a fan.

Khan, who seeks re-election to office next month, has made the ambitious bid to bring the professional wrestling extravaganza to the UK in a quest to make the capital the 'sports capital of the world.'

The grappling event would go hand in hand with the Superbowl and NBA and to stage the Olympics in 2040, the Mayor said on X.

“London is a world leader in major sports events and has been at the heart of some of the most memorable sporting moments of the last few decades," he explained.

"From the Olympics, to the Lionesses winning the Euros at Wembley, to the Ashes at Lord’s and The Oval, London is where it’s at.

“If I’m re-elected on 2 May, I’m determined to go even further and fully cement London’s reputation as the undisputed sports capital of the world. I believe that London has the potential to host the first international WrestleMania.

“In the meantime, my message to anyone travelling to the Paris Olympics this summer is to include a visit to London in your itinerary, to enjoy all that our city has to offer.”

In response to a post on X about the promise of landing the megashow, WWE Head of Creative and wrestling legend Paul 'Triple H' Levesque was short and sweet.

Acknowledging the Mayor's claim, Levesque simply retorted: "Let's talk."

Thursday's response may come as a surprise to some, with the WWE President recently appearing to pour cold water on the idea of the UK - and other international venues - staging the Show of Shows.

Khan conceded that while WWE may continue to stage some high-profile events outside of North America, ‘Mania’ and other blockbuster shows won’t be heading far from more familiar territory.

“WWE president Nick Khan said Royal Rumble, WrestleMania, SummerSlam and Survivor Series will be held in the United States and Canada for the foreseeable future but other premium live events such as Backlash, Elimination Chamber and King of the Ring may take place internationally," reported Arash Markazi of the Sporting Tribune.

Khan's remarks came as new WWE Champion Cody Rhodes became the latest high-profile name to urge the company to consider running WrestleMania here.

Just weeks after winning the gold from Roman Reigns at the 40th edition of the blockbuster event, Rhodes told a sold out crowd at a WWE show in London: “If anybody deserves anything, I’m going to echo John Cena saying the United Kingdom deserves a WrestleMania.”

Wrestler turned Hollywood star Cena appeared at WWE's Money in the Bank at London's O2 Arena and made a similar statement.

WWE is already set for a return to the UK later this summer with Clash at the Castle taking place in Glasgow in June.

SOURCE: https://talksport.com/sport/1843109/triple-h-responds-sadiq-khan-wrestlemania-london/
I get what you mean. Some of his New Japan matches have not connected with me either. I've seen some of his matches from RevPro too and eventhough some of them were pretty good, they were too much like modern. high work-rate indie matches. Where everything is about a faced-paced collection of moves and counters and kick-outs. So I don't blame you for having your reservations. But I'm just glad to see how quickly he has grasped the key elements you absolutely need to be successful in the US. Because how many times have we seen guys from Japan or Mexico just not getting what gets you over in US.

That's the hottest program on their hands now that Punk has left. MJF v Ospreay. And again, just because of MJF I feel like this program and this match has the potential to be something epic. I think they told a nice story with MJF. But now you have the motivation for his heel turn. Because as talented as MJF is at everything he does, being a heel is what he thrives at.

I think Nick Khan is a very savvy guy who very much seems to have a pulse on the the business. He also seems like an open-minded guy who is interested in doing new things like working with other promotions and making their business more global than ever. I was reading somewhere that their future plan is to only do the Big 4 PPVs in the US. The rest will all be abroad. And tbh if you wanna be bigger in England, I can't think of too many guys that can make you even popular in that market than Ospreay. All due respect to Drew...he's a much bigger star but he's not English and he doesn't have the same level of love from the marks. And Ospreay's deal is probably gonna come up years from now when he will likely be even bigger.

That’s an intriguing program for sure, I wouldn’t have as high expectations because neither of them have that senior vet experience, but it’s something which could be really good and especially if they allow MJF to lead the booking/producing.

Nick doesn’t want to bring WM here but the London Mayor has pledged that if he is re-elected. Certainly, Ospreay could be an asset in that regard though he may have other motivations/attitudes towards this.

But, honestly, both Drew/Sheamus are as over and arguably bigger then any English born wrestler, in England itself; they have a very unique relationship with us fans here, and pro-wrestling has allowed that to happen beyond the tribal beef and history between the countries. And when it comes to expanding the fanbase, the marks make up a small percentage. However, not saying Ospreay could not command a similar if not bigger following through the WWE Star making machine, but right now it’s not something I feel he wants at all, if he ever does, he may be past his peak years potentially or worse, injured; but am hoping he continues with the recent adjustments made to his ring work, and it’s not just limited to who he is working with.
It was hilarious. First off it was like they were standing infront of 100 people. They can't even draw for s**t at their home in Jacksonville now. And then the segment itself. It was so cringeworthy. And Tony Khan was actually the worst thing about it.

And guess what? they drew their lowest ratings since January 2021 last night. :ROFLMAO:

It amazes me that Tony thinks that any of these people can draw viewers when their segments have always bleeded viewers (especially the Bucks) by the hundred thousands. Why would anyone turn on the channel and want to see these guys who are obviously the farthest thing from being stars? And what's even worse is that they are doing to drown Okada of all his value, just by associating with him.

I was curious I thought maybe a few more people would have watched for the novelty lol

Okada is just there for a pay check like a lot of the guys down there because otherwise it’s a sh!t show with the booking, nobody should compare Nakamura with him any more, levels above

Most amusing of all about Khan is he thinks he can draw with Jack after everybody and their dog saw him get handled on national TV
I’m testing the waters here, but would all the people in this thread be interested if I started a kick-starter to buy AEW for $2 Billion as per the ‘Forbes’ valuation.

As the owners of the kick-starter we’d obviously need to go out of our way to make a chunky investment.

If anyone of you are interested in buying an established and hugely successful wrestling business, do let me know.

As a token of my appreciation, you can all be EVP’s to.
Perc Gable reminds me so much of Perc Angle. I love it. One of the most exciting heel turns in recent years.

Real ones know the beast Angle was at that time.
Finally doing something interesting with Carlito, though it is odd all the latino are in the same feud 🤔 Cody/AJ should be a proper 2-3 month programme, solid opening segment between the two.

But for a ‘Draft’ episode SD was just the drizzling sh!ts, no real drama or wow moment for me
Oh and for non-Huntdeep/4/10 fans, you’re going to have to put up with the M5 motorway lines on his forehead every friggin week

WWE SmackDown Results: 26th April 2024​

  • Rey Mysterio & Dragon Lee def. Legado del Fantasma
  • Bron Breakker def. Cedric Alexander
  • Naomi vs. Tiffany Stratton ended in a no-contest
  • Undisputed WWE Champion Cody Rhodes def. Carmelo Hayes (Non-Title Match)
I’m testing the waters here, but would all the people in this thread be interested if I started a kick-starter to buy AEW for $2 Billion as per the ‘Forbes’ valuation.

As the owners of the kick-starter we’d obviously need to go out of our way to make a chunky investment.

If anyone of you are interested in buying an established and hugely successful wrestling business, do let me know.

As a token of my appreciation, you can all be EVP’s to.
Hahahaha. Thing is, even if you had 5 dollars I doubt Tony would sell it to you. Money is great but I feel like the opportunity to play with his real life action figures is not something Tony will ever let go of.

Also any report that takes the Wrestling Observer Newsletter as a source and lists 'Young Bucks' as one of the biggest draws should be taken with a grain of salt. Even 2 billion seems like a highly inflated number.
Finally doing something interesting with Carlito, though it is odd all the latino are in the same feud 🤔 Cody/AJ should be a proper 2-3 month programme, solid opening segment between the two.

But for a ‘Draft’ episode SD was just the drizzling sh!ts, no real drama or wow moment for me
What tf was the point of the draft? No one of any significance changed brands.
I was curious I thought maybe a few more people would have watched for the novelty lol

Okada is just there for a pay check like a lot of the guys down there because otherwise it’s a sh!t show with the booking, nobody should compare Nakamura with him any more, levels above

Most amusing of all about Khan is he thinks he can draw with Jack after everybody and their dog saw him get handled on national TV
They are trying to blame the NBA play-offs. As if there haven't been NBA play-offs since 2021 lol.

It's all about jumping on the anti-Punk bandwagon at this point. Especially after the way they have been embarrassed in the past month. Jack Perry wouldn't even be on TV if it wasn't for CM Punk. And now Tony is trying to sell them as this evil rebel heel :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: Gimme a break

I feel like even I could kick Jack Perry's a$$ at this point.
That’s an intriguing program for sure, I wouldn’t have as high expectations because neither of them have that senior vet experience, but it’s something which could be really good and especially if they allow MJF to lead the booking/producing.

Nick doesn’t want to bring WM here but the London Mayor has pledged that if he is re-elected. Certainly, Ospreay could be an asset in that regard though he may have other motivations/attitudes towards this.

But, honestly, both Drew/Sheamus are as over and arguably bigger then any English born wrestler, in England itself; they have a very unique relationship with us fans here, and pro-wrestling has allowed that to happen beyond the tribal beef and history between the countries. And when it comes to expanding the fanbase, the marks make up a small percentage. However, not saying Ospreay could not command a similar if not bigger following through the WWE Star making machine, but right now it’s not something I feel he wants at all, if he ever does, he may be past his peak years potentially or worse, injured; but am hoping he continues with the recent adjustments made to his ring work, and it’s not just limited to who he is working with.
Yup. It should be a MJF match, not a Will Ospreay match.

Yeah you're right. Drew is a pretty big star who has the potential to get even bigger outside of the states. Kind of how Bret was in the 90s. But I just feel like a guy like him should be wrestling on the biggest stage possible infront of the most eye-balls. Still its his decision. He's talented enough to build a good resume in AEW even with the Tony Khan booking. As for WrestleMania I think it all comes down to the almighty dollar. For the right price they will go anywhere as they showed with Saudi. I feel like WWE could very easily sell out Wembley for Mania. But I dunno if they would go for it especially with AEW saturating the market somewhat with All In. Tell you what, would be a pretty funny middle finger to AEW if they do it because in this hypothetical scenario All In would follow Mania.
The ending of this story is the best, bit about the catchphrase 🤣

Best WM moment of all time

What was worse? This or Starrcade 1997? I feel like Starrcade just because it was 2 years of build and the finish of that match buried Sting and pretty much the entire company.
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They are trying to blame the NBA play-offs. As if there haven't been NBA play-offs since 2021 lol.

It's all about jumping on the anti-Punk bandwagon at this point. Especially after the way they have been embarrassed in the past month. Jack Perry wouldn't even be on TV if it wasn't for CM Punk. And now Tony is trying to sell them as this evil rebel heel :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: Gimme a break

I feel like even I could kick Jack Perry's a$$ at this point.

I read they did their worst rating in some time, this is just horribly booked man and they followed up on Bryan/Ospreay with this on their show, sure way to turn people off. But it’s so bad it’s something you need to see for the laughs 🤣🤣 honestly I think you would KO him with a slap, this is AEW’s Austin vs Evil Authority Figure or whatever Khan is 🤣🤣
What was worse? This or Starrcade 1997? I feel like Starrcade just because it was 2 years of build and the finish of that match buried Sting and pretty much the entire company.

Tough one, all Bret marks will say WM 9, Starccade 97 was more damaging but I know this may sound ridiculous, but watching it then at that time, I sort of could buy the verbal tapout, but maybe that was because of how stoaked I was for Sting going over the NWO, you could say for sure it was more damaging
@RedwoodOriginal What was that Youtube Channel which did a pretty good AEW fight forever review ? I wonder if they still feel the same, I liked their content but can’t find them
Is it fair to say Toni Storm has been the best thing in AEW over the past 12 months or so and especially through all the controversy and terrible booking.

In my opinion, she has been the best women’s world champion across promotions, her commitment to the timeless character has been excellent; this has allowed her to bypass the bad stuff thrown her way, and in the ring she can really go and helps elevate those around her to.

Interested to see what they do with her and Mariah May who I am aware of from many years go when she was toiling in the Uk circuits and doing her best to get the attention of US promoters
Anna Jay is great too, the women have been quietly doing the business in AEW. Great match on Collision this week.
Is it fair to say Toni Storm has been the best thing in AEW over the past 12 months or so and especially through all the controversy and terrible booking.

In my opinion, she has been the best women’s world champion across promotions, her commitment to the timeless character has been excellent; this has allowed her to bypass the bad stuff thrown her way, and in the ring she can really go and helps elevate those around her to.

Interested to see what they do with her and Mariah May who I am aware of from many years go when she was toiling in the Uk circuits and doing her best to get the attention of US promoters
Mariah May even wrestled in Pakistan a few years ago.
Is it fair to say Toni Storm has been the best thing in AEW over the past 12 months or so and especially through all the controversy and terrible booking.

In my opinion, she has been the best women’s world champion across promotions, her commitment to the timeless character has been excellent; this has allowed her to bypass the bad stuff thrown her way, and in the ring she can really go and helps elevate those around her to.

Interested to see what they do with her and Mariah May who I am aware of from many years go when she was toiling in the Uk circuits and doing her best to get the attention of US promoters
Her character work in last 2 months or so has plateaued IMO.
Her character work in last 2 months or so has plateaued IMO.

Who has done better, Ripley, others etc have had largely unmemorable world championship reigns, what Storm does lives in the mind a lot longer then anybody else.

Rhea’s biggest championship highlight was vacating the belt.

Besides, stop lying to yourself, you don’t watch Toni Storm, let alone what she has done this week, you a WWE PG era lifer
Who has done better, Ripley, others etc have had largely unmemorable world championship reigns, what Storm does lives in the mind a lot longer then anybody else.

Rhea’s biggest championship highlight was vacating the belt.

Besides, stop lying to yourself, you don’t watch Toni Storm, let alone what she has done this week, you a WWE PG era lifer
nah i am an Attitude Era lifer, I didn't even watch any PG WWE from 2007 till 2015 apart from a few months and a few feuds. I didnt watch her this week sure. But I did watch her clips till 2-3 weeks ago. That's just not my cup of tea. The whole women's wrestling I'd say i usually just fast forward (save a few names involved) unless there's a good match going on. AEW, I just followed Joe's and Edge's stuff mostly.
I read they did their worst rating in some time, this is just horribly booked man and they followed up on Bryan/Ospreay with this on their show, sure way to turn people off. But it’s so bad it’s something you need to see for the laughs 🤣🤣 honestly I think you would KO him with a slap, this is AEW’s Austin vs Evil Authority Figure or whatever Khan is 🤣🤣
It was another stupid and bad booked show. None of the matches were any good either which usually tends be the one saving grace. But I agree, this show is highly watchable because you want something to laugh at. And that closing segment was just so funny. It's like every week I wonder how low can Tony sink...how desperate will he really get? Remember when he talked about sports-based presentation and scoffed at the idea of being on-screen authority figure like Vince? :ROFLMAO:

HAHA yeah I feel like I would. Also who exactly is the babyface here? Because I don't see how either of them qualify.
Tough one, all Bret marks will say WM 9, Starccade 97 was more damaging but I know this may sound ridiculous, but watching it then at that time, I sort of could buy the verbal tapout, but maybe that was because of how stoaked I was for Sting going over the NWO, you could say for sure it was more damaging
I obviously have hindsight on my side since I didn't see any of these when they happened. But with Bret I feel that atleast he got his moment at WrestleMania X. Starrcade '97 was a pivotal moment for the company that meant even more for WCW and the fans than it did for Sting. And they blew it.
Is it fair to say Toni Storm has been the best thing in AEW over the past 12 months or so and especially through all the controversy and terrible booking.

In my opinion, she has been the best women’s world champion across promotions, her commitment to the timeless character has been excellent; this has allowed her to bypass the bad stuff thrown her way, and in the ring she can really go and helps elevate those around her to.

Interested to see what they do with her and Mariah May who I am aware of from many years go when she was toiling in the Uk circuits and doing her best to get the attention of US promoters
The movie buff in me appreciates the gimmick and finds it amusing. I even like the All About Eve storyline they got going in the background. But i dunno man. Its hard to take anything they do with the women seriously. And this is another thing that even the AEW hardcores will agree with. Women's matches in AEW are the bathroom break matches. The crowd goes silent...the crickets start chirping...the viewership bottoms out pretty much every week. And there is almost no storyline of consequence.

With Toni, no challenger has been able to generate any kind of serious heat or interest. For one thing, she has been treated like a babyface for the longest time which always puts her opponent at a disadvantage. On top of that, you have Tony's sh!tty booking.

In the ring, I agree with you that she is a terrific wrestler. On the mic too. And there are a number of highly talented female wrestlers in AEW. Problem is that they will never get anywhere because the person booking them is Tony Khan. Look at what they did with Britt Baker. At one point, she was as popular as some of their top male stars. And where has she gone since then?
Anna Jay is great too, the women have been quietly doing the business in AEW. Great match on Collision this week.
Mariah May is surprisingly good for someone with her level of experience and time in the business. She seems to get the basics and knows a little bit about working the crowd too.

Anna Jay, you could argue has been even more impressive because she literally started training in 2020 I think. Compare her to someone like Jade who has been wrestling for about as long, and I think there is daylight between in their in-ring work. Though obviously Jade has the other aspects down.
@shaz619 I am getting Adam Page title reign vibes from Swerve's reign already. He wins the belt at Dynasty and what does Tony do to follow that up? Book another banger against a guy who has lost every singles match he's been in over the past month.

Say what you will about Page. But they told a story with him and when he won the belt the fans wanted it. I am willing to put some blame on Page's absolute lack of personality and him being overshadowed by Punk (probably what made him go into business for himself) but the lion's share lies on Tony's booking which did nothing to elevate him...even in the one big feud he had with Bryan.

Swerve got to do his promo on Collision but if anyone thinks that Tony didn't do that after the backlash from people online, then they are out of their depth.

Speaking of the empty-headed cowboy, I have a feeling that he will return next week to align with The Elite and set up a match against Swerve at Double Or Nothing.

I just hope Tony is not stupid and gullible enough to buy the Bucks's pitch to put the belt on Page, which I am sure they will try to sell to him as a way to get 'heat.'

Also, all signs seem to point towards The Elite doing their best rip-off of nWo and The Authority going forward. Which is so ironic for a company that claimed it was the anti-thesis of sports-entertainment. But I really think you should start watching AEW. This is a new era for AEW. The AEW Clown Era 🤡
It was another stupid and bad booked show. None of the matches were any good either which usually tends be the one saving grace. But I agree, this show is highly watchable because you want something to laugh at. And that closing segment was just so funny. It's like every week I wonder how low can Tony sink...how desperate will he really get? Remember when he talked about sports-based presentation and scoffed at the idea of being on-screen authority figure like Vince? :ROFLMAO:

HAHA yeah I feel like I would. Also who exactly is the babyface here? Because I don't see how either of them qualify.

As a fight fan I was intrigued to see how they incorporate sports based themes, my interpretation at the time was bringing more realism into wrestling. Their version of this though is wins and losses stats, nothing more. Childhood Tony is over the moon right now, being able to play an action figure of his own, this endeavour has come full circle for him
nah i am an Attitude Era lifer, I didn't even watch any PG WWE from 2007 till 2015 apart from a few months and a few feuds. I didnt watch her this week sure. But I did watch her clips till 2-3 weeks ago. That's just not my cup of tea. The whole women's wrestling I'd say i usually just fast forward (save a few names involved) unless there's a good match going on. AEW, I just followed Joe's and Edge's stuff mostly.

That’s interesting you only watch Edge/Joe but have an informed opinion on x or y 🤡🤡🤡

What great women’s champion are you aware from the AE era specifically, also post some pics in this thread to to back up the claim :yk3
@shaz619 I am getting Adam Page title reign vibes from Swerve's reign already. He wins the belt at Dynasty and what does Tony do to follow that up? Book another banger against a guy who has lost every singles match he's been in over the past month.

Say what you will about Page. But they told a story with him and when he won the belt the fans wanted it. I am willing to put some blame on Page's absolute lack of personality and him being overshadowed by Punk (probably what made him go into business for himself) but the lion's share lies on Tony's booking which did nothing to elevate him...even in the one big feud he had with Bryan.

Swerve got to do his promo on Collision but if anyone thinks that Tony didn't do that after the backlash from people online, then they are out of their depth.

Speaking of the empty-headed cowboy, I have a feeling that he will return next week to align with The Elite and set up a match against Swerve at Double Or Nothing.

I just hope Tony is not stupid and gullible enough to buy the Bucks's pitch to put the belt on Page, which I am sure they will try to sell to him as a way to get 'heat.'

Also, all signs seem to point towards The Elite doing their best rip-off of nWo and The Authority going forward. Which is so ironic for a company that claimed it was the anti-thesis of sports-entertainment. But I really think you should start watching AEW. This is a new era for AEW. The AEW Clown Era 🤡

At one point I actually bought Adam Page and felt he was a good choice to be champion, the guy was over to some extent. Those early few years had their horrible moments but there was more direction, looking back I don’t know how much of it was flavour of the month type stuff when they are in the current position now.

With the Swerve arc and booking, am not as familiar with the background and I’ve not watched his stuff, but out of the African American talent there you know am high on Powerhouse Hobbs and during those early few years felt they could do something with Scorpio Sky. Private Party had immense potential, and the tag team with the rapper was promising to; these guys are just so demoralised.

They really are trying to be the new bullet club or NWO or whatever, but they all look like school kids apart from Okada who unfortunately has no heat on him
Mariah May is surprisingly good for someone with her level of experience and time in the business. She seems to get the basics and knows a little bit about working the crowd too.

Anna Jay, you could argue has been even more impressive because she literally started training in 2020 I think. Compare her to someone like Jade who has been wrestling for about as long, and I think there is daylight between in their in-ring work. Though obviously Jade has the other aspects down.

Yeah unlike those who get hired with no interest or training in wrestling, she been grafting and has a passion for wrestling, when you sacrifice everything to pursue your dreams, not going for trad jobs but getting whatever experience you can and paying for training etc the type of grit which use to mould talent on the indy circuit, whereas now, if you know somebody who knows somebody at AEW, you’re going to make some nice and easy money. Think Mariah was trying to get a WWE contract for a while but this chance came up don’t blame her for taking it, WWE recruitment is biased towards athletes and fighters, who they then develop using their star making machine, we will see more of this when the independent scene is practically dead, obviously AEW is scene in that light to some extent and there are names there am sure they would be interested in.
The movie buff in me appreciates the gimmick and finds it amusing. I even like the All About Eve storyline they got going in the background. But i dunno man. Its hard to take anything they do with the women seriously. And this is another thing that even the AEW hardcores will agree with. Women's matches in AEW are the bathroom break matches. The crowd goes silent...the crickets start chirping...the viewership bottoms out pretty much every week. And there is almost no storyline of consequence.

With Toni, no challenger has been able to generate any kind of serious heat or interest. For one thing, she has been treated like a babyface for the longest time which always puts her opponent at a disadvantage. On top of that, you have Tony's sh!tty booking.

In the ring, I agree with you that she is a terrific wrestler. On the mic too. And there are a number of highly talented female wrestlers in AEW. Problem is that they will never get anywhere because the person booking them is Tony Khan. Look at what they did with Britt Baker. At one point, she was as popular as some of their top male stars. And where has she gone since then?

I agree the booking is horrible, but as an individual performer and it’s a bit like Ricky Starks or MJF as well, where the good character work and ring pedigree to a degree negates some of the chicken sh!t these guys are fed. And to me anyway, Toni carries the championship like a pro, Rhea got more heat clearly but her title reign has been mediocre, Toni btw was terrific in the Mae Young Classic, don’t know if you watched that but the whole thing was fantastic.

I liked Britt in the same way I loved Tessa Blanchard, but both got such horrible attitudes that I don’t know who to pin the blame on.

Thunder Rosa is an elite elite talent that been booked like crap, wish she accepted the WWE offer back in the day.

They got some decent names there now to do something positive. But doubt it.

Yeah, wasn’t Anna Jay a backstage announcer or something? wonder what her background is because she’s a natural in the ring.

For how long will they focus on Skye Blue’s @ss and think because the internet drool over it, they are doing well? I bet Tony thinks the division is in a good place because of that.
@RedwoodOriginal I was watching s2 of the RA era on the Network which by the looks of it has had budget cuts because it’s so much harder to navigate on TV. Anyway, they covered the Byte This program which was do forward at the time and especially the Matt/Edge rivalry, it just occurred to me that even those two, in the situation that they were in, put their unprecedented issues aside to do business; but the Bucks et al just couldn’t stand the mere presence of Punk in his own words, they couldn’t do business over some internet bs and their childish behaviour, and were unwilling to put it to one side because Punk threatened their toxic hold on their current way of working.
Goldberg looked like such a menace in the chamber, how can anybody remotely justify 4/10 going over, a lot of the time he got the sh!t kicked out of him, but retained the belt due to outside interference or whatever, never made anybody besides doing people he liked a favour. They completely diluted Berg. Saw some clips from the RA era episode.
That’s interesting you only watch Edge/Joe but have an informed opinion on x or y 🤡🤡🤡

What great women’s champion are you aware from the AE era specifically, also post some pics in this thread to to back up the claim :yk3
not going to be discussing anything with you onwards i guess.
@RedwoodOriginal don't know if you use nayatel smart tv, but i just found out they started a wwe channel on it that has some behind the scenes stuff and documentaries showing up there. Was just going through the channels and bumped over it. They were showing AJ's 2017-2018 championship run documentary on it today.
As a fight fan I was intrigued to see how they incorporate sports based themes, my interpretation at the time was bringing more realism into wrestling. Their version of this though is wins and losses stats, nothing more. Childhood Tony is over the moon right now, being able to play an action figure of his own, this endeavour has come full circle for him
The worst thing is that there's no consistency. Rankings are there, then they aren't there. One guy gets a title shot because he is No.1 in the rankings while the other one gets one for no apparent reason. And everyone's records are all overinflated by jobber wins.
I agree the booking is horrible, but as an individual performer and it’s a bit like Ricky Starks or MJF as well, where the good character work and ring pedigree to a degree negates some of the chicken sh!t these guys are fed. And to me anyway, Toni carries the championship like a pro, Rhea got more heat clearly but her title reign has been mediocre, Toni btw was terrific in the Mae Young Classic, don’t know if you watched that but the whole thing was fantastic.

I liked Britt in the same way I loved Tessa Blanchard, but both got such horrible attitudes that I don’t know who to pin the blame on.

Thunder Rosa is an elite elite talent that been booked like crap, wish she accepted the WWE offer back in the day.

They got some decent names there now to do something positive. But doubt it.

Yeah, wasn’t Anna Jay a backstage announcer or something? wonder what her background is because she’s a natural in the ring.

For how long will they focus on Skye Blue’s @ss and think because the internet drool over it, they are doing well? I bet Tony thinks the division is in a good place because of that.
No I didn't watch that Mae Young Classic but I've seen enough of her in AEW and she is one of the best in-ring female talents in the business. I still think she needs better opponents though. Maybe Britt Baker and Jamie Hayter when they return? Statlander could be an option. Because other than that it doesn't seem like there's anyone there. Serena Deeb is an excellent wrestler but doesn't have much going in the promo department. Thunder Rosa just had a feud with her and it felt kinda cold because Thunder has seriously cooled off because of the booking.

Britt comes across as more of an AEW shill than anything else. Tessa from what I've heard is something of a pain to work with. And can be very difficult. I don't rate Britt highly in the ring but she has more personality than most women there.

Tony thinks this division is in a good place as long as he keeps featuring his mandatory women's match on Dynamite, Rampage and Collision every week.
@RedwoodOriginal I was watching s2 of the RA era on the Network which by the looks of it has had budget cuts because it’s so much harder to navigate on TV. Anyway, they covered the Byte This program which was do forward at the time and especially the Matt/Edge rivalry, it just occurred to me that even those two, in the situation that they were in, put their unprecedented issues aside to do business; but the Bucks et al just couldn’t stand the mere presence of Punk in his own words, they couldn’t do business over some internet bs and their childish behaviour, and were unwilling to put it to one side because Punk threatened their toxic hold on their current way of working.
Exactly. And that was some real life happening. Your friend stole your girl. It wasn't two guys being mad at each other because one guy said bad things about the other in a press scrum. As for the double standards of AEW and its hardcore smark fans, well they were exposed with the way they reacted to Andrade and Eddie Kingston punching Sammy Guevara. Where was the outrage there? I don't hear any of the AEW fans call Andrade or Eddie "a locker-room cancer" lol. Knowing Sammy he probably needed to be smacked around a little bit too lol.

I barely remember the RA series Season 2 because I watched it during the pandemic but I do remember not liking it because of the generalized and generic episodes they came up with. I think they intended this show to be a sequel to their Monday Night Wars show, which is excellent. But yeah definitely seems like their budget was cut for the second season.
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@RedwoodOriginal don't know if you use nayatel smart tv, but i just found out they started a wwe channel on it that has some behind the scenes stuff and documentaries showing up there. Was just going through the channels and bumped over it. They were showing AJ's 2017-2018 championship run documentary on it today.
I don't have smart TV, I think its just regular Nayatel cable. How does that work though? Do you have to get the box?
Exactly. And that was some real life happening. Your friend stole your girl. It wasn't two guys being mad at each other because one guy said bad things about the other in a press scrum. As for the double standards of AEW and its hardcore smark fans, well they were exposed with the way they reacted to Andrade and Eddie Kingston punching Sammy Guevara. Where was the outrage there? I don't hear any of the AEW fans call Andrade or Eddie "a locker-room cancer" lol. Knowing Sammy he probably needed to be smacked around a little bit too lol.

I barely remember the RA series Season 2 because I watched it during the pandemic but I do remember not liking it because of the generalized and generic episodes they came up with. I think they intended this show to be a sequel to their Monday Night Wars show, which is excellent. But yeah definitely seems like their budget was cut for the second season.

Bro that’s so true, I forgot Andrade/Kingston punched him because nobody talks about that, but we never hear the end of Punk being a cancer.

And I meant budget cuts when it came to the Network infrastructure, I don’t know if it’s due to the content moving to Netflix but it’s a lot more tricky to navigate. I loved s1 of RA era and the first episode of s2 the next two were average , need to see the final few and especially resurrection of HBK
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I don't have smart TV, I think its just regular Nayatel cable. How does that work though? Do you have to get the box?
yes the regular nayatel cable has 70-80 channels i guess. With smart box, you get 200+ channels including 15-16 sports channel of which the WWE channel is one. They charge you 400 extra per month for one box i think.
Hate him worse then Omega or anybody, has turned exposing the business into his day job

A big finger in Maven’s face
People will do anything to get attention these days. Though weirdly I can see it from his perspective. The only thing he is most well-known for is getting the sh!t beaten out of him by Taker once.

Meanwhile Omega continues his babyface run as a Twitch streamer:
“I really think he’s incredible and I don’t think he’s boring. I would say I’m pretty jealous because Roman Reigns is presented the exact same way I would love to be presented. He’s presented as the man who’s the Champion to have big matches at the pay-per-views where you’re either really cheering for him or cheering for someone else. That’s professional wrestling. He’s getting to do what I did in New Japan so I can’t be a hater on that. I’m a fan.”
People will do anything to get attention these days. Though weirdly I can see it from his perspective. The only thing he is most well-known for is getting the sh!t beaten out of him by Taker once.

Meanwhile Omega continues his babyface run as a Twitch streamer:

Kayfabe is dead but he’s just prostituting the business, he never made it and needs a few quid but there are other avenues.

lol I saw something which said he is getting more over playing games then being on TV, so true. Somebody should ask him about the god damn wrestling game
Bro that’s so true, I forgot Andrade/Kingston punched him because nobody talks about that, but we never hear the end of Punk being a cancer.

And I meant budget cuts when it came to the Network infrastructure, I don’t know if it’s due to the content moving to Netflix but it’s a lot more tricky to navigate. I loved s1 of RA era and the first episode of s2 the next two were average , need to see the final few and especially resurrection of HBK
That's the sort of mindset these people have and it will never change. Its very much a pack mentality and echo chamber of roughly the same ideas and opinions. That tends to happen when you have an insecure bunch of fans following a niche product that only they think is mind-blowing and incredible. I've seen this kind of tribalism in people who are fans of really niche music genres too.

I think their best documentary content has moved to A&E. Maybe we'll see stuff on Netflix too down the line with their massive new deal.
yes the regular nayatel cable has 70-80 channels i guess. With smart box, you get 200+ channels including 15-16 sports channel of which the WWE channel is one. They charge you 400 extra per month for one box i think.
I gotta get me some of this. Can you rewind channels too?
Kayfabe is dead but he’s just prostituting the business, he never made it and needs a few quid but there are other avenues.

lol I saw something which said he is getting more over playing games then being on TV, so true. Somebody should ask him about the god damn wrestling game
What's worse is Booker T putting him on. I mean I know his little promotion is not drawing 5000 people but this is just embarrassing.

Hahaha I mean you might as well at this point. He seems to be going off about just about everything.

WWE RAW Lineup for April 29, 2024 Episode:​

  • Jey Uso, Ricochet & Andrade vs. The Judgment Day
  • Logan Paul will appear
  • Becky Lynch’s first appearance after winning Women’s World Championship
  • CM Punk returns
  • Night Two of the WWE Draft
They seem to be giving all the key players a chance to speak so atleast there's that.

What more insight is there on this you reckon, this is the low down on who’s fault it was:

Eric Bischoff
Sh!t Stain
Sh!t Stain
Sh!t Stain
Sh!t Stain

End off, saved everybody a couple of hours from their lives

WWE RAW Lineup for April 29, 2024 Episode:​

  • Jey Uso, Ricochet & Andrade vs. The Judgment Day
  • Logan Paul will appear
  • Becky Lynch’s first appearance after winning Women’s World Championship
  • CM Punk returns
  • Night Two of the WWE Draft

Raw Results: April 29, 2024​

  • Gunther def. Xavier Woods via Submission
  • Sami Zayn def. “Big” Bronson Reed by Disqualification in an Intercontinental Championship Match
  • Candice LeRae def. Maxxine Dupri
  • Liv Morgan def. Nia Jax
  • Awesome Truth def. Alpha Academy in a World Tag Team Title Match
  • Jey Uso, Ricochet & Andrade def. The Judgment Day

Hulk Hogan bizarrely claims he received a voice note from a dead WWE legend TWO DAYS after they passed away as the Hall of Famer talks 'surrendering to Jesus' at aged 70​

Former WWE star Hulk Hogan has bizarrely claimed that he received a voice note from Roddy Piper after his death.

Wrestling legend Piper spent a number of years in WWE over various different stints, with his last match coming in 2011 against The Miz, though he appeared in a non-wrestling capacity after.

He passed away in 2015 at the age of 61, with it ruled he had suffered a cardiopulmonary arrest caused by hypertension.

The Hall of Famer buried the hatched of a rivalry with Hogan at WrestleMania 30, alongside Paul Orndorff and Mr. T, with all four men facing of at the first WrestleMania.

Hogan, however, has now made a sensational claim that he was contacted by his friend after his death.

'It was a voice message,' Hogan began, speaking on The 700 Club. 'This text message came in two days after he died and it goes, "I'm just loving you, my brother. Just walkin' with Jesus. Walkin' with Jesus and loving you, my brother".

'I was like, "He would have never said that when he was here".'

Hogan and Piper's rivalry spanned several decades, with the pair facing off for the then-WWF Championship back in 1985.

Their match set up the first-ever WrestleMania, now WWE's flagship show, with Orndorff and Piper facing Hogan and Mr T. The latter team won the match.

They then clashed again in 1996 in a storyline involving legendary faction nWo, with Piper beating Hogan, though he later lost a title match against the same man.

When Piper returned to WWE in 2003, he again attacked Hogan, with the rivalry going down as one of the most famous in the company's history.

Speaking of Piper's death on an episode of WWE Legends, Hogan said: 'I felt like I got shot in the chest with a cannon. It knocked me off track for a couple of days.

'It was really weird because I get this voice message, either my phone was messed up. That really spooked me out, to get a voice message from somebody after the passed away.'

The message was also played out loud on the episode.

Hogan has been somewhat of a controversial figure in recent times, making a number of claims that fans have questioned.

He once suggested that Mike Tyson was 'scared' to face him in a boxing match, and claimed he would write his film movie scripts.

The former champion appears sporadically in WWE today now his in-ring career is over, with fans split on their opinions of the 70-year-old.


Hulk Hogan bizarrely claims he received a voice note from a dead WWE legend TWO DAYS after they passed away as the Hall of Famer talks 'surrendering to Jesus' at aged 70​

Former WWE star Hulk Hogan has bizarrely claimed that he received a voice note from Roddy Piper after his death.

Wrestling legend Piper spent a number of years in WWE over various different stints, with his last match coming in 2011 against The Miz, though he appeared in a non-wrestling capacity after.

He passed away in 2015 at the age of 61, with it ruled he had suffered a cardiopulmonary arrest caused by hypertension.

The Hall of Famer buried the hatched of a rivalry with Hogan at WrestleMania 30, alongside Paul Orndorff and Mr. T, with all four men facing of at the first WrestleMania.

Hogan, however, has now made a sensational claim that he was contacted by his friend after his death.

'It was a voice message,' Hogan began, speaking on The 700 Club. 'This text message came in two days after he died and it goes, "I'm just loving you, my brother. Just walkin' with Jesus. Walkin' with Jesus and loving you, my brother".

'I was like, "He would have never said that when he was here".'

Hogan and Piper's rivalry spanned several decades, with the pair facing off for the then-WWF Championship back in 1985.

Their match set up the first-ever WrestleMania, now WWE's flagship show, with Orndorff and Piper facing Hogan and Mr T. The latter team won the match.

They then clashed again in 1996 in a storyline involving legendary faction nWo, with Piper beating Hogan, though he later lost a title match against the same man.

When Piper returned to WWE in 2003, he again attacked Hogan, with the rivalry going down as one of the most famous in the company's history.

Speaking of Piper's death on an episode of WWE Legends, Hogan said: 'I felt like I got shot in the chest with a cannon. It knocked me off track for a couple of days.

'It was really weird because I get this voice message, either my phone was messed up. That really spooked me out, to get a voice message from somebody after the passed away.'

The message was also played out loud on the episode.

Hogan has been somewhat of a controversial figure in recent times, making a number of claims that fans have questioned.

He once suggested that Mike Tyson was 'scared' to face him in a boxing match, and claimed he would write his film movie scripts.

The former champion appears sporadically in WWE today now his in-ring career is over, with fans split on their opinions of the 70-year-old.

Hogan could have been the funniest man alive if his politicks and racist weren't known to every one.
Oh my ! Hulk Hogan is as big a pathological liar as Trump. Why does he say these things ? Is it CTE ?

Hogan once claimed he wrestled 400+ days a year because of how many times he worked in Japan and crossed the International Date Line.

He claimed Andre the Giant died five days after their WM3 match (he died six years later).

He claimed he was about to receive a grill sponsorship, but missed the call, and it went to George Foreman.

He claimed he turned down the lead role in The Wrestler - which the director has denied.

He claimed he partied with John Belushi after WM2 in 1986. The poor guy died in 1982.

And there's many more !