Punk imo is criminally underrated in the ring, he’s a throwback and just gets it, his timing is impeccable, his spots are like poetry in motion, everything is so fluid and done well, he’s a master at using his opponents best strengths and meshing them with his ability to tell a story in the ring, and finding ways to do the most basic moves in a creative fashion. You go back to ALL IN, against Joe, that famous Rana reversal spot, instead of being done on the ring barricade he went under the ring announcer’s table, these spots live in the mind a lot longer compared to what other’s do. Or that flying knee on Lesnar, taking that RKO off the springboard, reversing Taker’s old school into the GTS, Taker taking the GTS but coming back running with a Tombstone, the finishing stretch of Punk/Cena @ MITB there’s just too many moments for me to list.
If you also consider the common opponents which AJ/Bryan/Punk had, especially the big names such as Orton, Cena, Lesnar and Taker; Punk for me had the more memorable matches against these guys imo.
And as for the present, if you mean right now
@RedwoodOriginal , then I think when healthy he is right up there going off his work in AEW alone, he was never a spots guy