Test Debutant
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Fair enough but it's still disappointing to see that no attempt has been made by him to adapt his style to North American television. He is essentially having the same matches he had in New Japan but with the last 20 minutes cut out. Whereas there had the time to go 35-40 minutes in the ring, here he has 15 minutes. So it's like those matches with the last 20 minutes cut out which means all you get are boring, plodding snooze fests that all largely feel the same. I think those cases are a little different because they didn't involve week-to-week booking for TV. Problem is, the character aspect has not been developed at all in his case so Tony has to rely on these boring 15 minute matches to justify his investment.I am less critical of him because he’s a foreigner and I would never see him in that Punk type role, but as a booker I’d have him in my main event scene consistently and present him like the star he deserves to be. Like remember, Gado has done shows with Okada at MSG which were hugely successful and I think even TNA booked him a bit better, I think foreign talent need some more attention in a new market, especially if you want them on TV every week, though I get what you’re saying with his attitude but others have got more out of it and that laid back mindset has worked really well for him in the ring because he makes everything look so effortless.
Yes am surprised by how well they’ve set the reunion up really and I’ve seen clips of the Shelton Benjamin matches (weirdly am involved in a storyline with him in SvR I was just playing yesterday 20 years later its nuts), Benjamin is like the most under utilised modern wrestler ever. Anyway the set up was so good you could be fooled for thinking it was a WWE show, they had a few more people in as well, what happened there? lol
Yes the guy has a huge ego and is a closet racist, have you read about him getting all butt hurt about Samantha Irvin’s comments, they were nothing bad but he got upset. He had every chance to get the most of them and they obviously were a draw and the fans wanted them back but he refused, I don’t really see him doing anything special with WWE, the company is set up so strong now with a robust structure that it runs itself bro, Trips is just cosplaying Vince…
Well for once they actually built a show up weeks in advance, so maybe that's why they actually had some people in the building on this one. As for Shelton, I agree. People love to talk about Brock as the freak athlete, but Shelton is no less a freak athlete. Some of the things he was able to do in the ring were revolutionary and groundbreaking for the 2000s. Watching him do some character work on AEW, you see how wrong certain people were when they said he lacked promo skills. They just weren't willing to make an effort with him. And at 49, he somehow looks more jacked than he ever has. Can you believe that Dirt Sheet Dave has an issue with Shelton being booked strong and squashing guys like Sammy because he was booked like a jobber in WWE? Dave has gone past the point of even being senile at this point.
The obsessing/caring about social media is so lame to me. I expect that from Tony because he has the intellect of a 15 year old. But this guy is the booker of the biggest wrestling company in the world, and he apparently still cares what a bunch of randos on Twitter think about the product? I think the booking now is largely logical and makes sense most of the time. But as we have said in the past, it lacks that spark and is predictable which is both a good and a bad thing. And I agree, there are alot of people that are writing the show, its not just him. Though credit where credit is due, this Kevin Owens storyline has been really well and cleverly executed.