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how are they going to bury him more? he's not under contract with the WWE and have already refused to take him back.

Hunter will call Kurt in the middle of the night and tell him that "His name was brought up for the Survivor Series tournament but he stopped that idea from going over" #burried
Watching Armageddon 2002 what a PPV :bow:

Sure it was, shovel was handed a championship he didn't earn literally and then he proceeded to drop it to his buddy only to bury him 4 weeks later :yk2 and still couldn't get legit heat :yk
Sure it was, shovel was handed a championship he didn't earn literally and then he proceeded to drop it to his buddy only to bury him 4 weeks later :yk2 and still couldn't get legit heat :yk

no not that you goof. the whole PPV was amazing..Kurt V Show , Kane V Batista with Ric flair WOOOOOO!!
no not that you goof. the whole PPV was amazing..Kurt V Show , Kane V Batista with Ric flair WOOOOOO!!

Are you sure? you naughty boy!

Also I bet Kurt criticised the WWE, Lesnar or HHH that's why you've been butt hurt lately :))) I know you Eugene :yk
[MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION] [MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] what happened

I heard Fandango went crazy and came out to face the Wyatts :)))

and Taker schooling Barrett :hafeez2

Tell me details homees
Team Bray Wyatt


Undertaker + Kane + Adele

Hello, from the other side! :holding
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/XfScnqGyqPE" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/OgQYonAXGJY" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

More Lets go Cenba chants expected than Cena sucks. Indian kids and adults all love Cena. :)))
Booked 2 passes.

Excited. I wish to see Triple H and Steph, or any past legend. Cena's huge so catching a glimpse of him wont be that bad. Really dnt care abnt Shoomus and Ryback, Dean AMBROSE MUCH.

and of course, some divas would be cool but seeing BJP/sHIV Sena's antixcs, they might cancel the divas matches or might make them wear long dresses. :))) :))))

Nonetheless, at least we are beginning somewhere. Hope this doesnt get cancelled :srt :bumble
Booked 2 passes.

Excited. I wish to see Triple H and Steph, or any past legend. Cena's huge so catching a glimpse of him wont be that bad. Really dnt care abnt Shoomus and Ryback, Dean AMBROSE MUCH.

and of course, some divas would be cool but seeing BJP/sHIV Sena's antixcs, they might cancel the divas matches or might make them wear long dresses. :))) :))))

Nonetheless, at least we are beginning somewhere. Hope this doesnt get cancelled :srt :bumble

Hunter and Steph don't come. They didn't come in UAE

Just enjoy what you will get. Cena is loved in india, so there is something to look forward to :misbah
is that price High ?

I think its about right. WWE live event is a rare thing in India (the first actually) and they have every right to charge a premium price for it given the arrangements they require. Most tickets have been sold within 24 hours already. Too many Cena marks. :)))
I think its about right. WWE live event is a rare thing in India (the first actually) and they have every right to charge a premium price for it given the arrangements they require. Most tickets have been sold within 24 hours already. Too many Cena marks. :)))

:))) same here in KSA. Tickets were sold out in the first 12 hours :)) all Cena marks.

though the prices were insane. Around 1200 saudi riyals which is equal to 21,122 rupees :srt
[MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION] [MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] what happened

I heard Fandango went crazy and came out to face the Wyatts :)))

and Taker schooling Barrett :hafeez2

Tell me details homees

Taker got a huge pop. I marked out like a fanboy. Fandango got a good reaction. As did Swagger in main event which was taped before smackdown. Wyatt family got some really good heat. Taker n Barrett was a good segment. Barrett is underrated on the mic guy got some good laughs when he tried mocking taker. Usos got a good reaction too on their return. Reigns got a really good pop too he came out to face bray wyatt after the cameras stopped rolling. Trolled everyone who thought he was coming through the crowd came through the main entrance. Divas match on main event was a bit flat. Kalisto from Lucha Dragons got a good pop too.

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Taker got a huge pop. I marked out like a fanboy. Fandango got a good reaction. As did Swagger in main event which was taped before smackdown. Wyatt family got some really good heat. Taker n Barrett was a good segment. Barrett is underrated on the mic guy got some good laughs when he tried mocking taker. Usos got a good reaction too on their return. Reigns got a really good pop too he came out to face bray wyatt after the cameras stopped rolling. Trolled everyone who thought he was coming through the crowd came through the main entrance. Divas match on main event was a bit flat. Kalisto from Lucha Dragons got a good pop too.

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I read spoilers and some guys I know posted pictures.

and what a Push for Kalisto, do you think he'll be the surprise finalist ?
I read spoilers and some guys I know posted pictures.

and what a Push for Kalisto, do you think he'll be the surprise finalist ?

Well I know Vince wants a New Mexican superstar. One of the reasons ADR was brought back. He thinks kalisto could possibly do what mysterio did. Sin cara was supposed to be that guy but he never worked out. But I think it would be too early for him atm. Guy could be a solid babyface mid carder.

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Well I know Vince wants a New Mexican superstar. One of the reasons ADR was brought back. He thinks kalisto could possibly do what mysterio did. Sin cara was supposed to be that guy but he never worked out. But I think it would be too early for him atm. Guy could be a solid babyface mid carder.

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I guess, but he is a very good wrestler. before leaving NXT, he told that he will become the next guy. You never know where that old nugget Vince swing to these days
I guess, but he is a very good wrestler. before leaving NXT, he told that he will become the next guy. You never know where that old nugget Vince swing to these days

He could be like rey aka a good solid mid carder or upper mid carder who could transition into the main event. Needs more building up though.

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Goldberg says Steve Austin never fully drank the beers in his post-match celebrations but Goldberg drank them while he was in WWE with Austin.

Austin says he's full of sh!t and challenges Goldberg to a beer drinking contest. Austin's reaction when the TMZ reporter asks if he thinks he could win was priceless. :)))

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/F70exh2FzHs" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
On a side note, that was a good slap by Rooney on Barrett.

Obviously as a Scouser I'd have loved Rooney to have been dismantled there and then :p
Goldberg says Steve Austin never fully drank the beers in his post-match celebrations but Goldberg drank them while he was in WWE with Austin.

Austin says he's full of sh!t and challenges Goldberg to a beer drinking contest. Austin's reaction when the TMZ reporter asks if he thinks he could win was priceless. :)))

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/F70exh2FzHs" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

:))) Austin should have stunned the geezer
On a side note, that was a good slap by Rooney on Barrett.

Obviously as a Scouser I'd have loved Rooney to have been dismantled there and then :p

did you watch the video of Barrett going to United locker room the next day ?
[MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] - how was Taker at SD last night? Any pics?
Taker got a huge pop. I marked out like a fanboy. Fandango got a good reaction. As did Swagger in main event which was taped before smackdown. Wyatt family got some really good heat. Taker n Barrett was a good segment. Barrett is underrated on the mic guy got some good laughs when he tried mocking taker. Usos got a good reaction too on their return. Reigns got a really good pop too he came out to face bray wyatt after the cameras stopped rolling. Trolled everyone who thought he was coming through the crowd came through the main entrance. Divas match on main event was a bit flat. Kalisto from Lucha Dragons got a good pop too.

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I pretty much agree with everything but the match between Sasha Banks and Becky was absolutely beautiful; it was a technical masterpiece and it's just that fans were not invested in it which can sought of cloud ones perception how great it was but that's mainly due to the fact that creative just sought of put you in a random match with no build and that's absolutely important once you're on the main-roster but main-event is not used for storyline progression or character development tbh I don't even know why it exists I guess it's a way of giving mid carders and jobbers who don't get screen time something to do and the show itself is used to recap what has been happening in the WWE during the week. Had Sasha and Becky performed the same match in NXT the crowd would have been red hot but Vince/HHH are right in that they need to appeal to different audiences on the main-roster but they just approach it in the worst way possible by literally throwing a dump at the wall and seeing what sticks but Sasha and Becky had a great match. Can't wait to see it on the replay.

Another thing, Roman got a pop when he came out but I felt the audience were not really invested in him. However when he hit the spear for the win the pop was huge. Were they running late? :)) they advertised the dark main-event as Bray v Reigns in a street fight and it literally ended in 3-5 minutes after they hit each other with a kendo stick a few times before Reigns picked up the win. The main-event of smackdown was excellent and this has been said many times but can people stand up and give Harper credit please? dude is so good in the ring and incredibly agile for his size. Kalista scored a huge upset win over Ryback and it was well received from the audience, Kalisto will suceed where Cara failed as you say and he's probably one of the best Lucha's I've seen him recent times and he understands how to work the WWE style which is not easy to adjust to for a student of Libre. I don't think he will ever achieve the popularity of Mysterio or reach his status as a Lucha because Rey was the greatest and one of a kind, if he manages to have half the career Rey did they Kalisto would have done a great job. In this day and age you got to be something incredibly special to win a WWE world championship being a masked Lucha, Rey was an exception in that he built his reputation as the greatest all over the world before revolutionizing cruzerweight wrestling in america with his stints in WCW and ECW before making the jump to the WWE.

Barett is criminally underatted and the guy had a great thing going with the BNB gimmick which was so over and then injuries took him out once again :facepalm: I really feel for him, the moment he gets over he always gets injured lol and then Vince buries him for 2 years by turning him into a jobber and that's just below him.

I absolutely marked out when Booker T came out, I know it was just to announce but I wasn't expecting it; man that was just surreal am a huge fan of what he did during his career and I just wish he had done a spineroone or cut a promo because when T came out the crowd went absolutely bezerk! popped for Jerry to but Booker T they really found their voice. When Undertaker came out it was just such a surreal experience and I was just so overwhelmed kinda just froze and got all the shivers/goosebumps. That was easily the highlight of my night and we may well have left if we wanted :))

Also I've been to a live event before but it was a house show and had seen Wyatt there and goodness me BRAY WYATT IS SO OVER; HE IS THE AUTOMATIC CHOICE TO REPLACE SETH, omg what on earth are creative doing? the guy has paid his dues, did everything that has ever been asked of him and has all the tools to be a HOF'mer never mind a great main-eventer, STRAP A ROCKET TO HIS BACK AND PUSH HIM TO THE MOON! Wyatt is the answer to the lack of depth in the main-event and have the likes of Reigns, Ambrose and KO in the picture to and we'd have a situation where the new breed can take us into the future bit like during the RA when the likes of Orton, Batista and Edge took over after being given some confidence.

Anyway I really enjoyed the show even though had a bit of an issue getting back, went back to my uni location on a coach and reached about 4am lol after a couple of hurdles, some jobber on the bus pussied out and was like waaaah i got a tummy ache call the ambulance so basically he had to get off and spend the night in the apstaal and we reached home late and what was worse that they didn't even drop me where they should have because they were running late and it made my walk longer :@ What was your block like? I was surrounded by jobbers :))) I was trying to get so many chants going but no one would join in so it kind of would be me and my my mate, we got a Goldberg Chant going, EC-dub, "We the Jobbers!" when swagger came out, randomly was singing The Rock's Theme, Tried to get Jinder Mahal chant going :))) I also started shouting where the F is Khali :))) [MENTION=65183]freelance_cricketer[/MENTION], I tried to get a HBK chant going and when no one would join in I started to sing the sexyy boy theme but then it kinda got awkward LOL, I might have been swearing throughout the night at HHH and Vince am not sure lmao when I was getting a bit carried away lol Undertaker was the guy who really woke up the dead people around me. Also big pop for Fin Balor! really over here in the UK, wish he came out with the face paint
[MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] - how was Taker at SD last night? Any pics?

It was pretty incredible bro!

No pics but did record videos but their filze size is just so huge; I've taken some screen shots from the Taker segment just now:


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[MENTION=137419]dashing_man[/MENTION] you know how you have WWE crew members go up the rafters to sought their cameras out near the big screen, I tried to convince everyone it was Sting :))) only thing was he was going up rather then coming down lmao
[MENTION=137419]dashing_man[/MENTION] you know how you have WWE crew members go up the rafters to sought their cameras out near the big screen, I tried to convince everyone it was Sting :))) only thing was he was going up rather then coming down lmao

:))) good to hear you had a blast of a time and was worth travelling there

and stay away from my avatar, I'm more of a Taker fan than you will ever be :moyo
:))) good to hear you had a blast of a time and was worth travelling there

and stay away from my avatar, I'm more of a Taker fan than you will ever be :moyo

damn! those lighting looks amazing

Yes you are huge fan of the JobberTaker the nakli one :))) you try to copy him on PP with the multiple accounts :))) but the purple Taker buried the grey one in the end :)))

Yeah they were pretty impressive, I don't think Takers appearance is going to be televised on Smackdown though :(
Yes you are huge fan of the JobberTaker the nakli one :))) you try to copy him on PP with the multiple accounts :))) but the purple Taker buried the grey one in the end :)))

Yeah they were pretty impressive, I don't think Takers appearance is going to be televised on Smackdown though :(

I downloaded SD and it was televised, stop embarrassing yourself :))) :))) I think the Arena is getting the better of you. It won't be televised, dumbest thing ever heard today :))) :)))
I downloaded SD and it was televised, stop embarrassing yourself :))) :))) I think the Arena is getting the better of you. It won't be televised, dumbest thing ever heard today :))) :)))

So you managed to watch smackdown before it even aired :))) what a retard. And:

As noted, following his loss to Neville at the WWE Smackdown tapings today in Manchester, King Barrett cut a promo on the live crowd and blamed Wayne Rooney for the loss tonight.

Barrett says he’s going to talk to Vince McMahon and demand that WWE never come back to Manchester. Undertaker then came out and Barrett tried to hit him but The Undertaker countered and Tombstoned Barrett twice.

As noted, it’s likely the above was a dark segment for the live crowd only and will not air on Smackdown this week.

Absolutely retarded Eugene what are you talking about :))) :)))
I pretty much agree with everything but the match between Sasha Banks and Becky was absolutely beautiful; it was a technical masterpiece and it's just that fans were not invested in it which can sought of cloud ones perception how great it was but that's mainly due to the fact that creative just sought of put you in a random match with no build and that's absolutely important once you're on the main-roster but main-event is not used for storyline progression or character development tbh I don't even know why it exists I guess it's a way of giving mid carders and jobbers who don't get screen time something to do and the show itself is used to recap what has been happening in the WWE during the week. Had Sasha and Becky performed the same match in NXT the crowd would have been red hot but Vince/HHH are right in that they need to appeal to different audiences on the main-roster but they just approach it in the worst way possible by literally throwing a dump at the wall and seeing what sticks but Sasha and Becky had a great match. Can't wait to see it on the replay.

Another thing, Roman got a pop when he came out but I felt the audience were not really invested in him. However when he hit the spear for the win the pop was huge. Were they running late? :)) they advertised the dark main-event as Bray v Reigns in a street fight and it literally ended in 3-5 minutes after they hit each other with a kendo stick a few times before Reigns picked up the win. The main-event of smackdown was excellent and this has been said many times but can people stand up and give Harper credit please? dude is so good in the ring and incredibly agile for his size. Kalista scored a huge upset win over Ryback and it was well received from the audience, Kalisto will suceed where Cara failed as you say and he's probably one of the best Lucha's I've seen him recent times and he understands how to work the WWE style which is not easy to adjust to for a student of Libre. I don't think he will ever achieve the popularity of Mysterio or reach his status as a Lucha because Rey was the greatest and one of a kind, if he manages to have half the career Rey did they Kalisto would have done a great job. In this day and age you got to be something incredibly special to win a WWE world championship being a masked Lucha, Rey was an exception in that he built his reputation as the greatest all over the world before revolutionizing cruzerweight wrestling in america with his stints in WCW and ECW before making the jump to the WWE.

Barett is criminally underatted and the guy had a great thing going with the BNB gimmick which was so over and then injuries took him out once again :facepalm: I really feel for him, the moment he gets over he always gets injured lol and then Vince buries him for 2 years by turning him into a jobber and that's just below him.

I absolutely marked out when Booker T came out, I know it was just to announce but I wasn't expecting it; man that was just surreal am a huge fan of what he did during his career and I just wish he had done a spineroone or cut a promo because when T came out the crowd went absolutely bezerk! popped for Jerry to but Booker T they really found their voice. When Undertaker came out it was just such a surreal experience and I was just so overwhelmed kinda just froze and got all the shivers/goosebumps. That was easily the highlight of my night and we may well have left if we wanted :))

Also I've been to a live event before but it was a house show and had seen Wyatt there and goodness me BRAY WYATT IS SO OVER; HE IS THE AUTOMATIC CHOICE TO REPLACE SETH, omg what on earth are creative doing? the guy has paid his dues, did everything that has ever been asked of him and has all the tools to be a HOF'mer never mind a great main-eventer, STRAP A ROCKET TO HIS BACK AND PUSH HIM TO THE MOON! Wyatt is the answer to the lack of depth in the main-event and have the likes of Reigns, Ambrose and KO in the picture to and we'd have a situation where the new breed can take us into the future bit like during the RA when the likes of Orton, Batista and Edge took over after being given some confidence.

Anyway I really enjoyed the show even though had a bit of an issue getting back, went back to my uni location on a coach and reached about 4am lol after a couple of hurdles, some jobber on the bus pussied out and was like waaaah i got a tummy ache call the ambulance so basically he had to get off and spend the night in the apstaal and we reached home late and what was worse that they didn't even drop me where they should have because they were running late and it made my walk longer :@ What was your block like? I was surrounded by jobbers :))) I was trying to get so many chants going but no one would join in so it kind of would be me and my my mate, we got a Goldberg Chant going, EC-dub, "We the Jobbers!" when swagger came out, randomly was singing The Rock's Theme, Tried to get Jinder Mahal chant going :))) I also started shouting where the F is Khali :))) [MENTION=65183]freelance_cricketer[/MENTION], I tried to get a HBK chant going and when no one would join in I started to sing the sexyy boy theme but then it kinda got awkward LOL, I might have been swearing throughout the night at HHH and Vince am not sure lmao when I was getting a bit carried away lol Undertaker was the guy who really woke up the dead people around me. Also big pop for Fin Balor! really over here in the UK, wish he came out with the face paint
Bro the match was good but crowd wasnt invested in it at all so it felt flat to me. And bro i marked the hell out for Booker T too. As did most people in my section just didnt expect him to come out. I thought it was some special guest appearance. Thats how long its been since i watched smackdown on tv lmaooo. taker my god bro that was sooo epic man. Everyone marked the hell out for him. Getting crazy screamimg. One of a kind man legend. Wyatt my god bro guy is so damn over epic man. He has the crowd in the palm of his hand. I was in block C bro was ok wasnt the liveliest but wasnt too dead. And yeah tbh with one world title kalisto would do well to reach that level. Guy can be a good midcard US/IC guy though like Face Kofi was 2008-2014. It was epic man i feel the same way bout takers entrance bro that alone justified the ticket fee for me. Was amazing. Del Rio didnt get a much of a reactiom just the cheap heat tbh. This mex america thing is a bit confusing what do u think ?

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Bro the match was good but crowd wasnt invested in it at all so it felt flat to me. And bro i marked the hell out for Booker T too. As did most people in my section just didnt expect him to come out. I thought it was some special guest appearance. Thats how long its been since i watched smackdown on tv lmaooo. taker my god bro that was sooo epic man. Everyone marked the hell out for him. Getting crazy screamimg. One of a kind man legend. Wyatt my god bro guy is so damn over epic man. He has the crowd in the palm of his hand. I was in block C bro was ok wasnt the liveliest but wasnt too dead. And yeah tbh with one world title kalisto would do well to reach that level. Guy can be a good midcard US/IC guy though like Face Kofi was 2008-2014. It was epic man i feel the same way bout takers entrance bro that alone justified the ticket fee for me. Was amazing. Del Rio didnt get a much of a reactiom just the cheap heat tbh. This mex america thing is a bit confusing what do u think ?

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A crowds reaction or lack of one can take away from ones experience but I was in awe and I blame the lack of interest due to creatives inabilities. I think that as a whole the audience were really into Bray Wyatt; he's an absolute heat magnet and needs to be pushed to the main-event very soon. Was surreal seeing the Undertaker; am glad I did though I don't think that I'll ever get the chance again. I was in B, C had the best view imo besides being ring side. I'd never want to be on the floor unless I was ring side, it actually hinders your view when everyone gets up. It is confusing because you have zeb and alberto pair up and apparently they are heels who are all about unity but at the same time insult people of different countries and call Neville etc an immigrant lol Del Rio may end up being a flat character again and it's such a shame because he's capable of more
It was pretty incredible bro!

No pics but did record videos but their filze size is just so huge; I've taken some screen shots from the Taker segment just now:

Awesome man! Glad you had a good time mashallah - looks fantastic!
A crowds reaction or lack of one can take away from ones experience but I was in awe and I blame the lack of interest due to creatives inabilities. I think that as a whole the audience were really into Bray Wyatt; he's an absolute heat magnet and needs to be pushed to the main-event very soon. Was surreal seeing the Undertaker; am glad I did though I don't think that I'll ever get the chance again. I was in B, C had the best view imo besides being ring side. I'd never want to be on the floor unless I was ring side, it actually hinders your view when everyone gets up. It is confusing because you have zeb and alberto pair up and apparently they are heels who are all about unity but at the same time insult people of different countries and call Neville etc an immigrant lol Del Rio may end up being a flat character again and it's such a shame because he's capable of more
Exactly zeb is a heel who preaches unity and insults others for being divisive and spreading hatred. Del Rio is a great worker i loved him when he debuted against Mysterio. The vicious arrogant aristocrat heel completely different for a hispanic wrestler. But this mex america angle seems a bit flat atm. I dont see why Colter was paired with Del Rio it was sick in HIAC with tje plot twist. But they could make Colter hate America and defect to Mexico. Like Sgt Slaughter turning Heel n supporting Iraq in early 90s. This mex america im not feelimg it atm.

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[MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] [MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION]

I find it hilarious, yet unsurprising, that the Divas went from sucking off Stephanie for the first few weeks, to having the blame bestowed upon themselves after the Revolution turned out to be a total flop. Stephanie just couldn't wait to have the world bow down to her for introducing the horsewomen to the main roster, but since it's gotten nothing but bad reviews, she's nowhere to be found :)))
Her introduction was so stupid in the first place. Typical mcmahon ego. She should have let paige done it. It would have felt more organic. And the fact so many divas were debuted at the same time hard to get all of them over with the casual fans. The hardcore fans love Becky n Sasha though. They put on some top quality matches but because the Crowd arent invested in them it doesnt feel as good as it should. U can put on wrestling clinics but if your character isnt over then its so hard to become a star.

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Exactly zeb is a heel who preaches unity and insults others for being divisive and spreading hatred. Del Rio is a great worker i loved him when he debuted against Mysterio. The vicious arrogant aristocrat heel completely different for a hispanic wrestler. But this mex america angle seems a bit flat atm. I dont see why Colter was paired with Del Rio it was sick in HIAC with tje plot twist. But they could make Colter hate America and defect to Mexico. Like Sgt Slaughter turning Heel n supporting Iraq in early 90s. This mex america im not feelimg it atm.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk

It's typical creative for ya. Thing is with Sgt Slaughter it was a bit different and it made a lot more sense because creative justified it, he wanted to world title belt so he did all he can to throw hogan off his game and even went as far as burning the US flag :))) Sgt heel work made the angle so good imo but [MENTION=53290]Markhor[/MENTION] would probably have a better perspective on that storyline since he grew up in that period.

You know when they paired del rio and zeb I thought they are going to be baby faces but instead nothing has changed, they are heels now with Zeb who still has an agenda against coloured people but speaks of unity when being paired with Del Rio. And to top it off Rio is cool with Zeb hating on colured people besides himself and his past exploits. If both were all about unity and decided to move forward as baby faces that would make more sense in terms of the direction they are heading with. This is 10x worse then when Cesaro was paired with Heyman, but then again Paul as of late is only good at getting himself and Lesnar over; he wasn't really invested in Cesaro or Ryback which is a shame because he could have helped them. I enjoyed Rybacks bully gimmick though, had a good thing going and Cesaro was onto something as one half of the real americans
[MENTION=95766]leatherface58[/MENTION] did you catch this promo? It was incredible, Bray Wyatt's best in the WWE thus far (you're going to feel like crying when they show the video package of the brothers of destruction in action over the years with Wyatt being in control of their souls now and taking our heroes away from us aha):

Am really loving this angle leading in to SS, it has a wrestlemania feel to it and I hope in the end the Wyatt Family triumph over the Brothers of Destruction.

Also who do you feel should be the champion now that Rollins is out for a max of 9 months. Here are the options:

Heels: Bray Wyatt or Kevin Owens

Faces: Reigns or Ambrose

Either of these options are great, WWE would just need to keep these guys in the mix and maybe turn Ambrose or Reigns to help their development as characters and it would give storylines depth to. Personally feel that Bray Wyatt is ready though, strap a rocket to his back and push him to the moon please! some of the greatest factions in WWE have all held gold why not the Wyatts? they need it more then ever and it's the right time given the momentum behind them.

Bray Wyatt is terrific. Surprisingly, he has never won a singles title. But he is very captivating.

Anyone notice a sign which said Sister Abigail with Steph's pic on the sign? :))

PS: Anybody else cringe when Michael Cole says POP UP POWERBOMB! It's just so...blegh. Owens is a terrific heel. Highly entertaining and would have been great even in the Attitude era. They need to build him as more of a psychotic heel though. This cowardly heel persona does not suit him.
I thought Undertaker broke kayfabe, he didn't

:))) :))) And is that you in the turkey suit

Pretty epic appearance, [MENTION=53290]Markhor[/MENTION] you need to check it out!

Never thought Taker would ever agree to something like that! he's very protective of his gimmick and how it's used
:))) :))) And is that you in the turkey suit

Pretty epic appearance, [MENTION=53290]Markhor[/MENTION] you need to check it out!

Never thought Taker would ever agree to something like that! he's very protective of his gimmick and how it's used

it was Brad Maddox aka [MENTION=858]Amir[/MENTION] bhai
[MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] [MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION] [MENTION=53290]Markhor[/MENTION] [MENTION=138670]The_KING[/MENTION]

I believe if Daniel Bryan was not injured, he would have become the next "become-A-wish" face. But now Reigns is plan B, yeah they are rushing it and shoving him down the people's is not the ideal solution, yet if Cena is correct about every word he's said in that video, then I believe its about to happen. Reigns will not be the one to join the authority, it will be John Cena.
I also started shouting where the F is Khali :))) [MENTION=65183]freelance_cricketer[/MENTION],t


Might not be a bad idea to get Khali back for live shows in India January next year. Arena would go nuts!

Might not be a bad idea to get Khali back for live shows in India January next year. Arena would go nuts!

TNA signed him already :))) for their tour of India. At the presser India fans were demanding where is Khali when the likes of Bryan and other folk were promoting some future shows there and the response was, well we're gonna give ya the Big Show! :))) it was pretty hilarious
TNA signed him already :))) for their tour of India. At the presser India fans were demanding where is Khali when the likes of Bryan and other folk were promoting some future shows there and the response was, well we're gonna give ya the Big Show! :))) it was pretty hilarious

you were there too :yk2
RIP Eddie Gurrero, you will never be forgotten. Viva La Raza! he left us on this day unfortunately.


:( Still miss Eddie; a once in a life time talent with all the skills in the world who was on the brink of elevating his legendary career even further. His relationship with his fans was unique in terms of the love we'd have for each other, he was someone who was very genuine and caring beyond the ring; very few will have anything negative to say about Eddie who was their light in times of darkness. Had he not passed away he was pencilled to feud with Shawn Michaels en-route to a match at Wrestlemania 22 which would have had the potential to be the greatest match of the century.
Whenever you're notified of the anniversary of his death it's hard to endure and stop the sadness/pain/tears from spreading but at the same time we celebrate Eddie's career and the man he was.

The viper finally got married to his prey:


Congrats to these two! such an amazing couple. Kim has really changed Randy and he's happier then ever.
[MENTION=137419]dashing_man[/MENTION] you know the bit where the preist says to Orton do you accept Kim as your wife blah blah and instead of saying Yes! he gives Kim an RKO OUTTTA NO WHERE!
[MENTION=137419]dashing_man[/MENTION] you know the bit where the preist says to Orton do you accept Kim as your wife blah blah and instead of saying Yes! he gives Kim an RKO OUTTTA NO WHERE!

I think he did :)) and yeah I think she has affected him a lot. Don't know why he broke up with her college sweetheart

btw, how many kids does Orton have 6-7 :O
I think he did :)) and yeah I think she has affected him a lot. Don't know why he broke up with her college sweetheart

btw, how many kids does Orton have 6-7 :O

No I don't think so he has that many kids but that Kim woman has quiet a few, he's taking care of everyone though. I don't remember but I think they had an argument and then she tried to take all his money in the divorce, so much for being a college sweetheart what a cow i hope he gave her RKO through announcer table then have mick foley give her elbow drop with 4x4 danda on fire :)))
[MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] [MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION] [MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION]

Perfect time/opportunity to mock Ronda's loss on RAW
I think Stephanie and Hunter should make fun of Ronda's loss to Holms and mock a fight on RAW. This could trigger to be a very heated feud for Wrestlemania.

I can see the writing on the wall if the Authority do this, Ronda Rousey V Triple H & Stephanie in a 2 on 1 Handicap match
[MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] [MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION] [MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION]

Perfect time/opportunity to mock Ronda's loss on RAW
I think Stephanie and Hunter should make fun of Ronda's loss to Holms and mock a fight on RAW. This could trigger to be a very heated feud for Wrestlemania.

I can see the writing on the wall if the Authority do this, Ronda Rousey V Triple H & Stephanie in a 2 on 1 Handicap match

your posts keep getting deleted what you're trying to tell me lol

I doubt they will mock Ronda emphatically on RAW because the loss is still fresh, btw is there anything on tonight?
[MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] [MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION]

Haitch mentions the one though I shall not name out loud :))

[MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION] [MENTION=137419]dashing_man[/MENTION]


According to documents leaked online this morning, WWE executive Hunter Hearst Helmsley is scheduled to soon win the NXT Championship, which explains his unwavering devotion to building the NXT brand.

The documents, which appear to be genuine (because the word “genuine” is scrawled across the top), indicate that Helmsley will defeat current NXT Champion Finn Bálor at the upcoming NXT TaKeOVeR: REdemPshuN event in England.

Although NXT is ostensibly a “developmental” league where rookie wrestlers hone their craft in hopes of main-roster WWE stardom, the documents reveal the brand has always been intended as Helmsley’s last great conquest.

Helmsley has been fiercely devoted to building and promoting NXT over the past couple of years, even creating the WWE Performance Center in Florida, where rookies train for the opportunity to someday lose to Helmsley.

The seven-page memorandum, which indicates Helmsley’s NXT title reign with last 10 years, ends with the cryptic words: “Helmsley wins LOL.”


Shovels Final Conquest :))) The Dark Force Awakens! Here comes Darth Burius!