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[MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION] I've been saying it for a while that AJ Styles is the closest thing to HBK and JBL mentioned it on commentary this week on Smackdown :)) he's a big mark for Shawn and was a little hesitant given industry opinion in general but couldn't help it and said that no disrespect to Shawn but AJ is the closest thing in that I never see him in a bad match, high praise from a respected man in the business
Is it just me or Samoa Joe is everything the WWE wants Roman Reigns to be?

The guy commands charisma. Excellent Impact on the mic. Phenomenal Athlete who looks like he can hit hard. Brilliant heel worker who will be naturally over with the crowed. WWE may have finally found the man to replace Cena as the face of the company
Is it just me or Samoa Joe is everything the WWE wants Roman Reigns to be?

The guy commands charisma. Excellent Impact on the mic. Phenomenal Athlete who looks like he can hit hard. Brilliant heel worker who will be naturally over with the crowed. WWE may have finally found the man to replace Cena as the face of the company

Except he is too old and big guys do not have a big life span in the industry even though Joe is unique. Joe was offered a contract back in 2007 but WWE wanted him to form a tag team with Umaga, instead Joe declined the creative plans and remained in TNA. Without a doubt he has been one of the industry's best kept secrets for a long long time, hope he has a good run for whatever is left in terms of the mileage on his body of work; really want a program between him and Lesnar

Roman Reigns is not as terrific in the ring as Joe but overall as a package on an individual level he is excellent, the problem is WWE have done everything to book him into oblivion in the eyes of the fans and have not allowed him to develop an organic connection, Braun Strowman is a big dude to and gifted in his own way, they're not shoving him down our throats and are allowing him to develop at a steady pace, fans have been very receptive to. It's also worth pointing out how Marks would go nuts for Reigns when he was in the sheild. The only way Reigns can be saved is if he turns heel and remains a bad guy for a long long time, the baby face plans need to be put on hold
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Hope Seth makes it for Wrestlemania. A win over Triple H on the grandest stage of them all will help his face run which hasn't quite got going yet.
That was a rubbish PPV.


They threw in two random matches just to eat up time because of the main event.

Rusev is truly buried.....
The Cruiserweight Championship Match and Roman Reigns vs. Braun Strowman were the best part of the show.
Disgusting, KO buried in 22 seconds...this is also Broid Lesnar's fault.

Image the heat and momentum KO would have had if he beat Goldberg.

Would have made the match against Y2J even more special.

Part timers have ruined punks title reign and now KOs title reign.
You won't push them because they are not draws. They won't ever become draws because you won't push them. Fastlame was a truly horrible PPV when it comes to booking. Wrestling was not bad but the PPV was terrible and they tried to swerve the audience and not in a good way.
You won't push them because they are not draws. They won't ever become draws because you won't push them. Fastlame was a truly horrible PPV when it comes to booking. Wrestling was not bad but the PPV was terrible and they tried to swerve the audience and not in a good way.

I feel like vomiting. Am not going to buy mania or perhaps another PPV from WWE again.
I feel like vomiting. Am not going to buy mania or perhaps another PPV from WWE again.
I cancelled after EC.

AJ should be closing Mania, not be taking on Shane.

KO's reign was horrible, no loss at all. I hate the idea of a part timer going over a full time talent.

Also, lol at Fastlane, one of the worst PPV's I've ever seen (probably worst).

GL with Taker-Reigns too.
I cancelled after EC.

AJ should be closing Mania, not be taking on Shane.

KO's reign was horrible, no loss at all. I hate the idea of a part timer going over a full time talent.

Also, lol at Fastlane, one of the worst PPV's I've ever seen (probably worst).

GL with Taker-Reigns too.

Against all odds, they are gonna have Taker act heel against Roman. Apparently, there are people who are spewing Vince's garbage that any reaction is a good reaction and that Roman is "over".

Also, Wrestlemania is not for the fans either. It's a "spectacle". Whoever it is for really has terrible taste and no sense of logic whatsoever.

Anyway I will not be watching it entirely because it is bleeding 7 hours and no one has that much time.
I cancelled after EC.

AJ should be closing Mania, not be taking on Shane.

KO's reign was horrible, no loss at all. I hate the idea of a part timer going over a full time talent.

Also, lol at Fastlane, one of the worst PPV's I've ever seen (probably worst).

GL with Taker-Reigns too.

WM is not a bad card overall at all and AJ will still have a great match much like HBK did vs Vince at mania 22, am not going to complain about his booking because he's had an epic year and monster push, plus the feud between him and shane will be interesting. But any fan with a bit of self respect will not pay after Kevin Owens was buried on every level imaginable, this burial is worse then even HHH burying Booker T [MENTION=95766]leatherface58[/MENTION] Also, makes me sick to think that Broid and Berg could potentially go on last; Broid could lift the title and stand tall by the time WM ends and the man doesn't even need that rub nor should Reigns be shoved down the fans throats, not sure why they dont let him develop organically. Bray Wyatt has to stand tall when mania ends then the event can be saved in a booking sense from my perspective, if Berg/Broid is an undercard bout I have no issues that can be the saving grace for me even if it is for the title

KO has a unique prize fighting heel gimmick, it loses authencity when it is flushed down the toilet, how can fans take the new guys seriously when they do this; it's not like KO is not talented.
On the positive side, Rick Rude will be inducted in the hall of fame! it has been long overdue [MENTION=53290]Markhor[/MENTION]
Charlotte losing her PPV streak is arguably just as bad a booking decision as KO losing in 22sec, all that build only to lose on a throwaway B PPV
Even though AJ lost, I can't be mad.

That fake out and 450 into a RKO was phenomenal.
Even though AJ lost, I can't be mad.

That fake out and 450 into a RKO was phenomenal.

Surprised they gave us that exceptional dream match on free TV, can't complain but they've laid the foundations for an epic feud in 2017; they can have an even better match then that down the line here they were feeling each other out high expectations from me when it comes to their first PPV match. Long felt Orton v AJ would be pencilled in for mania. Shane v AJ will be a lot better then what people expect
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en-gb"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Once again, tonight on <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/SDLive?src=hash">#SDLive</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/AJStylesOrg">@AJStylesOrg</a> showed why he's the best pro wrestler in the world. &#55357;&#56399;&#55357;&#56399;&#55358;&#56608;</p>— Jim Ross (@JRsBBQ) <a href="https://twitter.com/JRsBBQ/status/839316860571107328">8 March 2017</a></blockquote>
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WWE creative vs the IWC:

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en-gb"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Once again, tonight on <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/SDLive?src=hash">#SDLive</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/AJStylesOrg">@AJStylesOrg</a> showed why he's the best pro wrestler in the world. &#55357;&#56399;&#55357;&#56399;&#55358;&#56608;</p>— Jim Ross (@JRsBBQ) <a href="https://twitter.com/JRsBBQ/status/839316860571107328">8 March 2017</a></blockquote>
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and what just happened this week.

AjStyles being fired.

do you think he is gonna come back?
and what just happened this week.

AjStyles being fired.

do you think he is gonna come back?

Think his career has ended :( he shouldn't have assaulted Shane so brutally

What do you think [MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION]
Think his career has ended :( he shouldn't have assaulted Shane so brutally

What do you think [MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION]

Such a waste man, just when you thought he's finally made it in the WWE, he does this. What exactly was he trying to achieve by attacking Shane? :facepalm:
Such a waste man, just when you thought he's finally made it in the WWE, he does this. What exactly was he trying to achieve by attacking Shane? :facepalm:

It was a cowardly attack, why didn't the police arrest him? AJ just lost it completely, now he will never get to main event wrestlemania. I hope Shane is okay :( he was bleeding
It was a cowardly attack, why didn't the police arrest him? AJ just lost it completely, now he will never get to main event wrestlemania. I hope Shane is okay :( he was bleeding

Yep, AJ totally deserves what's coming his way. You reckon Shane might take some legal action against him too?
Yep, AJ totally deserves what's coming his way. You reckon Shane might take some legal action against him too?

I agree, am a fan but we need justice. Think Shane will, AJ is finished he will go in debt and be back at bingo hall wrestling in front of 10 people; he should be in jail ! what a sick man! Shane has a familly!
AJ should get the book thrown at him. 5 years sentence minimum and then he can go back to wrestling in high school gyms and bingo halls. He took it too far take the loss like a man. [MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] [MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION]
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I agree, am a fan but we need justice. Think Shane will, AJ is finished he will go in debt and be back at bingo hall wrestling in front of 10 people; he should be in jail ! what a sick man! Shane has a familly!

AJ should get the book thrown at him. 5 years sentence minimum and then he can go back to wrestling in high school gyms and bingo halls. He took it too far take the loss like a man. [MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] [MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION]

Well said guys, always pisses me off when these so called "superstars" think they're bigger than the business itself. I hope Shane sues the pants off this guy and puts him in his place.
Well said guys, always pisses me off when these so called "superstars" think they're bigger than the business itself. I hope Shane sues the pants off this guy and puts him in his place.

He has little children and a beautiful wife, god forbid if something bad happened :( If only we could take our issues out on our boss like that when we no agree with them but life doesn't work like that we don't act in violence, I condemn this barbaric AJ and especially his supporters [MENTION=132954]Aman[/MENTION] who don't speak against this injustice
Goldberg is going to face Kevin Owens at fast lane I reckon and win the Universal title, then in the main-event of Wrestlemania Broid will beat Berg to overcome the odds and win the Universal title as thousands of fans begin to shed tears of joy as Wrestlemania closes with Broid standing tall

If brock wins which I think he will then I am expecting Kurt Angle to come back and face him. Or Kurt Angle can come back as a New GM of Raw. Stephanie and Kurt have some history.
If brock wins which I think he will then I am expecting Kurt Angle to come back and face him. Or Kurt Angle can come back as a New GM of Raw. Stephanie and Kurt have some history.

:afridi :ksi :ksi

Not sure if Kurt can pass a WWE medical but I hope they give him a retirement match or two as a swan song , the GM role is definitely likely in the long run and he has held the position in a wheel chair during early 2000's was a great run :)) think Lesnar is unlikely as a possible opponent given how stiff he works even though I'd trust the two together given their experience and relationship, AJ Styles, HHH , Seth Rollins, Russev , Cena etc are more likely I reckon
Kurt should either come back as a wrestler or not return at all. Great wrestlers like him are mostly wasted in authority roles.
Liked AJ Styles agression on smackdown. His heel run has certainly been entertaining. When he turns face it will earn Vince plenty of cash. If only Vince did this with Roman :facepalm:

Saying that I do believe Roman is a talanted individual who gets far too much . Vince shouldn't have shoved him down our throats.
Kurt should either come back as a wrestler or not return at all. Great wrestlers like him are mostly wasted in authority roles.

You underestimate his talents, he's probably among a few ATG in-ring workers who can make you forget your need to see him in the ring with entertaining depictions of a specific character be it face or heel, he's just so damn charismatic. He has been GM before on SD, thoroughly enjoyed that run what an absolute legend. Whatever role he is given be it manager, commentator or GM (one of these is probably the long term plan anyway given his condition, he is only going to wrestle a few times if he does clear a wwe medical) he will give his all and be entertaining, it will also be so great to see him on a weekly basis; bit like Austin after he retired from in-ring competition. Can't get enough of Kurt and it has been too long
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You underestimate his talents, he's probably among a few ATG in-ring workers who can make you forget your need to see him in the ring with entertaining depictions of a specific character be it face or heel, he's just so damn charismatic. He has been GM before on SD, thoroughly enjoyed that run what an absolute legend. Whatever role he is given be it manager, commentator or GM (one of these is probably the long term plan anyway given his condition, he is only going to wrestle a few times if he does clear a wwe medical) he will give his all and be entertaining, it will also be so great to see him on a weekly basis; bit like Austin after he retired from in-ring competition. Can't get enough of Kurt and it has been too long

You make a good case for him but Kurt will always be remembered for his wrestling and not for his gm run.

I think if he came back as a gm now he would be better of being a heel but with fan support he'll get be a face. I don't think he will work as a face gm.

On raw there is too much focus on these authority figures not enough concentrating on wrestling. If he returns it will be as gm of raw.

I don't see a purpose behind him being gm. I personally don't think Kurt will be interested in a gm role as well.
That freaking Ankle-lock was so annoying in Smackdown Shut Your Mouth. Submissions are cheap as hell.
You make a good case for him but Kurt will always be remembered for his wrestling and not for his gm run.

I think if he came back as a gm now he would be better of being a heel but with fan support he'll get be a face. I don't think he will work as a face gm.

On raw there is too much focus on these authority figures not enough concentrating on wrestling. If he returns it will be as gm of raw.

I don't see a purpose behind him being gm. I personally don't think Kurt will be interested in a gm role as well.

I didn't say he is going to be remembered for his GM role specially my point is Kurt was great at portraying any role, in fact an argument can be made for his character work being the prime reason for his success and greatness; in the AE era the fans didn't care about technical wrestling and it was Kurt's mic and persona work which resulted in a brilliant debut year, he wasn't as good in the ring during his first 2-3 years compared to 02/03 so he relied a lot on the exceptional promo skills. I personally look at him as one of the greatest all round performers ever.

Think Kurt has made peace with himself he wont be hell bent on wrestling if wwe dont want him to and will happily accept any role given to him, do think he will wrestle a few times at the very least though.

I do agree there is too much focus on authoritt figures and on raw am fine with the gm if used right but most of the time they are usually used so stephanie can bittle them. On smackdown bryan actually puts over talent, feuds and storylines, it all depends on the booking and its great on SD which is why I'd like to see Kurt there but RAW probably need him more
I didn't say he is going to be remembered for his GM role specially my point is Kurt was great at portraying any role, in fact an argument can be made for his character work being the prime reason for his success and greatness; in the AE era the fans didn't care about technical wrestling and it was Kurt's mic and persona work which resulted in a brilliant debut year, he wasn't as good in the ring during his first 2-3 years compared to 02/03 so he relied a lot on the exceptional promo skills. I personally look at him as one of the greatest all round performers ever.

Think Kurt has made peace with himself he wont be hell bent on wrestling if wwe dont want him to and will happily accept any role given to him, do think he will wrestle a few times at the very least though.

I do agree there is too much focus on authoritt figures and on raw am fine with the gm if used right but most of the time they are usually used so stephanie can bittle them. On smackdown bryan actually puts over talent, feuds and storylines, it all depends on the booking and its great on SD which is why I'd like to see Kurt there but RAW probably need him more

Yes he is one of the greatest ever no doubt. Wrestling was still important. You might not have cared about the wrestling but there were people who did.

He is 48 years of age and still wrestling, I don't think he is going to join wwe to be gm.

Smackdown authority figures have done a good. I would prefer him on there than on raw where he could be in Foleys situation.
Yes he is one of the greatest ever no doubt. Wrestling was still important. You might not have cared about the wrestling but there were people who did.

He is 48 years of age and still wrestling, I don't think he is going to join wwe to be gm.

Smackdown authority figures have done a good. I would prefer him on there than on raw where he could be in Foleys situation.

The AE era fans in fact would BOO Technical wrestling they hated it! watch Angle v Tazz on youtube and you'll see, being an old school fans I thoroughly appreciated good in-ring work but during that boom period they enjoyed spot fests and brutal violence in the form of hardcore/gimmick matches. It made it easier for Austin to adopt his style to a brawler when he came into the company as a technician but had to change things up due to his injuries.

He has stated in interviews that if the induction is all he gets from the WWE then he's satisfied with that, think he just wanted to come home where he truly belongs; it would also be a symbol of him overcoming all his past demons. And given his state of mind and acceptance of the fact that he's no spring chicken I think he'd be happy to be perform any role WWE give him but would want to say good bye as an in-ring performer by having a final match or two which is fair. His body is really banged up so am totally cool with that in terms of Kurt's condition and won't complain because he has given us countless classics in the past.

Yeah literally stephanie just gets the blades out and starts the monkey nut cutting :))
The AE era fans in fact would BOO Technical wrestling they hated it! watch Angle v Tazz on youtube and you'll see, being an old school fans I thoroughly appreciated good in-ring work but during that boom period they enjoyed spot fests and brutal violence in the form of hardcore/gimmick matches. It made it easier for Austin to adopt his style to a brawler when he came into the company as a technician but had to change things up due to his injuries.

He has stated in interviews that if the induction is all he gets from the WWE then he's satisfied with that, think he just wanted to come home where he truly belongs; it would also be a symbol of him overcoming all his past demons. And given his state of mind and acceptance of the fact that he's no spring chicken I think he'd be happy to be perform any role WWE give him but would want to say good bye as an in-ring performer by having a final match or two which is fair. His body is really banged up so am totally cool with that in terms of Kurt's condition and won't complain because he has given us countless classics in the past.

Yeah literally stephanie just gets the blades out and starts the monkey nut cutting :))

I understand where your coming from but it's just a one of example. Chris Beniot vs Kurt Angle at Wrestlemania 2001 was appreciated by the crowd and they were very much invested in the match.

His body is banged up but he has become cleverer in the ring and won't take any risks. He knows exactly how to protect his body. I don't see him having many matches if he returned as a wrestler.
I understand where your coming from but it's just a one of example. Chris Beniot vs Kurt Angle at Wrestlemania 2001 was appreciated by the crowd and they were very much invested in the match.

His body is banged up but he has become cleverer in the ring and won't take any risks. He knows exactly how to protect his body. I don't see him having many matches if he returned as a wrestler.

Yeah they appreciated it at times but mostly in undercard bouts, in the AE era there was not as much emphasis on technical prowess as it is now.

He is a smarter worker but also a 48 year old and his body banged up like no other, need to show you an interview he did in the UK explaining his injuries and stuff. We will see him wrestle a few times at least so all good
Yeah they appreciated it at times but mostly in undercard bouts, in the AE era there was not as much emphasis on technical prowess as it is now.

He is a smarter worker but also a 48 year old and his body banged up like no other, need to show you an interview he did in the UK explaining his injuries and stuff. We will see him wrestle a few times at least so all good

There has been no word on him returning. WWE will do well to keep it a suprise and hopefully he doesn't return somewhere he will get a rubbish reception.

Hopefully he returns in an arena where the crowd are knowledgeable.
[MENTION=53290]Markhor[/MENTION] Jim Cornette :)) is back with the WWE to induct the Rock n Roll Express
No WM33 Prediction competition this time?

I am kinda interested in this Mania. Not gonna watch it all (7 hours lol!!!) but will catch some stuff. Wrestling should be good. I hope booking does not kill the show like WWE usually does especially for big 4 PPVs.
No WM33 Prediction competition this time?

I am kinda interested in this Mania. Not gonna watch it all (7 hours lol!!!) but will catch some stuff. Wrestling should be good. I hope booking does not kill the show like WWE usually does especially for big 4 PPVs.

The card over all is great, decebt build and in terms of in-ring performances it has potential; expect most matches on the main card to be 3* or above. [MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION] can you sort out the competiton and open the thread if you're free please? Bear is a bit busy this week
The card over all is great, decebt build and in terms of in-ring performances it has potential; expect most matches on the main card to be 3* or above. [MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION] can you sort out the competiton and open the thread if you're free please? Bear is a bit busy this week

Sure, I'll start the thread later tonight.
The hall of fame was excellent, thoroughly enjoyed all the speech's and it was so good to see Kurt Angle, can't wait for Wrestlemania! overall the card has potential and has been built well! AJ/Shane is the match I am most excited for and then it would be Taker/Reigns, Seth/HHH, the women's 4 way elimination and KO/Jericho
Amazing scenes and no I did not cry a tear watching Kurt receive the ultimate honour! so happy for him and he genuinely is at peace with himself and so delighted, thoroughly deserved; beyond his in-ring prowess the man overcame demons outside the ring to when it could have gone so wrong, what a career will forever cherish each moment/performance and the greatest match of all time for me in HBK/Angle at mania 21


Great HOF. Kurt Angle delivering the ideal message to wrestlers to focus on creating memorable moments apart from just showing off. Kurt was the best in ring and although there wasn't much appeal to his personality he took chances like he said in his speech and delivered some of the most craziest wwe moments in history. All you need to do is take chances and be willing to make fun of yourself. It's a life lesson right there not just for the current lot in WWE but for all of us. Great to see him. So much at peace with himself, positivity oozing out. Already one of my favourite HOF speeches after Iron Sheik, Roddy Piper, Alundra Blaze, Razor Ramon, Bushwhackers, Jake Roberts. Gotta be genuine!

Also Teddy Long. What a guy!
Too many filler matches, hardys were good but damn Matt Hardy has aged considerably
If brock wins which I think he will then I am expecting Kurt Angle to come back and face him. Or Kurt Angle can come back as a New GM of Raw. Stephanie and Kurt have some history.
[MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] [MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION] [MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION] Kurt is the new GM. :inti
[MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] [MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION] [MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION] Kurt is the new GM. :inti

Yeah :)) expected that and he has been so entertaining thus far and is tailor made for the role, remember him in the wheel chair gimmick :))) when he was GM on smackdown lmao at the very least I expect him to wrestle 1-2 times and WWE can build to that possibly at SummerSlam
I like how "The Guy" has gone heel. If he becomes the next Cena then won't be my favorite wrestler anymore.

I was about to ultee when Cena proposed to Nikki. In fact, I turned off WrestleMania and started watching "Wok Kya Hai" instead.
I like how "The Guy" has gone heel. If he becomes the next Cena then won't be my favorite wrestler anymore.

I was about to ultee when Cena proposed to Nikki. In fact, I turned off WrestleMania and started watching "Wok Kya Hai" instead.

lol at ultee. Yeah it was looking pretty fake there.
I think a bit of my childhood died now that taker has retired. The greatest big man wrestler of all time and indisputably the greatest wrestling gimmick of all time. Also a consummate professional and THE locker room leader.
[MENTION=137148]Rayyman[/MENTION] is an idolises these kind of people:


[MENTION=137148]Rayyman[/MENTION] is an idolises these kind of people:


Definitely more of a guy than HBK.

<img src="http://wrestlinglol.com/images/vlcsnap2011012001h45m46.png" alt="vlcsnap2011012001h45m46.png (512×384)"/>
It's not about whether or not it was fake. Majority of the spectators of WWE are real men like me. And we don't deal with that romantic crap. Stick with the wrestling.

1. WWE caters to all genders and age groups.
2. Any man who has to tell people he's a man is no true man.
3. Since when did men stop being romantic?

It was a great moment. There is more to pro wrestling than half naked people throwing punches at each other. This obviously isn't like The Macho Man - Elizabeth relationship (never will be anything like it) but it was pretty sweet.
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Roman Reigns is the money!

WWE know where they're investing and all these lame haters crying and whining about Roman's push are playing into WWE's hands. I don't know why they wasted all this time trying to shove Roman on our faces as a babyface, the gut's a bonafide star and his stardom lies not in pleasing people but in annoying the crap out of them which is what he is doing with very effectively. All criticisms aside, i thought his last promo was apt. The people wanted him to talk so that they could be mean to him. Well he turned the tables, let them blabber, tire themselves to misery and shut them up with the one liner like they didn't deserve anything more. Masterstroke!

After so so so long, do i feel so excited about a heel people genuinely love to hate.
Nakamura made his Smackdown Live debut. What an entrance music. [MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION]

I watched him wrestle a guy called Kota Ibushi at Wrestle Kingdom 9 in Japan and my word by just watching Nakamura during his entrance I was in complete awe and entranced by his charisma, my immediate thought was if there is ever a Japanese talent in this era to break into the main even scene in WWE it's him, and then I saw him wrestle! and was like WOW, this dude is from another planet. Nakamura doesn't even need to say a word of English, his in-ring presence, in-ring talent and charisma elevate him as one of the top pound for pound elite talents in the world today. That being said, I'd still love for Paul Heyman to manage him or else I want the WWE creative writing team on point because the man does not need to cut long winded promo's in broken English. Done himself justice in NXT over the past year and did well to carry the brand there.