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You see Reigns was coming out of mania with a lot of heat from fans and for AJ to make him look as good as he did was exceptional, we have to give credit to Reigns as well because he is much improved and I enjoy watching his brawling style; AJ/Reigns have amazing chemistry and I believe they can steal the show if they ever work a wrestlemania program. Styles had a lot of pressure on him going into his first singles world title matches behind him, he had to prove the hype was real right of the bat and that too against Reigns; watching the matches I just thought to myself Vince is going to be absolutely star struck in the same way Shawn captured his imagination in the mid 90's, plus to make a talent which had so much heat on him look great must have just sold him; it's something HHH was unable to do for Reigns at mania 30, the main-event was a big dud

His style can be adjusted for any role, his merchandise has been selling incredibly well the moment he made his debut. At some point he will get the chance to be a baby face but it's not required at the moment because he has so much momentum as a heel and is really over with the fans, he has been a great draw at house show to.

Yeah, I'd have loved to see it when the streak was intact because given how protected Cena is the near falls would be epic :)) I wouldn't mind Jericho winning but feel Bray Wyatt is more deserving then anyone on the roster, he has paid his dues, is an excellent character, has never complained, always does the job despite bad booking but still manages to rise above it and at this moment after a long time he has some momentum behind him and the backing of creative; if WWE are truly want him to be the new face of fear then this would be the best way to put him over and make up for all the times they didn't utilise him as well as they could have. Am a big fan of Bray Wyatt and he is the right choice for me but I'd mark the hell out if Jericho won, I'd have tears of joy in me eyes [MENTION=95766]leatherface58[/MENTION]

Yeah it's a shame that there's a chance AJ may not head to mania as champion but I understand the need for his 16th win to be a big one and right now no one is hotter then AJ, everything has been set up for a big win for the Cenation :mv but this is where Vince has got it wrong so many times in the past, at the expense of short-term thrills he really hurts the long term.

True Regins was under a lot of pressure. Tbh he gets too much stick, he shouldn't be shoved down our throats but it's clear to me heras talent. He's a decent worker and when he's not joking around on the mic he is actually pretty decent and can give a good promo. He's slowly improved in this area since the shield was disbanded. The crowd just wasn't into the triple h vs Regins match unfortunately.

They won't change him as a heel yet anyway because of the reasons you mentioned. Maybe if there is a young heel with potential to work with they may.

That would have been the best time because the crowd would have been into the match, imagine near fall after near fall until there was a winner. Whoever won ultimately the crowd would have been surprised. Even if they have a match now whilst it will be good and I'll be into it, no result will surprise me.

Bray is a good worker, I actually don't have an issue with him winning the rumble but he must win at wrestlmania as well. Knowing WWE they will book him to lose at wrestlmania. He should have won vs Cena at mania and there have been other booking decisions which have been baffling. Putting him with orton has made people more interested in him and winning at survivor series could be a turning point. The crowd have always been into bray even though he has been booked poorly.

It's a disgrace that Jericho has never won the rumble, finally they gave him the United States championship. Now he just needs the rumble and he has achieved everything in WWE. Also ending the ko and Jericho tag team will be a good thing for ko as WWE has made him to reliant on Jericho when he is a much better performer than that. Winning Jericho clean would do a lot for ko but hoping for one last Jericho tittle run :yk2.

I know you like the idea of Goldberg vs Lesnar but yet again another short term match/plan for WWE which doesn't benefit anything other than vinces pocket. :mv . If Aj isn't going to be champion at mania it will be interesting to see who he is paired with for Wrestlmania.
True Regins was under a lot of pressure. Tbh he gets too much stick, he shouldn't be shoved down our throats but it's clear to me heras talent. He's a decent worker and when he's not joking around on the mic he is actually pretty decent and can give a good promo. He's slowly improved in this area since the shield was disbanded. The crowd just wasn't into the triple h vs Regins match unfortunately.

They won't change him as a heel yet anyway because of the reasons you mentioned. Maybe if there is a young heel with potential to work with they may.

That would have been the best time because the crowd would have been into the match, imagine near fall after near fall until there was a winner. Whoever won ultimately the crowd would have been surprised. Even if they have a match now whilst it will be good and I'll be into it, no result will surprise me.

Bray is a good worker, I actually don't have an issue with him winning the rumble but he must win at wrestlmania as well. Knowing WWE they will book him to lose at wrestlmania. He should have won vs Cena at mania and there have been other booking decisions which have been baffling. Putting him with orton has made people more interested in him and winning at survivor series could be a turning point. The crowd have always been into bray even though he has been booked poorly.

It's a disgrace that Jericho has never won the rumble, finally they gave him the United States championship. Now he just needs the rumble and he has achieved everything in WWE. Also ending the ko and Jericho tag team will be a good thing for ko as WWE has made him to reliant on Jericho when he is a much better performer than that. Winning Jericho clean would do a lot for ko but hoping for one last Jericho tittle run :yk2.

I know you like the idea of Goldberg vs Lesnar but yet again another short term match/plan for WWE which doesn't benefit anything other than vinces pocket. :mv . If Aj isn't going to be champion at mania it will be interesting to see who he is paired with for Wrestlmania.

Tbh Reigns would never get the reactions he is now if WWE were a bit smart, he was never boo'd in the shield and he was this bad @ss the fans loved to get behind, the problem stemmed from WWE tuning him into a villain by having Daniel Bryan feature in the 2015 Royal Rumble when he wasn't expected to win; prior to that it's true WWE inserted Reigns into the main-event immediately after breaking the shield up but for me this where the hostility reached fever pitch because in that match Bryan was so hot that the fans just couldn't see anyone else winning. After that Reigns would just get boo'd for the sake of it regardless but had WWE positioned him in the upper mid card and not had him win the Rumble in 2015 or featured Bryan in the match things could be different, look Braun Strowman is a big dude and yes he's a heel but there actually smarks who cheer for him.

It's really disappointing because it will be hard for Reigns not to be that guy fans boo for the sake of it but as an individual performer he is much improved and I rate him as one of the best all round performers on the main roster, personally I would turn him heel to take advantage of the heat he gets and then WWE could turn him face later on; this could possibly prevent fans of booing him in the future as a babyface. The feud between HHH and Reigns was absolutely excellent! but problem was that HHH tried to hard to have an epic match and it flopped as a result, the other reason why the crowd was not into it was because Wrestlemania was just waaaaaay too long, for the first time I believe it was for 5-6 hours! If I was booking the match I would never have given HHH/Reigns 30 minutes, I'd have said you got 15 minutes and just beat the hell out of each other from the word go in a no DQ match at a fast workrate ala Austin/Rock at mania 17.

Not sure if you watch NXT but I've seen Reigns there as a heel and he absolutely relished the role and is a lot better on the mic then we think, I think its a character he'd absolutely thrive in and enjoy.

Yeah I think that would be the correct decision, say AJ was to retain and Bray won the Rumble; surely Bray would have to go over. KO has been booked like rubbish as a champion but has still managed to remain entertaining so I give him and his team with Jericho alot of credit, they have been involved in the best segments on RAW during 2016; when KO first came to the WWE as this prize fighter who cared little for anyone besides winning and hurting his opponents really badly without having any real motive was great! that KO could be taken a bit more seriously as a champion. KO/Jericho is going to happen either way but its up in the air how we get there

I wouldn't say I like it to the point of being disappointed if it did not happen but their match has a lot of heat and a great story, in the ideal world what I'd like for is part timers putting over main-roster guys to create big stars for the future but am willing to put up with a nostalgia match up at mania which is meant to be a spectacle, but keep them away from the main-event and world championship.

Am hoping it would be Undertaker, but Ziggler/Bray/Randy-Orton are more likely, heck maybe even Cena in a rematch.
Tbh Reigns would never get the reactions he is now if WWE were a bit smart, he was never boo'd in the shield and he was this bad @ss the fans loved to get behind, the problem stemmed from WWE tuning him into a villain by having Daniel Bryan feature in the 2015 Royal Rumble when he wasn't expected to win; prior to that it's true WWE inserted Reigns into the main-event immediately after breaking the shield up but for me this where the hostility reached fever pitch because in that match Bryan was so hot that the fans just couldn't see anyone else winning. After that Reigns would just get boo'd for the sake of it regardless but had WWE positioned him in the upper mid card and not had him win the Rumble in 2015 or featured Bryan in the match things could be different, look Braun Strowman is a big dude and yes he's a heel but there actually smarks who cheer for him.

It's really disappointing because it will be hard for Reigns not to be that guy fans boo for the sake of it but as an individual performer he is much improved and I rate him as one of the best all round performers on the main roster, personally I would turn him heel to take advantage of the heat he gets and then WWE could turn him face later on; this could possibly prevent fans of booing him in the future as a babyface. The feud between HHH and Reigns was absolutely excellent! but problem was that HHH tried to hard to have an epic match and it flopped as a result, the other reason why the crowd was not into it was because Wrestlemania was just waaaaaay too long, for the first time I believe it was for 5-6 hours! If I was booking the match I would never have given HHH/Reigns 30 minutes, I'd have said you got 15 minutes and just beat the hell out of each other from the word go in a no DQ match at a fast workrate ala Austin/Rock at mania 17.

Not sure if you watch NXT but I've seen Reigns there as a heel and he absolutely relished the role and is a lot better on the mic then we think, I think its a character he'd absolutely thrive in and enjoy.

Yeah I think that would be the correct decision, say AJ was to retain and Bray won the Rumble; surely Bray would have to go over. KO has been booked like rubbish as a champion but has still managed to remain entertaining so I give him and his team with Jericho alot of credit, they have been involved in the best segments on RAW during 2016; when KO first came to the WWE as this prize fighter who cared little for anyone besides winning and hurting his opponents really badly without having any real motive was great! that KO could be taken a bit more seriously as a champion. KO/Jericho is going to happen either way but its up in the air how we get there

I wouldn't say I like it to the point of being disappointed if it did not happen but their match has a lot of heat and a great story, in the ideal world what I'd like for is part timers putting over main-roster guys to create big stars for the future but am willing to put up with a nostalgia match up at mania which is meant to be a spectacle, but keep them away from the main-event and world championship.

Am hoping it would be Undertaker, but Ziggler/Bray/Randy-Orton are more likely, heck maybe even Cena in a rematch.

I agree with you that Regins is a good worker. Athletic, powerful, good talker but could still improve further in this area. I think the fans have a problem that he is being pushed a lot ahead of people such as Cesaro and when he was in wwe Brayn who wanted to through the indies and don't have the advantages that Regins has.

I think turning him heel would be a good move, he has everything to be a good heel. Most of the top faces such as the rock,cena,taker,shawn, have all had spells where they were heels and very good ones . I think when your heel it allows the audience to see a different side to your character.

It's not KOs fault . But he still has found a way to be very entertaining. Certain he'll have another regin, Jericho won't be around for that one so expect that run to better than this one. I will be a little upset when ko or jericho turn on each other though, they have made raw entertaining this last year.
That AJ-Cena match was a damn mess... Sorry, but I can no longer consider AJ among the best wrestlers in the world. Kenny, Okada, Naito, Ibushi and Tanahashi are well ahead of him, his WWE run has been so average... How I wish he were back in Japan.
What the hell why was Regins in the rumble? Glad Orton won one of my favourites. Have a feeling it will be Wyatt vs cena vs Orton in a triple threat at Wrestlemania.
Not a great Rumble match IMO.

This Rumble was built up to be one of the greatest due to some of the performers, however the 3 main guys entered so late and didn't last longer than 5 minutes each within the match. Plus no real Surprise entries this time! How James Elseworth made a spot and Seth Rollins didnt is beyond me, is HHH really that lazy that he cannot work out an angle to physically eliminate Rollins himself in the Rumble?
This kicked all of the behinds Cena/AJ, they completely emptied the tank and hit each other with anything and everything, making this feel huge, like they were both desperate to have this title. The crowd was great, the near falls were great and Cena’s subtle facials, showing his frustration and teasing possible heelish tactics added so much to this. Styles was put over huge in defeat, he doesn’t lose anything because he survived so much of Cena’s best, kept coming and almost won. They also played well off of their past matches, with some great cal back spots. These two guys have amazing chemistry, and I want to see more. Styles continues to show why many considered him one of the best for so long, delivering again. Also, Cena once again steps it up and delivers in the big match setting. I absolutely loved the match, early MOTY candidate 5/5

Roman Reigns v KO and Charlotte v Bayley were absolutely fantastic as well.

We had such a fantastic under card, the Rumble was such a big let down; it wasn't awful from a performance point of view they did a great job with the BRAUN and the BARRON, sneaky Jericho was fun, The Goldberg vs. Lesnar interaction was really great, as were the Goldberg vs. Taker interactions although I was disappointed we didn't get much action from them. I liked the Harper angle as well. I understand that Goldberg/Taker/Lesnar came towards the end given their age and laziness (In Lesnars case) they were never going to be in the Rumble for more then 15 minutes max. However, we never got any surprise entrances and it's something which we really look forward to.

There is still some time left in between now and mania so a lot can happen, am intrigued by the Orton win although was routing for Jericho/Bray-Wyatt. Vince was worried that the fans would not pop for Orton so being the BRILLIANT TROLL he is had Reigns come in at 30 and have us believing he'd win it, there was so much heat on him that a big pop for the Orton win was guaranteed.
Not a great Rumble match IMO.

This Rumble was built up to be one of the greatest due to some of the performers, however the 3 main guys entered so late and didn't last longer than 5 minutes each within the match. Plus no real Surprise entries this time! How James Elseworth made a spot and Seth Rollins didnt is beyond me, is HHH really that lazy that he cannot work out an angle to physically eliminate Rollins himself in the Rumble?

That would be so typical and unoriginal, WWE have historically done such angles but last week on RAW Seth Rollins was in a match with Sami Zayn and if he were to win he'd enter the Rumble but HHH cost him his spot in the Rumble when he lost to Sami due to a distraction from HHH's theme music which made Seth unable to enter the Rumble so it would have made no sense for him to appear here.
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This kicked all of the behinds Cena/AJ, they completely emptied the tank and hit each other with anything and everything, making this feel huge, like they were both desperate to have this title. The crowd was great, the near falls were great and Cena’s subtle facials, showing his frustration and teasing possible heelish tactics added so much to this. Styles was put over huge in defeat, he doesn’t lose anything because he survived so much of Cena’s best, kept coming and almost won. They also played well off of their past matches, with some great cal back spots. These two guys have amazing chemistry, and I want to see more. Styles continues to show why many considered him one of the best for so long, delivering again. Also, Cena once again steps it up and delivers in the big match setting. I absolutely loved the match, early MOTY candidate 5/5

Roman Reigns v KO and Charlotte v Bayley were absolutely fantastic as well.

We had such a fantastic under card, the Rumble was such a big let down; it wasn't awful from a performance point of view they did a great job with the BRAUN and the BARRON, sneaky Jericho was fun, The Goldberg vs. Lesnar interaction was really great, as were the Goldberg vs. Taker interactions although I was disappointed we didn't get much action from them. I liked the Harper angle as well. I understand that Goldberg/Taker/Lesnar came towards the end given their age and laziness (In Lesnars case) they were never going to be in the Rumble for more then 15 minutes max. However, we never got any surprise entrances and it's something which we really look forward to.

There is still some time left in between now and mania so a lot can happen, am intrigued by the Orton win although was routing for Jericho/Bray-Wyatt. Vince was worried that the fans would not pop for Orton so being the BRILLIANT TROLL he is had Reigns come in at 30 and have us believing he'd win it, there was so much heat on him that a big pop for the Orton win was guaranteed.

I also thought that the AJ V Cena match was awesome.

Which AJ V Cena match is your favourite?

Mine is the mitb one :)
I also thought that the AJ V Cena match was awesome.

Which AJ V Cena match is your favourite?

Mine is the mitb one :)

Good to you see back bro! hope all is well! you've turned into a part timer :yk3

Mine is the MITB one as well it was amazing and this one at RR comes close, what messed up MITB one was the interference.
Anyone see the Undertaker stare when he got eliminated.

Reigns V Undertaker at Wrestlemania :yk2

Wonder who the fans would cheer in that match :))
Good to you see back bro! hope all is well! you've turned into a part timer :yk3

Mine is the MITB one as well it was amazing and this one at RR comes close, what messed up MITB one was the interference.

Been busy with Movies and Tv Shows :therock

Came back to witness the 16 time champion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Would have preferred Jericho or Wyatt winning

Hopefully this means Wyatt winning the title at Elimination Chamber setting up a Wyatt V Orton match.

These are the speculated world title bouts for wrestlemania:

Goldberg vs Lesnar for the Universal Title

John Cena vs Randy Orton for the WWE title, Wyatt could possibly be in the match.
Cena won his 16th world title, of course putting him even with the legendary Ric Flair. The coolest things was when Cena won there wasn’t a chorus of boos or “John Cena sucks.” While a vocal portion of the audience boos him coming out and sings “John Cena sucks” to the beat of his music.

When he won, there was a moment of applause and respect given to him even by those who pay good money to attend and verbally bash Cena. When he won, it was a moment where every fan dropped the gimmick of it’s cool to hate Cena and many showed respect for a guy who has earned it.
These are the speculated world title bouts for wrestlemania:

Goldberg vs Lesnar for the Universal Title

John Cena vs Randy Orton for the WWE title, Wyatt could possibly be in the match.

Goldberg vs Lesnar is big enough match so doesn't need the title would prefer

KO vs Y2J

YAY Cena V Orton really wanted to see that feud
Seriously who wants to see boring Randy Orton win a rumble in 2017? Is this 2009? And guess what? We are going to get Cena vs Orton at mania. Haven't we see that boring match hundreds of time already? Very poor decision making.
So we got the line up for the Elimination Chamber match:


Would like Wyatt to win but probably going to be Cena

Cena looks really old in that pic :))
I was harsh in my assessment, I watched it again without the commentary and found it more enjoyable.

The commentary team did a terrible story telling the story in the ring.

After reading a bit about the spots and significance I appreciated the match more.

It wasn't exactly a finisher kickout like I first thought and the end finished with Cena hitting 2 consecutive AA's to get it done.

I hated how Mauro sold it as if he did it just because and not because he didn't think that was quite enough to keep AJ down.

Bottom line - commentary team were horrible in telling the story of the match hence the match wasn't as good as it should have been.

Also this touch at the end by AJ :(


Excellent story telling, I hope they revisit it in future (Cena taking AJ's shot at WM at Mania) and have AJ go over and finally get his WM main event.
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Seriously who wants to see boring Randy Orton win a rumble in 2017? Is this 2009? And guess what? We are going to get Cena vs Orton at mania. Haven't we see that boring match hundreds of time already? Very poor decision making.

So we got the line up for the Elimination Chamber match:


Would like Wyatt to win but probably going to be Cena

Cena looks really old in that pic :))

There's a chance that Bray Wyatt will win the chamber match to set up Orton v Bray, with the two in the Wyatt family it would be interesting. But then that would leave Cena to work with AJ again? am not sure if they'd repeat that. There's also a chance that AJ wins the title to challenge Orton. The problem in all these scenarios is that Cena would feature in the championship bout eitherway given his "rematch clause" so we can expect a triple threat because surely they won't go for Cena/Orton at mania :)) but it is still possible since a singles bout between the two has not occurred at mania before
I was harsh in my assessment, I watched it again without the commentary and found it more enjoyable.

The commentary team did a terrible story telling the story in the ring.

After reading a bit about the spots and significance I appreciated the match more.

It wasn't exactly a finisher kickout like I first thought and the end finished with Cena hitting 2 consecutive AA's to get it done.

I hated how Mauro sold it as if he did it just because and not because he didn't think that was quite enough to keep AJ down.

Bottom line - commentary team were horrible in telling the story of the match hence the match wasn't as good as it should have been.

Also this touch at the end by AJ :(


Excellent story telling, I hope they revisit it in future (Cena taking AJ's shot at WM at Mania) and have AJ go over and finally get his WM main event.

I didn't enjoy it as much at first either but it may have been because I was really tired the PPV was long and it must have been around 3:30am but when I watched the replay again the match was a lot more enjoyable. What stood out for me in the match was that I found the pacing better then the SS match and it had a big match feel with both stars throwing literally everything before Cena won but AJ was protected big time, some of the call back spots from SS just added to the story telling. Was great to see the fans show Cena respect at the end it took me by surprise.
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These PPV's come around fast,

This ones next Sunday :))

It's exclusive to the Smackdown Brand :)) it's great to maintain the flow of WWE Network subscribers. The PPV's which include stars from RAW/SD are not as frequent.
There's a chance that Bray Wyatt will win the chamber match to set up Orton v Bray, with the two in the Wyatt family it would be interesting. But then that would leave Cena to work with AJ again? am not sure if they'd repeat that. There's also a chance that AJ wins the title to challenge Orton. The problem in all these scenarios is that Cena would feature in the championship bout eitherway given his "rematch clause" so we can expect a triple threat because surely they won't go for Cena/Orton at mania :)) but it is still possible since a singles bout between the two has not occurred at mania before

So Wyatt to win at Elimination Chamber.

Then Cena to win the triple threat at Wrestlemania to become a 17 time champion.

Who do you think AJ will face at Wrestlemania?

Might fight someone like Ziggler........


Ziggie/AJ could steal the show but Ziggler name has not been thrown around as a possible opponent. Shane MeekMan name has been thrown around though, what do you think of AJ v Shane ?
So Wyatt to win at Elimination Chamber.

Then Cena to win the triple threat at Wrestlemania to become a 17 time champion.


Possibly could but hard to tell exactly what Vince has in mind :)) lmaoook teeee neeee neeeeee teeeeee neeeeeh ni neeeee MY TIME IS NOW :yk3
It's exclusive to the Smackdown Brand :)) it's great to maintain the flow of WWE Network subscribers. The PPV's which include stars from RAW/SD are not as frequent.

I am not complaining :))

If done right the Elimination Chamber is one of my favourite ppv.

Still remember HBK coming from under the chamber to give Undertaker a Sweet chin music,

Setting up one of the greatest matches. :stokes
Ziggie/AJ could steal the show but Ziggler name has not been thrown around as a possible opponent. Shane MeekMan name has been thrown around though, what do you think of AJ v Shane ?

AJ has been the best wrestler on the show.

Probably deserves a better match,

Maybe Undertaker............ :ashwin
AJ has been the best wrestler on the show.

Probably deserves a better match,

Maybe Undertaker............ :ashwin

Undertaker has been my dream opponent for AJ Styles since he made his WWE debut but after watching Taker at the Rumble am not as excited for the match, Taker looked slow and ponderous; was completely out of shape as well. There's a chance his fitness could improve in the lead up to mania but he will still be ring rusty because he has not wrestled a singles contest since last years Wrestlemania and at Takers age you just can't afford to spend so much time away from the ring and expect to work a decent match right out the bat.

From Undertakers perspective he'd want to work with someone like AJ Styles to make things easier for him in the ring but Roman Reigns is his rumoured opponent. If I were the WWE I'd shell out some xtra $$$$$$ to book Undertaker at one of the PPV's before Wrestlemania to shake off some of the ring rust.
How do you see the Mania card shaping up? Quite a few question marks floating around.

I'll take a stab in the dark:

Goldberg VS Brock

Roman VS Taker

HHH VS Seth (if Seth is fit)

Samoa Jo VS AJ Styles (more a wish rather than likely to happen - more likely is Dean Ambrose VS AJ VS Miz for the IC title - may throw Zigi in there as well for a Fatal 4 Way)

Bray VS Orton (Again more of a wish - the likelier option is Cena VS Orton & Harper VS Wyatt with Orton VS Harper happening at Elimination Chamber)

I was harsh in my assessment, I watched it again without the commentary and found it more enjoyable.

The commentary team did a terrible story telling the story in the ring.

After reading a bit about the spots and significance I appreciated the match more.

It wasn't exactly a finisher kickout like I first thought and the end finished with Cena hitting 2 consecutive AA's to get it done.

I hated how Mauro sold it as if he did it just because and not because he didn't think that was quite enough to keep AJ down.

Bottom line - commentary team were horrible in telling the story of the match hence the match wasn't as good as it should have been.

Also this touch at the end by AJ :(


Excellent story telling, I hope they revisit it in future (Cena taking AJ's shot at WM at Mania) and have AJ go over and finally get his WM main event.

Personally I really liked the AJ-Cena match and was my fav of the night.

2 great atheltes putting on a good show,
How do you see the Mania card shaping up? Quite a few question marks floating around.

I'll take a stab in the dark:

Goldberg VS Brock

Roman VS Taker

HHH VS Seth (if Seth is fit)

Samoa Jo VS AJ Styles (more a wish rather than likely to happen - more likely is Dean Ambrose VS AJ VS Miz for the IC title - may throw Zigi in there as well for a Fatal 4 Way)

Bray VS Orton (Again more of a wish - the likelier option is Cena VS Orton & Harper VS Wyatt with Orton VS Harper happening at Elimination Chamber)


Goldberg v Brock for the Universal title

Roman v Taker

Seth v HHH

AJ Styles v Shane O Mac (what do you think ? this is a speculated match)

Daniel Bryan vs The Mizz (They have been feuding for months, surely there will be a pay off even if its a 10 second match where Bryan doesn't have to take any bumps)

Samoa Joe vs Sami Zayn

KO v Jericho

Cena v Orton v Bray v Harper for the WWE title, am not sure if Cena/Orton will happen because it's announced for Smackdown next week but they have never worked a singles program at mania and with the two being each others greatest rival we could see it happen.

Braun Strowman to feature in the Andre the Giant Battle Royal and kill all the jobbers especially James Ellsworth

Sasha Banks vs Stephanie Meekman

Mickie James vs Becky Lynch

Charlotte vs Bayley

Some random match in between featuring all the jobber divas so we can take a toilet break, I usually take one when The Rock cuts a lame clangin and bangin woke up at 4am to pray fajr promo before burying some poor mid carder :yk3
I was harsh in my assessment, I watched it again without the commentary and found it more enjoyable.

The commentary team did a terrible story telling the story in the ring.

After reading a bit about the spots and significance I appreciated the match more.

It wasn't exactly a finisher kickout like I first thought and the end finished with Cena hitting 2 consecutive AA's to get it done.

I hated how Mauro sold it as if he did it just because and not because he didn't think that was quite enough to keep AJ down.

Bottom line - commentary team were horrible in telling the story of the match hence the match wasn't as good as it should have been.

Also this touch at the end by AJ :(


Excellent story telling, I hope they revisit it in future (Cena taking AJ's shot at WM at Mania) and have AJ go over and finally get his WM main event.

I don't get it? what do you mean?

And bare with Mauro, he is use to calling the action itself rather then any story which is being told in the link because he use to be a commentator for AXTV's NJPW program and has a background in combat sport, still is contracted to showtime boxing.
[MENTION=3474]TalhaSyed[/MENTION] and we can pray for Kurt Angle v Russev I pray extra nalf everyday :yk [MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION]
Goldberg v Brock for the Universal title

Roman v Taker

Seth v HHH

AJ Styles v Shane O Mac (what do you think ? this is a speculated match)

Daniel Bryan vs The Mizz (They have been feuding for months, surely there will be a pay off even if its a 10 second match where Bryan doesn't have to take any bumps)

Samoa Joe vs Sami Zayn

KO v Jericho

Cena v Orton v Bray v Harper for the WWE title, am not sure if Cena/Orton will happen because it's announced for Smackdown next week but they have never worked a singles program at mania and with the two being each others greatest rival we could see it happen.

Braun Strowman to feature in the Andre the Giant Battle Royal and kill all the jobbers especially James Ellsworth

Sasha Banks vs Stephanie Meekman

Mickie James vs Becky Lynch

Charlotte vs Bayley

Some random match in between featuring all the jobber divas so we can take a toilet break, I usually take one when The Rock cuts a lame clangin and bangin woke up at 4am to pray fajr promo before burying some poor mid carder :yk3

Hopefully dwayne is kept well away from this years mania.

I think it maybe Orton vs bray for the WWE championship.
Hopefully dwayne is kept well away from this years mania.

I think it maybe Orton vs bray for the WWE championship.

No, this year he will beat Bray Wyatt in under 5 seconds :akhtar

And I hope so, think Orton/Bray would be awesome given their affiliation and how well they've been built since SummerSlam. I would be shocked if Orton/Bray are not involved in a world title bout, it seems to me that creative have made a focused effort to put them over; e.g they went over at SurvivorSeries in that RAW V SD tag; I doubt any of us expected them to be the sole survivors given how WWE has frequently made use of 50-50 booking when it comes to them

How do you feel about AJ v Shane O Mac ? it's a match which is being speculated, Reigns/Taker has been pretty much confirmed
No, this year he will beat Bray Wyatt in under 5 seconds :akhtar

And I hope so, think Orton/Bray would be awesome given their affiliation and how well they've been built since SummerSlam. I would be shocked if Orton/Bray are not involved in a world title bout, it seems to me that creative have made a focused effort to put them over; e.g they went over at SurvivorSeries in that RAW V SD tag; I doubt any of us expected them to be the sole survivors given how WWE has frequently made use of 50-50 booking when it comes to them

How do you feel about AJ v Shane O Mac ? it's a match which is being speculated, Reigns/Taker has been pretty much confirmed

Yes they have actually done a good job with the Orton/Wyatt thing. It's clear the purpose of it is to get Bray over. The way to complete it by having Bray beat Orton clean at Wrestlemania or for the title. Than they can decide to keep him heel or face.

Aj vs shane is not a match I want to see. Shane was a decent performer in his day, but we're talking about AJ styles here. He deserves a higher profile of match. Aj seems to be out of the tittle picture, so why not have him compete for the ic belt. Could be a ladder match.

Something like this. It would elevate the ic belt. Aj vs shane doesn't benefit anyone. Lol shane isn't a full time competitor so beating aj won't do anything for him. Whilst AJ beating shane won't add to AJ's momentum.
I don't get it? what do you mean?

And bare with Mauro, he is use to calling the action itself rather then any story which is being told in the link because he use to be a commentator for AXTV's NJPW program and has a background in combat sport, still is contracted to showtime boxing.
Reaching for the title under the WM sign. Cena took his ticket to the WM main event.
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[MENTION=3474]TalhaSyed[/MENTION] and we can pray for Kurt Angle v Russev I pray extra nalf everyday :yk [MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION]

:)) May take a bit more praying then that man!

I cant wait for Rocks Mania clagging and bangin at 4am promo!

No Steph VS Ronda?

Cena v Orton v Bray v Harper sounds interesting. Luke Harper in the main event of Mania is gonna be a big accomplishment for him if it happens.

AJ vs Shane could be a very good match! On the other hand I just dont see DBry getting back in the ring, which is why I dont see why they've stretched this Miz thing on for so long.

KO vs Y2J for the US belt?
Yes they have actually done a good job with the Orton/Wyatt thing. It's clear the purpose of it is to get Bray over. The way to complete it by having Bray beat Orton clean at Wrestlemania or for the title. Than they can decide to keep him heel or face.

Aj vs shane is not a match I want to see. Shane was a decent performer in his day, but we're talking about AJ styles here. He deserves a higher profile of match. Aj seems to be out of the tittle picture, so why not have him compete for the ic belt. Could be a ladder match.

Something like this. It would elevate the ic belt. Aj vs shane doesn't benefit anyone. Lol shane isn't a full time competitor so beating aj won't do anything for him. Whilst AJ beating shane won't add to AJ's momentum.

I think that SD have done a really good job elevating the IC title as it is and doesn't need AJ. In the eyes of fans Shane was a big part of the Attitude era, Vince probably looks at him in the same light as a "once or twice per year" type of attraction, he also fought Taker last year and it further elevated his stock when you look at the stunt he pulled off. So outside the likes of Lesnar, Orton, Goldberg, HHH, Cena and Taker; Shane is the biggest "name" available and would be the match which would be of a higher profile then say a mid card bout for the IC title. I think Shane v AJ would surprise us in terms of how good the match ends up being if it is indeed speculated.

Samoa Joe is on RAW sadly but if WWE do have plans for having Kurt Angle wrestle at mania then AJ would be a perfect opponent, Kurt/AJ have worked before and have history but you put the two on a platform as big as mania and you can expect something special.
:)) May take a bit more praying then that man!

I cant wait for Rocks Mania clagging and bangin at 4am promo!

No Steph VS Ronda?

Cena v Orton v Bray v Harper sounds interesting. Luke Harper in the main event of Mania is gonna be a big accomplishment for him if it happens.

AJ vs Shane could be a very good match! On the other hand I just dont see DBry getting back in the ring, which is why I dont see why they've stretched this Miz thing on for so long.

KO vs Y2J for the US belt?

Man This Rock is so annoying :mv he promised us that he was going to put Reigns over!

Ronda is still in bed eating Ice Cream and watching Dilwalhe Dulhaniya Lehjaygeh!

I agree AJ/Shane could end up being better then we expect. If it were for like 10 seconds I could see the match happening, but I have enjoyed the segments between Mizz/Bryan they have really elevated the IC title and Mizz to another level

KO/Y2J should be for the US and Universal title but sadly Broid and Goldberg were hungry :))
I think that SD have done a really good job elevating the IC title as it is and doesn't need AJ. In the eyes of fans Shane was a big part of the Attitude era, Vince probably looks at him in the same light as a "once or twice per year" type of attraction, he also fought Taker last year and it further elevated his stock when you look at the stunt he pulled off. So outside the likes of Lesnar, Orton, Goldberg, HHH, Cena and Taker; Shane is the biggest "name" available and would be the match which would be of a higher profile then say a mid card bout for the IC title. I think Shane v AJ would surprise us in terms of how good the match ends up being if it is indeed speculated.

Samoa Joe is on RAW sadly but if WWE do have plans for having Kurt Angle wrestle at mania then AJ would be a perfect opponent, Kurt/AJ have worked before and have history but you put the two on a platform as big as mania and you can expect something special.

Shane is a good performer he has given me great entertainment over the years but I don't see how a AJ vs shane feud benefits anyone.

Tbf it wouldn't be a bad match.

I would love to see Kurt back but I don't think he will be at Wrestlemania this year. Needed to appear at the rumble. Now there doesn't seem enough time to build a feud as he won't make an appereance at least till after the next paperview if he has agreed to come back.
Shane is a good performer he has given me great entertainment over the years but I don't see how a AJ vs shane feud benefits anyone.

Tbf it wouldn't be a bad match.

I would love to see Kurt back but I don't think he will be at Wrestlemania this year. Needed to appear at the rumble. Now there doesn't seem enough time to build a feud as he won't make an appereance at least till after the next paperview if he has agreed to come back.

It would be a bit of a dream match to draw in nostalgia fans more then anything and given how everyone else is so busy it's a match with a big profile which means that more eyes would be on AJ then say a mid-card bout, maybe there are a few casuals who don't know who AJ is but they know who Shane is, you know what I mean? if the match is outstanding and AJ gets the win as well it would benefit him more then a mid-card bout with talents which don't have as big a profile as Shane although I mean no disrespect to them.

Shane is being speculated as an opponent for HHH since Rollins is allegedly injured (I still don't beleive it and think Seth/HHH will go ahead) Shane would make sense in the confines of the feud between HHH/Seth. Then where would that leave AJ? after a stellar year I think he is above a ladder match for the IC title, hopefully they can get Kurt Angle to work with him but am not sure. If Rollins indeed is injured the chances of Kurt appearing is likely, these days they care little for the build because they know that Wrestlemania is the draw but sometimes put in the effort to make it enjoyable for the people who watch regularly. Plus say you're a casual or an old school fan; you're going to buy the PPV based on who is booked for the card rather then how compelling the feud has been because you don't watch WWE as much anymore, that's why Goldberg/Lesnar is one of the main matches and so can an AJ v Kurt Angle/Shane or a HHH/Shane
[MENTION=141114]Hasan123[/MENTION] [MENTION=3474]TalhaSyed[/MENTION] [MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION] [MENTION=95766]leatherface58[/MENTION] [MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION]

Speculated card for Wrestlemania 30:

* WWE Universal Championship: Goldberg vs. Brock Lesnar
* WWE Championship: Bray Wyatt vs. Randy Orton
* RAW Women’s Championship: Charlotte vs. Bayley vs. Sasha Banks vs. Nia Jax
* Roman Reigns vs. The Undertaker
* Seth Rollins vs. Triple H
* Kevin Owens vs. Chris Jericho
* AJ Styles vs. Shane McMahon
* John Cena & Nikki Bella vs. The Miz & Maryse
* The Big Show vs. Shaquille O’Neal
* Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal

Leathers it seems like Broid/Goldberg will in fact close the show in a championship bout lol and that tag team match though :facepalm: apparently it could be Nikki Bella's final match which is why they're thinking about doing it.
[MENTION=141114]Hasan123[/MENTION] [MENTION=3474]TalhaSyed[/MENTION] [MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION] [MENTION=95766]leatherface58[/MENTION] [MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION]

Speculated card for Wrestlemania 30:

* WWE Universal Championship: Goldberg vs. Brock Lesnar
* WWE Championship: Bray Wyatt vs. Randy Orton
* RAW Women’s Championship: Charlotte vs. Bayley vs. Sasha Banks vs. Nia Jax
* Roman Reigns vs. The Undertaker
* Seth Rollins vs. Triple H
* Kevin Owens vs. Chris Jericho
* AJ Styles vs. Shane McMahon
* John Cena & Nikki Bella vs. The Miz & Maryse
* The Big Show vs. Shaquille O’Neal
* Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal

Leathers it seems like Broid/Goldberg will in fact close the show in a championship bout lol and that tag team match though :facepalm: apparently it could be Nikki Bella's final match which is why they're thinking about doing it.

Not the worst card one change I would make is ko vs Jericho for the tittle.
Not the worst card one change I would make is ko vs Jericho for the tittle.

That and the tag match.


Main Card

Owens v Jericho *Universal title*

Orton v Wyatt *WWE title* (main event)

AJ v Undertaker

Ambrose v Cena *IC title*

Reigns vs Strowman

Seth Rollins v HHH (If Seth is not fit then HHH v Balor (expected to be ready a month before mania) )

Shaq v Big Show

Ladder match featuring Zayn, Samoa Joe, Cesaro, Sheamus , Neville and Mustafa Ali *US title*

Charlotte v Bayley v Sasha v Nia *Womens title*

Becky Lynch vs Mickie James *Womens title*

Lower tier matches and Pre-Show

Andre the Giant Battle Royal

American Alpha vs USOS *Tag Titles*

The Club vs Enzo/Big-Cass vs The New Day *Tag Titles*

Alexa, Natalya and Carmella v Naomi, Nikki and Maryse/Eva-Marrie

This is a card they can do in terms of the wrestlers which are currently available and active.
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[MENTION=141114]Hasan123[/MENTION] [MENTION=3474]TalhaSyed[/MENTION] [MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION] [MENTION=95766]leatherface58[/MENTION] [MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION]

Speculated card for Wrestlemania 30:

* WWE Universal Championship: Goldberg vs. Brock Lesnar
* WWE Championship: Bray Wyatt vs. Randy Orton
* RAW Women’s Championship: Charlotte vs. Bayley vs. Sasha Banks vs. Nia Jax
* Roman Reigns vs. The Undertaker
* Seth Rollins vs. Triple H
* Kevin Owens vs. Chris Jericho
* AJ Styles vs. Shane McMahon
* John Cena & Nikki Bella vs. The Miz & Maryse
* The Big Show vs. Shaquille O’Neal
* Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal

Leathers it seems like Broid/Goldberg will in fact close the show in a championship bout lol and that tag team match though :facepalm: apparently it could be Nikki Bella's final match which is why they're thinking about doing it.

So Cena's dropping the title at Elimination Chamber? Happy for Bray, I hope he wins at Mania as well, about time he got a title run
So Cena's dropping the title at Elimination Chamber? Happy for Bray, I hope he wins at Mania as well, about time he got a title run

Probably will, same here; Bray has paid his dues and has worked so hard despite the 50/50 booking.

I wanted Bray to win the Rumble and title at mania but I think the only reason they didn't do it was because the Rumble is typically won by a face (only 7 heels have ever won the Rumble) and I believe they want to keep Wyatt a high profile heel. Orton will go back to being a face in the build to mania I reckon, hopefully they give Wyatt/Orton the main-event spot but think it will be Broid and Berg :))
Probably will, same here; Bray has paid his dues and has worked so hard despite the 50/50 booking.

I wanted Bray to win the Rumble and title at mania but I think the only reason they didn't do it was because the Rumble is typically won by a face (only 7 heels have ever won the Rumble) and I believe they want to keep Wyatt a high profile heel. Orton will go back to being a face in the build to mania I reckon, hopefully they give Wyatt/Orton the main-event spot but think it will be Broid and Berg :))
How are they going to put the Universal title on Brock before Mania though? Elimination Chamber is going to be SmackDown only and I don't see a title change happening on Raw.
[MENTION=141114]Hasan123[/MENTION] [MENTION=3474]TalhaSyed[/MENTION] [MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION] [MENTION=95766]leatherface58[/MENTION] [MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION]

Speculated card for Wrestlemania 30:

* WWE Universal Championship: Goldberg vs. Brock Lesnar
* WWE Championship: Bray Wyatt vs. Randy Orton
* RAW Women’s Championship: Charlotte vs. Bayley vs. Sasha Banks vs. Nia Jax
* Roman Reigns vs. The Undertaker
* Seth Rollins vs. Triple H
* Kevin Owens vs. Chris Jericho
* AJ Styles vs. Shane McMahon
* John Cena & Nikki Bella vs. The Miz & Maryse
* The Big Show vs. Shaquille O’Neal
* Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal

Leathers it seems like Broid/Goldberg will in fact close the show in a championship bout lol and that tag team match though :facepalm: apparently it could be Nikki Bella's final match which is why they're thinking about doing it.


So we going to have two old men main eventing Wrestlemania,

Will it be a 5 minute match :))

Hope Reigns spear don't break Undertaker in half,
The guys fragile.
How are they going to put the Universal title on Brock before Mania though? Elimination Chamber is going to be SmackDown only and I don't see a title change happening on Raw.

Goldberg is going to face Kevin Owens at fast lane I reckon and win the Universal title, then in the main-event of Wrestlemania Broid will beat Berg to overcome the odds and win the Universal title as thousands of fans begin to shed tears of joy as Wrestlemania closes with Broid standing tall

So we going to have two old men main eventing Wrestlemania,

Will it be a 5 minute match :))

Hope Reigns spear don't break Undertaker in half,
The guys fragile.

Probably, wouldn't put it past Vince :)) True, I think that if we are concerned for Takers well being then it is incredibly important he faces AJ who will make things easy for him in the Ring. Taker is also due Hip surgery but he is holding it off until after mania, Taker needs to get off the Biryani his tid is so big :)) and maybe put himself in the best condition possible even though he's not really in an ideal situation with the in-ring activity, due surgery and fragile physique
That and the tag match.


Main Card

Owens v Jericho *Universal title*

Orton v Wyatt *WWE title* (main event)

AJ v Undertaker

Ambrose v Cena *IC title*

Reigns vs Strowman

Seth Rollins v HHH (If Seth is not fit then HHH v Balor (expected to be ready a month before mania) )

Shaq v Big Show

Ladder match featuring Zayn, Samoa Joe, Cesaro, Sheamus , Neville and Mustafa Ali *US title*

Charlotte v Bayley v Sasha v Nia *Womens title*

Becky Lynch vs Mickie James *Womens title*

Lower tier matches and Pre-Show

Andre the Giant Battle Royal

American Alpha vs USOS *Tag Titles*

The Club vs Enzo/Big-Cass vs The New Day *Tag Titles*

Alexa, Natalya and Carmella v Naomi, Nikki and Maryse/Eva-Marrie

This is a card they can do in terms of the wrestlers which are currently available and active.

I like this card actually. The wwe tittle match or the universal title match must be last though. If not AJ vs Taker.

You was the one who convinced me AJ vs Taker would be a good match wasn't so sure initially but AJ style maybe workable with an aging taker.

Do you agree with me though that Regins vs Taker has something in it provided Regins is the heel? Or do you tonk the feud is destined to fail?
I like this card actually. The wwe tittle match or the universal title match must be last though. If not AJ vs Taker.

You was the one who convinced me AJ vs Taker would be a good match wasn't so sure initially but AJ style maybe workable with an aging taker.

Do you agree with me though that Regins vs Taker has something in it provided Regins is the heel? Or do you tonk the feud is destined to fail?

When I had said AJ/Taker would be a decent match I didn't factor in how Undertaker was due hip surgery I didn't know this, on top of that he has a big molvi saab tid :)) so in very poor condition, ring rusty and fragile; this just makes it even more crucial that AJ is Takers opponent because he will take care of him in the ring and carry him to a decent match (although my hopes are not as high as they were but if there is anyone to carry Taker to a passable match it is AJ). Hopefully though Taker is in better condition in time for mania, he is delaying his surgery until after mania though so we can't expect him to be 100% fit

Am not against Reigns/Taker regardless of whether or not Reigns turned heel, Reigns has won me over already he is much improved but since fans are always so hostile towards him Vince should turn him heel now and put his baby face plans for Reigns on pause, it will benefit Roman in the long run and Vinces plans. Think the feud would be decent if the writers are on point but the goal from WWE's perspective will be to put over Reigns, I do agree the best way to do that would be to turn him heel to achieve that.
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When I had said AJ/Taker would be a decent match I didn't factor in how Undertaker was due hip surgery I didn't know this, on top of that he has a big molvi saab tid :)) so in very poor condition, ring rusty and fragile; this just makes it even more crucial that AJ is Takers opponent because he will take care of him in the ring and carry him to a decent match (although my hopes are not as high as they were but if there is anyone to carry Taker to a passable match it is AJ). Hopefully though Taker is in better condition in time for mania, he is delaying his surgery until after mania though so we can't expect him to be 100% fit

Am not against Reigns/Taker regardless of whether or not Reigns turned heel, Reigns has won me over already he is much improved but since fans are always so hostile towards him Vince should turn him heel now and put his baby face plans for Reigns on pause, it will benefit Roman in the long run and Vinces plans. Think the feud would be decent if the writers are on point but the goal from WWE's perspective will be to put over Reigns, I do agree the best way to do that would be to turn him heel to achieve that.

Correct. There is no one else on the roster who can be trusted with making sure Undertaker injuries aren't aggregated. Delaying surgery is certainly risky but shows what a fighter Taker is.

Turning him heel is what's best for business! He's the most hated man in the company anyway, so having turn heel is the correct thing to do. Most top faces where heel at one stage or another so your right that it will benefit him in the long run. Me and you are 2 people who backed Regins a lot but it's nearly impossible to defend him or vince for what happened at the rumble. If they can stop shoving him down our throats his talent will see him through
[MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] AJ Styles is a damn superhero


One of the most spectacular sights in wrestling history, that was the move which had me in awe watching AJ in the early 2000's and it wasn't his spiral tap. Look at the altitude he gets on that, he's 39 years young as well! :))

Kurt Angle recently on AJ:

On who he wants to wrestle:

“I’m going to have to put AJ Styles up there, too. He is frickin’, he is the best in the business without a doubt right now. I just watched him and Dean Ambrose on Tuesday. Gosh, does that kid ever have less than a five-star match? He’s phenomenal. I completely understand why AJ is so much fun to work with – you don’t have to do anything! He does all of it for you. Any other wrestler who would tell you different is lying. AJ does all the work. That’s what’s so cool about it.

Very few in history will ever match Shawns resume but AJ is arguably almost just as talented in terms of ability on an individual level. Shawn edges him when it comes to in-ring psychology and selling. I think that when AJ retires we will rank him in the top 3 or top 5 at the very least when it comes to ATG in-ring performers.
One of the most spectacular sights in wrestling history, that was the move which had me in awe watching AJ in the early 2000's and it wasn't his spiral tap. Look at the altitude he gets on that, he's 39 years young as well! :))

Kurt Angle recently on AJ:

Very few in history will ever match Shawns resume but AJ is arguably almost just as talented in terms of ability on an individual level. Shawn edges him when it comes to in-ring psychology and selling. I think that when AJ retires we will rank him in the top 3 or top 5 at the very least when it comes to ATG in-ring performers.
No doubt, but man that is an iconic picture with the WM sign in the background. It's going to be a huge fail on the WWE's part if they don't come out with Air Styles merch. Absolutely incredible. Two iconic pictures in one match...
No doubt, but man that is an iconic picture with the WM sign in the background. It's going to be a huge fail on the WWE's part if they don't come out with Air Styles merch. Absolutely incredible. Two iconic pictures in one match...

Am still waiting for WWE Euroshop to sell his black gloves :facepalm: Not bought anything since the first T-Shirt they released which was pretty cool, I where it when am lifting weights before all the gym honey's :akhtar buying that shirt was really important to show the E where we stand when it comes to AJ.

That image of AJ is a bit of an oxymoron in a way, leaping in front of that mania logo emphasising how he deserves that main-event spot but unfortunately won't get it.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">German Suplex followed by a Wheelbarror Facebuster from <a href="https://twitter.com/AJStylesOrg">@AJStylesOrg</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/WWEChampionship?src=hash">#WWEChampionship</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/RoyalRumble?src=hash">#RoyalRumble</a> <a href="https://t.co/4hwLmmMVPK">pic.twitter.com/4hwLmmMVPK</a></p>— Italo Santana (@BulletClubItal) <a href="https://twitter.com/BulletClubItal/status/825885387012857856">January 30, 2017</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Such a sweet spot.
Am still waiting for WWE Euroshop to sell his black gloves :facepalm: Not bought anything since the first T-Shirt they released which was pretty cool, I where it when am lifting weights before all the gym honey's :akhtar buying that shirt was really important to show the E where we stand when it comes to AJ.

That image of AJ is a bit of an oxymoron in a way, leaping in front of that mania logo emphasising how he deserves that main-event spot but unfortunately won't get it.
I've gotten every shirt of his lol. 3 of them are great, not a fan of the blue "If it ain't P1" though.

Maybe one day AJ and Kenny will main event? I think they really want him after how everyone is talking about him, they could make him the GUY as well. He's much better than Roman in all departments and is still young.
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">German Suplex followed by a Wheelbarror Facebuster from <a href="https://twitter.com/AJStylesOrg">@AJStylesOrg</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/WWEChampionship?src=hash">#WWEChampionship</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/RoyalRumble?src=hash">#RoyalRumble</a> <a href="https://t.co/4hwLmmMVPK">pic.twitter.com/4hwLmmMVPK</a></p>— Italo Santana (@BulletClubItal) <a href="https://twitter.com/BulletClubItal/status/825885387012857856">January 30, 2017</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Such a sweet spot.

Great match in the circumstances before that crowd although I still prefer MITB stylistically, these two still have more to offer imo and think they can top that match and all the ones they've had so far. Who would you have as AJ's ideal opponent at mania out of all the wrestlers available?
I've gotten every shirt of his lol. 3 of them are great, not a fan of the blue "If it ain't P1" though.

Maybe one day AJ and Kenny will main event? I think they really want him after how everyone is talking about him, they could make him the GUY as well. He's much better than Roman in all departments and is still young.

There's always going to be at least one bigger name in the main-event of a mania like a part-timer or Cena so that's unlikely, no point him coming now imo think he is better served in NJPW to get hotter/better don't really know how WWE would use him or if he'd be happy with a spot in NXT; after all Nakamura is there and he's better then him besides the English mic skills. For the current product doubt Vince would feel like he has the look to be the guy, anyhow in the reality era it's not required because you have a combination of top stars rather then one; not every era needs a Cena or Hogan, the current era is the equivalent of the new generation in the mid 90's when the likes of Shawn, Bret and Taker replaced Hogan as the top guy. Reigns is criminally underrated, when it comes to selling very few are better then him and he's a very safe/durable worker. He desperately needs a heel turn for his talents to be appreciated.
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Great match in the circumstances before that crowd although I still prefer MITB stylistically, these two still have more to offer imo and think they can top that match and all the ones they've had so far. Who would you have as AJ's ideal opponent at mania out of all the wrestlers available?
I enjoyed the MITB match too.

Also, did you notice that AJ was trying to catch Cena for the Styles Clash? Meltzer would have given it 5* if AJ had pulled it off.

That second 5* match is so elusive for AJ :facepalm:
There's always going to be at least one bigger name in the main-event of a mania like a part-timer or Cena so that's unlikely, no point him coming now imo think he is better served in NJPW to get hotter/better don't really know how WWE would use him or if he'd be happy with a spot in NXT; after all Nakamura is there and he's better then him besides the English mic skills. For the current product doubt Vince would feel like he has the look to be the guy, anyhow in the reality era it's not required because you have a combination of top stars rather then one; not every era needs a Cena or Hogan, the current era is the equivalent of the new generation in the mid 90's when the likes of Shawn, Bret and Taker replaced Hogan as the top guy. Reigns is criminally underrated, when it comes to selling very few are better then him and he's a very safe/durable worker. He desperately needs a heel turn for his talents to be appreciated.
Kenny has a better physique, taller and better looking than AJ. He's great on the mic and has a great character. He could no doubt be great in the WWE and a top player if not THE GUY. I wish they would let AJ be BC AJ though... He's playing a goofy heel like Angle, no doubt it's great, but there's a certain ceiling in place for a character like that.
I enjoyed the MITB match too.

Also, did you notice that AJ was trying to catch Cena for the Styles Clash? Meltzer would have given it 5* if AJ had pulled it off.

That second 5* match is so elusive for AJ :facepalm:

I posted that watching it live but am not sure now if that spot was planned because it's almost impossible, maybe it was meant to be a cleaner powerbomb but Cena jumped when AJ was not in range. Still, harsh to knock off .25 for that alone when he gave it a rating of 4.75 lmao it was just one spot but they recovered well and it didnt seem like a botch; his ratings are so subjective. You should pay more attention to PWI's match of the year award which is more prestigious and objective then WON ratings.
Kenny has a better physique, taller and better looking than AJ. He's great on the mic and has a great character. He could no doubt be great in the WWE and a top player if not THE GUY. I wish they would let AJ be BC AJ though... He's playing a goofy heel like Angle, no doubt it's great, but there's a certain ceiling in place for a character like that.

I don't think he is better looking but he got youth going for him. I wouldn't say he is a comedic heel, more off a arrogant one. Terrific character work, I wont complain; safe to say he has surprised a lot of us in a pro set up. Was just thinking even in his TNA prime they didn't book him this well
I posted that watching it live but am not sure now if that spot was planned because it's almost impossible, maybe it was meant to be a cleaner powerbomb but Cena jumped when AJ was not in range. Still, harsh to knock off .25 for that alone when he gave it a rating of 4.75 lmao it was just one spot but they recovered well and it didnt seem like a botch; his ratings are so subjective. You should pay more attention to PWI's match of the year award which is more prestigious and objective then WON ratings.
Nah man, that would have gotten a huge pop and would have made it more distinct to the SS match. I know how difficult it would have been, but this is AJ lol He freaking hit a Styles Clash off a Phoenix splash...
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Nah man, that would have gotten a huge pop and would have made it more distinct to the SS match. I know how difficult it would have been, but this is AJ lol He freaking hit a Styles Clash off a Phoenix splash...

It was only one spot even then. Look at all the mark out moments during Taker/HBk guy gave that a 4.75 lol he is a tool and those ratings are too subjective. Judge the match on your own by how invested the 60K audience were; the WON ratings brain wash smarks and cloud judgement dont use them to gauge your own level of enjoyment because you will not be as objective
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It was only one spot even then. Look at all the mark out moments during Taker/HBk guy gave that a 4.75 lol he is a tool and those ratings are too subjective. Judge the match on your own by how invested the 60K audience were; the WON ratings brain wash smarks and cloud judgement dont use them to gauge your own level of enjoyment because you will not be as objective
True, it's just his opinion. AJ has definitely had more than one 5* match in his career.
Probably, wouldn't put it past Vince :)) True, I think that if we are concerned for Takers well being then it is incredibly important he faces AJ who will make things easy for him in the Ring. Taker is also due Hip surgery but he is holding it off until after mania, Taker needs to get off the Biryani his tid is so big :)) and maybe put himself in the best condition possible even though he's not really in an ideal situation with the in-ring activity, due surgery and fragile physique

I am sure Undertaker will be in good shape for Wrestlemania,

Just not used to waking up from hibernation so soon. :))

What if Undertakers entrance lasts longer than the main event. :yk2
Am still waiting for WWE Euroshop to sell his black gloves :facepalm: Not bought anything since the first T-Shirt they released which was pretty cool, I where it when am lifting weights before all the gym honey's :akhtar buying that shirt was really important to show the E where we stand when it comes to AJ.

That image of AJ is a bit of an oxymoron in a way, leaping in front of that mania logo emphasising how he deserves that main-event spot but unfortunately won't get it.

I used Amazon to buy a wwe shirt.
The seller was wwe though.

No, it was not a Cena shirt :amir

Why you awake at 2am? :))
I am sure Undertaker will be in good shape for Wrestlemania,

Just not used to waking up from hibernation so soon. :))

What if Undertakers entrance lasts longer than the main event. :yk2

It doesn't help Taker that he only shows up once a year, it makes it so much harder; Sting/Flair wrestled into their 50s but they were rarely part timers. Taker may be in better condition but he is still due hip surgery so wont be 100% fit

Loool I can see that happening :yk3