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The story of Lesnar being this juggernaut with one opponent who has his number is one I'm interested in. Every monster has their kryptonite.

Also want to point out that Lesnar's selling and expressions after being shoved down were tremendous. He had this "can you believe this efin guy?" look on his face, and he then even glanced over to Heyman as if he was saying "really?". Then, he got up and bam, he didn't even know what hit him. I was completely shocked by last night's booking, and that's almost unheard of these days. That's all I can ask for.

More that I think about it, being completely shocked by the booking is unheard of these days, not "almost". The surprise element drives wrestling fans.

If Lesnar had won people would have moaned, if they'd have gone half an hour people would have moaned etc.. Goldberg looked great and I was stunned. Aftre years of being a fan that is some achievement.

[MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION] [MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION]
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Just watched SS and actually quite enjoyed it.

The main RAW vs SD match was pretty good IMO. Quite a few good spots through out the match and the match progressed at a good pace. A Seth Rollins vs AJ match would be awesome to see at some stage down the line. Once Ambrose got eliminated I knew the shield reunion would happy - however, even though it was predictable, it was still great to see.

Only thing that could have made it better was the bug dawg picking up the win [MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] :sanga

I actually also liked the way the main event was booked. Goldberg looked good & was shocked by the outcome.

Goldbergs run has been extended and another - if not another 2 - Brock v Goldberg match(es) is very much on the cards at Rumble and/or Mania. With that in mind last nights result made sense. Plus - WWE went back to the formula which worked for Goldberg in WCW am due got home over. It was also good to see the Canadian crowd to get behind Goldberg rather than booing him for his history with Bret and the concussion.

I would have liked to see Sami go over te Miz & 8@ really struggling to get pumped up about the Couser weight division - even though in years gone by, cruserweight matches have been amongst my favourites to watch - like many fans.

However, on the whole, largely due to the 2 main events - it was a decent show.
It wasn't terrible booking actually, people have been complaining about how Lesnar has been booked as this invincible beast for over 4 years now and how his matches have been incredibly stale; if he's to lose the aura of his invincibility then that can only mean a good thing because first, there is more depth to his one dimensional character and no.2 his matches will be better. You can't be immortal forever, Taker, Cena etc all grew out of it, Brock remains a draw despite this squash.

Also, Goldberg is back not as a one off but for a series off matches; what better way to get him over by having him squash the beast? when he was huge back in the day, it's how his WCW matches were booked. Also, hats of to canada; the real wrestling fans. Am sorry, but on this night at Survivor Series it may be an oxymoron to say this but wrestling go real! how many stars can get fans to suspend their disbelief in the kayfabe world in this era? that's the power of Goldberg and also credit to the fans in Toronto. Wrestling doesn't always have to be about high spots and spot monkey's.

The buzz to come out of the match has been unbelievable and the publicity has been great, the rematch will be huge and they will draw huge numbers at the gate, network subscriptions and PPV buys. This is your Mike Tyson ending fights in under a minute, Ronda winning fights within seconds and Mcgregor beating Aldo in seconds; it was a brilliant booking move and it doesn't hurt Brock on any level.

The only criticism from me is that perhaps someone like a Russev should have beaten Brock first before Goldberg squashed him, WWE need to realise that they won;t create huge stars if they don't make investments long term by taking a couple of risks. But the booking decision itself of Goldberg squashing Lesnar was brilliant and the idea behind it was great, the road to the royal rumble and mania just got incredibly interesting.

I don't have a problem with Goldberg winning, the problem I have is how long the match was. After all that build up we get an end like that. I mean come on people wanted to see these 2 beat the hell out of each other. They will probably have a rematch but how many times are we gonna see this match? The rematch result is predictable as well because lesnar will surely win it.

I'm glad Goldberg is sticking around, I hope WWE pair him with the right people. With this victory it makes him look strong. As for Lesnar, yes he was unstoppable force but it was time for him to lose some matches just not in this fashion. Be interesting to see how he reacts tonight on raw.

On another note, I hope orton is kept with bray and Luke for a while yet.
Just watched SS and actually quite enjoyed it.

The main RAW vs SD match was pretty good IMO. Quite a few good spots through out the match and the match progressed at a good pace. A Seth Rollins vs AJ match would be awesome to see at some stage down the line. Once Ambrose got eliminated I knew the shield reunion would happy - however, even though it was predictable, it was still great to see.

Only thing that could have made it better was the bug dawg picking up the win [MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] :sanga

I actually also liked the way the main event was booked. Goldberg looked good & was shocked by the outcome.

Goldbergs run has been extended and another - if not another 2 - Brock v Goldberg match(es) is very much on the cards at Rumble and/or Mania. With that in mind last nights result made sense. Plus - WWE went back to the formula which worked for Goldberg in WCW am due got home over. It was also good to see the Canadian crowd to get behind Goldberg rather than booing him for his history with Bret and the concussion.

I would have liked to see Sami go over te Miz & 8@ really struggling to get pumped up about the Couser weight division - even though in years gone by, cruserweight matches have been amongst my favourites to watch - like many fans.

However, on the whole, largely due to the 2 main events - it was a decent show.

Mate why you wanna see Seth v AJ you want AJ to get killed? :))) Seth is not safe :mv

Pretty much agree with everything in your post. I expected the IC title to go back on RAW and the CW title on smackdown, if you've watched CWC you'd know that the CW division has incredible potential but have been booked badly on RAW but since SD has been consistent in booking their stars all round perhaps they should be on Smackdown. Sami and other talented guys lost in the shuffle could make the IC title prestigious again and gives them something to aim for and the CW division would get the benefit of excellent booking on Smackdown, the likes of Mizz and Ziggler could return to the main-event scene.

Yes! Yes! @ your bit regarding GB/Lesnar man you can be beautiful when you're not dreaming about the bug dawg. Canada have historically respected everything pro-wrestling is meant to be, it reminded me of Rock v Hogan in Toronto at mania when the star power of those two wrestlers was just too much for them to the point where the roof was literally blown off and hogan/rock had them in the palm of their hand with simple taunts man that just gives me goosebumps and pro-wrestling at its best when you don't need to kill yourself to get a reaction but that charisma, in-ring presence has the crowd going absolutely nuts and that's what happened with Goldberg, his aura is similar to savage, hogan and the ultimate warrior.

It was the best way to elevate him since he's back for an extended run, in fact brock pushed for it as well. I think it was genius booking and I enjoyed the moment thoroughly, my only criticism is that perhaps a young upstart should have beaten broid and got the rub before GB squashed him, WWE need to invest in the long term or else they will forever rely on part timers to give their business a big boost financially
I don't have a problem with Goldberg winning, the problem I have is how long the match was. After all that build up we get an end like that. I mean come on people wanted to see these 2 beat the hell out of each other. They will probably have a rematch but how many times are we gonna see this match? The rematch result is predictable as well because lesnar will surely win it.

I'm glad Goldberg is sticking around, I hope WWE pair him with the right people. With this victory it makes him look strong. As for Lesnar, yes he was unstoppable force but it was time for him to lose some matches just not in this fashion. Be interesting to see how he reacts tonight on raw.

On another note, I hope orton is kept with bray and Luke for a while yet.

The purpose of that finish was to elevate GB in the same manner during his prime, since he's back for an extended run the decision was genius! so much publicity for the WWE and hype for GB, it's 1999 all over again. You're complaining about predictability and are upset with the shock match :)) vintage marks, but that was the idea behind why they did. They want to make loads of money and the rematch is going to break records. Like I said the only criticism is that someone like a Russev should have got the rub from Broid before GB Squashed him.

Yeah how about that! finally the Wyatts get a big win, they needed that
And Like I said [MENTION=141114]Hasan123[/MENTION]

The story of Lesnar being this juggernaut with one opponent who has his number is one I'm interested in. Every monster has their kryptonite. The feud/storyline has become a lot interesting on so many levels, regardless of what you think the outcome of the next match will be or if its predictable that Lesnar wins, the fact is it will be must see TV
The purpose of that finish was to elevate GB in the same manner during his prime, since he's back for an extended run the decision was genius! so much publicity for the WWE and hype for GB, it's 1999 all over again. You're complaining about predictability and are upset with the shock match :)) vintage marks, but that was the idea behind why they did. They want to make loads of money and the rematch is going to break records. Like I said the only criticism is that someone like a Russev should have got the rub from Broid before GB Squashed him.

Yeah how about that! finally the Wyatts get a big win, they needed that

Goldberg winning would have been a suprise even in a longer match.

Wouldn't be suprised if Regins faces Goldberg tbh.

Hopefully it's the start of a good run for Wyatts, need a few PPV wins in a row now.
Mate why you wanna see Seth v AJ you want AJ to get killed? :))) Seth is not safe :mv

Pretty much agree with everything in your post. I expected the IC title to go back on RAW and the CW title on smackdown, if you've watched CWC you'd know that the CW division has incredible potential but have been booked badly on RAW but since SD has been consistent in booking their stars all round perhaps they should be on Smackdown. Sami and other talented guys lost in the shuffle could make the IC title prestigious again and gives them something to aim for and the CW division would get the benefit of excellent booking on Smackdown, the likes of Mizz and Ziggler could return to the main-event scene.

Yes! Yes! @ your bit regarding GB/Lesnar man you can be beautiful when you're not dreaming about the bug dawg. Canada have historically respected everything pro-wrestling is meant to be, it reminded me of Rock v Hogan in Toronto at mania when the star power of those two wrestlers was just too much for them to the point where the roof was literally blown off and hogan/rock had them in the palm of their hand with simple taunts man that just gives me goosebumps and pro-wrestling at its best when you don't need to kill yourself to get a reaction but that charisma, in-ring presence has the crowd going absolutely nuts and that's what happened with Goldberg, his aura is similar to savage, hogan and the ultimate warrior.

It was the best way to elevate him since he's back for an extended run, in fact brock pushed for it as well. I think it was genius booking and I enjoyed the moment thoroughly, my only criticism is that perhaps a young upstart should have beaten broid and got the rub before GB squashed him, WWE need to invest in the long term or else they will forever rely on part timers to give their business a big boost financially

Yea I've only really watched CW divisionnon RAW andnjust found it a bit boring with Brian Kendrick & co.

Ah the Big Dawg - what an amazing athlete! Haha yea man the Toronto crowd was epic and seeing GB spear trough Brock - pun intended - was a much needed breath of fresh air. Exactly! It really helped remind people what a beast GB was, and still is.

Yea that's true - would have done wonders for someone like Rusev to beat Brock. Mind you - once this GB/Brock feud is done I'm sure Brock will eventually get the win & come out on top so there's still a chance for a young guy to go over him.

One thing that was cool to see was Randy break character go over to Shane's son after he was knocked out by the Big Dawg to tell him that Shane was gonna be ok. That was a cool lil touch by the viper.


He also tweeted about it later:

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Goldberg winning would have been a suprise even in a longer match.

Wouldn't be suprised if Regins faces Goldberg tbh.

Hopefully it's the start of a good run for Wyatts, need a few PPV wins in a row now.

It's not about the surprise factor or having a shock ending, in fact when I said to you before the PPV there would be some curve balls one of them which I expected was Goldberg winning but I didn't expect it in that manner so the shock value is there and here's the other point you've missed, Goldberg winning in 84secs does more for elevating him then in 20 minutes and the win in 84secs generates more publicity and promotion.

That could be planned down the line and maybe Reigns should go over, it would be good for him but we need him to turn heel as well. Yeah, need Wyatts in the main event scene, thus far they've been on fine on SD after a bad start losing to kane repeatedly
Yea I've only really watched CW divisionnon RAW andnjust found it a bit boring with Brian Kendrick & co.

Ah the Big Dawg - what an amazing athlete! Haha yea man the Toronto crowd was epic and seeing GB spear trough Brock - pun intended - was a much needed breath of fresh air. Exactly! It really helped remind people what a beast GB was, and still is.

Yea that's true - would have done wonders for someone like Rusev to beat Brock. Mind you - once this GB/Brock feud is done I'm sure Brock will eventually get the win & come out on top so there's still a chance for a young guy to go over him.

One thing that was cool to see was Randy break character go over to Shane's son after he was knocked out by the Big Dawg to tell him that Shane was gonna be ok. That was a cool lil touch by the viper.


He also tweeted about it later:


If you watched the CWC you'd be in tears every time the name Brian Kendrick is mentioned, his story would tear up us mard :yk his story really touches your soul, I highly reconmmend you watch the CWC try to download all the episodes from somewhere it was just incredible. The RAW booking team have let them down.

I know there's a chance for a young guy to go over Brock again but it won't be as huge, if WWE do allow an upstart to go over it would almost be as if well Goldberg kinda softened Brock up for this upstart rather then this upstart beating this beast, the 1 behind the 1 with all the hype and build over the past 4 years, they would have benefited a lot more from Brock's momentum. Then if GB squashed him after then no issues at all but someone would have beaten Brock first in a 20 minute match clean.

Randy is a top guy and he's had his demons in the past but am really happy for how he has finally found peace, his viper was finally tamed; shaddi changes a man :afridi Hopefully it doesn;t change Talha, thunder buddies for life:

It's not about the surprise factor or having a shock ending, in fact when I said to you before the PPV there would be some curve balls one of them which I expected was Goldberg winning but I didn't expect it in that manner so the shock value is there and here's the other point you've missed, Goldberg winning in 84secs does more for elevating him then in 20 minutes and the win in 84secs generates more publicity and promotion.

That could be planned down the line and maybe Reigns should go over, it would be good for him but we need him to turn heel as well. Yeah, need Wyatts in the main event scene, thus far they've been on fine on SD after a bad start losing to kane repeatedly

I thought the curve ball would be in the raw vs smackdown match. I just wanted to see Goldberg and Lesnar destroy each other. If there is a rematch hopefully we get a better match. Your right about the shock factor.

Vince turning Regins heel would mean that he was wrong to keep him face all this time. Don't see him doing it but yes ideally Regins will turn heel
[MENTION=53290]Markhor[/MENTION] not sure if you still follow Lucha and tbh I don't but have watched a bit here and there but the lead female competitor Star won the world title:

Matt Striker was crying on commentary at the end :)) it was an awesome moment, when I first watched Lucha when it came out Star was lead feature and would often wrestle the top stars, talk about Vinny Mac taking decades to have women main-event a PPV; Lucha took it one step further by making that look like nothing and putting their world title on their star female but to be fair to them star has been booked on a level playing field as the other wrestlers male or female from day one
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I thought the curve ball would be in the raw vs smackdown match. I just wanted to see Goldberg and Lesnar destroy each other. If there is a rematch hopefully we get a better match. Your right about the shock factor.

Vince turning Regins heel would mean that he was wrong to keep him face all this time. Don't see him doing it but yes ideally Regins will turn heel

I didn't have an idea of what to expect from the GB/Lesnar nor did I overthink how the match should have been booked and just wanted to enjoy the spectacle, they didn't disappoint me.

Imagine a scenario where Brock, Taker and Goldberg face each
other at Mania in a triple threat; that would be an incredible dream match we couldn't have possibly imagined.

I'd book it like this, Goldberg is the no.1 entrant in the Rumble; he gets 15-20 quick eliminations just absolutely destroying everyone. Then Brock comes at 25, he and Goldberg Tussle; Brock manages to last a little longer then the 84 seconds but is ultimately eliminated once again. At no.30 Undertaker appears, the crowd go absolutely nuts; Goldberg and Taker go toe to to, blow for blow; while they are battling it out and Goldberg is on the brink of eliminating Taker, Brock returns to throw both GB and Taker over the rope. Setting up the triple threat match at mania.
I didn't have an idea of what to expect from the GB/Lesnar nor did I overthink how the match should have been booked and just wanted to enjoy the spectacle, they didn't disappoint me.

Imagine a scenario where Brock, Taker and Goldberg face each
other at Mania in a triple threat; that would be an incredible dream match we couldn't have possibly imagined.

I'd book it like this, Goldberg is the no.1 entrant in the Rumble; he gets 15-20 quick eliminations just absolutely destroying everyone. Then Brock comes at 25, he and Goldberg Tussle; Brock manages to last a little longer then the 84 seconds but is ultimately eliminated once again. At no.30 Undertaker appears, the crowd go absolutely nuts; Goldberg and Taker go toe to to, blow for blow; while they are battling it out and Goldberg is on the brink of eliminating Taker, Brock returns to throw both GB and Taker over the rope. Setting up the triple threat match at mania.

It's a good idea but don't see it a realistic match tbh. Apparently Goldberg will face lesnar again with lesnar going over. Taker will be defeated by Cena at wrestlmania , don't see WWE changing from this.
If you watched the CWC you'd be in tears every time the name Brian Kendrick is mentioned, his story would tear up us mard :yk his story really touches your soul, I highly reconmmend you watch the CWC try to download all the episodes from somewhere it was just incredible. The RAW booking team have let them down.

I know there's a chance for a young guy to go over Brock again but it won't be as huge, if WWE do allow an upstart to go over it would almost be as if well Goldberg kinda softened Brock up for this upstart rather then this upstart beating this beast, the 1 behind the 1 with all the hype and build over the past 4 years, they would have benefited a lot more from Brock's momentum. Then if GB squashed him after then no issues at all but someone would have beaten Brock first in a 20 minute match clean.

Randy is a top guy and he's had his demons in the past but am really happy for how he has finally found peace, his viper was finally tamed; shaddi changes a man :afridi Hopefully it doesn;t change Talha, thunder buddies for life:


:)) :)) TB4L?

Seems like booking will go like this from here:

Goldberg enters rumble and goes on an elimination streak

Brock has surprise entry in the rumble & goes straight for Goldberg

Brock ends up eliminating Bill - "Brock has just robbed Goldberg of a chance to be champion one more time!" Cole on commentary. Or the two just brawl and eliminate each other but I like the first option better since Brock looks stronger which is needed at this stage, however, in the 2nd option it looks like Brock doesn't care about the rumble and just wants to destroy Goldberg and his dream to be champion which would also work

Sets up the match for Mania between the two

Brock goes over Goldberg - 'passing of the torch'

Brock is back looking strong and waiting for a yougsta beauty to defeat him
WWE 2k18 rolls around

Kurt Angle is the superstar they use to promote 2k18

Angle returns as the all Merican who won a gold medal with a broken fricking neck to take down the Bulgarian Brute - Rusev

Angle puts Rusev over

Rusev looks strong and goes for Brock

Enzo interferes in the match and destroys Rusev, allowing Brock to defeat him

Enzo leaves the arena with Lana in his arm....

...how you doin? :yk

......ok that went way off track :)) :)) however, up until the bit about Kurt Angle returning next year to promote 2k18 and facing Rusev - I think that is what WWE are planning on doing.
:)) :)) TB4L?

Seems like booking will go like this from here:

Goldberg enters rumble and goes on an elimination streak

Brock has surprise entry in the rumble & goes straight for Goldberg

Brock ends up eliminating Bill - "Brock has just robbed Goldberg of a chance to be champion one more time!" Cole on commentary. Or the two just brawl and eliminate each other but I like the first option better since Brock looks stronger which is needed at this stage, however, in the 2nd option it looks like Brock doesn't care about the rumble and just wants to destroy Goldberg and his dream to be champion which would also work

Sets up the match for Mania between the two

Brock goes over Goldberg - 'passing of the torch'

Brock is back looking strong and waiting for a yougsta beauty to defeat him
WWE 2k18 rolls around

Kurt Angle is the superstar they use to promote 2k18

Angle returns as the all Merican who won a gold medal with a broken fricking neck to take down the Bulgarian Brute - Rusev

Angle puts Rusev over

Rusev looks strong and goes for Brock

Enzo interferes in the match and destroys Rusev, allowing Brock to defeat him

Enzo leaves the arena with Lana in his arm....

...how you doin? :yk

......ok that went way off track :)) :)) however, up until the bit about Kurt Angle returning next year to promote 2k18 and facing Rusev - I think that is what WWE are planning on doing.

I don't mind if GB crushes Brock at the Royal Rumble to, how many times have we seen a storyline where a high profile and top star when it comes to their prime legitimately is given huge obstacles to overcome? It's like the cocky undisputed boxing world champion who underestimates a veteran challenger who was a legend in their prime but pays the price in the ring (George Foreman v Michael Moorer) by find their back on the canvas. We rarely get that narrative, if GB adds insult to Brock's voids by dominating him at the Rumble to it would further elevate the feud, every beast has their kryptonize; what does Brock have to do now? he was arrogan/cocky champion at first so fair enough maybe GB got a fluke? but now he got dominated again? Can Brock really beat GB. Heck even if the story is designed for Brock to go over we'd still seriously doubt if he can beat the one man who has always had his number, people felt that it would be business as usual for Taker at mania 30 but I said to myself on paper if there's one man to put away Taker it's Brock; Kayfabe is still alive when it comes to these larger then life guys.

Ultimately though, Brock will beat GB and he can go on to put over the big dawg. :)) We been fantasing about Kurt beating up Russev for years in this thread :( I hope you're right about the 2k 18 thing, imagine he came at the Rumble, Kurt is a freelancer at the moment
It's a good idea but don't see it a realistic match tbh. Apparently Goldberg will face lesnar again with lesnar going over. Taker will be defeated by Cena at wrestlmania , don't see WWE changing from this.

Well no one expected GB to crush Brock in 84 seconds, anything can happen in the world wrestling federation! Even [MENTION=3474]TalhaSyed[/MENTION] has more victories over AJ Styles then John Cena!
Haven't watched RAW yet but read that Sasha won the title in the main-event on a good episode [MENTION=141114]Hasan123[/MENTION] , I believe they are playing hot potato with the womens title specifically so that Charlotte can become a 16-20 time womens world champion just like her father
[MENTION=3474]TalhaSyed[/MENTION] [MENTION=141114]Hasan123[/MENTION] [MENTION=95766]leatherface58[/MENTION] [MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION] do any of you have a PS4 and WWE 2K17
Haven't watched RAW yet but read that Sasha won the title in the main-event on a good episode [MENTION=141114]Hasan123[/MENTION] , I believe they are playing hot potato with the womens title specifically so that Charlotte can become a 16-20 time womens world champion just like her father

Sasha and charlotte feud has become stale. I am Sasha fan but Charlotte has proven to be the superior wrestler she should have held on to the belt. But now Sasha is champ she should get a long run.
Sasha and charlotte feud has become stale. I am Sasha fan but Charlotte has proven to be the superior wrestler she should have held on to the belt. But now Sasha is champ she should get a long run.

You've not seen Sasha go in NXT but even from the matches on the main roster it's not hard to see that she's a lot more technically sound in the ring (also better mic skills) then Charlotte who isn't bad at all and carries herself like a real star, has that in-ring presence; both are wonderful A/R performers. The feud has been booked poorly, they've focused too much on "making history" rather than story telling but the in-ring work has been absolutely fantastic, their matches are not full of high spots but have a throwback grit which elevates the match psychology by conveying/generating emotion through selling and physicality. Am not so sure Sasha's run will be long, they want to get as much reigns they can on Charlotte
You've not seen Sasha go in NXT but even from the matches on the main roster it's not hard to see that she's a lot more technically sound in the ring (also better mic skills) then Charlotte who isn't bad at all and carries herself like a real star, has that in-ring presence; both are wonderful A/R performers. The feud has been booked poorly, they've focused too much on "making history" rather than story telling but the in-ring work has been absolutely fantastic, their matches are not full of high spots but have a throwback grit which elevates the match psychology by conveying/generating emotion through selling and physicality. Am not so sure Sasha's run will be long, they want to get as much reigns they can on Charlotte

I know Sasha comes highly rated from NXT but she has been a little disappointing. Some of her in ring work is dangerous. Charlotte in ring work is less dangerous and her heel promos are much better than Sashas promos.

Yes think they should have played more on there time in NXT rather than concentrate on making history.

Sasha will get a long run now, wwe has messed her about enough and charlotte doesn't need the belt atm. Only question is who can Sasha feud with other than Charlotte
I know Sasha comes highly rated from NXT but she has been a little disappointing. Some of her in ring work is dangerous. Charlotte in ring work is less dangerous and her heel promos are much better than Sashas promos.

Yes think they should have played more on there time in NXT rather than concentrate on making history.

Sasha will get a long run now, wwe has messed her about enough and charlotte doesn't need the belt atm. Only question is who can Sasha feud with other than Charlotte

She is technically sound and the superior in-ring worker, her promos are better to and the physicality she brings to the ring is incredibly entertaining a breath of fresh air; having said that she does need to tone down her intensity to prevent getting banged up. Charlotte is guilty for being reckless with Sasha at times, at SS she nearly ended her career with that spot from the top rope where Sasha landed awkwardly. Charlotte's promos were okay in NXT but not they have deteriorated because all she does is shout and scream, sasha is way better on the mic and we can see that from her delivery; as a heel she s even better.

There is Nia Jax, Emmalina and Bayley to whom she has history with. WWE ultimate goal is to get as many reigns they can on charlotte, i want to see better storytelling
Just saw Nxt takeover toronto, revival vs DIY has to be one of the strong contenders of WWE MOTY, what a fantastic match it was with great work done by both team. It seems revival are just incapable of having a bad match.
[MENTION=3474]TalhaSyed[/MENTION] [MENTION=141114]Hasan123[/MENTION] [MENTION=95766]leatherface58[/MENTION] [MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION] do any of you have a PS4 and WWE 2K17

Nah I was gonna buy an XBox One S for Don Bradman 17, WWE 2k17 & Fifa 17 but then saw the Nintendo Seich so gonna wait to see what that has to offer before investing in another gaming console :)
Nah I was gonna buy an XBox One S for Don Bradman 17, WWE 2k17 & Fifa 17 but then saw the Nintendo Seich so gonna wait to see what that has to offer before investing in another gaming console :)

Don Bradman is rubbish! have you seen the graphics? even Know Your Role Graphics are better then that but I heard the gameplay is very realistic. Chow bought a One S, apparently it's great if you're interested in features beyond gaming like resolution, 4K TV and all etc but PS4 is the better gaming machine. Don't be a jobber get a ps4, should be some decent deals coming up in the lead up to Xmas, New Years, Boxing day although you missed out on some really good deals during black friday. I got PS4 with COD for £189 but it got lost in transit :))) or stolen, the delivery driver could have ran off with it so because of that Amazon have been taking the pee wee actually sending me the damn thing it's been a week now and they did a replacement order so iA it comes on the weekend

What is a Nintendo Seich? :yk am so dissapointed by that company, these are the guys who revolutionized the industry with the Nintendo 64 back in the day, greatest console of all time; they invented FPS etc the games were so amazing and the tech just loved it. Since then they reached similar heights with the Wii but have been jobbing out, wish they would release a proper gaming console but they've established too much of a PG / casual fan market so I doubt it

Wow imagine burying you in 2k17 Real just got Fantasy Warefare :))) this would be you after I DELETE RomanReigns in a buried alive match repeatedly:


A lot of these guys in the thread have a PS4 am surprised they don't have a WWE game though, it's like the first game that comes to my head besides a decent FPS and racer
Don Bradman is rubbish! have you seen the graphics? even Know Your Role Graphics are better then that but I heard the gameplay is very realistic. Chow bought a One S, apparently it's great if you're interested in features beyond gaming like resolution, 4K TV and all etc but PS4 is the better gaming machine. Don't be a jobber get a ps4, should be some decent deals coming up in the lead up to Xmas, New Years, Boxing day although you missed out on some really good deals during black friday. I got PS4 with COD for £189 but it got lost in transit :))) or stolen, the delivery driver could have ran off with it so because of that Amazon have been taking the pee wee actually sending me the damn thing it's been a week now and they did a replacement order so iA it comes on the weekend

What is a Nintendo Seich? :yk am so dissapointed by that company, these are the guys who revolutionized the industry with the Nintendo 64 back in the day, greatest console of all time; they invented FPS etc the games were so amazing and the tech just loved it. Since then they reached similar heights with the Wii but have been jobbing out, wish they would release a proper gaming console but they've established too much of a PG / casual fan market so I doubt it

Wow imagine burying you in 2k17 Real just got Fantasy Warefare :))) this would be you after I DELETE RomanReigns in a buried alive match repeatedly:


A lot of these guys in the thread have a PS4 am surprised they don't have a WWE game though, it's like the first game that comes to my head besides a decent FPS and racer

Never had a PS man.

I enjoy a fun gaming experience and don't really care about graphics, resolution and all that nonsense.

Just wanna have a good time.

Yea N64 was the peak, Gamecube crashed and burned, Wii was pretty revolutionary & the Wii U crashed and burned.

However, hoping the Nintendo Switch will once again shake things up!

:)) :)) :)) You wish you could bury Roman man! Even a chimpanzee could have destroyed you in 2k17 if the chimpanzee was playing with Roman :inzi
Never had a PS man.

I enjoy a fun gaming experience and don't really care about graphics, resolution and all that nonsense.

Just wanna have a good time.

Yea N64 was the peak, Gamecube crashed and burned, Wii was pretty revolutionary & the Wii U crashed and burned.

However, hoping the Nintendo Switch will once again shake things up!

:)) :)) :)) You wish you could bury Roman man! Even a chimpanzee could have destroyed you in 2k17 if the chimpanzee was playing with Roman :inzi

Do you even know how that jobber device works? so basically it's like you're playing on your telly right? and all of a sudden need to go to the toilet, so you take that screen thingy out of the hub and you're able to play the game on the toilet right? but here's a question, how long can you do that for? is there some kind of window? also can you just play the games on the handheld device instead of the telly ? or do you need to be playing on your TV moments before you can play on the handheld device?

Also, there are games which you don't play on the move and there are people who won't do that at all. If they want a handheld gaming experience purely then why not just get a DS or Vita right? so am not sure which market that console is aimed at.

There were rumours about Nintendo NX console around and that it would be a serious gaming machine, I started to mark out with thoughts of my beloved N64 but am not sure what's going on there now.

I'd make sure you get boo'd even in 2k17! My finishing move would be the wedgie lock, I'd give you a wedgie and hold it there until you tapped out
Do you even know how that jobber device works? so basically it's like you're playing on your telly right? and all of a sudden need to go to the toilet, so you take that screen thingy out of the hub and you're able to play the game on the toilet right? but here's a question, how long can you do that for? is there some kind of window? also can you just play the games on the handheld device instead of the telly ? or do you need to be playing on your TV moments before you can play on the handheld device?

Also, there are games which you don't play on the move and there are people who won't do that at all. If they want a handheld gaming experience purely then why not just get a DS or Vita right? so am not sure which market that console is aimed at.

There were rumours about Nintendo NX console around and that it would be a serious gaming machine, I started to mark out with thoughts of my beloved N64 but am not sure what's going on there now.

I'd make sure you get boo'd even in 2k17! My finishing move would be the wedgie lock, I'd give you a wedgie and hold it there until you tapped out

Time will tell.

However, based on the trailer and how they show him playing on the plane it's a home console merged with a handheld console & that's ideal if they do it right

Roman would just kick out before super man punching you into next week
Jobber Banks has been BURIED once again by the GENETICALLY superior Charlotte [MENTION=115388]I Believe in the Teesra[/MENTION]
I don't watch this crap anymore.

Connor McGregor is where its at.

Enough of these mediocre fake bums.


The GIMMICK INFRINGEMENT ONE wouldn't last 5 seconds in the REAL squared circle, the grandest stage of them all! He'd pass out after taking a bump from Santino Marella, the CHERRY PICKING ONE is the ROMAN REIGNS of the UFC, SOON he will be exposed by the RUSSIAN MAESTRO KHABIB
It's been a decent year for wrestling fans [MENTION=141114]Hasan123[/MENTION] [MENTION=3474]TalhaSyed[/MENTION] [MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION] [MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION] [MENTION=95766]leatherface58[/MENTION] [MENTION=138670]The_KING[/MENTION]

My top 10:

1. AJ Styles (Stellar year in the ring and as a character, it almost feels like a dream if it is don't wake me up! AJ Styles was never expected to be signed by the WWE, when he was no one expected him to win the WWE title; I had always believed he'd become a main-eventer within 2 years given his talent but after his matches vs Roman Reigns I said to myself Vince will surely put the belt on this guy very soon and I wasn't wrong! if there was any doubt in Vinces mine AJ put that to bed with his genius between the ropes, he is a modern shawn michaels)

2. Charlotte

3. Chris Jericho

4. Matt Hardy

5. The Mizz

6. Nakamura

7. Ricochet/Will-Ospreay

8. Samoa Joe

9. Kenny Omega

10. Jay Lethal

Honourable mentions: Sasha Banks, Okada, Tinashi, The CWC class of 2016

Really tough to get everyone in, there have been some stellar performances and one can make an argument for a number of wrestlers to be in the top 10 but those were the ones who stood out for me and am pretty sure though that there is no doubt about who the no.1 should be, AJ Styles is heads and shoulders above the rest and the year he had was phenomenal.

Match of the Year: Styles v Roman Reigns [MENTION=3474]TalhaSyed[/MENTION] :afridi) @ extreme rules, epic epic match I hope these two work a wrestlemania program one day because they have incredible chemistry. Roman doesn't get enough credit for how good he is not everyone has to be a spot monkey, he's a damn good seller and is a brilliant brawler, you got to appreciate different styles in wrestling and those who pull them off quiet well. Other note, Reigns doesn't come across as a goofy character anymore either and his mic skills are okay; generally he is booked better we just need a lengthy heel turn from him then the fans can get behind him when the WWE do decide to turn him face.

Honourable mentions: Styes vs Ambrose (Backlash), Styles vs Cena (SummerSlam), Styles vs Nakamura (WrestleKingdom), Matt Hardy vs Jeff Hardy (The Final Deletion), Brock Lesnar vs Goldberg, Sami Zayn vs Nakamura (Takeover), Styles vs Ambrose TLC match (TLC PPV), Charlotte v Sasha falls count anywhere (RAW), Charlotte vs Sasha Hell in a Cell match (HIAC PPV), Riochet v Ospreay (NJPW), RAW vs Smackdown (SS elimination tag), Okada v Tanashi (WrestleKingdom).

Segment of the year: The Final Deletion

Promo of the year: Charlotte on RAW after losing her title to Sasha

Feud of the Year: Charlotte vs Sasha

Best Gimmick: It's a tie to [MENTION=95766]leatherface58[/MENTION] delight! Matt Hardy and Jericho rolling back the years :))

Best moment of the year: Goldberg beating Brock Lesnar in 86 seconds, rarely do you get to suspend your disbelief in this era, Kayfabe came alive momentarily and fans like [MENTION=95766]leatherface58[/MENTION] were marking out as if Jericho became Undisputed champ in 01 all over again

The Mizz Participation Award: James Ellsworth :)))

Breakout star: a tie! Alexa Bliss, Carmella and Becky Lynch

Tag Team of the year: The Revival

PPV event of the year: SurvivorSeries
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People complain about a lack of selling then you have Dave Meltzer give 5* ratings to spotfests with no selling at all in Japan and belittling everything on WWE TV, I get that if one doesn't prefer the American Style more then the Japan one but you're biased, hypocritical and lack sense when you display a double standard. Now am not criticising spot-fests, they can be enjoyable but when such matches are rated higher in Japan then in the WWE its hypocritical.
So great to see AJ finally making it to the top. One of the few whose career I've followed since his Roh days.
So great to see AJ finally making it to the top. One of the few whose career I've followed since his Roh days.

Same here, who do you think should win the Rumble?

Jericho has done everything except win the Rumble would be cool if he did and it would make sense to, amazing way to cap of a great run. It would further elevage his feud with KO who'd expect Y2J to just lay down for the universal title.

Balor could return and win though but who do you want
Same here, who do you think should win the Rumble?

Jericho has done everything except win the Rumble would be cool if he did and it would make sense to, amazing way to cap of a great run. It would further elevage his feud with KO who'd expect Y2J to just lay down for the universal title.

Balor could return and win though but who do you want

Balor is probably the favorite to win it but I really think they're pushing him too much too soon. The guy will probably win the Rumble and the title and Mania as well. Could be a two time Universal champion and a Rumble winner in his first year!

Not too many options tbh, Jericho would be nice. Or they could have Taker win it as well if he's healthy enough. Would set up a dream match between AJ and Taker.
Balor is probably the favorite to win it but I really think they're pushing him too much too soon. The guy will probably win the Rumble and the title and Mania as well. Could be a two time Universal champion and a Rumble winner in his first year!

Not too many options tbh, Jericho would be nice. Or they could have Taker win it as well if he's healthy enough. Would set up a dream match between AJ and Taker.

I agree feel like they are shoving him down our throats funny how the smarks are not buttt hurt about that. Screw Balor, I want that jobber to pay his dues and flesh out his character first. AJ/Taker has long been my dream match but am not sure what the creative plans are:

AJ/Cena 3

All of them matches can happen, I think we can rule out Broid or GB facing either of those names because most likely they will have their final encounter at mania.

But defo agree, Jericho and Taker are my choices; ideally both would put over KO and AJ as well.
I agree feel like they are shoving him down our throats funny how the smarks are not buttt hurt about that. Screw Balor, I want that jobber to pay his dues and flesh out his character first. AJ/Taker has long been my dream match but am not sure what the creative plans are:

AJ/Cena 3

All of them matches can happen, I think we can rule out Broid or GB facing either of those names because most likely they will have their final encounter at mania.

But defo agree, Jericho and Taker are my choices; ideally both would put over KO and AJ as well.

Jericho deserves it but Balor will win it.
I disagree. In terms of drawing ability Shawn was probably greater than Bret because Bret was too squeaky clean for the Attitude Era. However , in terms of wrestling ability, Bret > Shawn quite easily. I'd only put Benoit and angle ahead.

Bret drawing power is actually underrated, I was watching an old documentary on him recently; the man was incredibly over around the globe and not just in US/Canada he had that unique charisma about him plus he knew how to get the audience emotionally invested in his matches. It's also a MYTH that Bret was too squeaky clean, in fact he is a PIONEER of the Attitude era much like Shawn; his heel work in 97 and feuds with Austin/Shawn cemented his legacy as an incredibly versatile talent. Bret bought an intensity to his promos which had never been seen before and his character was a lot more edgier, yes part of that arose from real life animosity be it the shoots or the worked shoots but it all made for fantastic television. We can also give him credit for the ascension of Steve Austin the anti-hero whom Bret as a heel helped elevate to the main-event scene , for someone who was supposed to be a squeaky clean guy he did a terrific job!

When it comes to pure technical ability Bret is up there with the all time greats, but as an all round package there is not a single wrestler on earth who is greater then Shawn as an in-ring performer. Shawn could get a 5* classic out of a brook stick if he wanted, be it brawling, high flying, shoot-wrestling or technical wrestling shawn mastered all the styles and he'd adjust accordingly based on his opponents strengths to deliver the best possible match. Bret is certainly up there when it comes to all round ability but Shawn is compatibly ahead of the rest. When it comes to technique Bret is without a doubt King and he'd tell you how he never injured an opponent something he takes great pride in, another factor people forget is that he never injured himself much either! he worked an incredibly safe style which was also very entertaining, kids today repeatedly perform high spots and try to kill themselves to get a reaction but Bret was the opposite which is why I rate him above the likes of Benoit, Jericho, Eddie, Bryan and Dean Malenko but just ahead of Angle whom you can argue is on a level playing field as Bret.
Bret drawing power is actually underrated, I was watching an old documentary on him recently; the man was incredibly over around the globe and not just in US/Canada he had that unique charisma about him plus he knew how to get the audience emotionally invested in his matches. It's also a MYTH that Bret was too squeaky clean, in fact he is a PIONEER of the Attitude era much like Shawn; his heel work in 97 and feuds with Austin/Shawn cemented his legacy as an incredibly versatile talent. Bret bought an intensity to his promos which had never been seen before and his character was a lot more edgier, yes part of that arose from real life animosity be it the shoots or the worked shoots but it all made for fantastic television. We can also give him credit for the ascension of Steve Austin the anti-hero whom Bret as a heel helped elevate to the main-event scene , for someone who was supposed to be a squeaky clean guy he did a terrific job!

When it comes to pure technical ability Bret is up there with the all time greats, but as an all round package there is not a single wrestler on earth who is greater then Shawn as an in-ring performer. Shawn could get a 5* classic out of a brook stick if he wanted, be it brawling, high flying, shoot-wrestling or technical wrestling shawn mastered all the styles and he'd adjust accordingly based on his opponents strengths to deliver the best possible match. Bret is certainly up there when it comes to all round ability but Shawn is compatibly ahead of the rest. When it comes to technique Bret is without a doubt King and he'd tell you how he never injured an opponent something he takes great pride in, another factor people forget is that he never injured himself much either! he worked an incredibly safe style which was also very entertaining, kids today repeatedly perform high spots and try to kill themselves to get a reaction but Bret was the opposite which is why I rate him above the likes of Benoit, Jericho, Eddie, Bryan and Dean Malenko but just ahead of Angle whom you can argue is on a level playing field as Bret.

Actually Bret was indeed a pioneer in many ways and was a top draw 1992-96 without a doubt . But I think by then he was getting negative reactions in the US with the changing demographics of the wrestling audience. By squeaky clean I meant as a person he was much more of a wholesome family man kinda guy and most hardcore wrestling fans knew this. Total contrast to the likes of Austin and the Kliq etc. The elevation of Austin as an anti-hero was certainly because of Austin's feuds with Bret but was it because of Bret Hart himself? I'm not so sure it was simple as that. Austin was simply the right guy at the right time and nobody could've reasonably predicted such a meteoric rise I suppose. The guy simply had "it". In such an environment I think Bret's popularity was quite limited to the loyal WWF fanbase in Canada. And from what Ive read Bret Hart's biggest issue was that he was extremely insecure of his spot so much so that he would put himself ahead of the company at times. Bret was quite uncomfortable with the direction the WWF was taking back then. Sure he did deliver a few edgy promos mostly driven by his personal vendetta against Shawn but I don't think he particularly liked it. He was too old school for that.

Overall I do think Bret was a much more crucial figure for WWF than HBK was or that people even realise. He was made champion by Vince in 1992 despite the WWF usually favouring the larger men and especially during the days where WWF wrestlers were accused of steroid abuse he pretty much carried the company for a good 5 years before WWF transitioned into AE. Very safe, very reliable and a very clean image. It was the success of Bret that convinced Vince thst smaller guys could become faces of the WWF .
Actually Bret was indeed a pioneer in many ways and was a top draw 1992-96 without a doubt . But I think by then he was getting negative reactions in the US with the changing demographics of the wrestling audience. By squeaky clean I meant as a person he was much more of a wholesome family man kinda guy and most hardcore wrestling fans knew this. Total contrast to the likes of Austin and the Kliq etc. The elevation of Austin as an anti-hero was certainly because of Austin's feuds with Bret but was it because of Bret Hart himself? I'm not so sure it was simple as that. Austin was simply the right guy at the right time and nobody could've reasonably predicted such a meteoric rise I suppose. The guy simply had "it". In such an environment I think Bret's popularity was quite limited to the loyal WWF fanbase in Canada. And from what Ive read Bret Hart's biggest issue was that he was extremely insecure of his spot so much so that he would put himself ahead of the company at times. Bret was quite uncomfortable with the direction the WWF was taking back then. Sure he did deliver a few edgy promos mostly driven by his personal vendetta against Shawn but I don't think he particularly liked it. He was too old school for that.

Overall I do think Bret was a much more crucial figure for WWF than HBK was or that people even realise. He was made champion by Vince in 1992 despite the WWF usually favouring the larger men and especially during the days where WWF wrestlers were accused of steroid abuse he pretty much carried the company for a good 5 years before WWF transitioned into AE. Very safe, very reliable and a very clean image. It was the success of Bret that convinced Vince thst smaller guys could become faces of the WWF .

Definitely Bret represented the new generation and I got what you meant by squeaky clean he was a family friendly PG clean cut baby face character and after the golden generation had ended, steroid scandal and all he got the opportunity to become a main-eventer and his gimmick was ideal in the market place. There were a combination of factors which contributed to Austin's rise, first was the fact that he was a special talent who realised that the ring master gimmick was just not working for him, he developed a persona which was a incarnation of who he is in person and he deserves credit for going out on a limb putting his job security on the line to pursue his ambitions given the self belief he had in himself. The market place during this period was shifting towards an edgier product, in the backdrop shawn and the kliq had been huge advocates of such a product and had been fined by Vince for non-PG segments and promos. During this transition to the attitude era another contributing factor which helped Austin was shawn "losing his smile" mania 13 main-event was meant to be HBK v Bret 2 where Bret would defeat shawn but as that bout was not happening and with Austin gaining an incredible amount of steam a feud between Bret and Austin was booked to help elevate Steve as a main-eventer. It was a high profile feud where Austin got to work a program with an established main-eventer, the fans had certainly grown tired of Bret's clean cut squeaky clean persona as you say but he'd use that for heat to create an edgy heel who'd remained within the bounds of a PG product but still managed to cut compelling promos which elevated his feud with Austin and allowed him to gain more momentum as this anti-hero like baby-face, it was one of the best rivalries of the year and Bret can be credited to helping take Austin character to the next level and he'd take him even further in their match at Wrestlemania which was arguably the greatest of all time.

Yeah it is true that Bret was incredibly insecure, his biggest problem was the guy was a huge mark of himself :)) but his ego wasn't as big as someone like Hogan. People also forget Bret's run in WCW as a heel, which was also fantastic; I think what's a shame is that damn injury he suffered but then again he may have gone to TNA after WCW folded he was still bitter towards to WWF for a long time so those dream matches vs Kurt Angle may not have been possible. He was 42 when he suffered that mule kick, at the top level wrestlers can start to decline around that time as well but say he decided to return to the WWE around 2004 he'd have been 45 years old. One of the other reasons shawn is the ultimate goat in-ring performer is that by the time he had suffered a career back injury and retired from competition in 1998 many experts rated him as the best performer, I still have some of the old magazines! then his second run which began in 2002 was nothing short of miraculous in fact it can be argued that his second run was even better then the first and that too after 4 years of inactivity returning at an age where you'd expect him to decline but he performed at the highest level until the age of 45 and looked like he could do it for another 3-4 years.

When I look at the new generation between 93-96 I wouldn't associate a hulk hogan like figure to that period in terms of how crucial they were, I believe that a collection of top stars were equally important as Bret such as Shawn, Razor, The Undertaker and Owen Hart (actually as a top guy I sought of do agree with you that Bret was more important then the others given the pressure of being the WWF champion, plus inspiring wrestlers such as Shawn who looked up to Bret and many others). The steroid scandal was a blessing in disguise because no way would Vince have given younger and smaller talents the opportunity at the main-event but when he did they without a double became pioneers in the process by proving they can draw just like the big guys, it's a testament to Bret's talent that he was a bigger draw then Diesel ever was the bigger guy.

That's how I'd like to remember Bret as one of the greatest all round performer's in history who was SAFE, Benoit hurt himself too much, Dynamite Kid hurt himself and his opponents depending on his mood, Bryan would hurt himself as well but Bret as a technician kept his opponent safe and himself. The likes of Seth Rollins perform moves they don't need to in order to get a reaction because they lack the psychology to get an audience invested in their match, nor did Bret ever perform a reckless move on his opponent or injured a wrestler.

Not sure if you follow the current product but the closest thing to shawn michaels I have ever seen is AJ Styles who is the WWE champion at the moment, Brock Lesnar, Goldberg and the Undertaker are expected to feature in the Royal Rumble PPV next month.
Definitely Bret represented the new generation and I got what you meant by squeaky clean he was a family friendly PG clean cut baby face character and after the golden generation had ended, steroid scandal and all he got the opportunity to become a main-eventer and his gimmick was ideal in the market place. There were a combination of factors which contributed to Austin's rise, first was the fact that he was a special talent who realised that the ring master gimmick was just not working for him, he developed a persona which was a incarnation of who he is in person and he deserves credit for going out on a limb putting his job security on the line to pursue his ambitions given the self belief he had in himself. The market place during this period was shifting towards an edgier product, in the backdrop shawn and the kliq had been huge advocates of such a product and had been fined by Vince for non-PG segments and promos. During this transition to the attitude era another contributing factor which helped Austin was shawn "losing his smile" mania 13 main-event was meant to be HBK v Bret 2 where Bret would defeat shawn but as that bout was not happening and with Austin gaining an incredible amount of steam a feud between Bret and Austin was booked to help elevate Steve as a main-eventer. It was a high profile feud where Austin got to work a program with an established main-eventer, the fans had certainly grown tired of Bret's clean cut squeaky clean persona as you say but he'd use that for heat to create an edgy heel who'd remained within the bounds of a PG product but still managed to cut compelling promos which elevated his feud with Austin and allowed him to gain more momentum as this anti-hero like baby-face, it was one of the best rivalries of the year and Bret can be credited to helping take Austin character to the next level and he'd take him even further in their match at Wrestlemania which was arguably the greatest of all time.

Yeah it is true that Bret was incredibly insecure, his biggest problem was the guy was a huge mark of himself :)) but his ego wasn't as big as someone like Hogan. People also forget Bret's run in WCW as a heel, which was also fantastic; I think what's a shame is that damn injury he suffered but then again he may have gone to TNA after WCW folded he was still bitter towards to WWF for a long time so those dream matches vs Kurt Angle may not have been possible. He was 42 when he suffered that mule kick, at the top level wrestlers can start to decline around that time as well but say he decided to return to the WWE around 2004 he'd have been 45 years old. One of the other reasons shawn is the ultimate goat in-ring performer is that by the time he had suffered a career back injury and retired from competition in 1998 many experts rated him as the best performer, I still have some of the old magazines! then his second run which began in 2002 was nothing short of miraculous in fact it can be argued that his second run was even better then the first and that too after 4 years of inactivity returning at an age where you'd expect him to decline but he performed at the highest level until the age of 45 and looked like he could do it for another 3-4 years.

When I look at the new generation between 93-96 I wouldn't associate a hulk hogan like figure to that period in terms of how crucial they were, I believe that a collection of top stars were equally important as Bret such as Shawn, Razor, The Undertaker and Owen Hart (actually as a top guy I sought of do agree with you that Bret was more important then the others given the pressure of being the WWF champion, plus inspiring wrestlers such as Shawn who looked up to Bret and many others). The steroid scandal was a blessing in disguise because no way would Vince have given younger and smaller talents the opportunity at the main-event but when he did they without a double became pioneers in the process by proving they can draw just like the big guys, it's a testament to Bret's talent that he was a bigger draw then Diesel ever was the bigger guy.

That's how I'd like to remember Bret as one of the greatest all round performer's in history who was SAFE, Benoit hurt himself too much, Dynamite Kid hurt himself and his opponents depending on his mood, Bryan would hurt himself as well but Bret as a technician kept his opponent safe and himself. The likes of Seth Rollins perform moves they don't need to in order to get a reaction because they lack the psychology to get an audience invested in their match, nor did Bret ever perform a reckless move on his opponent or injured a wrestler.

Not sure if you follow the current product but the closest thing to shawn michaels I have ever seen is AJ Styles who is the WWE champion at the moment, Brock Lesnar, Goldberg and the Undertaker are expected to feature in the Royal Rumble PPV next month.

Totally agreed with most of your points. I'd say it's not just Bret who was safe though. I think a lot of wrestlers from Canada especially from The Dungeon were pretty safe to work with - Owen, Bret, Jericho, even Benoit. You'd never anyone complain about working with despite their intense style of wrestling( especially Benoit) . Buy yes Benoit did hurt himself a lot - the diving headbutt is a move that they have hopefully banned now. And yes I followed AJ Styles many years ago in TNA and isn't he one of the champions now? Im a casual follower now but I'm really excited for this Rumble. Lesnar/Goldberg/Taker. Memories of 2003-2004 flooding in right now.
I want Taker vs Cena for the title at Mania so Taker could beat Cena and retire as the WWE Champion.
Beniot would have gone been up there there with,Brett,Shawn,Taker,and Austin, etc had he not done what he done. How his life ended and what he did to his family is unforgivable for some people and that is how a majority of people will remember him. I remember some of his great matches but as I said above a majority of the wrestling fans will remember the last moments of his life and it overshadows what he achieved in his life.

Had he remained alive and not done what he did, he would have wrestled another 4/5 years and would have some classic matches and would have been up there with the very best. He is a great wrestler but below the names I mentioned in my opening lines.
Totally agreed with most of your points. I'd say it's not just Bret who was safe though. I think a lot of wrestlers from Canada especially from The Dungeon were pretty safe to work with - Owen, Bret, Jericho, even Benoit. You'd never anyone complain about working with despite their intense style of wrestling( especially Benoit) . Buy yes Benoit did hurt himself a lot - the diving headbutt is a move that they have hopefully banned now. And yes I followed AJ Styles many years ago in TNA and isn't he one of the champions now? Im a casual follower now but I'm really excited for this Rumble. Lesnar/Goldberg/Taker. Memories of 2003-2004 flooding in right now.

All those guys were very talented and safe but Bret is a level above the rest because he was safe and didn't do much damage to himself either, he never got banged up and remained entertaining throughout. When he left the WWF he had more then fulfilled his contract obligations in terms of schedule, in fact he'd find himself wrestling house shows he didn't need to. Yeah AJ Styles is THE WWE Champion :)) would you believe it? unreal but well deserved and he's had a stellar year not only just from an in-ring point of view but also as a character. The biggest career decision he ever made was leaving TNA. Yeah it should be a great RR PPV mate, it's in the alomo dome in san antonio texas same arena where shawn beat sid for the WWF title at the Royal Rumble PPV in 1997 before 60,000+ fans.

So far these guys are probably in the Rumble:



Shawn Michaels
Kurt Angle

Other matches booked for the show:

Cena vs AJ Styles 3 for the WWE championship, Cena is currently on 15 reigns needs one more to equal Ric. Cena has been rumoured to be working a mania program with Taker for a while now although I've wanted to see Taker v AJ Styles, hoping that can still happen.
Beniot would have gone been up there there with,Brett,Shawn,Taker,and Austin, etc had he not done what he done. How his life ended and what he did to his family is unforgivable for some people and that is how a majority of people will remember him. I remember some of his great matches but as I said above a majority of the wrestling fans will remember the last moments of his life and it overshadows what he achieved in his life.

Had he remained alive and not done what he did, he would have wrestled another 4/5 years and would have some classic matches and would have been up there with the very best. He is a great wrestler but below the names I mentioned in my opening lines.

He is up there with them, he won't get a hall of fame induction but that doesn't mean he becomes some rubbish wrestler; his contribution to the industry will not be forgotten but we will never celebrate him. Benoit is one of the greatest technical wrestlers of all time and remains an all time great he main-evented mania, won the rumble, won the world title in WCW, had countless classic matches vs the likes of Bret, Shawn, Jericho, Kurt, Edge unforgettable PPV encounters, arguably the greatest RAW match vs Kurt etc he's gone above and beyond, the stints in Stampede Wrestling, NJPW, ECW, WCW were all excellent, he was a wrestling machine who could adapt to any style required across the globe be it in Japan, America or Europe. Benoit legacy was cemented as a legend long before what he did and many historians and his peers would say the same.

Sure we'll never celebrate him but his contributions can not be erased.
The best wrestlers that I've seen in terms of in ring abilities are HBK and Bret Hart.

The best I've seen are:

Stone Cold (people still think he could only brawl lol)
Daniel Bryan
Owen Hart
William Regal
Randy Savage
Ricky Steam Boat
Dynamite Kid
He is up there with them, he won't get a hall of fame induction but that doesn't mean he becomes some rubbish wrestler; his contribution to the industry will not be forgotten but we will never celebrate him. Benoit is one of the greatest technical wrestlers of all time and remains an all time great he main-evented mania, won the rumble, won the world title in WCW, had countless classic matches vs the likes of Bret, Shawn, Jericho, Kurt, Edge unforgettable PPV encounters, arguably the greatest RAW match vs Kurt etc he's gone above and beyond, the stints in Stampede Wrestling, NJPW, ECW, WCW were all excellent, he was a wrestling machine who could adapt to any style required across the globe be it in Japan, America or Europe. Benoit legacy was cemented as a legend long before what he did and many historians and his peers would say the same.

Sure we'll never celebrate him but his contributions can not be erased.

I never said he is a rubbish wrestler. What I'm saying is people will remember his last moments more than they will remember his wrestling ability.

Wwe has errased him from there history.
The best I have seen are

Triple h
The Rock
I never said he is a rubbish wrestler. What I'm saying is people will remember his last moments more than they will remember his wrestling ability.

Wwe has errased him from there history.

Nah, they acknowledge his contributions to the business as much as what he did towards the end. It's what historians, his peers and fans say. "Benoit was an incredible wrestler and all time great but I can't forgive him for what he did" that's pretty much the sentiment of 90% of people.
The best I have seen are

Triple h
The Rock

We were speaking of technical wrestlers alone :yk3 Cena and Rock are great but I wouldn't rate their technical ability in the ring.
We were speaking of technical wrestlers alone :yk3 Cena and Rock are great but I wouldn't rate their technical ability in the ring.

Cena is underrated in the ring , the rock when it comes to pure wrestling ability is ovverated but stil one of the greats. I forgot about Kurt Angle, he can replace the rock on my list.
Cena is underrated in the ring , the rock when it comes to pure wrestling ability is ovverated but stil one of the greats. I forgot about Kurt Angle, he can replace the rock on my list.

He's won over most now, Cena is a solid all round performer but he's no technician and he is still awful at selling but makes up for it with his move-set and strength which allows for some amazing spots in the match. The Rock is another solid all round performer, his wrestling ability in itself isn't spectacular but he's fantastic at selling! something which samoans pride themselves on and even Reigns is pretty good at selling he is way better then Cena in that regard. Yeah Kurt is a wonderful technician no doubt about that, hopefully he returns this year inshaAllah
He's won over most now, Cena is a solid all round performer but he's no technician and he is still awful at selling but makes up for it with his move-set and strength which allows for some amazing spots in the match. The Rock is another solid all round performer, his wrestling ability in itself isn't spectacular but he's fantastic at selling! something which samoans pride themselves on and even Reigns is pretty good at selling he is way better then Cena in that regard. Yeah Kurt is a wonderful technician no doubt about that, hopefully he returns this year inshaAllah

Cena isn't bad at selling LOL. The rock selling is dramatic for the most part. Shawn is a much better seller.

Yes hopefully Kurt returns and retires on a high.
Cena isn't bad at selling LOL. The rock selling is dramatic for the most part. Shawn is a much better seller.

Yes hopefully Kurt returns and retires on a high.




Any fan with a basic understanding of pro-wrestling can see how Robotic Cena is when selling offence, his in-ring work is not fluid like a Rock; this has been mentioned by his peers and wrestlers he has worked with for a long period such as Orton. Shawn is on another level, the undisputed goat; don't insult him by mentioning the likes of Cena and Rock in the same sentence when it comes to in-ring work.
Your opinions in general hold little weight not just in wrestling

:))) Great selling :yk
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What on earth is this


"Isn't bad at selling"
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Looks like one of the Best Rumble matches after a long time on the cards here...

Confirmed Cat A stars participating

Undertaker (by the looks of it)
John Cena (by the looks of it)

Most probable top performers to participate

Dean Ambrose
Roman Reigns
Seth Rollins
Chris Jericho
AJ Syles or Kevin Owens (if not both)
Randy Orton (who should be a Cat A star really)
Bray Wyatt (not being pushed the way Owens and Balor has been pushed, yet every bit better than both)

Strong emerging talent to participate
Sami Zayn
Fin Balor
Luke Harper (highly underrated)

Solid Tag team/factions that are respectable draws
New Day (only two should really participate preferrably Big E and Kofi Kingston)
Sheamus and Ceasaro (excellent workers)
Gallows and Anderson (excellent heel workers)

List of second string stars who have been quite good recently

The Mizz
Dough Ziggler

Stars who should return and make this rumble more epic
Triple H (A list)
Big Show

Long Shots but who knows

The Rock (A list)
CM Punk (he would cry if not considered A list)

Getting extremely excited here guys!
Looks like one of the Best Rumble matches after a long time on the cards here...

Confirmed Cat A stars participating

Undertaker (by the looks of it)
John Cena (by the looks of it)

Most probable top performers to participate

Dean Ambrose
Roman Reigns
Seth Rollins
Chris Jericho
AJ Syles or Kevin Owens (if not both)
Randy Orton (who should be a Cat A star really)
Bray Wyatt (not being pushed the way Owens and Balor has been pushed, yet every bit better than both)

Strong emerging talent to participate
Sami Zayn
Fin Balor
Luke Harper (highly underrated)

Solid Tag team/factions that are respectable draws
New Day (only two should really participate preferrably Big E and Kofi Kingston)
Sheamus and Ceasaro (excellent workers)
Gallows and Anderson (excellent heel workers)

List of second string stars who have been quite good recently

The Mizz
Dough Ziggler

Stars who should return and make this rumble more epic
Triple H (A list)
Big Show

Long Shots but who knows

The Rock (A list)
CM Punk (he would cry if not considered A list)

Getting extremely excited here guys!

It's going to be the best Royal Rumble in years! WWE have put in a lot of effort because the PPV is going to be held in the gigantic alomo dome which has a capacity of 60,000+ am not sure if tickets have completely sold out just yet.

The loser of John Cena vs AJ Styles will compete in the Royal Rumble not both, not sure if you've been following Smackdown but Bray Wyatt and Orton have been booked beautifully! they are elite talents on the blue brand and made to look like a legitimate threat, it's the first time in Bray Wyatts career where creative have given him a respectable push and am excited because the team of Bray, Randy and Luke is one am incredibly hyped for; in fact during the RAW v Smackdown Classic SS match it was Bray and Randy who stood tall at the end and went over the likes of Seth and Reigns!

Owens has been a victim of bad booking to, wwe gave him the belt and turned him into another authority stooge who was booked like a chicken sh!t heel/mid-carder but despite that he has managed to remain entertaining especially with Jericho. But at best he should be the main-event prize-fighter character which has a lot more potential at the top of the card given, he can talk and wrestle which is great for his potential in the future I just hope he doesn't get lost in the shuffle. Balor had a fantastic run in NXT and is another guy to look out for but WWE need to be careful in fleshing out his character on the main roster before giving him a big push, he has a mystique about him and can go in the ring.

Another rising star you forgot to mention is Baron Corbin, he has immense potential as well. Luke Harper and Russev are underrated big time. Mizz has been criminaly underrated for years, he's a top tier talent and Ziggler has been underutilised but on smackdown both have thrived with better booking.

Rock and Punk are highly unlikely :)) Shawn may appear the PPV is in San Antonio! and Kurt Angle is one of the long shots as well.

Who do you think will win the Rumble?

I think Balor is the favourite (am against it because he's a newbie)

Other contenders:
Braun Strowman
John Cena/AJ-Styles depending on who loses the match
Bray Wyatt
Randy Orton
Roman Reigns or Kevin Owens depending on who loses the match

Dark Horse:
Dolph Ziggler
Chris Jericho

Personally think that the wrestler who deserves it more then anyone and NEEDS the win as well is Bray Wyatt ! fans are just waiting to jump on his bandwagon but WWE just haven't booked him that well but in recent times that has changed so there's a chance he could win and challenge for the title at mania.

I'd still mark out if Jericho won, he's not won the Rumble before and his having one of the best runs in his career which has cemented his legacy as an ATG and first ballot Hall of famer without a doubt. He has a lot of momentum behind him and if he were to win we'd get an interesting storyline on the road to wrestlemania in his feud with Kevin Owens, the two have amazing chemistry not just on the mic but in the ring to! I've seen them go in a house show which was televised on then network was a great little epic.

All charges were dropped against WWE Hall of Famer Jimmy Snuka today at an unscheduled hearing in Allentown, PA by Judge Kelly L. Banach, according to WFMZ-TV. The judge ruled that Snuka's mental health will not improve enough to stand trial.

Snuka was facing third-degree murder and involuntary manslaughter charges in the 1983 death of his then-girlfriend Nancy Argentino at a motel in Whitehall Township, PA. Snuka's lawyers have argued that he has dementia and is not fit to stand trial. Both the prosecution and the defense asked the judge to drop the case back in August if she believed Snuka's health would not improve. The judge needed more time to evaluate Snuka's condition and made her ruling today.

Lucky man.
It's going to be the best Royal Rumble in years! WWE have put in a lot of effort because the PPV is going to be held in the gigantic alomo dome which has a capacity of 60,000+ am not sure if tickets have completely sold out just yet.

The loser of John Cena vs AJ Styles will compete in the Royal Rumble not both, not sure if you've been following Smackdown but Bray Wyatt and Orton have been booked beautifully! they are elite talents on the blue brand and made to look like a legitimate threat, it's the first time in Bray Wyatts career where creative have given him a respectable push and am excited because the team of Bray, Randy and Luke is one am incredibly hyped for; in fact during the RAW v Smackdown Classic SS match it was Bray and Randy who stood tall at the end and went over the likes of Seth and Reigns!

Owens has been a victim of bad booking to, wwe gave him the belt and turned him into another authority stooge who was booked like a chicken sh!t heel/mid-carder but despite that he has managed to remain entertaining especially with Jericho. But at best he should be the main-event prize-fighter character which has a lot more potential at the top of the card given, he can talk and wrestle which is great for his potential in the future I just hope he doesn't get lost in the shuffle. Balor had a fantastic run in NXT and is another guy to look out for but WWE need to be careful in fleshing out his character on the main roster before giving him a big push, he has a mystique about him and can go in the ring.

Another rising star you forgot to mention is Baron Corbin, he has immense potential as well. Luke Harper and Russev are underrated big time. Mizz has been criminaly underrated for years, he's a top tier talent and Ziggler has been underutilised but on smackdown both have thrived with better booking.

Rock and Punk are highly unlikely :)) Shawn may appear the PPV is in San Antonio! and Kurt Angle is one of the long shots as well.

Who do you think will win the Rumble?

I think Balor is the favourite (am against it because he's a newbie)

Other contenders:
Braun Strowman
John Cena/AJ-Styles depending on who loses the match
Bray Wyatt
Randy Orton
Roman Reigns or Kevin Owens depending on who loses the match

Dark Horse:
Dolph Ziggler
Chris Jericho

Personally think that the wrestler who deserves it more then anyone and NEEDS the win as well is Bray Wyatt ! fans are just waiting to jump on his bandwagon but WWE just haven't booked him that well but in recent times that has changed so there's a chance he could win and challenge for the title at mania.

I'd still mark out if Jericho won, he's not won the Rumble before and his having one of the best runs in his career which has cemented his legacy as an ATG and first ballot Hall of famer without a doubt. He has a lot of momentum behind him and if he were to win we'd get an interesting storyline on the road to wrestlemania in his feud with Kevin Owens, the two have amazing chemistry not just on the mic but in the ring to! I've seen them go in a house show which was televised on then network was a great little epic.

Bro you are 100% correct about Baron Corbyn. I would love to see him eliminate the Undertaker in the Royal Rumble, that would be the ultimate push and a possible match at WM. Highly unlikely because I am sure Taker would be thinking of signing off against some huge names instead of Pushing talent. But hey! Its the Undertaker we are talking about, he is all about doing the right thing and may just consider it.

Who do I want to see win the Rumble? As mentioned by you, Jericho winning it would be really soothing as a viewer, however I cannot see enough glamour in Jericho v Owens main event at Wrestelmania. Ideally, the main event spot should be given to AJ styles in this instance, the guy really has gone beyond expectations and delivered as the face that runs the place. I so dearly pray that CM Punk can be a surprise entry and win it, it would be the greatest comeback in the history of Royal Rumbles and finally he will get that gaurenteed main event spot at WM
Bro you are 100% correct about Baron Corbyn. I would love to see him eliminate the Undertaker in the Royal Rumble, that would be the ultimate push and a possible match at WM. Highly unlikely because I am sure Taker would be thinking of signing off against some huge names instead of Pushing talent. But hey! Its the Undertaker we are talking about, he is all about doing the right thing and may just consider it.

Who do I want to see win the Rumble? As mentioned by you, Jericho winning it would be really soothing as a viewer, however I cannot see enough glamour in Jericho v Owens main event at Wrestelmania. Ideally, the main event spot should be given to AJ styles in this instance, the guy really has gone beyond expectations and delivered as the face that runs the place. I so dearly pray that CM Punk can be a surprise entry and win it, it would be the greatest comeback in the history of Royal Rumbles and finally he will get that gaurenteed main event spot at WM

Jericho/Owens may not seem like a glamour match but it has huge potential but I gurantee you the likes of Owens, Styles etc will not main-event wrestlemania it will probably involve a part-timer and someone who has been in the main-event already. I think AJ Styles vs the Undertaker should go on last at mania but as of now there are no plans for the match unfortunately, Styles is an elite talent who reminds me a great deal of shawn he has been delivering world class performances for years now not just in the WWE more recently where he has arguably had the best 1st year for any wrestler past or present in the company so with so much momentum behind him it makes sense of Cena and Taker to put him over at the Rumble and Mania PPV's.

Punk will be the first wrestler who has had issues with the WWE but will NEVER return or work with the company again, I'd bet my house on it. Taker does what is asked of him by Vince, you won't find a talent who has worked with him that will tell you a tale of being buried of Taker or having issues with him he has always gone out of his way to put over guys throughout his career and has wanted Kurt Angle to end his streak in the past to but Vince didn't allow it. He's the most respected and dignified wrestler in history, for all he has done he deserves a grand send off similar to HBK v Flair en-route to mania 24.
Jericho/Owens may not seem like a glamour match but it has huge potential but I gurantee you the likes of Owens, Styles etc will not main-event wrestlemania it will probably involve a part-timer and someone who has been in the main-event already. I think AJ Styles vs the Undertaker should go on last at mania but as of now there are no plans for the match unfortunately, Styles is an elite talent who reminds me a great deal of shawn he has been delivering world class performances for years now not just in the WWE more recently where he has arguably had the best 1st year for any wrestler past or present in the company so with so much momentum behind him it makes sense of Cena and Taker to put him over at the Rumble and Mania PPV's.

Punk will be the first wrestler who has had issues with the WWE but will NEVER return or work with the company again, I'd bet my house on it. Taker does what is asked of him by Vince, you won't find a talent who has worked with him that will tell you a tale of being buried of Taker or having issues with him he has always gone out of his way to put over guys throughout his career and has wanted Kurt Angle to end his streak in the past to but Vince didn't allow it. He's the most respected and dignified wrestler in history, for all he has done he deserves a grand send off similar to HBK v Flair en-route to mania 24.

You can never say never bro, its the wrestling business.

Stone Cold put it in the best way on his podcast when reffering to Punk he said eventually the bills will keep piling up and you have to do something about it. I believe Punk is being very smart here. He left the WWE when the CM Punk brand was very well established, he has a large overground and very large smark following. If and when he returns, he will genuinely tear the roof down and it could work in his favour to become an all time bonafide star, maybe bigger than HHH at least.

Yes he has lots of personal issues with the board of directors and creative, yet I still believe these issues can be resolved.
You can never say never bro, its the wrestling business.

Stone Cold put it in the best way on his podcast when reffering to Punk he said eventually the bills will keep piling up and you have to do something about it. I believe Punk is being very smart here. He left the WWE when the CM Punk brand was very well established, he has a large overground and very large smark following. If and when he returns, he will genuinely tear the roof down and it could work in his favour to become an all time bonafide star, maybe bigger than HHH at least.

Yes he has lots of personal issues with the board of directors and creative, yet I still believe these issues can be resolved.

Stone Cold says that but he had to retire prematurely to! he made enough money to not care about coming back again and he went out on top to the way he wanted to at wrestlemania against his greatest rival. Punk during his main-event run saved his money really well, since then he has been involved in a number of projects involving comics, merchandising endeavours and more recently the UFC. He doesn't need the money, the WWE killed his desire a little bit and if he were to ever return it would be as a part-timer and he most definetly wouldn't be going to the WWE it would either be his home Ring of Honour or NJPW in Japan which is a company on the same magnitude as the WWE on a national level.

I can see Punk maybe resolving issues with Vince but not HHH whom had orchestrated him being disgruntled and even fired him on his wedding! things like that stay with you for life and Punk will always love wrestling deep down but I get the impression that not returning to the WWE has become a principle for him much like his straightedge beliefs.
[MENTION=2016]Rana[/MENTION] in the ideal world if he were to return the following would need to happen,

Promised a guaranteed Wrestlemania main-event in his contract

A HUGE pay day

A deep deep apology from HHH, but I don't see this one happening. Just listen to his interview with Austin on the podcast when asked about Punk he stumbled on his words like a million times, proving he was struggling to be honest with a straight face so had to lie awkwardly
Watched WrestleKingdom today.


Cody Rhodes vs Juice Robinson, I'd give it 3/5; there was some nice spots involved and Robinson sold very well and made Cody look very good. Was a standard performance from Cody and I expect him to fully realise his potential with more experience learning the Japanese style.

IC Title Match

Tetsuya Naito vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi, 4/5; they controlled the pace beautifully, didn't realise 25 minutes had passed by the time their match was over. They had tremendous heat from the crowd, Tanahasi is super over being the face of the brand for such a long time much like Cena for the WWE so the finish was unexpected but the right one and Naito is a solid all round performer with a great in-ring presence.

Main Event

Kenny Omega vs Okada for the IWGP HW world championship, 5/5; The story of the match was built up on the need to cement the true face of NJPW moving forward in Kayfabe terms. With the NJPW World Network available to international customers the Japanese promotion need an international star who the fans can identify with globally in addition to the Japanese main-eventers such as Okada who had been groomed for a long time to replace Tanahashi. With the likes of AJ Styles, Nakamura heading to the WWE and Tanahashi on the decline this was a great set up and opportunity for Omega and Okada to tear the house down and prove they belong with the elite in the world and carry NJPW into the new era.

Not only did they tear the house down, they had one of the greatest matches I've ever seen. There was a lot of pressure on both men and before the 40K in the historic Tokyo Dome put in their best performance. I loved the layout of the match, there was some back and forth early on and then they used their in-ring psychology via selling and focusing on specific limbs with an end goal in mind. Omega's goal was to break Okada down so he could set him up for his finishing move whilst minimising the potential for damage if Okada was to hit his super finisher, there was no over kill when it came to high spots and near falls which was nice to see.

Omega has a great character based on the terminator which he makes great use of in a heel faction called Bullet Club which are similar to the NWO, his mic skills are decent and he's probably in the top 5 P4P best in the World today along with Okaday. His in-ring style is similar to Seth Rollins but Omega is a better striker while Seth is a lot more athletic, out of the two I'd say Omega is better right now but if you give Seth the same platform which is WrestleKingdom NJPW then he'd produce a similar match however in America and specifically WWE the performers are required to work a different style then in Japan or else AJ and Nakamura would still be wrestling like they did in Japan but they've adjusted to limit selling and striking; instead there are more high spots and layouts which built to repetitive signature near falls. Both Styles can be great to watch in their own way at their best and its great time to be a wrestling fan right now with so many alternatives out there.

I do hope Omega doesn't get tempted to come to the WWE given that he'd remain a breath of fresh air to watch in Japan and the NJPW need him more then ever given a lack of high profile international stars and he's someone they have built really well for a long time now. Plus he ought to get even better as a performer working the main-event scene in NJPW.
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[MENTION=2016]Rana[/MENTION] another contender to win the Royal Rumble which I forgot to mention is Randy Orton, he could potentially challenge AJ Styles in a world title bout and remains an opponent for Styles world title or not. I think Orton is going to be who Styles will have to settle with if the championship and main-event slot at mania is taken from him
Your opinions in general hold little weight not just in wrestling

:))) Great selling :yk

Yes let's get 1 or 2 videos to prove my point, good job :afridi1

If my opinions are so worthless why do you bother reading these? You must not find them that bad if you are reading them to have such an opinion. :)))
Yes let's get 1 or 2 videos to prove my point, good job :afridi1

If my opinions are so worthless why do you bother reading these? You must not find them that bad if you are reading them to have such an opinion. :)))

Thanks it is a good job, even a casual would know he isn't great at selling :yk2 I didn't have respect for your views but now you have reached the level of James Ellsworth :))) :)))

To expose narrowmindedness and save the masses from your ignorance :akhtar
[MENTION=141114]Hasan123[/MENTION] Seriously though, you believe Cena is good at selling? please be trolling :))
[MENTION=141114]Hasan123[/MENTION] Seriously though, you believe Cena is good at selling? please be trolling :))

Maybe not better than the rock but I don't think his main strength. He's put on some brilliant matches which do get underrated.
Maybe not better than the rock but I don't think his main strength. He's put on some brilliant matches which do get underrated.

Just because he isn't great at selling doesn't mean he's a bad performer overall, his in-ring ability is very good. He has won everyone's respect as a performer now, people just boo him for the sake of it bit like the sarcastic You Suck chants during Kurt Angle's theme music
Just because he isn't great at selling doesn't mean he's a bad performer overall, his in-ring ability is very good. He has won everyone's respect as a performer now, people just boo him for the sake of it bit like the sarcastic You Suck chants during Kurt Angle's theme music

Indeed he has won everyone's respect. Losing to Aj clean was the turning point.
Indeed he has won everyone's respect. Losing to Aj clean was the turning point.

He has done jobs before and in that instance they couldn't help applauding him but I'd say it has been 10 years since I last heard a you can't wrestle chant, you may not have followed his career early on but the hostility he use to get was unreal and to an extent it was justified to because he was very green and WWE refused to have him drop the top title even for a short while but over the years he has managed to keep those fans silent through improvement and great performances