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He has done jobs before and in that instance they couldn't help applauding him but I'd say it has been 10 years since I last heard a you can't wrestle chant, you may not have followed his career early on but the hostility he use to get was unreal and to an extent it was justified to because he was very green and WWE refused to have him drop the top title even for a short while but over the years he has managed to keep those fans silent through improvement and great performances

I have followed his career from the very beginning, he has had to face some hostile crowds and some harsh chanting.

He has done the job before but people were worried Aj wouldn't get put over due to him being known for his performances in TNA and other wrestling brands. We know what Vince did to the wcw stars :))). People would have gone for Cena and Vince had Cena beaten aj. Thankfully sense prevailed.



Jericho is now among three other wrestlers in history to become the undisputed grandslam champion in the original and current format. I don't care if it was a handicap match I marked out, Jericho made his debut in 1990 and in the year 2017 he has won a singles championship! first ballot hall of famer and in his own words The G.O.A.T :)) still more over then 90% of the roster. Look forward to his inevitable mania match with KO whom he shares amazing chemistry in the ring to! I've seen then wrestle on a house show, expect a great match at the grandest of all stages.
Delighted for Jericho. Deserved a tittle . Up there with taker, brett, shawn, and austin.
Watched WrestleKingdom today.


Cody Rhodes vs Juice Robinson, I'd give it 3/5; there was some nice spots involved and Robinson sold very well and made Cody look very good. Was a standard performance from Cody and I expect him to fully realise his potential with more experience learning the Japanese style.

IC Title Match

Tetsuya Naito vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi, 4/5; they controlled the pace beautifully, didn't realise 25 minutes had passed by the time their match was over. They had tremendous heat from the crowd, Tanahasi is super over being the face of the brand for such a long time much like Cena for the WWE so the finish was unexpected but the right one and Naito is a solid all round performer with a great in-ring presence.

Main Event

Kenny Omega vs Okada for the IWGP HW world championship, 5/5; The story of the match was built up on the need to cement the true face of NJPW moving forward in Kayfabe terms. With the NJPW World Network available to international customers the Japanese promotion need an international star who the fans can identify with globally in addition to the Japanese main-eventers such as Okada who had been groomed for a long time to replace Tanahashi. With the likes of AJ Styles, Nakamura heading to the WWE and Tanahashi on the decline this was a great set up and opportunity for Omega and Okada to tear the house down and prove they belong with the elite in the world and carry NJPW into the new era.

Not only did they tear the house down, they had one of the greatest matches I've ever seen. There was a lot of pressure on both men and before the 40K in the historic Tokyo Dome put in their best performance. I loved the layout of the match, there was some back and forth early on and then they used their in-ring psychology via selling and focusing on specific limbs with an end goal in mind. Omega's goal was to break Okada down so he could set him up for his finishing move whilst minimising the potential for damage if Okada was to hit his super finisher, there was no over kill when it came to high spots and near falls which was nice to see.

Omega has a great character based on the terminator which he makes great use of in a heel faction called Bullet Club which are similar to the NWO, his mic skills are decent and he's probably in the top 5 P4P best in the World today along with Okaday. His in-ring style is similar to Seth Rollins but Omega is a better striker while Seth is a lot more athletic, out of the two I'd say Omega is better right now but if you give Seth the same platform which is WrestleKingdom NJPW then he'd produce a similar match however in America and specifically WWE the performers are required to work a different style then in Japan or else AJ and Nakamura would still be wrestling like they did in Japan but they've adjusted to limit selling and striking; instead there are more high spots and layouts which built to repetitive signature near falls. Both Styles can be great to watch in their own way at their best and its great time to be a wrestling fan right now with so many alternatives out there.

I do hope Omega doesn't get tempted to come to the WWE given that he'd remain a breath of fresh air to watch in Japan and the NJPW need him more then ever given a lack of high profile international stars and he's someone they have built really well for a long time now. Plus he ought to get even better as a performer working the main-event scene in NJPW.
Omega has a lot more AJ than Seth.

Seth feels like big spot after big spot and little selling, Omega on the other hand is a fantastic storyteller and makes every movement mean something. Selling is a lot better than Seths too, I don't know how you consider Rollisn more athletic. Kenny and AJ are both more athletic, Seth since returning looks so much slower nowadays. You can visibly see the gulf between him and AJ in the WWE.

The Kushida-Takahashi match was also pretty good despite some botches, although it's pretty easy to overlook with those two great main events.
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Omega has a lot more AJ than Seth.

Seth feels like big spot after big spot and little selling, Omega on the other hand is a fantastic storyteller and makes every movement mean something. Selling is a lot better than Seths too, I don't know how you consider Rollisn more athletic. Kenny and AJ are both more athletic, Seth since returning looks so much slower nowadays. You can visibly see the gulf between him and AJ in the WWE.

The Kushida-Takahashi match was also pretty good despite some botches, although it's pretty easy to overlook with those two great main events.

It was nice to watching something different which is the Japanese style, but that main-event was basically high spot galore which is funny how Meltzer gave that a 6 yet Cena/AJ at SS a rating lower, the only difference between the two was the match length and the fact that Cena/AJ had more false finishes. Metlzer had been hyping Omega and Okada overly in the lead up to the match, he is most definetly on the NJPW payroll and it's one of those secrets in the bizz for a while now he has lost respect universally given his lack of objectivity which is a shame because he has become a business man who knows how to get reactions out of gullible smarks above the respected journalist he once was.

The other thing I noticed was the Okada/Omega contest diluted the psychology in the ring because they didn't pace the match well and performed repeated stunts, they were stuck in gear 6 throughout; if you watch Nakamura/Styles from last year you'd see that wasn't the case. Ultimately, America is the mecca of pro-wrestling and a global style; if you can get over there you'll truly be able to prove your worth because it's the most challenging place to get over at the main-event level, the market is not limited to one country, but you got to work unique styles across each continent, be excellent in the ring and have a good character. Plus there is no off season, after mania you're back on the road 5-6 days a week; Omega/Okada can afford to be stiff in the ring and take more risks because they're only going to be working that match for the night, after WK it's holiday time for them.

Seth Rollins is a lot more athletic then Omega, his in-ring style from day one has revolved around his fluidity in motion and he grew when it came to his technical prowess. The American style is not meant to be stuck in one gear like in NJPW, Seth varies his pace; it's how you do not dilute psychology in the ring and tell a compelling story and he hasn't lost a step at all as we've seen from his excellent performance at SS.

As it stands Omega is an inferior version of Seth Rollins in that he has a similar in ring style but he lacks fluidity of seth but what I give him credit for is his striking but you put Seth on the same platform and he'd outshine him because Seth has to work a lot safer in America, in Japan you're not limited by what you can do which is dangerous because concussions are a lot more likely but the advantage they have is that their schedule is nothing like the WWE's.

I give credit to Omega for the character he has created for himself, I expected a little better from him on the mic but in Japan you can't really show much. If he truly believes he is a top 5 talent he can only prove that in the WWE, it's a joke to even compare him to the likes of AJ he's more on the Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns, Randy Orton category; the likes of Styles have proved their prowess throughout the 2000's and here in the WWE at the age of 39 he puts in performances which forces Vince to put him in the main-event, a guy like Vince who has seen it all and holds many stereotypical biases about guys the size of AJ was forced to ackowledge his prowess and express regret of not having signed him earlier in many ways reminding him of how shawn made him feel in the 90's, Styles at 39 did what Shawn did when he returned from the back injury in 2002; we all knew he was an ATG but to take it to another level is just unreal.

You marks are an insult to pro-wrestling, mentally inept to the point where Okada/Omega is being rated better then HBK/Taker; if given the same platform which was mania 25 before 70K people I highly doubt they could incite the reactions which HBK/Taker did a) because their characters are weaker and b) because they're just not at that level.

It's good that NJPW is pushing new guys but without a shadow of a doubt in my mind Tanahashi is still their best star, he's the only one I can say for sure that would do well on the main WWE roster from an in-ring point of view. Omega would do well in the upper-mid card unless his mic skills helped him get to the main-event, I can actually see him working the same spot as Seth with the right support both he and Seth are average on the mic but as it stands Omega has a fresher character, from an in-ring point of view Seth is better but Omega will get to his level with more experience or maybe he is there already but it's just that lack of fluidity it's a bit like how John Cena is much improved in the ring with a great move set but remains robotic
It was nice to watching something different which is the Japanese style, but that main-event was basically high spot galore which is funny how Meltzer gave that a 6 yet Cena/AJ at SS a rating lower, the only difference between the two was the match length and the fact that Cena/AJ had more false finishes. Metlzer had been hyping Omega and Okada overly in the lead up to the match, he is most definetly on the NJPW payroll and it's one of those secrets in the bizz for a while now he has lost respect universally given his lack of objectivity which is a shame because he has become a business man who knows how to get reactions out of gullible smarks above the respected journalist he once was.

The other thing I noticed was the Okada/Omega contest diluted the psychology in the ring because they didn't pace the match well and performed repeated stunts, they were stuck in gear 6 throughout; if you watch Nakamura/Styles from last year you'd see that wasn't the case. Ultimately, America is the mecca of pro-wrestling and a global style; if you can get over there you'll truly be able to prove your worth because it's the most challenging place to get over at the main-event level, the market is not limited to one country, but you got to work unique styles across each continent, be excellent in the ring and have a good character. Plus there is no off season, after mania you're back on the road 5-6 days a week; Omega/Okada can afford to be stiff in the ring and take more risks because they're only going to be working that match for the night, after WK it's holiday time for them.

Seth Rollins is a lot more athletic then Omega, his in-ring style from day one has revolved around his fluidity in motion and he grew when it came to his technical prowess. The American style is not meant to be stuck in one gear like in NJPW, Seth varies his pace; it's how you do not dilute psychology in the ring and tell a compelling story and he hasn't lost a step at all as we've seen from his excellent performance at SS.

As it stands Omega is an inferior version of Seth Rollins in that he has a similar in ring style but he lacks fluidity of seth but what I give him credit for is his striking but you put Seth on the same platform and he'd outshine him because Seth has to work a lot safer in America, in Japan you're not limited by what you can do which is dangerous because concussions are a lot more likely but the advantage they have is that their schedule is nothing like the WWE's.

I give credit to Omega for the character he has created for himself, I expected a little better from him on the mic but in Japan you can't really show much. If he truly believes he is a top 5 talent he can only prove that in the WWE, it's a joke to even compare him to the likes of AJ he's more on the Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns, Randy Orton category; the likes of Styles have proved their prowess throughout the 2000's and here in the WWE at the age of 39 he puts in performances which forces Vince to put him in the main-event, a guy like Vince who has seen it all and holds many stereotypical biases about guys the size of AJ was forced to ackowledge his prowess and express regret of not having signed him earlier in many ways reminding him of how shawn made him feel in the 90's, Styles at 39 did what Shawn did when he returned from the back injury in 2002; we all knew he was an ATG but to take it to another level is just unreal.

You marks are an insult to pro-wrestling, mentally inept to the point where Okada/Omega is being rated better then HBK/Taker; if given the same platform which was mania 25 before 70K people I highly doubt they could incite the reactions which HBK/Taker did a) because their characters are weaker and b) because they're just not at that level.

It's good that NJPW is pushing new guys but without a shadow of a doubt in my mind Tanahashi is still their best star, he's the only one I can say for sure that would do well on the main WWE roster from an in-ring point of view. Omega would do well in the upper-mid card unless his mic skills helped him get to the main-event, I can actually see him working the same spot as Seth with the right support both he and Seth are average on the mic but as it stands Omega has a fresher character, from an in-ring point of view Seth is better but Omega will get to his level with more experience or maybe he is there already but it's just that lack of fluidity it's a bit like how John Cena is much improved in the ring with a great move set but remains robotic
I wish you were right and AJ was far ahead of Kenny, but he isn't. I enjoy watching both, but Kenny is better in the ring than AJ atm, and if he continues to kill it in Japan for another 4-5 years, the odds are he will surpass both HBK and AJ. His matches with Okada, Naito and Goto were objectively better than AJ's best work in NJ.

There isn't anyone in the world that gets you more emotionally invested in a match quite like him. Okada and Tanahashi may be better working the Japanese style than Kenny, but they would not transition into the North American style as well as Kenny.
AJ-Cena was nowhere as good as Omega-Okada, I was really disappointed by that match as it was move after move with very little psychology involved which felt like a finisher fest in the end.

Omega-Okada, it felt like every move mattered and you felt every move, it all led to something and then that incredible finishing stretch after 40 minutes of hell. The rainmaker was also somewhat protected with Okada taking time to cover Kenny.
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I wish you were right and AJ was far ahead of Kenny, but he isn't. I enjoy watching both, but Kenny is better in the ring than AJ atm, and if he continues to kill it in Japan for another 4-5 years, the odds are he will surpass both HBK and AJ. His matches with Okada, Naito and Goto were objectively better than AJ's best work in NJ.

There isn't anyone in the world that gets you more emotionally invested in a match quite like him. Okada and Tanahashi may be better working the Japanese style than Kenny, but they would not transition into the North American style as well as Kenny.

Unfortunately Kenny will never be at AJ's level he is too limited and he will hide in NJPW because he knows he can never get over in the WWE in the same manner as AJ because he isn't good enough, a few more years in Japan and we"ll know for sure that he is a one dimensional cat in the league of Roman Reigns, Dean Ambrose and Seth mostly, there is only a minority who think otherwise. His run in Japan is overated by smarks, bullet club was alot more over with Balor and AJ as their leader Kenny hasn't sold as much merch nor has he had better matches. Kenny has mostly failed in America there is no evidence which suggests that he'd succeed now he is the shoaib malik of wrestling , even when AJ was handled like crap many touted him to be an ATG given his performances
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Unfortunately Kenny will never be at AJ's level he is too limited and he will hide in NJPW because he knows he can never get over in the WWE in the same manner as AJ because he isn't good enough, a few more years in Japan and we"ll know for sure that he is a one dimensional cat in the league of Roman Reigns, Dean Ambrose and Seth mostly, there is only a minority who think otherwise. His run in Japan is overated by smarks, bullet club was alot more over with Balor and AJ as their leader Kenny hasn't sold as much merch nor has he had better matches. Kenny has mostly failed in America there is no evidence which suggests that he'd succeed now he is the shoaib malik of wrestling , even when AJ was handled like crap many touted him to be an ATG given his performances
You know how big of an AJ fan I am lol

To deny Kenny's ability is asinine, he has garnered more attention for himself and NJPW than AJ ever managed to do with TNA and NJPW, and Balor ever has in any promotion.
[MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] no need to deny Kenny's greatness.

It was painful for me to accept that AJ was getting surpassed (seriously was quite sad after realizing AJ was no longer second to HBK and the best in the world), but I realized it was best to accept it and enjoy his work.

He is a special talent and a good chance of surpassing HBK, also he will definitely do well in the WWE, his style will get over huge in the WWE.
You know how big of an AJ fan I am lol

To deny Kenny's ability is asinine, he has garnered more attention for himself and NJPW than AJ ever managed to do with TNA and NJPW, and Balor ever has in any promotion.

That is non-sensical, you're basically rating a guy who just made his maiden 50 whilst belittling a Tendulkar or Bradman in AJ who cemented greatness through skill over a long period, the problem with Omega is that he does not have a high ceiling there is only so much he can improve. Don't get me wrong he is good but it is outrageous to mention him in the same sentnce as AJ Styles and I got to question the aptitude of such folk. NJPW is a juggernaut which was established by pioneers such as the great muta, thunder liger, antonio inoko, Kenta Kobashi etc I could go on much like how Samartino, Buddy Rogers, Hogan etc helped bring great attention to the WWE. Omega is just a pawn in a big juggermaut while TNA was the house which AJ built and it thrived for many years. Omega on the other hand has never been so influential, his finest moment on America was complaining about booking in WWE developmental and taking his ball home; not the mark of a champion performer sadly. He's good but no where near godly status, at best a seth rollins cola version which is still good
That is non-sensical, you're basically rating a guy who just made his maiden 50 whilst belittling a Tendulkar or Bradman in AJ who cemented greatness through skill over a long period, the problem with Omega is that he does not have a high ceiling there is only so much he can improve. Don't get me wrong he is good but it is outrageous to mention him in the same sentnce as AJ Styles and I got to question the aptitude of such folk. NJPW is a juggernaut which was established by pioneers such as the great muta, thunder liger, antonio inoko, Kenta Kobashi etc I could go on much like how Samartino, Buddy Rogers, Hogan etc helped bring great attention to the WWE. Omega is just a pawn in a big juggermaut while TNA was the house which AJ built and it thrived for many years. Omega on the other hand has never been so influential, his finest moment on America was complaining about booking in WWE developmental and taking his ball home; not the mark of a champion performer sadly. He's good but no where near godly status, at best a seth rollins cola version which is still good
I can't help but think this is personal because you can't deal with Kenny's success. Deep down you know the Seth comparison are way off the mark. NO ONE compares Seth to AJ, because anyone with any sense knows Seth isn't in AJ's league. Kenny on the other hand has joined that elite level with AJ, Okada and Tanahashi in the last year. Difference is Kenny is still young and has a very high ceiling which can lead to him surpassing both AJ and Shawn purely on his body of work in Japan before he finds success in the WWE (he will succeed in the WWE). Can you objectively find matches in AJ's whole career that were good as Kenny's against Okada and Naito? You just can't, if he continues to build such a catalogue it will become almost impossible to consider AJ or HBK better.
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As far as comparing the two now.

Kenny's matches have the higher ceiling while AJ has the higher floor.

AJ is better at carrying his opponents while Kenny still has plenty of time left to build his body of work up to GOAT level.

I honestly believe Kenny can finish as in ring GOAT if he continues to perform at this level.

Also, have a listen to him, he is a very intelligent person who understands the importance of psychology, selling, storytelling and getting fans emotionally invested in matches. His matches are there to see for yourself, the creativity he possess is incredible.
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As far as comparing the two now.

Kenny's matches have the higher ceiling while AJ has the higher floor.

AJ is better at carrying his opponents while Kenny still has plenty of time left to build his body of work up to GOAT level.

I honestly believe Kenny can finish as in ring GOAT if he continues to perform at this level.

Also, have a listen to him, he is a very intelligent person who understands the importance of psychology, selling, storytelling and getting fans emotionally invested in matches. His matches are there to see for yourself, the creativity he possess is incredible.

It's not a worthy comparison at all, I've watched him work at best he is worthy of a comparison to Seth Rollins. Psychology, selling, storytelling and getting fans invested in his body of work are just terms thrown around to advocate his prowess when he is not an elite talent in either aspect being someone who lacks the understanding of match pacing and diluting in-ring psychology completely by performing repeated stunts while not emphasising selling at all. At the current level he has to IMPROVE SIGNIFICANTLY for him to ever be considered amongst the best, Omega had one good night, the likes of HBK, AJ etc have had thousands! he's just not in their league and he has a lower ceiling given his lack of fluidity
Omega had a great match but to say he can supercede HBK. HBK has reeled off ATG match after ATG match. The drama the emotion that HBK can evoke is on another level. Meltzer also used to wax lyrical on AJ when he was in NJPW and now Omega is better than him according to Meltzer hes just a NJPW mark . Lmao AJ is a 16 year veteran who has reeled off many classics . Omega has to carry this level on for a decade then we can see how good he is. Atm AJ is on another level.
Omega had a great match but to say he can supercede HBK. HBK has reeled off ATG match after ATG match. The drama the emotion that HBK can evoke is on another level. Meltzer also used to wax lyrical on AJ when he was in NJPW and now Omega is better than him according to Meltzer hes just a NJPW mark . Lmao AJ is a 16 year veteran who has reeled off many classics . Omega has to carry this level on for a decade then we can see how good he is. Atm AJ is on another level.

Exactly LOOOL these IWC internet dweebs are a unique breed when it comes to the drivel they spew. That's a really good point about Meltzer, much of his fans are the same because once AJ left for the E and became successful they turned on him. Omega isn't even that great to begin with, someone asked Kurt a Q on fb about the match and he said while it was good and he enjoys the japan style you should try not to over kill with the stunts because it hinders psychology and I agree with him because you don't sell as much, Omega isn't that fluid in the ring he's similar to Rollins and no one says Seth is better then AJ or HBK [MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION]. Omega was in the WWE developmental in the early 2000's, he left due to bad booking loool

You're telling me AJ had nothing stacked against him when he came to WWE? it just goes to show that not everyone is cut out to be an A+ player and it's not easy to get over in America but the likes of Bryan, Bret, Jericho, Shawn, Rey, Eddie, Punk etc all overcame the odds and given their talent were able to be main-eventers, cream always rises to the top it doesn't try and hide in Japan; that's not to say you shouldn't go Japan because I think it's important to elevate your development but many talents hide there these days because they get good creative in that there are not many foreign heels there to begin with so they kinda get a top spot by default and a lot of leeway, they don't have it stacked against them like they do in the E which is why AJ's current run is even more special it reminds me a little when HBK returned after a back injury.

The one time Kenny had something stacked against him in America (didn't like booking in WWE deep south territory) he quit and left the country, so am not sure if he has the heart to become an ATG and given his limited skill set it will be hard to begin with but maybe if he works hard I think he can come close to Roman Reigns level.
[MENTION=53290]Markhor[/MENTION] when you get time, watch this mate if you can:

You've watched matches across the territory, golden, new gen and modern era's so would be interesting to get your opinion because Kenny Omega vs Okada was given a 6/5 star rating by Dave Metlzer who rates it as the greatest match of all time, on top of that there are fans who claim Omega is better then the Shawn Michaels and AJ Styles in the ring whilst advocating the match above HBK/Taker, HBK/Angle etc

Bit of background on the match, you've watched WrestleKingdom before and it was only a matter of time before the likes of Nakamura and Styles headed to the WWE; with a talent called Tanahashi who is the face of NJPW getting older the company needed to establish a new face in the form of Okada, Omega on the other hand has been built to fill the void left by the likes of Finn Balor and Styles so both had a lot of pressure on them heading into the main event of Wrestle Kingdom.



Jericho is now among three other wrestlers in history to become the undisputed grandslam champion in the original and current format. I don't care if it was a handicap match I marked out, Jericho made his debut in 1990 and in the year 2017 he has won a singles championship! first ballot hall of famer and in his own words The G.O.A.T :)) still more over then 90% of the roster. Look forward to his inevitable mania match with KO whom he shares amazing chemistry in the ring to! I've seen then wrestle on a house show, expect a great match at the grandest of all stages.

I don't watch Raw anymore because they have successfully destroyed Owens, Rollins and Reigns. Raw is War has become Raw is Steph.

Smackdown is where it's at.

Having said that, Jericho getting US title made me want to watch the match and I DRANK IT IN MAAAAAAN!!!!
Omega had a great match but to say he can supercede HBK. HBK has reeled off ATG match after ATG match. The drama the emotion that HBK can evoke is on another level. Meltzer also used to wax lyrical on AJ when he was in NJPW and now Omega is better than him according to Meltzer hes just a NJPW mark . Lmao AJ is a 16 year veteran who has reeled off many classics . Omega has to carry this level on for a decade then we can see how good he is. Atm AJ is on another level.
I said if he keeps this up for another half a decade, it would be difficult to argue it. The matches he has had this year are all time classics that beat most if not all the best matches AJ and HBK had.
I said if he keeps this up for another half a decade, it would be difficult to argue it. The matches he has had this year are all time classics that beat most if not all the best matches AJ and HBK had.

Yet he can't even pace a match properly, has weak mic skills, dilutes in ring psychology with repeated high spots and over sells. Omega is half the man Seth Rollins is, long way to go before he catches up. Marks will get hurt when this is said but it's nothing personal Kurt Angle aruguably the greatest technical wrestler ever advocates these views, Omega is a hype job like Justin Bieber with a minority fanbase online which rivals shehzadians.
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Yet he can't even pace a match properly, has weak mic skills, dilutes in ring psychology with repeated high spots and over sells. Omega is half the man Seth Rollins is, long way to go before he catches up. Marks will get hurt when this is said but it's nothing personal Kurt Angle aruguably the greatest technical wrestler ever advocates these views, Omega is a hype job like Justin Bieber with a minority fanbase online which rivals shehzadians.
You called his match with Okada possibly the best you've seen then say this :))

Honestly, he's a much better mic worker than AJ and Seth.
AJ v Nakamura
HBK v Angle
AJ v Joe v Daniels
HBK v Razor
HBK v Taker
HBK v Benoit v HHH
HBK v Angle
HBK v Mankind
HBK v Bret
HBK v Flair
AJ v Jerry Lyn
HBK v Diesel
HBK v Jericho
AJ v Low Ki v Jerry Lyn
AJ v Petey Williams v Chris Sabin
AJ v Suzuki
AJ v Joe
AJ v Angle
AJ v Ibushi
AJ v Okada
AJ v Tanahashi
AJ and Daniels v LAX

There's not a single match HypeOmega has had which compares to any of this decorated list across all continents whilst displaying versatility and adoptability in the process over decades.
You called his match with Okada possibly the best you've seen then say this :))

Honestly, he's a much better mic worker than AJ and Seth.

Its one of the best matches no doubt I have seen in Japan but the likes of Cena and Punk have had such nights to but greatness isn't acheived in one match sadly nor is it limited to one continent or else the likes of, Muta and Inoki would not have worked for the E. I'd never give it a 6 stat that is insane, looking back the main positive was the booking and whoever thought up not allowing Omega to hit the finisher deserves alot of credit but it had its flaws, I"ll have to watch it again to see how good it was

Nah seriously he isn't the idea behind his gimmick is great and the taped videos but live he doesn't sound inspiring
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[MENTION=132954]Aman[/MENTION] Pete Dunn and Tyler Bate have more of a chance becoming ATG's then Omega, Dunn is 23 and Bate is just 19 and won the UK tournament; both are beyond their years on so many levels it scary.

Dunne was getting cheered by the smarks at the start but boo'd like mad by the end of the tournament, the mark of a world class heel; something Which Kenny just doesn't understand :facepalm: he was supposed to be the heel in his match against Okada yet he kept on doing high flying moves to get a face pop lol Tyler Bate masterfully sold his shoulder right till the end in his encounter with Dunne, Omega on the other hand either over sells a move or just doesn't sell enough which would have made a lot of sense since they were working a long match and as it has been already said was guilty of being stuck in one gear throughout. I liked the match because it was a sports entertainment spectacle rather then a pro-wrestling match, much like Riochet vs Ospreay; and I welcome something new to an extent but when we're talking the greatest matches ever it would probably make my top 20 but not top 10.

But there’s no way Kenny Omega and Okada match was anywhere near as good as say Jerry Lawler vs. Terry Funk in 1981, Tiger Mask vs. The Dynamite Kid in 1982 , Ric Flair vs. Ricky Steamboat trilogy (where our very own Dave was a lot more objective in those days and gave one of the house show matches 6 stars), Steve Austin vs. Bret Hart in 1997, among others. However, it was a great display of athleticism but they need to stop exposing the business with nonsensical stunts, wrestling blow up dolls/little girls and little emphasis on selling; Japan wrestling was not always like this they've taken the belivability out of the art. Maybe AJ or Balor should go back to NJPW to stop Omega derailing pro-wresling, the only reason he got a chance was because the AJ/Balor left and even the folk in Japan rated them above him for many years which is why he only worked the upper mid card.
[MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] [MENTION=132954]Aman[/MENTION] [MENTION=95766]leatherface58[/MENTION] [MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION] [MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION]

I return to PakPassion after almost a month of absence to celebrate Kurt Angle's return to WWE :yk2
[MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] [MENTION=132954]Aman[/MENTION] [MENTION=95766]leatherface58[/MENTION] [MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION] [MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION]

I return to PakPassion after almost a month of absence to celebrate Kurt Angle's return to WWE :yk2

Cannot be a better time. YOU SUCK chants to ring through the arena again!

Am marking out like crazy! this has made my life! I LOVE YOU KURT ANGLE! AND YOU TOO HHH AND VINCE MEEKMAN! I SHALL NEVER BOO REIGNS OR CENA AGAIN! Forget all the fickle fans and guilibe IWC smarks, no one can do it quiet like the WWE when they get it right!

So many amazing possibilities they are saying that they have only talked about a HOF induction and nothing more but I'd be shocked if he did not appear at the Rumble before 60K people


Royal Rumble participants this year now:

John Cena/AJ Styles
Chris Jericho

Am I dreaming?!! IF I AM DON'T WAKE ME UP! It's 03/04 all over again
Rusev. I would rather have him manage American Alpha. He should not really compete in long matches with his broken body but I want goofy Kurt back.

Same here, we've longed for that match with Russev and finally the talent of his calibre will get to work a big time match with an ATG. Definitely, it will hopefully be a very limited schedule similar to Broid and maybe he will have a final retirement match before going on to manage Alpha; Kurt would be absolutely gold giving AA the rub and he'd be perfect for smackdown just like the good ol days!
It is beyond me how nonsensical smarks believe Omega to be one who is better then AJ or close to reaching HBK it is just beyond me on every level and it goes beyond the realms of trolling, I can't believe anyone can say that to me with a straight face. Even AJ Styles, despite his stellar body of work throughout his career and show stealing performances it took a great deal before we began to contemplate his ATG status, smarks think they are students of the game after watching a couple of spot fests in Japan and call every other star who get pushed/shoved-down-our-throats in the same manner as a Reigns or Cena in NJPW as premier talent in the same class as Ric Flair, Terry Funk, Harley Race, HBK, Kurt Angle, Bret etc absolutely unbelievable.
Rofl what a legend. :)))

Kurt did an interview with Lilian recently this is what he said about a possible match:

“The one that I would really love to have a final match with right now is the kid that’s the hottest right now in WWE and that’s AJ Styles. I wrestled AJ in TNA, and I can tell you that he is every bit as good as Shawn Michaels. The thing with AJ Styles, and I want everybody to realize this–you don’t have to do anything with him. He does all the work. So it’s an easy match for you. He flies around the ring. He does all the bumping.

AJ is a special individual where you can go in that ring and literally just stand in the middle and he does everything for you. I have never had a match with anybody that’s been so easy, and every time I worked with him it was a five star match. So AJ’s that kind of talent. He only comes around once in a lifetime, so I’d really love to shake it up with him one more time if I could.”

Such praise Omega can only dream of [MENTION=132954]Aman[/MENTION] , on behalf of all the nonsensical marks with no grasp for pro-wrestling in all its glory I doubt there's any common sense left to be said from you lot.
Omega got a technical award from somewhere but this is what he had to say about it "When I think technician, I think guys like Bret Hart or Chris Benoit. Given my style, it wasn't something I expected at all"

He doesn't even hype himself up as much as his fans do, he knows that his style is mainly based off performing stunts more then anything else.


Interesting commercial, Okada and Mika Jovivic
Sad to see WWE honouring a murder. Snuka deserves the Benoit treatment. Hope he rots in hell.

On a positive note, it was wonderful to see Kurt Angle in WWE again. I hope he wrestles just one more match with the company.
With Kurt Angle being inducted into the HOF it probably means he will retire. This is unfortunate because WWE fans deserve seeing him wrestle one more time. He was a phenomenal performer in his days with the company. A name as big as Stone Cold, The Rock, Mankind, The Undertaker, HHH, Shawn Michaels and Brock Lesnar. The ankle lock was the most epic moment in any match, they way he performed it and the way his opponents sold it!

With that being said I am highly optimistic of seeing the Olympic gold medalist participating in the Rumble match. I have an inkling feeling he will be entry number 1 or 2, to absolutely make the crowed go nuts!
With Kurt Angle being inducted into the HOF it probably means he will retire. This is unfortunate because WWE fans deserve seeing him wrestle one more time. He was a phenomenal performer in his days with the company. A name as big as Stone Cold, The Rock, Mankind, The Undertaker, HHH, Shawn Michaels and Brock Lesnar. The ankle lock was the most epic moment in any match, they way he performed it and the way his opponents sold it!

With that being said I am highly optimistic of seeing the Olympic gold medalist participating in the Rumble match. I have an inkling feeling he will be entry number 1 or 2, to absolutely make the crowed go nuts!

We don't deserve anything, we're very selfish individuals; Kurt has given us everything and at this stage of his career if he walks of into the sunset I couldn't be more happier for him. The man has suffered many injuries over his career and is incredibly banged up, his body is always in constant pain but he has learnt to deal with it better now. Am not sure if he'd even pass a WWE medical to qualify for in-ring competition, anyhow Kurt is so good that he can be talented in any role which WWE give him be it as manager for American Alpha. However, I do believe that he will have some farewell matches before calling it a day completely; if it's something more then I hope it would be like Lesnar or Taker schedule.

I do expect him to appear in the Royal Rumble, he has to now that they have announced he is in the HOF it is only natural for us to expect him in the Rumble and more folk will buy the WWE Network as a result of this announcement.
Sad to see WWE honouring a murder. Snuka deserves the Benoit treatment. Hope he rots in hell.

On a positive note, it was wonderful to see Kurt Angle in WWE again. I hope he wrestles just one more match with the company.

Very true, Vince was also the man who helped Snuka escape conviction back then. Big time hypocricy from the WWE, I guess they don't want to make The Rock angry as well :yk2

Who would you have Kurt face [MENTION=138670]The_KING[/MENTION] [MENTION=2016]Rana[/MENTION]

For me it would be:

AJ Styles

These are my three dream opponents for Angle
I'd like to see Kurt Angle vs Roman Reigns to, think it would be an awesome match [MENTION=3474]TalhaSyed[/MENTION] who'd you want to win :yk [MENTION=3474]TalhaSyed[/MENTION] is going to appear in time for the Rumble :)) he will return as a heel after disbanding the POP movement during Pak loss to Aus during the Test series which explains why he has been hiding in the rafters all this time,


While he looked upon the bear:

Very true, Vince was also the man who helped Snuka escape conviction back then. Big time hypocricy from the WWE, I guess they don't want to make The Rock angry as well :yk2

Who would you have Kurt face [MENTION=138670]The_KING[/MENTION] [MENTION=2016]Rana[/MENTION]

For me it would be:

AJ Styles

These are my three dream opponents for Angle

AJ Styles would be a perfect opponent for Angle. I also wouldn't mind seeing Angle vs Lesnar for old time's sake.
I'd like to see Kurt Angle vs Roman Reigns to, think it would be an awesome match [MENTION=3474]TalhaSyed[/MENTION] who'd you want to win :yk [MENTION=3474]TalhaSyed[/MENTION] is going to appear in time for the Rumble :)) he will return as a heel after disbanding the POP movement during Pak loss to Aus during the Test series which explains why he has been hiding in the rafters all this time,


While he looked upon the bear:


He's coming.......

Very true, Vince was also the man who helped Snuka escape conviction back then. Big time hypocricy from the WWE, I guess they don't want to make The Rock angry as well :yk2

Who would you have Kurt face [MENTION=138670]The_KING[/MENTION] [MENTION=2016]Rana[/MENTION]

For me it would be:

AJ Styles

These are my three dream opponents for Angle

They got Mike Tyson and Abdullah the Butcher in the HoF too.
They got Mike Tyson and Abdullah the Butcher in the HoF too.

Inoki, Trump, Andre the Giant , Gagne and Hayes to name a few are also talents who have also been involved with crime, violence and bigotry. Tyson's conviction is not black and white, the basis for it was a biased jury who saw him as a brute due to his image in boxing and there was also an exclusion of evidence with regards to the alleged victims past sexual conduct, jury instruction and defence witnesses.
[MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] a Kenny Omega Q&A he did for fans.

After the 4FW (I realize I put it wrong in the title!) show on Saturday, Kenny had a Q&A with about 30 fans and these are the bits I can remember.
. He is 75% decided on what he is doing next in his career.
. When asked if he is worried that the Bullet Club will turn into the NWO and have too many members - He's not worried "because it's already happened. That's why we made the Elite. I suppose I'm the leader of the Bullet Club but please remember I am first and foremost a member of the Elite."
. When asked who he would most like to wrestle in the world at the moment - He mentioned he would love to wrestle some older guys in their prime such as Foley, HBK & Hogan. He then went on to say Vince McMahon for the story and said "he'd love to work AJ at Wrestlemania. That's a career aspiration."
. He has "0% interest in going NXT"
. He believes that if he went to WWE he needs to go in as Kenny Omega as there's money to be made with that moniker. He thinks they missed out on a great opportunity by not keeping Zayn as El Generico.
. He said he really wants to wrestle Ishii 1-1 as they've only had multi-man matches. Thinks there's a special aura around a big money match between himself and Shibata
. His favorite match is the one versus the young girl. Said if he had to show one match to his family, it'd be that, not him flying 20 foot through the air into a table. He loves doing comedy matches because everybody loves to laugh and you don't need to be a wrestling fan to enjoy the match versus the young girl. He loved his match versus Yano at the G1 last year.
. He thinks AJ will top his WK11 match because "that's just who he is." Mentioned that he's jealous of how naturally wrestling comes to AJ and how he has to bust his *** to be just as good as AJ "coming in and clocking in his card for a normal day at work."
. He said it'd take a whole lot of magic for him to end up being in the Rumble, but if he is then he's winning it
. After wrestling he'd like to take up gaming as a profession in tournaments etc.

Don't know why you dislike the guy. He is one of the best in the world and far better than Rollins. It's insulting to compare him to Rollins tbh. AJ, Kenny, Tanahashi and Okada are the elite wrestlers in the world. They are the Big 4 of pro wrestling.
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[MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] plenty were probably considering Seth being AJ's last match, but it has to be Kenny.

Kenny has to be the one who retires AJ when he's had enough, Kenny would get the rub and it makes storyline sense.
Glad Kenny realizes he's way too good for NXT.

He's not a nobody like Prince Devitt, Tyler Black or Jon Moxley, the name Kenny Omega actually means something in pro wrestling.
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[MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] a Kenny Omega Q&A he did for fans.

After the 4FW (I realize I put it wrong in the title!) show on Saturday, Kenny had a Q&A with about 30 fans and these are the bits I can remember.
. He is 75% decided on what he is doing next in his career.
. When asked if he is worried that the Bullet Club will turn into the NWO and have too many members - He's not worried "because it's already happened. That's why we made the Elite. I suppose I'm the leader of the Bullet Club but please remember I am first and foremost a member of the Elite."
. When asked who he would most like to wrestle in the world at the moment - He mentioned he would love to wrestle some older guys in their prime such as Foley, HBK & Hogan. He then went on to say Vince McMahon for the story and said "he'd love to work AJ at Wrestlemania. That's a career aspiration."
. He has "0% interest in going NXT"
. He believes that if he went to WWE he needs to go in as Kenny Omega as there's money to be made with that moniker. He thinks they missed out on a great opportunity by not keeping Zayn as El Generico.
. He said he really wants to wrestle Ishii 1-1 as they've only had multi-man matches. Thinks there's a special aura around a big money match between himself and Shibata
. His favorite match is the one versus the young girl. Said if he had to show one match to his family, it'd be that, not him flying 20 foot through the air into a table. He loves doing comedy matches because everybody loves to laugh and you don't need to be a wrestling fan to enjoy the match versus the young girl. He loved his match versus Yano at the G1 last year.
. He thinks AJ will top his WK11 match because "that's just who he is." Mentioned that he's jealous of how naturally wrestling comes to AJ and how he has to bust his *** to be just as good as AJ "coming in and clocking in his card for a normal day at work."
. He said it'd take a whole lot of magic for him to end up being in the Rumble, but if he is then he's winning it
. After wrestling he'd like to take up gaming as a profession in tournaments etc.

Don't know why you dislike the guy. He is one of the best in the world and far better than Rollins. It's insulting to compare him to Rollins tbh. AJ, Kenny, Tanahashi and Okada are the elite wrestlers in the world. They are the Big 4 of pro wrestling.

He reminds me a great deal of Anthony Joshua, overly hyped by casual fans but has some world class talent; on an individual level he's a great guy who is very understanding of his ability and where he needs to improve. You see the "how naturally wrestling comes to AJ and how he has to bust his behind to be just as good" is the origin of why I said that Omega lacks fluidity, am not a biased individuals but it's my observation after watching the art for years and studying past era's. However, Cena lacks fluidity to but he still managed to become an ATG.

There are a few who are excited for Omega possibly being in the Rumble but I have no interest in it at all, you see with AJ he was wrestling's best kept secret; a wrestler who had established a career over 10 years which would compare to that of all time greats but had not cemented it in the biggest pro-wrestling company on the planet. You know you're good when even Kurt Angle who has worked with Shawn says AJ was just as good and made life so easy for him in the ring, with so much momentum behind him and a world class resume which stretches back to 2002 it was only natural to be incredibly excited for AJ in the WWE irrespective of how skeptics envisioned WWE using him. The difference between the two of us is that you've never truly appreciated how good AJ truly he is, now I don't blame you for assuming he'd get lost in the shuffle but I had complete faith in his ability and work ethic to force Vince to give him a top spot, after the match he had with Reigns at Payback/Extreme-Rules I had no doubt he would be champion you can check the prediction in this thread.

While he does have a bit of momentum behind him, I think it would be better if Omega spends some more time in Japan to get better and build a resume (however am not sure I buy into his desire to jump ship anytime soon he really loves Japan he speaks their language fluently as well). AJ came into Japan with a big reputation to the extent where they immediately put their premier world title on him, he had not worked in Japan for years! but it's just a testament to the faith promoters have in his ability; his best skill is adopting to any style or opponent across the globe. Omega had been in Japan longer then AJ but the moment he came in the man was dropping 4-5 star classics like they were nothing, he required no adjustment in Japan or in WWE for that matter. So that just goes back to Omega's point when it comes to how natural wrestling is for AJ.
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He reminds me a great deal of Anthony Joshua, overly hyped by casual fans but has some world class talent; on an individual level he's a great guy who is very understanding of his ability and where he needs to improve. You see the "how naturally wrestling comes to AJ and how he has to bust his behind to be just as good" is the origin of why I said that Omega lacks fluidity, am not a biased individuals but it's my observation after watching the art for years and studying past era's. However, Cena lacks fluidity to but he still managed to become an ATG.

There are a few who are excited for Omega possibly being in the Rumble but I have no interest in it at all, you see with AJ he was wrestling's best kept secret; a wrestler who had established a career over 10 years which would compare to that of all time greats but had not cemented it in the biggest pro-wrestling company on the planet. You know you're good when even Kurt Angle who has worked with Shawn says AJ was just as good and made life so easy for him in the ring, with so much momentum behind him and a world class resume which stretches back to 2002 it was only natural to be incredibly excited for AJ in the WWE irrespective of how skeptics envisioned WWE using him. The difference between the two of us is that you've never truly appreciated how good AJ truly he is, now I don't blame you for assuming he'd get lost in the shuffle but I had complete faith in his ability and work ethic to force Vince to give him a top spot, after the match he had with Reigns at Payback/Extreme-Rules I had no doubt he would be champion you can check the prediction in this thread.

While he does have a bit of momentum behind him, I think it would be better if Omega spends some more time in Japan to get better and build a resume (however am not sure I buy into his desire to jump ship anytime soon he really loves Japan he speaks their language fluently as well). AJ came into Japan with a big reputation to the extent where they immediately put their premier world title on him, he had not worked in Japan for years! but it's just a testament to the faith promoters have in his ability; his best skill is adopting to any style or opponent across the globe. Omega had been in Japan longer then AJ but the moment he came in the man was dropping 4-5 star classics like they were nothing, he required no adjustment in Japan or in WWE for that matter. So that just goes back to Omega's point when it comes to how natural wrestling is for AJ.
I can see why you say Cena lacks fluidity, but I don't with Kenny. He looks fluid in the ring and his expressions and selling are excellent. His movements are natural and it feels like you're watching a real fight with little to no wasted actions.

I cannot for the life me understand how you can consider Seth better in any way.
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I can see why you say Cena lacks fluidity, but I don't with Kenny. He looks fluid in the ring and his expressions and selling are excellent. His movements are natural and it feels like you're watching a real fight with little to no wasted actions.

I cannot for the life me understand how you can consider Seth better in any way.

He doesn't lack fluidity on Cena's level but his work isn't smooth he'd be the first to admit that given his lack of technical prowess ( don't go by me if you think am biased he admitted this in an interview with a media company in Tokyo), the expressions are fine but he either over sells or just doesn't sell enough; it's something he can improve on.

At best I'd put them on a level playing field, our opinions are subjective but I've watched Omega wrestle Tyler Black/Seth Rollins in Ring of Honour a long time ago and while they are very similar Seth stood out immediately for me. Since then, both have improved but to begin with Seth was a level ahead of him when it came to his in-ring work which explains why he's ahead of him as it stands. Seth is a better technical wrestler then Omega, his work is smoother and his high flying moves come off naturally; at this moment I'd say Omega current character work is better then Seth Rollins but that's about it.
He doesn't lack fluidity on Cena's level but his work isn't smooth he'd be the first to admit that given his lack of technical prowess ( don't go by me if you think am biased he admitted this in an interview with a media company in Tokyo), the expressions are fine but he either over sells or just doesn't sell enough; it's something he can improve on.

At best I'd put them on a level playing field, our opinions are subjective but I've watched Omega wrestle Tyler Black/Seth Rollins in Ring of Honour a long time ago and while they are very similar Seth stood out immediately for me. Since then, both have improved but to begin with Seth was a level ahead of him when it came to his in-ring work which explains why he's ahead of him as it stands. Seth is a better technical wrestler then Omega, his work is smoother and his high flying moves come off naturally; at this moment I'd say Omega current character work is better then Seth Rollins but that's about it.
Eh, I think Seth is bit of a spot monkey who has been exposed since returning from injury as he hasn't been able to perform spots as frequently. Also think Seth doesn't understand psychology, his selling and storytelling in the ring are extremely bad. IMO, he's well behind the second tier talents like Zayn and KO.
[MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] plenty were probably considering Seth being AJ's last match, but it has to be Kenny.

Kenny has to be the one who retires AJ when he's had enough, Kenny would get the rub and it makes storyline sense.

AJ got a long career ahead of him, he wont be retiring any time soon :)) AJ bumps like crazy but you should pay attention to how he bumps, the man is a genius; he has been able to stay injury free working the style he has because he negates the full impact of moves by using his legs to absorb most of the impact rather then his neck and back. It wouldn't be a bad idea to put over an up and comer, it wouldn't make sense to put over someone established like Seth but at the same time with retirement angles WWE tend to give their stars a high profile opponent and Omega doesn't have the name value as it stands. For me it has to be Samoa Joe, I don't think there is anyone who'd have us more emotionally invested given their history; it's a real tear jerker of a feud
Eh, I think Seth is bit of a spot monkey who has been exposed since returning from injury as he hasn't been able to perform spots as frequently. Also think Seth doesn't understand psychology, his selling and storytelling in the ring are extremely bad. IMO, he's well behind the second tier talents like Zayn and KO.

He's a world class talent who has the performances to back up his technical prowess, in the WWE they work a false finish style with various high spots but his match collection prove his versatility; thankfully after being injured he has enough in the tank to not make excessive use of high spots unlike Omega who has to resort to them to conceal his limited skill be it selling or lack of understanding when it comes to match pacing which is why he identifies himself as a pure high flyer which needs to improve significantly
AJ got a long career ahead of him, he wont be retiring any time soon :)) AJ bumps like crazy but you should pay attention to how he bumps, the man is a genius; he has been able to stay injury free working the style he has because he negates the full impact of moves by using his legs to absorb most of the impact rather then his neck and back. It wouldn't be a bad idea to put over an up and comer, it wouldn't make sense to put over someone established like Seth but at the same time with retirement angles WWE tend to give their stars a high profile opponent and Omega doesn't have the name value as it stands. For me it has to be Samoa Joe, I don't think there is anyone who'd have us more emotionally invested given their history; it's a real tear jerker of a feud
Wouldn't absorbing it with your legs mess up your knees and ankle? Think that might have been the reason for his ankle injury at TLC too.
Wouldn't absorbing it with your legs mess up your knees and ankle? Think that might have been the reason for his ankle injury at TLC too.

Majority of the bumps you take will be on your back, he doesn't land front first on his knees, most of the impact is absorbed by his gluteus maximus and bicep femoris; you see many talents who allow their lower back to take majority of the impact which isn't great for longevity. Unclear how that one occurred but he recovered soon enough, it either was during the 450 (absolutely breathtaking and dangerous to pull off outside through the table) or the chairs spot when ambrose slammed him awkwardly; that match was incredible, am going to watch it again. Hard for me to pick which Styles match was the best in 2016 there are so many, although the Reigns one is a favourite given that I knew he was set for big things after that in the eyes of Vince given his performance
Majority of the bumps you take will be on your back, he doesn't land front first on his knees, most of the impact is absorbed by his gluteus maximus and bicep femoris; you see many talents who allow their lower back to take majority of the impact which isn't great for longevity. Unclear how that one occurred but he recovered soon enough, it either was during the 450 (absolutely breathtaking and dangerous to pull off outside through the table) or the chairs spot when ambrose slammed him awkwardly; that match was incredible, am going to watch it again. Hard for me to pick which Styles match was the best in 2016 there are so many, although the Reigns one is a favourite given that I knew he was set for big things after that in the eyes of Vince given his performance
Think it was from a clothesline over the ropes by Ambrose early in the match.

Incredible to think he carried on after that and even pulled a springboard 450 through a table :O
Think it was from a clothesline over the ropes by Ambrose early in the match.

Incredible to think he carried on after that and even pulled a springboard 450 through a table :O

And on top of that it was arguably MOTY as well, he was out for two weeks wasn't it after that so it was a legit injury and not something he was selling after the battle. Which two Styles matches were your fav from 2016
And on top of that it was arguably MOTY as well, he was out for two weeks wasn't it after that so it was a legit injury and not something he was selling after the battle. Which two Styles matches were your fav from 2016
Ambrose at TLC and the MITB match with Cena. That match was 5* for me until Anderson and Gallowsran out. I can't remember the last time a crowd was that hot for two wrestlers like they were for AJ and Cena at MITB. They chanted their names for what felt like 80% of the match. If they had AJ kick out of the Avalanche AA and then hit Cena with the SC and PF for the pin, that would have been a sure shot 5*match IMO.
Ambrose at TLC and the MITB match with Cena. That match was 5* for me until Anderson and Gallowsran out. I can't remember the last time a crowd was that hot for two wrestlers like they were for AJ and Cena at MITB. They chanted their names for what felt like 80% of the match. If they had AJ kick out of the Avalanche AA and then hit Cena with the SC and PF for the pin, that would have been a sure shot 5*match IMO.

Yeah, I loved the MITB match more as well; the finish messed it up. They sold a lot more to, I didn't like the layout of SS match because there were too many false finishes but the crowd bought them and smarks love that style.

Nakamura v Styles is another match which was epic, it qualifies for a MOTY candidate to it was at WK in January. Have a look at Ambrose/Styles at backlash when he won the title, it was very good as well.

Hard to pick between these:

Styles/Nakamura WK
Styles/Ambrose TLC
Styles/Reigns Extreme Rules
That's how you end a raw no spoilers. Can't wait for the rumble. Have a feeling Jericho or Taker will win it. Hoping for a Jericho win, just needs that and there isn't anything he hasn't achieved. Dreaming of a Jericho vs ko main event and a Cena vs taker main event.
Lahori doing his annual appearance like Taker so he can get to pick dead wrestlers and Trish Stratus :)))

I have my final exam tommorow so will do something after

Can't wait for my pick Lita to win the rumble with a record number of eliminations.

Have it up by Friday boy!
What a good boy :ksi

All the best for your exam tomorrow bro! Hope it all goes smoothly for you In-Shaa-Allah :)


Thanks, god willing it goes well. Hopefully I'll set up the Rumble thing tomorrow, it won't have the production value of your content though :yk3 it will be an indie version:asif

Thanks, god willing it goes well. Hopefully I'll set up the Rumble thing tomorrow, it won't have the production value of your content though :yk3 it will be an indie version:asif

:)) It's all about the indies these days man!

Amazing year. When he lost to Jericho at Mania people thought he would get buried by vince. But no way could a talent like AJ get buried.

Even losing to Cena at the rumble won't affect him tbh. Hope he turns face soon though, enjoyable as a heel no doubt but he's suited to being a face. Fans are cheering for him anyway, so why not turn him?
Amazing year. When he lost to Jericho at Mania people thought he would get buried by vince. But no way could a talent like AJ get buried.

Even losing to Cena at the rumble won't affect him tbh. Hope he turns face soon though, enjoyable as a heel no doubt but he's suited to being a face. Fans are cheering for him anyway, so why not turn him?

I never felt for a moment he would be buried because from the moment he made his debut for the NWA Styles has always had this chip on his shoulder to be the greatest of all time, that has driven him to sensational performances and a stellar career. I knew he'd win the title at some pint but After his losses vs Reigns I was 500% sure he had sold Vince as a main eventer after them incredible performances and we'd see the title on him sooner then expected.

Losing won't necessarily hurt him but I much prefer he be the one to hold the title going into Wrestlemana after his stellar year unless they have a HUGE match planned for him, Cena is a glorified part-timer who doesn't need a world championship; after Styles stellar debut year it doesn't look great to take the belt of him before the biggest stage of them all because he has earned the right to be there as champion, it goes back the Punk situation when he held the title for 400+ days only to be the tool to set up Cena/Rock twice in a life time when it would have made sense to make it a triple threat and have Punk in the main-event but they needed someone to work with Taker.

There are not many top heels around and in this era honestly the lines are blurred when it comes to a face and heel. Styles has been doing stellar character work as an old fashioned heel so I see no point turning him face just yet. I've been watching Styles since the early 2000's, I'd say he relishes being a heel more then a face and his work in such a role has been awesome in (2010) and at present; he's a professional with years of experience who can adopt to any style in the ring or character and am just grateful to witness his current run in the WWE at the moment.

He has already tweaked his moveset to prolong his career and takes bumps the right way limiting impact on his lower back, god willing he's going to perform at the top of his game for another 5 years or so; the man also rarely gets injured (don't want to jinx him) but in AJ we're witnessing a special performer, coming from someone who has studied the business so enjoy him while he lasts!

My dream scenario is having Taker win the Rumble, AJ retains the title then at mania we set up a main-event between Taker and AJ Styles for the championship. Taker could put over AJ, it would emphatically put him over and they have already been building up AJ with 3-0 wins vs Cena, make it 4-0 and he has the legitimacy in the confines of kayfabe to cause an upset over taker at mania. WWE are to benefit long term because Styles has another 5 years or so at the top, a feud between Cena/Taker would be great from a storyline perspective but it does little in the long term because the company just doesn't benefit. A match between Cena/Taker also doesn't need the title if they are hell bent on going through with it. Everything is up in the air at the moment which makes the Royal Rumble so intriguing!!!!!!
I never felt for a moment he would be buried because from the moment he made his debut for the NWA Styles has always had this chip on his shoulder to be the greatest of all time, that has driven him to sensational performances and a stellar career. I knew he'd win the title at some pint but After his losses vs Reigns I was 500% sure he had sold Vince as a main eventer after them incredible performances and we'd see the title on him sooner then expected.

Losing won't necessarily hurt him but I much prefer he be the one to hold the title going into Wrestlemana after his stellar year unless they have a HUGE match planned for him, Cena is a glorified part-timer who doesn't need a world championship; after Styles stellar debut year it doesn't look great to take the belt of him before the biggest stage of them all because he has earned the right to be there as champion, it goes back the Punk situation when he held the title for 400+ days only to be the tool to set up Cena/Rock twice in a life time when it would have made sense to make it a triple threat and have Punk in the main-event but they needed someone to work with Taker.

There are not many top heels around and in this era honestly the lines are blurred when it comes to a face and heel. Styles has been doing stellar character work as an old fashioned heel so I see no point turning him face just yet. I've been watching Styles since the early 2000's, I'd say he relishes being a heel more then a face and his work in such a role has been awesome in (2010) and at present; he's a professional with years of experience who can adopt to any style in the ring or character and am just grateful to witness his current run in the WWE at the moment.

He has already tweaked his moveset to prolong his career and takes bumps the right way limiting impact on his lower back, god willing he's going to perform at the top of his game for another 5 years or so; the man also rarely gets injured (don't want to jinx him) but in AJ we're witnessing a special performer, coming from someone who has studied the business so enjoy him while he lasts!

My dream scenario is having Taker win the Rumble, AJ retains the title then at mania we set up a main-event between Taker and AJ Styles for the championship. Taker could put over AJ, it would emphatically put him over and they have already been building up AJ with 3-0 wins vs Cena, make it 4-0 and he has the legitimacy in the confines of kayfabe to cause an upset over taker at mania. WWE are to benefit long term because Styles has another 5 years or so at the top, a feud between Cena/Taker would be great from a storyline perspective but it does little in the long term because the company just doesn't benefit. A match between Cena/Taker also doesn't need the title if they are hell bent on going through with it. Everything is up in the air at the moment which makes the Royal Rumble so intriguing!!!!!!

His matches with Regins were really good, but when he lost I was a little worried where his WWE career would go. But once he was drafted to smackdown as one of the top picks it was obvious he was going to win the WWE title soon after.

Cena doesn't need the title, but I think Vince will want his 16th reign to come against a top performer such as Aj. I think Cena will win tonight it won't hurt aj but I want aj to have a lengthy tittle regin. Agreed on punk vs Cena vs the rock triple threat it would have been better viewing and added some unpredictability.

I haven't seen loads of Aj outside of WWE but his style seems more suited to a face. I prefer a good heel over a face but I think WWE merchandise sales could blow through the roof with Aj as a face. Imagine him vs some top heels.

Aj will be around for a while, I don't think he would have signed up for the WWE for a short run. He seems pretty safe in the ring so anticipate him getting injured but you never know.

Cena vs taker is a drea match I think that's why fans want it. Ideally it would have happened when the streak was still in tact to make the match even more exciting and unpredictable. I'm looking forward to the rumble because of it's unpredictability, there are so many routes WWE can go down. Bray could win to set up a feud with Orton or Aj being champion at wrestlmania, Finn Balor could return to win. I want Jericho to win and set up a feud with ko. It's been building for months and it's something a lot of fans want to see.
His matches with Regins were really good, but when he lost I was a little worried where his WWE career would go. But once he was drafted to smackdown as one of the top picks it was obvious he was going to win the WWE title soon after.

Cena doesn't need the title, but I think Vince will want his 16th reign to come against a top performer such as Aj. I think Cena will win tonight it won't hurt aj but I want aj to have a lengthy tittle regin. Agreed on punk vs Cena vs the rock triple threat it would have been better viewing and added some unpredictability.

I haven't seen loads of Aj outside of WWE but his style seems more suited to a face. I prefer a good heel over a face but I think WWE merchandise sales could blow through the roof with Aj as a face. Imagine him vs some top heels.

Aj will be around for a while, I don't think he would have signed up for the WWE for a short run. He seems pretty safe in the ring so anticipate him getting injured but you never know.

Cena vs taker is a drea match I think that's why fans want it. Ideally it would have happened when the streak was still in tact to make the match even more exciting and unpredictable. I'm looking forward to the rumble because of it's unpredictability, there are so many routes WWE can go down. Bray could win to set up a feud with Orton or Aj being champion at wrestlmania, Finn Balor could return to win. I want Jericho to win and set up a feud with ko. It's been building for months and it's something a lot of fans want to see.

You see Reigns was coming out of mania with a lot of heat from fans and for AJ to make him look as good as he did was exceptional, we have to give credit to Reigns as well because he is much improved and I enjoy watching his brawling style; AJ/Reigns have amazing chemistry and I believe they can steal the show if they ever work a wrestlemania program. Styles had a lot of pressure on him going into his first singles world title matches behind him, he had to prove the hype was real right of the bat and that too against Reigns; watching the matches I just thought to myself Vince is going to be absolutely star struck in the same way Shawn captured his imagination in the mid 90's, plus to make a talent which had so much heat on him look great must have just sold him; it's something HHH was unable to do for Reigns at mania 30, the main-event was a big dud

His style can be adjusted for any role, his merchandise has been selling incredibly well the moment he made his debut. At some point he will get the chance to be a baby face but it's not required at the moment because he has so much momentum as a heel and is really over with the fans, he has been a great draw at house show to.

Yeah, I'd have loved to see it when the streak was intact because given how protected Cena is the near falls would be epic :)) I wouldn't mind Jericho winning but feel Bray Wyatt is more deserving then anyone on the roster, he has paid his dues, is an excellent character, has never complained, always does the job despite bad booking but still manages to rise above it and at this moment after a long time he has some momentum behind him and the backing of creative; if WWE are truly want him to be the new face of fear then this would be the best way to put him over and make up for all the times they didn't utilise him as well as they could have. Am a big fan of Bray Wyatt and he is the right choice for me but I'd mark the hell out if Jericho won, I'd have tears of joy in me eyes [MENTION=95766]leatherface58[/MENTION]

Yeah it's a shame that there's a chance AJ may not head to mania as champion but I understand the need for his 16th win to be a big one and right now no one is hotter then AJ, everything has been set up for a big win for the Cenation :mv but this is where Vince has got it wrong so many times in the past, at the expense of short-term thrills he really hurts the long term.