Did you guys here Ambrose on Jericho's podcast. It goes to show why WWE has been crap for the past 10 years. And we haven't seen a big start truly emerge since John Cena. I didn't believe it at first but after listening to Ambrose it sounds like the biggest problem isn't the writers but McMahon himself. Like go listen to the podcast he writes absolote crap, and then when the performers try to change the script he says "no this is some good Sh*t, the people just love it."

Vince just retire man, or at the very least stay away from the creative aspect of things. You truly are finished. 50 years of working in this business has taken it's toll on you now please back away with some respect, so all us WWE fans can truly enjoy it again. I'd say bring Heyman in as WWE head writer. If Vince backs off and lets Heyman write shows we all know how good the product could be. But of course Vince's ego would never allow that to happen.

At least there is AEW to turn to soon though instead of this crap, we've been served up. It's so sad they have the greatest talent in the world you look at the names, guys like Roman, AJ, McIntyre, Balor, Ricochet, Ali, Cesaro, Roode, Rollins, Nakamura, Owens, Zayn, Rusev, Lashley, Zigler, EC3, Mysterio, Joe, Miz, Bryan, Hardy, Kingston, Black, Orton, etc. With this kind of talent it should be near impossible to put out a bad product, yet Vince won't let these guys shine.