Hey man long time, WWE for both RAW and SD has been fantastic before and after SummerSlam; so many awesome story lines to keep up with.
The stuff involving O.C , AJ Styles and Riochet has been beautiful ; excellent feud and have enjoyed the in-ring action, they don't give you too much and leave you wanting more in order to continue the series.
Goldberg had his redemption in a highly enjoyable encounter with Ziggler playing the role of an annoying heel beautifully.
The debut of the Field was spectacular and one of the greatest I've ever seen, Bray Wyatt is a truly special performer and this new persona I just hope is protected; from what I have read around the dirt sheets Vince is on board with that approach regarding keeping the character exclusive, hopefully he is pushed in the same way as Taker in 90s.
New Day vs Orton / Revival feud has been building up nicely and the womens division is hot with the return of Sasha Banks; Trish rolled back the years in a fantastic match with Charlotte and is likely to return again.
You have your opinion on Seth but from an in-ring POV it can't be denied this man is arguably the best in the world right now from this regard, he has truly been phenomenal in the ring and along with Lesnar stole the show at SummerSlam; it was a magical main-event, I also think Brock deserves the title of Mr.SummerSlam. Seth turned up the intensity to another level and Brock as you know has amazing awareness and psychology between the squared circle. Seth has largely turned up in this feud with Lesnar and Paul has played a key role when it comes to promos to. I don't think Seth is THAT terrible but I feel his persona lacks definition which is why at times this shows in the promo work, Austin sold him really well during an interview on RAW as a baby face who is extremely desperate to reach the top and extremely passionate about what he does, some edge would certainly help; turning heel isn't an option, I don't want to say it but after the scare with Reigns, the company realise he is the man to invest in also for the long term.
Going back to SD, I am thoroughly enjoying this angle involving who attacked Reigns, maybe it was Rikishi

jokes aside it has been a lot of fun, Bryan/Rowan have been incredible as the delusional environmentalist hippies
The way they have built up Murphy has been refreshing, last 2 weeks he has been involved in amazing matches with top guys and with the KOTR looming he will have a lot of momentum behind him. Speaking of KOTR, I very much look forward to this and feel it is extremely prestigious; hoping whoever wins gets a massive push over a sustained period.
Also, the seeds which have been planted for a feud between Seth / Braun were great; loving everything they have done so far! this is very good work from creative recently honestly, am very impressed.
Sasha return marked an attack on Becky, she finally has a proper dance partner; Sasha is one of the greatest modern women wrestlers in my opinion, she put the division on the map with the landmark feud with Charlotte and boasts a very impressive resume, as a character she is tremendous and so gifted technically in the ring, I love the heel turn to; she thrives in this role as we saw in NXT.
What else, the KOTR qualifying matches have been great, Joe/Cesaro nearly killed each other and Cedric had a great showcase win over Zayn, Andrade looked great to vs Crews.
If there were any criticisms is that I'd like them to see more direction for the womens tag titlists and we need to end the feud with KO v Shane immediately because it has been horrid, also want to see KO refresh his image as it has grown stale.
Honestly, both RAW and SD have been enjoyable recently. Also, NXT moves the USA network.