Dude I respect your views you can like what you want, it's like pick your poison with Wrestling anybody can watch what they want but sitting here and telling me NJPW is the "face" of wrestling right now meaning it is more popular then WWE is an ignorant thing to say.
I am sure even you don't believe that deep down. Heck is NJPW even more popular than WWE in Japan itself?
Sure WWE may not be more popular than WWE in Japan anymore, but everywhere else in the world it's not even CLOSE WWE eclipses NJPW. Even in Japan, WWE is more popular than many think.
WWE has a substantial online presence in the whole world. Every promotion is now hastening out a streaming service, and most of them are stumbling out the gate, as would be expected: no company in the world can compare with WWE's popularity. Want a metric go check WWE's Youtube subscribers WWE has like 46 million whereas NJPW as what 200K?
Remember, Japanese Wrestling was essentially dead mainstream even just four years back. WWE has been doing its international push for over a decade now, and they are still going strong.
In a nutshell, most people who follow NJPW follow WWE to some extent. I don't think the same can be said about WWE followers concerning NJPW.
The Japanese wrestling market is still pretty split. Plenty of people love only DDT or deathmatches or Joshi or whatever and don't follow NJPW. I will stick to this as I firmly believe it and nothing can change my mind, it is mainly hardcore WWE haters who follow NJPW, and that is a big reason behind their popularity. But it still isn't even close to WWE.
Getting back to WWE's presence in Japan. There is a very unusual yet very consistent flow for WWE alumni touring Japan. X-Pac and Sabu did some shows a bit back. Bob Backlund had a small tour, not to long ago and they almost always do well. So even in your beloved Japan, these guys are drawing.
Haven't checked out the Japan tour for WWE this year, but the 2018 Sumo Hall WWE show sold out instantly except for the costly VIP seats. Now that's a house show. I wonder how big of a building an actual PPV could sell out. According to you none of the current guys in WWE can draw, right? So could you explain how even in Japan, with barely any shows there these guys are still drawing?
I do think NJPW is more prominent in Japan at the moment. But that sure wasn't the case not too long ago.
Heck even NJPW isn't at its peak in wrestling popularity. They were more prevalent in the 1980s and 1990s. They had a terrible down period in the 2000s that almost killed the company, and they have recovered to the point where they are once again a very popular promotion, but they still have a way to go before even reaching the popularity of their heyday. Sure their product quality wise may be better than it has ever been but even now it's not more popular than their own golden age.
So in essence what I am trying to say is every single metric that you want to pull out indicates WWE is more popular than NJPW. Even if that's not enough for you go look at the former wrestler and experts who have talked about NJPW being compared to WWE. You won't find a single person in the world who says NJPW is more popular than WWE. Heck many people don't even think NJPW is competition. I haven't even talked about AEW because wait do they even have like more than 50k fans?
Even Jericho said it himself that they will never topple WWE. WWE is like the Disney of Pro Wrestling you can bring all these other wrestling promotions in but at the end of the day if they try to go head to head with WWE they will suffer the same fate as WCW.
Don't believe me? Just go look at what happened to poor TNA after they went head to head with Vince. Poor guys had so much talent and all, but once they went head to head with WWE they crumbled and never recovered.
Now I know that NJPW is probably more prominent than TNA but the point remains you can't compete with WWE. No one has been able to do it and no one will, your out here living in a fantasy about how NJPW is the face of wrestling.

) Dude wake up but honestly I know deep down your just kidding. Effects from the NZ defeat in the final are still fresh I see.