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The first Raw under Paul Heyman’s direction and oh boy did it deliver. For the first time in what feels like forever Raw actually felt important and we had progression.

The highlight of the night for me was the first match. Watching Strowman and Lashley rip away at each other in a Falls Count Anywhere match you just knew that Heyman had full control with that match. That match was from the man that brought us ECW. What a match it was. Heyman also knows Lashley from his rookie days so this match mad sense.

But things didn’t flatten out there. We had an amazing Undertaker moment. The New Days matches were good. And most importantly we finally got AJ to turn heel and reunite THE CLUB!!! If only WWE can get Finn Balor reunited with these guys oh boy this is going to be the most destructive faction in WWE. There are also rumours that Bischoff will start a new NWO on SDL. Having two factions like that on different brands will be a really smart and entertaining thing to do.

Overall Heyman’s first Raw delivered, and now I’m even more excited!!

Was a decent start, I believe they will reset after extreme rules PPV and it will sort of be their first shows in complete command, Vince will have his say but is said to be taking a bit of a side step, take that report with a pinch of salt, lets see.

I also see Mustafa Ali cut terrific video promos but he hasn't been booked in weeks not sure why not, perhaps he will after the PPV
Was a decent start, I believe they will reset after extreme rules PPV and it will sort of be their first shows in complete command, Vince will have his say but is said to be taking a bit of a side step, take that report with a pinch of salt, lets see.

I also see Mustafa Ali cut terrific video promos but he hasn't been booked in weeks not sure why not, perhaps he will after the PPV

Yeah not sure what they're doing with Mustafa. I really can't see Vince taking a backseat to anyone honestly, I'll believe it when I see it.

Also reports of WWE moving away from the PG Era in order to gain more fans, don't really believe that either dropping a few swears doesn't really mean your moving away from PG Era. I'll believe that when we start to see blood, extreme moments, chair-shots to the head, and wrestlers are given some freedom.

Overall my biggest disappointment in the past few months with WWE has been why the hell did Randy and AJ have such a short feud. Like on god those two could of carried the company throughout 2019 with their feud like AJ/John did in 2017. It's absurd to think two huge names like that only had 1 match at Mania and that's it. Like Randy/AJ feud was one of my dream feuds and all it ended up being was a diss track served up over 4 weeks. Fine for the first match but they really should of kept going with it till SummerSlam at least, made it more personal and all that, oh well.

At least AJ has turned heel something I've been wanting for months. Hopefully like I said before too if Balor joins the club with AJ and the good brothers oh boy that has the potential to be the BEST Faction in WWE!
I will watch later, beyond that rumour there was also a story of heat between the two because hbk disrespected one of dwayne's family members. With regards to the IC title, I think that was more of HHH's idea then Shawns; just like the montreal screwjob

Yeah it's said to be The Rock's mother and apparently Dwayne never forgot about it.
Looking forward to The Extreme Rules PPV tomorrow hopefully it's a good one not like the snooze-fest like Stomping Grounds was.

Looking forward to Kofi v Joe, hopefully, really really hoping Joe can pick up the WIN man!!!

Rest of the card seems pretty good too.
You guys following the G1? So far it's been pretty good and Jon Moxley (use to go by Dean Ambrose) and Kenta (Hideo Itami) are in it.

Mox vs Ishii tonight.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">An incredible tournament, an awe-inspiring final, and a team of worthy champions. Congratulations to <a href="https://twitter.com/englandcricket?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@EnglandCricket</a> for winning the ICC Men’s <a href="https://twitter.com/cricketworldcup?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@CricketWorldCup</a> 2019! This custom <a href="https://twitter.com/WWE?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@WWE</a> Championship is YOURS! <a href="https://twitter.com/WWEUK?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@WWEUK</a> <a href="https://t.co/hSesoSIwcc">pic.twitter.com/hSesoSIwcc</a></p>— Triple H (@TripleH) <a href="https://twitter.com/TripleH/status/1152171223226281984?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">July 19, 2019</a></blockquote>
<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">An incredible tournament, an awe-inspiring final, and a team of worthy champions. Congratulations to <a href="https://twitter.com/englandcricket?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@EnglandCricket</a> for winning the ICC Men’s <a href="https://twitter.com/cricketworldcup?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@CricketWorldCup</a> 2019! This custom <a href="https://twitter.com/WWE?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@WWE</a> Championship is YOURS! <a href="https://twitter.com/WWEUK?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@WWEUK</a> <a href="https://t.co/hSesoSIwcc">pic.twitter.com/hSesoSIwcc</a></p>— Triple H (@TripleH) <a href="https://twitter.com/TripleH/status/1152171223226281984?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">July 19, 2019</a></blockquote>
<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

I came here thinking what's happening here, it's very unlike MIG to post in a raslin thread :))
You guys following the G1? So far it's been pretty good and Jon Moxley (use to go by Dean Ambrose) and Kenta (Hideo Itami) are in it.

Mox vs Ishii tonight.

Nobody watches that rubbish, I gave AEW a chance because you said Omega is superior to Shawn Michaels ( [MENTION=141804]QalandarFan[/MENTION] this is very true, this guys ignorance has no limits ) - then all I saw was a standard mid card match in the main event, he struggled badly and looked out of his depth even though he had experience in north america, compare that to AJ Styles PPV debut for NWA Wildside, what was he in his early 20s ? blowing the roof off, you just knew he was special. All those Japan hacks are protected because they get to work in an environment with no limits, the style is the same and the styles between the performers / level of skill is similar to ; will make broomsticks like Omega look better for what they are.

This is what you deserve for talking rubbish and being a bad human being Aman; NZ getting smashed, Messi choking like a coward again in internationals and R-Truth having more heat then Omega who is meant to be better then Shawn Michaels according to you :)))

And look at this coward lick the behind of Moxley, always ripped him and every other WWE rasler until they jump ship, can't wait for Apollow Crews to become your next GOAT if he switches there

And don't talk to me about Kenta, you've never watched him before he made the jump; but at best he is a very good indie / japan style rasler who was exposed in America once again, he is only rated because Bryan carried him to legendary matches in ROH
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Looking forward to The Extreme Rules PPV tomorrow hopefully it's a good one not like the snooze-fest like Stomping Grounds was.

Looking forward to Kofi v Joe, hopefully, really really hoping Joe can pick up the WIN man!!!

Rest of the card seems pretty good too.

The tag match was epic! taker moving like it's 2007 :))) that's how you should use him! and also if he is to work singles matches then you have to book him against younger guys, but man that made me really happy, is there anyone that can move you like the Undertaker ? it's just impossible, even at his age man, there will never be another.

I didn't know Black / Cesaro was booked and was like no way am I skipping this! it was such a great match!

I also enjoyed the Brocky cash in :))) he is criminally under rated and while people will whinge and say what they like, he has been performing at an elite level and is a throw back / once in a life time performer, his feud with Rollins (who am not the biggest fan of myself) has been brilliant ! and Paul / Brock seem to bring out the best in Rollins on the mic ! you have to admit ! although I think he could do with a character rework but he is at his best when involved with those guys and Paul has a innate talent to bring out your best promo

It's great Kofi is having a run but Joe is like 0-8 in world title bouts now :( maybe at mania he will win ?

Ali and Nak look to be feuding next! am excite !

Bischoff will start his new role next week although he will be there to add structure rather then being involved in creative, Paul will have a bit more creative input. RAW reunion next week! am hyped! great few weeks

Also I was just thinking about what is Cena's best match, this is mine but I don't want to influence your decision so name the first match that comes to your mind and then look at my choice, I think I know what yours will be:
Shawn Michaels v Cena - RAW 2007 in London !!! that was just magical, it wasn't even meant to happen ! due to injury to either Edge or Orton, the tag match between Rated RKO and HBK / Cena could not be booked I believe, Shawn basically called the match in the ring all by himself and Cena played his part to big time, it was an electric atmosphere, the crowd was absolutely going bonkers! this match for me was even better then the one they had at mania as much as I enjoyed that to, by far this was his greatest match. You may say the battle with Punk but that is up there for sure also because of the epic build, but this for me was very special.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">In his dreams he coutdn't touch modern day Tanahashi. Ospreay is the most like him and he's twice the athlete and five times the nightly performer and Ospreay isn't even the best guy today. <a href="https://t.co/tXkp8Ex1Bl">https://t.co/tXkp8Ex1Bl</a></p>— Dave Meltzer (@davemeltzerWON) <a href="https://twitter.com/davemeltzerWON/status/1058534299459215360?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">November 3, 2018</a></blockquote>
<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

I'll leave this here..

Tanahashi and Okada are the two greatest I've ever seen.
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">In his dreams he coutdn't touch modern day Tanahashi. Ospreay is the most like him and he's twice the athlete and five times the nightly performer and Ospreay isn't even the best guy today. <a href="https://t.co/tXkp8Ex1Bl">https://t.co/tXkp8Ex1Bl</a></p>— Dave Meltzer (@davemeltzerWON) <a href="https://twitter.com/davemeltzerWON/status/1058534299459215360?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">November 3, 2018</a></blockquote>
<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

I'll leave this here..

Tanahashi and Okada are the two greatest I've ever seen.

You sure you want to quote Meltzer, we can discuss a range of his recent comments - he has zero credibility and is just a journalist for Japan product similar to the Gestapo in Hitler's Germany.

Those two are not even the best Japanese raslers ever, they are the best in Japan from that part of the world right now, can never be rated amongst the top 50 in history unless they do well in WWE, the toughest territory and touring company in the world; right now Nakamura is better then both overall. The Great Muta, Kobashi and Liger are the top three best ever of Japanese origin.

And don't back track now, claiming Omega is better then HBK :))) and I will judge Okada and Tanahashi much better if they wrestle for Vince
All these modern raslers in Japan just do a bunch of moves and this era of smark think this one dimensional spot wrestling style is the be and end all, it's painful to watch, I don't even bother with WK no more, the last one was awful
The tag match was epic! taker moving like it's 2007 :))) that's how you should use him! and also if he is to work singles matches then you have to book him against younger guys, but man that made me really happy, is there anyone that can move you like the Undertaker ? it's just impossible, even at his age man, there will never be another.

I didn't know Black / Cesaro was booked and was like no way am I skipping this! it was such a great match!

I also enjoyed the Brocky cash in :))) he is criminally under rated and while people will whinge and say what they like, he has been performing at an elite level and is a throw back / once in a life time performer, his feud with Rollins (who am not the biggest fan of myself) has been brilliant ! and Paul / Brock seem to bring out the best in Rollins on the mic ! you have to admit ! although I think he could do with a character rework but he is at his best when involved with those guys and Paul has a innate talent to bring out your best promo

It's great Kofi is having a run but Joe is like 0-8 in world title bouts now :( maybe at mania he will win ?

Ali and Nak look to be feuding next! am excite !

Bischoff will start his new role next week although he will be there to add structure rather then being involved in creative, Paul will have a bit more creative input. RAW reunion next week! am hyped! great few weeks

Also I was just thinking about what is Cena's best match, this is mine but I don't want to influence your decision so name the first match that comes to your mind and then look at my choice, I think I know what yours will be:
Shawn Michaels v Cena - RAW 2007 in London !!! that was just magical, it wasn't even meant to happen ! due to injury to either Edge or Orton, the tag match between Rated RKO and HBK / Cena could not be booked I believe, Shawn basically called the match in the ring all by himself and Cena played his part to big time, it was an electric atmosphere, the crowd was absolutely going bonkers! this match for me was even better then the one they had at mania as much as I
enjoyed that to, by far this was his greatest match. You may say the battle with Punk but that is up there for sure also because of the epic build, but this for me was very special.

For me the greatest John Cena match ever is AJ Styles vs John Cena at the 2017 Royal Rumble. It's a tough one as John Cena has had so many great matches with the likes of Edge, HBK, and of course Punk. Quite ironic for a guy who indie smarks and others say "can't wrestle." I've always since day 1 been a huge WWE fan so I've followed his career pretty closely.

However, for me this match against AJ Styles at the Royal Rumble not only was Cena's greatest match ever but would be up there in my top 5/10 greatest matches ever. This match had it all the blowoff to months of an epic story-line. This feud in '16 was such a breath of fresh air. The match was made all the more brilliant by the fact that they somehow managed to top their epic SummerSlam encounter. I think I've re watched this match like 50 times it's just such a great match. I loved every second of it even indie smarks or guys who hate on the WWE couldn't hate on this match just because of how good it was if this match happened in Japan lemme tell ya old brother meltzer would of given this one 9 Stars :)))

I loved his match with HBK at Raw in 2007 as well I'm pretty sure everyone can agree that, they outdid there encounter at WM with that unbelievable showing at Raw. His match with Punk at MITB was my favorite for a long time until he had that match with AJ at the Rumble, and it was only at the Rumble they had some good matches at MITB and SS but that match at the Rumble was just so refreshing to watch and one of the best WWE Championship matches ever!
Nobody watches that rubbish, I gave AEW a chance because you said Omega is superior to Shawn Michaels ( [MENTION=141804]QalandarFan[/MENTION] this is very true, this guys ignorance has no limits ) - then all I saw was a standard mid card match in the main event, he struggled badly and looked out of his depth even though he had experience in north america, compare that to AJ Styles PPV debut for NWA Wildside, what was he in his early 20s ? blowing the roof off, you just knew he was special. All those Japan hacks are protected because they get to work in an environment with no limits, the style is the same and the styles between the performers / level of skill is similar to ; will make broomsticks like Omega look better for what they are.

This is what you deserve for talking rubbish and being a bad human being Aman; NZ getting smashed, Messi choking like a coward again in internationals and R-Truth having more heat then Omega who is meant to be better then Shawn Michaels according to you :)))

And look at this coward lick the behind of Moxley, always ripped him and every other WWE rasler until they jump ship, can't wait for Apollow Crews to become your next GOAT if he switches there

And don't talk to me about Kenta, you've never watched him before he made the jump; but at best he is a very good indie / japan style rasler who was exposed in America once again, he is only rated because Bryan carried him to legendary matches in ROH

Lol if someone is really going to sit here and tell me that someone who hasn't even stepped foot inside WWE and only wrestles one style of match can even compare to HBK they should be deported to Mars. The only guy that I ever compared to Shawn outside WWE was AJ but even then AJ had wrestled with the likes of Kurt, and Sting in TNA which was at the time and for the past 10/15 years had been the closest you could get to a WWE outside of WWE if you know what I mean. To compare and say that Omega is better than HBK oh man idk what your smoking dude to come up with something like that. I've only ever watched NJPW when AJ was there. But saying Omega is better than HBK is like saying someone who hits a double hundred in gully cricket is better than a guy who hits an international test hundred. Like that's just purely a stupid and laughable statement. In today's wrestling the only guys who can compare to HBK are Daniel Bryan (who for some reason I love soooo much more as a heel) AJ Styles and Chris Jericho.
[MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] we should put something right and let everyone know who the greatest in ring performers of all time are here are my top 5. PS I won't include Ric because I haven't seen him wrestle a lot apart from his 2001-08 WWE run. Cause he was in his prime way before my time.

Top 5 in ring performers ever PWIQalandarFan Edition

1. Shawn Micheals
2. AJ Styles
3. Bret Hart
4. Kurt Angle
5. Chris Jericho / Undertaker

So hard for me to leave out names like Daniel Bryan, CM Punk, and I personally really think HHH and ]Edge were very good in ring performers as well. Another person people be sleeping on is Brock Lesnar like dude is a veryyy good wrestler that is if he is motivated lol. I know some people will say "really undertaker?" But Taker is the best working big guy to ever lace up a pair of boots, insane how athletic and versatile he was a his size. Don't think he gets the respect he should for being a great wrestler.

Yeah pretty easy list for me it makes sense for me hasn't changed much at all in a long time what would be yours [MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION]
Looking forward to Raw Reunion next week hopefully rumors are true and we see The Rock return!!! How epic would it be if Y2J returned man that would be something I really love Jericho such a great pro wrestler. Also wonder what the plans for Roman are at SS. Hopefully rumors are true and we see Roman/Rock in the main event but I highly doubt that. :))
For me the greatest John Cena match ever is AJ Styles vs John Cena at the 2017 Royal Rumble. It's a tough one as John Cena has had so many great matches with the likes of Edge, HBK, and of course Punk. Quite ironic for a guy who indie smarks and others say "can't wrestle." I've always since day 1 been a huge WWE fan so I've followed his career pretty closely.

However, for me this match against AJ Styles at the Royal Rumble not only was Cena's greatest match ever but would be up there in my top 5/10 greatest matches ever. This match had it all the blowoff to months of an epic story-line. This feud in '16 was such a breath of fresh air. The match was made all the more brilliant by the fact that they somehow managed to top their epic SummerSlam encounter. I think I've re watched this match like 50 times it's just such a great match. I loved every second of it even indie smarks or guys who hate on the WWE couldn't hate on this match just because of how good it was if this match happened in Japan lemme tell ya old brother meltzer would of given this one 9 Stars :)))

I loved his match with HBK at Raw in 2007 as well I'm pretty sure everyone can agree that, they outdid there encounter at WM with that unbelievable showing at Raw. His match with Punk at MITB was my favorite for a long time until he had that match with AJ at the Rumble, and it was only at the Rumble they had some good matches at MITB and SS but that match at the Rumble was just so refreshing to watch and one of the best WWE Championship matches ever!

Don't forget Umaga as well! LMS! one of the best gimmick matches you will ever see! when you look at how hostile fans were back then, you got to give even more credit to John; the title was on him perhaps longer then it needed to at times but he always delivered no matter what spot he found himself in against a variety of opponents. Yes, that TLC at Unforgiven was great! I have funny story about that, I had portable DVD player at home, bought the Unforgiven DVD from Woolworths, watched the event then returned the DVD citing a faulty product, they replaced it with another brand new sealed copy which I would then return to get my full refund :))) off course having watched the entire event :)

Yes, eventually that crowd chant eventually was silenced permanently because he just commanded your respect. It was more of a high spot format wasn't it AJ / Cena similar to what they do in Japan except here you had defined characters, heat in the feud and a bit of selling to; I don't think you are far off with the 9 star comment at all, it was better then anything I have seen between Okada and Omega; it was also remarkable because they had to deliver before a crowd of 60K ? when you have a stadium audience it's not easy because it's more difficult to cool them down, bring them back up and use ring psychology to control their reaction and the pace of their response to the action; Styles spoke of how challenging this was in his Mania debut vs Jericho, but like the all time greats before him he made adjustments. For me personally, the MITB match was better from a technical stand point as it had a bit of everything; it was let down by the finish but I get why they did that; for that reason the RR match gets a higher rating but I enjoyed the MITB clash more. But totally see why you'd have that as your favourite.

For me still, that match with Shawn and Cena on RAW was incredible! the atmosphere and how they controlled it, the story was beautiful to leading to the match with the odds stacked against Shawn and him having to go into gear 7 after a marathon which lasted close to 60 minutes, it was very action packed; have a watch again mate! and let me know how it stands the test of time for you.
[MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] we should put something right and let everyone know who the greatest in ring performers of all time are here are my top 5. PS I won't include Ric because I haven't seen him wrestle a lot apart from his 2001-08 WWE run. Cause he was in his prime way before my time.

Top 5 in ring performers ever PWIQalandarFan Edition

1. Shawn Micheals
2. AJ Styles
3. Bret Hart
4. Kurt Angle
5. Chris Jericho / Undertaker

So hard for me to leave out names like Daniel Bryan, CM Punk, and I personally really think HHH and ]Edge were very good in ring performers as well. Another person people be sleeping on is Brock Lesnar like dude is a veryyy good wrestler that is if he is motivated lol. I know some people will say "really undertaker?" But Taker is the best working big guy to ever lace up a pair of boots, insane how athletic and versatile he was a his size. Don't think he gets the respect he should for being a great wrestler.

Yeah pretty easy list for me it makes sense for me hasn't changed much at all in a long time what would be yours [MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION]

Haha QalandarApter and ShazyMeltzer :)))

Mine does just change a little from time to time but how can anyone disagree with your no.1 ? and that's a great list from competitors and Undertaker for sure belongs up there in the top 5, wrestling is not limited to one specific style or a lightweight performer.

1. Shawn Michaels
2. Ric Flair
3. Bret Hart
4. Austin
5. Taker

It's pretty cool you put Bret in the top 3 was thinking maybe he will miss him lol he is often overlooked by those who are mostly casuals; anyone that includes him in the top 3 knows the industry.

I would love to get Angle, Styles, Eddie, Mysterio, and Jericho in there but with 5 spots it's so tough so my list does change but I'd say the top 2 never do.
Lol if someone is really going to sit here and tell me that someone who hasn't even stepped foot inside WWE and only wrestles one style of match can even compare to HBK they should be deported to Mars. The only guy that I ever compared to Shawn outside WWE was AJ but even then AJ had wrestled with the likes of Kurt, and Sting in TNA which was at the time and for the past 10/15 years had been the closest you could get to a WWE outside of WWE if you know what I mean. To compare and say that Omega is better than HBK oh man idk what your smoking dude to come up with something like that. I've only ever watched NJPW when AJ was there. But saying Omega is better than HBK is like saying someone who hits a double hundred in gully cricket is better than a guy who hits an international test hundred. Like that's just purely a stupid and laughable statement. In today's wrestling the only guys who can compare to HBK are Daniel Bryan (who for some reason I love soooo much more as a heel) AJ Styles and Chris Jericho.
[MENTION=132954]Aman[/MENTION] isn't a proper fan to be honest, he is very delusional and the worst hipster smark you will ever come across. Everything outside WWE is the best and those who leave there become his GOAT. This guy was saying to me AJ lost a step just before his second WWE title run, he just can't comprehend versatile performers, styles, environments and scenarios. The touring schedule is also crazy for the WWE performers, to see them perform at such a high level consistently is great; look booking wise things could be better but that is the nature of a tough territory, no one gets it easy but cream finds a way to rise to the top.

Omega was a mid carder in Japan, he only got a push because AJ left and they needed a foreign heel; he has been protected vastly and worked with some of the best Japanese wrestlers of the last 20 years; they don't do enough house shows and get to go for a shoot out on their one off PPV events, it's usually the same format, not much changes and you don't need to put in as much work into your persona as a foreign rasler you tend to get away with it a bit. But to remotely suggest he is better then HBK, I don't even know what to say trolling or not that is just a big time joke
Looking forward to Raw Reunion next week hopefully rumors are true and we see The Rock return!!! How epic would it be if Y2J returned man that would be something I really love Jericho such a great pro wrestler. Also wonder what the plans for Roman are at SS. Hopefully rumors are true and we see Roman/Rock in the main event but I highly doubt that. :))

Thanks for spoiling all the comebacks :)))

And Jericho is unlikely would be shocked

As you know am a big boxing fan and came across this video, fight hype mostly interview boxers and boxing events aha but managed to get Booker, speaking of the GOAT discussion why not get Booker's view
Don't forget Umaga as well! LMS! one of the best gimmick matches you will ever see! when you look at how hostile fans were back then, you got to give even more credit to John; the title was on him perhaps longer then it needed to at times but he always delivered no matter what spot he found himself in against a variety of opponents. Yes, that TLC at Unforgiven was great! I have funny story about that, I had portable DVD player at home, bought the Unforgiven DVD from Woolworths, watched the event then returned the DVD citing a faulty product, they replaced it with another brand new sealed copy which I would then return to get my full refund :))) off course having watched the entire event :)

Yes, eventually that crowd chant eventually was silenced permanently because he just commanded your respect. It was more of a high spot format wasn't it AJ / Cena similar to what they do in Japan except here you had defined characters, heat in the feud and a bit of selling to; I don't think you are far off with the 9 star comment at all, it was better then anything I have seen between Okada and Omega; it was also remarkable because they had to deliver before a crowd of 60K ? when you have a stadium audience it's not easy because it's more difficult to cool them down, bring them back up and use ring psychology to control their reaction and the pace of their response to the action; Styles spoke of how challenging this was in his Mania debut vs Jericho, but like the all time greats before him he made adjustments. For me personally, the MITB match was better from a technical stand point as it had a bit of everything; it was let down by the finish but I get why they did that; for that reason the RR match gets a higher rating but I enjoyed the MITB clash more. But totally see why you'd have that as your favourite.

For me still, that match with Shawn and Cena on RAW was incredible! the atmosphere and how they controlled it, the story was beautiful to leading to the match with the odds stacked against Shawn and him having to go into gear 7 after a marathon which lasted close to 60 minutes, it was very action packed; have a watch again mate! and let me know how it stands the test of time for you.

Yeah it's so funny how people would chant you can't wrestle during Cena's matches and at the same time the same crowd would go bonkers for a guy like Randy (who is in no slouch and I love Randy but in the end Cena has had a much superior career) Tbf back in 2007 I think a big majority of fans thought Randy would end up having a better career at least from the in ring perspective of things. However here we stand 12 years later both in the twilight's of their careers and I think it is fair to say that John Cena has not only had a more celebrated career than Randy but he has had many more classics than Randy.

For some reason people like stereotyping guys like Brock and John as guys who "can't wrestle." This is likely due to their size and guys that size usually aren't the best of wrestlers. However how come we don't criticize guys who come up from the Indies into WWE for not cutting it? How come if John was such a hack and couldn't wrestler he was selling out arenas and the leading merchandise seller by far when competing with the likes of DX, Taker, Batista, and Orton? How come the Indie filled roster these days can't even get 2 million views on a weekly basis. Back in John's day when they went under 4 million viewers that was alarming now getting over 2 million is hard work. I know the booking and creative ain't that good but John wasn't wrestling in the attitude era either. He said it in an interview himself perfectly did Cena that these new guys need to stop complaining about creative as you're never going to get handed gold you have to take the sh*t creative gives you and make it gold. I don't remember what interview it was I think it was on the Stone Cold Podcast where he really summed it all up and really shines a light on why this guy has been the top dog for as long as he has been.

As for his best matches we could legit ask 100 people for their top 3 favorite matches and you'd probably see about 15 different matches he's just had so many good matches and I love the one with AJ because it was just so amazing to see AJ feuding with Cena which I thought I'd never get to see, and then to see AJ have those amazing matches just warmed my heart. John Cena is such a versatile wrestler better than I'll say even your Okada's, Ibushi's and Omega's because of the fact that he has wrestled so many different styles of matches with so many different people. He has changed his game to stay at the top and have amazing matches over a decade long period in WWE. That is very hard to do. For a guy who when he first won the WWE Title even veteran superstars in the back were skeptical about his in ring work, I'd say he's done a pretty damn good job and I look forward to seeing him win his 17th world title soon!

Will watch the HBK/Cena match at Raw again and give you my scoop on it soon. Also going to go back and watch his match with Punk at MITB it's been like 3/4 years since I've gone back and watched the full match. That was an amazing match too. Also the TLC one with Edge. For a really long time that was my favorite feud in WWE I loved Edge growing up he was my favorite superstar as a kid he was still in the midcard Edge and I always wanted to see him win the WWE title and watching him get catapulted into the main event with that feud against Cena which I loveeed was just amazing moments and times.
Haha QalandarApter and ShazyMeltzer :)))

Mine does just change a little from time to time but how can anyone disagree with your no.1 ? and that's a great list from competitors and Undertaker for sure belongs up there in the top 5, wrestling is not limited to one specific style or a lightweight performer.

1. Shawn Michaels
2. Ric Flair
3. Bret Hart
4. Austin
5. Taker

It's pretty cool you put Bret in the top 3 was thinking maybe he will miss him lol he is often overlooked by those who are mostly casuals; anyone that includes him in the top 3 knows the industry.

I would love to get Angle, Styles, Eddie, Mysterio, and Jericho in there but with 5 spots it's so tough so my list does change but I'd say the top 2 never do.

Yeah Bret is a fellow Canadian always support and back my fellow Candian's I think that was a reason I loved Edge so much growing up as a kid. But no way I was leaving out the Hitman. Even before I knew what good wrestling was it was just so great to watch the Hitman wrestle. If he only wrestled that one match against HBK at Mania 12 in that epic Iron Man Match I'd consider him for the list.

Also if we go back into the archives watching Randy Savage and Steamboat wrestle was special as well of course I haven't seen much of them but the matches I've seen oh boy could those guys wrestle. In fact when I go back and watch wrestling from the early 90's and 80's I always liked Macho Man Randy Savage way more than Hulk Hogan never did like Hogan although I get it he's a big star and big name but man the guy was a horrible person.
[MENTION=132954]Aman[/MENTION] isn't a proper fan to be honest, he is very delusional and the worst hipster smark you will ever come across. Everything outside WWE is the best and those who leave there become his GOAT. This guy was saying to me AJ lost a step just before his second WWE title run, he just can't comprehend versatile performers, styles, environments and scenarios. The touring schedule is also crazy for the WWE performers, to see them perform at such a high level consistently is great; look booking wise things could be better but that is the nature of a tough territory, no one gets it easy but cream finds a way to rise to the top.

Omega was a mid carder in Japan, he only got a push because AJ left and they needed a foreign heel; he has been protected vastly and worked with some of the best Japanese wrestlers of the last 20 years; they don't do enough house shows and get to go for a shoot out on their one off PPV events, it's usually the same format, not much changes and you don't need to put in as much work into your persona as a foreign rasler you tend to get away with it a bit. But to remotely suggest he is better then HBK, I don't even know what to say trolling or not that is just a big time joke

Yes since AJ isn't doing the big spiral taps and tope con hilo's he's lost a step. :))) Lol if I had read that post I would of ripped the dude.

As for him saying Omega is better than HBK.... I'll just put it down to auto correct error, happens to the best of us.
Booker T is criminally under rated

Oh gosh totally. I've always believed that Booker is one of the most overlooked wrestlers ever. He was loyal to WCW which to an extent at that time was a fault in 2000/01 he really should of switched ship to the E. However, he excelled in every damn thing they threw at him. As for when he came to the WWE he wasn't really handled in the best of ways we all know he should’ve had his WrestleMania moment at Mania 19, but he never whined about it and kept trucking forward. (Still love HHH too tho) He always had a good match under the right circumstances, and no matter what WWE gave him he always made things work a bit like Jericho in that he was so over with the crowd. Everyone loved him such a shame he didn't have his big moment in WWE. Also King Booker was legendary. :))) I'm serious I loved that shtick from Booker. Also best commentator in WWE till they freaking took him off for idek who. I freaking love Booker.

Not only a great worker but amazing on the mic too. Charismatic and Athletic he had it all. Really sad he didn't reach greater heights.
Thanks for spoiling all the comebacks :)))

And Jericho is unlikely would be shocked

Yeah I know I'm just saying imagine if a Jericho or Punk returned the roof would blow off the place. Especially if Punk ever comes back to WWE I'll lose my mind.
[MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] have you heard of or seen the youtube channel UpUpDownDown? It's this amazing channel run by Xavier Woods of The New Day, and he brings on all sorts of guests from WWE and they play video games and basically Woods interviews the guys while doing it is so hilarious. Legit became a fan of some guys after watching the channel. Been watching for a couple years and he's had guys like Jericho and Randy on there and it's just a blast.

Legit some episodes you die of laughter watching them. It's such an amazing show AJ's on it quite a bit and he's a pretty funny guy. Legit watching those guys out of character is so hilarious idk why.
Read this and for all the people saying Brock makes no difference to ratings blah blah blah read this

"One other little piece of information added by the collator of the statistics above that fans won't want to hear regards Seth Rollins' most recent title reign. One that came to an end at the hands of Brock Lesnar last week. Turns out The Architect was drawing fewer fans to live events than Jinder Mahal. Perhaps that's why Rollins currently finds himself title-less."

Lmao this is why I want Roman as champion Seth and Becky being portrayed as the it couple at the top of Raw is really not what I want to see. I like Rollins but right now Roman needs to be champion and Becky can back off with her arrogant gimmick it's really like noo stop at this point out here taunting legends your really pissing me off Becks. I like the sweet face Becky better than this. Seth your good and all dude but right now it's time for the big dog to carry the company back to the top. Ratings are horrible right now and live event is worse than when Jinder was champion....
Read this and for all the people saying Brock makes no difference to ratings blah blah blah read this

"One other little piece of information added by the collator of the statistics above that fans won't want to hear regards Seth Rollins' most recent title reign. One that came to an end at the hands of Brock Lesnar last week. Turns out The Architect was drawing fewer fans to live events than Jinder Mahal. Perhaps that's why Rollins currently finds himself title-less."

Lmao this is why I want Roman as champion Seth and Becky being portrayed as the it couple at the top of Raw is really not what I want to see. I like Rollins but right now Roman needs to be champion and Becky can back off with her arrogant gimmick it's really like noo stop at this point out here taunting legends your really pissing me off Becks. I like the sweet face Becky better than this. Seth your good and all dude but right now it's time for the big dog to carry the company back to the top. Ratings are horrible right now and live event is worse than when Jinder was champion....

I wouldn't read too much into that report, if you look at the average attendance at House Shows then Jinder is marginally ahead of Seth; you also should factor that Smackdown tickets are WAY cheaper then those for RAW. Moreover, post mania we do get low periods, Seth has not had the best dance partner; I like Corbin but he generates the turn off the telly heat among most fans unfortunately so that's not going to be an ideal first feud for Seth nor is being involved in mixed tag matches with "The Man"; booking has also been questionable but we have hit the reset button, if Seth was that bad a draw he wouldn't have reigned for a while in his first run as champion; the product was a little more cohesive then to which helps. In this era these numbers are not always the greatest reflection and championships almost turn into a prop which is also reflected by how sales have barely improved significantly with a title on the card as you have seen throughout the lengthy reign of Lesnar before mania, but I 100% believe the plan had always been for Brock to win the title before the big SummerSlam PPV; the feud between the two has been arguably the best for the company in the last 8 months or so. Seth as part of the Shield was widely tipped to be the next big baby face, it was suited to him naturally but he excelled more as a heel; they need to hit the reset button on his face run and make him a little more gritty with freedom of expression on the mic, similar to how they script his interactions with Heyman.
[MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] have you heard of or seen the youtube channel UpUpDownDown? It's this amazing channel run by Xavier Woods of The New Day, and he brings on all sorts of guests from WWE and they play video games and basically Woods interviews the guys while doing it is so hilarious. Legit became a fan of some guys after watching the channel. Been watching for a couple years and he's had guys like Jericho and Randy on there and it's just a blast.

Legit some episodes you die of laughter watching them. It's such an amazing show AJ's on it quite a bit and he's a pretty funny guy. Legit watching those guys out of character is so hilarious idk why.

I use to watch it a while back it's a good channel, AJ is a big fan of video games; apparently the Undertaker may have made an appearance as well need to check that one out
Raw Reunion BABY!!

Ohhhh hell yeaaaah! have no idea how Austin still does, his ability to control the crowd in the palm of his hands is out of this world and the intensity is unbelievable, that's how you cut a damn promo! even with his nerves etc that was just incredible.

RAW was a nice fun show, no point nitpicking it, they sold it as a reunion and that's what it was. Beyond that enjoyed the interaction between Rollins/Heyman, The Club were great with AJ; Seth / AJ turned up the level of urgency when HBK came ring side :)) great little back and forth, then the fight between Joe and Reign was my highlight from the in-ring action, the set was brilliant to. Tremendous booking of Bray Wyatt, big thank you to Mick Foley for being so selfless as usual. Great to see the nature boy, the respect he commands is extraordinary and remains the consensus GOAT.

Didn't mind seeing Kelly Kelly and Melina either :akhtar
First time watching in months and I'm thankful I don't watch this nonsense weekly anymore.

Thank god for NJPW and AEW.

The face of Pro Wrestling and this generation

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Ohhhh hell yeaaaah! have no idea how Austin still does, his ability to control the crowd in the palm of his hands is out of this world and the intensity is unbelievable, that's how you cut a damn promo! even with his nerves etc that was just incredible.

RAW was a nice fun show, no point nitpicking it, they sold it as a reunion and that's what it was. Beyond that enjoyed the interaction between Rollins/Heyman, The Club were great with AJ; Seth / AJ turned up the level of urgency when HBK came ring side :)) great little back and forth, then the fight between Joe and Reign was my highlight from the in-ring action, the set was brilliant to. Tremendous booking of Bray Wyatt, big thank you to Mick Foley for being so selfless as usual. Great to see the nature boy, the respect he commands is extraordinary and remains the consensus GOAT.

Didn't mind seeing Kelly Kelly and Melina either :akhtar

Yeah it was a fun show in fact I enjoyed SD today just as much if not more. I need to start watching SD more regularly every time I turn it on I enjoy the show but I don't often watch it live. Some times I forget it's on other times I'm just busy. Randy is probably the biggest full time draw right now so that's probably a reason why I enjoy it.

As for Raw Reunion like I said fun show don't understand some people nitpicking and say bad things about it. Like it's just meant to be a feel good show. Loved watching Cena open the show a huge surprise was not expecting that I popped to that entrance for sure. Would of been better if he had came dressed up as the Doctor :))) Loved that Cena. But still great seeing Cena also it was hilarious watching the legends win the 24/7 title before Truth ultimately regaining it. Wanted to see Mick win it as well though hopefully he gets title run down the line lol that would be really fun. Then Roman vs Joe was good not nearly as good as their best battles but this wasn't a wrestling classics show you have to understand. Then we got Seth Rollins and MizTV and the more I see Seth as a face without The Shield man can we please get heel Seth liked him much more as a heel lol. Expected AJ and Seth to at least be a decent match I knew from the on set that there was no way that we were going to get a clean result but still like I said I understand that this is not the classic wrestling show and also you don't want to over expose the audience to Seth/AJ that feud has some killer matches left in it, especially now with AJ as a heel I had been begging for him to turn during their feud. The finally we had the Toast to Raw and man does Stone Cold still have it or what? There is a reason why he is my 2nd favorite superstar ever behind only Taker and it's because of promos like that. Dude hasn't cut a promo in years and he still out here cutting the best promos you'll ever hear. The greatest man to ever hold the mic and yes I factor in the GREAT ONE The Rock in to that decision. Stone Cold is just too good like even Flair and Hogan (in his hometown) didn't get a pop like that. Love Stone Cold! My only little complaint was we didn't get to see some stunners preferably to the boss Vince. :)) And also really wanted to see The Rock, it's been years since he's showed up at WWE. Lol but those are just tiny things that would of made me happier but it's g.

Also watch tonights SDL if you haven't already so glad I sat down and watched it live didn't have anything better to do I loved it!

At first I was worried about how SummerSlam would look this year but it's actually looking pretty good! First of all they finally got out of Barclays thankfully it was getting so boring watch SS in Barclays over and over again. Most importantly it's in TORONTO BABY let's go I'm going to have to check my schedule to see if I can go watch it I'm looking forward to some of the matches now

Randy Orton vs Kofi Kingston: Really looking forward to this one finally Randy's back in the title picture the kid in me is rooting for Orton to win the title. Plus who knows how much time he's got left even though he is still only 39 :)) like sheesh Randy dude was young when he signed still younger than some of the newer guys. :)) But yeah Randy is probabably like I said the biggest full time draw maybe idk how Roman's drawing with the whack feuds he's been put in.

Kevin Owens vs. Shane McMahon (If Owens loses, he quits WWE): This is just simply one of the best feuds going on right now so yeah looking forward. Praying for Owens to win!

"The Fiend" Bray Wyatt vs. Finn Balor: Man WWE have done good work with Wyatt don't kill it by having him lose to Balor. Eventually win Balor pulls out the demon that's when the Fiend should take the L but he should largely dominate this feud. Also can we just get Demon Balor 24/7? Like *** that character is so mesmerizing and amazing, only current superstar/character whose entrance alone brings vibes of the Attitude Era.

Seth Rollins vs Brock Lesnar
: Hopefully, hopefully it's not a 5 minute match. It has potential to be good as I've heard rumors that they will main event and wrestle an actual match. So guess just look at the clock and if there is under 15 minutes left in the PPV don't even bother lol.

Predicting AJ Styles vs Ricochet in a Ladder Match: We haven't talked about this [MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] but what a dream come true this feud has been?!?! AJ and Ricochet I was losing my mind when I saw their first match. These two have, unsurprisingly, put on some terrific matches of late two too be exact one at Extreme Rules the other at Raw. AJ winning the title and holding on to it should be the move. However, we haven't seen too much of AJ's high-flying side since he's came to WWE and AJ is still great to watch but if he was ever going to have an aerial attack type of match it would be with Richochet. Wouldn't mind seeing some crazy spots to kick off SS with a hot ladder match. Even if they don't have a ladder match they'll steal the show. However I'm just hoping they open and have a ladder match because this can go down as one of the best ladder matches ever!
Apparently some wrestling smarks on here don't even know what the word "face" means [MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] :)))
Honestly gotta say I think SDL tonight was easily the best WWE weekly-show I have seen in quiite a while.

I absolutely loved it the crowd was fantastic the atmosphere was electric in Miami and the whole show was just so great. Loved it!!
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Apparently some wrestling smarks on here don't even know what the word "face" means [MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] :)))

Brother, Okada is selling out MSG in minutes. While the other company cannot sell out in a month in their own backyard :))

Let's not forget all the prestigious awards he's won. He is without question the face of pro wrestling with Seth/Becky tanking the WWE and Roman taking a backseat to the so called power couple.

The likes of Okada, Omega, Naito etc are bigger draws than every WWE full timer. The brand is the draw their and star power is non existent.
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@Qalanderfan I suggest you watch the G1 if you want to watch the best wrestlers and wrestling. You'll never look back, it's where AJ had the best run of his career and was biggest star power wise.

Now AJ is behind Jon Moxley in terms of best wrestlers in the world in 2019 :))
Brother, Okada is selling out MSG in minutes. While the other company cannot sell out in a month in their own backyard :))

Let's not forget all the prestigious awards he's won. He is without question the face of pro wrestling with Seth/Becky tanking the WWE and Roman taking a backseat to the so called power couple.

The likes of Okada, Omega, Naito etc are bigger draws than every WWE full timer. The brand is the draw their and star power is non existent.

Dude I respect your views you can like what you want, it's like pick your poison with Wrestling anybody can watch what they want but sitting here and telling me NJPW is the "face" of wrestling right now meaning it is more popular then WWE is an ignorant thing to say.

I am sure even you don't believe that deep down. Heck is NJPW even more popular than WWE in Japan itself?

Sure WWE may not be more popular than WWE in Japan anymore, but everywhere else in the world it's not even CLOSE WWE eclipses NJPW. Even in Japan, WWE is more popular than many think.

WWE has a substantial online presence in the whole world. Every promotion is now hastening out a streaming service, and most of them are stumbling out the gate, as would be expected: no company in the world can compare with WWE's popularity. Want a metric go check WWE's Youtube subscribers WWE has like 46 million whereas NJPW as what 200K?

Remember, Japanese Wrestling was essentially dead mainstream even just four years back. WWE has been doing its international push for over a decade now, and they are still going strong.

In a nutshell, most people who follow NJPW follow WWE to some extent. I don't think the same can be said about WWE followers concerning NJPW.

The Japanese wrestling market is still pretty split. Plenty of people love only DDT or deathmatches or Joshi or whatever and don't follow NJPW. I will stick to this as I firmly believe it and nothing can change my mind, it is mainly hardcore WWE haters who follow NJPW, and that is a big reason behind their popularity. But it still isn't even close to WWE.

Getting back to WWE's presence in Japan. There is a very unusual yet very consistent flow for WWE alumni touring Japan. X-Pac and Sabu did some shows a bit back. Bob Backlund had a small tour, not to long ago and they almost always do well. So even in your beloved Japan, these guys are drawing.

Haven't checked out the Japan tour for WWE this year, but the 2018 Sumo Hall WWE show sold out instantly except for the costly VIP seats. Now that's a house show. I wonder how big of a building an actual PPV could sell out. According to you none of the current guys in WWE can draw, right? So could you explain how even in Japan, with barely any shows there these guys are still drawing?

I do think NJPW is more prominent in Japan at the moment. But that sure wasn't the case not too long ago.

Heck even NJPW isn't at its peak in wrestling popularity. They were more prevalent in the 1980s and 1990s. They had a terrible down period in the 2000s that almost killed the company, and they have recovered to the point where they are once again a very popular promotion, but they still have a way to go before even reaching the popularity of their heyday. Sure their product quality wise may be better than it has ever been but even now it's not more popular than their own golden age.

So in essence what I am trying to say is every single metric that you want to pull out indicates WWE is more popular than NJPW. Even if that's not enough for you go look at the former wrestler and experts who have talked about NJPW being compared to WWE. You won't find a single person in the world who says NJPW is more popular than WWE. Heck many people don't even think NJPW is competition. I haven't even talked about AEW because wait do they even have like more than 50k fans?

Even Jericho said it himself that they will never topple WWE. WWE is like the Disney of Pro Wrestling you can bring all these other wrestling promotions in but at the end of the day if they try to go head to head with WWE they will suffer the same fate as WCW.

Don't believe me? Just go look at what happened to poor TNA after they went head to head with Vince. Poor guys had so much talent and all, but once they went head to head with WWE they crumbled and never recovered.

Now I know that NJPW is probably more prominent than TNA but the point remains you can't compete with WWE. No one has been able to do it and no one will, your out here living in a fantasy about how NJPW is the face of wrestling. :))) Dude wake up but honestly I know deep down your just kidding. Effects from the NZ defeat in the final are still fresh I see. :))
@Qalanderfan I suggest you watch the G1 if you want to watch the best wrestlers and wrestling. You'll never look back, it's where AJ had the best run of his career and was biggest star power wise.

Now AJ is behind Jon Moxley in terms of best wrestlers in the world in 2019 :))

Nah I have no interest in that stuff only watched when AJ was there. You gotta be kidding me with some of those comments dude I know you don't even believe them. Jon Moxley what an embarrassment to the best wrestler in the world right now.

But this is the dude that said Omega is better than HBK so cool dude. I would write some more but it's way to late I gotta go to bed doing this with one eye open lol.
Nah I have no interest in that stuff only watched when AJ was there. You gotta be kidding me with some of those comments dude I know you don't even believe them. Jon Moxley what an embarrassment to the best wrestler in the world right now.

But this is the dude that said Omega is better than HBK so cool dude. I would write some more but it's way to late I gotta go to bed doing this with one eye open lol.
Actually watch the product, even Shaz who hates Omega called Okada-Omega I one of the greatest matches he's seen.

Omega's run between 2016-2018 surpassed HBK's. Saying Omega is better than HBK is not an unpopular opinion, most from what I've seen already consider him better. You and Shaz are part of the minority.

Okada and Tanahashi is an open and shut case, it's not a debate with them. They're ahead by most wrestlers and fans counts.
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Also, Moxley has had a far better 2019 than AJ.

AJ's matches have been soul-less in front of dead crowds, the only great match he had this year was with Rollins.

To say he's among the best in the world atm is laughable. Especially if you watch wrestling outside the main roster were the in ring product is mediocre at best with Corpus Christi level crowds weekly for Raw/SD and PPVs.

There's a reason why to the majority of fans NJPW is considered the best and the other company is losing fans at an alarming rate.
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Actually watch the product, even Shaz who hates Omega called Okada-Omega I one of the greatest matches he's seen.

Omega's run between 2016-2018 surpassed HBK's. Saying Omega is better than HBK is not an unpopular opinion, most from what I've seen already consider him better. You and Shaz are part of the minority.

Okada and Tanahashi is an open and shut case, it's not a debate with them. They're ahead by most wrestlers and fans counts.

I don't think it is one of the greatest matches ever, I am clarifying my stance right now so there is no doubt about my statement.

As for the remainder of your post, clearly you are still traumatised by the beating England gave New Zealand; but out of interest, there is a very good sample of raslin fans on PP you should open a thread regarding Omega's greatness when compared to HBK :yk3 Omega is a mid carder that was carried to a few decent matches thanks largely to better in ring workers, that too in the easiest era to get over in the ring; he was exposed in North America though, what a disgrace - I want a refund Aman, Shawn has never made me feel that way

Okada and Tanahashi are not even Japan's best, goes to show the type of fan you are; a hipster with a weird fetish.
Nah I have no interest in that stuff only watched when AJ was there. You gotta be kidding me with some of those comments dude I know you don't even believe them. Jon Moxley what an embarrassment to the best wrestler in the world right now.

But this is the dude that said Omega is better than HBK so cool dude. I would write some more but it's way to late I gotta go to bed doing this with one eye open lol.

You need to switch of your brain when it comes to discussing anything with Aman, he had a very bad childhood :yk3
Dude I respect your views you can like what you want, it's like pick your poison with Wrestling anybody can watch what they want but sitting here and telling me NJPW is the "face" of wrestling right now meaning it is more popular then WWE is an ignorant thing to say.

I am sure even you don't believe that deep down. Heck is NJPW even more popular than WWE in Japan itself?

Sure WWE may not be more popular than WWE in Japan anymore, but everywhere else in the world it's not even CLOSE WWE eclipses NJPW. Even in Japan, WWE is more popular than many think.

WWE has a substantial online presence in the whole world. Every promotion is now hastening out a streaming service, and most of them are stumbling out the gate, as would be expected: no company in the world can compare with WWE's popularity. Want a metric go check WWE's Youtube subscribers WWE has like 46 million whereas NJPW as what 200K?

Remember, Japanese Wrestling was essentially dead mainstream even just four years back. WWE has been doing its international push for over a decade now, and they are still going strong.

In a nutshell, most people who follow NJPW follow WWE to some extent. I don't think the same can be said about WWE followers concerning NJPW.

The Japanese wrestling market is still pretty split. Plenty of people love only DDT or deathmatches or Joshi or whatever and don't follow NJPW. I will stick to this as I firmly believe it and nothing can change my mind, it is mainly hardcore WWE haters who follow NJPW, and that is a big reason behind their popularity. But it still isn't even close to WWE.

Getting back to WWE's presence in Japan. There is a very unusual yet very consistent flow for WWE alumni touring Japan. X-Pac and Sabu did some shows a bit back. Bob Backlund had a small tour, not to long ago and they almost always do well. So even in your beloved Japan, these guys are drawing.

Haven't checked out the Japan tour for WWE this year, but the 2018 Sumo Hall WWE show sold out instantly except for the costly VIP seats. Now that's a house show. I wonder how big of a building an actual PPV could sell out. According to you none of the current guys in WWE can draw, right? So could you explain how even in Japan, with barely any shows there these guys are still drawing?

I do think NJPW is more prominent in Japan at the moment. But that sure wasn't the case not too long ago.

Heck even NJPW isn't at its peak in wrestling popularity. They were more prevalent in the 1980s and 1990s. They had a terrible down period in the 2000s that almost killed the company, and they have recovered to the point where they are once again a very popular promotion, but they still have a way to go before even reaching the popularity of their heyday. Sure their product quality wise may be better than it has ever been but even now it's not more popular than their own golden age.

So in essence what I am trying to say is every single metric that you want to pull out indicates WWE is more popular than NJPW. Even if that's not enough for you go look at the former wrestler and experts who have talked about NJPW being compared to WWE. You won't find a single person in the world who says NJPW is more popular than WWE. Heck many people don't even think NJPW is competition. I haven't even talked about AEW because wait do they even have like more than 50k fans?

Even Jericho said it himself that they will never topple WWE. WWE is like the Disney of Pro Wrestling you can bring all these other wrestling promotions in but at the end of the day if they try to go head to head with WWE they will suffer the same fate as WCW.

Don't believe me? Just go look at what happened to poor TNA after they went head to head with Vince. Poor guys had so much talent and all, but once they went head to head with WWE they crumbled and never recovered.

Now I know that NJPW is probably more prominent than TNA but the point remains you can't compete with WWE. No one has been able to do it and no one will, your out here living in a fantasy about how NJPW is the face of wrestling. :))) Dude wake up but honestly I know deep down your just kidding. Effects from the NZ defeat in the final are still fresh I see. :))

Beautiful post, Aman has no response to any of the points raised here. Let him big up a gay dude who wrestles blow up dolls, little girls and books convicted sex offenders on his own indie raslin shows. The industry doesn't turn a blind eye to what goes on in Japan, the likes of Great Muta cemented his status as a personified all time great; no one will ever talk about Omega, Tanahashi or Okada in the same way let alone being compared to HBK; Omega isn't even better then Mike Awesome and Masato Tanaka, he is more of a Zack Ryder but better at the high spots, that's all he has in his tool set, doesn't have the ability to adapt, I feel sorry that AEW intended to build their promotion around him, looks like it's going to be MJF and the fella who won the battle royal.
Haven't seen SD yet but man everything in life does come full circle !!! does anyone remember that seriously hot feud between Kofi and Orton ? from around 10 years ago, correct me if am wrong but that may have been booked for the SS PPV as well ! - to get from that point when WWE got it all wrong as far as Kofi's main event level push was concerned to this point, completes a very very remarkable journey for one of the most popular stars to work for WWE in the modern era
Beautiful post, Aman has no response to any of the points raised here. Let him big up a gay dude who wrestles blow up dolls, little girls and books convicted sex offenders on his own indie raslin shows. The industry doesn't turn a blind eye to what goes on in Japan, the likes of Great Muta cemented his status as a personified all time great; no one will ever talk about Omega, Tanahashi or Okada in the same way let alone being compared to HBK; Omega isn't even better then Mike Awesome and Masato Tanaka, he is more of a Zack Ryder but better at the high spots, that's all he has in his tool set, doesn't have the ability to adapt, I feel sorry that AEW intended to build their promotion around him, looks like it's going to be MJF and the fella who won the battle royal.

Lol I'm not even replying to this dude anymore it's clear he has problems. Referring to WWE as "the other company" just shows this guys frame of mind. Like most other people who watch NJPW this guy has a hate for WWE and fuels it by bloating about NJPW and talking about it as if it's something out of this world. Don't even know if I should reply to this guy calling Ambrose a better Wrestler than AJ. :))) If AJ worked a match with a broom in NJPW this dude would call AJ the best wrestler in the world. Also calling Omega better than HBK is just laughable. So honestly don't see the point in wasting my time trying to convince this guy about anything, he'll most likely just ignore it anyways.
Haven't seen SD yet but man everything in life does come full circle !!! does anyone remember that seriously hot feud between Kofi and Orton ? from around 10 years ago, correct me if am wrong but that may have been booked for the SS PPV as well ! - to get from that point when WWE got it all wrong as far as Kofi's main event level push was concerned to this point, completes a very very remarkable journey for one of the most popular stars to work for WWE in the modern era

Yeah even saw Kofi smile when Randy came out during the segment the other day. It's really special to see the progress he's made and how far he's come. Truly deserves every bit of the glory he is getting right now.
Congrats to Moxley on achieving his first ever Observer 5 star match.

This is his 4th or 5th match outside the WWE and he's already had a 5* match.

Okada-Ospreay was apparently another all timer. Still need to catch up on the G1.
Lol I'm not even replying to this dude anymore it's clear he has problems. Referring to WWE as "the other company" just shows this guys frame of mind. Like most other people who watch NJPW this guy has a hate for WWE and fuels it by bloating about NJPW and talking about it as if it's something out of this world. Don't even know if I should reply to this guy calling Ambrose a better Wrestler than AJ. :))) If AJ worked a match with a broom in NJPW this dude would call AJ the best wrestler in the world. Also calling Omega better than HBK is just laughable. So honestly don't see the point in wasting my time trying to convince this guy about anything, he'll most likely just ignore it anyways.


The WWE is dead, their crowds don't even care about their formulaic and soulless matches and here you're comparing it to objectively the best wrestling in the world.

Even WWE marks acknowledge it's better and use better excuses like restrictions and agents. Here you are with your head in the sand.

No one considers AJ among the best in the world, I've seen more people call him washed than that.
Congrats to Moxley on achieving his first ever Observer 5 star match.

This is his 4th or 5th match outside the WWE and he's already had a 5* match.

Okada-Ospreay was apparently another all timer. Still need to catch up on the G1.

They rely on these superficial ratings to convince niche fan bases that it is amazing, scam artists. Old yeller dave provides those hand outs every week depending on who needs a boost, there is no prestige anymore the WON died like 30 years ago. Hipsters are his main subscribers.

The WWE is dead, their crowds don't even care about their formulaic and soulless matches and here you're comparing it to objectively the best wrestling in the world.

Even WWE marks acknowledge it's better and use better excuses like restrictions and agents. Here you are with your head in the sand.

No one considers AJ among the best in the world, I've seen more people call him washed than that.

The best wrestling in a back garden amongst amateurs*

Who shoots with their strikes - amateurs
Who enjoy notoriety amongst niche back garden fan bases - amateurs
Who perform nothing besides high spots - amateurs

Not so much restriction but the nature of a versatile territory where only the elite can thrive. Moxley is having great matches primarily because he thrived in WWE, on rare occasions will you see talents that were primarily based out of Japan do well in WWE, this is why they don't come out of their comfort zone, flat track bully's.

- Omega who booked a sex offender on his card was exposed in North America
- Messi did a botchmania again in International footy while the GOAT thrived and was also cleared of foul allegations
- Kiwis job to NZ and ENG win the WC before taking away that little hope you had that they would lose to Ireland in order to make you feel better with Kiwi fruit jobbing to their daddy <3
[MENTION=132954]Aman[/MENTION] where is your Omega has surpassed HBK thread on PP, I can't find it :yk2
The best wrestling in a back garden amongst amateurs*

Who shoots with their strikes - amateurs
Who enjoy notoriety amongst niche back garden fan bases - amateurs
Who perform nothing besides high spots - amateurs

Not so much restriction but the nature of a versatile territory where only the elite can thrive. Moxley is having great matches primarily because he thrived in WWE, on rare occasions will you see talents that were primarily based out of Japan do well in WWE, this is why they don't come out of their comfort zone, flat track bully's.

- Omega who booked a sex offender on his card was exposed in North America
- Messi did a botchmania again in International footy while the GOAT thrived and was also cleared of foul allegations
- Kiwis job to NZ and ENG win the WC before taking away that little hope you had that they would lose to Ireland in order to make you feel better with Kiwi fruit jobbing to their daddy <3
You know Daniel Bryan works stiff too? :)))
You know Daniel Bryan works stiff too? :)))

Who has Bryan ever injured, Ofaga gave multiple concussions to Okada and Tanahashi ; its the reason why they fired him plus he couldn't draw like AJ or keep the fans hooked, was best in his homo tag team with Ibuchi :yk
Who has Bryan ever injured, Ofaga gave multiple concussions to Okada and Tanahashi ; its the reason why they fired him plus he couldn't draw like AJ or keep the fans hooked, was best in his homo tag team with Ibuchi :yk
Omega is a bigger draw than AJ or Bryan ever were.

Omega sold 8,000 ROH tickets just with him announced for the card. AJ and Bryan worked with ROH for years and never touched those numbers.
Omega is a bigger draw than AJ or Bryan ever were.

Omega sold 8,000 ROH tickets just with him announced for the card. AJ and Bryan worked with ROH for years and never touched those numbers.

Omega didn't sell anything besides his soul when he abused that little girl in Japan, ROH is a brand of its own; Jericho bought in record attendances at WK in the modern era, all your fanny crew are back garden specialists who are goats in the eyes of a minority hipster niche fan base who are creepy
Omega didn't sell anything besides his soul when he abused that little girl in Japan, ROH is a brand of its own; Jericho bought in record attendances at WK in the modern era, all your fanny crew are back garden specialists who are goats in the eyes of a minority hipster niche fan base who are creepy
Dude, get over it.

ROH have never gotten close to those numbers, Kenny shattered their record by the thousands.

He is the face of the company which had a demand of 80,000 tickets with no TV.
Dude, get over it.

ROH have never gotten close to those numbers, Kenny shattered their record by the thousands.

He is the face of the company which had a demand of 80,000 tickets with no TV.

The only guy spewing that moronic narrative is Dave, his hipster followers take tweets as the gospel truth; if he is that good a draw then he must be up there with Hogan and Austin, can't wait for the record numbers he will break in the main event segments for AEW's weekly telecast. Truth is the one off shows have been struggling to sell despite this artificial 500K demand, Jericho and a number of people involved have openly stated they are not capable of that being a new promotion and debunked those reports from retardd and friends. Literally you are the one and only Ofaga fan who eats up what is fed to you and have him on this pedestal, he is a hack, he proved in the AEW main event, just a decent high flyer.; like I said create a thread on PP so we can evaluate Omega when compared to the best ever amongst the many members on PP that love raslin
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The only guy spewing that moronic narrative is Dave, his hipster followers take tweets as the gospel truth; if he is that good a draw then he must be up there with Hogan and Austin, can't wait for the record numbers he will break in the main event segments for AEW's weekly telecast. Truth is the one off shows have been struggling to sell despite this artificial 500K demand, Jericho and a number of people involved have openly stated they are not capable of that being a new promotion and debunked those reports from retardd and friends. Literally you are the one and only Ofaga fan who eats up what is fed to you and have him on this pedestal, he is a hack, he proved in the AEW main event, just a decent high flyer.; like I said create a thread on PP so we can evaluate Omega when compared to the best ever amongst the many members on PP that love raslin
If AEW were to announce a show for MSG today, they would sell out in a day at most. WWE is struggling to sell out MSG and tickets have been out for more than a week.

Heck, they're papering some PPVs because no one wants to watch. They have on air storylines of their bad ratings and business being bad.
If AEW were to announce a show for MSG today, they would sell out in a day at most. WWE is struggling to sell out MSG and tickets have been out for more than a week.

Heck, they're papering some PPVs because no one wants to watch. They have on air storylines of their bad ratings and business being bad.

If Dave is the main source for all these figures then none of it can be taken seriously, I was at RAW in MEN he reported it as a tough sell when nothing was tapered off. Also, NYC is a good territory for the E, any major PPV held there is sure to sell out.

With AEW, hosting one off events and doing good numbers allegedly according to some reports assuming it is is that is one thing but doing it consistently over a prolonged period is something else. AEW is not going to be competing with WWE at this stage that is just silly and from what I have seen / read there is a lot to be concerned about. There will always be hipsters / niche who will be interested even if it's trash, look at the debut event battle royal as an example that was an abomination you can't expect to compete by being a second rate WWE, additionally they would need to target other demographics but they have ruled that out. All these numbers etc mean nothing if we judge their context.
The only positive I have seen from AEW's product so far was a match between two former WWE raslers, strictly judging quality - doesn't even give me the vibes NWA Wildside / TNA did in the early 2000's and Omega is no AJ Styles to command that in-ring precense which has you in awe, even back then he was special so young, just had that it factor. AEW doesn't have anyone like that but MJF is a world class heel
I haven't watched WWE since 2012. I primarily stopped watching it after WWE went PG.

I used to love it during Attitude Era days. I was a fan of The Rock and The Hardy Boys.

RIP Harley Race, a personified all time great and legend of this industry who also helped put the business on the map and also elevate Ric Flair to another level altogether. Harley without a shadow of a doubt is one of the greatest world's champions in history and arguably the greatest ever. The myths and legends surrounding his toughness is all true and bought a level of legitimacy which will never be seen again
it is insulting to remotely mention a low life like Kenny who no body even knows in the same sentence as a man like Harley or HBK; his persona and character work is horrific, he disrespects the bizz and is a big spot monkey in the ring and nothing more, so limited on so many levels; those who support him are mostly weird hipsters living in their moms basement
I haven't watched WWE since 2012. I primarily stopped watching it after WWE went PG.

I used to love it during Attitude Era days. I was a fan of The Rock and The Hardy Boys.

Will you be heading to SummerSlam next week ? it is held in Toronto I believe :afridi

They turned PG mainly because of the Benoit incident, he turned the industry over its head; but they also evolved since then and we have entered what is called the "reality era" - the product is a lot more heavy when it comes to athleticism and in-ring work but even now despite it's flaws in booking WWE at their best find the best balance between story telling, character work and in-ring performances
Will you be heading to SummerSlam next week ? it is held in Toronto I believe :afridi

They turned PG mainly because of the Benoit incident, he turned the industry over its head; but they also evolved since then and we have entered what is called the "reality era" - the product is a lot more heavy when it comes to athleticism and in-ring work but even now despite it's flaws in booking WWE at their best find the best balance between story telling, character work and in-ring performances

I see. That's good. PG Era was so bad that I had to quit WWE. I couldn't tolerate John Cena winning over and over with his infamous 5 moves of doom.

I read a bit about Reality Era. I believe CM Punk started this period.

I am unfortunately not going to SummerSlam. I actually haven't been in touch with WWE for many years.
Okada-Sanada was beautiful.

Cannot wait for the last 3 nights of the G1. Those will be 3 of the biggest nights of the year for Pro Wrestling.

July-August has really become the two big months for wrestling fans, where you get to see some of the best wrestling in the history of the business with the icons and legends of the business.
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I'm picking a Final of Ibushi vs Naito, Naito wins and he faces Okada at WK 14 to avenge his loss from WK 12.

It's Naito's time.
AEW sold out their first taping within 3 hrs, it would have been an instant sell out had the ticketmaster site been able to handle the traffic.

Apparently someone from Ticketmaster said they hadn't seen demand like it for wrestling ever before :))

Also, they're running ads for AEW in the previews before Hobbs and Shaw lmao.
AJ is washed like the product.

It's depressing to see. Wish he had signed with AEW, maybe he would be far better outside the WWE like Moxley. Certainly would hide the decline more with better opponents and no WWE agents or stories.

His matches are devoid of soul and passion, crowds are dead for his matches and feels like a 205 wrestler i.e. a nobody.
Ahh been a minute since I posted here. Decided to get out and enjoy the summer. Now I'm very sad it's coming to an end :( I love summer. Haven't even watched much WWE for like a month. Even SummerSlam which I wanted to go to Toronto to watch live I couldn't because it fell on the same day as Eid.

However looking forward to watching Raw tomorrow for the first time in a while.
I haven't watched WWE since 2012. I primarily stopped watching it after WWE went PG.

I used to love it during Attitude Era days. I was a fan of The Rock and The Hardy Boys.

Everybody loved the Attitude Era I think more than 50% of the wrestling fans have stopped watching wrestling ever since the Attitude Era ended and WCW shut down. The popularity of wrestling now compared to in the late 90's and early 2000's is laughable. It's sad but it's true ever since the AA era ended fans stopped watching.
AEW sold out their first taping within 3 hrs, it would have been an instant sell out had the ticketmaster site been able to handle the traffic.

Apparently someone from Ticketmaster said they hadn't seen demand like it for wrestling ever before :))

Also, they're running ads for AEW in the previews before Hobbs and Shaw lmao.

Let me direct your attention to a key word you seem to want to overshadow. "FIRST" I shouldn't have to say much more, I think you get the memo.