4th Test, Day 4: Eng vs Pak updates

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Senior ODI Player
Sep 6, 2003
Pakistan start the day as favourites but will the weather have the last say in this test match?
Oh and as for the cricket. I know it's said way too often but the first hour or so is crucial IMO. The way these two were batting looked dangerous and if we don't get them early England will be able to bat for a prolonged period and at least get level with Pakistan and beyond. Now if they weather is good then that's not too much of a problem, but if it doesn't...
I think we'll lose about 20 overs today due to rain but unless rain plays a major part in the next 2 days, Pakistan should win this one.

C'mon boys, Let's go Asif, Kaneria, Gul, and Nazir!
Strauss and Cook are looking comfortable against us at the moment. We have to get them in the first 15 overs or so, otherwise another long day for Pakistan
It's been raining on/off most of the night, outfield will be very wet... We need to get some early wickets this morning because the balls going to become an orange by the course of the day..
From cricinfo:

Inzy watch He really doesn't like warm-ups one little bit. Pakistan have just been engaged in a curious little drill, involving jogging round a circuit, bouncing balls off a trampoline for the man behind to catch, and then jumping over a series of foot-high yellow hurdles. The lither young bucks in the side threw themselves into this task with gusto. Inzy, on the other hand, shambled effortlessly round the course, and then kicked each and every one of the hurdles out of his path. What a legend.

:)) :)) Typical Inzi


10.25am There's a bit of moisture in the air at the moment. The nets have come down and an extra tarpaulin has been added to the square. A few umbrellas appearing around the stands as well. A bit dank, but no word yet as to whether the start will be delayed.
i've read in the News that Pakistani team offered a special prayer for the rain to stop. Never knew there was a prayer to stop rain. Always thought that there was a prayer for Rain that is the NIMAZ-E-ISTISKA but none to stop it. People though Give AZAAN when the rain gets out of control
These conditions are suitable for Asif and i think the clouds will actually help Pakistan, i hope it doesn't rain but it should remain cloudy.

English bowlers looked unplayable all of a sudden yesterday and they were helped by the weather a lot.
Maybe its just any random praying for the rain to stop? Like you pray when you want biryani.
patience is the key here, pakistans lead is still 253. They are not gona blast england out, thye need to work on getting 3 wickets atleast a session.

Kaneria/hafeez i think can cause problems here...!
Players are out on the field.

Kaneria to start.
Good start from Kaneria, right on target.
Amjid Javed said:
patience is the key here, pakistans lead is still 253. They are not gona blast england out, thye need to work on getting 3 wickets atleast a session.

Kaneria/hafeez i think can cause problems here...!
i think Hafeez may cause more probs than Kaneria. but let's hope InshAllah it doesn't come to Hafeez. :)
Pathan007 said:
and i'm not sure he would do a good job like mumble,Nas,atherton or holding. :D
As far as i'm concerned Nasser should be forced to be in that chair for every match. He just annoys me so much as a commentator. He produces so many inane comments like Ramiz does.
kaneria starts off well.

appeal for pad/bat, not given!
poor decision as per usual from doctrove.

came off the bat!

***! cheating scum bag!
What a fool, Doctrove. That was OUT.
I don't get it. Why the hell would Imran Farhat celebrate if he didnt see that it hit the gloves/bat?
18.4 Danish Kaneria to Cook, no run, huge appeal! And given not out. That one spun more for Kaneria, thudded into Cook's pads, and may or may not have clipped the bat as it bounced out to silly point. Pakistan were convinced, umpire Doctrove was not...

Was it really out??? I can't watch the first session today so can anyone tell me if it REALLY was out?
no ball and driven for 4 by cook

poor stuff from dani.
Looks like Hair and Doctrove have decided to get England out of trouble, Pakistan should even APPEAL for clean BOWLED as well.
hussain slating doctrove to concentrate on action at batsmen end rather than looking at no balls.
Awesome Anjum said:
Expect a true sportsman like Alaistar Crook to walk!!

Third time this series hes been clearly out and refused to walk!!!
Awesome Anjum said:
Expect a true sportsman like Alaistar Crook to walk!!
you either walk or you don't walk. You shouldnt do an Adam Gilchrist and walk half the time and don't walk the other half.
Don't blame Cook for not walking. Its completely his choice.
Rob H said:
you either walk or you don't walk. You shouldnt do an Adam Gilchrist and walk half the time and don't walk the other half.

Exactly, because then it would just mean that your match-fixed half the time, and half the time you're not.
sharuk said:
was Gower a cheater as well?

Cook is not a cheater. Only 2 batsman consistently walk and those are Lara and Gilchrist.

To not walk isn't cheating.
Billy said:
It's not like all the Pakistani batsmen walk.

Are they cheaters as well?

Pakistan players don't end up in that kind of trouble. Descions that are out are ALWAYS out.

Hafeez is a bacha.
Cook looking very nervous this morning, Strauss is in fine form.
Why isn't Asif bowling? Is there something wrong, or is it some kind of a strategy. Because Asif and Kaneria would do realyl well.
English batsmen in this series actually make facial gestures trying to say they didnt hit the ball, Atleast Pakistani batsmen are innocent enough to acknowledge they were beaten and resigned to the fact they are out.
Easa said:
Cook is not a cheater. Only 2 batsman consistently walk and those are Lara and Gilchrist.

To not walk isn't cheating.
No he doesn't. Gilchrist walks when he feels like it. I've seen plenty of time when Gilchrist hasn't walk when he has edged one. You should walk or not walk, not just do it whenever.
Replays are suggesting that that Cook appeal in the last over was a good decision from the umpire

Maybe he wasn't out.
Rob H said:
No he doesn't. Gilchrist walks when he feels like it. I've seen plenty of time when Gilchrist hasn't walk when he has edged one. You should walk or not walk, not just do it whenever.

Prehaps his ears aren't as effective as they look... :13:
Rob H said:
No he doesn't. Gilchrist walks when he feels like it. I've seen plenty of time when Gilchrist hasn't walk when he has edged one. You should walk or not walk, not just do it whenever.

My point was that Cook isn't a cheater. :)
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