Comments section in Times of India under articles about Pakistan/Islam

Its all overblown and election rhetoric. Out of 200 million muslims one gets killed for beef by some goons. People get killed for pennies even in the west by similar goons. All of a sudden the beef becomes a national topic. Even though corrupt or religious minded, India's leaders overall have taken great strides to move the country forward. Can't the say the same about Pakistan. Look at the history of India for the past 70 years and you will see progress in every field, decade after decade. There are bound to be social issues when you have a billion people with several languages, religions, ethnicities. As far as your wish for Modi to be elected, you share that with at least 30 percent of Indians. He will do exactly the same as what every PM did before him. Move the country forward. There are enough checks and balances in democracy. Look at US and Trump for example. At the end of the day, leaders in democratic nations make decisions that help their country. Modi is no different.

Killing for pennies & and killing on beef can not be matched as one is killed on resistance on robbery which is common in almost every country & the other one killed on pure religious differences. The impact on society used to be different in both cases.
I didn't get this overblown thing bcz let 200 millions eat cow meat and then see what would your society do with them and it's not all about cow meat it is about of specific reactions and behavior of 1 billion peoples on every muslims related matter. I myself have 5 6 videos where peoples are throwing drain water on muslims who come out from mosques and even on families and abusing them but anyway if you are happy with this then ok as I said I want this govt to take your atleast 10 years.
TOI is also known as TOILET paper in India, publishes filth, attracts filth, no moderation of comments. You will not get such nonsense in a paper like 'The Hindu' which is the number one English daily in my place, it is based out of Chennai. There are some good news outlets and some bad ones, it is up to the viewer to decide what he or she wants.
No. My comment about Election rhetoric was for the surgical strikes. Modi is not a war mongerer as people think. He sat tight after the pilot got captured even though every Indian was baying for blood because of the insult. He's a business man. Gujarat happened more than a decade ago. When Modi won, people were afraid that he was gonna kill.all the Muslims. What did he do instead? Indo Arab relations are it's peak in their history. Name one islamic country other than Pakistan that India hasn't improved relations with under Modi. There is no country in the world other than China that maintains a close relationship with Iran and Saudi Arabia, Palestine at the same time.

Gujarat happened because the chastest of the chastest Hindu extremists, the Karsevaks who demolished Babri Masjid, the people perceived as Hindu warriors in India were burned alive in a train by Muslims. It is well documented by neutral sources. What happened next was what you would expect but highly condemnable uncontrollable religious majority mobs taking control of law and order situation. If not for those incredibly stupid Muslims who burned the Karsevaks, 2 thousand innocent Muslims would have survived. You burn the bear cub and you will have to be ready to face the wrath of the bear. Modi was the bear. He let the people have their revenge. Was he right to do that? Hell no. Does that mean he will just go killing Muslims and wipe them from India? Hell no again. Nobody wants it, nobody supports it but you can't stop it.

Imagine a bunch of Hindus burning a train full of Chaste Islamic warriors in Pakistan. The result would have been the wiping of Hinduism from Pakistan. On all accounts, Muslims can openly protest or say anything in the press against Modi or BJP or even RSS. There are.many muslim politicians and Imams that have openly condemned Modi. Did they all die? Did Modi stop Muslims attend the same schools as Hindus? Did BJP or Modi in any way discriminate Muslims? Did all the Muslims revolt and join ISIS because of the subjugation in India? Hell no. Some 70 people went to Syria out of 200 mil. infact more British muslims were part of ISIS than Indian muslims.

Don't compare Gujarat to NZ. There is no loony Hindu terrorist in India going to a mosque with a gun and killing a bunch of Muslims ruthlessly. There have been a few bomb blasts in the past in religious places where both sides were implicated but hasn't happened in Modi era. Modi and India know that the traditionally impoverished Muslims are the key to India's progress. Muslims under BJP will not be discriminated and they will also not be given preferential treatment as they were given during Congress rule. Every Indian is the same for BJP.

Can you provide some neutral sources?
Can you provide some neutral sources?

The train had hardly left the station when one of the passengers pulled the emergency chain. It was yanked several times, until the train came to a halt in the middle of a Muslim neighborhood inhabited by Ghanchis, a community from which many of the Godhra street vendors hail. Anywhere from 500 to 2,000 of them, depending on the sources, surrounded the coaches occupied by the kar sevaks and attacked it with stones and torches. Coach S-6 caught fire, killing 57 people.

Jaffrelot, Christophe (2003). "Communal Riots in Gujarat: The State at Risk?" (PDF). Heidelberg Papers in South Asian and Comparative Politics. Retrieved 5 November 2013.
Killing for pennies & and killing on beef can not be matched as one is killed on resistance on robbery which is common in almost every country & the other one killed on pure religious differences. The impact on society used to be different in both cases.
I didn't get this overblown thing bcz let 200 millions eat cow meat and then see what would your society do with them and it's not all about cow meat it is about of specific reactions and behavior of 1 billion peoples on every muslims related matter. I myself have 5 6 videos where peoples are throwing drain water on muslims who come out from mosques and even on families and abusing them but anyway if you are happy with this then ok as I said I want this govt to take your atleast 10 years.

That's what I'm saying. A few videos or skirmishes in a country of a billion is expected. Look at the Chinese and how Muslims live in China and compare that with India. You don't care about a million muslims being reeducated and retaught a Chinese version of Quran. Did you also want Xi to rule China for a decade?Coz he shamelessly will rule with no elections. The Muslims in China don't have a choice. In India they do. They can say anything, compete against him, judge him and heck even vote for him. So don't follow the hype and make decisions based on 5 or 6 videos you have.
The train had hardly left the station when one of the passengers pulled the emergency chain. It was yanked several times, until the train came to a halt in the middle of a Muslim neighborhood inhabited by Ghanchis, a community from which many of the Godhra street vendors hail. Anywhere from 500 to 2,000 of them, depending on the sources, surrounded the coaches occupied by the kar sevaks and attacked it with stones and torches. Coach S-6 caught fire, killing 57 people.

Jaffrelot, Christophe (2003). "Communal Riots in Gujarat: The State at Risk?" (PDF). Heidelberg Papers in South Asian and Comparative Politics. Retrieved 5 November 2013.

So the people in the train whom you described as "Chaste Hindu Warriors" were in fact returning from Ayodhya the site of the mosque demolition? I would say chaste is quite a generous description if that is true, nevertheless it was inexcusable that they were killed by a Muslim mob, but two wrongs don't make a right and the revenge killing of 1000 Muslims was not really revenge either as most of those people who died had nothing to do with the train incident.
So the people in the train whom you described as "Chaste Hindu Warriors" were in fact returning from Ayodhya the site of the mosque demolition? I would say chaste is quite a generous description if that is true, nevertheless it was inexcusable that they were killed by a Muslim mob, but two wrongs don't make a right and the revenge killing of 1000 Muslims was not really revenge either as most of those people who died had nothing to do with the train incident.

My desription is the general perception. Who said anything about right or wrong. It was wrong and a blot on India's history. I was saying that the situation was out of control because of the stupidity of the minorities.

As I said once the news of muslims burning Karsevaks spread, there was no stopping the hindu mobs. On some accounts, it was decided at the highest levels to let the retaliation happen in Gujarat so the blood thirst hindus can have the revenge locally instead of letting it spread across the nation. India went to the brink in those three days. It could have easily spread to the rest of the country with millions of muslims dead.
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