Imran Khan claims ‘assassins’ were positioned at Judicial Complex

Will Imran Khan ever be arrested and jailed?

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If the US or the UK government issue the arrest warrant of a person, there is no question about their history or reputation. The armed forces are going right in and arresting the guy

Why is PDM behaving like a bunch of cowards? Go right in and drag him out? That’s what you do with the poorer people do you not?
This is not Jazba

This is sarkashi. This is a means to your own Halaqat as a nation.

This is about self-respect. Once things go beyond a certain point, people with self-respect rise up. If they don't, then they are doomed to their own destruction.
Pakistan's main opposition leader Imran Khan has greeted supporters outside his home, just hours after there were violent clashes as police tried to arrest him.

He addressed the crowd and took pictures with those gathered near his compound in the city of Lahore.

In one video, he can be seen wearing a gas mask. Police fired tear gas shells during clashes throughout the night.

One official told the BBC that the arrest operation had been paused.

Punjab Interim Information Minister Amir Mir said the court-ordered operation to detain Mr Khan was suspended on Wednesday to allow a cricket tournament to take place nearby, as the stand-off was causing major traffic disruption.

He said the operation would likely continue after the final of the Pakistan Super League (PSL) on 19 March.

No international cricket was played in Pakistan for six years following an attack on the Sri Lanka team by gunmen in 2009. It also took years for international players to return, and the ongoing tournament involves a large security operation.

"We can't afford to risk the security and safety of the PSL," a senior police official told the Reuters news agency.

Officers and paramilitary rangers were seen leaving the Zaman Park suburb where the house is located, with some reportedly abandoning roadblocks and checkpoints.

Mr Khan then appeared outside and spoke to his supporters. "The police and rangers sent to harm Imran Khan were pushed back by the people," his PTI party Twitter account posted.

The 70-year-old, who was ousted as prime minister last April, is facing allegations he sold state gifts while in office. He says the case is politically motivated.

On Tuesday, officers in riot gear fired tear gas shells and water cannon to disperse hundreds of angry supporters of Mr Khan at the compound. Some of the crowd threw stones and bricks.

Police then tried to force their way into the compound to arrest Mr Khan for failing to appear in an Islamabad court.

He has said he did not appear because of security concerns as two militant attacks had previously taken place there. The politician has offered to sign a guarantee that he will appear in court on Saturday.

Mr Khan earlier told the BBC there was "no reason" for police to arrest him as he had taken protective bail until Saturday. He also said the government was determined to put him behind bars after previous failed attempts.

He said the authorities were trying to arrest him to stop his party from taking part in forthcoming elections. But he added: "Whether I am in jail or not they will not be able to stop my party winning."

Government minister Marriyum Aurangzeb said the move had nothing to do with elections and police were only complying with court orders.

She claimed that Mr Khan was using his party workers, women and children as human shields to evade arrest and stoke unrest.

Since being ousted from office, Mr Khan has been a vocal critic of the government and the country's army. He has toured the country delivering fiery speeches calling for elections due later this year to be held early.

He has kept up pressure on his successor Shehbaz Sharif with demonstrations and blames him for an assassination attempt in November in which he was wounded in the leg.

Remember lads, PPP's MNA Jam Karim Abdul was giving bail by SHC just so he could come back to Pakistan to vote out IK. A key suspect in the Nazim Jokhio murder case who lives in exile was allowed to comeback and vote, a murderer was protected, by PPP, a party [MENTION=135038]Major[/MENTION] idolises.
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The federal government on Wednesday transferred Gilgit-Baltistan Inspector General of Police (IGP) Muhammad Saeed from his post in the wake of the information minister’s claim that GB police force was being used against Punjab police in the latter’s attempt to arrest PTI chief Imran Khan from his Zaman Park residence in Lahore.

Saeed was ordered to report to the Establishment Division with immediate effect until further orders, according to a notification from the division.

A separate notification said that Dar Ali Khan Khattak was now transferred and posted as the GB IGP with immediate effect.

Earlier in the day, Information Minister Marriyum Aurangzeb claimed that a “Gilgit-Baltistan force” was being used to attack Punjab police “who are trying to implement court orders to detain Imran Khan”.

Her news conference came as clashes between PTI workers and law enforcers took place outside Imran’s Zaman Park residence as police were attempting to detain the PTI chief in pursuance of the arrest warrants issued by a local court in Islamabad on Monday.

Earlier today, the PTI alleged that the party chief’s Lahore residence was “under extreme attack” as it posted footage of armed law enforcement personnel opening fire, which could not be independently verified by and it could not be ascertained if it was from today.

At a news conference, Aurangzeb said Imran wanted unrest and anarchy in the country.

She refuted the allegations of the government’s involvement in attempting to arrest Imran. She stated that the PTI chief was wanted in several cases, including threatening a judge, foreign funding, and Tyrian White and Toshakhana.

The information minister accused the PTI chairman of using women and children as human shields outside Zaman Park during the clashes.

She further waved a copy of the warrant issued against Imran and claimed that at least 65 policemen were injured while attempting to implement the court orders.

Aurangzeb claimed that a Gilgit-Baltistan force was being utilised to attack Punjab police, while also insisting that the law enforcement officials were unarmed.

She also stressed that the law enforcement officials were merely carrying out court orders to apprehend an accused individual, who would call himself “brave” but was now hiding in his residence.

Aurangzeb expressed regret over the ongoing situation and suggested that it could have been avoided had the court ordered Imran’s arrest earlier.

She urged the PTI chief to appear before the court and provide clarification instead of resorting to violent tactics.

The minister demanded that all citizens should receive similar treatment if they violate court orders, as Imran had allegedly done.

She also urged the media to fact-check before reporting on the claims made by the former prime minister.

She emphasised that the warrants against Imran had been issued by the court and that the police were merely implementing them.

The minister further claimed that Imran’s political career was over. She went on to express her dismay, stating that this situation was a joke to the law and courts.

In an interview with DawnNewsTV on Wednesday, Punjab Inspector General Usman Anwar said that since yesterday, 54 policemen had been “seriously injured” in clashes with PTI workers, while 32 officers were given first aid by Rescue 1122.

He said that there was no “operation” underway outside the Zaman Park residence and that the police personnel were being stoned by PTI supporters. Even vehicles of law enforcement agencies were burnt down.

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Why is Khan so paranoid about being killed in custody? Does he honestly think Pakistan can afford world war 3 with his death in Police Custody??
He said he would. Why do you think they are desperate for him to appear in court in F8? Any reason?

I think they anticipated they could arrest him and have him in cuffs before the media.

However the PTI supporters and general public have not let it happen.
Allah paak is mulk kou aur IK kou mehfooz rakhay, ameen. One man standing alone against all the powers of the country. It's always easy to agree to deals but he is having none of that like few others. And they call him 'mouse', the man was just shot few months ago and attended many a'jalsas' without any reasonable security. Only one word for him; Brave!

And it's easy for us to sit in our comfortable living rooms in west and act like keyboard warriors, but the guy is in middle of the fire and also look at his loyal supporters, this is just history in the makings.
If the Rangers have started firing live rounds at PTI supporters, IK needs to give himself up. Stop letting your supporters take the bullets for you. It makes you look like a coward who only cares about himself.
I don’t understand how Establishment is ok with this level of stupidity? He clearly has the biggest votebase, are they doing this all for IMF bailout?

Every developing economy should take note here if IMF bailout gets arranged just after IK’s arrest.
Why is Khan so paranoid about being killed in custody? Does he honestly think Pakistan can afford world war 3 with his death in Police Custody??

as if that is unheard of in pakistani politics.

we are a sleepy nation. so many extra judicial political killings have taken place and no, there was no earth shattering reactions.
If the Rangers have started firing live rounds at PTI supporters, IK needs to give himself up. Stop letting your supporters take the bullets for you. It makes you look like a coward who only cares about himself.

Especially when he was the one who called them for help
If the Rangers have started firing live rounds at PTI supporters, IK needs to give himself up. Stop letting your supporters take the bullets for you. It makes you look like a coward who only cares about himself.

i thought he wanted to be arrested and fill the jails? is it only for his supporters? or does he also intend to do what he preaches others? looks like he is ready to do take Pakistan down if he doesn't get what he wants. it looks like toddler's tantrum honestly. If he really believes filling the jails would force the government to toe his line, shouldn't he be the first one to join there? Gandhi, Mandela and others who relied on civil disobedience went to jail so that their voice can be heard.

IK has painted himself to a corner. I don't think he can be successful even if he becomes PM somehow. Way too many people at powerful positions are against him. If his real goal is to make a strong pakistan, he will get arrested and let the next in line to lead the public protests. when that person gets arrested the next in line takes over. that's how the civil disobedience works. It finally overwhelms the government and forces them to do what the people want.
No need to derail an already sensitive thread. Stay on topic
The most popular leader Pakistan in many years.

When you look around this country now, you can see why he is our last hope.

Yes, even Hitler was very popular and seen as Germany’s last hope. However once he got in power, he established the most brutal regime in the last 100 years. To dare to criticise him would mean treason and death.

Point is be careful about cult of personality. No one should be above the law including the PDM.
Yes, even Hitler was very popular and seen as Germany’s last hope. However once he got in power, he established the most brutal regime in the last 100 years. To dare to criticise him would mean treason and death.

Point is be careful about cult of personality. No one should be above the law including the PDM.

i would like to point out you are pointing finger at a guy whose character is largely untarnished compared to the thieves who are sitting abroad and have run the country into the ground. He has posed such a threat to their hegemony, they have all ganged up on him. Nobody in this world is without flaws, not you, not me, not IK, ANYBODY, so my question is why would you not prefer him over the Unholy Alliance of Crooked THieves?

NO we are comparing him with Hitler.. seriously? is this how low the nooras and jiyalas have gone?
Shouldn’t resort to personal/transphobic attacks bro

Why not. Do words hurt more than beating to death a special needs man. Zille Shah died because Billos govt tortured him to death. Khusra is mild compared to how I feel
I agree with you absolutly. Just didnt know you called Imran.

The word you are referring for Imran Khan, he will never be the PM. fully agree

Your overweight FM has 1% of the public support. Just 1%, even I would have more. This lard is part of the party that kills opposition and journalists.
Red line intact well done PTI supporters kick in the teeth for 13 party Daku Movement, as far as that ^upward religious debate Ahmadis are not Muslim period
No zardari ****** can talk about Justice.

When him & his khusra son are given justice then talk about others .

Nothing will happen to ik . I would advise those who have lived off stolen Pakistanis blood to start thinking of running .

Army will back down very soon

Imran Khan is Zardaris son? good to know
Your overweight FM has 1% of the public support. Just 1%, even I would have more. This lard is part of the party that kills opposition and journalists.

lol this guy thinks sindh represents 1percent of pakistan. 1 percent is probably overseas anti pakistanis
May Imran Khan survive this conspiracy. He is up against an evil force possibly sponsored by external entities.
Imran Khan is Zardaris son? good to know

So after all these pages. Tell us the supporter of murderers and looters, what is the case against IK, what are these 80 FIRs, and why was an FIR lodged against IK when they claimed later( after they got lying) for the Zille Shah murder. Why the Tuss? Don't you have the backbone to tell us?
pti gave in to tlp pressure

No, your party started the anti Atif campaign. And your party is all of the mafia including Fazlu, they are all part of the govt. And even the TLP was part of Bajwa party as we found our later.
Panjab police's incompetence has been beneficial for PTI so far. Every move they make only ends up increasing PTI's popularity.
You say that and so does Rana, but you barely speak against the atrocities they have committed. So I don't believe you.

You're a teacher right? You need to stop believing everything is a conspiracy.

I've called out all the 3 mainstream parties on numerous occasions.

PTI is different to other parties however because you guys treat it like a cult.

I hold IK to a higher standard than the other mainstream parties because he made all the PTI fan boys believe that he was the only solution for Pakistan but all he did was bring in the very "crooks" and "clowns" from these parties (that he speaks ill of) into PTI. IK didn't stand by his principles because he had a lust for power. If you're going to portray yourself as a hero but use the politicians from corrupt parties to build your party, that makes you a con artist.

He made guys like you believe that eliminating corruption was the key to achieving progression. He was so fixated on this because he wanted his followers to overlook how incompetent he really is.
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I just saw a clip on social media. Imran is rabble rousing youth to come out and do jaddo jihad against the traitors who are ruling Pakistan. He is also invoking religion into his speech.

Pakistan is going through economic crisis and Imran is revving up his supporters for a civil war.
I guess they are not legitimate because Khan said so?

So let's here from you what are they and which ones are legitimate. To take last week, an FIR was registered against IK on the death of Zille Shah. Do you think it was justified or not
I just saw a clip on social media. Imran is rabble rousing youth to come out and do jaddo jihad against the traitors who are ruling Pakistan. He is also invoking religion into his speech.

Pakistan is going through economic crisis and Imran is revving up his supporters for a civil war.

I think the country demands it.

Only a civil war will cleanse us of the establishment. Needs to clean out the house of the rubbish thieves and miltiary fascists who conduct extra judicial killings and lord over the judiciary and beauracracy.

if we dont do it right now, the cycle will keep repeating. OUr govt will keep seeking bailouts from goreign governments, raise the taxes on its own people while the elites pay zero taxes and pocket all the perks and kickbacks, and as a state we keep becoming more and more indentured to the foreign governments that bail us out.

We have zero sovereignty over our own affairs.
What is their next move? Any predictions?

The authorities have been absolutely humiliated over the last 36 hours or so. and it seems to me they will be back with vengeance.

Overall, I am not getting a good feeling for IK now, I think they will find a way to haul him in and possibly conduct another assassination attempt.
What is their next move? Any predictions?

The authorities have been absolutely humiliated over the last 36 hours or so. and it seems to me they will be back with vengeance.

Overall, I am not getting a good feeling for IK now, I think they will find a way to haul him in and possibly conduct another assassination attempt.

I have the same feeling
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-partner="tweetdeck"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Our worker from Gujrat Usman Jaura saved this lady from direct firing of the bloodthirsty brutal Rangers & Punjab police. In the face of the violence unleashed on us, we saw the spirit of commitment & the passion of our workers like Usman. <a href=""></a></p>— Imran Khan (@ImranKhanPTI) <a href="">March 15, 2023</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-partner="tweetdeck"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">I want to thank the LHCBA for their unanimous resolution in support of the Constitution & elections in 90 days & their condemnation of the excessive use of force & siege of Zaman Park. I also want to thank the lawyers who walked to Zaman Park to show solidarity with us. <a href=""></a></p>— Imran Khan (@ImranKhanPTI) <a href="">March 15, 2023</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-partner="tweetdeck"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">The passion of our workers for freedom (Haqeeqii Azadi) was something I prayed Almighty Allah would instill in our nation one day . Only nations with youth who value freedom above life achieve great things. When rule of law protects their fundamental rights & their minds are <a href=""></a></p>— Imran Khan (@ImranKhanPTI) <a href="">March 15, 2023</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-partner="tweetdeck"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">unshackled from an inferiority complex, they soar above humanity as the great Iqbal envisaged in the concept of his Shaheen.</p>— Imran Khan (@ImranKhanPTI) <a href="">March 15, 2023</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-partner="tweetdeck"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Our worker from Gujrat Usman Jaura saved this lady from direct firing of the bloodthirsty brutal Rangers & Punjab police. In the face of the violence unleashed on us, we saw the spirit of commitment & the passion of our workers like Usman. <a href=""></a></p>— Imran Khan (@ImranKhanPTI) <a href="">March 15, 2023</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-partner="tweetdeck"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">I want to thank the LHCBA for their unanimous resolution in support of the Constitution & elections in 90 days & their condemnation of the excessive use of force & siege of Zaman Park. I also want to thank the lawyers who walked to Zaman Park to show solidarity with us. <a href=""></a></p>— Imran Khan (@ImranKhanPTI) <a href="">March 15, 2023</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-partner="tweetdeck"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">The passion of our workers for freedom (Haqeeqii Azadi) was something I prayed Almighty Allah would instill in our nation one day . Only nations with youth who value freedom above life achieve great things. When rule of law protects their fundamental rights & their minds are <a href=""></a></p>— Imran Khan (@ImranKhanPTI) <a href="">March 15, 2023</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-partner="tweetdeck"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">unshackled from an inferiority complex, they soar above humanity as the great Iqbal envisaged in the concept of his Shaheen.</p>— Imran Khan (@ImranKhanPTI) <a href="">March 15, 2023</a></blockquote>
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That is a real man. May Allah protect him from this evil regime.
Let’s be clear. Imran is rising as greatest politician in history of Pakistan. He will come back with absolute majority.
Let’s be clear. Imran is rising as greatest politician in history of Pakistan. He will come back with absolute majority.

The mafia will never allow it unless the public kick out the Generals. This could quite literally be a fight to the death
It’s not going to be easy, as you can tell just from some of the comments on this thread, there are quite a few Pakistanis with a bone to pick with him over one thing or another. They will support whatever plans the corrupt establishment makes to either keep him at bay or completely get rid of him. There is a lot counting on this current war between the mafia and IK. They know if they hold the elections right now, he will come back with 2/3 majority and this in turn means they are all done for. They will all run for the hills (UK, UAE) and their children will be robbed of the opportunity to loot and plunger the country like they did. Also the military knows if he comes into power, he will bring massive reforms to army and judiciary, etc, and this will basically bring their house down.

They are all fighting for the survival of their way of life and their future generations to continue to loot and plunder the country. It won’t be easy.
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not a single protest in Pindi and Islamabad.

lol drag them out on streets, and than this guy talks about lawful.

The only person who thinks its his baap ke jageer is Imran. He got booted out from his pm seat and was made a laughing stock

No. Laughing stock is what your beloved politicians of mafia has turned Pakistan into.

And atleast Imran is there instead of the coward corrupt bunch you support who were running to the airport with all kind of fake illness and drama at the name of police and warrant. Pakistani quom is with Imran so they are protesting against the corrupt mafia, all good and fair to drag these mafia out on the streets and make an example out of Shareef and Bhutto family. Time will tell, if something were to happen to Imran then you will eventually see march towards parliament as well.

Pakistan nation knows next election will be a clean sweep for Imran hence are holding up, but if something were to happen to the most influential politician in the history of Pakistan then we all will sure see the aftermath of toppling down this government of stooges. I mean they all had to team up to take on Imran and are still miserably failing.
Noon League Wants to Put Imran Khan in Jail to "manage" Elections: Noon League Leader

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">“If Imran goes to jail … it will be much easier for his opponents to manage the election in Punjab,” says PML-N leader.<a href=""></a></p>— (@dawn_com) <a href="">March 15, 2023</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
please refer to my last post.

P.S: religion is a card well played in the subcontinent. your country does it pretty good too, you should know.
Yes every politician plays these games. That is my point. IK is just like every other politician. Just doing anything and everything to get to power even if it means it hurts Pakistan. I am an Indian, I will just watch the drama and go. But there are lives that are lost and gone forever. It is a tragedy to see poor people suffer due to politicians greed for power.
So to summarize...

PDM fans will support a fully equipped army turning an ex prime minister's home into a warzone over... a watch that was bought and sold within the law?

What has PDM turned the country into? Can you imagine the US shelling Trump's house over something like this? Or any developed country?

The country is in shambles, on the brink of default, and this is what PDM is focussing on. The army can't send men for elections but can send men for this. How can your eyes not open even after seeing all this in front of you?

Those that support these actions should be ashamed to call themselves Pakistanis. I am convinced every PDM supporter or their families personally get monetary or other benefits from their corrupt parties and so don't want the gravy train to end. There is no other explanation to support PDM and sit back and watch as they destroy the country to just stay in power and deny the people their mandate.
The situation has gone beyond politics. It isn't a matter of debating which party is more mediocre, what policy some party passed or what some stupid thing a leader said.

Women and children are being shot, protestors killed, politicians jailed and tortured, attempted assassinations on prime minister, shelling prime ministers home, gross human rights and liberties violations (free speech, right to vote, right to protest).

This is no longer about PTI and IK. This is a human rights crisis. If you support these you need to find some humanity and decency.
Yes every politician plays these games. That is my point. IK is just like every other politician. Just doing anything and everything to get to power even if it means it hurts Pakistan. I am an Indian, I will just watch the drama and go. But there are lives that are lost and gone forever. It is a tragedy to see poor people suffer due to politicians greed for power.

It isn't about Imran, its about mafia and corrupt 2 families who have controlled Pakistan for decades and stolen all kind of resources. This is way beyond Imran, its a fight against total corruption and loot that has ruined Pakistan to core, and some corrupt greedy establishment members. One has to be an absolute beghairat (if put lightly) to support such leeches who steal, murder, kidnap, build foreign empires and play family musical chair with Pakistan's parliament for decades. People are honestly just fed up and people from other countries aren't expected to understand the core issues.

Shelling and killing innocents over some fake made up gift watch tells you what kind of bonkers are in the government.
Noon League Wants to Put Imran Khan in Jail to "manage" Elections: Noon League Leader

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">“If Imran goes to jail … it will be much easier for his opponents to manage the election in Punjab,” says PML-N leader.<a href=""></a></p>— (@dawn_com) <a href="">March 15, 2023</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

That was their game-plan from Day 1.

This is the type of basic people we are dealing with.
I am worried about what the “establishafia” is going to pull next. Martial law seems very much on the cards.

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman and deposed prime minister Imran Khan was booked in a terrorism case over violence in Zaman Park, ARY News reported on Thursday.

A case has been registered against the PTI chairman and other party leaders at the Race Course police station on the complaint of SHO. The FIR carries 20 Sections including Section 7 of the Anti-Terrorism Act.

The other section includes interference in state affairs, illegal gathering and refusing to receive court summons on the complaint of SHO Rehan Anwar.

The FIR stated the party workers and hundreds of supporters committed serious crimes at the nod of the former prime minister. It added that the PTI workers damaged state properties and used petrol bombs.

The violent clashes inflicted injuries on 63 policemen, including the DIG operations of the Islamabad police, it added.


The Lahore High Court (LHC) Thursday stopped the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) from holding a rally at Minar-e-Pakistan on Sunday, ARY News reported.

LHC’s Justice Tariq Saleem Sheikh issued directives while hearing a petition filed by PTI leader Fawad Chaudhry seeking to stop the “atrocities” outside Zaman Park.

The Lahore High Court (LHC) Wednesday stopped police operation at former premier Imran Khan’s Zaman Park residence till 10am (Thursday), putting a halt to day-long clashes that had erupted after police tried to arrest the PTI chairman in the Toshakhana case.

Today’s hearing
As the hearing went underway, Justice Saleem said that neither of the parties involved in the case has read the law. The LHC judge also reprimanded the PTI counsel for approaching the wrong courts in Imran Khan’s arrest warrants issue.

The judge told Fawad Chaudhry that his party was not following the law.

He then slammed the party for not planning its public gathering in Lahore. “PSL is going on and PTI should reschedule its rally,” he said.

“For God’s sake, allow the people to live their routine lives,” the judge remarked.

Really don't understand all this hoo Haa around imran khan if he does become the prime minister again first thing he is going to say Is that the previous government has done so much damage and it will take pakistan 200 years to recover by that time he will be no more technically will be done all his supporters causing these these unrests in pakistan are pointless it only further damages pakistan.
Really don't understand all this hoo Haa around imran khan if he does become the prime minister again first thing he is going to say Is that the previous government has done so much damage and it will take pakistan 200 years to recover by that time he will be no more technically will be done all his supporters causing these these unrests in pakistan are pointless it only further damages pakistan.

Oh yeah, of course, things should be left to run as they are since it’s all been going swimmingly well with these people at the helm last 50 odd years.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">I want to thank the SCBAP for their strong position on upholding of Constitution & rule of law. We appreciate your condemnation of excessive use of force by authorities at Zaman Park. My Party was founded on principle of rule of law & we continue to stand by this commitment. <a href=""></a></p>— Imran Khan (@ImranKhanPTI) <a href="">March 16, 2023</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
i would like to point out you are pointing finger at a guy whose character is largely untarnished compared to the thieves who are sitting abroad and have run the country into the ground. He has posed such a threat to their hegemony, they have all ganged up on him. Nobody in this world is without flaws, not you, not me, not IK, ANYBODY, so my question is why would you not prefer him over the Unholy Alliance of Crooked THieves?

NO we are comparing him with Hitler.. seriously? is this how low the nooras and jiyalas have gone?

His ego and saviour complex definitely resonates with Hitler. Lets not talk about character when it comes to him shall we?

He was a pawn of the establishment and came in on their backing. He brought in corrupt and useless people into his party (e.g. Usman Buzdar, Pervaiz Elahi etc) and gave them positions of power. His government proved pretty inept overall and his constant u-turns made on his principles was also blameworthy. During his rule, the likes of Bajwa and Faiz accumulated unchecked wealth, power and fortune, and IK looked the other way because he needed them to stay in power. He is only annoyed now that the establishment have dropped him. He is simply asking them to take him back through all these stunts.

Frankly I do not see much difference between him and the rest of the politicians. The real problem is the rotten system which is set up by the elites, the feudals and the establishment to serve their interests. And this system cannot be changed from within by demanding elections.
It isn't about Imran, its about mafia and corrupt 2 families who have controlled Pakistan for decades and stolen all kind of resources. This is way beyond Imran, its a fight against total corruption and loot that has ruined Pakistan to core, and some corrupt greedy establishment members. One has to be an absolute beghairat (if put lightly) to support such leeches who steal, murder, kidnap, build foreign empires and play family musical chair with Pakistan's parliament for decades. People are honestly just fed up and people from other countries aren't expected to understand the core issues.

Shelling and killing innocents over some fake made up gift watch tells you what kind of bonkers are in the government.

You are right that it goes "way beyond Imran", but wrong when you end it at the "corrupt 2 families".

Pakistanis have to begin showing some spine against their all-important army. As things stand I doubt the army generals have suffered an iota of change in their lifestyle over the past year unlike so many of their brethren.
His ego and saviour complex definitely resonates with Hitler. Lets not talk about character when it comes to him shall we?

He was a pawn of the establishment and came in on their backing. He brought in corrupt and useless people into his party (e.g. Usman Buzdar, Pervaiz Elahi etc) and gave them positions of power. His government proved pretty inept overall and his constant u-turns made on his principles was also blameworthy. During his rule, the likes of Bajwa and Faiz accumulated unchecked wealth, power and fortune, and IK looked the other way because he needed them to stay in power. He is only annoyed now that the establishment have dropped him. He is simply asking them to take him back through all these stunts.

Frankly I do not see much difference between him and the rest of the politicians. The real problem is the rotten system which is set up by the elites, the feudals and the establishment to serve their interests. And this system cannot be changed from within by demanding elections.

What a stupid post. The establishment was pro Amreeka, IK opposed Mush and all their undue influence. Stop talking rubbish.

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman and deposed prime minister Imran Khan was booked in a terrorism case over violence in Zaman Park, ARY News reported on Thursday.

A case has been registered against the PTI chairman and other party leaders at the Race Course police station on the complaint of SHO. The FIR carries 20 Sections including Section 7 of the Anti-Terrorism Act.

The other section includes interference in state affairs, illegal gathering and refusing to receive court summons on the complaint of SHO Rehan Anwar.

The FIR stated the party workers and hundreds of supporters committed serious crimes at the nod of the former prime minister. It added that the PTI workers damaged state properties and used petrol bombs.

The violent clashes inflicted injuries on 63 policemen, including the DIG operations of the Islamabad police, it added.


Another day,a other case. Crooked Generals
That was their game-plan from Day 1.

This is the type of basic people we are dealing with.

We knew that. Only total idiots brought the line about the fake cases. [MENTION=135038]Major[/MENTION] [MENTION=2016]Rana[/MENTION].
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-partner="tweetdeck"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">I want to thank the SCBAP for their strong position on upholding of Constitution & rule of law. We appreciate your condemnation of excessive use of force by authorities at Zaman Park. My Party was founded on principle of rule of law & we continue to stand by this commitment. <a href=""></a></p>— Imran Khan (@ImranKhanPTI) <a href="">March 16, 2023</a></blockquote>
<script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
We knew that. Only total idiots brought the line about the fake cases. [MENTION=135038]Major[/MENTION] [MENTION=2016]Rana[/MENTION].

Country is now in the midst of the worst crisis seen since 1971. This is how bad it is.
His ego and saviour complex definitely resonates with Hitler. Lets not talk about character when it comes to him shall we?

He was a pawn of the establishment and came in on their backing. He brought in corrupt and useless people into his party (e.g. Usman Buzdar, Pervaiz Elahi etc) and gave them positions of power. His government proved pretty inept overall and his constant u-turns made on his principles was also blameworthy. During his rule, the likes of Bajwa and Faiz accumulated unchecked wealth, power and fortune, and IK looked the other way because he needed them to stay in power. He is only annoyed now that the establishment have dropped him. He is simply asking them to take him back through all these stunts.

Frankly I do not see much difference between him and the rest of the politicians. The real problem is the rotten system which is set up by the elites, the feudals and the establishment to serve their interests. And this system cannot be changed from within by demanding elections.
If he is Hitler, I wonder what do you make of Bhutto, Zia, Ayub Khan, BB, Zerdari, Sharifs, Musharraf, etc. I would really like to hear. I would also like to hear a workable solution to fix the problem.

Whether you like it or not, IK is your only choice if you want the status quo shattered. Everyone has flaws, you want to wait around for a flawless leader/party, be my quest!
You are right that it goes "way beyond Imran", but wrong when you end it at the "corrupt 2 families".

Pakistanis have to begin showing some spine against their all-important army. As things stand I doubt the army generals have suffered an iota of change in their lifestyle over the past year unlike so many of their brethren.
Quite honestly, this was a show of force against the army. The sharifs, Zardaris, et al, are nothing but pawns and puppets. The army is the true establishment mafia running the show. This was a show of disobedience to them.

The army’s popularity in Pakistan is at an all time low. A lot of negative emotion towards them right now.
His ego and saviour complex definitely resonates with Hitler. Lets not talk about character when it comes to him shall we?

He was a pawn of the establishment and came in on their backing. He brought in corrupt and useless people into his party (e.g. Usman Buzdar, Pervaiz Elahi etc) and gave them positions of power. His government proved pretty inept overall and his constant u-turns made on his principles was also blameworthy. During his rule, the likes of Bajwa and Faiz accumulated unchecked wealth, power and fortune, and IK looked the other way because he needed them to stay in power. He is only annoyed now that the establishment have dropped him. He is simply asking them to take him back through all these stunts.

Frankly I do not see much difference between him and the rest of the politicians. The real problem is the rotten system which is set up by the elites, the feudals and the establishment to serve their interests. And this system cannot be changed from within by demanding elections.

Top post

Hit the nail on the head

Imran khan is also an elite and someone who was born with privilege and high caste ancestory.

A quiet and shy boy in his youth, Khan grew up with his sisters in relatively affluent, upper middle-class circumstances[42] and received a privileged education. He was educated at the Aitchison College and Cathedral School in Lahore,[43][44] and then the Royal Grammar School Worcester in England, where he excelled at cricket. In 1972, he enrolled in Keble College, Oxford where he studied Philosophy, Politics and Economics, graduating in 1975.[45] An enthusiast for college cricket at Keble, Paul Hayes, was instrumental in securing the admission of Khan, after he had been turned down by Cambridge.[46]

Obviously bewal will have hard time stomaching someone showing him khans true colours.
Dude he’s still getting arrested

Is that our fault too?

I asked you to tell for what? But you keep evading the question. And the FIR for the murder of Zille Shah was registered, but they themselves are telling us he died in an accident but IK and the PTI are being charged with murder. Is everyone as stupid as you guys, believe me , they think we all are.
Point is no one from the judiciary, govt or bureaucracy supports him. They know that this guy is an idiot. The govt level people that support him are the lower staff who are not well versed with things.

Everyone else in the govt, grade 17 and above officers see him as a person who is just clueless and cant walk the talk.
Point is no one from the judiciary, govt or bureaucracy supports him. They know that this guy is an idiot. The govt level people that support him are the lower staff who are not well versed with things.

Everyone else in the govt, grade 17 and above officers see him as a person who is just clueless and cant walk the talk.

So we are to believe your word? It’s pretty condescending to think grade 17 and below are idiots who don’t know anything.

My take would be he is ruffling the feathers of the elite so they don’t like him. We need disruption of the status quo.
So we are to believe your word? It’s pretty condescending to think grade 17 and below are idiots who don’t know anything.

My take would be he is ruffling the feathers of the elite so they don’t like him. We need disruption of the status quo.

Grade 17 and above officers are not some loonies that forumers here will believe as they dont deal with them. Yes you will find corrupt officers, but you will also find decent and honest workers aswell. The guy doesnt have their support because these people have seen from first hand what a looney Imran is.

Imran appeals to the youth and people that are not very smart in Pakistan. IM not talking about overseas here.

Officers below grade 17 dont deal with high level stuff and have their own circle and also do mostly clerical work.

The bureaucracy had enough of Imran when he leaked confidential info of a letter. This is a big no no in the diplomatic and foreign affairs sector. There is alot of communication and info that goes back and forth and isn't for the public to know. Cause, if every info is made public, every communication is leaked, bad foreign relations will be developed.

India wanted to isolate Pakistan, Imran ended up self isolating our country with his very naïve actions.

Guy was never made for the govt sector. He doesnt have age with him to learn how to run a govt. This is why even if he wins, it doesnt matter for the politician. Zardari, Nawaz, Imran and maybe Shebaz are fighting their last election. They dont have age with them.

The elections of 2028 would be more interesting and decide which path Pakistan will take, as we will be seeing new faces. Mind you, Bilalwal has no corruption case against him
Grade 17 and above officers are not some loonies that forumers here will believe as they dont deal with them. Yes you will find corrupt officers, but you will also find decent and honest workers aswell. The guy doesnt have their support because these people have seen from first hand what a looney Imran is.

Imran appeals to the youth and people that are not very smart in Pakistan. IM not talking about overseas here.

Officers below grade 17 dont deal with high level stuff and have their own circle and also do mostly clerical work.

The bureaucracy had enough of Imran when he leaked confidential info of a letter. This is a big no no in the diplomatic and foreign affairs sector. There is alot of communication and info that goes back and forth and isn't for the public to know. Cause, if every info is made public, every communication is leaked, bad foreign relations will be developed.

India wanted to isolate Pakistan, Imran ended up self isolating our country with his very naïve actions.

Guy was never made for the govt sector. He doesnt have age with him to learn how to run a govt. This is why even if he wins, it doesnt matter for the politician. Zardari, Nawaz, Imran and maybe Shebaz are fighting their last election. They dont have age with them.

The elections of 2028 would be more interesting and decide which path Pakistan will take, as we will be seeing new faces. Mind you, Bilalwal has no corruption case against him

Once again, the question is do we simply believe that because you are just a shiny beacon of truth and honesty and all that is holy and good, reknowned over the world, or ....

wait for it......

do you actually have evidence to back your views?
Why are they struggling to arrest Imran Khan even with the full state machinery behind them?

1/4 kg nuclear bomb me se 100 gram nikaal lo :)

On a serious note I saw the pic of Imran Khan with all those gas shells. It was insane and scary for a lot of reasons. Those are not cheap. Isn’t this going to cost the state more money?
FYI , believe me or not, I will not force this as a fact, but I personally know quite a few grade 17 and above (even in the military) most of them, my family members who support IK. I know barely anyone in my family who supports PPP/PML-N, some are JI supporters, a party that has been very quiet and neutral over the last few years for some strange reason.

And none of them... NONE actually supports the military intereference in the govt affairs, even those cousins who are members of the armed forces.
Once again, the question is do we simply believe that because you are just a shiny beacon of truth and honesty and all that is holy and good, reknowned over the world, or ....

wait for it......

do you actually have evidence to back your views?

Unlike 80% of the people around here, I live in the country.

plus, here are articles on this

My question to you, do you live in Pakistan?
FYI , believe me or not, I will not force this as a fact, but I personally know quite a few grade 17 and above (even in the military) most of them, my family members who support IK. I know barely anyone in my family who supports PPP/PML-N, some are JI supporters, a party that has been very quiet and neutral over the last few years for some strange reason.

And none of them... NONE actually supports the military intereference in the govt affairs, even those cousins who are members of the armed forces.

you are right, govt employees hate military interference to the core.

But they also hate when people like Imran dont understand how the bureaucracy works and creates hurdles for them.
Why are they struggling to arrest Imran Khan even with the full state machinery behind them?

1/4 kg nuclear bomb me se 100 gram nikaal lo :)

On a serious note I saw the pic of Imran Khan with all those gas shells. It was insane and scary for a lot of reasons. Those are not cheap. Isn’t this going to cost the state more money?

The STATE has already squandered millions on foreign tours, state dinners at embassies and whatnot, basically all the money that iK govt may have some through frugal policies and whatnot, has been erased. This is nothing.

If you simply do a search on the topic you will be amazed how the caretakers have taken the chainsaw to whatever is left in the bank. And then the PM says "mein apne kaprey bech kar qarza utaroon ga"

It is really a truly facepalm inducing situation right now.
you are right, govt employees hate military interference to the core.

But they also hate when people like Imran dont understand how the bureaucracy works and creates hurdles for them.

once again its your word against mine, your experiences against mine. YOU may claim WHATEVER, it does not cost a thing but to make it a convincing argument, you have to provide some context and evidence.

Here is a thought, what percentage of pakistan's voting population is grade 17 and above? In a true democracy, would such opinions matter?

I dont and i am not allowed to vote either, but I am stating my personal experience based on my interaction with family members in pakistan. I have roughly two dozen cousins living in pakistan ranging from mid twenties to over 50, and at least a dozen serving in the govt sector over grade 17, with 3-4 in the armed forces.

ALL PTI supporters.
His ego and saviour complex definitely resonates with Hitler. Lets not talk about character when it comes to him shall we?

He was a pawn of the establishment and came in on their backing. He brought in corrupt and useless people into his party (e.g. Usman Buzdar, Pervaiz Elahi etc) and gave them positions of power. His government proved pretty inept overall and his constant u-turns made on his principles was also blameworthy. During his rule, the likes of Bajwa and Faiz accumulated unchecked wealth, power and fortune, and IK looked the other way because he needed them to stay in power. He is only annoyed now that the establishment have dropped him. He is simply asking them to take him back through all these stunts.

Frankly I do not see much difference between him and the rest of the politicians. The real problem is the rotten system which is set up by the elites, the feudals and the establishment to serve their interests. And this system cannot be changed from within by demanding elections.

If you can't see the difference and if you can't use basic analytical thinking then you are are lying to yourself and actually deep down truly support the status quo.
oh.. and by the way, here is something was sent to me by someone earlier:

ISLAMABAD – An opinion poll has found that a majority of Pakistanis blame a coalition government for the soaring inflation in a country that is struggling to shore up finances and avoid a default, while support for former premier Imran Khan soared ahead of elections.

The poll was published by Gallup this week and was carried out between Feb 1 and 20.

It also found that 62 per cent of the 2,000 respondents blamed the Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM) that makes up the government for the economic turmoil and inflation coming up to a six-decade high.

Mr Khan’s approval ratings in contrast jumped to 61 per cent in February 2023 from 36 per cent in January 2022, polling data showed.

The PDM alliance, led by Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif’s Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N), had ousted Mr Khan in April 2022 through a no-confidence vote.

It pushed the narrative that the former cricket captain had mismanaged the economy.

Mr Shehbaz Sharif and his government have since made tough decisions to raise energy prices and taxes to revive a loan programme with the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

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He has seen his popularity drop to 32 per cent in February 2023 from 51 per cent in January 2022.

“Imran Khan’s popularity rests on strong fundamentals of being a charismatic leader, giving slogans that resonate with the public while there is a vacuum in Pakistani politics,” said Mr Bilal Gilani, executive director at Gallup Pakistan.

“The real news is the major dent in the PML-N leaders’ ratings, which have seen an almost 20 per cent decline in their popularity. The IMF decisions have precipitated the decline, but the reasons were deeper and long term,” he added.

The economy is in dire straits, with almost one in five Pakistanis reporting they have either lost their jobs or know someone from their households who is out of work, according to the survey.

Mr Gilani said the government’s popularity declined due to a changing voter base, with the 18 to 30 age group now making up almost 45 per cent of the total.

This group tends to associate Mr Shehbaz Sharif and his elder brother, three-time premier Nawaz Sharif, with corruption.

This demographic has also struggled to relate with the party’s infrastructure development narrative.

Mr Nawaz Sharif, living in self-exile in London, has seen his support drop to 36 per cent from 55 per cent.

He is weighing a return to Pakistan to boost the party’s prospects for the general elections slated for later in 2023.

Pakistan is scheduled to hold polls in two of the four provinces in April, after Mr Khan’s party leaders dissolved the legislatures.

These elections will signal the public mood ahead of the national vote that will be held less than sixty days after the government term ends in August.

Mr Khan will begin campaigning for the provincial polls on Tuesday with a protest rally.

He has been pushing for early general elections, but Mr Shehbaz Sharif has said he wants to see through the IMF programme and the government term. BLOOMBERG


YOur thoughts on this [MENTION=135038]Major[/MENTION]? Did you notice how the survey does not list any stats whatsoever for Zardari, Bilawal, Bakhtawar or any other dhaka chhupa Bhutto Zardari? Would you like to comment on that? Or have the grade 17 and above demographic refused to participate in such surveys?
If you can't see the difference and if you can't use basic analytical thinking then you are are lying to yourself and actually deep down truly support the status quo.

There is no difference, its still the same rotten system controlled by electables, feudals, generals, agencies etc. Doesn't matter who is in charge. Nothing changes. IK talked big but couldn't deliver on any promise he made pre-election. I am done being taken for a ride by these politicians.