Malala Yousafzai - Mega Discussion Thread

Malala is a very deserving candidate but is should be Putin for his role in averting the Syria crisis.
The 'Syria crisis' is just a repeat of what has gone on many times before, and will be repeated again. Just change "Syria" to "Iraq", "Libya", "Afghanistan", "Egypt (Suez canal 1956)", "Georgia", "Algeria" and a whole host of others, and change "USA" to "Russia", "France", "Britain", "Japan", or most other western european countries.

Whereas Malala's story could be the inspiration for millions of girls, not just in Pakistan but all around the world.

The Malala 'effect' may not yet be visible today, but one day future generations of women may look back and realise that it was a defining moment in history.
Great! So while it was aCONSPIRACY first now it would suddenly be RACISM #PakistaniPredictions
And what is the west? Are the Croatians, Icelanders, Mexicans, Slovaks and Portugese in on it too?
Just yesterday my father was telling me this story. He couldn't recall the first name and told me that the girl's last name was As-Saba. Thanks for sharing.
Probably it could be a similar plan by USA. They are droning against Talibans and they declared a war against Syria. But it could be different.
OPCW is given the Nobel peace prize 2013 so Malala missed out.
Here's the thing. The nurse's testimony before congress was proven to be conclusively false after a bit of investigation. It concerned an issue that was not really in the public domain at the time and verifying the information was hard because it wasn't much of an issue prior to the war. That, however, is not the case here. She raised her voice for women's education in a country that has 2.6% of the world's population and 44% of the world's school-age children who are not in school, the large majority being girls from outside the 15-20 major urban centers.

With females specifically, the big issue here is that they don't have a choice in the matter. Their parents, who have tend to have the 'lets raise her till she's 15, teach her all the skills required of a homemaker(cooking, cleaning, washing, ironing and so on) and hand him over to a 30 year old man who she's probably never seen before' mentality which means that most out-of-school girls, whether they like it or not, have no choice in the matter. She raised her voice, and not for herself because she was lucky enough to have a fairly progressive family that believes firmly in education, but for those who aren't as lucky and what she got in response was a bullet in head. These facts are not in dispute, these are well established, easily verifiable and very commonly known both within the country(where the majority prefers the existing status quo i.e girls = cattle = property = no human rights) and outside of it where people tend to have a different world view and it's human nature to support someone if they're fighting against all odds for something you believe in and hence all the support from the supposedly evil, monolithic entity known here as 'the west'.
I think some Pakistanis really need to separate the hype and western agenda from Malala and her message. Ask yourself this question: when was the last time you had a young grl from pakistan, proudly wearing her traditional dress, speak fluent english live on the Daily show?" can you imagine the impact that single appearance can have?

I dont agree with the media hype in the west because they turn anything pure, impure, its their nature its what they do.

But Malala is a true hero and has a purpose and I hope she continues to get her message across. Instead of slandering her maybe Pakistanis should own her message. But as usual maybe we dont deserve her. Are we so cynical and beghairat that we see a conspiracy in everything?

we were cynical about the deen and then handed it over to the taliban, we were cynical about politics and handed it over to ganja and the lords, now we are cynical about a simple message like this and have handed it over to the western hype machine. If Pakistan was a football team and this was a football match we would have lost 6-0. all own goals!
Thank god some sanity. No Nobel Prize for Malala. I respect what she has been doing, she is a brave girl, but the western Media has just exploited her.

So what has the western media exploiting her have to do with your happiness in her not winning the prize? Surely it would have been a proud moment for Pakistan who needs icon like her among all the bad name its been getting lately?
lol I hate NFP but this is a good write up. I have ehard two strands of this. One is the obviously absurd notion that she is a CIA agent..(yes people believe this) also heard she is Dajaals agent( yeah heard this too), but the other point of view which I find a bit more valid is the one that says well Malala is just one among millions what about tehir voices? well to them i say help Malala and own her message so you can get the voices of teh unheard heard through her. Otherwise shut the hell up and congratulate this warrior.
I think some Pakistanis really need to separate the hype and western agenda from Malala and her message. Ask yourself this question: when was the last time you had a young grl from pakistan, proudly wearing her traditional dress, speak fluent english live on the Daily show?" can you imagine the impact that single appearance can have?

I dont agree with the media hype in the west because they turn anything pure, impure, its their nature its what they do.

But Malala is a true hero and has a purpose and I hope she continues to get her message across. Instead of slandering her maybe Pakistanis should own her message. But as usual maybe we dont deserve her. Are we so cynical and beghairat that we see a conspiracy in everything?

we were cynical about the deen and then handed it over to the taliban, we were cynical about politics and handed it over to ganja and the lords, now we are cynical about a simple message like this and have handed it over to the western hype machine. If Pakistan was a football team and this was a football match we would have lost 6-0. all own goals!

And when was the last time you saw a Pakistani girl used against its country? When was the last time a girl said she doesn't like people with beards?
wait so highlighting education (That the prophet PBUH encouraged for everyone) is against Islam? aha..
And when was the last time you saw a Pakistani girl used against its country? When was the last time a girl said she doesn't like people with beards?

What a cringeworthy post.How is promoting female education against Pakistan.Come on,use your brain cells for a change.When did she say she does not like bearded people?Stop spreading lies.In fact,she said we should not attack the TTP but talk to them and she said he forgave them.Stop lying.
I have never understood this logic. Islam prohibits killing innocent women and children too. Yet these guys do it again and again. Why do you keep on bringing blowing up mosques when these people break every other tenant of Islam too? If they can justify killing innocent children, they can justify blowing up mosques too

I am sick of all this conspiracy theories.Everything that happens in Pakistan is a conspiracy for Pakistanis.There is a video on Youtube there Hakimullah justifies attacking mosques.
poor stuff from the OP. Would had loved it, if a Pakistani got the Nobel Prize........
I seriously struggle to understand the hate for this girl. Nobel Peace Prize or not, why isn't what she's doing being appreciated by so many?
She can get this award sometime in future when she is ready. She has already earned recognition and respect on global stage.

All she needs to do is keep up her good work.
Sad but not surprised. She is a Pakistnai Muslim woman fighting for the rights of Muslim children. Theyll never give her anything but try and exploit her.

Own her message Pakistanis she is your daughter dont abandon her or the vultures are waiting!!
And when was the last time you saw a Pakistani girl used against its country? When was the last time a girl said she doesn't like people with beards?

when was the last time you stood up for the rights of Pakistanis everywehre? what are you lot doing other than moaning and crying while 80% of our children go without primary education! its all well and good going to the masjid and praying and giving zakaat but what are you actually doing with the capability Allah swt has given you? at least give this child some credit. She is braver than any of you keyboard jahils!!
Re: Malala Yousafzai = Nurse Nayirah?

I think some Pakistanis really need to separate the hype and western agenda from Malala and her message. Ask yourself this question: when was the last time you had a young grl from pakistan, proudly wearing her traditional dress, speak fluent english live on the Daily show?" can you imagine the impact that single appearance can have?

I dont agree with the media hype in the west because they turn anything pure, impure, its their nature its what they do.

But Malala is a true hero and has a purpose and I hope she continues to get her message across. Instead of slandering her maybe Pakistanis should own her message. But as usual maybe we dont deserve her. Are we so cynical and beghairat that we see a conspiracy in everything?

we were cynical about the deen and then handed it over to the taliban, we were cynical about politics and handed it over to ganja and the lords, now we are cynical about a simple message like this and have handed it over to the western hype machine. If Pakistan was a football team and this was a football match we would have lost 6-0. all own goals!

Ok. Every now and then I read a post on PP that changes my view on something and turns it on its head.

This is one of those posts. Well said. I think I need to have a change in attitude towards this and stop being so dawned cynical all the time
Re: Malala Yousafzai and the White Saviour Complex

Have you got the man flu today Saqib? Dire and disappointing posting.

Lol. Not really.

I don't disagree with what she says. I'm a for education. It's the only way we can get rid of the terrorist problem in the northern areas is educating the masses against their tactics.

I just think the point of the article remains no matter how poorly it is stated. And I haven't read the entire article because it seemed like a massive rant.

But the point is governments use issues like this to justify certain acts. Simple.

All's I'm trying to say is - is there anything wrong with that point? Generally speaking
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There is a reason people living in Pakistan are calling her Malala Dramazai and hating her . No , it is not because they are jahil , it is because you are . It is because they live there and know better people deserve this recognition in their country right now .

I don`t wish anything bad for her . I would rather have her educate herself and then try to change the lives of the people in Pakistan . Right now , she is too young . I appreciate the ideas but let the kid be kid . Stop ruining her childhood .

There are plenty of beliefs among people in Pakistan which are idiotic so just because they live in Pakistan does not make their beliefs right

There are people living in Pakistan who think Taliban are good, there are others who think Altaf Hussain is a great man, and yet others who believe Mumtaz Qadri is a soldier of Islam

I agree with your 2nd para, she is still young and should get out of the limelight for a while
I knew the thread was going to be derailed and thus put a disclaimer immediately after OP. Its not question of girl's bravery or her message that we all appreciate. Its about the uncanny similarity with how nurse nayirrah case was used to develop a public perception and how same ploy might again be in place given the unusual hype she is getting from them.
What a cringeworthy post.How is promoting female education against Pakistan.Come on,use your brain cells for a change.When did she say she does not like bearded people?Stop spreading lies.In fact,she said we should not attack the TTP but talk to them and she said he forgave them.Stop lying.

She has been used by Americans. I give her the credit but the reality is she has been 'hacked' by USA. I didn't lie. She said that on air.
And I never saw any Pakistani or a person for that matter getting nominated for Nobel Prize when he/she was targeted by Taliban or Drones. They are also human. Why are they being deprived of their rights? I never saw any Taliban brought into limelight for promoting Islam?!
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when was the last time you stood up for the rights of Pakistanis everywehre? what are you lot doing other than moaning and crying while 80% of our children go without primary education! its all well and good going to the masjid and praying and giving zakaat but what are you actually doing with the capability Allah swt has given you? at least give this child some credit. She is braver than any of you keyboard jahils!!

And when did I say I don't appreciate her. And coming to the part of standing up for rights,neither did you! I agreed with the rest of your post except the questions I highlighted. This just shows you that you are 'keyboard jahil' and not me. Taking some comprehension classes may help.
Re: Malala Yousafzai = Nurse Nayirah?

The ugly irony at play is that her truth and message is being used or will be used to justify the exact opposite of what she stands for.

Malala = stands for the message that education is the key to end terrorism. Not bombs or violence.

America = will most likely use her as the face of oppressed Pakistani women and commit the same things she stands firmly against ie bombs and violence.

People need to stop being so quick to judge people who question the reason why she has been put on a media pedestal. They are not questioning her. We all know how dirty politics can get.

That said. At the end of the day, I really do hope that her truth and message shines through to the world and that she isn't used a symbol to justify acts she is clearly against.
She is a brave girl. She deserves the appreciation. I like the way she wants girls to get education but he problem is my opinion differs from yours. You won't get it as you don't want to. You are following her blindly.
The ugly irony at play is that her truth and message is being used or will be used to justify the exact opposite of what she stands for.

Malala = stands for the message that education is the key to end terrorism. Not bombs or violence.

America = will most likely use her as the face of oppressed Pakistani women and commit the same things she stands firmly against ie bombs and violence.

People need to stop being so quick to judge people who question the reason why she has been put on a media pedestal. They are not questioning her. We all know how dirty politics can get.

That said. At the end of the day, I really do hope that her truth and message shines through to the world and that she isn't used a symbol to justify acts she is clearly against.

This! I meant this. Hopefully issue is clarified now.
Thanks Saqs. I couldn't understand how to write it into qords.
Thanks a ton,mate!
With nurse Nariyeh, the propaganda served a useful purpose, i.e. to build public support for the Gulf War. What would be the angle with Malala? Maintaing support for the drone war in FATA?
With nurse Nariyeh, the propaganda served a useful purpose, i.e. to build public support for the Gulf War. What would be the angle with Malala? Maintaing support for the drone war in FATA?

I dont think they need a malala for that given the whole Osama was in Pakistan fiasco.
The ugly irony at play is that her truth and message is being used or will be used to justify the exact opposite of what she stands for.

Malala = stands for the message that education is the key to end terrorism. Not bombs or violence.

America = will most likely use her as the face of oppressed Pakistani women and commit the same things she stands firmly against ie bombs and violence.

People need to stop being so quick to judge people who question the reason why she has been put on a media pedestal. They are not questioning her. We all know how dirty politics can get.

That said. At the end of the day, I really do hope that her truth and message shines through to the world and that she isn't used a symbol to justify acts she is clearly against.

This is what the thread is about.
She is a brave girl. She deserves the appreciation. I like the way she wants girls to get education but he problem is my opinion differs from yours. You won't get it as you don't want to. You are following her blindly.

I asked you to provide a reason for your post but you could even provide a single reason.
Walmart,Burger king,IMF,WB,WHO etc all involved.Apologies If I missed someone.

You know if U.S. were to stop their drone attacks now the conspiracy theorists will be out saying that the ttp and the U.S. have joined hands.
And US is using the ttp as a proxy to destroy pakistan and paving the way for a US invasion just like they did in Iraq!!
Damned if u do and damned if u don't!!
You know if U.S. were to stop their drone attacks now the conspiracy theorists will be out saying that the ttp and the U.S. have joined hands.
And US is using the ttp as a proxy to destroy pakistan and paving the way for a US invasion just like they did in Iraq!!
Damned if u do and damned if u don't!!

In ka kuch nahin ho sakta.They will keep murdering each other,calling anyone with a logical and intellectual mind as an agent of the west and blaming the west for all of their miseries.
You know if U.S. were to stop their drone attacks now the conspiracy theorists will be out saying that the ttp and the U.S. have joined hands.
And US is using the ttp as a proxy to destroy pakistan and paving the way for a US invasion just like they did in Iraq!!
Damned if u do and damned if u don't!!

Conspiracy theories are part and parcel of today's world. Just look how often your own country rushes to blame every incident in India as Pakistan sponsored.
Conspiracy theories are part and parcel of today's world. Just look how often your own country rushes to blame every incident in India as Pakistan sponsored.

Which is wrong as well!!
I think for the recent border skirmishes both ind and pak have been mischievous!
But blaming pakistan for any random attack on Indian soil is also stretching it a bit too far I agree.
Ignore them. And who thinks their opinion matters?
And may I ask if USA is so peace-loving and all that stuff,why can't they stop drones? Hypocrites.
So Talibans will decide who should get noble peace prize?
These idiots should comment on "most retarded animals (in shape of humans)" award instead.
I want to become Prime Minister of Pakistan: Malala Yousafzai

Pakistani teenage rights activist Malala Yousafzai says she wants to become the prime minister, following in the footsteps of her role model late Benazir Bhutto, and aspires to use that position to serve her nation.

She counts Bhutto,Pakistan's first woman prime minister, among her "heroes" and says she "admires her the most".

Malala said she would want to lead her nation in the future and politics would provide her a platform to serve the whole country.

She said she had earlier harboured dreams of becoming a doctor but now wants to join politics.

Malala said as prime minister of her country she will be able to "spend as much fund (I want) from the budget for education and also take care of foreign affairs."

All eyes set on the Big Chair in no time.
Then thanks. You fail to see the obvious in the posts. I clearly stated the meaning and what I was trying to tell in my posts.

Good way of running away from a question.I doubt you have the intellect to present your viewpoint in a reasonable and concise manner.I only asked you to explain how she was being used against Pakistan which you could not even answer in over 2 hours.
Pakistani teenage rights activist Malala Yousafzai says she wants to become the prime minister, following in the footsteps of her role model late Benazir Bhutto, and aspires to use that position to serve her nation.

She counts Bhutto,Pakistan's first woman prime minister, among her "heroes" and says she "admires her the most".

Malala said she would want to lead her nation in the future and politics would provide her a platform to serve the whole country.

She said she had earlier harboured dreams of becoming a doctor but now wants to join politics.

Malala said as prime minister of her country she will be able to "spend as much fund (I want) from the budget for education and also take care of foreign affairs."

All eyes set on the Big Chair in no time.

Arent you tired of Nawaz and Zardari?
Good way of running away from a question.I doubt you have the intellect to present your viewpoint in a reasonable and concise manner.I only asked you to explain how she was being used against Pakistan which you could not even answer in over 2 hours.

I clarified later on that what I meant to say. Excerpt from Saqs' post
Malala = stands for the message that education is the key to end terrorism. Not bombs or violence.

America = will most likely use her as the face of oppressed Pakistani women and commit the same things she stands firmly against ie bombs and violence.

The Americans will promote different ideologies.
I think this could be a bit more far-fetched. Just in a fortnight she came in the limelight and she has set her eyes on the chair. #DramaQueen
And now don't come hard at me. Education and peace is ok but the PM seat just after coming in the spotlight is not the way to go. Keep it to yourself and do it.
Nothing wrong to have a dream. If she is interested in politics and living a public life.

When some one asks my 4 year old she says, "I want to be an astronaut". So as long as she does the things needed for her age and keeps a dream, nothing wrong with that.
And when was the last time you saw a Pakistani girl used against its country? When was the last time a girl said she doesn't like people with beards?

Exactly when you see people with long beards and long hairs slaughtering man on the roads and lashing women this is when you start to not like people with beards, I am quite sure that if I was 14-15 and faced the situation children faced in Swat and Taliban effected area I would have hated it too nothing un-common.
Exactly when you see people with long beards and long hairs slaughtering man on the roads and lashing women this is when you start to not like people with beards, I am quite sure that if I was 14-15 and faced the situation children faced in Swat and Taliban effected area I would have hated it too nothing un-common.

I know. But why is she going to America and spreading hatred towards people with beards. It is not like everyone is a Taliban. Some people are good Muslims and follow the Sunnah of our Prophet(PBUH).
I clarified later on that what I meant to say. Excerpt from Saqs' post

The Americans will promote different ideologies.

What different ideologies?Democracy?We already have that.
Do you seriously believe the Americans need a little girl to bomb other countries? The Americans can do whatever they want.As for bombs or drones,they were present before Malala.
I know. But why is she going to America and spreading hatred towards people with beards. It is not like everyone is a Taliban. Some people are good Muslims and follow the Sunnah of our Prophet(PBUH).

I said to you numerous times,when did she defame Islam.You could not even provide evidence so stop lying.
OPCW is given the Nobel peace prize 2013 so Malala missed out.
According to the BBC, Malala was the clear front runner until late last night. The OPCW was a 'late' entry and 'discussions' went late into last night.

'Late entry'. 'late discussions'. ... Sounds highly suspicious, and politically motivated, just as Obama getting the Peace prize (- for what? Drone strikes? Supporting Israel? ..).

The OPCW is an organisation whose management and staff get generously paid for doing a JOB.

Decisions like this and Obama getting the prize makes the whole Nobel Peace PRICE worthless.
poor stuff from the OP. Would had loved it, if a Pakistani got the Nobel Prize........

It's predictable..the OP is an Afghan or a Pashtun that cares more about Afghanistan or dreaming about one Pashtunistan and can't stand Pakistan achieving something good at international forum.(There are many of them)
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What a shame. An organization gets a noble prize for what it was design for, but a girl who was shot for going to school, survived then promote education for not only girls but every child, promote non violence method to achieve world's peace gets rejected.

A president who had not yet taken official duties as president, but gave an impression in his politicalspeeches that he would promote world's peace gets a noble prize and then once he gets in office he bomb everything that move gets a noble prize.

Noble Prize committee, you can ................ it for doing the opposite of what you were suppose to do.
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all those who are laughing and criticizing at OP, I hope you all were at the scene and got enough evidences to prove ur part of the story.
This article may or may not be true. but that doesn't mean the stories that western medias gave us about Malala is true too.

We all just hear stories from medias which are usually a mixture of truth and Masalas and sometimes masalas alone. Until we have any solid proof against those media and their stories we are doomed to digest at with what all pieces of news they share
@saeedhk: Illuminate us with your wisdom on the Nurse Nayira case specifically. Really waiting to read your defence....
What a shame. An organization gets a noble prize for what it was design for, but a girl who was shot for going to school, survived then promote education for not only girls but every child, promote non violence method to achieve world's peace gets rejected.

A president who had not yet taken official duties as president, but gave an impression in his politicalspeeches that he would promote world's peace gets a noble prize and then once he gets in office,he bomb everything that move gets a noble prize.

Noble Prize committee, you can ................ it for doing the opposite of what you were suppose to do.
BBC said the OPCW was a 'late entry', and discussions went on late into the evening. Until that moment Malala was the clear favourite.
Political machinations me thinks.
And when was the last time you saw a Pakistani girl used against its country? When was the last time a girl said she doesn't like people with beards?

Why should you even CARE about her being against Pakistan(Which she isnt) if you care about the beard slight?

If you followed the teachings of Islam you'd know nationalism was Haram anyway. So you are picking and choosing your Islam now?
Why should you even CARE about her being against Pakistan(Which she isnt) if you care about the beard slight?

If you followed the teachings of Islam you'd know nationalism was Haram anyway. So you are picking and choosing your Islam now?

So a man jumps out of blue and starts attacking me. Puh-lease!
At least I try and follow Islam. Malala says she wants to be PM of Pakistan and then sits in UK without coming to Pakistan? Height of blind following.