If you have come here after seeing and believing in all those conspiracies on Malala attck, please scroll right at the end of this page. I do understand you will only understand images and text messages, so spare yourself of the trouble of reading something and look at images exclusively created for you. If you like them, share them. If you feel you were fooled but still find it difficult to publicly say you believed in crap, please feel free to chew a Mercury thermometer, if there is one handy – easiest way to die in shame!
If you have come here after seeing and believing in all those conspiracies on Malala attck, please scroll right at the end of this page. I do understand you will only understand images and text messages, so spare yourself of the trouble of reading something and look at images exclusively created for you. If you like them, share them. If you feel you were fooled but still find it difficult to publicly say you believed in crap, please feel free to chew a Mercury thermometer, if there is one handy – easiest way to die in shame!
Samia Raheel Qazi: Malala is a CIA agent
The campaign to malign Malala was lead by the usual suspects – Jamaat-e-Islami and their supporters. Samia Raheel Qazi, daughter ex-Ameer Jamaat-e-Islami Qazi Hussain Ahmed was probably the first one to float this conspiracy theory calling Malala a CIA agent. She tweeted an image tagging media personnels.
The reality is that this was a UNICEF organised meeting in July 2009 attended not just by Malala Yousafzai and her father but also grassroot activists working in the Swat region. The lady in the picture is not Malala’s mother but a women education activist (NGO worker) Dishad Begum. They were all invited to meet Richard Hollbrooke following the Swat operation when military had gained control of the area. The meeting was to discuss the education infrastructure and what follow up activities were required to resume schools in the area were needed. conspiracy theorists are welcomed to feel ashamed once they listen to what Malala said to Richard Hollbrooke – “if you can help us with Education, then please do“.
Here is a video of this UNICEF organised meeting, or watch more detailed video here:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/9F5yeW6XFZk" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
if youtube is banned then go here
If seen sitting in a meeting makes you a CIA Agent, does it make Imran Khan a CIA agent too? Qazi Hussain Ahmed of Jamaat-e-Islami is on record having said that he feels at home when he visits America, does it make him a CIA Agent too. Qazi’s daugher Samia Raheel Qazi leading the propaganda campaign against Malala was educated abroad, is she also an Agent? Why Samia Raheel Qazi getting education abroad is okay but Malala asking for help in education, not for herself but the girls of Swat, wrong?
Comparing Malala and Aafia Siddiqi
The next propaganda tactic of the religious right was to cash in on the sentiment of the public associated with Islam and Aafia Siddiqi. Using religion and Anti-Americanism always works in Pakistan considering people’s sentiments and that is what the conspiracy theorists cashed in. Anti-Malala campaign was launched using the argument that she had said that her political ideals are Benazir Bhutto, President Obama and Bacha Khan. She was asked this question during a TV Talk Show with Hamid Mir and the question was in political context and hence her answer. The religious right claimed that for a girl whose ideals do not include the Prophet Muhammad does not deserve this sympathy. Further, the compared her with Aafia Siddiqi claiming her ideals were Islam and Quran and she is the real daughter of the nation.
Let me remind the readers that Al Qaeda Deputy Leader Ayman Al-Zawahiri himself came to the aid of Aafia Siddiqi. On 4 November 2010, Al-Qaeeda’s media wing released a new audio message where Zawahiri asks, “Who Will Take Revenge for Dr. Aafia Siddiqui?.” Can someone tell me how many more innocent Pakistani women, or Muslim women for that matter, had the privilege of getting such support from Al-Qaeda’s top leadership? Why is it that from millions of Muslim women persecuted, countless Baluch women abducted, all Zawahiri cared about was Aafia Siddiqi? What prompts such sympathy from world’s most lethal terrorist for an ‘innocent’ Aafia Siddiqi which is missing for many more innocent Muslim women?
If it is unacceptable to sympathise with Malala just because she idealise President Obama politically, why do we conveniently ignore that Aafia Siddiqi, unlike Malala, holds a US citizenship and was educated at the American university MIT on American scholarship funds? Why is the Anti-American sentiment applicable on Malala and not on Aafia Siddiqi? If association with anything American is a scale of how good you are, guess Aafia Siddiqi is the one who is much more ‘American’ that little child Malala. She holds a Pakistani nationality, never wet to the US, was educated in Pakistani schools and almost gave her life defending the right to education of Pakistani girls. What did Aafia did for women of Pakistan?
I would also like to know which verses in the Quran, which Aafia Siddiqi idealises, promoted her to purchase items on internet including about $10,000 worth of night-vision goggles, body armour and 45 military-style books including The Anarchist’s Arsena; and why did she need these. I would also like to understand which sayings of the Prophet prompted Aafia Siddiqi to open up a post box in the name of Majid Khan, an alleged al-Qaida operative accused of plotting to blow up petrol stations in the Baltimore area. By saying that Aafia Siddiqi idealised Prophet Muhammad and Quran and knowing what she has been upto, are we trying to say that Quran and Prophet Muhammad prompted her to become an extremist?
I would also appreciate if someone tells me how did an innocent Aafia Siddiqi managed to marry Ammar al-Baluchi (as second husband), a nephew of the 9/11 mastermind, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, at a small ceremony near Karachi. Further, the conspiracy theorists who readily believe in photoshopped images are finding it too difficult to believe in evidence given by Aafia Siddiqi’s ex-husband Amjad Khan of her suspicious behaviour and involvement in Jihadi activities. According to him, his new wife was a more fiery character than he wished. “She was so pumped up about jihad,” he said. He adds that Aafia wanted the couple to move to Bosnia just 6 months after the marriage – why Bosnia of all places, may I ask? he further tells that in the winter post 9/11, she pressed him to go on “jihad” to Afghanistan, where she had arranged for them to work in a hospital in Zabul province. Khan refused, sparking a vicious row. “She went hysterical, beating her hands on my chest, asking for divorce,” he recalled. He also claims that she never went to Bagram and he saw her with his own eyes in Islamabad and Karachi but never went public for protection of his children.
Aafia Siddiqi’s uncle Shams-ul-Hassan Farooqi has similar tales to tell. He tells that she begged him to smuggle her into Afghanistan into the hands of the Taliban. “That was her main point,” he recalled. “She said: ‘I will be safe with the Taliban.’”
Remember the first verse ever revealed to Prophet Muhammad: Iqra (read). Remember the Prophet said education is mandatory for both men and women. When Aafia Siddiqi was busy buying equipment for a possible terrorist attack and marrying Al-Qaeda terrorist, it was 14 year old Malala fighting a battle against barbarians carrying the torch of Education forward. So, who was actually idealising the Prophet and Quran?
Please have a little shame before you compare an innocent child with an extremists – even if you think she was not treated in the right way, there is considerable evidence that she was an extremist.
Malala’s diary and wrong translation for propaganda, cashing in on religious sentiment
Malala episode is a staged drama, she was never shot
The next conspiracy completely denies that the event took place conveniently ignoring the fact that it was not just Malala but two of her friends named Shazia and Kainat who got injured too and several people of Swat are eyewitness. It has become a fashion in the country of conspiracy theorists even to ignore the responsibility claimed by the terrorists. They completely ignored the fact that Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan had claimed the responsibility of the attack and had warned that they will attack her again if she survives. They further added that they will also attack other people who support secular causes. To add to that, they later issued a press statement using verses from the Quran proving that their attack on Malala was legitimate inline with the Sharia.
It did not end here, in the wave of temporary sympathy, Pakistani media sided with Malala but Taliban were not happy with this. They warned the media that they will attack them but this did not convince the conspiracy theorists that this event has actually happened.
All I can say is take you head out of the sand – there has to be an end to this Ostrich Syndrome as you are only making a fool of yourself.
Where was Malala hit? – left or right?
Next, they came up with the theory that the Pakistan Army, The US, the hospital management in Pakistan and UK and the media all are party to staging this drama and this incident never happened. They picked up some images of the injured child claiming some of them show the wound on the right while some on the left of her head. A little knowledge of image processing and tools like Photoshop would have been handy to avoid this cheap conspiracy theories. Let me show you how can you invert images from Left to Right or Right to Left on click of a button:
How did Malala’s clothes changed all of sudden?