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Malala Yousafzai - Mega Discussion Thread

If I were Malala, and Pakistanis said such things about me, I'd have denounced my Pakistaniyat on that stage. A country that hates her, but she loves it
In what way does their rhetoric threaten the dominance of the West? Sorry bro, but waving placards and growing a scraggy beard while signing on the dole isn't really much of a threat to anyone.

I swear we always get one user who keeps propagating khalifah on here - KB-24 is most likely another account in the form of the same user. We had 'cricfan4ever' who kept posting the same caliphate stuff over and over again.
I swear we always get one user who keeps propagating khalifah on here - KB-24 is most likely another account in the form of the same user. We had 'cricfan4ever' who kept posting the same caliphate stuff over and over again.

Exactly.These people are the followers of Zaid hamid.This guy spreads misinformation.
Just because she idolizes Obama doesn't mean she doesn't deserve to live. I'm against killing of ex Muslims who leave Islam even why would I advocate Malala's murder?

But can you justify the public confession of idolizing Obama of a person in her position? That was awful but perhaps a great political move.

where does she "idolize" obama. come on show it.

There is a difference between admiring Mandela, Obama and MLK Jr and idolizing someone
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And you idolise those animals who do not hesitate to shoot a 12 year old girl.

Afghan Taliban are the real mujahideen and stand up for Islam so yes I do support them, not so much TTP. To think I support shooting at some random girl is quite shallow of you actually.
LOL at people calling her a kid :)))

She is mentally comparable to a 40 year old. You label her a kid when it suits your agenda :amir
I swear we always get one user who keeps propagating khalifah on here - KB-24 is most likely another account in the form of the same user. We had 'cricfan4ever' who kept posting the same caliphate stuff over and over again.

And you have a problem because?
Afghan Taliban are the real mujahideen and stand up for Islam so yes I do support them, not so much TTP. To think I support shooting at some random girl is quite shallow of you actually.

Your posts in this thread imply otherwise.
She's 16 years old. She's obviously not going to know the ins and outs of Obama's drone policy or his other failings. She's just a kid who's taken in by Obama's oratory.

And what a ridiculous thing to say that she's not immune from criticism - she just got shot, so what criticism is there to level ?

Oh how convenient. As if she's the first person speaking out for 'education'.
Muslims have been subject to being ruled by Anglo-Saxson law for last 100 years or so. A system that doesn't represent their interests, so how can you expect progress? There is a reason for why we went from being leaders in knowledge and technological advancements to slaves of the west. Instead of looking at the issue objectively you resort to the usual rona dhona and self-loathing. :))

How are muslims being ruled by Anglo Saxon law?

If we assume they are,they did not stop muslims from thinking or progressing.They did not removed the brains of muslims.Your argument is illogical.
Afghan Taliban are the real mujahideen and stand up for Islam so yes I do support them, not so much TTP. To think I support shooting at some random girl is quite shallow of you actually.

....you think Afghan Taliban stand up for Islam......

thats it im done....lol
Oh how convenient. As if she's the first person speaking out for 'education'.

Is it a crime to speak out for education ? Have you also not heard of the term protesting ? Or campaigning ? Raising issues in the public domain ?

Or are only those campaigning for your Hizb-ut-Tahrir, caliphate utopia allowed to do so ?
Re: Malala Speech at the UN

Wrong approach.

Shoaib Malik is a far better cricketer than both of us combined. That's why he has been playing international cricket for a decade and we are sitting home. That means we can't criticize him because he's better than us? Malala has done more for Pakistan than probably 90% of the people, but that doesn't make her immune to criticism.

So how much better than u is she as a Pakistani?
Re: Malala Speech at the UN

I swear we always get one user who keeps propagating khalifah on here - KB-24 is most likely another account in the form of the same user. We had 'cricfan4ever' who kept posting the same caliphate stuff over and over again.


That was fun back in the day.

He had some sensible views on cricket though.
LOL at people calling her a kid :)))

She is mentally comparable to a 40 year old. You label her a kid when it suits your agenda :amir

How the hell is she mentally comparable to a 40 year old ? She has a metal plate in her skull and could barely walk for a few months, lost her hearing, considerable swelling on her brain and was in a medically induced coma. Of course she is a kid, she is 16 years old.

Please stop humiliating yourself, comparing her to Altaf Hussain, and other ludicrous statements directed at a young girl who you evidently don't know the circumstances of.
By Supporting Afghan Taliban you support

- Removing people or killing people who are not Muslim
- You believe that breaking their version of shariah in punishable by death in Public
- Women should be locked in their homes
- Women should not be educated
- Men who don't have beards should be flogged
- No TV, No Radio, No Music\
- All non-religious books banned

and thats the tip of the iceberg YOU support KB-24
By Supporting Afghan Taliban you support

- Removing people or killing people who are not Muslim
- You believe that breaking their version of shariah in punishable by death in Public
- Women should be locked in their homes
- Women should not be educated
- Men who don't have beards should be flogged
- No TV, No Radio, No Music\
- All non-religious books banned

and thats the tip of the iceberg YOU support KB-24


Don't need a lecture from an Ahmedi on what is Shari'ah when you deny Khatme Nabuwat.

Don't need a lecture from an Ahmedi on what is Shari'ah when you deny Khatme Nabuwat.

oh Sect baiting now . lol

How does it feel hating women being educating and beating women who talk to men? does it make you feel better every day you wake up? How does it feel like hating non-Muslims and those who don't wear beards? You shouldn't be online its a US military invention. Tobah Tobah...lol
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So what ? Has she killed anyone ? Shot anyone ? She was on death door so of course people will want to know her story. Heck, Pakistan needs some positive, inspirational stories and if this book helps do that then thank God for that.

And thousands upon thousands that have been annihilated by drone strikes have no value? She's a tool for furthering western imperialism nothing more.

Someone who was for real wouldn't be getting accolades in this day and age. To say she sacrificed is laughable. What sacrifice that she's now worth $3 million !!
And thousands upon thousands that have been annihilated by drone strikes have no value? She's a tool for furthering western imperialism nothing more.

Someone who was for real wouldn't be getting accolades in this day and age. To say she sacrificed is laughable. What sacrifice that she's now worth $3 million !!

Do you support beating women who talk to other men and are you against women getting educated or wearing makeup?
oh Sect baiting now . lol

How does it feel hating women being educating and beating women who talk to men? does it make you feel better every day you wake up? How does it feel like hating non-Muslims and those who don't wear beards? You shouldn't be online its a US military invention. Tobah Tobah...lol

Sect? lol you are not part of Islam.
KB-24 has shown his true colours at last.

Has clearly got previous on this forum, and is also palpably an extreme thinker.
Re: Malala Speech at the UN

And thousands upon thousands that have been annihilated by drone strikes have no value? She's a tool for furthering western imperialism nothing more.

Someone who was for real wouldn't be getting accolades in this day and age. To say she sacrificed is laughable. What sacrifice that she's now worth $3 million !!

The reality isn't so binary. ...

But alas aql is needed to appreciate the subtlety.

It's a shame that the khalifah brigade shun Aql.
Sect? lol you are not part of Islam.

You are avoiding my question so this only means one thing

- You hate women
- You don't want women educated
- You don't want women to wear makeup or talk to any men
- You don't have a TV or radio at home
- You hate non-Muslims
- You hate art or clapping or laughter in public
- You support executions of People in Public who go against ur belief

I am surprised you have internet.

Folks we have a fundie amongst us. ugh
KB-24 has shown his true colours at last.

Has clearly got previous on this forum, and is also palpably an extreme thinker.

Still awaiting your response where I explained to you why I'm Anti-Secularism.
Folks don't bother debating KB. He has proven he thinks women are inferior humans.
Re: Malala Speech at the UN


I really really really recommend that you press the pause then rewind button and just do some studying.

Study Islamic history so that you can see the reality rather than the Rose tinted version you have been brain washed with.
KB on one hand blasts western education/lifestyle but still uses internet and computer which is western invention.What a hypocrite.
Folks don't bother debating KB. He has proven he thinks women are inferior humans.

If you are done parroting the ad hominem rhetoric, I mentioned in this thread earlier the only practical solution for women to be educated. But of course, your head is buried in the sand.
Re: Malala Speech at the UN

Apparently malala didnt get much coverage in pakistan.

Seems like she has been excommunicated.

Surely she should be being presented as a hero?
Still awaiting your response where I explained to you why I'm Anti-Secularism.

I had enough fruitless debates with you when you were under a different username to bother wasting my time again.

Genuine Muslims are adaptable, pleasant and tolerant. You are a disgrace.
If you are done parroting the ad hominem rhetoric, I mentioned in this thread earlier the only practical solution for women to be educated. But of course, your head is buried in the sand.

But you support Taliban, they don't want women educated.
Re: Malala Speech at the UN

KB is more like the Shaheen 1 2 guy rather than c4eva.

I really really really recommend that you press the pause then rewind button and just do some studying.

Study Islamic history so that you can see the reality rather than the Rose tinted version you have been brain washed with.

Yeah, overwhelming majority of Muslims are brainwashed and Khanji on PP is the enlightened one. :)))
But you support Taliban, they don't want women educated.

As I said, your head is buried in the sand, so you follow the sheeple mentality shaped by the mainstream media. Afghan Taliban are not against education, what they are against is free mixing and co-education which is perfectly in line with real Islamic teachings.
Re: Malala Speech at the UN

Yeah, overwhelming majority of Muslims are brainwashed and Khanji on PP is the enlightened one. :)))

Its just the khalifah brigade that are brainwashed....

It's easy for you to work out if you are a victim. Just read Islamic history books. It's not complicated and you don't need a high iq for it either.

Mate I am being genuinely serious. Just read some books and you will see how much you have fallen for it..... hook line and sinker.
I had enough fruitless debates with you when you were under a different username to bother wasting my time again.

Genuine Muslims are adaptable, pleasant and tolerant. You are a disgrace.

It is because you don't have a legitimate response since what I presented is exactly what Islam teaches, unlike the revisionists and rejectionists, I don't try to bend Islam according to my will. Islam will remain intolerable for those who support falsehood and anyone who denies this is kidding themselves as a Muslim.

If they need a history lesson, just read up on biography of Prophet Muhammad SAW, his own people disowned him for proclaiming the truth and calling them towards it.
Its just the khalifah brigade that are brainwashed....

It's easy for you to work out if you are a victim. Just read Islamic history books. It's not complicated and you don't need a high iq for it either.

Mate I am being genuinely serious. Just read some books and you will see how much you have fallen for it..... hook line and sinker.

Last time I checked, a very small and delusional minority rejects Sahih Hadiths and that has nothing to do with Khilafat.
And thousands upon thousands that have been annihilated by drone strikes have no value? She's a tool for furthering western imperialism nothing more.

Someone who was for real wouldn't be getting accolades in this day and age. To say she sacrificed is laughable. What sacrifice that she's now worth $3 million !!

She is a 16 old year kid for God's sake! Instead of appreciating the exemplary courage and wisdom shown by a kid, you are actually pinning political reasons on her which even 50 year old adults find hard to comprehend?
Re: Malala Speech at the UN

I don't try to bend Islam according to my will..

No. You stick to your forefathers politically influenced representation of it.

Unable to explain it other than state it must be true because your forefathers said it.
As I said, your head is buried in the sand, so you follow the sheeple mentality shaped by the mainstream media. Afghan Taliban are not against education, what they are against is free mixing and co-education which is perfectly in line with real Islamic teachings.

Afghan Taliban are against women getting education. which rock are you living under? Do you accept Taliban hate TV, Music, Art, Laughter, Clapping, Public Executions of those who don't follow shariah? do you deny this too?
It is because you don't have a legitimate response since what I presented is exactly what Islam teaches, unlike the revisionists and rejectionists, I don't try to bend Islam according to my will. Islam will remain intolerable for those who support falsehood and anyone who denies this is kidding themselves as a Muslim.

If they need a history lesson, just read up on biography of Prophet Muhammad SAW, his own people disowned him for proclaiming the truth and calling them towards it.

Islam is not an intolerant religion, get your head out of Mullah Omar's behind....
Re: Malala Speech at the UN

Last time I checked, a very small and delusional minority rejects Sahih Hadiths and that has nothing to do with Khilafat.

Sorry. I reject anything that contradicts the Qur'an. .... Its not complicated.

Khilafa brigade re writes history to fit in with their narrative.
KB on one hand blasts western education/lifestyle but still uses internet and computer which is western invention.What a hypocrite.

This comment was inevitable :D

That's ok, usually a sign of running out of objective things to say if you had any to begin with.
I don't try to bend Islam according to my will.

But you are ok with attributing poilitical motives to a 16 year old kid's words and treating her like an adult 50 year old?
No. You stick to your forefathers politically influenced representation of it.

Unable to explain it other than state it must be true because your forefathers said it.

Right because in your warped world, even a Non-Muslim can enter paradise.
Re: Malala Speech at the UN

Right because in your warped world, even a Non-Muslim can enter paradise.

Allah is just. ... Dont forget that.

Only an unjust God would send a do-gooding non muslim that hasn't had the intellect to be persuaded by Islam to hell.
Man, I know I am no saint with my posts on cricket banter but I am truly saddened, dismayed and shocked by some of the posts about Malala here. This girl is an absolute inspiration to Pakistanis, women everywhere and indeed every right thinking person on this planet.

People trolling her about why after being shot in her face this role model of a girl is not returning to the country...wow, absolutely wow.
Re: Malala Speech at the UN

Man, I know I am no saint with my posts on cricket banter but I am truly saddened, dismayed and shocked by some of the posts about Malala here. This girl is an absolute inspiration to Pakistanis, women everywhere and indeed every right thinking person on this planet.

People trolling her about why after being shot in her face this role model of a girl is not returning to the country...wow, absolutely wow.

It really really makes me sad that in this day and age people can justify holding such extreme views.

The word "warped" springs to mind.
Yeah, overwhelming majority of Muslims are brainwashed and Khanji on PP is the enlightened one. :)))

You draw your strength, and maintain your position, based upon the "majority" argument. This appeal to the "majority" is the last, and final, resort of people who have clearly been defeated in argument.

If you were possessed of any real knowledge of the Qur'an, you would not employ such devices to win your case. Because Allah SWT always warns against following or adhering to the "majority".

Just because there are more Ahl-Al-Hadeeth than not, does not mean a jot on the landscape of Islam or the universe. Whatever differences exist between believers, they are required to remain united as a community. Differences and disagreements exist, only so that a broad, wide, range of ideas, views may be presented - it is in this way that knowledge is shared, acquired, conveyed, as well as deepened and heightened. Islam is not a monolithic entity, it is a religion free from coercion and force, and easy to understand. It is, above all else, an ideological expression of tolerance and liberality. Were it not for the Grace of Allah SWT, we would all think alike, be alike, and speak, feel alike. That He created diversity amongst humankind, obviously means that He loves liberality and tolerance.

Remember that Islam is a means to an end: submitting to the Will of Allah SWT. In order to comprehend the meaning of true submission, you need to learn about the Will of Allah SWT. In order to learn about the Will of Allah SWT, you need to acquire knowledge of Him. And in order to attain knowledge of your Bountiful, Beautiful, Blessed and Beloved Creator, you need to read His Book, and understand His signs - both in and around you. In other words, the process of submitting does not end with one's declaring: "I am a Muslim", it is never-ending. A process is a continuous and constant progression, from a state of ignorance, to a state of enlightenment and illumination. Inspiration does not alight upon just anyone, one must seek it.

Open up your heart to everyone - Muslim, non-Muslim, secular, non-secular, those who agree with you, and those who do not. When you have attained that level of tolerance and liberality, you will love those who disagree with you more than those who agree with you. Because we learn little from those in agreement with our own views and beliefs, but learn infinitely more from those with either opposing, or entirely different viewpoints.

Be a Muslim in truth, and not just in fact.
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Allah is just. ... Dont forget that.

Only an unjust God would send a do-gooding non muslim that hasn't had the intellect to be persuaded by Islam to hell.

Truth has been made clear, those who reject it and reject Prophethood of Muhammad SAW and that he is the last Messenger will not enter paradise. As previously said, you have invented some other ideology.
Re: Malala Speech at the UN

Truth has been made clear, those who reject it and reject Prophethood of Muhammad SAW and that he is the last Messenger will not enter paradise. As previously said, you have invented some other ideology.

Only those capable of understanding it Bro....
Only those that have been presented with Islam in a way that the truth is clear....

Think justice.
Think whole Qur'an not just a sentence at a time.
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Right because in your warped world, even a Non-Muslim can enter paradise.

Ultimately, if (a) the message of Islam reached someone; and (b) they rejected it, then the verses and hadiths about being eternally in Hell would apply. At the level of individuals, it is a major question as to what reaching and rejecting entail. This is why we cannot judge whether individual non-Muslims are in Hell -- or, for that matter, in Heaven.
Re: Malala Speech at the UN

Ultimately, if (a) the message of Islam reached someone; and (b) they rejected it, then the verses and hadiths about being eternally in Hell would apply. At the level of individuals, it is a major question as to what reaching and rejecting entail. This is why we cannot judge whether individual non-Muslims are in Hell -- or, for that matter, in Heaven.

Don't expect Khilafa brigade to understand the subtlety ....

Aql is not allowed.