Pak v Eng 4th ODI - Pak Inngs [21/12/05]


Senior ODI Player
May 21, 2005
Post of the Week
Pakistan are set a decent total, and will have to be careful. Can they chase 207? Can England have any last minute heroics?
Also can the mods pin this please.
England have full use of their super sub this time(liek they got someone to bat and someone to properly bowl). It beat me why we subbed Danish in the end, I think it was just to play him, but we better win this!

The crowd is anxious as I am, lets get started!
1 slip and short extra cover in for Salman Butt
Salman off the mark with a single down to third man
Harmy to start fromt he other end and more noticably, he shaved.
Firs boundary for Salman, flicked away for 4
nafajafam said:
For some reason I thought the match is in Faisalabad.
the crowd is that great eh? :p

And first four off the bat! Butt whips it off his legs.
Wow, look at that carry. Maybe this pitch not dead as it seems.
Did anyone just see that headshake by Anderson? Isnt that showing dissent? He can be fined for it yes?
Thats the Anderson I know! Short and wide! lol
4 next ball, two in a row, glanced to fine leg.
definitely anderson is back! ball over the place
Out! Similar dismissal to Trescothick's. Played onto his stumps
Very trescothick like today, away from his body inside edge.

Wow Paul ALlot is pretty annoying and I did not expect this of him. Hopefully we can win to shut him up. "Harmison is back(it is one wicket)", "I understand know why Harmison has a smile on his face"(well wouldnt you be if you just took a wicket!)
Is it me, or is be donning a new type of helmet :p
Yasir in!!! Lets hope he can produce a magical innings.
Tell him we are not near Karachi! So do not worry about fishing!
why have u guys started a new thread??? what happened to the old one?
Old one got too big, Pakistan deserve their own chase thread :D
Did anyone just hear that by Allot. Anderson hit Kamran pads and he goes "a bit of in DRIFT there" lol anderson is now perceived as a spinner.

Now talking about Anderson of old. Anderson of old will bowl that second over again :p
Similar Start here from us. Lets see what Fisherman can do, mind u Salu is turning into a bit of a fisherman himself.

Waqar thinks fisherman is a solid opener...hahahahahahahaha
Would be more interesting if Yasir faces Anderson as he is getting the ball to seam out
Yasir strugglign against Harmy pace and Hamrison looking much quicker since his wicket.
anyone noticed fishy's bent helmet, the cage is bent, just like his fish face.
I hope Pakistan can shut Allot's mouth up one and for all. Hes become such an annoying commentator on this tour.
YOu changed the title oxy! I mean, it took me forever to think up the word pursuit and now it is gone :p
kamy out, fishes and edged to tresy

bring on the BEAST