Poetry (thread for creative people)

Sad endings..:(

You missed her response part in your poem i guess..

Next stage is that are you thinking about doing a Shaka(Ajay Devgon's role in diljala) here?
The new age Umar Khayyam..

Chaa gaye ek baar fir se Dhoni183 ji..

Thanks to you and everyone else who took out the time to read it:).

"It was a secret not known to many on PakPassion,
Except a thread where I made confession,
A devilish temptation of a thread!
To many memories which led."

I am addicted:boom:! Just made the above one:)).

Post link:

You missed her response part in your poem i guess..

No, it wasn't needed as it already explains in the start itself that it was her who initiated things.

Also, it is the circumstances and people who have been blamed for its ending instead of her - a big hint I see it as.

Next stage is that are you thinking about doing a Shaka(Ajay Devgon's role in diljala) here?

Not quite:))!
Anyways, may you find an even better one,

or some one else finds you..:p,,who could defy the circumstances!
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Supporter of Pak legends owning this thread:bow:!



Rawal bhai, I hand the title over to you for so many great, meaningful poems. Your poems are just so beautiful and although I haven't got round to reading them, I will do so shortly and give you my feedback on them.

My poems are just lines that rhyme whereas yours are works of art.
We have to up the ante to beat Dhoni183's work!

Eureka! I will create a telepathic machine that will help me to retrieve any poems in his mind and will then post them on here. He will post them afterwards and I will claim that he has been cheating all along. Muhahahaa.....
Nice work Rawal.

What was that female cricketers name? I hope these poems are reaching her! :))
Anyways, may you find an even better one,

or some one else finds you..,,who could defy the circumstances!


Rawal bhai, I hand the title over to you for so many great, meaningful poems. Your poems are just so beautiful

My poems are just lines that rhyme whereas yours are works of art.

We have to up the ante to beat Dhoni183's work!

Thanks gentlemen:)! I just think there must be quite a few artists on PP who are too shy to attempt this.

and although I haven't got round to reading them, I will do so shortly and give you my feedback on them.

What:boom:?! So rude:(..... I read yours as soon as I see them being posted.....


I like to think that I am the reason for this. I must have inspired this trend of fabulous poems from you.

Indeed. And, although my first poem had been promised some time ago in my introduction thread, as post #53 points out, but it needed someone to motivate me. You did exactly that!

Eureka! I will create a telepathic machine that will help me to retrieve any poems in his mind and will then post them on here. He will post them afterwards and I will claim that he has been cheating all along. Muhahahaa.....


Well, let´s see, then:13:......

Nice work Rawal.

What was that female cricketers name? I hope these poems are reaching her! :))


Well, the last one should rather not reach her, given it is about someone else. She will think of me as some "player":))).

Name? Ah´ ask not.....
My next work will be for my God Almighty:).
The autumn of 2009

"In year 2009, in the season of autumn,
You touched my heart at its bottom,
It was at a wedding that we met,
An event for which I have no regret.

You disclosed the secret 17 days after, on the 28th,
My turn to answer brought a long wait,
Till six o`clock, my heart beat at a rapid rate,
The time arrived, you failed to answer my call,
I had realised of my heart's downfall,
Hoping for it not to matter,
I called you again an hour later,
Plan was to hide my feelings, to make you see sense,
I don't know when I fell for the innocence,
When I uttered the truth, my heart did shiver,
But the feeling for you was an ever-flowing river.

It was childish to expect any good outcome,
Without the clouds for the rain to come,
Circumstances and people took the ultimate decision,
Reality overcame the beautiful illusion.

I often think about the sadness it brought,
But remembering the moments I perish the thought.
For others, it may just be a matter of months,
But whatever happened, in my memories it runs.

Let it be a transgression without repentance,
In a world of only hatred and vengeance,
Since our act went against the system,
From worldly people it got no assistance."

Poem (written by Rawal Afzal) completed at 11: 49 AM CEST (11th April, 2013).

Edit (12th April, 2013) - let me add another post to it:

^ http://www.pakpassion.net/ppforum/showpost.php?p=5718664&postcount=82 ^

awwwwwwwwww :(
does any one of you write poetry ? if so would love to read if you guys can post here.

plz dont post from other poets etc


I love words - a gift of infinite expression from the Almighty, Al-Hamdu Li-Llah. Hoping to read through the poems posted on the thread, asap - In Sha'a Allah Ta'aala.

The following is not really a poem - so humble apologies in advance for that:

The Poet

As the subject matter of this piece, I resolved upon composing it myself. Though perhaps my words require clarification. I had decided to write the poem - but not about me. Rather, this brief journey through the thoughts of the writer, were about the poet himself.

In truth, I had entered upon his mind surreptiously. He had been vexed, his emotions floating between the upper reaches of heaven and the lowliest places in hell. I experienced a pang of compassion - aware the writer residing in the soul of the poet was awaiting my arrival.

As a poem, it behoves me to suffer silently, as endlessly strange and peculiar things are written about me. I am not permitted to express my opinion or views, but rather, I must needs be quiet lest the author decry my efforts in seeking to ensure he writes a coherent piece.

Some of my companions died a death of utter shame - so dreadful were the words attaching to their exalted names. However, when I espied the countenance of my despairing host, I endured his agonies as well as his torments. "This poem must be good - but where, oh where is it? And what, indeed, am I to make it about?" I ventured forth into the domain of his heart, and there I whispered to him about the lights in his eyes and illumination of his senses.

The poet glanced in my direction suspiciously and asked, "Are you speaking to me?" And I responded by saying, "No, I am writing about you!" Such was the startled expression on his face, that I almost lost sight of the words as I smiled. I found his face glowing with the beauty of earnestness and the purity of innocence. Many a writer had I encountered during my travels, yet none resembled the perfection nor grace of this one.

He spoke shyly as he said, "But, I am hardly worthy of a poem - I desired a composition of you" I returned his gaze with yet another smile, "You are worthier of words than me, I assure you. The goodness of your being explained all matters to me - your solitude, dignity and attachment to truth. Surely, your love for the word cannot be greater than the word itself!"

The poet was overwhelmed with humility, and murmured a few sentences which my keen ears were unable to catch. Time informed me that it was moving, and as space made room aplenty for my new work, I sketched a portrait of the writer with a few lines here and there. As I completed my task, I gave the poem to the noble companion by my side.

He read it with intense concentration. There he envisioned flowing rivers fathoms deep, mountains so high they touched the skies. As he wandered along the paths created by the poem, he witnessed flowers in unceasing bloom, their scents awakening his being to heightened senses. In gardens green and bright did he walk, his distress a thing of the past. He approached mansions of pure light, and knew that one of them had I assigned to him.

As I accompanied the poet through the poem, I experienced a happiness unknown. To dedicate a piece to the writer of great works, was the fullfilment of all my hopes and dreams. I had often wished to compose a poem - I, a poem! How complete was my joy in realizing that I had written a poem about the poet himself.
Something a little lighter on the mind and heart perhaps -

Beauty Speaks

As time moves gently,
beauty speaks;
the night is still
the birds are silent
the breeze has paused
the sky awaits with bated breath
the stars quietly glitter
the glow of the full moon is subdued
the heart of man is at peace, and
my mind is wondering
is love, being present as Creation unfolds?

© Jadz Deen
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Or -

States Of Shock

I asked silence why it remained silent, and stillness why it remained unmoved. But when I witnessed the strange gyrations of Mankind - the hugely irrelevant mental, intellectual, emotional, physical and spiritual acrobatics - comprehension dawned. Silence was speechless and Stillness shocked at the spectacle.

© Jadz Deen
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Such is my Lord

"By the pen He taught
1, such is my Lord,
But I instead lifted the sword,
Confirming hell as my abode!
What else should be my reward?

I will continue my greed,
Till the time I cease to breathe,
I ask for more, I am never at ease,
Though, in this world, I am on a release,
To You is the ultimate return
I will only get what I will earn,
In terms of wealth and money, it is not
Instead, in the world of spirituality what I got.

Time has been given to make amends,
Till the Day where I will have neither helpers, nor friends,
My left hand will lift the burden of my sins
The Book on the right covering not many things
To fearful thoughts it leads,
Both the Books will reveal all my deeds

I asked for signs, calling all of it fake,
Why did I not count the breaths that I take?
I was then asked a question,
An almighty assertion,

"Which of the favours do you deny?" 7
A claim to which I had no reply.

You cause the water to fall, a blessing known as rain,
Everything works as you ordain,
by Your Command becomes the earth dry,
And the clouds again cover the sky,
Beneath are the birds that fly,
None of it I can make happen, even if I try,
It is only the worldly pleasures that I can buy,
They mean nothing, I won't lie,
None of the worldly things hear my cry,
Incomplete is my life, I admit hereby,
For every little thing, on you I rely,
I am not telling You this, for nothing escapes Your Eye,
I only wish to tell this world before I die."

Poem (written by Rawal Afzal) completed at 16: 48 PM CEST (15th April, 2013).

References from the Qur´an:
1. 96:04
2. 6:38
3. 69:28
4. 69:25
5. 69:19
6. 17:13, 17:14, 18: 49
7. 55:13

Edit (17th April, 2013):

I see that one requires a deeper understanding of the Qur`an to understand some of the verses of my poem. I may hereby clarify a bit regarding note 1 and then 4, 5, 6......

Note 1: The verse 96:04 is from the 19th chapter which in its chronological order of revelation makes it the fourth verse of the Book. In it, God asks Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of God be upon him) to read, or proclaim, in the Name of the One Who taught man by the pen.

Note 4, 5 and 6: The Islamic concept is that after one's death, on the Judgement Day, we will be given a Book in our left hand which will reveal the record of all our sins that we have committed in our life, and one in our right hand which will reveal all our good deeds.

And if I may just add a clarification of the first paragraph of my poem.....

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A most beautiful and moving composition Brother Dhoni - I love the references to Qur'anic Verses, Al-Hamdu Li-Llah.

Keep up the great works :)
Such is my Lord

"By the pen He taught
1, such is my Lord,
But I instead lifted the sword,
Confirming hell as my abode!
What else should be my reward?

I will continue my greed,
Till the time I cease to breathe,
I ask for more, I am never at ease,
Though, in this world, I am on a release,
To You is the ultimate return
I will only get what I will earn,
In terms of wealth and money, it is not
Instead, in the world of spirituality what I got.

Time has been given to make amends,
Till the Day where I will have neither helpers, nor friends,
My left hand will lift the burden of my sins
The Book on the right covering not many things
To fearful thoughts it leads,
Both the Books will reveal all my deeds

I asked for signs, calling all of it fake,
Why did I not count the breaths that I take?
I was then asked a question,
An almighty assertion,

"Which of the favours do you deny?" 7
A claim to which I had no reply.

You cause the water to fall, a blessing known as rain,
Everything works as you ordain,
by Your Command becomes the earth dry,
And the clouds again cover the sky,
Beneath are the birds that fly,
None of it I can make happen, even if I try,
It is only the worldly pleasures that I can buy,
They mean nothing, I won't lie,
None of the worldly things hear my cry,
Incomplete is my life, I admit hereby,
For every little thing, on you I rely,
I am not telling You this, for nothing escapes Your Eye,
I only wish to tell this world before I die."

Poem (written by Rawal Afzal) completed at 16: 48 PM CEST (15th April, 2013).

References from the Qur´an:
1. 96:04
2. 6:38
3. 69:28
4. 69:25
5. 69:19
6. 17:13, 17:14, 18: 49
7. 55:13

Beautiful composition Rawal. Loved it.
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Something a little lighter on the mind and heart perhaps -

Beauty Speaks

As time moves gently,
beauty speaks;
the night is still
the birds are silent
the breeze has paused
the sky awaits with bated breath
the stars quietly glitter
the glow of the full moon is subdued
the heart of man is at peace, and
my mind is wondering
is love, being present as Creation unfolds?

© Jadz Deen

Or -

States Of Shock

I asked silence why it remained silent, and stillness why it remained unmoved. But when I witnessed the strange gyrations of Mankind - the hugely irrelevant mental, intellectual, emotional, physical and spiritual acrobatics - comprehension dawned. Silence was speechless and Stillness shocked at the spectacle.

© Jadz Deen

Nice, very nice:). Very deep thoughts they present.
Nice work Rawal.

What was that female cricketers name? I hope these poems are reaching her! :))

I am feeling tempted to post another one about her:25:.....
A few non-literal things explained in words.......

The world of realities

"I am in love with that face,
For such is its grace,
I speak a lot, not much have I heard,
When will it finally utter a word?
With it, I have shared everything,
Why doesn't it even say a thing?
It has taken me for granted, I think,
It is not too much at fault,
It has indeed brought my life to a halt.

The atmosphere is very lovable,
Your beautiful smile too is adorable,
All captured in an everlasting moment,
Which has been decorated by an ornament,
It is the pieces of my heart, they are scattered,
For your sake, never will they be gathered.

I thank you for being there always,
The emptiness is still felt in many ways,
I was once hurt very badly,
To you, it made no difference, sadly,
By your silence, I was effected,
It made me feel very dejected,
The world of realities had taken a start,
Into pieces I fell apart,
I still forgave, such is this heart,
Tough it is for this feeling to depart.

The bitter truth soon came to light,
Thanks to a heart-breaking sight,
I requested for something, you stayed quiet,
I expected you to be more polite,
How rude of you not to give an autograph!
Perhaps, I expect too much from a photograph?"

Poem (written by Rawal Afzal) completed at 07:55 AM CEST (27th April, 2013).

Related picture:
You guys should follow Baba Sehgal's twitter handle :p.

Just checked. Wow! What´s that:))! Hilarious rhyming and poetry:)))! Here´s an example....

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>mood achha na hote hue bhi joh rude nahi hai, ladies & gentlemen, asli dude vohi hai..</p>— Baba Sehgal (@OnlyBabaSehgal) <a href="https://twitter.com/OnlyBabaSehgal/status/330536165860069376">May 4, 2013</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
God! A tweet as fresh as a few seconds:)))!

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>majnu marne wala hai laila ke pyaar mein, laila baithi hai sms free hone ke intezaar mein..</p>— Baba Sehgal (@OnlyBabaSehgal) <a href="https://twitter.com/OnlyBabaSehgal/status/330624806573727744">May 4, 2013</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Dhoni that first poem was rumi-esque. Fantastic stuff my friend.

Jadz as usual your posts in this thread were a delight to read.
Jinnah and Gandhi,
Two opposite poles of the Earth,
Gandhi using peace as an attractive candy,
Where Jinnah was all about using sharp weapons like a firth.

Jinnah proposed the idea,
Of having a separate nation,
The Muslims stood up to his "hear, hear",
As they wanted their own religion's station.

Poem (written by Rawal Afzal) completed at 18: 49 AM CEST (4th May, 2013).
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Pakpassion, such a great forum,
With many a great poster with pleasant decorum,
The moderators regulate PP,
To keep it open to everybody so they don't yawn and become sleepy.
Sunil Narine,
With spiky hair like a porcupine,
Only performs in the IPL,
Where the pitches suit his style like an axe to the tree that need to be fell.
Pakistani culture,
With its moustaches, chai and its home-made herbals similar to acupuncture.
Migrated from the East in search of jobs,
They came to England running like a vampire-searching mob.
They haven't lost much of their traditions that they held back then,
With many a Pakistani having an ambition to drive a taxi or work in a take-away and not deal with Jap Yen.

(Please take no offence).
Dhoni that first poem was rumi-esque. Fantastic stuff my friend.

Thank you, my friend:). I really appreciate these compliments. Indeed, as they say, "The first one holds its value forver."

Jinnah and Gandhi,
Two opposite poles of the Earth,
Gandhi using peace as an attractive candy,
Where Jinnah was all about using sharp weapons like a firth.

Jinnah proposed the idea,
Of having a separate nation,
The Muslims stood up to his "hear, hear",
As they wanted their own religion's station.

Poem (written by Rawal Afzal) completed at 18: 49 AM CEST (4th May, 2013).

Pakpassion, such a great forum,
With many a great poster with pleasant decorum,
The moderators regulate PP,
To keep it open to everybody so they don't yawn and become sleepy.

Sunil Narine,
With spiky hair like a porcupine,
Only performs in the IPL,
Where the pitches suit his style like an axe to the tree that need to be fell.

Pakistani culture,
With its moustaches, chai and its home-made herbals similar to acupuncture.
Migrated from the East in search of jobs,
They came to England running like a vampire-searching mob.
They haven't lost much of their traditions that they held back then,
With many a Pakistani having an ambition to drive a taxi or work in a take-away and not deal with Jap Yen.

(Please take no offence).

The ultimate poet returns:bow:!

But, why does the first one read my name at the bottom:13:? Had to take a quick look, fearing that you might have plagiarised from one of my works:asif.
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The ultimate poet returns:bow:!

But, why does the first one read my name at the bottom:13:? Had to take a quick look, fearing that you might have plagiarised from one of my works:asif.

Did you like them?

The reason why they bear your name is because I have a telepathic machine that can read your mind, remember? ;-)
Did you like them?

The reason why they bear your name is because I have a telepathic machine that can read your mind, remember? ;-)

I in fact loved them:)! However, this telepathic machine is a case of cheating:(......
I in fact loved them:)! However, this telepathic machine is a case of cheating:(......

Thanks but the quality of my poems will never reach the same standard that you have attained UNLESS I begin to think deeply/thoughtfully about what I am writing like you do.

Anyway, the less I say about the telepathic machine the better. Muhahaha.....
Thanks but the quality of my poems will never reach the same standard that you have attained UNLESS I begin to think deeply/thoughtfully about what I am writing like you do.

I say it again that yours are very good as well. They impress me:). One thing you might have noticed with my poems is that I tend to find myself in them, and they relate to me. Maybe you too should think over the happenings in your life:13:? My friend, every human life is such that a film can be based upon it:).
After reading Dhoni's poetry which he posted in the "Whats in a picture" thread, I got inspired to try my hand at writing something too. So here it goes, my first attempt at an English Poem:

I'm a ship without an anchor
I'm a soul without a center

I'm a map without a compass
I'm a party without the rumpus

I'm a car without its wheels
I'm a wound that never healed

I'm a star that never shined
I'm a poem that never rhymed

I'm a flower that never bloomed
I'm a ship that got marooned

I'm a wine that lost its flavor
I'm a soldier who never got braver

I'm a guitar without its strings
I'm a bird without its wings

I'm a name without a meaning
I'm a house without a ceiling

My life is nothing but humdrum
I'm no one Saad yet I still am someone
waah saadibaba, looks like a poem written in one sitting. no superflous words and metric is maintained. just sounds naturally rhythmic. enjoyed reading it.

Thanks. Yeah, wrote the whole thing while walking on the treadmill this evening.
Such is my Lord

"By the pen He taught
1, such is my Lord,
But I instead lifted the sword,
Confirming hell as my abode!
What else should be my reward?

I will continue my greed,
Till the time I cease to breathe,
I ask for more, I am never at ease,
Though, in this world, I am on a release,
To You is the ultimate return
I will only get what I will earn,
In terms of wealth and money, it is not
Instead, in the world of spirituality what I got.

Time has been given to make amends,
Till the Day where I will have neither helpers, nor friends,
My left hand will lift the burden of my sins
The Book on the right covering not many things
To fearful thoughts it leads,
Both the Books will reveal all my deeds

I asked for signs, calling all of it fake,
Why did I not count the breaths that I take?
I was then asked a question,
An almighty assertion,

"Which of the favours do you deny?" 7
A claim to which I had no reply.

You cause the water to fall, a blessing known as rain,
Everything works as you ordain,
by Your Command becomes the earth dry,
And the clouds again cover the sky,
Beneath are the birds that fly,
None of it I can make happen, even if I try,
It is only the worldly pleasures that I can buy,
They mean nothing, I won't lie,
None of the worldly things hear my cry,
Incomplete is my life, I admit hereby,
For every little thing, on you I rely,
I am not telling You this, for nothing escapes Your Eye,
I only wish to tell this world before I die."

Poem (written by Rawal Afzal) completed at 16: 48 PM CEST (15th April, 2013).

References from the Qur´an:
1. 96:04
2. 6:38
3. 69:28
4. 69:25
5. 69:19
6. 17:13, 17:14, 18: 49
7. 55:13

Edit (17th April, 2013):

I see that one requires a deeper understanding of the Qur`an to understand some of the verses of my poem. I may hereby clarify a bit regarding note 1 and then 4, 5, 6......

Note 1: The verse 96:04 is from the 19th chapter which in its chronological order of revelation makes it the fourth verse of the Book. In it, God asks Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of God be upon him) to read, or proclaim, in the Name of the One Who taught man by the pen.

Note 4, 5 and 6: The Islamic concept is that after one's death, on the Judgement Day, we will be given a Book in our left hand which will reveal the record of all our sins that we have committed in our life, and one in our right hand which will reveal all our good deeds.

Thats Beautiful Rawal Bhai . Fabulous work.
After reading Dhoni's poetry which he posted in the "Whats in a picture" thread, I got inspired to try my hand at writing something too. So here it goes, my first attempt at an English Poem:

I'm a ship without an anchor
I'm a soul without a center

I'm a map without a compass
I'm a party without the rumpus

I'm a car without its wheels
I'm a wound that never healed

I'm a star that never shined
I'm a poem that never rhymed

I'm a flower that never bloomed
I'm a ship that got marooned

I'm a wine that lost its flavor
I'm a soldier who never got braver

I'm a guitar without its strings
I'm a bird without its wings

I'm a name without a meaning
I'm a house without a ceiling

My life is nothing but humdrum
I'm no one Saad yet I still am someone

Thats very nice Saadi Bhai! Loved the last bit!
The earth is Flat

Imagine, that the earth is flat,
And if you just stretch your eye(s)
You could make out the four corners,
Imagine, that the mountains are not so high

And the mines not so low,
That the world is a flat, plain beautiful place,
Imagine that there is beauty in every face
And you don’t know whom to praise

That there is no work and no pay,
Everyone takes what he deserves
And everyone deserves what he takes
Imagine that there are no curves

Expect those on women
And that people are not colored
All are a uniform shade
Imagine that no one is bothered

With belittling others
To rise above them,
No one is tall, short or fat,
There is no poverty, no shame

Imagine that everyone is equal
Even in your heart
Imagine that there is nothing
To mark us apart.

That all the wars which were fought
Are forgotten and laughed at
That the best form of revenge
Is a hug and a pat

The next time you look down on someone,
Just imagine, imagine hard
Then it would not be so difficult
To be on your guard

Why look for differences
When so much is the same?
Why do you form countries and regions
Whats in a name?

Next time you put me high on a pedestal
Or trod me down for something which was denied you
Just remember that all I want,
Is to stand beside you.
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After reading Dhoni's poetry which he posted in the "Whats in a picture" thread, I got inspired to try my hand at writing something too. So here it goes, my first attempt at an English Poem:

I'm a ship without an anchor
I'm a soul without a center

I'm a map without a compass
I'm a party without the rumpus

I'm a car without its wheels
I'm a wound that never healed

I'm a star that never shined
I'm a poem that never rhymed

I'm a flower that never bloomed
I'm a ship that got marooned

I'm a wine that lost its flavor
I'm a soldier who never got braver

I'm a guitar without its strings
I'm a bird without its wings

I'm a name without a meaning
I'm a house without a ceiling

My life is nothing but humdrum
I'm no one Saad yet I still am someone

Wow wow:14::bow:! Lovely, lovely, lovely work sir!

The earth is Flat

Imagine, that the earth is flat,
And if you just stretch your eye(s)
You could make out the four corners,
Imagine, that the mountains are not so high

And the mines not so low,
That the world is a flat, plain beautiful place,
Imagine that there is beauty in every face
And you don’t know whom to praise

That there is no work and no pay,
Everyone takes what he deserves
And everyone deserves what he takes
Imagine that there are no curves

Expect those on women
And that people are not colored
All are a uniform shade
Imagine that no one is bothered

With belittling others
To rise above them,
No one is tall, short or fat,
There is no poverty, no shame

Imagine that everyone is equal
Even in your heart
Imagine that there is nothing
To mark us apart.

That all the wars which were fought
Are forgotten and laughed at
That the best form of revenge
Is a hug and a pat

The next time you look down on someone,
Just imagine, imagine hard
Then it would not be so difficult
To be on your guard

Why look for differences
When so much is the same?
Why do you form countries and regions
Whats in a name?

Next time you put me high on a pedestal
Or trod me down for something which was denied you
Just remember that all I want,
Is to stand beside you.

Nice stuff:)! I liked it.

Thats Beautiful Rawal Bhai . Fabulous work.

Thanks brother:)!
After reading Dhoni's poetry which he posted in the "Whats in a picture" thread, I got inspired to try my hand at writing something too. So here it goes, my first attempt at an English Poem:

I'm a ship without an anchor
I'm a soul without a center

I'm a map without a compass
I'm a party without the rumpus

I'm a car without its wheels
I'm a wound that never healed

I'm a star that never shined
I'm a poem that never rhymed

I'm a flower that never bloomed
I'm a ship that got marooned

I'm a wine that lost its flavor
I'm a soldier who never got braver

I'm a guitar without its strings
I'm a bird without its wings

I'm a name without a meaning
I'm a house without a ceiling

My life is nothing but humdrum
I'm no one Saad yet I still am someone

Saadibaba, I tried to point out the two best verses but couldn't since it's all so beautiful:)! How I wish you had sent me this in a private message and I had then published/posted it under my name:(....

Anyways, happy to have inspired you to write this:).
The earth is Flat

Imagine, that the earth is flat,
And if you just stretch your eye(s)
You could make out the four corners,
Imagine, that the mountains are not so high

And the mines not so low,
That the world is a flat, plain beautiful place,
Imagine that there is beauty in every face
And you don’t know whom to praise

That there is no work and no pay,
Everyone takes what he deserves
And everyone deserves what he takes
Imagine that there are no curves

Expect those on women
And that people are not colored
All are a uniform shade
Imagine that no one is bothered

With belittling others
To rise above them,
No one is tall, short or fat,
There is no poverty, no shame

Imagine that everyone is equal
Even in your heart
Imagine that there is nothing
To mark us apart.

That all the wars which were fought
Are forgotten and laughed at
That the best form of revenge
Is a hug and a pat

The next time you look down on someone,
Just imagine, imagine hard
Then it would not be so difficult
To be on your guard

Why look for differences
When so much is the same?
Why do you form countries and regions
Whats in a name?

Next time you put me high on a pedestal
Or trod me down for something which was denied you
Just remember that all I want,
Is to stand beside you.

For my satisfaction I read this one once again too. Beautiful:)! I too wish that the world was indeed a place like that. I have highlighted my favourite part. And I should add that it is very well written overall. It is just that sometimes there are certain parts that either hold a great significance in your life or are things that you firmly believe and preach - the reason why those verses are highlighted exclusively:).
Saadibaba, I tried to point out the two best verses but couldn't since it's all so beautiful:)! How I wish you had sent me this in a private message and I had then published/posted it under my name:(....

Anyways, happy to have inspired you to write this:).

Thanks Dhoni. You can take most of the credit for that poem cause I wrote that after getting inspired from reading your poetry.

Because of the encouragement I have received from you and others, I decided to pen another one. This one is a bit personal and may not be as rhythmic as the last one, but anyways, here it goes:

He crushed any thought she ever had
And fed her the venom he spit out in every breath
He destroyed the life she longed to have had
And left her soul tattered in rags
He left her maimed, bruised and battered
And kept her miserable life scattered

Speaking only his words she concurred with everything
Burying memories inside her she yearned for anything
Being the perfect wife oh how she was a model
She sacrificed everything to become his caudal
He killed her soul in a tornado of rage
Now only darkness is left to wander this cage

What a taming he did of this proud lioness
Crude game he played with such shamelessness
I feel pity for her and sometimes for him too
They got trapped in a maze with no one to turn to
In the end she wasn't able to think straight
And finally drowned herself like dead weight
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How is this one from cricketer Darren Bravo:13:?

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>Roses are red.I'm going to bed.</p>— Darren Lil B46 Bravo (@DMBravo46) <a href="https://twitter.com/DMBravo46/status/334883219956699137">May 16, 2013</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>


Thanks Dhoni. You can take most of the credit for that poem cause I wrote that after getting inspired from reading your poetry.

Because of the encouragement I have received from you and others, I decided to pen another one. This one is a bit personal and may not be as rhythmic as the last one, but anyways, here it goes:

He crushed any thought she ever had
And fed her the venom he spit out in every breath
He destroyed the life she longed to have had
And left her soul tattered in rags
He left her maimed, bruised and battered
And kept her miserable life scattered

Speaking only his words she concurred with everything
Burying memories inside her she yearned for anything
Being the perfect wife oh how she was a model
She sacrificed everything to become his caudal
He killed her soul in a tornado of rage
Now only darkness is left to wander this cage

What a taming he did of this proud lioness
Crude game he played with such shamelessness
I feel pity for her and sometimes for him too
They got trapped in a maze with no one to turn to
In the end she wasn't able to think straight
And finally drowned herself like dead weight

Saadibaba, you rock! Awesome poem:14:! I encourage you to keep going:).....

Sir, some are things that shouldn´t be asked, but are understood only by those people who understand the secrets concealed in hearts.....
Thanks Dhoni. You can take most of the credit for that poem cause I wrote that after getting inspired from reading your poetry.

Because of the encouragement I have received from you and others, I decided to pen another one. This one is a bit personal and may not be as rhythmic as the last one, but anyways, here it goes:

He crushed any thought she ever had
And fed her the venom he spit out in every breath
He destroyed the life she longed to have had
And left her soul tattered in rags
He left her maimed, bruised and battered
And kept her miserable life scattered

Speaking only his words she concurred with everything
Burying memories inside her she yearned for anything
Being the perfect wife oh how she was a model
She sacrificed everything to become his caudal
He killed her soul in a tornado of rage
Now only darkness is left to wander this cage

What a taming he did of this proud lioness
Crude game he played with such shamelessness
I feel pity for her and sometimes for him too
They got trapped in a maze with no one to turn to
In the end she wasn't able to think straight
And finally drowned herself like dead weight

Saadibaba, I have been able to come up with an interpretation of it. I will never post it anywhere but can at most send you in a private message. Are you okay with myself trying to interpret it? I could be dead wrong though.
Good Lord I am addicted to this philosophical stuff:(!
Saadibaba, I have been able to come up with an interpretation of it. I will never post it anywhere but can at most send you in a private message. Are you okay with myself trying to interpret it? I could be dead wrong though.

Thanks. I am not kidding when I say that your encouragement and support is the main force behind these poems.

I am delighted to know that you have interpreted my poem. You can post in here Dhoni, I think most posters don't even come to this thread, so it will be just a few people. But if you think it's very personal, you can PM it. I will leave it to your judgment.
saadibaba, i didnt know what to say after reading that poem..sad to be the girl as well as the guilty guy. hope things improved for her, coz i am sure the guy will do well.
Thanks. I am not kidding when I say that your encouragement and support is the main force behind these poems.

I am delighted to know that you have interpreted my poem. You can post in here Dhoni, I think most posters don't even come to this thread, so it will be just a few people. But if you think it's very personal, you can PM it. I will leave it to your judgment.

True. I of course believe you and am proud to have inspired you into writing this poetry:).

Well, it has been sent to your inbox. Let´s see first whether it is accurate at all or not.
saadibaba, i didnt know what to say after reading that poem..sad to be the girl as well as the guilty guy. hope things improved for her, coz i am sure the guy will do well.

In a situation like this, no one does well, neither the oppressed nor the oppressor.
some urdu typical SMS 'shair o shairy' from my side...

Khud to pagal hai, mujhay bhi pagal karta hai
Ye ishq to mujhe Rehman Malik lagta hai

Saadibaba, I have been able to come up with an interpretation of it. I will never post it anywhere but can at most send you in a private message. Are you okay with myself trying to interpret it? I could be dead wrong though.

True. I of course believe you and am proud to have inspired you into writing this poetry:).

Well, it has been sent to your inbox. Let´s see first whether it is accurate at all or not.
Guys, despite the fact that my interpretation turned out to be not so accurate, Saadibaba still gave it respect:).

I somehow feel like not posting it here. I think it should be kept between us two friends:).
My ode to all the great Sufi poets of the sub-continent.

Wherever I turn
You're in the background

Even when I close my eyes
You're memory is abound

I can feel you're warmth
You have me spellbound

I'm in the palm of your hand
You are so profound

The vision of you is etched on my soul
You're here even when you're not around

East, west, north and south
This whole earth is your playground

I am incomplete without you
So much I have found

Your memory is my only salvation
My world without you is a battleground

Forgive me o' beloved if I have sinned
That's my only hope before I go under ground
My ode to all the great Sufi poets of the sub-continent.

Wherever I turn
You're in the background

Even when I close my eyes
You're memory is abound

I can feel you're warmth
You have me spellbound

I'm in the palm of your hand
You are so profound

The vision of you is etched on my soul
You're here even when you're not around

East, west, north and south
This whole earth is your playground

I am incomplete without you
So much I have found

Your memory is my only salvation
My world without you is a battleground

Forgive me o' beloved if I have sinned
That's my only hope before I go under ground

Again, very touching and beautiful:)!

Yeah, a lot of people feel being influenced by the Sufi poets and it is a fact that their philosophies were always out of this world and beyond the perception of many. Quite sad that I am not too good at the languages they wrote in and hence my inability of not being able to understand most of their work:(.
Again, very touching and beautiful:)!

Yeah, a lot of people feel being influenced by the Sufi poets and it is a fact that their philosophies were always out of this world and beyond the perception of many. Quite sad that I am not too good at the languages they wrote in and hence my inability of not being able to understand most of their work:(.

Thanks Dhoni. :)

To be honest with you, I am also not well versed in the languages that those great Sufi poets wrote in, like Persian and Punjabi. But there are English translations widely available if you are interested, especially of poets like Rumi.
And the streak continues...

It's been so quiet
There's no more dawn
I'm in constant numbness
Ever since you're gone

People often ask me
Why are you so down
What can I tell them
I'm just withdrawn

Do you even know
How you did me wrong
I guess you're happy now
All else is foregone

In this game of love
I was just a pawn
I got fooled by you
It was all a con

They were all lies
A web you've spawn
Was I ever in love
Maybe once upon

We belonged together
I thought we were an icon
It was just a dream
And I was just a moron
saadibaba, you continue to put a lot of meaning with very few words. :( reminds me of my story. ended up being a toy for a rich girl, and got put to my rightful place later. now people who meet me are surprised at my outlook towards life..they have to remind me that i was a very cheerful person, the life of a gathering.. i feel that person has died, this is a new person trying to reclaim life and happiness again. but what a waste..all that for nothing.

It's called life brother. We are constantly reinventing ourselves based on our circumstances and surroundings. You did not change, you got hardened and a cold outlook took over the naivety. But nothing in life is a waste, you gained experience and perspective. And you got to join the broken hearts club. Welcome !
time to lighten us this thread a bit

jawani Ke Din Chamkile Ho Gaye Husn
Ke Tewar Nukile Ho Gaye Hum Izhar
Karne Me Thode Dhile Ho Gaye Aur
Unke Hath Peele Ho Gaye
TM Riddle..i was following your facebook..should I complain to jijaji about your activities.
And the streak continues...

It's been so quiet
There's no more dawn
I'm in constant numbness
Ever since you're gone

People often ask me
Why are you so down
What can I tell them
I'm just withdrawn

Do you even know
How you did me wrong
I guess you're happy now
All else is foregone

In this game of love
I was just a pawn
I got fooled by you
It was all a con

They were all lies
A web you've spawn
Was I ever in love
Maybe once upon

We belonged together
I thought we were an icon
It was just a dream
And I was just a moron

Saadibaba, this one is my favourite for obvious reasons, as you should know:).

Tell you, I manage to take out the time to read your poetry even if I am sitting in a doctor´s waiting room. I love it so much:)!

My favourite part has been highlighted above.


It's called life brother. We are constantly reinventing ourselves based on our circumstances and surroundings. You did not change, you got hardened and a cold outlook took over the naivety. But nothing in life is a waste, you gained experience and perspective. And you got to join the broken hearts club. Welcome !

Agree with this more. Life is about experiences. They may be painful, but they are to be cherished forever. I see that there is a some sort of group here of people beyond this world: Saadibaba, DHONI183 and GentleMan. Most of what you two post, is understood by me to the fullest.
DHONI183 said:
I see that there is a some sort of group here of people beyond this world: Saadibaba, DHONI183 and GentleMan. Most of what you two post, is understood by me to the fullest

Add another name to it: A female who I have known since early February (not here on PP). All I know about her is her name but there's a strange connection between me and her. We both understand each other a lot better. When I came across her profile the first time, it caused a magic spell and I immediately told her that I have hardly come across a personality like her.

When I wrote my first poem, "Naïve Bird", her response was.....

"The poem is beautiful & so is your admiration; just one word of caution, beware of the illusion!"

It inspired me to write another one, "The Autumn of 2009", in which I used the same term "the (beautiful) illusion". It explained things that are perhaps best understood by her alone:).

In this game of love
I was just a pawn
I got fooled by you
It was all a con

How sure are you that 'someone' actually fooled you and it was all a con?

Saadibaba, sometimes, the frustration, pain, the heart-break makes you think negatively about the other person, but is it not possible that the other person too had her problems and hurdles in life? Just wondering..... You don't have to answer my question, but instead ask these to yourself:).
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This will be the last one in the series.

It's a daily routine for them
It's sort of like their heroin
Without it they will get edgy and restless
Their perfect lives will never be so helpless
They need to take their minds off from thinking
And perform their hollow rituals without blinking

For them its all about numbers
How many verses you've read
How many prayers I wonder
They forget to see the beauty on view
In their quest for salvation
They make a mockery of you

I wonder if they even think at all
They pretend to be holy but its not their fault
They've been trained to follow without any hurdles
Like a mouse on a wheel running in circles
At least I won't be another blind fool
They can call me a rebel but I am no mule

They can call me a heretic an apostate a traitor
Only you know who I am
I am your dust and you are my creator
If only they could see what's driving me insane
This world would leave me alone
And I can truly be yours once again

Also wanted to inform my friends on this forum that you will not be seeing me around much anymore. My personal and professional life is going through some commotion nowadays and need my complete focus and attention. C'est la vie. Adios muchachos.
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Hope everything gets Ok, and we get to see your presence back. All the best :)
This will be the last one in the series.

It's a daily routine for them
It's sort of like their heroin
Without it they will get edgy and restless
Their perfect lives will never be so helpless
They need to take their minds off from thinking
And perform their hollow rituals without blinking

For them its all about numbers
How many verses you've read
How many prayers I wonder
They forget to see the beauty on view
In their quest for salvation
They make a mockery of you

I wonder if they even think at all
They pretend to be holy but its not their fault
They've been trained to follow without any hurdles
Like a mouse on a wheel running in circles
At least I won't be another blind fool
They can call me a rebel but I am no mule

They can call me a heretic an apostate a traitor
Only you know who I am
I am your dust and you are my creator
If only they could see what's driving me insane
This world would leave me alone
And I can truly be yours once again

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful poem:14::bow:! Just for a moment I felt as if I wrote that one. As I generally do, I have highlighted my favourite part:).

Also wanted to inform my friends on this forum that you will not be seeing me around much anymore. My personal and professional life is going through some commotion nowadays and need my complete focus and attention. C'est la vie. Adios muchachos.

Saadibaba, I wish you all the best in life. Please do not forget us completely. God be your Guardian:).
My next poem will be about a Pakistani cricketer. Guess who it will be? I don't think people will even come close to guessing it.
challenge?bring it on :kohli

Well, I may post it earlier tomorrow. So you guys have time till then. At least 13 hours you guys have got to guess.
My next poem will be about a Pakistani cricketer. Guess who it will be? I don't think people will even come close to guessing it.

It is Mohammad Hafeez:p and the poem follows in my next post....
A poem penned for (Mohammad) Hafeez

Well, who would have expected me to write this? However, the start itself clarifies the reason behind it.....

A poem penned for (Mohammad) Hafeez

"Here's a poem penned for (Mohammad) Hafeez,
Without it, I won't be left at any ease,
A fan of him has asked this,
An order in the form of request it is!
For her sake, I will have to exaggerate,
I can only request people to tolerate,
Composed from her point of view, seeing the craze,
I had no option but to write all the praise.


Sublime is his timing when he bats,
It can make people take off their hats,
Just a flick of the wrist goes for a four,
An ability that many people adore,
About his bowling I can write much more,
Added by a professor-like attitude not seen before,
Turn to him if you want to defend any score,
Simply give him the ball!
His spin bowling can even remove a wall.
His economical spells produce a false stroke,
Others take the wickets, but the credit goes to this bloke.
His pressure makes the batsmen choke.

Left-handed batsmen fear him a lot,
Can they survive? No, they cannot!
I advise them to focus, not to look around,
If they offer no shot, look at the timber, hear the sound!
If they hit the ball, the edge of the bat is easily found!

Fear the day when he will captain the side,
His team will then have a successful ride,
We all hope so at least,
That his team will conquer the West and the East."

Poem (written by Rawal Afzal) completed at 19:28 PM CEST, 28th May 2013.
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