Poetry (thread for creative people)

Its summer and everyone’s in the summer vibe, early morning the sun has risen. Birds are singing, kids are dossing, windows down and the boys are flossing. Put my three quarters on and hit streets, step out my door and all I hear is beats. Go to uni everyone’s laughing don’t think about war it will never be starting.

Girls, running around in their flip flops and am flexing my shades with a tip top. All I want to do is have some fun, chase some girls and slap some bum. Fights don’t start but its water guns, chasing girls with water bombs. This is how it is when the summer is right, just chill and kick back in the summer vibe.

And for me, summer time is all about the ladies in their short-skirts I want to see them shake their baby, low cut tops more often than not there not wearing a lot because its scorching hot. I will hit the park in my blue jeans and white T, my shades are dark and am wearing nikeys. Then am gone to hook up with my peeps, get my ride and drive past all the kids in the street. Windows down I’ll put the base up hit the club and tear the place up. Because its summer, and I don’t want it to end so I’ll wake up tomorrow and do it all again.

Put up your speakers, it’s that time turn of your heaters. Everyone’s laughing and going to the park, staying out late because it doesn’t get dark. Open the window and feel the breeze, run out naked because you won’t freeze. Get your ice-cream and eat it quick, wear a vest and go chase that chick. And to all your girls get up get out don’t be lazy, show it all off and go all out because that’s what the summer is all about.

It’s summer, lets get together and enjoy the weather. Wake up, open your curtain boys and girls put a short or skirt on parties and sunshine life is at its finest.

Gets dark late who cares what the time is.
Incident Coincident

"if not love then what”, “I have no friends"-Leonardo Da Vinci

1. He eagerly waited outside her home. Surrounded by pitch black darkness the street was deserted and silent with no sign of life which did little to absorb Adams excitement. He banged on the door viscously and shouted MONA MONA! Eventually she opened the door with a puzzled look on her face as Adam shouted “Happy Birthday!” and clutched her into his arms giving her an avalanche of kisses. He loved her dearly, you’d think the personalities of the item are very contrasting and wonder where their intimacy comes from?

A genius in mathematics and inspired by Leonardo Da Vinci Adam embraces ambiguity in his attempts to explore the constituents of Earth and the geometrics of life. You’d think the passion of love would elude him for the greatest minds fail to explain the feeling which makes someone feel so good, confused, angry, stupid, and bitter. But Adam understands the different seeds from which each emotion grows and ever since Mona came in to his life his ambiguous nature of strong views became a reality. The art of learning through experience was exploited to its full in his relationship with Mona, from her he learnt how to be loved, how to love, how to be angry, jealous, overprotective, confused, bitter and stupid.

Mona had forgotten her own birthday and felt like a zombie uttering each word with every ounce of energy in her body,
“How sweet of you … I mean what in the world you want at this hour! You crazy blob go back to sleep!”
Having grumpily argued with Adam over his late night burst she stubbornly accepted his arrival and enquired of her birthday gift to which Adam responded with a big grin on his face,
“ME... just look at this being, what a fine specimen of a man!” which bought him the silent treatment.
He then got down on one knee to and revealed an onion ring from a crisp packet he had been eating, this time Mona angered by his insult turned her back on him and began to walk away, as she did so Adam quick as a cobra held her hand back and pulled her into his arms and revealed a diamond ring.

2. You were so happy and you didn’t know what you were doing and why, behind all the theoretical analysis and geometric research into the onus of life which Mr. Vinci would be proud of. There was a man who once was able to love and be loved who didn’t care about emulating or exceeding the achievements of the Italian Renaissance, once you became close to her and you began to feel the passionate feelings of two lovers you didn’t have a care in the world for anything except the joy of knowing you made somebody feel special and then puffffffffff……….. It was all gone.
She always loved your passion of flight and the way you’d always talk to her about how a bird visited Leonardo Da Vinci when he was a baby in a cradle and how he knew the miracle of flight was his destiny, you loved everything about the fascinating man and why not. They call him the man who wanted to know everything, I don’t think you me or anybody will ever get close to making an impact like he did. I know perfectly well that you are aware that you can never emulate Vinci but that does not stop you from aspiring the same path as his, your passion of flying evolved from that man as did your ambiguity. That look on her face when you got your private pilot’s license just gave you even more belief in to how she genuinely felt like she was winning with every battle you won, you promised to take her on your maiden flight as a qualified private pilot. Maybe to Paris for a romantic dinner at the Eiffel tower or to the Himalayan Mountains in Asia but as they would say… it wasn’t to be.

I don’t think you believe in all this it wasn’t to be motto or destiny rubbish, we make our own destiny. You or any other individual cannot complain about the outcome of your circumstances. Every problem presents an opportunity for you to challenge yourself and in the end you are a victim of your own deeds because all you ever do is make excuses and blow any chance which comes your way.

That dreaded flight will always be etched in your heart, burning relentlessly. Let’s stop looking too much in to it; you will have time to reflect on that later, maybe when you become restless, or when you are all alone in the dark. She too embraces your restlessness and joy of isolation in the darkness, the times when she will only ever decide to speak to you now.

Long before she came in to your life you had visions no others can see, you met people who did not exist you made observations which were unlawful, and nobody except you alone will know the dimensions containing your mind. But is what you believe viable? How can you doubt yourself? Everything for you is an experiment; you would go to extreme lengths in understanding their way of life not yours but theirs.

In the end we all have a choice and you made the wrong one, making her happy was one thing but there is a barrier between being confident and over-confident. You had decided you would take her out for a meal in Paris, a celebration of you having qualified as a Private Pilot. It wasn’t required but being her typical self she insisted as she wanted to show how much she valued your little achievement.

You knew of her paranoia of heights yet still agreed to take her out on your maiden flight and arranged a flying lesson with an instructor to prepare her. She was no more; at 10,000ft an engine failure caused the plane to crash land. The instructor survived with help from a parachute and it was said she sustained fatal head injuries and died at the scene of incident.

3. They arrived at the Airport and proceeded to make their way to the Aircraft, Adam hadn’t done much packing whilst Mona had done none at all. Adam decided he would get all the necessary things she needed from Florida as he didn’t want too much hassle and the thought of how Mona would panic in ensuring everything was perfect before they left would be too stressful for him. Instead all her personal belongings were packed in Adam’s bag.

He had booked tickets for the first class seating area and was pleased to have done so; it was very spacious and open. As he sat down and relaxed, he removed the arm rest lever and put his arm around Mona’s neck. She had instantly fallen asleep in his arms. Upon Adams return from the toilet Mona was not in her seat, he thought she must have either gone to the toilet or panicked at his sudden disappearance as she awoke and went looking for him. Adam decided to wait for her in his seat rather than look for her.
Having returned from Florida, Adam returned to his research in to human behavior and the constituents of love much to the annoyance of Mona as she said

“oh god you are at it again Einstein give it up already, I feel in pain seeing you in so much pain, look at this poor man deprived of love making”.

Despite Mona’s frequent jabs at him, she understood that his work was his passion and rarely went against his ideologies. Adam had always believed the union between two lovers was not that of attraction or love for one other, but love for what someone can provide and do for their partner. His theory proved flawed time and time again, Mona loved him when he had no money, she loved him when he had money, she loved him when he was bitter or angry towards her and even when he took her for granted and abused her. This made Adam think relentlessly in to why his belief may possibly be wrong.

Adam’s weekends would mostly be spent at Mona’s house unless he’d have important work to do. Every Saturday night he would cook her favourite meal, Spaghetti Bolognese. Having cooked the spaghetti he would carefully put some in to Mona’s plate and his own. And then poured some wine in each of their glasses and sat in the chair opposite Mona’s. He switched off all the extensive lighting in the house and lit up one candle placing it in the center of the table and then shouted “Mona! Where are you? What are you doing? Your food is ready”

4. Your still hurting aren’t you, how could she possibly deceive you in such a way, she broke your heart and you didn’t understand why. How could she break your heart when she didn’t even leave you all of a sudden or cheat on you? You were so close to her and then suddenly she began to gradually go far away from you and eventually stopped feeling close to you which hurt you more than anything, how is it that you began to start feeling for the first time in your life?. But why should you be bothered about all of this, it’s meaningless because of what you were hoping to achieve or is that what you would say to yourself to make you feel better about everything.

You tried all you could to get her to feel close to you again, but you cannot deny that deep down you knew it wouldn’t work. Nothing works by force it has to happen naturally, you had lost her forever and then became nothing but merely a friend. A friend you say? You thought after all you gave her, the label of a friend was the biggest insult against you but it is what you deserved in the first place. She was nothing but an experiment for you just like everything else in your pursuit for why humans feel the way they do and what love is exactly? Something which eluded the great man Leonardo himself, you had to find its constituents.

And for that she was perfect for you. But not all went to plan did it; you would work tirelessly and recorded each and every experience with her analyzing each one over and over again in the hope of developing some sought of a theorem. And then along the way you fell in love with her when throughout your life you had promised never to feel emotion and why would you anyway you have always been feeling-less haven’t you.
Once you began loving her you didn’t care about any experiment or the things far more important than your own personal motives and gains…….. And then she stopped feeling close and your five minutes of pleasure was over. Making someone feel special and being loved was the most beautiful thing in the world, but you had insulted Leonardo you failed him and you failed yourself.

The sacrifice had to be made but you had a choice and do you really feel it was the wrong one? You don’t really know do you, just think of what you could have achieved if your experiment had not been destroyed.
You had to do it in the end and you are certain she wouldn’t have minded because she loved you, but at that time it was important you kept it a secret. You have spoken to her about it now and she completely understands that it had to be done. The evidence which showed you had felt which led to the demise of the experiment that Leonardo could have been proud of had to be destroyed. You jumped out the aircraft during flight.
And that's the story i mentioned before DHONI183 lol, i cut it down by 3000 words and it's a short-story draft, but as its around 5,000 words it can still be classed as a short-story. But there definenetly is more to add to the story, i have more to write. I don't read many books or study the technical aspects of writing so my skills are rubbish, but i still love writing and wish to improve on them one day when i get more free time. I hope you guys like it, and any sought of feeback on how i can improve or any abuse directed at me is welcome :) haha
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And that's the story i mentioned before DHONI183 lol, i cut it down by 3000 words and it's a short-story draft, but as its around 5,000 words it can still be classed as a short-story. But there definenetly is more to add to the story, i have more to write. I don't read many books or study the technical aspects of writing so my skills are rubbish, but i still love writing and wish to improve on them one day when i get more free time. I hope you guys like it, and any sought of feeback on how i can improve or any abuse directed at me is welcome :) haha

Thanks for sort of keeping the promise. I really liked it, particularly the part below......

..... 4. Your still hurting aren’t you, how could she possibly deceive you in such a way, she broke your heart and you didn’t understand why. How could she break your heart when she didn’t even leave you all of a sudden or cheat on you? You were so close to her and then suddenly she began to gradually go far away from you and eventually stopped feeling close to you which hurt you more than anything, how is it that you began to start feeling for the first time in your life?. But why should you be bothered about all of this, it’s meaningless because of what you were hoping to achieve or is that what you would say to yourself to make you feel better about everything.

You tried all you could to get her to feel close to you again, but you cannot deny that deep down you knew it wouldn’t work. Nothing works by force it has to happen naturally, you had lost her forever and then became nothing but merely a friend. A friend you say? You thought after all you gave her, the label of a friend was the biggest insult against you but it is what you deserved in the first place. She was nothing but an experiment for you just like everything else in your pursuit for why humans feel the way they do and what love is exactly? Something which eluded the great man Leonardo himself, you had to find its constituents.

And for that she was perfect for you. But not all went to plan did it; you would work tirelessly and recorded each and every experience with her analyzing each one over and over again in the hope of developing some sought of a theorem. And then along the way you fell in love with her when throughout your life you had promised never to feel emotion and why would you anyway you have always been feeling-less haven’t you.
Once you began loving her you didn’t care about any experiment or the things far more important than your own personal motives and gains…….. And then she stopped feeling close and your five minutes of pleasure was over. Making someone feel special and being loved was the most beautiful thing in the world, but you had insulted Leonardo you failed him and you failed yourself.

The sacrifice had to be made but you had a choice and do you really feel it was the wrong one? You don’t really know do you, just think of what you could have achieved if your experiment had not been destroyed.
You had to do it in the end and you are certain she wouldn’t have minded because she loved you, but at that time it was important you kept it a secret. You have spoken to her about it now and she completely understands that it had to be done. The evidence which showed you had felt which led to the demise of the experiment that Leonardo could have been proud of had to be destroyed. You jumped out the aircraft during flight.
Not any lengthy poem but just some rhyming.......

I leave it to my Lord

".... Be friendly and nice to me,
I will shower love upon thee,
If you be unkind, I hold no grudges,
I leave to my Lord and the way He judges,
Heaven is peace, peace is smile,
Anger is like hell that burns all the while."

Written by Rawal Afzal, completed at 12:02 PM CEST, 2nd June 2013.

A few parts have been omitted for personal reasons.
poem is not measured in length but its depth. it has a saadibaba touch to it.
Skinny jeans and my t-shirt is rolled up
Everytime I meet someone I say them wassup
Hair carefully done, its what we call a ‘mohawk’
When people go to pray I look at them with shock.

“Dude, we are young now, let us jus party
Prayers can be done once we are over forty.
Give me a drink, along with that puff
Of me the girls, jus cant get enuff.”

They say, “Brother, my muslim brother, come back to the right track"
I use the choicest of words and tell them to get off my back.
They smile kindly as they leave, and say, smiling is a sunnah
I scowl at them, at my own Prophets ummah.
I make fun of them and their conditions,
Forgetting that we are all Allahs creations.

They see me in the corridor and saying salam, they greet me
I turn away in the other direction, pretending not to hear, not to see
They invite me to the masjid, in a congregation to pray
I say “later bro, my prayer later I shall say’

I smoke and I drink
If my sins had a smell
How much will I stink
Only Allah can tell.

In trouble the day I fell
To all my friends I went to tell
They told, “Dude, in good times you used to brag
Now please don’t nag”

The girls said, “Things will get better, we have a party to catch
The guys said, ”Dude, just chill, see you after the cricket match
When I wanted my friends the most, there was no one there
Just then I heard the azaan, and I felt Someone cares.

I entered the masjid and I remembered my past
Drinks, cigarettes, girls, lies - none of these shall last
Asked Allah for forgiveness, asked Allah to clean my mess
And by Allahs will, I left the masjid, and in my heart, was true happiness.
Well, who would have expected me to write this? However, the start itself clarifies the reason behind it.....

A poem penned for (Mohammad) Hafeez

"Here's a poem penned for (Mohammad) Hafeez,
Without it, I won't be left at any ease,
A fan of him has asked this,
An order in the form of request it is!
For her sake, I will have to exaggerate,
I can only request people to tolerate,
Composed from her point of view, seeing the craze,
I had no option but to write all the praise.


Sublime is his timing when he bats,
It can make people take off their hats,
Just a flick of the wrist goes for a four,
An ability that many people adore,
About his bowling I can write much more,
Added by a professor-like attitude not seen before,
Turn to him if you want to defend any score,
Simply give him the ball!
His spin bowling can even remove a wall.
His economical spells produce a false stroke,
Others take the wickets, but the credit goes to this bloke.
His pressure makes the batsmen choke.

Left-handed batsmen fear him a lot,
Can they survive? No, they cannot!
I advise them to focus, not to look around,
If they offer no shot, look at the timber, hear the sound!
If they hit the ball, the edge of the bat is easily found!

Fear the day when he will captain the side,
His team will then have a successful ride,
We all hope so at least,
That his team will conquer the West and the East."

Poem (written by Rawal Afzal) completed at 19:28 PM CEST, 28th May 2013.

How for a coincidence is it that when our little kid Square Drive wrote a poem on Pakistan`s ODI series victory in India, he too rhymed the word "ease" with Mohammad Hafeez`s name?!.......

Skinny jeans and my t-shirt is rolled up
Everytime I meet someone I say them wassup
Hair carefully done, its what we call a ‘mohawk’
When people go to pray I look at them with shock.

“Dude, we are young now, let us jus party
Prayers can be done once we are over forty.
Give me a drink, along with that puff
Of me the girls, jus cant get enuff.”

They say, “Brother, my muslim brother, come back to the right track"
I use the choicest of words and tell them to get off my back.
They smile kindly as they leave, and say, smiling is a sunnah
I scowl at them, at my own Prophets ummah.
I make fun of them and their conditions,
Forgetting that we are all Allahs creations.

They see me in the corridor and saying salam, they greet me
I turn away in the other direction, pretending not to hear, not to see
They invite me to the masjid, in a congregation to pray
I say “later bro, my prayer later I shall say’

I smoke and I drink
If my sins had a smell
How much will I stink
Only Allah can tell.

In trouble the day I fell
To all my friends I went to tell
They told, “Dude, in good times you used to brag
Now please don’t nag”

The girls said, “Things will get better, we have a party to catch
The guys said, ”Dude, just chill, see you after the cricket match
When I wanted my friends the most, there was no one there
Just then I heard the azaan, and I felt Someone cares.

I entered the masjid and I remembered my past
Drinks, cigarettes, girls, lies - none of these shall last
Asked Allah for forgiveness, asked Allah to clean my mess
And by Allahs will, I left the masjid, and in my heart, was true happiness.

Just read this one in peace. Beautiful:)! So many deep things in there:).

Mind you, I am currently writing a poem where I too have rhymed a verse by using the word "cares". However, for it being too personal, I 'may' not post it here on PP.
The recent appreciation by Dhoni got me out of my slumber and made me conceive another poem. Once again, all credit to Dhoni for inspiring me to write. Here it goes:

The inanity of our lives
The vanity of our nature
The brutality of our wars
The frugality of our wagers

The formality of our customs
The triviality of our labors
The irrationality of our thought
The lethality of our failures

The poverty of our minds
The duality of our behavior
The triviality of our games
The mortality of our saviors

The magnanimity of your heart
The reality of your existence
The spirituality of your soul
The impartiality of your essence

The morality of your wisdom
The totality of your coalescence
The actuality of your being
The vitality of your benevolence

The hospitality of your character
The universality of your luminescence
The neutrality of your thought
The finality of your omnipresence
The recent appreciation by Dhoni got me out of my slumber and made me conceive another poem. Once again, all credit to Dhoni for inspiring me to write.

Saadibaba, whereas I want you not to be distracted by PP in 'real' life, I am so happy to see you back on PP after a week or so.

It is because of your beautiful contributions that has won this thread an award too, which otherwise is pretty dead, except that 'people out of this world' like you have kept it alive.

As for the rest that you have written about me, only this smiley and facial expression comes to my mind: :).

Here it goes:

The inanity of our lives
The vanity of our nature
The brutality of our wars
The frugality of our wagers

The formality of our customs
The triviality of our labors
The irrationality of our thought
The lethality of our failures

The poverty of our minds
The duality of our behavior
The triviality of our games
The mortality of our saviors

The magnanimity of your heart
The reality of your existence
The spirituality of your soul
The impartiality of your essence

The morality of your wisdom
The totality of your coalescence
The actuality of your being
The vitality of your benevolence

The hospitality of your character
The universality of your luminescence
The neutrality of your thought
The finality of your omnipresence

Wow! Wow! Wow! This is...... special! I can´t even highlight my favourite part!

Here are the words that I have learned because of this wonderful poem:


It was fascinating to read your poem whilst also looking up to the dictionary:).
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I have a friend,
Who always has a hand to extend
Someone who I can call the best
Who always makes me feel blessed

Your always there
When life seems unfair
You always show me that you care
When I am lost in despair

Even when I'm having a bad day
Your the friend who always has the time to stay
When no one has the time to talk
You’re the friend who does more and offers a walk

You have some sorta spell
that makes me well
Whenever I'm feeling down,
You raise me up from my frown

I hope that everyone has a friend like you
Because you are the one whos always true
Now I'll end the line by something you already know
I love you more then what I could show

I have a friend,
Who always has a hand to extend
Someone who I can call the best
Who always makes me feel blessed

Your always there
When life seems unfair
You always show me that you care
When I am lost in despair

Even when I'm having a bad day
Your the friend who always has the time to stay
When no one has the time to talk
You’re the friend who does more and offers a walk

You have some sorta spell
that makes me well
Whenever I'm feeling down,
You raise me up from my frown

I hope that everyone has a friend like you
Because you are the one whos always true
Now I'll end the line by something you already know
I love you more then what I could show

What a wonderful, wonderful, wonderful revival of this thread:14::bow:! If it indeed covers a true story, you are one lucky guy to have been blessed with such a friend:).
Conversation went on
Even when things weren't told
My black heart tells a different story
A different story my lips told.

Half truths garnished with tall tales
Pinch of truth and icing of lies.
Flattered by empty words
It all comes down to goodbyes.

What is the point of 'honesty'
If its just another word in my diction
Honesty will be, truly, honesty
Only when it will be found in my actions.
Conversation went on
Even when things weren't told
My black heart tells a different story
A different story my lips told.

Half truths garnished with tall tales
Pinch of truth and icing of lies.
Flattered by empty words
It all comes down to goodbyes.

What is the point of 'honesty'
If its just another word in my diction
Honesty will be, truly, honesty
Only when it will be found in my actions.

Another good addition to this thread:).
Bit of poetry inspired by some of the great Iqbal's lines.
Made this into a song with my band


Ghoom darvaish ghoom
Paani kay hazaron boondh
Aur aatish ki noor
Mein mil kar ghoom

Ghoom darvaish ghoom
Tera ishq zamanay mein mushhoor
Tera imaan mazboot
Mere sapnon mein…

Mere mann mein

Mullah kee nazar
Noor-e-firasat se khalee hai
Darvaish to…
Rooh-e-nafasat par jhoomta hai

Is kaum mein magar
Muddat se who darvaish nayaab hai
Dhoondun to milay
Mere dil mein…

Mere mann mein
Mere tann mein ghoom

You can hear the song here:
Its been such a long time
And still feels like I commited a crime
I know I dropped the dimeee
But atleast readd this rhyme :$

Im sorry for what I did
I was a stupid little kid
That made a tear fall from your eyelid
And then all I did was hid

Im sorry for making you cry
Leaving you high And dry
without a proper Goodbye
And being no different from a bad guy

Im sorry for being a dickless wonder
Please forgive me for my huge blunder
It probably caused your heart a big thunder
And made me feel like I made a plunder

Im sorry for hurting your heart
And Making it fall apart
then making myself depart
I hope we can restart :(

But seriously can you atleast talk
and then maybe take a walk
Maybe around the block
Whatever you can draw, you got the chalk

I know you hate me a lot
Me talking to you is a long shot
But please have a soft spot
So i'll end this right after the dot.

Sent from my iPhone 4s using Tapatalk.
What a wonderful, wonderful, wonderful revival of this thread:14::bow:! If it indeed covers a true story, you are one lucky guy to have been blessed with such a friend:).

Lol not anymore :(
Here´s a lame shair in Urdu that I wrote somewhere yesterday evening (17:33 PM CEST).....

"Shairy mey´n dard naa ho, wo´h shairy nahi hoti,
Zindagi mey´n kissey naa ho, usski
dairy nahi hoti."

Meaning, "If poetry doesn´t contain pain, it isn´t poetry. If a life doesn´t have stories in it (to tell), you can´t make a dairy about it."


Its been such a long time
And still feels like I commited a crime
I know I dropped the dimeee
But atleast readd this rhyme :$

Im sorry for what I did
I was a stupid little kid
That made a tear fall from your eyelid
And then all I did was hid

Im sorry for making you cry
Leaving you high And dry
without a proper Goodbye
And being no different from a bad guy

Im sorry for being a dickless wonder
Please forgive me for my huge blunder
It probably caused your heart a big thunder
And made me feel like I made a plunder

Im sorry for hurting your heart
And Making it fall apart
then making myself depart
I hope we can restart :(

But seriously can you atleast talk
and then maybe take a walk
Maybe around the block
Whatever you can draw, you got the chalk

I know you hate me a lot
Me talking to you is a long shot
But please have a soft spot
So i'll end this right after the dot.

Sir, thou art talented I say:14::bow:!

I have highlight my favourite parts above, even though the whole of it simply rocks:).

Lol not anymore :(

Understood, in case the second poem too is related to it:(......
When struggle becomes the nick name of life
When sun rays reach but shine not
When full moon is seen but admired not
Thats when we survive, but live not.

When our happiness becomes the focal point of our life
And we smile, but thank not
About others sufferings we think not
All the blessings we received; we forgot.
When struggle becomes the nick name of life
When sun rays reach but shine not
When full moon is seen but admired not
Thats when we survive, but live not.

When our happiness becomes the focal point of our life
And we smile, but thank not
About others sufferings we think not
All the blessings we received; we forgot.

Very nice:)!
shikasta pa mosam mein ujala bhool jata hun
kisi ko yaad karta hun , hawala bhool jata hun

samander kay darmiyan faseelain hain bari bari
ban kar bhanwar ka niwala ,bhool jata hun

gham de kar bhi gham e dunya se jeena seekha
dukhon ka madawa kia cheez hay,azala bhool jata hun

jannat mein hi bas sukoon ki arzoo hei
kab yeh ho gaya tahobala bhool jata hun

meray naye nishter par yeh khoon ka nuqta kesa
kab niyaam se tha nikala bhool jaata hun

tumhari tasveer ka samar har rang ujala lagta hai
safaid yaad rehta hai , **** bhool jata hun
shikasta pa mosam mein ujala bhool jata hun
kisi ko yaad karta hun , hawala bhool jata hun

samander kay darmiyan faseelain hain bari bari
ban kar bhanwar ka niwala ,bhool jata hun

gham de kar bhi gham e dunya se jeena seekha
dukhon ka madawa kia cheez hay,azala bhool jata hun

jannat mein hi bas sukoon ki arzoo hei
kab yeh ho gaya tahobala bhool jata hun

meray naye nishter par yeh khoon ka nuqta kesa
kab niyaam se tha nikala bhool jaata hun

tumhari tasveer ka samar har rang ujala lagta hai
safaid yaad rehta hai , **** bhool jata hun

Janaab, mazza aa gaya! Kamaal kardi aapne:)! I have highlighted my favourite parts above if you don't mind:).
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It all started when I first layed my eyes upon You
It was at that moment when my heart Flew
And when my first breathe of love Blew
My heart was stuck to you like Glue

I still can't explain that Feeling
It was like I could stand and reach the Ceiling
And also if I was down and Kneeling
That's when I knew it was you that was doing the stealing

Then we use to meet during Lunch Time
Skipping class and committing a Crime
Hugging you and making a Rhyme
But boy did I really drop the Dime

Our favourite song from Jab Thak Hai Jaan
But I was such a terrible InSaaan
That song had you and I Drawn
Now all of that is Gone

I guess our relationship wasn't meant to Swim
Even though we loved eachother Limb by Limb
Chances of you and I being together are very Slim
But I pray to God this was just a PreLim

Even though movies are Fake
They too have some sort of a heart Ache
That makes both of their hearts Flake
But sadly not with a lot at Stake

This was as real as it could Get
But went quicker then a flying Jet
Quicker than a speeding Corvette
And now forgotten like a old Cassette

I guess this was our Fate
And that you weren't my soul Mate
You were right when you said we should Wait
Now I'm here alone, listening to my increasing heart Rate

I guess God didn't approve of this relationShip
He gave us the good old pink Slip
Taking us both on a guilt Trip
Should have just given us a good pistol Grip

They say every love story has it's own Time
We knew what ours was like, think of it as a Crime
This wasn't our relationships Prime
Don't worry, there'll be a time with you when I say this Rhyme

This time wasn't Ours
It was like trying to catch the Stars
Or Escaping from jail Bars
But it still left it's Scars

But with all that happened, it doesn't mean that the love wasn't there.
I am promise we'll be together whether it's now or in the future, this will be my prayer.
I want you to know that I still to this day Care
Our love story will exactly be like a movie, our love story will be Rare

I don't know what else to say
So I'll end the line with something you know
I love you more than what I could Show

"Har ishq ka ek waqt hota hai ... woh waqt hamara nahi tha ... iska matlab ye nahi ki woh ishq nahi tha"
"Every love has its own time ... that time was not ours ... but that doesn't mean that the love itself wasn't there"
- Jab Thak Hai John
It all started when I first layed my eyes upon You
It was at that moment when my heart Flew
And when my first breathe of love Blew
My heart was stuck to you like Glue

I still can't explain that Feeling
It was like I could stand and reach the Ceiling
And also if I was down and Kneeling
That's when I knew it was you that was doing the stealing

Then we use to meet during Lunch Time
Skipping class and committing a Crime
Hugging you and making a Rhyme
But boy did I really drop the Dime

Our favourite song from Jab Thak Hai Jaan
But I was such a terrible InSaaan
That song had you and I Drawn
Now all of that is Gone

I guess our relationship wasn't meant to Swim
Even though we loved eachother Limb by Limb
Chances of you and I being together are very Slim
But I pray to God this was just a PreLim

Even though movies are Fake
They too have some sort of a heart Ache
That makes both of their hearts Flake
But sadly not with a lot at Stake

This was as real as it could Get
But went quicker then a flying Jet
Quicker than a speeding Corvette
And now forgotten like a old Cassette

I guess this was our Fate
And that you weren't my soul Mate
You were right when you said we should Wait
Now I'm here alone, listening to my increasing heart Rate

I guess God didn't approve of this relationShip
He gave us the good old pink Slip
Taking us both on a guilt Trip
Should have just given us a good pistol Grip

They say every love story has it's own Time
We knew what ours was like, think of it as a Crime
This wasn't our relationships Prime
Don't worry, there'll be a time with you when I say this Rhyme

This time wasn't Ours
It was like trying to catch the Stars
Or Escaping from jail Bars
But it still left it's Scars

But with all that happened, it doesn't mean that the love wasn't there.
I am promise we'll be together whether it's now or in the future, this will be my prayer.
I want you to know that I still to this day Care
Our love story will exactly be like a movie, our love story will be Rare

I don't know what else to say
So I'll end the line with something you know
I love you more than what I could Show

"Har ishq ka ek waqt hota hai ... woh waqt hamara nahi tha ... iska matlab ye nahi ki woh ishq nahi tha"
"Every love has its own time ... that time was not ours ... but that doesn't mean that the love itself wasn't there"
- Jab Thak Hai John

Autograph please:).

Man, I am struck by your talent! I read it with all my heart and tried to be you whilst reading this to understand it to the depths.

Amazing! This world consists of so many different personalities, faces etc., but so many of us are so similar. Believe me, I have read it more than five times by now. Lovely piece of poetry. This indeed is a thread for talented people like you.

By the way, which song was it from film 'Jab Tak Hai Jaan' 2012, that you have mentioned in your poem above? Let me guess: "Saans Mey´n Teri Saans Mili Tou.... " (?)....
Autograph please:).

Man, I am struck by your talent! I read it with all my heart and tried to be you whilst reading this to understand it to the depths.

Amazing! This world consists of so many different personalities, faces etc., but so many of us are so similar. Believe me, I have read it more than five times by now. Lovely piece of poetry. This indeed is a thread for talented people like you.

By the way, which song was it from film 'Jab Tak Hai Jaan' 2012, that you have mentioned in your poem above? Let me guess: "Saans Mey´n Teri Saans Mili Tou.... " (?)....

Lol, yes Saans, How did you know bhai?
and thanks bhai, this is what I do when I am in devdas mood, and I am actually so happy you read it right now! its 3:06am where I live.
Lol, yes Saans, How did you know bhai?
and thanks bhai, this is what I do when I am in devdas mood, and I am actually so happy you read it right now! its 3:06am where I live.

I knew it because affected hearts think alike, don´t they?

Pleasure is all mine! Devdas mood is what keeps many people going in life. My own poetry in the whole thread is an indication of many things.
The autumn of 2009

"In year 2009, in the season of autumn,
You touched my heart at its bottom,
It was at a wedding that we met,
An event for which I have no regret.

You disclosed the secret 17 days after, on the 28th,
My turn to answer brought a long wait,
Till six o`clock, my heart beat at a rapid rate,
The time arrived, you failed to answer my call,
I had realised of my heart's downfall,
Hoping for it not to matter,
I called you again an hour later,
Plan was to hide my feelings, to make you see sense,
I don't know when I fell for the innocence,
When I uttered the truth, my heart did shiver,
But the feeling for you was an ever-flowing river.

It was childish to expect any good outcome,
Without the clouds for the rain to come,
Circumstances and people took the ultimate decision,
Reality overcame the beautiful illusion.

I often think about the sadness it brought,
But remembering the moments I perish the thought.
For others, it may just be a matter of months,
But whatever happened, in my memories it runs.

Let it be a transgression without repentance,
In a world of only hatred and vengeance,
Since our act went against the system,
From worldly people it got no assistance."

Poem (written by Rawal Afzal) completed at 11: 49 AM CEST (11th April, 2013).

Edit (12th April, 2013) - let me add another post to it:

^ http://www.pakpassion.net/ppforum/showpost.php?p=5718664&postcount=82 ^

Lovely Rawal bhai! My story was in Autumn too :13:.
I guess it's in Autumn when all the cupids come out to play :(

October 2012 :'(
Lovely Rawal bhai! My story was in Autumn too :13:.
I guess it's in Autumn when all the cupids come out to play :(

October 2012 :'(


I give up there is something in the month of October!
I made this back in December, when she told me she liked? me too.

I know you hate lovey dovey stuff
But hear me out before you say enough
This is gona be pretty tough
So sit back and make your hair into a puff

I don't know if you'll like this or not
So for me its a long shot
If you don't like this, it'll feel like a blood clot
So relax and stick with the plot ..

Anyways this feeling is amazing
All I'm doing right now is praising
Is this real? Or am I hazing?
Feels better then when I was blazing

I've felt this before, but never like this
Its like you have some sort of a bliss
Maybe it's the way you kiss?
Or the way you hiss

I know we'v e had a lot of fights
And then theres those sleepless nights
Thinking about impossible sights
Dont worry our love will reach unimaginable heights

It's feels like you put some spell
That put my heart into a swell
My life into a hell
But don't worry you've made me well

I know I made you cry
Said a lot of good-bye
You probably said why
but dont worry ima good guy

Right now I wanna kiss you on the cheek
And never let another tear leak
If anything is wrong, I'll always speak
Babyy our love will be so unique

I wanna hug you so tight
Never have another fight
And promose to be polite
Especially at night

Also you should know
I didn't chill with that hoe
Even tho she was like yo
I was like buddy go blow!
She was like Oh whoaa!

God knows how I'd feel if you chilled with another guy
Even though I trust you, i'd still feel like I'ma die
I hope you know what I'm tryna imply
So baby don't deny and leave me bone dry

Its getting late, and I'm running out of things to say
So before I start to go cray
I'll end the line by something you already know
I love you more then what I could show
A fictitious story for some harmless fun.....

There was this girl in our school who fell for me (?!) She was in general very ill-behaved and very rich as well. Sent me an email......

"Violets are red, roses are blue,
I love only one, that is you."

She got the first verse wrong: A hint that it wasn't written from the heart. As you all acknowledge, DHONI183 is a kind soul who diplomatically avoids things instead of hurting others. I answered.......

"Your email, I have read,
It has turned me red,
Caught fever, going to bed,
Sleeping early is my rule,
Meet you tomorrow at school."

Next day she made fun of me with her friends. I was angered! It felt as if I was being played with. In the evening she wrote me again, seeking an answer. My answer was......

"I am poor, you are rich,
I am noble, you are a witch,
I discovered in the school,
You were making me a fool!
Not falling for the trap,
I am not any idiotic chap,
Go find another guy,
From my side, goodbye!"

It was a some sort of dilemma for me too, but I solved it myself without seeking anyone's help. My first step towards poetry it was.

^ http://www.pakpassion.net/ppforum/showpost.php?p=5826807&postcount=1705 ^
PB bhai, I am now badly addicted to your poetry! It is..... amazing!
PB bhai, I am now badly addicted to your poetry! It is..... amazing!


Glad you like it :D, hope your being honest :p
I'm really happy right now, because someones actually appreciating it! :')

Glad you like it :D, hope your being honest :p
I'm really happy right now, because someones actually appreciating it! :')

I am being very honest. The difference between me and "Good stuff. Well written" people is that I analyse stuff and offer my own, deep insight which tells that I really engage into it.

Keep sharing I say:19:!
lol,there are a lot of devdases in this site.Hope you all are not like this in your real life.
lol,there are a lot of devdases in this site.Hope you all are not like this in your real life.

Kaayal you:))! Don´t make fun of us, please. All of us are, but some dare to come out in open;-).
The day I will never forget November the Fifth
You made something come true, that was once a Myth
You showed me, You were the person I was meant to be With
But months later you proved all of it was better off as a Myth

It was Tuesday December Eighteen
We went to the movies to watch on the big Screen
That was fast becoming our daily Routine
But then there was that Climatic Scene

It wasn't in the movie, it was with You and I
This was the starting of our permanent good Bye
You had to ruin it, I still ask Why?
Oh well, I guess this was something you were trying to Imply?

In your iPhone a picture of another Guy
Leaving me and my heart high and Dry
At that moment my hope began to Die
That you weren't my soul mate, that...I still Cry

Sure it was just a picture you all Say
But they do tell a thousand words that you can't Slay
At the moment, me and you started to Stray
Our love just wasn't meant to Stay

A day before your birthday January Thirty-First
Thats when everything was starting to Burst
All the memories were overshadowed since this was the day everything was at its Worst
It's kind of like our love was Cursed

As I write this poem, I'm vulnerable like a baby Fawn
I am so tired so give me a second, let me Yawn
I just looked outside and It's almost Dawn
and I still can't believe our love is Gone.....
I am being very honest. The difference between me and "Good stuff. Well written" people is that I analyse stuff and offer my own, deep insight which tells that I really engage into it.

Keep sharing I say:19:!

Thank you bhai!! :D
The day I will never forget November the Fifth
You made something come true, that was once a Myth
You showed me, You were the person I was meant to be With
But months later you proved all of it was better off as a Myth

It was Tuesday December Eighteen
We went to the movies to watch on the big Screen
That was fast becoming our daily Routine
But then there was that Climatic Scene

It wasn't in the movie, it was with You and I
This was the starting of our permanent good Bye
You had to ruin it, I still ask Why?
Oh well, I guess this was something you were trying to Imply?

In your iPhone a picture of another Guy
Leaving me and my heart high and Dry
At that moment my hope began to Die
That you weren't my soul mate, that...I still Cry

Sure it was just a picture you all Say
But they do tell a thousand words that you can't Slay
At the moment, me and you started to Stray
Our love just wasn't meant to Stay

A day before your birthday January Thirty-First
Thats when everything was starting to Burst
All the memories were overshadowed since this was the day everything was at its Worst
It's kind of like our love was Cursed

As I write this poem, I'm vulnerable like a baby Fawn
I am so tired so give me a second, let me Yawn
I just looked outside and It's almost Dawn
and I still can't believe our love is Gone.....

October, November, December, January and then came February......

Is that me from another ID?

"Talent" is the word! Loved every, every bit of it!
Its time to change your avatar bro.... Its supposed to be Devdas and not Mohabbatein :p

That's exactly the mistake that people make whilst interpreting my personality. Believe me, this one suits more:).
October, November, December, January and then came February......

Is that me from another ID?

"Talent" is the word! Loved every, every bit of it!

Hahaha lol :D
Just my little devdas story! :(
Lol saw that movie on DVD yesterday and now since the match is being rained out, and have nothing else on TV, Jab Thak Hai Jaan is on the Indian channel :facepalm:

My luck . . . . . . . . .
I know a poem isn't Much
But I have no other Touch

I know your still really Pissed
And it was something big that I Missed

I know I made a big Mistake
But I didn't want your heart to Break

I know I'm pretty Late
But I thought it be better to Wait

I know you hate me a Lot
But saying everything like this is all I Got

It's been 4 years and I still feel Bad
Every time I think about it I get Sad

My intention isn't what you Believe
All of which I said on Christmas Eve

It was December 24th 2009
When I said stuff that stung your blood Line

I didn't mean any of That
It was just that . . . I was a stupid little Brat

I tried saying sorry a lot
But you made it feel like it was some Plot

I tried in Two thousand Eleven
But you sent my hopes to Heaven

Tried again Last Year
But nothing new which was my Fear

Both times, you wanted me to leave you Alone
But I just wanted something to be Known

I know I was a really bad Guy
And made you hope, that I go to the Sky

I probably made you Cry
That made you hope I die

I know you have a lot of Wrath
But I just want to set straight the Path

I am not doing this for what you Think
I'm just sorry, I left a mark worse than permanent Ink

Every summer, I'll keep Trying
Just to prove, that I am not Lying

This is going to be my third Time
Better off saying everything in a Rhyme

I don't know what else to say
So I'll just stop right away
"Your attempts at termination
and to term my Nation, a Terrorist State
won't deter my nation
because of our determination"
- Saqs
Last edited:
I know a poem isn't Much
But I have no other Touch

I know your still really Pissed
And it was something big that I Missed

I know I made a big Mistake
But I didn't want your heart to Break

I know I'm pretty Late
But I thought it be better to Wait

I know you hate me a Lot
But saying everything like this is all I Got

It's been 4 years and I still feel Bad
Every time I think about it I get Sad

My intention isn't what you Believe
All of which I said on Christmas Eve

It was December 24th 2009
When I said stuff that stung your blood Line

I didn't mean any of That
It was just that . . . I was a stupid little Brat

I tried saying sorry a lot
But you made it feel like it was some Plot

I tried in Two thousand Eleven
But you sent my hopes to Heaven

Tried again Last Year
But nothing new which was my Fear

Both times, you wanted me to leave you Alone
But I just wanted something to be Known

I know I was a really bad Guy
And made you hope, that I go to the Sky

I probably made you Cry
That made you hope I die

I know you have a lot of Wrath
But I just want to set straight the Path

I am not doing this for what you Think
I'm just sorry, I left a mark worse than permanent Ink

Every summer, I'll keep Trying
Just to prove, that I am not Lying

This is going to be my third Time
Better off saying everything in a Rhyme

I don't know what else to say
So I'll just stop right away

You continue to amaze me with your talent! What I love is how you keep rhyming things and keep the flow of the story going! Mind blown! The first two verses say....

"I know a poem isn't Much
But I have no other Touch"

My friend, a poem is everything! You know, it lets us say things that we can´t in simple words.

"Your attempts at termination
and to term my Nation, a Terrorist State
won't deter my nation
because of our determination"
- Saqs

Wonderful:)! Welcome to this thread sir:)!
You continue to amaze me with your talent! What I love is how you keep rhyming things and keep the flow of the story going! Mind blown! The first two verses say....

"I know a poem isn't Much
But I have no other Touch"

My friend, a poem is everything! You know, it lets us say things that we can´t in simple words.

Thanks bhai, If I had a quarter for everytime you complimented my work, I'd have a lot of quarters :p

And yeah for me and you a poem means a lot, but to her .....Nope :p
And here is my latest.

Two nights and Two rhymes
I amaze me sometimes (H)

I don't know what else I have to do
Say you don't hate me, so I can go Wahooo!

For two consecutive night's I've been Ignored!
I need something that can get me Restored

Maybe after reading this rhyme send me a text
so I don't feel so perplexed :(

Or the good ol' phone call
And settle it once and for all!

Hope it's for the good
I want you to have me understood!

I know you'd love to cuss
But I'm not trying to cause a fuss!

You know you'd love to cuss me off too :cool:
But C'mon you've done it twice, be refreshing like Mountain Dew ;)

Last year it was like a Soda Lime
You cussed me off big time!

The year before that was like Sprite
Setting it straight and giving me a Fright

This year are you gona be cold as Ice
And be Concise

Or are you gona be sweet as juice
and finally call it a truce ? :(
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Thanks bhai, If I had a quarter for everytime you complimented my work, I'd have a lot of quarters :p

And yeah for me and you a poem means a lot, but to her .....Nope :p
And here is my latest.

Two nights and Two rhymes
I amaze me sometimes (H)

I don't know what else I have to do
Say you don't hate me, so I can go Wahooo!

For two consecutive night's I've been Ignored!
I need something that can get me Restored

Maybe after reading this rhyme send me a text
so I don't feel so perplexed :(

Or the good ol' phone call
And settle it once and for all!

Hope it's for the good
I want you to have me understood!

I know you'd love to cuss
But I'm not trying to cause a fuss!

You know you'd love to cuss me off too :cool:
But C'mon you've done it twice, be refreshing like Mountain Dew ;)

Last year it was like a Soda Lime
You cussed me off big time!

The year before that was like Sprite
Setting it straight and giving me a Fright

This year are you gona be cold as Ice
And be Concise

Or are you gona be sweet as juice
and finally call it a truce ? :(

Hah! Unlucky are those who don´t value creative work such as this. I have highlighted my favourite parts above:).

My poem in the following post to uncovers a strange little story.
I am the one to be blamed

Picked up a fight with someone yesterday! I whole-heartedly admit that it was all intentional on my part, but I didn´t expect it to be led to this extent:facepalm:.

Funny thing is, there´s no "sorry" in it, neither any apology, and the last three verses may anger her even more:))).

I am the one to be blamed

"I know you are hurt,
You are not what I assert.

Take not seriously what I claimed,
Since I am the one to be blamed.

I know I called you fake,
And caused you headache.
But, was it a serious take?

It is for you to ponder,
Didn't you for a moment wonder?

That, how can I be so impolite?
Maybe my aim was one little fight?

If not my friends, who do I annoy?
With whom else do I enjoy?

Let it be for God´s sake!
If not, you are definitely fake!

One annoying little girl you remain!
The one I will fight again and again!
Since your ability to comprehend is a pain!"

Poem (written by Rawal Afzal) completed at 08:59 AM CEST, 26th June 2013.
PB your poems are really cute!

Rawal bro, you are pretty good too. You have a nice command over the language. And you're German! :p
Good news regarding my last poem is that it´s all well after some 36 hours or so. Very happy:135:!

PB your poems are really cute!

Rawal bro, you are pretty good too. You have a nice command over the language.

Thanks. But what do you mean by "You are pretty good too":13:? I am the original artist who inspired people like Saadibaba to write poetry, and PB to post the stuff here.

And you're German! :p

Yeah; but I will end up messing things up if I ever on earth attempt poetry in German:boom:.

Anyways, stay blessed, my little sister:).
Some thing my friend posted : hawa jab zard patton ko juda shaakhon se karti hai .....
hamey tumse bichud jana bohat yaad aata hai .......
My poems were of no use, the @#$%$% didn't even text or anything.
Good news regarding my last poem is that it´s all well after some 36 hours or so. Very happy:135:!

Thanks. But what do you mean by "You are pretty good too":13:? I am the original artist who inspired people like Saadibaba to write poetry, and PB to post the stuff here.

Yeah; but I will end up messing things up if I ever on earth attempt poetry in German:boom:.

Anyways, stay blessed, my little sister:).

Haha sorry :$
Lol why, is rhyming in German really hard? Its a tough language in general I suppose.

Sent from my Nexus S using Tapatalk 4 Beta
Haha sorry :$
Lol why, is rhyming in German really hard? Its a tough language in general I suppose.

Sent from my Nexus S using Tapatalk 4 Beta

Yeah, it is a tough language but poetry exits in it too. My comment had more to do with my own inability to come up with something as efficient as in the English language, if mine is any good at all that is.
My poems were of no use, the @#$%$% didn't even text or anything.

I understand and sympathise with you my friend, but your poetry isn't quite gone to waste as people at least saw talent unearth like yours. They are of value to me at least.

God bless you:)!
I understand and sympathise with you my friend, but your poetry isn't quite gone to waste as people at least saw talent unearth like yours. They are of value to me at least.

God bless you:)!

Thank you, that really means a lot :)
God Bless You Too :D
Champions Trophy 2013 Poem

And just to keep the record of things, our PB bhai has written a beautiful poem on the recently concluded ICC Champions Trophy (2013).....

Perhaps the last tournament Ever
Pakistan now will win it Never

India has now won it Twice
Thank God no ones saying for a Price

England once again fell Short
Guess it's just not their Resort

Sri Lanka lost in the Semi's once More
Thats nothing new, so let's just Ignore

Windies got done by Rain
It was like their own Bane

Saffers won against the Rain
But still managed to get on the Plane

Australia once the most dominant Team
All of that now may seem like a Dream

New Zealand needed Australia to Win
But both of them bowed out as a Twin

Short and Sweet

^ http://www.pakpassion.net/ppforum/showthread.php?t=180884 ^
The one who destroyed himself

The one who destroyed himself

"Accompanied by madness,
Causing sorrow and sadness.

Find happiness in meaninglessness,
Strength became my helplessness.

Who should I ask except myself?
The one who destroyed himself!

To this world, pain is unknown,
Fault is my own,
It is never shown.

Of the haters, there is no dearth,
On this self-contradictory earth,
Only beloved ones realise my worth.

Fighting myself and the rest,
Through the worst and the best.

Reasons to be sad have been numerous,
Yet I stay positive and humorous.

Punishments are self-inflicted,
Restlessness is worse than shown and depicted.

See darkness in the sunshine,
Maybe fault is all mine....

The sun itself shines outside,
And not where I reside..... "

Poem (written by Rawal Afzal) completed at 21:19 PM CEST, 27th June 2013.
Let not the Sun rise today
Lest it brings with itself another day of pain.
Evaporating any bit of hope that seem to remain.

Let not the Sun rise today
Lest it brings with itself a whole nes set of troubles.
And myriad diseases that always seem to be incurable.

Let not the Sun rise today
Lest it allows difficult situations to arise.
Leading men towards more hatred and even more vice.

Let not the Sun rise today
Let this peaceful moment overpower me.
Until a permanent sleep overcomes me.
As soon as I laid my eyes on Her
My Heart and Eyes began to Blur

Seeing someone really Stunning
And who was also very Cunning

She seemed so Complete
Perfect to start a new Fleet

She was wearing a traditional Pakistani Attire
Seeing her in that, made her my only Desire

She was wearing heels yet couldn't match my Height
Everything was perfect but too good to be Right

She seemed pretty Young
But the Situation soon Swung

I couldn't understand this Notion
It gave me an unbelievable Emotion

It felt like my heart was being Seized
But in the end I ended up being Deceived

She was my mom's friends Daughter
Who ended up doing an unintended Slaughter

It was my mom who brought me back to Reality
It caused me so much Brutality

The news had affected me with such a high Magnitude
It struck me down from a really high Altitude

It was so Frustrating
And yet very Aggravating

I had no clue in how I should React
The broken pieces of my Heart were no longer Intact

All my hopes had been Destroyed
I learnt Love is what I should Avoid

It's something that is very Betraying
What you see, is not always what is Portraying

The news that broke my heart into Parts
So small you couldn't even hit them with Darts

It was that the girl was 6 years older
The broken bits of heart began to Smoulder. . . . . . . . .
Last edited:
Let not the Sun rise today
Lest it brings with itself another day of pain.
Evaporating any bit of hope that seem to remain.

Let not the Sun rise today
Lest it brings with itself a whole nes set of troubles.
And myriad diseases that always seem to be incurable.

Let not the Sun rise today
Lest it allows difficult situations to arise.
Leading men towards more hatred and even more vice.

Let not the Sun rise today
Let this peaceful moment overpower me.
Until a permanent sleep overcomes me.

Beautiful sir! Very deep. It engages your soul into it as you read.

As soon as I laid my eyes on Her
My Heart and Eyes began to Blur

Seeing someone really Stunning
And who was also very Cunning

She seemed so Complete
Perfect to start a new Fleet

She was wearing a traditional Pakistani Attire
Seeing her in that, made her my only Desire

She was wearing heels yet couldn't match my Height
Everything was perfect but too good to be Right

She seemed pretty Young
But the Situation soon Swung

I couldn't understand this Notion
It gave me an unbelievable Emotion

It felt like my heart was being Seized
But in the end I ended up being Deceived

She was my mom's friends Daughter
Who ended up doing an unintended Slaughter

It was my mom who brought me back to Reality
It caused me so much Brutality

The news had affected me with such a high Magnitude
It struck me down from a really high Altitude

It was so Frustrating
And yet very Aggravating

I had no clue in how I should React
The broken pieces of my Heart were no longer Intact

All my hopes had been Destroyed
I learnt Love is what I should Avoid

It's something that is very Betraying
What you see, is not always what is Portraying

The news that broke my heart into Parts
So small you couldn't even hit them with Darts

It was that the girl was 6 years older
The broken bits of heart began to Smoulder. . . . . . . . .

As always, very touching! There are four verses in it which made me stop for a while to read and reflect upon them once again.....

"She was wearing a traditional Pakistani Attire."

And then the one about height, and then these two......

"She was my mom's friends Daughter
Who ended up doing an unintended Slaughter."

Ah´! Strange, strange similarities are there!
A kind-hearted little boy

I wrote this almost a week ago. I didn´t post it (anywhere) because it was a little too personal. It was exclusively shared with only one person in this world. However, I have come up with an idea of omitting a few verses which were slightly personal.

A kind-hearted little boy

"She didn´t think of the outcome,
Took it all for fun!
Or perhaps she was serious,
But the guy got very curious.

Knew she not he could give her nothing?
Except for maybe one thing,
That being laughter and joy,
A kind-hearted little boy!

His heart became his weakness,
The only uniqueness,
He too fell for her,
Causing him to err,
How childish they were!
From her, this world parted him,
To no end it dis-heartened him!

To avoid any further collision,
He took a harsh decision,
He locked his heart, threw the key away,
His inner being, he had to slay!

His heart, he couldn't resist,
The emotions continued to exist,
He was struck by the charm of someone,
Surprising himself and everyone.

He now lives in a world of his own,
About It, none can complain or moan,
Without her knowledge, he loves her from far,
And accepts things as they are.... "

Poem (written by Rawal Afzal) completed at 19:17 PM CEST, 24th June 2013.
I pray to Thee

Only one verse has been omitted from its original form.

I pray to Thee

"Listen O ` You to my prayers,
Take off the burden this heart bears,
As the time approaches, help me,
Set me free,
Make it all happen, I pray to Thee.

Despite the hurdles faced,
In You have all the hopes been placed,
Let not my words go to waste,
With Your Support has the negativity been erased,
Let not my determination be disgraced.

I know well the challenges exist,
I still believe You will assist,
My prayers have the power to resist.

I pray again what I pray before,
Make it all happen as I swore,
Let this bird-like heart reach the destination,
It flies with hope, in love and admiration."

Poem (written by Rawal Afzal) completed at 19: 47 PM CEST, 1st July 2013.


This picture fascinates me so much that it will now grace my avatar.
I wrote this almost a week ago. I didn´t post it (anywhere) because it was a little too personal. It was exclusively shared with only one person in this world. However, I have come up with an idea of omitting a few verses which were slightly personal.

A kind-hearted little boy

"She didn´t think of the outcome,
Took it all for fun!
Or perhaps she was serious,
But the guy got very curious.

Knew she not he could give her nothing?
Except for maybe one thing,
That being laughter and joy,
A kind-hearted little boy!

His heart became his weakness,
The only uniqueness,
He too fell for her,
Causing him to err,
How childish they were!
From her, this world parted him,
To no end it dis-heartened him!

To avoid any further collision,
He took a harsh decision,
He locked his heart, threw the key away,
His inner being, he had to slay!

His heart, he couldn't resist,
The emotions continued to exist,
He was struck by the charm of someone,
Surprising himself and everyone.

He now lives in a world of his own,
About It, none can complain or moan,
Without her knowledge, he loves her from far,
And accepts things as they are.... "

Poem (written by Rawal Afzal) completed at 19:17 PM CEST, 24th June 2013.
Rawal bhai, any new poems?
I haven't written any since the last one, haven't found a reason yet :p
Rawal bhai, any new poems?
I haven't written any since the last one, haven't found a reason yet :p

No, nothing new. I haven´t quite found a reason either. A friend´s birthday is coming up in about two weeks. You can expect one there at least. *Hint: It is the same friend who I had a fight with some time back and had to write a poem to convince.*
Given that it is the holy month of Ramadhan, I thought of dedicating some of my work to God Almighty. The perfection is nowhere there, but I have tried my level best to base this poem on chapter Al-Fatiha ('The Opening') of the Holy Qur´an.

The most Merciful, the most Gracious

"The most Merciful, the most Gracious 1,
Who made this earth so spacious
To Him belongs all the praise
Yet man is thankless in many ways,
Of all the worlds, he is the Lord
Everything operates with His accord,
His Mercy exists in infinity
None shares with Him the Divinity,
Justly He will judge in the Hereafter,
Of the Judgment Day, He is the Master
Man transgresses, his faith is weak,
But in trouble, His aid does he seek
God alone is the one we serve
He is the only One to deserve,
Show us O` You the right way
We fear being led astray,
Make us of those bestowed with Your Grace
Before our destruction takes place,
We fear being of those facing Your wrath
And being of those who go astray and choose the wrong path."

Poem (written by Rawal Afzal) completed at 18:52 PM CEST, 20th July 2013.

References from the Qur´an:

1. Refers to the "Bismillah.... "
2. Verse 13:3 'may' well be an appropriate reference.
3 and 4 both refer to verse 1:1.
5. "His Mercy exists in infinity" refers to the phrase "The most Gracious, the most Merciful" being there once again in verse 1:2 even after it being there already ín the "Bismillah.... "
6. Verse 1:3.
7 and 8 both refer to verse 1: 4.
9. Verse 1:5.
10. Verse 1: 6.
11 and 12 both refer to verse 1:7.
^You did a very good job there,Rawal bhai.May Allah shower all the blessings on you for this wonderful work.
^You did a very good job there,Rawal bhai.May Allah shower all the blessings on you for this wonderful work.

Thanks a lot my dear sister! You deserve some credit for this because you asked me in my introduction thread how my poetry is going and, even though I answered by saying that I have taken a short break, I felt that I should seriously write something again given that it is the holy month of Ramadhan. May Allah bless you too and all your beloved ones. Amen!