Test Debutant
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Think the problem with Sami has been the way he has been diluted to the degree where the audience sees nothing more than a mid carder sadly. He's been on the main roster since 2015 and for 7 years he has never been given anything more than mid card push. On top of that he was given a pathetic character with awful storylines once he turned heel (Lashley's sisters, not taking a single bump or hitting the opponent during his IC title reign vs Strowman and Bryan in 2020). If a wrestler is kept so down for so long, it becomes extremely different to see him at the top. To Sami's credit, he never complained about it, managed to do the best he could with his character and got over with his annoying heel gimmick as well. But the damage he's been dealt with has been too much. But I do hope he gets the top run that he deserves. Bryan only had to fiddle in the mid card for 3-4 years compared to Sami's 7. Even then he was given the wwe title once or twice (even though they had him lose in that terrible fashion to Sheamus) but bryan didn't get that bad treatment that Sami has got. So for him to finally go to the top was relatively easier. But then again Bryan is no ordinary wrestler either like you said.
Drew is also an example, the way he was presented in 3MB, would he have been able to get over and be the force that he has been since his 2018 return? I don't think so. He was a comedy character then and was turned into a joke. Only once he had rebuilt himself on the indies and had totally changed his look, his wrestling style and on mic, was he finally dubbed as the prodigal son upon his return.
Yes it is actually remarkable how many bad gimmicks and storylines he has been saddled when you think about how accomplished he is not just in the ring but also on the mic. And yet he has rarely been utilized as anything more than an underneath guy since he ended his first main-roster feud with Owens in 2016 all the way upto when he just decided to get himself over with that Conspiracy Theorist gimmick.
IIRC there was even a time in between when they made him Nakamura's manager. Which I think would have to be the most egregious waste of his talents and abilities.
Drew is a good example of how you can redeem yourself. But at the same time a different one. Because Drew always had that look and was seen as a future main-eventer all the way back when he first came on to the main-roster in 2009. And when he came back his physique and look was just terrific...pretty much in-line with what they expect from a main-event level guy.