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Evolution was good but it over stayed its welcome. Beating guys was one thing, but they never quiet recovered, what didn’t help was Hunter’s mediocre ring work and promos, he used vastly superior workers to prolong his run. I give him credit for Batista and Benoit, he did more harm than good beyond that

The only good thing to come out of that Reign of Terror was the Batista feud that definitively put an end to it and it was the best story from that run and everyone actually felt relieved that it was over. I was simply tired of Trips feuding with guys like Nash and Steiner while burying the likes of RVD, Kane, Randy etc. The one commendable thing about the run was Trips was there every week and wrestled on most Raws and every PPV. He even went to Heat and defended the title against Maven of all people. It would be impossible for Roman or Brock etc to go and defend the title at 205 live or Mainevent these days.
The idea of Vince coming back scares me because he might not have the same story in mind as these people do. Also feel that the idea of pulling swerves is incredibly played out at this point. And this felt alot like a swerve for the sake of doing a swerve.

Haha yeah. You know as much of an embarrassment as Shane has become in his last two on-screen appearances, he had a pretty good mind and was ahead of his time when you think about some of his ideas over the years. He was actually the first one who pushed Vince to buy UFC. And that was all the way back in 2000. He also thought that ECW could be repackaged as a violent streaming show that retained the best aspects of what the original fanbase liked. Instead ofcourse we got the ill-fated third brand. And we all know how that turned out.

Its unfortunate that Vince never seemed to have enough trust in Shane. I always thought that he had a much better acumen for the business than his sister.

I always liked Shane in the AE and even Ruthless Aggression era. But his work since 2016 has been pretty poor apart from his run as the GM alongside Dbry.
I have my view but I totally get yours was just thinking about it. You strike when the iron is hot, while the story could and emotion could have been bigger, there was decent heat last night, who’s to say it will be better months from now? it could be if things are executed well, but there are no guarantees. For me and you the story was decent, but majority of the fanbase have short memories in this era, they need constant investment, and the fact that Cody still had the fans despite that, shows you he is super over. It’s all about the follow up whether this booking decision was justified, could the sale of the company have played a part? am not sure, there are multiple things at play.

Wow. End of an Era. Once upon a time Vince could have bought the UFC, the reverse (sort off) has occurred. For what it’s worth Endeavour are better than Disney from a take over POV for us fans (hopefully)

One thing is that Vince had more faith in Cody than Trips I'd say. But Vince won't be the absolute boss right?
Edge/Balor take a bow, great blow off gimmick match.

Edge is taken for granted, he is putting on fantastic matches despite his age and size, putting everything on the line. He wont be around for long but this run has been outstanding especially in the ring, when did he last have a bad PPV match? the guy gives you your monies worth and values the story

They definitely had to shorten the match due to Balor's injury. HIAC matches are usually around 25-30 mins long. And Edge doesn't like short matches on PPVs either.
Maybe but I don’t think it was a bad choice. I stayed up for the hour or so and got to see that match and the triple threat so was delighted before going to bed lol With Jericho, his point was that his feud all the heat, so to be relegated, was disappointing. If we look at heat and Jericho’s point, then the HIAC match should have opened really.

When you look back, you remember moments and Lesnar F5’ing Omos will come to mind, he’s a freak who can still make you suspend your disbelief with his athleticism and believability given his outstanding selling, it was a fun little scrap.

The triple threat was thrilling and very creative, they all just went out there, threw the script out the window and the beat the hell out of each other, more of that please and fewer spots

Brock literally sold the hell out for Omos. This was by far the best Omos was made to look in a match.
I thought it was the only thing about that match that did make sense. Because the heels had been getting one over on Edge for close to a year now. They must have injured him atleast 10 times in kayfabe since last year. Balor even got the W in their 'I Quit Match' too. In the blow-off match on the big show, it made sense for the babyface to win.

The match was quite mediocre for me. I don't know why they need the Hell In A Cell cage if they were just going to go in there and beat each other with a bunch of weapons and furniture.

Credit to Balor though for braving through that nasty gash and finishing the match.

Edge and Beth just beat Balor and Rhea at the last PPV. Then the storyline was Finn won't let Edge go till he gets his payback. That should have been HIAC and Edge prevailed there.

The video package was brilliant I'd say. Whoever narrated it did a phenomenal job. And they even got Russell Crowe to do Edge's bidding.
Edge and Beth just beat Balor and Rhea at the last PPV. Then the storyline was Finn won't let Edge go till he gets his payback. That should have been HIAC and Edge prevailed there.

The video package was brilliant I'd say. Whoever narrated it did a phenomenal job. And they even got Russell Crowe to do Edge's bidding.

The blow-off match of a big feud usually tends to go in the favor of the babyface. The mixed-tag was not the blow-off match of this feud. If anything, they shoe-horned that in to get Edge on the card for their Montreal show.
One of the worst RAWs after WrestleMania that I can think of. Not a single surprise of note. Lesnar turning on Cody feels like classical Vince booking even if he had nothing to do with last night's finish. Now they are going to beat Cody into powder so that we have more sympathy for him. Here's the thing, jacka**es; we already had sympathy for him. He was as much of a babyface as he needed to be to win the title.

Also, not every wrestler has to be Bryan Danielson. Where you keep putting obstacle after obstacle infront of them. And just because you fluked your way to something good once (despite your best efforts to stop it), doesn't mean you'll fluke your way to it again.

Either Cody is winning the belt at Backlash, SummerSlam or next year's Mania. Doubt it, at Backlash. Too short of a timeline and too small of an event. SummerSlam is not the same as Mania and if they are thinking next year's Mania well then they are really stupid because there is NO WAY Cody will have the same momentum he had Sunday one year from now. And if option 3 is where they are going (which I am betting on) then that tells me that they also have no real intent of putting the belt on Sami Zayn.

In summation, meet the new boss, same as the old boss. The more things change, the more they stay the same.
No way Cody was beating Roman. Remember that Roman is the guy who beat Brock and Taker, the two most protected Vince guys. This is classical McMahon booking.

Glad that I stopped watching since Vince started shoving Roman down people's throat.

Old man needs to go away for good. It's not the 80s and none wants to see Hogan 2.0 holding the belt for 3 years.
Vince is back in the creative team. :inti

If Vince died tomorrow, he would still be running WWE.

What an absolute savage :)) he’s one bad bad man LOL

I think those two fingers by Brock to close the show were directed at Triple H, Stephanie and Nick Khan
Btw Brock annihilating Cody last night was oddly reminiscent to Cena's post-Mania 28 arc.

“You’re going to like, what I tell you to like” - In Vince’s voice :yk

Seriously though, I never knew I wanted this feud, but I want it now. I think Brock and Cody are going to kill it.

Unfortunately, we will miss Brock as a face, it was a fun run while it lasted
Just give me CM Punk back man. That's all I want. I don't care for any of this B.S.

Vince once said he hopes to work with Punk again, with Endeavour owning both the WWE and UFC, maybe they and Dana can act as a facilitator to bring him back :afridi
[MENTION=147292]RedwoodOriginal[/MENTION] you got to love the meltdown on social media :))
Ah, a Syrian brother. Amazing people. He doesnt seem the biggest WWE star or perhaps Im still stuck in the Andre the Giant era.

Btw did you watch the Undertaker on the Mike Tyson Podcast? One of the best podcasts. Used to be scared of him as kid but in real life seems a wonderful human being.

In terms of name value not as big as the others but he became organically popular and was part of the biggest storyline last 18 months or so. He use to wear a mask because he was afraid of Islamophobia, but what a turn around for him. Yes that podcast was amazing, it’s crazy, because as much as Tyson was a huge fan of wrestling even surprised me with his knowledge, Taker must have been in awe, he’s a big boxing fan and super humble dude, the one guy no media has ever written a bad word about
Tbh, I don't see how Cody could have been buried any deeper coming out of this match. For all this build-up, he needed to win at the big show. Now even if he does win, it won't mean the same. Momentum and timing are everything in wrestling. And maybe I'm wrong, but for me WWE missed the boat with both last night.

Suddenly, HHH's reign of terror doesn't feel so bad...

Was the build up enough? Cody is a guy who has never won a belt before, he was a midcarder. Now he wins the Rumble and gets to wrestles in the main event at Mania against someone who has been champ for over 900 days. Assuming he stays in the main event scene this is not a bad deal for him.

There is an attraction to the chase of wining a champisonship. Think Daniel Bryan, the chase made his win at Mania all the better. And while its ideal the story ends at Mania, Summerslam is still a big ppv. Brock won the belt the first time at Summerslam against the Rock.
Nah Streak was built through clean victories (majority of). Roman uses the help of Usos and Solo every time a tough guy steps up. So it's not really the same. Why not Drew? Roman didn't beat him clean at the Castle.

Yes its not exactly the same as the Streak. Streak was also over decades, however what is similar is its a huge deal to just wrestle Roman right now. Same way wrestling Taker at Mania was a honor. Cody and Sami were midcarders. The fact they wrestled Roman in the main event and there was a chance they could win is a big deal. And whoever ends Roman's run is getting a massive push.
No way Cody was beating Roman. Remember that Roman is the guy who beat Brock and Taker, the two most protected Vince guys. This is classical McMahon booking.

Glad that I stopped watching since Vince started shoving Roman down people's throat.

Old man needs to go away for good. It's not the 80s and none wants to see Hogan 2.0 holding the belt for 3 years.

Roman as a face was awful, however Roman as a heel, as the Tribal Chief, the Head of Table, is amazing.
The only good thing to come out of that Reign of Terror was the Batista feud that definitively put an end to it and it was the best story from that run and everyone actually felt relieved that it was over. I was simply tired of Trips feuding with guys like Nash and Steiner while burying the likes of RVD, Kane, Randy etc. The one commendable thing about the run was Trips was there every week and wrestled on most Raws and every PPV. He even went to Heat and defended the title against Maven of all people. It would be impossible for Roman or Brock etc to go and defend the title at 205 live or Mainevent these days.

HHH did not bury Randy.

Lesnar was the youngest champ in history and then he left WWE. So WWE gave the belt to Orton just so he could be the youngest champ and they wont have to acknowledge Brock.

WWE wanted Orton to be a face and chase the belt and beat HHH at Mania, however he was not getting over as a baby face so they pushed Batista instead. Which was the right move. Orton got Taker and then he feuded with Hogan. I would hardly call that getting buried.

Kane was done dirty i would agree with, however RVD was never a main event guy. The fact that he was a stoner too, does not help his case either.
I enjoyed that run but I have to agree with shaz that ultimately it did more harm than good. Take out Batista and Benoit, and you have that egregious Booker T where he was a complete racist in kayfabe and still went over at Mania. He basically buried the entirety of WCW's roster that came back to WWE, which seemed pretty deliberate. And he badly bumbled Randy Orton's first big push. There are also a plethora of never-ending 20 minute promos to start off RAW in-between all that and indulgent, snail-paced PPV main-events.

Those WCW guys were buried by Vince, as a way of saying **** you to WCW. Its petty but he won the war. Had WCW won they would have done the same to the WWE guys.
Reign of terror wasn’t even that bad. It produced a great faction in Evolution, which created two of the biggest stars in Orton and Batista.

People want to hate on Triple H for always burying talent when their favourites buried talent as well.

Triple H put over a lot of guys. The guy has a losing record at wrestlemania but because he beat Booker T at wrestlemania, people still cry about it.

What people are forgetting is that Austin and Rock had left WWE, and WWE had a brand split. So HHH was the natural choice to take over as the top guy. In the attidude era he was the Top heel, and one of WWE biggest stars. He was also in the prime of his career, in his early thirties.
If Vince died tomorrow, he would still be running WWE.

What an absolute savage :)) he’s one bad bad man LOL

I think those two fingers by Brock to close the show were directed at Triple H, Stephanie and Nick Khan

Nah Nick Khan is a Vince guy.

Tbh, Cody in his comeback was presented better during Vince than after Rumble. After Rumble, he's been a little too professional and humble (like addressing Heyman as Mr. Heyman despite being in a blood feud) and always showing up in suit etc.

During his feud with Seth, I feel Cody was being presented better. And I think there's no guy with a better track record in making megastars than Vince.
“You’re going to like, what I tell you to like” - In Vince’s voice :yk

Seriously though, I never knew I wanted this feud, but I want it now. I think Brock and Cody are going to kill it.

Unfortunately, we will miss Brock as a face, it was a fun run while it lasted

Actually yes, Cody Brock feud will be fun and could have some great matches. The good thing is WWE audience is still reacting positively to Cody (unlike AEW whose majority of audience are sort of thankless trashtalkers)

Brock needs to cut the pony tail and beard now that he is a heel. He should look this cool as a heel.

And it will keep Cody away from the title picture for some time cause I seriously don't wanna see him lose to Roman again at Backlash.

Have a feeling Lashley would be the next one to challenge Roman.
In terms of name value not as big as the others but he became organically popular and was part of the biggest storyline last 18 months or so. He use to wear a mask because he was afraid of Islamophobia, but what a turn around for him. Yes that podcast was amazing, it’s crazy, because as much as Tyson was a huge fan of wrestling even surprised me with his knowledge, Taker must have been in awe, he’s a big boxing fan and super humble dude, the one guy no media has ever written a bad word about

One crazy and stupid way for WWE about judging a talent is by giving him the most senseless script and character and see how he does it. Sami was able to get over huge even as a neurotic heel. His match against Johnny Knoxville of everyone had no right to be that enjoyable. And his heel character was totally opposite to his heroic underdog face.
They did the same thing with Lashley by giving him that awful storyline with Lana for over a year. Lashley himself said WWE did that so he could shed off any nerves or restraints.
Yes its not exactly the same as the Streak. Streak was also over decades, however what is similar is its a huge deal to just wrestle Roman right now. Same way wrestling Taker at Mania was a honor. Cody and Sami were midcarders. The fact they wrestled Roman in the main event and there was a chance they could win is a big deal. And whoever ends Roman's run is getting a massive push.

Even Matt Riddle wrestled Roman for the title. So did Balor - twice.
Cody didn't return as a midcarder. Vince and Prichard went to Cody's home to get him signed to WWE cause they saw a big star in him. He beat Rollins thrice (the second Vince guy apart from Roman)
HHH did not bury Randy.

Lesnar was the youngest champ in history and then he left WWE. So WWE gave the belt to Orton just so he could be the youngest champ and they wont have to acknowledge Brock.

WWE wanted Orton to be a face and chase the belt and beat HHH at Mania, however he was not getting over as a baby face so they pushed Batista instead. Which was the right move. Orton got Taker and then he feuded with Hogan. I would hardly call that getting buried.

Kane was done dirty i would agree with, however RVD was never a main event guy. The fact that he was a stoner too, does not help his case either.

RVD was the most natural face in WWE during that time. He always had the crowd reacting big to him. Drug issue was definitely a problem for him. But RVD was one of a kind. There are very rare guys who have been so over without having an ability to cut decent promos.
What people are forgetting is that Austin and Rock had left WWE, and WWE had a brand split. So HHH was the natural choice to take over as the top guy. In the attidude era he was the Top heel, and one of WWE biggest stars. He was also in the prime of his career, in his early thirties.

Angle should have been the guy. Was a much better wrestler than Trips. But he was put in a position in SD to put other guys over. Brock, Eddie, Cena, Edge etc.
Shawn and Taker were better choices to be the face of WWE during that time.

The reign of terror wouldn't have been that bad if it wasn't for uncompelling feuds with guys like Nash, Steiner, Booker T etc. Brock had a similar run from from 2017-2020 but it made for some awesome feuds with guys like Joe, Strowman, Drew, AJ etc.
Evolution was good but it over stayed its welcome. Beating guys was one thing, but they never quiet recovered, what didn’t help was Hunter’s mediocre ring work and promos, he used vastly superior workers to prolong his run. I give him credit for Batista and Benoit, he did more harm than good beyond that

I enjoyed that run but I have to agree with shaz that ultimately it did more harm than good. Take out Batista and Benoit, and you have that egregious Booker T where he was a complete racist in kayfabe and still went over at Mania. He basically buried the entirety of WCW's roster that came back to WWE, which seemed pretty deliberate. And he badly bumbled Randy Orton's first big push. There are also a plethora of never-ending 20 minute promos to start off RAW in-between all that and indulgent, snail-paced PPV main-events.

The burial of WCW was more to do with Vince than Triple H. VInce has been burying WCW since purchasing it in 2001, starting with the horrendous invasion angle. There was no way Vince would allow one of the top WCW stars to go over his son-in-law and one of his biggest stars at Wrestlemania. That is more on Vince than HHH.

I personally don't think Randy Orton worked as a face in 2004. I thought it was quite strange that Orton was the first one to get kicked out of Evolution. I always thought it would be Batista who was a more natural babyface.

The 20 minute promos were horrendous though, I admit.

What people are forgetting is that Austin and Rock had left WWE, and WWE had a brand split. So HHH was the natural choice to take over as the top guy. In the attidude era he was the Top heel, and one of WWE biggest stars. He was also in the prime of his career, in his early thirties.

HHH was already one of the top stars before Austin and Rock left. In 2000, his feud with The Rock carried the company while Austin was healing from his neck injury. Rock & Triple H produced my absolute favourite iron man match at Judgement Day 2000, which also featured the debut of biker Undertaker.

I must say that as a in ring worker, Triple H was never the same after his injury in 2001. He peaked as a wrestler in 2000, and after his return in 2002, he was never quite the same.
The reign of terror wouldn't have been that bad if it wasn't for uncompelling feuds with guys like Nash, Steiner, Booker T etc. Brock had a similar run from from 2017-2020 but it made for some awesome feuds with guys like Joe, Strowman, Drew, AJ etc.

Nash and Steiner were both way past their best when they came to WWE.

Nash was clearly only brought in because of his real life friendship with both Shawn and HHH, who were feuding at the time. What really annoys me is that we never got a one on one Shawn vs HHH match at Wrestlemania.

Steiner and HHH were meant to wrestle at Wrestlemania 19, but after two horrendous matches at Royal Rumble 03 and No Way 03, they pulled the plug on that one and thankfully so. Booker T was thrown in at the last minute.

Reign of Terror featured excellent feuds with the likes of Shawn, Batista, Benoit etc.
Can Shane McMahon retire already? I enjoyed his work during the Attitude and Ruthless Aggression era, but now he is beyond embarrassing.
Nash and Steiner were both way past their best when they came to WWE.

Nash was clearly only brought in because of his real life friendship with both Shawn and HHH, who were feuding at the time. What really annoys me is that we never got a one on one Shawn vs HHH match at Wrestlemania.

Steiner and HHH were meant to wrestle at Wrestlemania 19, but after two horrendous matches at Royal Rumble 03 and No Way 03, they pulled the plug on that one and thankfully so. Booker T was thrown in at the last minute.

Reign of Terror featured excellent feuds with the likes of Shawn, Batista, Benoit etc.

Hunter was practically handed the WHC. I wish Shawn was more willing to be champion but he was on a mission to repair his image from the 90’s and had to go Church weekly so wouldn’t be available for certain house shows. That win at MSG is so special, last time he won the world title and the only instance during his comeback. Mick and Shawn did their best to put Hunter over as champion
RVD from 2001-2003 may have been the most over baby face in wrestling, he won PWI no.1 without even being at the top of the card, which was unheard off. His major push came late and he was at fault for what happened but in the early 2000’s he was game
Nah Nick Khan is a Vince guy.

Tbh, Cody in his comeback was presented better during Vince than after Rumble. After Rumble, he's been a little too professional and humble (like addressing Heyman as Mr. Heyman despite being in a blood feud) and always showing up in suit etc.

During his feud with Seth, I feel Cody was being presented better. And I think there's no guy with a better track record in making megastars than Vince.

We don't know the full extent of their relationship, but am sure Vince would have liked to keep him in check, in case he got too big for his boots. But obviously, Nick is probably more like the son he never had and must remind Vince a lot of himself, that's not saying too much considering how Vince got the shovel on his own family

I agree, Vince knows how to get top guys over. Am glad this romanticism with Hunter is coming to an end, the rest of the product might drop in some areas, but Cody will get back to where he needs to be. Bringing Lesnar in for Cody is a masterstroke, I don't think they've done anything remotely interesting with his return until now.
What people are forgetting is that Austin and Rock had left WWE, and WWE had a brand split. So HHH was the natural choice to take over as the top guy. In the attidude era he was the Top heel, and one of WWE biggest stars. He was also in the prime of his career, in his early thirties.

They should have convinced Shawn Michaels to be that guy again for them, he was largely still involved at the top of the card but a much better option who was crazy over as a top face, you go back and watch even I can’t fathom how much the fans loved HBK, he created new fans and the rest sorely missed him. If Kurt was drafted to RAW, his ceiling as the heel champion would have been much higher to. Hunter could have remained in the picture but he didn’t justify the push he got, that wasn’t required, with a run like that, he never made anyone outside one of his friends and another bloke he was scared off.
Triple H got 5 mill from the sale to endeavour but Nick Khan got a big back of 15 million !!! LOL
Triple H got 5 mill from the sale to endeavour but Nick Khan got a big back of 15 million !!! LOL

Triple H should leave wwe and start his own company. His NXT brand was the best bit of programming wwe has produced in the last decade.
Triple H should leave wwe and start his own company. His NXT brand was the best bit of programming wwe has produced in the last decade.

It was, but he still lost to AEW. I think that damaged his reputation in Vince’s eyes. You look at Nick on the other hand, he has been a big success wherever he went and worked for the big guns in America.

Shane had more business acumen then Hunter but family politics kept him out for a while
Professional wrestling and MMA have rubbed shoulders for decades, with athletes crossing between disciplines, but never before have the two worlds been as united.

Following the news that WWE and UFC have merged under Endeavor Group Holdings, critics and fans are speculating about the direction the newly formed £17.3bn sports entertainment brand will take.

Many details are unknown, but BBC Sport looks at why the deal may make sense, the reaction, and what it means for the worlds of MMA and pro wrestling.

The key difference between the UFC and WWE lies in competition.

The UFC is a competitive sport where athletes fight to determine a winner by knockout, submission or decision, whereas the WWE is classed as 'sports entertainment', where winners of bouts are pre-determined with storytelling at the heart of its ethos.

Despite this, there are similarities between the two, and this is thought to contribute to a crossover in fans which could be a key factor behind the deal.

Many athletes from WWE and the UFC have collegiate wrestling backgrounds with the sport providing a strong base in both disciplines.

This has seen athletes like Shamrock, Lesnar, Jake Hager and more have successful careers in both.

There are also a number of UFC fighters who have referenced the outspoken and flamboyant stars of WWE as being influential in their growth as entertainers, which in turn helps the promotion of fights.

These include Rousey, who left the UFC to go on to become a WWE champion, Colby Covington who regularly adopts WWE themes for his cage walk, and Israel Adesanya.

Former UFC middleweight champion Adesanya fights Alex Pereira in a rematch for the title at UFC 287 in Miami, Florida on Saturday.

"Maybe I didn't realise how big an influence [WWE was]," Adesanya told BBC Sport.

"As an entertainer it definitely played a part. I spent Fridays watching [WWE promotion] Smackdown, Mondays watching Raw and watching these guys do their thing, being charismatic and electrifying, on the mic and in the ring.

"We used to practice the crazy moves too, doing the Hardy Boyz' Swanton Bombs off the couch armrest on to the mattress. That played a part definitely in shaping me I guess into the man you see before you."

The importance of the self-promotional side of MMA, which is heavily influenced by pro wrestling, is emphasised by the UFC's record pay-per-view numbers.

The outspoken Conor McGregor dominates, featuring in eight out of 10 of the most-bought UFC shows of all time, but record cards without the Irishman include Lesnar, Rousey and Jorge Masvidal.

A closer look at the inner workings of the UFC also shows similarities to pro wrestling.

Like in WWE, the UFC sometimes creates bouts with storytelling at the heart of its promotion rather than making fights between close-ranked athletes.

For example, Pereira was granted a shot at Adesanya's title in November after only three fights in the UFC because of history between the pair, with Pereira earning two prior wins over the Nigerian in kickboxing.

And last February, Masvidal and Covington also headlined an event with no title on the line because of a friends-turned-rivals story arc.

What has the reaction been like?
The business will be led by Endeavor chief executive Ari Emanuel, with WWE executive chairman Vince McMahon fulfilling the same role at the pro wrestling organisation and Dana White remaining UFC president.

White is predicting a fruitful partnership between the three.

"Vince is a savage in the wrestling space, Ari is a beast at what he does, and then add what we at the UFC bring to the table and there is no limit to what this company can accomplish in the next few years," said White.

Some have been wondering what effect the deal will have on fighter pay in the UFC.

The UFC's contractual rules mean fighters are constricted when it comes to making money from promotional deals while fighting inside the octagon, with some, including former heavyweight champion Francis Ngannou, leaving the organisation to seek "freedom".

Elsewhere, people have been speculating about potential athlete crossovers, although it is more likely UFC fighters will make cameo appearances in WWE rather than wrestlers fighting inside the octagon.

McGregor has already thrown his hat into the ring...

It is unlikely there will be any drastic changes to the look and feel of each branch, with the merge likely creating more opportunities for brand enhancement and crossovers behind the scenes.

One example of this is already in motion with YouTuber and WWE star Logan Paul's energy drink Prime being promoted across the UFC and WWE.

The merge could see scheduling unison between the UFC and WWE, with the pair perhaps unlikely to host events at the same time in order to preserve ratings, while advertising one another's shows.

Another change which could take place is more similarities in how each brand is broadcast.

At present the UFC uses a pay-per-view model in the US, while WWE houses all its content under its streaming service the WWE Network, with both branches having a deal with BT Sport in the UK.

Was the build up enough? Cody is a guy who has never won a belt before, he was a midcarder. Now he wins the Rumble and gets to wrestles in the main event at Mania against someone who has been champ for over 900 days. Assuming he stays in the main event scene this is not a bad deal for him.

There is an attraction to the chase of wining a champisonship. Think Daniel Bryan, the chase made his win at Mania all the better. And while its ideal the story ends at Mania, Summerslam is still a big ppv. Brock won the belt the first time at Summerslam against the Rock.

If you want to make new stars you have to strike while the iron is hot. You shouldn't put whatever long-winded drawn out story you came up with 6 months ago over actual fan reaction that is right infront of you. We already saw this with Sami Zayn. And thought that maybe they were saving the big babyface anointing for Cody. But nope, its all a big swerve, evils triumphs over everything.

That's a different example for me. In the case of Bryan you could argue that they tried their best to bury him but because Bryan was Bryan that created an even bigger backlash among fans, until they [WWE] had no choice but to go with him. What that unfortunately did tho was give Vince the idea that every babyface needs to be punished and demolished to absolute microscopic powder. And then, only once you've buried them to the depths of the earth's core...then, you start pulling them up.

It was such obvious Vince booking. And hey, I think Brock v Cody is going to be a hell of a feud and a hell of a match. But why couldn't have it been for the Championship? All I know is that even 3 days after Mania by views on the finish have not changed at all.
Those WCW guys were buried by Vince, as a way of saying **** you to WCW. Its petty but he won the war. Had WCW won they would have done the same to the WWE guys.

Yeah but why were they all losing to Triple H? I don't remember too many losing to Lesnar or Eddie or Angle. For me, HHH going over in feuds with WCW guys for what felt like two years felt pretty deliberate.
Nothing for her, she also resigned, lets just say half off what Hunter got

I actually feel bad for her. She is one of the decent people from the McMahon family. If she hadn't resigned, she probably would have gotten the same as Nick did.

Vince is one conniving gun though.
Vince wants to look young. :inti

[MENTION=147292]RedwoodOriginal[/MENTION] Huge news, AEW are doing a show here at Wembley Stadium. I am now convinced, CM Punk is coming back
They are doing a stadium show here in the UK, wembley is about 80-90k capacity.

I think for AEW to come out of this with their reputation intact, they’d need to get folk in there in excess off 60,000 people imo.

The biggest issue they will face is resellers, they can discount the price but resellers will charge people extortionate amounts.

But this 100% confirms the return of CM Punk for me and I think Tony may even hire Goldberg, who is mega over in the UK

They have a working relationship with NJPW but I don’t think their stars are as over with the casuals.

But names like Danielson, Mox will need to help drive sales and you being in Berg, that will help a lot.

Sting needs to be in a high profile match to.

They need to go all out and get as many big names possible. But I genuinely feel, CM Punk could bring in a massive crowd on his own.
They are doing a stadium show here in the UK, wembley is about 80-90k capacity.

I think for AEW to come out of this with their reputation intact, they’d need to get folk in there in excess off 60,000 people imo.

The biggest issue they will face is resellers, they can discount the price but resellers will charge people extortionate amounts.

But this 100% confirms the return of CM Punk for me and I think Tony may even hire Goldberg, who is mega over in the UK

They have a working relationship with NJPW but I don’t think their stars are as over with the casuals.

But names like Danielson, Mox will need to help drive sales and you being in Berg, that will help a lot.

Sting needs to be in a high profile match to.

They need to go all out and get as many big names possible. But I genuinely feel, CM Punk could bring in a massive crowd on his own.

What's the biggest crowd AEW have pulled till now? I only know about the inaugral All In which was 15k.

It can easily blow up in Tony's face if they don't get 50k+ people there.

Jay White is definitely not a crowd puller.

They definitely need to advertize Punk in advance honestly.

The mainstream names in AEW are Jericho, Bryan, Mox and Sting and Christian.

Think they'll bring in Ospreay and ZSJ from NJPW for this event.

They don't need to hire Goldberg on a proper contract just for that 1 event and 1 or 2 two Dynamites before it.
The deal is a win-win for VKM.

His valuation of $9bn was met and he's the master of his own destiny again by returning as Executive Chairman.

Meanwhile Endeavor will bring their negotiating clout and contacts to the table when the TV rights are being negotiated.
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[MENTION=147292]RedwoodOriginal[/MENTION] Huge news, AEW are doing a show here at Wembley Stadium. I am now convinced, CM Punk is coming back

Great news for English fans. Its gonna be a huge show. TNA was drawing massive crowds when they ran Wembley years ago. I can only imagine the numbers AEW will draw.
They are doing a stadium show here in the UK, wembley is about 80-90k capacity.

I think for AEW to come out of this with their reputation intact, they’d need to get folk in there in excess off 60,000 people imo.

The biggest issue they will face is resellers, they can discount the price but resellers will charge people extortionate amounts.

But this 100% confirms the return of CM Punk for me and I think Tony may even hire Goldberg, who is mega over in the UK

They have a working relationship with NJPW but I don’t think their stars are as over with the casuals.

But names like Danielson, Mox will need to help drive sales and you being in Berg, that will help a lot.

Sting needs to be in a high profile match to.

They need to go all out and get as many big names possible. But I genuinely feel, CM Punk could bring in a massive crowd on his own.

Tbh, their roster as it is is good enough to draw big numbers. England has huge wrestling fanbase and one that hasn't seen AEW wrestlers live yet. But you're right, names like Punk and Goldberg will put it over the top in a big way.
They are doing a stadium show here in the UK, wembley is about 80-90k capacity.

I think for AEW to come out of this with their reputation intact, they’d need to get folk in there in excess off 60,000 people imo.

The biggest issue they will face is resellers, they can discount the price but resellers will charge people extortionate amounts.

But this 100% confirms the return of CM Punk for me and I think Tony may even hire Goldberg, who is mega over in the UK

They have a working relationship with NJPW but I don’t think their stars are as over with the casuals.

But names like Danielson, Mox will need to help drive sales and you being in Berg, that will help a lot.

Sting needs to be in a high profile match to.

They need to go all out and get as many big names possible. But I genuinely feel, CM Punk could bring in a massive crowd on his own.

Sting, Danielson, Mox, Punk, MJF, Jericho, Omega, PAC, FTR need to be on this show.
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Great news for English fans. Its gonna be a huge show. TNA was drawing massive crowds when they ran Wembley years ago. I can only imagine the numbers AEW will draw.

TNA ran their shows I believe at the OVO Arena Wembley, capacity was above their usual TNA shows and closer to the 13k mark, they had some big names under their belt.

Khan wants to do this show at what I would call our national stadium, 90k capacity, it’s a gamble to say the least and it wont be an easy sell, but if booking is on point, he brings in some big names, even if he does say something in excess off 60k they will come out with their reputations enhanced. UK fans love wrestling and will come from all over, but he’d be foolish to take them for granted, he will need to come out his comfort zone and put on a spectacle. To get close to the 60k mark I believe he needs Punk, and I am convinced he will appear, the others are solid support acts, but Punk is the biggest draw in wrestling not signed with WWE.
Sting, Danielson, Mox, Punk, MJF, Jericho, Omega, PAC, FTR need to be on this show.

We need Sting in a high profile singles match, preferably with Bryan who is heel now so perfect. But I think they will run Omega vs Bryan again, then again it could be Blackpool club vs the elite, not really up for that in a stadium.
Does anyone take Dave Meltzer's match ratings seriously?

I don’t take them seriously, but take a look for curiosity. He can’t even hide his bias but lately has been rating WWE matches highly.

I can’t fathom how easily he gives 5* ratings and even going beyond that. So many legendary matches were never awarded that, Cornette regrets inventing the scale
I don’t take them seriously, but take a look for curiosity. He can’t even hide his bias but lately has been rating WWE matches highly.

I can’t fathom how easily he gives 5* ratings and even going beyond that. So many legendary matches were never awarded that, Cornette regrets inventing the scale

I don't take him seriously either. For many years, he didn't award a single wwe match 5 stars, but the guy is awarding matches in Japan 7 stars lol.

I can't believe that Taker - Shawn at Wrestlemania 25 or Shawn - Angle at Wrestlemania 21 and many others weren't rated 5 stars.
I don’t take them seriously, but take a look for curiosity. He can’t even hide his bias but lately has been rating WWE matches highly.

I can’t fathom how easily he gives 5* ratings and even going beyond that. So many legendary matches were never awarded that, Cornette regrets inventing the scale

The guy just literally tries to find a way to give certain guys more than 5 stars matches. eg Elite, Okada, ZSJ, Tanahashi, Okada, Ospreay etc.

The funniest thing for me was Bryan didn't have a single 5 star match in his career but as soon as he jumped ship to AEW, his first match got 5 stars, same thing with Jericho and Mox (to NJPW) as if it was a pat to their backs for leaving WWE.

Guys like HBK, Bret, Angle, Benoit, Eddie, AJ etc used to put great matches week in week out effortlessly in their prime while guys like Austin, Taker, Dwayne were proficient in working crowd engaging basic matches.

That Jeff Hardy-Undertaker ladder match to me is one of the most underrated star making matches of all time yet there are guys like Garcia, Yuta, Pentagon Jr and some weird non selling stiff Japanese matches being hailed as the best matches of the years and stuff.

It got really annoying a year or so ago that I totally stopped reading whatever the geek had to say. I only get a peek about this match got 5 stars and stuff from many twitter accounts that make it seem like a big story.

If you watched that Jericho in Broken Skull Sessions episode, you should look at the face Austin makes when Jericho says when I went to Japan and wrestled Omega, I got 5 stars, You do know about WON ratings right?
We need Sting in a high profile singles match, preferably with Bryan who is heel now so perfect. But I think they will run Omega vs Bryan again, then again it could be Blackpool club vs the elite, not really up for that in a stadium.

I think they are angling for Anarchy in the Arena and/or Blood & Guts with that feud. This event is in August so that feud will probably be done by that point and we could get Omega v Danielson in the stadium. Which is one of the best matches they can do for a stadium crowd.
I don’t take them seriously, but take a look for curiosity. He can’t even hide his bias but lately has been rating WWE matches highly.

I can’t fathom how easily he gives 5* ratings and even going beyond that. So many legendary matches were never awarded that, Cornette regrets inventing the scale

LOL this is just him trying to quiet down the fans who say he's a mark for AEW and NJPW. I enjoyed both Owens/Zayn v Usos and the triple threat but none of those matches were 5 star matches...not even close.
Teases of Jey turning face. Like Batista during his end of Evolution days.

Curious to see how they go about it. Personally I don't think Jey has either shown or been given enough of a chance to prove himself as a credible main eventer.

Having said that, KO and Sami should move on from Bloodline. Seems like they're going to do a KO-Sami-Riddle vs Usos-Solo main event at Backlash.
Imagine if Goldberg ends up in AEW and he faces CM Punk. That would be interesting, especially after Punk criticising Goldberg numerous times for injuring Bret Hart.
Imagine if Goldberg ends up in AEW and he faces CM Punk. That would be interesting, especially after Punk criticising Goldberg numerous times for injuring Bret Hart.

Could see egos colliding. Won't happen.

Goldberg would face some midcarder. or someone like Hobbs or Wardlow.

The funny thing would be Goldberg and Orange Cassidy either tagging up or facing each other.
Teases of Jey turning face. Like Batista during his end of Evolution days.

Curious to see how they go about it. Personally I don't think Jey has either shown or been given enough of a chance to prove himself as a credible main eventer.

Having said that, KO and Sami should move on from Bloodline. Seems like they're going to do a KO-Sami-Riddle vs Usos-Solo main event at Backlash.

Seems like a pretty likely match. Although I'd prefer if they did a rematch for the tag team titles with a 2/3 falls stipulation. The story is there and both teams gel well together. Has all the potential to be a banger of a match. Also, did I mention how much I despise Riddle and everything about him from his stupid gimmick and one note promos to the fact that he wrestles barefoot and 3D birds come out of his a** when he enters the ring

For the main-event, I think they will probably go with Lesnar v Cody. That seems like a much more interesting and big-money match to me, that more people will be interested to see.
Imagine if Goldberg ends up in AEW and he faces CM Punk. That would be interesting, especially after Punk criticising Goldberg numerous times for injuring Bret Hart.

Goldberg needs to be in the ring with younger guys who can carry him. Punk is a sublime in-ring talent but for a guy who has had injury problems in recent times, the last thing I'd want to do is put him in the ring with Oldberg. Who was known to be stiff and rough even after he got experienced at wrestling. Hobbs, Wardlow, Keith Lee, Malakai Black, Miro would be great opponents.

Among the more top-level guys MJF, Castongnoli and Danielson could work pretty good matches with him.

I doubt he has enough in the tank to wrestle all these guys though so AEW would need to be very smart with his booking. Best way to get more bang for your buck is to book him mostly in squash matches.
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I don't take him seriously either. For many years, he didn't award a single wwe match 5 stars, but the guy is awarding matches in Japan 7 stars lol.

I can't believe that Taker - Shawn at Wrestlemania 25 or Shawn - Angle at Wrestlemania 21 and many others weren't rated 5 stars.

Shawn/Angle the greatest match I’ve ever seen, the dream match we never knew we wanted. It boggles my mind we got to witness that masterpiece, we would never get Bret/Angle, but this was wrestling personified on the show of shows, it had grown men crying in gorilla. But old boy Dave gave it a 4.75.

When he started to go off the scale, you just knew he had started using around the same time, now Dave was always a user, but I think during gado’s NJPW peak he turned into an abuser to.

If you go back to his ratings from around the mid 90’s, you can see how easily he was swayed by either his friendships or major insiders. Jericho has been feeding him since day dot and while Bret did to, it was mostly out of spite and bitterness which was more understandable. Pre 96, Dave was a big mark for Shawn Michaels. It’s a shame because Dave was a reputable journalist during the territory days, the biggest decline ever for a so called major wrestling reporter
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I think they are angling for Anarchy in the Arena and/or Blood & Guts with that feud. This event is in August so that feud will probably be done by that point and we could get Omega v Danielson in the stadium. Which is one of the best matches they can do for a stadium crowd.

It will shock me if they hit the 50-60k number even in a 90-95k capacity stadium, right now I can’t fathom it, but I think TK might have a couple of aces up his sleeve.