I wanted Wyatt to win but there's a little mark in me that's not angered by The Shovel going over, we have a love-hate relationship but in the end, ANYONE BUT YOU ROMAN S**K IT!!!!!!!! Break it down! it's 1999 all over again bah gawd

) Man they had the perfect chance to elevate Wyatt on the level of an Undertaker. Instead HHH goes over knowing the smarks won't turn on him plus he can milk their cheers since he's over with them now because of NXT, he's going to make Reigns look strong at mania though unfortunately. I guess HHH beating Sting is easier to digest now, someone is going to benefit from that and it's going to be Reigns even though am not a fan of him but he's their new guy I guess. Also Look at the reaction AJ Styles got! it reminded me of Jericho debut in 1999, I know AJ established himself once and for all as a main-eventer in a big promotion like NJPW despite how good we knew he was in TNA but in one moment he has become an even bigger star, should have lasted more then 28 minutes though that was a joke