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A very powerful GIF. It's almost as if HHH is crotch-chopping Roman with the legion of smarks behind him.

On a serious note, according to me, smarks should stand for self-marks. They are marks for their own opinion. Once they decide to hate on anyone, they don't budge from their opinion one bit. They buy into their own intellectual superiority so much that they cannot enjoy the product even a bit. Roman is a very good wrestler. He even got a good last man standing match with The Big Show at Extreme Rules. I kinda agree when you say he is not fit to be the face of the company but I do not agree with you when you say he just has two-three moves in his arsenal.

All Shield members are phenomenal wrestlers. they were made a group for a reason. these SMARKS will always find ways to whine because they are addicted to it. 2 years ago everyone was whining that WWE buried Reigns and he should have won the Royal Rumble when Dave got over. They are like typical cricket fans who have no knowledge about cricket but they think they are best pundits of the game.
there are only a couple flaws in Reigns now which I can bet will be gone after sometime

also the biggest SMARK on this forum is non other than [MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] who really wants other members to agree on his views and if they don't then they are labelled as Eugenes and butt kissers :facepalm:
All Shield members are phenomenal wrestlers. they were made a group for a reason. these SMARKS will always find ways to whine because they are addicted to it. 2 years ago everyone was whining that WWE buried Reigns and he should have won the Royal Rumble when Dave got over. They are like typical cricket fans who have no knowledge about cricket but they think they are best pundits of the game.
there are only a couple flaws in Reigns now which I can bet will be gone after sometime

also the biggest SMARK on this forum is non other than [MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] who really wants other members to agree on his views and if they don't then they are labelled as Eugenes and butt kissers :facepalm:

That's only you who is the Eugene, I respect what [MENTION=95766]leatherface58[/MENTION] has to say, but more crap comes out of your mouth Eugene then the amount of dhumps I've let out in the toilet in my lifetime. You're just out of touch on every level and a big time fanbooy who is only good for cheerleading when it comes to your favourites, those are the limits of what you are able to add to this thread.
[MENTION=137419]dashing_man[/MENTION] no offence but you really are thick on every level and your lack of intelligence isn't displayed just in this thread, don't take it personally but you're an extremely stupid guy with narrow minded views who will remain a sheep forever or the kind of guy who will do what he is told and eat what he is given on his plate even if there is poison in it and complain about people who have an opinion which is beyond your understanding
[MENTION=137419]dashing_man[/MENTION] no offence but you really are thick on every level and your lack of intelligence isn't displayed just in this thread, don't take it personally but you're an extremely stupid guy with narrow minded views who will remain a sheep forever or the kind of guy who will do what he is told and eat what he is given on his plate even if there is poison in it and complain about people who have an opinion which is beyond your understanding
[MENTION=125358]l[/MENTION]eather58 this is how a typical SMARK reacts when getting exposed
The same fanTard that is bigging up Reigns will switch the moment his baby girl shovel has to put him over. There's the hypocriciy and limited mental ability when it comes to his views on the product, a typical fanbooy and mark will behave in such a fashion so you're not in a position to even try and engage in an objective discussion because it's not something which you're able to do and never will because it's innate Eugene what more can we say.

2 years ago Reigns was cheered because he was the last chance saloon, fans rallied behind him because they didn't want dave to win and that rumble was booked like an absolute joke as it is. Also, Reigns was a part of a faction; in a faction Reigns looked great; his weaknesses were concealed because in a faction you're not required to do much. When it came to the in-ring work, Rollins and Ambrose would carry the match and then Reigns would come in for the hot tag, super man punch, spear, and that't it. He was also a heel and booked like a legit bad-*** who didn't talk much, Rollins and Ambrose did most of it. Fast forward a year later, the rumble match is booked like a joke again and this time Reigns is being pushed as a singles star and is in the spot light. In the spotlight where he can no longer hide, in the spotlight where Seth and Ambrose can no longer conceal his weaknesses and in the spotlight where he is exposed on every level.

And when in that spotlight what happened? his in-ring work was limited to a few moves and his mic work was cringeworthy, his booking never helped either and creative never seemed to have a clue to work around his weaknesses. His look was the saving grace and WWE want to make money out of that but when it comes to Reigns as an A/R performer he is just not good enough for the main-event level at the moment despite having improved. In the past, when the ball was thrown at guys like The Rock, Austin etc it was because they were ready to carry the company forward; now where in a position where Reigns is being given the plantform to improve and develop while being pushed as the main guy at the same time, how does one justify that? Cena carried himself on the back of his charisma and mic ability; I fail to see why smarks are responsible for anything.

Reigns obviously remains over with kids, women and guys like Eugene who find his look incredibly appealing.

I don't expect Eugene to be able to understand this post because he is mentally inept on every level and he will resort to some low grade garbage which adds little to the discussion
[MENTION=125358]l[/MENTION]eather58 this is how a typical SMARK reacts when getting exposed

When you run out of ideas, in a desperate bid for mercy tag people for help because you're out of your depth. Nice one Eugene.
[MENTION=115388]I Believe in the Teesra[/MENTION] stop posting on that wrestling forum and come back to PP..
I'm kind of on the fence regarding Roman. He is very hardworking, physically gifted, pretty likeable as a face. That said, he is being screwed by factors beyond his control. What is he gonna tell Vince? I don't want to be pushed? I just wanna remain in the midcard because a few guys boo me? He is weak on the mic and a bit thin-skinned. But that's bound to happen when you are inexperienced and pushed immediately.

Cena when he was pushed, was a solid midcard wrestler and a singles competitor of some credibility, who was charismatic, great on the mic and a reasonable wrestler. He had won the US title and main evented survivor series.

Roman however was not given a chance to bloom as a singles competitor. He was immediately thrust into the world title scene after the shield split.
[MENTION=115388]I Believe in the Teesra[/MENTION] stop posting on that wrestling forum and come back to PP..

:))) He doesn't like getting owned here so moved there, am going to jump ship just to bury that loser
I'm kind of on the fence regarding Roman. He is very hardworking, physically gifted, pretty likeable as a face. That said, he is being screwed by factors beyond his control. What is he gonna tell Vince? I don't want to be pushed? I just wanna remain in the midcard because a few guys boo me? He is weak on the mic and a bit thin-skinned. But that's bound to happen when you are inexperienced and pushed immediately.

Cena when he was pushed, was a solid midcard wrestler and a singles competitor of some credibility, who was charismatic, great on the mic and a reasonable wrestler. He had won the US title and main evented survivor series.

Roman however was not given a chance to bloom as a singles competitor. He was immediately thrust into the world title scene after the shield split.

That's a really good point leathers, but since you bring it up; there are two names I want to say, Stone Cold and Eddie Gurrero; back in the late 90's Vince wanted to put the belt a lot sooner on Austin and turn him baby face; but Austin stopped it, he said to Vince let me get more over.

When Eddie finally won the big one he was so critical of himself despite how good he was! that he decided to drop the title himself to JBL, the company wanted him to spearhead as leader of smackdown but Eddie felt like he had to be doing a lot more and crumbled under the pressure he put himself under. These are just examples but I don't blame Reigns for the position he finds himself in. I recall a similar scenario with Kevin Nash in the early 90's.

At one point Reigns as a member of the shield had a character which was getting over really good and then they rushed him into a babyface turn and crammed him down everyones throats, and fans rejected him. Obviously it wasn’t Reigns fault and more to do with creative going full retardd. Similarly, Kevin Nash was getting over and he had a really good match against Bret at King of the Ring; all of a sudden a few months later they wanted to make him the champion.

Bret said he wasn’t ready yet and give him more time to get over but that didn’t happen, eventually KN would go on to become the worst drawing champ in WWE history. There should never have been any rush with Reigns, if I was booking him I would never have thrown him at the deep end so soon or turned him face so early, he isn’t perfect but the work is solid and creative just need to allow him to be himself a lot more.

Reigns has a great look and is excellent at selling but the mic skills, character and in-ring work need improvement; but he can be presented in a manner where his weaknesses are concealed and his persona is that of a legit main-eventer. Unfortunately from creatives perspective, they have invested too much in him as a face to press the rewind button and Reigns finds himself in a situation where he really needs to make the best of what is given to him and improve significantly in the ring in order to do his push justice. But leathers how long has he been around now? Creative is to blame as well but he has to take accountability for his slow progress.
[MENTION=115388]I Believe in the Teesra[/MENTION] you're just not on my level, you'll always be a jobber; the phainty you been getting here were so brutal that you left. You're out of depth Tap or Snap [MENTION=132954]Aman[/MENTION] :))) you not only snapped, you tapped and walked away a humiliated man who know posts in a world amongst human beings who are equally retardedd Tees
[MENTION=132954]Aman[/MENTION] still can't believe AJ Styles is in the WWE! he's going to be on MONDAY NIGHT RAW! that's unbelievable! HBK and Styles have always been my two all time favourites. Who do you want Styles to feud with? I want to see him feud with John Cena, Randy Orton and Triple H, not going to happen in the near future but out of the names available and not booked to face anyone else it would have to be The Undertaker! AJ Styles vs Undertaker in a 2 out of 3 falls match, have Styles get the first fall only for Taker to win the match because I know Styles would not be allowed to beat Taker at mania but that would be a really good alternative for AJ to be pushed as a main event calibre talent. Styles could be pushed as only the second man to pin Taker at mania. Anyhow I'd be find with a regular match between Taker and Styles. Also, Styles would be a brilliant Talent for Taker to work with given his age needs someone younger and technically gifted.

He could face Nakamura at Mania to.
Styles v Bryan or Seth or Joe or Balor would be great to at some point
Triple H arguably the greatest of all time, lmao they're really pushing that tripe now?

He's not even in the discussion.
Ended up getting a KO shirt as well, there was a special where the second polo shirt you purchased would be $5.

So overall, $25 (I think) for the AJ shirt and $5 for the KO's.

The delivery cost was $30 lol

So $60 in total for a AJ shirt, top that Shaz :))
:))) He doesn't like getting owned here so moved there, am going to jump ship just to bury that loser

look at this guy :))) now in good terms with Aman regarding Wrestling :))) :)))

he just looks for those who agree with him so that he can ride along with them :)))
Triple H arguably the greatest of all time, lmao they're really pushing that tripe now?

He's not even in the discussion.

He is right up there and i certainly would argue anyone who even puts him at his #1.

Has had a complete career. Done everything and done it well. Even after trying everything to make people hate authority, he's had people cheering him like crazy at winning Rumble. Goes to explain what a big legend he is.
He is right up there and i certainly would argue anyone who even puts him at his #1.

Has had a complete career. Done everything and done it well. Even after trying everything to make people hate authority, he's had people cheering him like crazy at winning Rumble. Goes to explain what a big legend he is.
Off the top of my head... Austin, Rock, Hogan, Flair, HBK, Angle, Cena and Y2J.
Off the top of my head... Austin, Rock, Hogan, Flair, HBK, Angle, Cena and Y2J.

LOL at Angle and Y2J. :)))

That's quite a mixed curry you've dished out there. I am struggling to see your POV because these superstars are all pretty different in terms of abilities, appeal and longevity.
That's a really good point leathers, but since you bring it up; there are two names I want to say, Stone Cold and Eddie Gurrero; back in the late 90's Vince wanted to put the belt a lot sooner on Austin and turn him baby face; but Austin stopped it, he said to Vince let me get more over.

When Eddie finally won the big one he was so critical of himself despite how good he was! that he decided to drop the title himself to JBL, the company wanted him to spearhead as leader of smackdown but Eddie felt like he had to be doing a lot more and crumbled under the pressure he put himself under. These are just examples but I don't blame Reigns for the position he finds himself in. I recall a similar scenario with Kevin Nash in the early 90's.

At one point Reigns as a member of the shield had a character which was getting over really good and then they rushed him into a babyface turn and crammed him down everyones throats, and fans rejected him. Obviously it wasn’t Reigns fault and more to do with creative going full retardd. Similarly, Kevin Nash was getting over and he had a really good match against Bret at King of the Ring; all of a sudden a few months later they wanted to make him the champion.

Bret said he wasn’t ready yet and give him more time to get over but that didn’t happen, eventually KN would go on to become the worst drawing champ in WWE history. There should never have been any rush with Reigns, if I was booking him I would never have thrown him at the deep end so soon or turned him face so early, he isn’t perfect but the work is solid and creative just need to allow him to be himself a lot more.

Reigns has a great look and is excellent at selling but the mic skills, character and in-ring work need improvement; but he can be presented in a manner where his weaknesses are concealed and his persona is that of a legit main-eventer. Unfortunately from creatives perspective, they have invested too much in him as a face to press the rewind button and Reigns finds himself in a situation where he really needs to make the best of what is given to him and improve significantly in the ring in order to do his push justice. But leathers how long has he been around now? Creative is to blame as well but he has to take accountability for his slow progress.
Both of these guys were very over when they won the world title. Guerrero tried every heel tactic in the book but was cheered. Hell, it took Eddie going after Rey Mysterio and his family for him to get heel heat.

Stone Cold had that edgy anti hero feel which the audience really liked in the 90s. His promo skills even as the ringmaster were very noticeable.
Triple H arguably the greatest of all time, lmao they're really pushing that tripe now?

He's not even in the discussion.

Come on man, only the mentally inept and out of his depth Eugene [MENTION=137419]dashing_man[/MENTION] is going to be deluded FanTard and lacks objectivity naturally because he's just a seriously stupid guy. But HHH is in the GOAT discussion, he isn't the GOAT that would be Ric but HHH is an ATG.
Both of these guys were very over when they won the world title. Guerrero tried every heel tactic in the book but was cheered. Hell, it took Eddie going after Rey Mysterio and his family for him to get heel heat.

Stone Cold had that edgy anti hero feel which the audience really liked in the 90s. His promo skills even as the ringmaster were very noticeable.

My point is that, Austin as a heel was getting cheered by the fans and instead of rushing his face turn he said to vince let me get even more over and gather steam. And with Gurrero he just put too much pressure on himself when they belt on him, Eddie was a perfectionist; just look at his reaction when Vickie interfered a bit later then she should have during that ladder match with Rey. He set himself extremely high standards. But like you say, Austin had the mic ability to sustain his character development.
LOL at Angle and Y2J. :)))

That's quite a mixed curry you've dished out there. I am struggling to see your POV because these superstars are all pretty different in terms of abilities, appeal and longevity.

Angle and Y2J should also be in ATG/GOAT discussion, they had stellar careers; very few out there who compare to them as A/R performers. Obviously Aman is just being naive with his bias against showel who is also an ATG and first ballot Hall of Famer. Showel deserves his own Hall of Fame wing :)))
Ended up getting a KO shirt as well, there was a special where the second polo shirt you purchased would be $5.

So overall, $25 (I think) for the AJ shirt and $5 for the KO's.

The delivery cost was $30 lol

So $60 in total for a AJ shirt, top that Shaz :))

They need to sell his gloves, they would go like hot cakes. The shirt is out of stock in the UK as well. What did you think of AJ's debut? it was pretty good and he had a nice little match with Jericho; WWE are doing a good job putting him over thus far, I've not seen any signs of petty attitudes towards him just yet even on commentary. They are right in that he's similar to Y2J in many ways, Y2J made a name for himself in Japan and ECW but was buried in WCW, coming to the WWE allowed him to finally justify all his attributes.
[MENTION=95766]leatherface58[/MENTION] no one controls the audience like The Rock even now :))) that was an amazing segment involving the New Day, Rocky also got himself a bit of creative leeway, that stuff wasn't PG yo. I really liked this return of The Rock it was something different with him interacting with the peeps backstage before coming out.

So Reigns is going over Ambrose and Lesnar at FastLane, I expect Wyatts to cost Brock the match setting up their mania match. So, who does Undertaker face this year? Looks like AJ and Y2J are going to be feuding at mania possibly. Kevin Owens has to be the favourite to face Undertaker, Sting and Cena are injured to.
[MENTION=65183]freelance_cricketer[/MENTION] watch the segment between The Rock and New Day from RAW :)))
Shovel carrying the skulls of all the wrestlers he buried:


Angle and Y2J should also be in ATG/GOAT discussion, they had stellar careers; very few out there who compare to them as A/R performers. Obviously Aman is just being naive with his bias against showel who is also an ATG and first ballot Hall of Famer. Showel deserves his own Hall of Fame wing :)))

Angle is great. Y2J borderline between good and great.

Triple H is a legend but and in his way right up there with Austin and Rock. I respect Kane a lot for his longevity and dependability, Triple H is Kane + more effective selling + legitimate badass heel + swag

I will myself start my list with Ric, Michaels, Hogan but like I said before if someone chooses to put Hunter over, I wont argue. There's not been a bigger heel icon than him, he's been around forever. Successful transition from the ring to the board room and a billionaire family. He's the man.
[MENTION=65183]freelance_cricketer[/MENTION] watch the segment between The Rock and New Day from RAW :)))

I did.

Never thought of them as carrying Lama phallus on their head and not the unicorn horns. :))) :)))

But I would have liked to see Rock getting into more serious, dark feud than the New Day Mazak yar. Has he been invited to just push Usos? Come on.

I wanna see Rock and Brock connections vs Wyats. That's gonna light the Mania.
Angle is great. Y2J borderline between good and great.

Triple H is a legend but and in his way right up there with Austin and Rock. I respect Kane a lot for his longevity and dependability, Triple H is Kane + more effective selling + legitimate badass heel + swag

I will myself start my list with Ric, Michaels, Hogan but like I said before if someone chooses to put Hunter over, I wont argue. There's not been a bigger heel icon than him, he's been around forever. Successful transition from the ring to the board room and a billionaire family. He's the man.

Y2J is right up there, critically acclaimed runs as a baby face and heel, stellar feuds with HBK, HHH, Angle, Benoit etc and in-ring work up there with the best. And the same with Angle. When I look at the early 2000's and late 90's, little to separate Benoit, Angle and Y2J. Y2J and Angle were gifted A/R and Benoit made up for his mic ability with his ruthlessness in the ring and rabid wolverine persona. Both Angle and Y2J have main-evented Wrestlemania to. HHH for me is in the same class as Undertaker, Kane, Big Show, Mankind when we look at the AE era specifically; The Rock, Vinny Mac and Austin were in a league of their own because without them the boom period in wrestling would never have been the same. As far as heels are concerned though and HHH's work post 2002 he cemented himself as one of the greatest heels of all time.

When it comes to the ultimate GOAT I can't see any argument being made against Ric Flair but when when having that discussion the other names I'd include would be Hogan, Austin, The Rock and Shawn Michaels.
I did.

Never thought of them as carrying Lama phallus on their head and not the unicorn horns. :))) :)))

But I would have liked to see Rock getting into more serious, dark feud than the New Day Mazak yar. Has he been invited to just push Usos? Come on.

I wanna see Rock and Brock connections vs Wyats. That's gonna light the Mania.

Man after that segment I wouldn't mind seeing a tag involving The Rock and The New Day. The New Day are unique performers, thing is we tend to underrate those who don't have a bit of a serious gimmick because WWE tend to bury goofy stuff in the lower card. When you look at Kofi, Big and Xavier individually, the three are very talented. No reason why we can't find the next big star from that faction. The Rock found himself in a similar situation when it came to the Nation of Domination.

That would be pretty cool! actually it may even happen! I don't believe that Wyatt a guy who they bury all the time when it comes to high profile feuds has enough momentum or creative backing to justify a singles match against Lesnar. I can see Lesnar taking on the entire Wyatt Family if The Rock is not his partner. They need to sell 1000,000+ tickets, surely the rock needs to be involved in an in-ring capacity? he doesn't need to take that many bumps.
Come on man, only the mentally inept and out of his depth Eugene [MENTION=137419]dashing_man[/MENTION] is going to be deluded FanTard and lacks objectivity naturally because he's just a seriously stupid guy. But HHH is in the GOAT discussion, he isn't the GOAT that would be Ric but HHH is an ATG.

So it took only one day for this butt hurt to start his wagon :))) pathetic SMARKS
Here's the updated table:


Yea if we could get into Time Pass we would get a lot more interest man because to be honest I am really disappointed with the turn out we have had for this competition. I was hoping that we would hit at least 15-20 posters.

[MENTION=138379]#GreenRoars[/MENTION] - its probably too late for this competition but back in the days when I was mod I use to ask Saj & MenInG as well as other mods to promote the competition on the forum and on FB/Twiter. I've not been a mod for a year or so now so Im not sure how things work these days, however, is it possibly something you could look into please specially leading up to Mania?

[MENTION=113824]Nikhil_cric[/MENTION] [MENTION=65183]freelance_cricketer[/MENTION] [MENTION=858]Amir[/MENTION] [MENTION=53290]Markhor[/MENTION] [MENTION=131867]London_Lahori[/MENTION] [MENTION=129948]Bilal7[/MENTION] [MENTION=138463]Slog[/MENTION] [MENTION=1842]James[/MENTION] & a few others have all been bigger disappointments than Kalistos United State title run :sanga

Don't blame me, I didn't even know about this! This thread should be more visible.

So who's excited over the Fast Lane main-event? Roman Reigns vs Dean Ambrose vs Brock Lesnar? Are you kidding me?! Ready the hype-train because we're going to Suplex City!
Don't blame me, I didn't even know about this! This thread should be more visible.

So who's excited over the Fast Lane main-event? Roman Reigns vs Dean Ambrose vs Brock Lesnar? Are you kidding me?! Ready the hype-train because we're going to Suplex City!

Tagged you like a million times!

Reigns is going over Ambrose and Lesnar so am not that excited given that we know the outcome. Wyatt family will probably cost Lesnar the match setting up their wrestlemania bout. The Rock is expected to be involved but not sure yet at what level. AJ Styles is in the WWE!!! he faced Jericho on RAW it's surreal
And guys [MENTION=3474]TalhaSyed[/MENTION] is not doing well and has some personal issues, make dua for him please. I will be posting the results of the prediction competition once he sends me the file [MENTION=138379]#GreenRoars[/MENTION]
But [MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION] is the the winner unofficially
And guys [MENTION=3474]TalhaSyed[/MENTION] is not doing well and has some personal issues, make dua for him please. I will be posting the results of the prediction competition once he sends me the file [MENTION=138379]#GreenRoars[/MENTION]

Ok bro, go ahead. And pass my wishes to Tallu bro, may he get well soon.
no, I won't write long essays explaining something to SMARKS because they are labelled SMARKS for a reason :usman

In other words You're not capable of producing an objective and insightful post :yk2 glad you admit that Eugene, these are the only posts your mind is capable of "smark" "buttt hurt" :yk2 #VillageIdiot
Tagged you like a million times!

Reigns is going over Ambrose and Lesnar so am not that excited given that we know the outcome. Wyatt family will probably cost Lesnar the match setting up their wrestlemania bout. The Rock is expected to be involved but not sure yet at what level. AJ Styles is in the WWE!!! he faced Jericho on RAW it's surreal

Yeah man, AJ wrestling for the WWE is insane. The only negative outcome out of all of this is that there is too much talent right now. Some of these superb wrestlers like Neville, Sami, AJ, Kalisto, etc will have to be used as jobbers.

Reigns is definitely winning but anytime two or more members of the Shield are involved, you know it is going to be an intense match. Throw in Brock Lesnar and things just got real.
And guys [MENTION=3474]TalhaSyed[/MENTION] is not doing well and has some personal issues, make dua for him please. I will be posting the results of the prediction competition once he sends me the file [MENTION=138379]#GreenRoars[/MENTION]

May Allah solve his problems. Ameen.

A top-class guy, MashAllah.
Yeah man, AJ wrestling for the WWE is insane. The only negative outcome out of all of this is that there is too much talent right now. Some of these superb wrestlers like Neville, Sami, AJ, Kalisto, etc will have to be used as jobbers.

Reigns is definitely winning but anytime two or more members of the Shield are involved, you know it is going to be an intense match. Throw in Brock Lesnar and things just got real.

I never thought I'd see the day he'd be working in the WWE because in NJPW he was making around half a million and his family comes first and I never thought WWE would offer him around the same. But AJ's popularity and fanbase has grown even bigger and with the Network being released in Japan the WWE made the smart move of signing him. His T-shirts sold out in 2 hours on WWEShop.

I expected Kalisto to receive a push at some point but they've fast tracked that by having him win the US title, they want him to appeal to the same demograph which Mysterio did. Rey made the WWE so much money, at some point he use to outsell Cena when it came to the merch. True, with so much talent guys are bound to get lost in the shuffle especially knowing how bad creative can be but lets hope everyone is given a chance to develop.

It should be a fun match though, always going to get that with triple threats. All three are very physical wrestlers. AJ and Jericho could be wrestling at payback again but more of a PPV style match
I never thought I'd see the day he'd be working in the WWE because in NJPW he was making around half a million and his family comes first and I never thought WWE would offer him around the same. But AJ's popularity and fanbase has grown even bigger and with the Network being released in Japan the WWE made the smart move of signing him. His T-shirts sold out in 2 hours on WWEShop.

I expected Kalisto to receive a push at some point but they've fast tracked that by having him win the US title, they want him to appeal to the same demograph which Mysterio did. Rey made the WWE so much money, at some point he use to outsell Cena when it came to the merch. True, with so much talent guys are bound to get lost in the shuffle especially knowing how bad creative can be but lets hope everyone is given a chance to develop.

It should be a fun match though, always going to get that with triple threats. All three are very physical wrestlers. AJ and Jericho could be wrestling at payback again but more of a PPV style match

They might try and make AJ Styles, CM Punk's replacement.
We want official results, other wise DM will boycott wrestling :))

Will post the results once I receive the spreadsheet from Talha.

And Good. He's not a real fan like us. He should stick to Teletubies.

We all should boycott his posts, never seen a user post so much drivel. We call him Eugene for joke but funny thing is he is a Eugene for real :)))
They might try and make AJ Styles, CM Punk's replacement.

There's another guy called Austin Aries who has been signed, I'd say he is a lot more similar to Punk its unreal when you look at his A/R ability. But you could be right, AJ's popularity matches Punk's and his offence is incredibly innovative; on the back of his stellar run in NJPW Aj should expect to be booked like an upper mid carder at the very least so that the WWE can milk $$$$ from the fans when it comes to AJ's merch and the network subscriptions from Japan where AJ is also very popular
AJ was TNA's biggest star, him working for the WWE must also have bought loads of TNA fans to the product who normally would have been casual viewers
[MENTION=132954]Aman[/MENTION] is a good example, he's going to be a regular follower of the product now as well since AJ has been signed :))
How come no ones commented on the sign during RAW "Imran Khan lives with his Dad and Mom" :))) :))) it is visible during AJ/Jericho [MENTION=138379]#GreenRoars[/MENTION]
don't change the subject, we are talking about who predicted Hunter winning first :mv
Eugene I never denied that. But you said that you were the overall winner when I got more predictions right than you did.

Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk
Eugene I never denied that. But you said that you were the overall winner when I got more predictions right than you did.

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predicting the main event correct first earns me 20 points :mv
Eugene clutching at straws, you're an absolute joke of a poster in this thread. [MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION] picked HHH because there was a thought process behind it and he justified it to himself in terms of booking and creative direction. You Eugene picked HHH only because you were drooling at the thought of his shovel up your backside one last time :))) :)))
predicting the main event correct first earns me 20 points :mv

Did your baap change the rules once the competition was over you absolute joke :))) This Eugene guy is so THICK, am not surprised your budda beats you up everyday:hafeez2 Eugene ni say chamri lanah osi [MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION]
Did your baap change the rules once the competition was over you absolute joke :))) This Eugene guy is so THICK, am not surprised your budda beats you up everyday:hafeez2 Eugene ni say chamri lanah osi [MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION]

Says the guy who waits for everyone to post their predictions so he can cheat by copying them
Did your baap change the rules once the competition was over you absolute joke :))) This Eugene guy is so THICK, am not surprised your budda beats you up everyday:hafeez2 Eugene ni say chamri lanah osi [MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION]
Meh kya akha iss eugene na damakh boh kharab ah. Eugene should be banned from the thread his knowledge on the business is laughable. It's like a kid studying GCSE Biology trying to argue with medical doctors over how the human body works.

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Says the guy who waits for everyone to post their predictions so he can cheat by copying them

Not really, I just give it some thought; unfortunately you don;t have a brain to give anything some thought :))) ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh Eugene buried again [MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION] :)))
Not really, I just give it some thought; unfortunately you don;t have a brain to give anything some thought :))) ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh Eugene buried again [MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION] :)))
Eugene getting buried with Hunters golden shovel.

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Finally got the spreadsheet from Talha
[MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION] [MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION] [MENTION=138379]#GreenRoars[/MENTION] [MENTION=95766]leatherface58[/MENTION] See the attached image for the Royal Rumble prediction results.
[MENTION=138379]#GreenRoars[/MENTION] update the thread title please, Royal Rumble prediction champion Adil_94, Jobber Champion dashing_man


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Finally got the spreadsheet from Talha

[MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION] [MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION] [MENTION=138379]#GreenRoars[/MENTION] [MENTION=95766]leatherface58[/MENTION] See the attached image for the Royal Rumble prediction results.

[MENTION=138379]#GreenRoars[/MENTION] update the thread title please, Royal Rumble prediction champion Adil_94, Jobber Champion dashing_man

5 jobbers including yourself [MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION] and [MENTION=138379]#GreenRoars[/MENTION] :))) :)))
5 jobbers including yourself [MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION] and [MENTION=138379]#GreenRoars[/MENTION] :))) :)))

Hell in a cell match like at armageddon to decide undisputed champion :))) a

Anyway since everyones shoulders were down while the ref counted to 3 its a draw. Therefore the jobber champ from the last PPV retains his title.

You were jobber champ last PPV
Hell in a cell match like at armageddon to decide undisputed champion :))) a

Anyway since everyones shoulders were down while the ref counted to 3 its a draw. Therefore the jobber champ from the last PPV retains his title.

You were jobber champ last PPV

adil was jobber champion last time, so that means [MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION] will be the first ever WWE Heavyweight Champion and the Divas Champion :))) :)))
Hell in a cell match like at armageddon to decide undisputed champion :))) a

Anyway since everyones shoulders were down while the ref counted to 3 its a draw. Therefore the jobber champ from the last PPV retains his title.

You were jobber champ last PPV

we 5 should form a group called "Social Jobbers" :))) :)))
adil was jobber champion last time, so that means [MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION] will be the first ever WWE Heavyweight Champion and the Divas Champion :))) :)))

:)) was he? Show me the proof or you will be the official champion. This is interesting, history could be made :))) bah gawd
[MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] [MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION] watch the latest episode of WWE 24/7 its so awesome, Brock and Taker sharing love backstage :)))

Paige so nervous that she started to sing along her entrance theme :))) :)))
I'll probably get hated on with this post but:

Quite a good Royal Rumble, not too keen on the winner though, once he came in you knew he was going to win it.

I admit I only tune in for the Rumble's or Wrestlemania with the Rumble's being my favourite.

But recently all I've seen is the same rehashed stuff with predictable "moments" and predictable winners along with bringing the older superstars back just to give it some sort of "ooomph", watched 10 minutes of SmackDown before the Rumble and the crowd was just dead.

However, the Royal Rumble was a little refreshing even though you could see some of the "moments" coming from a long way.

The New Day guys are just underrated, Kofi Kingston always has been refreshing, and him getting carried by Big E and drinking some coke was hilarious.

Getting AJ Styles was a big coup, I haven't followed him much, but him coming into WWE has made it a little exciting.

What's with Roman Reigns finisher "Superman Punch" really? You got to be kidding me with that, it is beyond kiddish.

What my main gripe is, there's only a couple of contenders for the main title and nothing much else really going on.

I remember back when the Royal Rumble alone had 5 contenders to win it, Austin, Rock, Undertaker, Kane and Rikishi with Kurt Angle and Triple H going for the title that year. Then we had Jericho and Benoit for the Intercontinentel along with other contenders. The Hardyz, Dudleys, Edge and Christian for the Tag titles with other team coming in.

There seems to be no depth, only a few title challengers, two will go at it for like a year, they'll drop out then another two will come in for a while with no real top dog.

Hardly any crowd reaction to anything that happens, mic work from most being poor.

The only thing I feel that they've improved on from is the Diva's championship/

Another that is missing, is JR, although the commentators for the RR were not too bad for once.

This Rumble was refreshing compared to anything that I've seen in the WWE for a long time.
I'll probably get hated on with this post but:

Quite a good Royal Rumble, not too keen on the winner though, once he came in you knew he was going to win it.

I admit I only tune in for the Rumble's or Wrestlemania with the Rumble's being my favourite.

But recently all I've seen is the same rehashed stuff with predictable "moments" and predictable winners along with bringing the older superstars back just to give it some sort of "ooomph", watched 10 minutes of SmackDown before the Rumble and the crowd was just dead.

However, the Royal Rumble was a little refreshing even though you could see some of the "moments" coming from a long way.

The New Day guys are just underrated, Kofi Kingston always has been refreshing, and him getting carried by Big E and drinking some coke was hilarious.

Getting AJ Styles was a big coup, I haven't followed him much, but him coming into WWE has made it a little exciting.

What's with Roman Reigns finisher "Superman Punch" really? You got to be kidding me with that, it is beyond kiddish.

What my main gripe is, there's only a couple of contenders for the main title and nothing much else really going on.

I remember back when the Royal Rumble alone had 5 contenders to win it, Austin, Rock, Undertaker, Kane and Rikishi with Kurt Angle and Triple H going for the title that year. Then we had Jericho and Benoit for the Intercontinentel along with other contenders. The Hardyz, Dudleys, Edge and Christian for the Tag titles with other team coming in.

There seems to be no depth, only a few title challengers, two will go at it for like a year, they'll drop out then another two will come in for a while with no real top dog.

Hardly any crowd reaction to anything that happens, mic work from most being poor.

The only thing I feel that they've improved on from is the Diva's championship/

Another that is missing, is JR, although the commentators for the RR were not too bad for once.

This Rumble was refreshing compared to anything that I've seen in the WWE for a long time.

Remember you from the old thread, you rarely post :)) but great to see you around mania season.

Thing is, with all the wrestlers who have been injured, lack of depth in the main-event scene and limited availability of part timers who would actually wrestle; HHH had to win for the sole purpose of putting Reigns over at Wrestlemania. Thing is, HHH is on RAW every week and does his authority shtick; and even now after all these years he's brilliant on the mic and can really go in the ring. His title run is going to be short because he's acting a transitional champion who will pass the torch to Reigns, we all complained about HHH going over Sting and it should not have happened; but HHH has gained momentum from that win which will be used for Reigns benefit.

It was a great Rumble no doubt and New Day are only underated amongst certain fans but generally are over with pretty much every demograph including the smarks.

I agree with you, there is a lack of depth in the main-event scene but I don't blame the roster because it's incredibly talented! so much talent it's unreal yet creative always screw everything up. Did you know in 2015 out of all the promotions in the world WWE made best use of 50/50 booking :facepalm: The biggest problem is WWE's inability to develop their roster barring a few wrestlers. In the past there were more contenders because WWE presented them as legitimate threats at one point or another.

There's a new commentator on Smackdown called M.R, he's pretty good. Yeah, it was the best Rumble for me since 2007 when Taker won.
Oh my god, am watching WWE 24 [MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION] Sting is just too nice or incredibly insecure to the point he feels honoured that he even got signed by the WWE :facepalm: Him thanking Vince for the oppourtunity before his match with HHH and Vinny Mac responding "You worked hard to get here you deserve it" is so cringeworthy :facepalm: Sting underestmates his legacy and value; he's a cornerstone of the industry. He just is full of respect and too nice to the point where am like wth bro, am glad he got to work wrestlemania but as a fan that's not cool man. I don't like the way they've treated him.