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Dream Match: Brock Lesnar v Ceasaro

I'm actually confused at what are the going to do with Brock. If he's going to face the entire Wyatt Family at Mania then ok, better still. It will be like Taker facing off A-Train and Big Show at 19
I'm actually confused at what are the going to do with Brock. If he's going to face the entire Wyatt Family at Mania then ok, better still. It will be like Taker facing off A-Train and Big Show at 19

So you don't want Brock to just bury Bray Wyatt, you want Brock to bury the entire family?
Today i was watching some old matches of Goldberg, damn this guy was a beast. But i dont know why he left wrestling??
Today i was watching some old matches of Goldberg, damn this guy was a beast. But i dont know why he left wrestling??

Goldberg started his career out as an NFL footballer and that was his passion more then anything, but he had to retire from American football due to injury. After that, he began to rehab and started training in MMA while taking up powerlifting; one day at the gym Sting saw him and tried to convince him to join pro-wrestling. Goldberg would then begin his pro-wrestling career in WCW. When WCW folded Goldberg never intended to join the WWF but his fanbase kept on demanding that he make a comeback to the pro-wrestling world. So then, Goldberg would join WWE mainly because of his fans and after his contract ended he just left. Thing is, pro-wrestling was never Goldberg's genuine passion but due to his fans he came back for a short period. Over the years he found himself in a position where he'd only make a comeback to the WWE if the money was enough to get him motivated to lace up his boots for something he doesn't have a passion for.

Still Goldberg's popularity was incredible! at one point it matched Stone Cold's if not exceeded it at one point for a short time, he was so over. The goldberg dvd WWE released last year or so I think was their best selling for any DVD over the last few years and in a recent poll WWE fans voted Goldberg as the star they want to see at the royal rumble ahead of names like Stone Cold and Undertaker.

He was a beast no doubt however deserves criticism for being reckless at times in the ring. But for his size he was so agile and incredibly strong. Great in-ring presence. I doubt we'll see anyone get over in the manner he did.
Check this out [MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION], [MENTION=137419]dashing_man[/MENTION] holding the ropes for me


Bah gawd you nearly took eugenes head off.

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Adil and [MENTION=95766]leatherface58[/MENTION] you heard about what happened on RAW with the three fans who dressed up as WWE legends (look out for The Rocks segment with the New Day) and security tried to chuck them out?

I want to know where this ultra conservative BS ends when it comes to the WWE, because all the garbage they used to spew about "the first amendment" and freedom of expression has completely been thrown out the window in the past 10 years. We've heard about instances of WWE personnel taking away signs, T-shirts, and even going so far as to chastise the live audience for not cheering the way they want them to. This past week however, I think they went a bit far when they attempted to throw fans out of the arena for being just that, fans.

I think we all remember those 3 fans who were dressed up as Hogan, Macho, and Taker last Monday, yes? Well, it's being reported that those 3 were actually asked to leave the arena before being let back in, moved to a new seat, and told to "calm it down". Apparently, these 3 were enjoying the show, getting into the action, and began to mimic the mannerisms of the wrestlers they were dressed as. As a result, fans began to chant "Randy Savage", which didn't sit well with WWE who than went ahead and told them to leave before letting them back in with a warning.

Now my question is, what exactly did these guys do wrong? As far as I can tell, they weren't purposely disrupting the show, they weren't being overtly loud or obnoxious, and they didn't do anything to upset the people around them. The only thing they seem to be guilty of, is being more entertaining than half the stuff WWE puts on TV each week. If fans are paying more attention to some random dressed as the Macho Man than your own product, that says more about you than them. I just find it ridiculous that we as fans can go to a show, but if we enjoy it too much, they have a right to kick us out. Huh?

The real problem here was that Vince decided to put on a match that filled about 10+ minutes of TV time that a helluva lot of fans just weren't interested in seeing. We've seen Kane vs. Wyatt in the past, it wasn't entertaining before and it wasn't entertaining this time (also has a lot to do with how weak both stars are booked); they let Vince know about it in no uncertain terms and it ruffled Vince's feathers more than a little. I think this is another part of the problem regarding Vince being out of touch with fans: if you don't want fan shenanigans distracting from the match, then put on a match that fans want to see instead of one that bores them to tears.

Also, hats off to The Rock for using his influence and going off script to acknowledge the crowd and those fans, he really is the people's champion :bow: I bet he must have been like wth especially considering the audiences he has experienced over the years, Vince lost his marbles a long time ago and is completely out of touch with his fanbase.

[MENTION=137419]dashing_man[/MENTION] as usual is too thick to understand any of this :yk and will whine at fans for being fans while worshipping Vinny Mac and jumping on the HHH Shovel :)))
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Adil and [MENTION=95766]leatherface58[/MENTION] you heard about what happened on RAW with the three fans who dressed up as WWE legends (look out for The Rocks segment with the New Day) and security tried to chuck them out?

I want to know where this ultra conservative BS ends when it comes to the WWE, because all the garbage they used to spew about "the first amendment" and freedom of expression has completely been thrown out the window in the past 10 years. We've heard about instances of WWE personnel taking away signs, T-shirts, and even going so far as to chastise the live audience for not cheering the way they want them to. This past week however, I think they went a bit far when they attempted to throw fans out of the arena for being just that, fans.

I think we all remember those 3 fans who were dressed up as Hogan, Macho, and Taker last Monday, yes? Well, it's being reported that those 3 were actually asked to leave the arena before being let back in, moved to a new seat, and told to "calm it down". Apparently, these 3 were enjoying the show, getting into the action, and began to mimic the mannerisms of the wrestlers they were dressed as. As a result, fans began to chant "Randy Savage", which didn't sit well with WWE who than went ahead and told them to leave before letting them back in with a warning.

Now my question is, what exactly did these guys do wrong? As far as I can tell, they weren't purposely disrupting the show, they weren't being overtly loud or obnoxious, and they didn't do anything to upset the people around them. The only thing they seem to be guilty of, is being more entertaining than half the stuff WWE puts on TV each week. If fans are paying more attention to some random dressed as the Macho Man than your own product, that says more about you than them. I just find it ridiculous that we as fans can go to a show, but if we enjoy it too much, they have a right to kick us out. Huh?

The real problem here was that Vince decided to put on a match that filled about 10+ minutes of TV time that a helluva lot of fans just weren't interested in seeing. We've seen Kane vs. Wyatt in the past, it wasn't entertaining before and it wasn't entertaining this time (also has a lot to do with how weak both stars are booked); they let Vince know about it in no uncertain terms and it ruffled Vince's feathers more than a little. I think this is another part of the problem regarding Vince being out of touch with fans: if you don't want fan shenanigans distracting from the match, then put on a match that fans want to see instead of one that bores them to tears.

Also, hats off to The Rock for using his influence and going off script to acknowledge the crowd and those fans, he really is the people's champion :bow: I bet he must have been like wth especially considering the audiences he has experienced over the years, Vince lost his marbles a long time ago and is completely out of touch with his fanbase.

[MENTION=137419]dashing_man[/MENTION] as usual is too thick to understand any of this :yk and will whine at fans for being fans while worshipping Vinny Mac and jumping on the HHH Shovel :)))

it really is amazing how you find new ways after new ways to whine and cry about a company you follow religiously. If you don't like how things are going then stick to jobber TNA
it really is amazing how you find new ways after new ways to whine and cry about a company you follow religiously. If you don't like how things are going then stick to jobber TNA

So basically you agree with BNP/UKIP White British people wanting to kick Muslims out of the UK if they don't give up their religion and stop whining about Islamphobia :))) you really are sick and just plain THICK, that's what your logic suggests
So basically you agree with BNP/UKIP White British people wanting to kick Muslims out of the UK if they don't give up their religion and stop whining about Islamphobia :))) you really are sick and just plain THICK, that's what your logic suggests

where the hell do Muslims come here in WWE all of a sudden :facepalm:

You are really thick in understanding my point I guess. Its WWE show, they can set the rules they want and if they don't approve certain crowd behavior then they have the power to kick them out. Your House have your rules right, if someone is breaking them then its your right to do something about it. There's no first or 2nd amendment of freedom of speech crap
where the hell do Muslims come here in WWE all of a sudden :facepalm:

You are really thick in understanding my point I guess. Its WWE show, they can set the rules they want and if they don't approve certain crowd behavior then they have the power to kick them out. Your House have your rules right, if someone is breaking them then its your right to do something about it. There's no first or 2nd amendment of freedom of speech crap

You're so retardeed you had to resort to ohh TNA blah blah because you were unable to understand or have the intelligence to respond to my post objectively with sense. And your logic suggests that when Muslims are oppressed they should deal with it instead of "whining" :))) you are so thick
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:facepalm: if you misbehave or start to rile up my guests in my house then I will throw you out. Simple
[MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] watch the ending, at first I was in shock then replayed it :)))

:facepalm: if you misbehave or start to rile up my guests in my house then I will throw you out. Simple

No no but you were advocating oppression when it comes to Muslims even when they aren't provoking anyone and completely innocent, you're too thick bro.
Some very sad news, Bret Hart has cancer. Hope he is able to put his illness in a sharpshooter and make it tap out.
[MENTION=132954]Aman[/MENTION] Okada was crying during Nakamura farewell speech and then carried him out the arena on his shoulders, made sure he would never leave the NJPW ring :)) Man rarely will you ever see such comradery in pro-wrestling, the world champion of one of the biggest promotions in the world carrying a legend on his shoulders out the arena. I hope Nakamura is built as a huge deal in WWE.
Some very sad news, Bret Hart has cancer. Hope he is able to put his illness in a sharpshooter and make it tap out.
Too many folks these days succumbing to cancer. I was so sad when Alan Rickman passed away. Hope Bret makes it.
Too many folks these days succumbing to cancer. I was so sad when Alan Rickman passed away. Hope Bret makes it.

I feel sad, there will be people who will hate on Bret given the things he says but he has been through a lot and is very blunt/passionate about certain things so it can come across the wrong way. Never nice to see pro-wrestlers in poor health. The product is in decline but one thing you have to give it to vince is all the changes he has made ever since the Benoit episode, Chris changed the business; no blading, no head shots, no orthodox piledriver, wellness policy and various departments which take concussion and injuries very seriously. Obviously there can be a conflict of interest when certain folk higher up become petty about their grudges towards certain wrestlers and hence do not give them the adequate help. Other criticism would be WWE's inability to manage workload and the increasing number of house shows, both have lead to many injuries over the past few years.
Wrestlemania 32 is going to be a landmark mania, it's the showcase of the immortals and the grandest stage of them all; this year WWE is set to break all attendance records including the one set at Wrestlemania 3. So, does the main-event Triple H vs Roman Reigns compare to Hulk Hogan vs Andre the Giant on any level? :))) what a joke.

Undertaker/Sting are names which deserve to close the show and although they are more deserving then HHH/Rock I wouldn't mind if either of those featured in the main-event. But Reigns isn't at the level he needs to be to deserve a put over, you have guys here mention names like Hogan and Warrior in a bid to make Roman look strong but he doesn't compare to them in anyway. When JBL passed the torch to Cena he was ready, when HHH passed the torch to Batista he was ready, when HBK passed the torch to Austin he was ready and when Hogan passed the torch to Warrior he was ready. Roman may be over with the casuals but to sustain his popularity he needs personality as an alleged babyface who is supposed to replace Cena as the face of the company.

[MENTION=137419]dashing_man[/MENTION] how do you feel about Roman Reigns burying HHH with his Gold Plated Double shovel before 100,000+ people :))) wow what a Wrestlemania moment :))) it's even bigger then Hogan body slamming Andre the giant right LOL


Man what happened to cutting promos like these and we have Reigns now, the justin beiber of wrestling
Wrestlemania 32 is going to be a landmark mania, it's the showcase of the immortals and the grandest stage of them all; this year WWE is set to break all attendance records including the one set at Wrestlemania 3. So, does the main-event Triple H vs Roman Reigns compare to Hulk Hogan vs Andre the Giant on any level? :))) what a joke.

Undertaker/Sting are names which deserve to close the show and although they are more deserving then HHH/Rock I wouldn't mind if either of those featured in the main-event. But Reigns isn't at the level he needs to be to deserve a put over, you have guys here mention names like Hogan and Warrior in a bid to make Roman look strong but he doesn't compare to them in anyway. When JBL passed the torch to Cena he was ready, when HHH passed the torch to Batista he was ready, when HBK passed the torch to Austin he was ready and when Hogan passed the torch to Warrior he was ready. Roman may be over with the casuals but to sustain his popularity he needs personality as an alleged babyface who is supposed to replace Cena as the face of the company.

[MENTION=137419]dashing_man[/MENTION] how do you feel about Roman Reigns burying HHH with his Gold Plated Double shovel before 100,000+ people :))) wow what a Wrestlemania moment :))) it's even bigger then Hogan body slamming Andre the giant right LOL

Reigns is not going over at Mania. Hunter said it on RAW he ain't giving this title back until he thinks someone is ready
CM Punk ironically quit in the year he would have main evented Wrestlemania. After Bootista got booed, the only top face left was Punk. The crowd was not going to boo Punk over Bryan. They had even sown the seeds for dissent between Punk and Authority by having Kane eliminate Punk.

So, Bryan can thank Punk for his magical Mania moment.
CM Punk ironically quit in the year he would have main evented Wrestlemania. After Bootista got booed, the only top face left was Punk. The crowd was not going to boo Punk over Bryan. They had even sown the seeds for dissent between Punk and Authority by having Kane eliminate Punk.

So, Bryan can thank Punk for his magical Mania moment.

CM Punk was not booked to feature in the main-event of Wrestlemania. Vinces envisioned Batista as this triumphant hero returning to defeat Randy Orton in the main-event of a landmark Wrestlemania :)). CM Punk was booked to feud with HHH and have a match against him at Wrestlemania, HHH was expected to put him over and for me it would have been an amazing mania moment seeing Punk beat HHH with the pepsi plunge of the top rope (Punk's top rope pedigree finisher in indy's). Punk had just begun feuding with the authority/HHH before he left. Bryan on the other hand was booked to face Sheamus at Wrestlemania.

What was pivotal in changing Bryans destiny was not Punk waking out, but the crowd reaction to Batista winning at Pittsburg Royal Rumble 2014. Until that point Bryan was SUPER DUPER OVER, the most over babyface on the roster and the hardcore fans including casuals were all behind him irrespective of how creative booked him. This was a major problem for creative's plans at wrestlemania because even in Pittsburg an audience which is no where near a smarky city absolutely shat all over the finish. As the finish of the Rumble drew near the crowd were eagerly waiting for Bryan began to chant for him etc they were expecting him to be the no.30 entrant, WWE having anticipated the hostility brewing in the air deciding to send Rey Mysterio at no.30 and heck Rey Mysterio of all wrestlers was boo'd!!! Poor Rey :))) Anyway, after the finish of that match the crowd was borderline about to riot and watching it live I had never seen anything quiet like that.

Immediately after that Rumble, the hostile reaction to Batista winning was covered in the media all over the world and even here in the UK. Creative were forced to insert Bryan into the main-event because they had no choice, a Batista/Orton main-event would have been shat on and WWE would have received bad P.R after a lankmark mania with so many eyes on their product. They were also forced to turn Batista Heel (something he wanted from the very beginning when he returned), recently Vince pitched an idea for Batista to return at mania 32 but he rejected it; he understands how things work now and has no trust at all in creative.

Whether Punk walked out or not, Bryan would still have main-evented Wrestlemania. Punk walking out gave us the ultimate pay off to the Bryan/Yes-Movement vs The Authority Storyline. Bryan would defeat Evolution in one night and even the crooked ref Scott Armstrong would take a bump from Bryan.

If Punk was booked to feature in the main-event of Wrestlemania he would never have left. Punk dreamed of main-eventing wrestlemania and it had been his ultimate goal in the WWE for a very long time, he would never walk out if they gave it to him on a plate; if he was that upset he'd have featured in the main-event and then left given his issues but not being in the main-event was the final nail in the coffin for him and he just had enough after the RR match.
CM Punk was not booked to feature in the main-event of Wrestlemania. Vinces envisioned Batista as this triumphant hero returning to defeat Randy Orton in the main-event of a landmark Wrestlemania :)). CM Punk was booked to feud with HHH and have a match against him at Wrestlemania, HHH was expected to put him over and for me it would have been an amazing mania moment seeing Punk beat HHH with the pepsi plunge of the top rope (Punk's top rope pedigree finisher in indy's). Punk had just begun feuding with the authority/HHH before he left. Bryan on the other hand was booked to face Sheamus at Wrestlemania.

What was pivotal in changing Bryans destiny was not Punk waking out, but the crowd reaction to Batista winning at Pittsburg Royal Rumble 2014. Until that point Bryan was SUPER DUPER OVER, the most over babyface on the roster and the hardcore fans including casuals were all behind him irrespective of how creative booked him. This was a major problem for creative's plans at wrestlemania because even in Pittsburg an audience which is no where near a smarky city absolutely shat all over the finish. As the finish of the Rumble drew near the crowd were eagerly waiting for Bryan began to chant for him etc they were expecting him to be the no.30 entrant, WWE having anticipated the hostility brewing in the air deciding to send Rey Mysterio at no.30 and heck Rey Mysterio of all wrestlers was boo'd!!! Poor Rey :))) Anyway, after the finish of that match the crowd was borderline about to riot and watching it live I had never seen anything quiet like that.

Immediately after that Rumble, the hostile reaction to Batista winning was covered in the media all over the world and even here in the UK. Creative were forced to insert Bryan into the main-event because they had no choice, a Batista/Orton main-event would have been shat on and WWE would have received bad P.R after a lankmark mania with so many eyes on their product. They were also forced to turn Batista Heel (something he wanted from the very beginning when he returned), recently Vince pitched an idea for Batista to return at mania 32 but he rejected it; he understands how things work now and has no trust at all in creative.

Whether Punk walked out or not, Bryan would still have main-evented Wrestlemania. Punk walking out gave us the ultimate pay off to the Bryan/Yes-Movement vs The Authority Storyline. Bryan would defeat Evolution in one night and even the crooked ref Scott Armstrong would take a bump from Bryan.

If Punk was booked to feature in the main-event of Wrestlemania he would never have left. Punk dreamed of main-eventing wrestlemania and it had been his ultimate goal in the WWE for a very long time, he would never walk out if they gave it to him on a plate; if he was that upset he'd have featured in the main-event and then left given his issues but not being in the main-event was the final nail in the coffin for him and he just had enough after the RR match.
From what I read, Batista was supposed to be the top babyface but it backfired horribly. Bryan was over but Vince planned punk as a backup.

Punk after winning at Mania was to turn heel and then feud with Bryan who goes on to win the title sometime in the future.

Then, if Bryan didn't get injured, he would have been squashed by Lesnar like Cena was.

Punk was incredibly over too. Bryan was the last ditch choice and he wouldn't have come into the picture if Punk hadn't walked out. Vince doesn't like vanilla midgets :nash
From what I read, Batista was supposed to be the top babyface but it backfired horribly. Bryan was over but Vince planned punk as a backup.

Punk after winning at Mania was to turn heel and then feud with Bryan who goes on to win the title sometime in the future.

Then, if Bryan didn't get injured, he would have been squashed by Lesnar like Cena was.

Punk was incredibly over too. Bryan was the last ditch choice and he wouldn't have come into the picture if Punk hadn't walked out. Vince doesn't like vanilla midgets :nash

Daniel Bryan has said it himself on his DVD documentary to, he was booked to face Sheamus at Wrestlemania 30. The biggest turning point for him was the Royal Rumble match 2014. He was the most over baby face on the roster and the energy levels of WWE RAW shows were incredibly high, audience reactions were on the level from AE/RA era's that's how over the Yes movement was. Vince doesn't like Vanilla midgets but he was forced to have Bryan go over plus his merch was selling really well and he was such a good draw at house shows that refunds would be offered when he was pulled out.

Punk on his podcast said he was meant to face HHH at mania and all the storyline movements indicated just that before he walked out. Punk said he was never going to feature in the main-event.

Yeah had Bryan not been injured after he became champion he would have been squashed by Lesnar at SummerSlam.

Yeah that's right, Batista was supposed to be the triumphant babyface and even Dave found the idea really stupid, he personally went out of his way to put Bryan over at mania by tapping out. Dave is a student of the game and he has a high level of respect for the business and a clear understanding of 101 booking; this is the guy who travelled on the road with the likes of Flair, HHH. His in-ring work for a big guy is underrated to and as a heel he thrived when it came to his character work towards the end of his full time career. Reigns doesn't even compare to Batista on any level never mind Hogan or Warrior, the guy is an absolute joke; I've been too soft on him but the truth is he is sh!t in the ring and he absolutely sucks on the mic. Great talents have thrived above the crap creative throw at them yet he has failed despite this monster push.
From 1:25....the 2 minute mark just me going each time that I just have it on repeat hahaha.

He's the only wrestler I'd watch perform in the ring every week.

he broke Miz tooth and I'm glad Jericho is going to put him over. that after the match promo is a spoiler for us that something big is going to happen at Summer Slam
he broke Miz tooth and I'm glad Jericho is going to put him over. that after the match promo is a spoiler for us that something big is going to happen at Summer Slam
Last few people Jericho put over are : Fandango, CM Punk and Bray Wyatt.

One is pushed and buried in succession, one walked out and one is not even seen on main event anymore.
He's the only wrestler I'd watch perform in the ring every week.

He's one of them, the others in the WWE are Chad Gable/Jordon [MENTION=137419]dashing_man[/MENTION] I never skip their matches in NXT. They are so good and one of the best tag teams I've seen in a long long time. Adil and Shazzy Bear are good to :)))
he broke Miz tooth and I'm glad Jericho is going to put him over. that after the match promo is a spoiler for us that something big is going to happen at Summer Slam

DaHell :))) fastlane is next and then Wrestlemania :yk

I expect Y2J to turn heel at some point which will be brilliant because it will give him some character development and he relishes the role of a villain.

I can see AJ beating Jericho in the rematch again, then Y2J would complete heel turn by attacking him after the match. The rubber match could be at Fast Lane but then who does AJ face at mania? .......we'll have to see or perhaps they'll continue the AJ/Jericho feud into Wrestlemania.
Mizz had his best match in years :))
Miz is underrated one of the true heels on the roster who can get legit heat. Did a great promo to put AJ over on RAW. His mic work is one of the best in the company. And his ring work has improved a lot over the years.

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Miz is underrated one of the true heels on the roster who can get legit heat. Did a great promo to put AJ over on RAW. His mic work is one of the best in the company. And his ring work has improved a lot over the years.

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He justified his run as WWE champion at the time and earned my respect, at first I was like they seriously going with this? and then Mizz would absolutely run with the ball, criminally underrated. Brilliant on the mic especially as a heel and in the ring he is good.


DaHell :))) fastlane is next and then Wrestlemania :yk

I expect Y2J to turn heel at some point which will be brilliant because it will give him some character development and he relishes the role of a villain.

I can see AJ beating Jericho in the rematch again, then Y2J would complete heel turn by attacking him after the match. The rubber match could be at Fast Lane but then who does AJ face at mania? .......we'll have to see or perhaps they'll continue the AJ/Jericho feud into Wrestlemania.

AJ ain't Lesnar. he won't get to main event that quickly. Only Lesnar can :afridi
He's one of them, the others in the WWE are Chad Gable/Jordon [MENTION=137419]dashing_man[/MENTION] I never skip their matches in NXT. They are so good and one of the best tag teams I've seen in a long long time. Adil and Shazzy Bear are good to :)))

I want Chad/Gable to win the tag titles now
I want Chad/Gable to win the tag titles now

And what you on about Chad/Gable :))) you bothmania Eugene :)))

Those guys are 10x better then the USOS. Imagine Gable/Jordon feuding with The New Day? it would be GOLD. Gable/Jordon are the only tag team with enough steam if built up that way to win the belts of New Day. Am sick and tired of everyone feuding with the USOS a million times.
He justified his run as WWE champion at the time and earned my respect, at first I was like they seriously going with this? and then Mizz would absolutely run with the ball, criminally underrated. Brilliant on the mic especially as a heel and in the ring he is good.


People hate him just because he was a reality TV star before he came into the business. And because he isn't an indie darling. But he's got my respect he's a top mic worker can generate heel heat and is good in the ring sure he isn't AJ Punk or Bryan but he's still done really well. People hate him because he got a push over their indie darlings. That's what annoys me about some smarks they hate someone just for the sake of hating them. Because they have a perceived view of them without looking at how the performer has changed and improved.

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Go on Say it you know want to you jobber!!!


[MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] bah gawd melina would still get it.

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People hate him just because he was a reality TV star before he came into the business. And because he isn't an indie darling. But he's got my respect he's a top mic worker can generate heel heat and is good in the ring sure he isn't AJ Punk or Bryan but he's still done really well. People hate him because he got a push over their indie darlings. That's what annoys me about some smarks they hate someone just for the sake of hating them. Because they have a perceived view of them without looking at how the performer has changed and improved.

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Thing is that was their initial reaction Adil but when wrestlers earn respect it is given, go look at the raw after Wrestlemania 27 when the crowds are typically full of smarks. When the Mizz interrupted Cena I think the audience couldn't help but give him a pop, there were certainly sceptics but he won them over. It is true smarks can get into that mode of hating peeps for the sake of it but most of the time it's justified, people complain about how Reigns is boo'd but admit it the guy is a jobber, people justify his push on the basis that oh he does't have all the attributes but he's going to improve while his look is getting him over with the casuals hence he should be champ. Cena use to get you can't wrestle chants but not anymore, he earned the respect of the fans through his charisma and in-ring work, The Rock use to get "Die Rocky Die" chants that's nothing in comparison to the hostility towards Reigns. In the end we can't blame the customers and cream always rises to the top. Mizz initially never got over with the smarks because he hadn't paid his dues but now he has earned respect in the squared circle.
[MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] bah gawd melina would still get it.

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Wooo! that entrance though, kasme I'd pass out after watching it. Don't blame Johhny Morrison for being with her all these years
Thing is that was their initial reaction Adil but when wrestlers earn respect it is given, go look at the raw after Wrestlemania 27 when the crowds are typically full of smarks. When the Mizz interrupted Cena I think the audience couldn't help but give him a pop, there were certainly sceptics but he won them over. It is true smarks can get into that mode of hating peeps for the sake of it but most of the time it's justified, people complain about how Reigns is boo'd but admit it the guy is a jobber, people justify his push on the basis that oh he does't have all the attributes but he's going to improve while his look is getting him over with the casuals hence he should be champ. Cena use to get you can't wrestle chants but not anymore, he earned the respect of the fans through his charisma and in-ring work, The Rock use to get "Die Rocky Die" chants that's nothing in comparison to the hostility towards Reigns. In the end we can't blame the customers and cream always rises to the top. Mizz initially never got over with the smarks because he hadn't paid his dues but now he has earned respect in the squared circle.
I know a lot of smarks respect him now. You still get a lot that hate on him. For a heel in todays wwe to get proper heat he must be doing soemthing good. do you follow whatculture on YouTube. They just did a video on wrestlers who will get in the Hof who don't deserve it and they had the miz on the list. That's harsh IMO.

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Thing is that was their initial reaction Adil but when wrestlers earn respect it is given, go look at the raw after Wrestlemania 27 when the crowds are typically full of smarks. When the Mizz interrupted Cena I think the audience couldn't help but give him a pop, there were certainly sceptics but he won them over. It is true smarks can get into that mode of hating peeps for the sake of it but most of the time it's justified, people complain about how Reigns is boo'd but admit it the guy is a jobber, people justify his push on the basis that oh he does't have all the attributes but he's going to improve while his look is getting him over with the casuals hence he should be champ. Cena use to get you can't wrestle chants but not anymore, he earned the respect of the fans through his charisma and in-ring work, The Rock use to get "Die Rocky Die" chants that's nothing in comparison to the hostility towards Reigns. In the end we can't blame the customers and cream always rises to the top. Mizz initially never got over with the smarks because he hadn't paid his dues but now he has earned respect in the squared circle.
The fact they are trying to push reigns to be the man with his obvious lack of ability to be the main guy is so annoying.

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And what you on about Chad/Gable :))) you bothmania Eugene :)))

Those guys are 10x better then the USOS. Imagine Gable/Jordon feuding with The New Day? it would be GOLD. Gable/Jordon are the only tag team with enough steam if built up that way to win the belts of New Day. Am sick and tired of everyone feuding with the USOS a million times.

did you watch New Day take on Social Outcast, it was comedy :))

Gable/Jordan need to come to the main roster when they are planning a TLC 2. They will steal the show for sure
Reigns is not going over at Mania you jobber
You jabroni who is going over then. Is eugene going to come at FastLane and pin reigns and face hunter at Mania where you bend over and lay down for him. You gonna take the shovel

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You jabroni who is going over then. Is eugene going to come at FastLane and pin reigns and face hunter at Mania where you bend over and lay down for him. You gonna take the shovel

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:))) :)))

I can so imagine that happening, Eugene going to jump over the barricade. Eugene has booked his tickets for mania to :))) he;s going to witness the crucifixion of the shovel no matter how many times he tells himself it won't happen. Roman gona spear Hunter within 2 minutes while Vince climaxe's and screams "What a manoeuvre" as Reigns pins the shovel to win the belt, he will then grab the microphone and scream Beeeleeeeeeee dat as Cole pretends to mark out and says "WHAT A WRESTLEMANIA MOMENT! BAH GAWD I GOT GOOSEBUMPS!"
I know a lot of smarks respect him now. You still get a lot that hate on him. For a heel in todays wwe to get proper heat he must be doing soemthing good. do you follow whatculture on YouTube. They just did a video on wrestlers who will get in the Hof who don't deserve it and they had the miz on the list. That's harsh IMO.

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The fact they are trying to push reigns to be the man with his obvious lack of ability to be the main guy is so annoying.

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That's mainly satire their thing is to wind people up I think don't take them seriously, on a new show called ride along on wwe network ziggler said what culture had him in their top 10 worst in-ring workers list :))). But there still are skeptics but those guys are not real wrestling fans. Have you seen Goldbergs new attire? I mean Ryback's? :))) looks like they want those chants to come back, that'll get him over! whoever thought of that idea is a genius at creative.

Totally agree, am fed up of Reigns; I've been too nice to him, it has been 2 years and he is no where near the level he should be at to carry the company on his shoulders. There are performers that are a lot more polished.
did you watch New Day take on Social Outcast, it was comedy :))

Gable/Jordan need to come to the main roster when they are planning a TLC 2. They will steal the show for sure

No, is there a video :))

They could bring up Chad/Jordon right now tbh, which tag team is entertaining on main roster besides New Day? none.
You jabroni who is going over then. Is eugene going to come at FastLane and pin reigns and face hunter at Mania where you bend over and lay down for him. You gonna take the shovel

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You only Divas and WWE Champion on PP, Hunter is burying Reigns at Mania for the SMARKS like [MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION]
[MENTION=137419]dashing_man[/MENTION] even Baron Corbin has improved 10x more then Reigns! Yes it helps that they made Corbin heel but his in-ring work is a lot better as well
No, is there a video :))

They could bring up Chad/Jordon right now tbh, which tag team is entertaining on main roster besides New Day? none.

injury of Sin Cara if not had happened then the three way feud was going really well. I don't know why they aren't involving the dudleys anymore
[MENTION=137419]dashing_man[/MENTION] even Baron Corbin has improved 10x more then Reigns! Yes it helps that they made Corbin heel but his in-ring work is a lot better as well

you just made my point. Reigns need someone like Paul Heyman or Authority like I said before. He can't do the job alone that good. He was a good NXT heel but he was a heel. Heel makes the character look good 10x better

Imagine Miz as a face, how bad would that be
injury of Sin Cara if not had happened then the three way feud was going really well. I don't know why they aren't involving the dudleys anymore

They using dudleys like jobbers like how they use Kane and Big Show. If dudley boys are not booked strong, it doesn't mean anything when a tag team defeats them.
That's mainly satire their thing is to wind people up I think don't take them seriously, on a new show called ride along on wwe network ziggler said what culture had him in their top 10 worst in-ring workers list :))). But there still are skeptics but those guys are not real wrestling fans. Have you seen Goldbergs new attire? I mean Ryback's? :))) looks like they want those chants to come back, that'll get him over! whoever thought of that idea is a genius at creative.

Totally agree, am fed up of Reigns; I've been too nice to him, it has been 2 years and he is no where near the level he should be at to carry the company on his shoulders. There are performers that are a lot more polished.
Goldback bah gawd could this mean the man is back for Mania 32. I'd love to see Goldberg break Ryback in half. I've seen Adams rap on ziggler bah gawd ziggler got buried. To think reigns is supposed to be the next Cena it's a joke. Bah gawd rollins come back at Mania 32 and save us from reigns again.

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you just made my point. Reigns need someone like Paul Heyman or Authority like I said before. He can't do the job alone that good. He was a good NXT heel but he was a heel. Heel makes the character look good 10x better

Imagine Miz as a face, how bad would that be

It depends on the wrestler but for Reigns, Corbin and Mizz they obviously make for better heels. Reigns hasn't improved on any level though plus they been pushing him for two years; no more excuses.
You only Divas and WWE Champion on PP, Hunter is burying Reigns at Mania for the SMARKS like [MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION]
Tell me you ****** how is HHH burying Reigns at Mania. When Vince is firmly behind Reigns and pushing him. It wouldn't make any sense for hunter to hold the title post Mania. He's just an interim champion an obstacle for reigns to overcome so he can get his crowning moment as a babyface champion at Mania. It would go against all wrestling logic for hunter to go over at Mania. I know hunter has done some famous burials in the past I. E booker t and sting but none of them had Vinces unanimous backing as the future of the company. Hunters shovel will be broken by the superlame punch. You have exposed yourself again as a jobber who has no knowledge of the business or how wrestling works.

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Goldback bah gawd could this mean the man is back for Mania 32. I'd love to see Goldberg break Ryback in half. I've seen Adams rap on ziggler bah gawd ziggler got buried. To think reigns is supposed to be the next Cena it's a joke. Bah gawd rollins come back at Mania 32 and save us from reigns again.

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It would be even more epic if Molana Wyatt did that :))) and then says anyone but you Roman anyone but you as all the smarks jizz in their cm punk under wear :)))

Goldberg v Lesnar 2!! bah gawd it's going to happen again.
It would be even more epic if Molana Wyatt did that :))) and then says anyone but you Roman anyone but you as all the smarks jizz in their cm punk under wear :)))

Goldberg v Lesnar 2!! bah gawd it's going to happen again.
Bah gawd that would be epic. The sword of Maulana Wyatt doing jihad against the roman empire. They should make anyone but you roman a shirt I'd buy it.

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