Adil and [MENTION=95766]leatherface58[/MENTION] you heard about what happened on RAW with the three fans who dressed up as WWE legends (look out for The Rocks segment with the New Day) and security tried to chuck them out?
I want to know where this ultra conservative BS ends when it comes to the WWE, because all the garbage they used to spew about "the first amendment" and freedom of expression has completely been thrown out the window in the past 10 years. We've heard about instances of WWE personnel taking away signs, T-shirts, and even going so far as to chastise the live audience for not cheering the way they want them to. This past week however, I think they went a bit far when they attempted to throw fans out of the arena for being just that, fans.
I think we all remember those 3 fans who were dressed up as Hogan, Macho, and Taker last Monday, yes? Well, it's being reported that those 3 were actually asked to leave the arena before being let back in, moved to a new seat, and told to "calm it down". Apparently, these 3 were enjoying the show, getting into the action, and began to mimic the mannerisms of the wrestlers they were dressed as. As a result, fans began to chant "Randy Savage", which didn't sit well with WWE who than went ahead and told them to leave before letting them back in with a warning.
Now my question is, what exactly did these guys do wrong? As far as I can tell, they weren't purposely disrupting the show, they weren't being overtly loud or obnoxious, and they didn't do anything to upset the people around them. The only thing they seem to be guilty of, is being more entertaining than half the stuff WWE puts on TV each week. If fans are paying more attention to some random dressed as the Macho Man than your own product, that says more about you than them. I just find it ridiculous that we as fans can go to a show, but if we enjoy it too much, they have a right to kick us out. Huh?
The real problem here was that Vince decided to put on a match that filled about 10+ minutes of TV time that a helluva lot of fans just weren't interested in seeing. We've seen Kane vs. Wyatt in the past, it wasn't entertaining before and it wasn't entertaining this time (also has a lot to do with how weak both stars are booked); they let Vince know about it in no uncertain terms and it ruffled Vince's feathers more than a little. I think this is another part of the problem regarding Vince being out of touch with fans: if you don't want fan shenanigans distracting from the match, then put on a match that fans want to see instead of one that bores them to tears.
Also, hats off to The Rock for using his influence and going off script to acknowledge the crowd and those fans, he really is the people's champion

I bet he must have been like wth especially considering the audiences he has experienced over the years, Vince lost his marbles a long time ago and is completely out of touch with his fanbase.
[MENTION=137419]dashing_man[/MENTION] as usual is too thick to understand any of this

and will whine at fans for being fans while worshipping Vinny Mac and jumping on the HHH Shovel
