But look at this way, it's still a big deal that Austin put him over because that remains Kane's only WWF title win during the AE era. And Austin did have influence then, perhaps not as much as Hunter but if he didn't respect you then you'd be rubbing him up the wrong way. When hunter married steph and gained prominence backstage there was serious heat on him, not just from the fans but backstage from the boys to; during Hunters push Vince wanted Austin to put him over, Austin didn't respect Hunter and didn't feel as if he was worth putting over at that stage, you pay your dues first; he was an old school guy. So Austin instead, dropped the world title to Mankind; who would then drop the world title to HHH giving him his first championship win. Does that make you feel any better leathers?

even then Kane was respected a great deal.
He is, would you agree that he is introverted to an extent? very dignified and selfless individual. That was a decent run, he was probably one of the last few world title holders that were booked fairly well before that championship was treated like a mid card title