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Tell me you ****** how is HHH burying Reigns at Mania. When Vince is firmly behind Reigns and pushing him. It wouldn't make any sense for hunter to hold the title post Mania. He's just an interim champion an obstacle for reigns to overcome so he can get his crowning moment as a babyface champion at Mania. It would go against all wrestling logic for hunter to go over at Mania. I know hunter has done some famous burials in the past I. E booker t and sting but none of them had Vinces unanimous backing as the future of the company. Hunters shovel will be broken by the superlame punch. You have exposed yourself again as a jobber who has no knowledge of the business or how wrestling works.

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Hunter clearly said on RAW he ain't given this title until he thinks is the right time and a certain individual is ready

Tell me you ****** how is HHH burying Reigns at Mania. When Vince is firmly behind Reigns and pushing him. It wouldn't make any sense for hunter to hold the title post Mania. He's just an interim champion an obstacle for reigns to overcome so he can get his crowning moment as a babyface champion at Mania. It would go against all wrestling logic for hunter to go over at Mania. I know hunter has done some famous burials in the past I. E booker t and sting but none of them had Vinces unanimous backing as the future of the company. Hunters shovel will be broken by the superlame punch. You have exposed yourself again as a jobber who has no knowledge of the business or how wrestling works.

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we could be wrong, Eugene probably got some secret insider info by sharing a bistar with the shovel :))) he got it deep, Eugene has been inside the shovel and vice versa no one knows the shovel better then him
Hunter clearly said on RAW he ain't given this title until he thinks is the right time and a certain individual is ready


The Mizz also said he deserves an academy award for Santa Little Helper and that he was snubbed, that must be true as well :))) [MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION]
Bah gawd that would be epic. The sword of Maulana Wyatt doing jihad against the roman empire. They should make anyone but you roman a shirt I'd buy it.

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No one deserves a monster push more then Molana Wyatt, I hope they have something big planned for him; don't want Molana Wyatt turning into an extremist after all the besti creative keep doing of him. They need to sell AJ's gloves to
Hunter clearly said on RAW he ain't given this title until he thinks is the right time and a certain individual is ready

I think [MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] has already said this. Since when is kayfabe real how is that different from any heel champion saying they will win at Mania. He's not gonna say I'm putting roman over at Mania on air now is he. Tell me how does it make sense for Hunter to carry on as champion after Mania.

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The Mizz also said he deserves an academy award for Santa Little Helper and that he was snubbed, that must be true as well :))) [MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION]
Bah gawd Eugene just got double chokeslammed through the table by the brothers of destruction again.

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[MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] [MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION] please do put Reigns name in the prediction competition :afridi
me and [MENTION=137419]dashing_man[/MENTION] relationship in a nutshell


Also, no one is talking about R-Truth and GoldDust those two are absolutely hilarious :))) they have natural chemistry together, may turn into a decent tag team. And the Social Outcasts are actually entertaining lmao they work well together..
me and [MENTION=137419]dashing_man[/MENTION] relationship in a nutshell


Also, no one is talking about R-Truth and GoldDust those two are absolutely hilarious :))) they have natural chemistry together, may turn into a decent tag team. And the Social Outcasts are actually entertaining lmao they work well together..

my fav Becky :heart: I miss their alliance from NXT
Pro-wrestler Axxel Rotten is dead, he was an ECW original who also featured in the one night stand PPV in 2005 produced by the WWE

for the moment my heart froze and I had cold sweats. I thought you were talking about Curtis Axel
for the moment my heart froze and I had cold sweats. I thought you were talking about Curtis Axel

Either way human life is human life and we as the pro-wrestling community mourn each wrestler equally. The lifestyle in those days must have given guys like Axxel one hell of a high but they also sacrificed so much to entertain us fans and it was even tougher back then. That's why when that idiot called heath a jobber he got heat because even being on the main-roster and having a regular gig is a huge acheivement. Not everyone will cut it in the business and those who do are guaranteed nothing.
It depends on the wrestler but for Reigns, Corbin and Mizz they obviously make for better heels. Reigns hasn't improved on any level though plus they been pushing him for two years; no more excuses.
They've been pushing him since the debut of shield or as Vince would say "make him look strong dammit"

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They've been pushing him since the debut of shield or as Vince would say "make him look strong dammit"

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The sheild was a great faction whether as a heel or face; Roman Reigns was best utilied in that faction because Seth and Ambrose hid his weaknesses. But after they broke up, Seth/Ambrose carved out their own identity while Vince allowed Reigns to keep the sheild gimmick in the hope he'd get over. Being a heel comes a lot more naturally to Reigns and a silent bad-asss but in the end they wanted him to turn face so not only does he suck as a character his in-ring work is rubbish to and no where it needs to be for a main-eventer
HHH v Reigns won't do the occasion of Wrestlemania justice (100,000+ people and all). I'd make the main-event an elimination chamber match for the WWE world title; HHH v Reigns v Ambrose v Brock v Bray Wyatt v Kevin Owens/Luke-Harper [MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION] what do you reckon
HHH v Reigns won't do the occasion of Wrestlemania justice (100,000+ people and all). I'd make the main-event an elimination chamber match for the WWE world title; HHH v Reigns v Ambrose v Brock v Bray Wyatt v Kevin Owens/Luke-Harper [MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION] what do you reckon
That sounds sick or a 6 man armageddon hell in a cell that'd be epic. Hhh vs reigns has got to be a no holds barred to make it entertaining.

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That sounds sick or a 6 man armageddon hell in a cell that'd be epic. Hhh vs reigns has got to be a no holds barred to make it entertaining.

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Yeah that would be really good, perhaps they are saving the chamber for mania? did we get a chamber match in 2015? and there's not one booked for fast-lane either. I got my hopes up now :)) My issue with Reigns v HHH is that it just doesn't do anything for me in terms of the occasion, Hogan and Andre gave us the greatest mania moment of all time and the clash was the greatest of all time and did the record breaking crowd justice. There's no one in the WWE on the level of a Hogan or Andre given the booking (beyond the usual part timers who come really close) but the roster is incredibly talented and should they feature in a chamber match I'd feel like they would do the occasion justice.

Also if Reigns is to remain a babyface he's going to get boo'd out the building at mania that is another obstacle in the match and it can potentially ruin the main-event. I guess the saving grace would be for him to turn heel or something but even then I'd like to see the chamber match imo plus all the participants would make sense in terms of storylines; Reigns/HHH are feuding, Wyatts/Lesnar and Ambrose is in the mix to because he wants the title. Reigns could be a heel in that match to if that's the plan or maybe they will have some kind of surprise at the end of the match
Yeah that would be really good, perhaps they are saving the chamber for mania? did we get a chamber match in 2015? and there's not one booked for fast-lane either. I got my hopes up now :)) My issue with Reigns v HHH is that it just doesn't do anything for me in terms of the occasion, Hogan and Andre gave us the greatest mania moment of all time and the clash was the greatest of all time and did the record breaking crowd justice. There's no one in the WWE on the level of a Hogan or Andre given the booking (beyond the usual part timers who come really close) but the roster is incredibly talented and should they feature in a chamber match I'd feel like they would do the occasion justice.

Also if Reigns is to remain a babyface he's going to get boo'd out the building at mania that is another obstacle in the match and it can potentially ruin the main-event. I guess the saving grace would be for him to turn heel or something but even then I'd like to see the chamber match imo plus all the participants would make sense in terms of storylines; Reigns/HHH are feuding, Wyatts/Lesnar and Ambrose is in the mix to because he wants the title. Reigns could be a heel in that match to if that's the plan or maybe they will have some kind of surprise at the end of the match
We had that I. C title chamber match which Ryback one. But there hasn't been one for the main title. For wwe creative to think of that type of match it's beyond them. Hhh vs reigns doesn't stick out to me as a Main event for a 100 k stadium. It will be a decent match but it won't be worthy of such an event.

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We had that I. C title chamber match which Ryback one. But there hasn't been one for the main title. For wwe creative to think of that type of match it's beyond them. Hhh vs reigns doesn't stick out to me as a Main event for a 100 k stadium. It will be a decent match but it won't be worthy of such an event.

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Sting v Taker would have been ideal but Stinger is injured, that dream match will never happen now. Oh yeah damn they have a PPV just for that gimmick match :facepalm: so unlikely. What other match do you have in mind that would do 100K justice and it's probably going to be the most watched mania as well
Sting v Taker would have been ideal but Stinger is injured, that dream match will never happen now. Oh yeah damn they have a PPV just for that gimmick match :facepalm: so unlikely. What other match do you have in mind that would do 100K justice and it's probably going to be the most watched mania as well
Bro an ambrose vs reigns with reigns a heel that could be a good main event. If dean won at the rumble then that makes roman snap and he turns heel. Starts berating the fans saying you all turned your back on me. I'm just out for myself now screw u fans and u see him join with the authority. Then we see the heel badass reigns against dean. You can have reigns screw him out of the I. C title and set up the match. Hunter vs rock I'd love to see that for nostalgia.

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Bro an ambrose vs reigns with reigns a heel that could be a good main event. If dean won at the rumble then that makes roman snap and he turns heel. Starts berating the fans saying you all turned your back on me. I'm just out for myself now screw u fans and u see him join with the authority. Then we see the heel badass reigns against dean. You can have reigns screw him out of the I. C title and set up the match. Hunter vs rock I'd love to see that for nostalgia.

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That would have been a good feud to but too late now that hunter has the title and they are hell bent on having him job to Reigns, end of an era Adil we've had a love/hate relationship with the shovel over they years how do you feel about the shovel finally getting buried :( I wouldn't mind that either, The Rock/HHH have amazing chemistry and their feuds have been amazing but they've never had one of their feuds culminate on a PPV of Wrestlemania's standing so it would be good and I wouldn't mind seeing it. But ideally WWE need to use the platform to create a new star, I wish it was Wyatt but we'll have to take Reigns but the way they are going about it is stupid. Also who booked Lesnar v Ambrose v Reigns? Roman is going to get boo'd out the building again he'll be the heel in that match lmao
[MENTION=132954]Aman[/MENTION] I got the AJ Styles top and then there was an offer where I could get another top for free so was deciding between these two:



I got the suplex city one in the end. Which one do you think was better out of the two [MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION]
[MENTION=132954]Aman[/MENTION] I got the AJ Styles top and then there was an offer where I could get another top for free so was deciding between these two:



I got the suplex city one in the end. Which one do you think was better out of the two [MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION]
I prefer the Brock shirt myself.

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all I can find here is this :(



Not surprised, saudi is full of ghandoos.

Order online you jobber although it could be a lot more expensive for you.

European customers the WWE has a special website for us called WWE Euroshop so it's not that bad, including delivery I paid £25 and I got one shirt free so I paid 12.50 each for a shirt which is not bad at all

Not surprised, saudi is full of ghandoos.

Order online you jobber although it could be a lot more expensive for you.

European customers the WWE has a special website for us called WWE Euroshop so it's not that bad, including delivery I paid £25 and I got one shirt free so I paid 12.50 each for a shirt which is not bad at all

naah. I'm not that desperate :fawad

I think WWE next KSA tour will be in the Easter Region. They have already done middle and West region. So hopes are high :afridi
naah. I'm not that desperate :fawad

I think WWE next KSA tour will be in the Easter Region. They have already done middle and West region. So hopes are high :afridi

At house shows all over the world they only bring Cena, Roman Reigns and Nikki Bella merchandise :)))
they brought New Day merch here. and Divas merch are haram bro :moyo

for job in WWE

The only reason Cena is top merch seller because they produce more units for him. And at house shows if they do bring other superstars the variety is crap, Lesnar got some really good merchandise like mugs, hoodies, kit bag etc but they probably will only bring his suplex city shirt.

What Job you applying for
The only reason Cena is top merch seller because they produce more units for him. And at house shows if they do bring other superstars the variety is crap, Lesnar got some really good merchandise like mugs, hoodies, kit bag etc but they probably will only bring his suplex city shirt.

What Job you applying for

cool, will look for those

and I'm going to apply for Design or personal assistant job
[MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] bah gawd this is us.

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[MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] bah gawd this is us.

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So true and it's not necessarily a bad thing because it's the journey which makes things interesting but what we don't like is that SOB and hack Roman Reigns being shoved down our throats when he isn't main-event material at the moment. Have to say, it would be nice for the WWE to throw a curve ball at us for once and get us excited about a character or storyline. But creative are one dimensional on every level, some of their fans have a better brain then them and vince. Heck the fans booked the main-event storyline and feud for Wrestlemania 30 :))) :)) otherwise we were going to get Orton v Batista and Bryan vs Sheamus from the legendary creative team lmao

So true and it's not necessarily a bad thing because it's the journey which makes things interesting but what we don't like is that SOB and hack Roman Reigns being shoved down our throats when he isn't main-event material at the moment. Have to say, it would be nice for the WWE to throw a curve ball at us for once and get us excited about a character or storyline. But creative are one dimensional on every level, some of their fans have a better brain then them and vince. Heck the fans booked the main-event storyline and feud for Wrestlemania 30 :))) :)) otherwise we were going to get Orton v Batista and Bryan vs Sheamus from the legendary creative team lmao

you people said the same about Reigns V Lesnar and look how it turned out. Even without Rollins that match was Classic Mania Main Event
you people said the same about Reigns V Lesnar and look how it turned out. Even without Rollins that match was Classic Mania Main Event

Look it may well be a good match on the day and HHH will carry Reigns but what am saying is does the main-event do the occasion justice? there will be 100,000+ people. That's why they should make it a chamber match imo. At this stage I wouldn't mind HHH v Rock. Anyone but you Roman anyone but you.

Andre v Hogan did the occasion justice, they were talents which justified the 90,000+ audience. These days Wrestlemania itself is the biggest draw rather then the talent featured given how poor they are booked thanks to guys like Andre, Hogan, Savage, Austin and Rock.
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Look it may well be a good match on the day and HHH will carry Reigns but what am saying is does the main-event do the occasion justice? there will be 100,000+ people. That's why they should make it a chamber match imo. At this stage I wouldn't mind HHH v Rock. Anyone but you Roman anyone but you.

Andre v Hogan did the occasion justice, they were talents which justified the 90,000+ audience. These days Wrestlemania itself is the biggest draw rather then the talent featured given how poor they are booked thanks to guys like Andre, Hogan, Savage, Austin and Rock.

of course it doesn't deserve to happen in front of that many people. But for once there is a build up to this match. I think Vince will make it a Triple threat to make it interesting. Brock isnt going to face any other person so he might be the third and could win the title.

maybe he will and then reigns will win MITB :)) and get the title back at Summer Slam
of course it doesn't deserve to happen in front of that many people. But for once there is a build up to this match. I think Vince will make it a Triple threat to make it interesting. Brock isnt going to face any other person so he might be the third and could win the title.

maybe he will and then reigns will win MITB :)) and get the title back at Summer Slam

Lesnar is scheduled to face the Wyatts or one of them.

Triple threat happened last year when seth cashed in and it also happened at mania 30 and will be happening again at fast lane so I doubt a traditional triple threat will happen again at the main-event of mania 32.

It is possible we could see HITC armagedon or a chamber match but unlikely. They want to put Roman over as the man who's going to replace Cena and carry the company for the next decade. They want to start by giving him a wrestlemania moment and a huge platform before 1000,000+ to launch himself. They want to close the show with Reigns holding the belt after beating HHH, after the match HHH will shake his hand and basically say that I am Romans biatch and I enjoyed him burying me.
Lesnar is scheduled to face the Wyatts or one of them.

Triple threat happened last year when seth cashed in and it also happened at mania 30 and will be happening again at fast lane so I doubt a traditional triple threat will happen again at the main-event of mania 32.

It is possible we could see HITC armagedon or a chamber match but unlikely. They want to put Roman over as the man who's going to replace Cena and carry the company for the next decade. They want to start by giving him a wrestlemania moment and a huge platform before 1000,000+ to launch himself. They want to close the show with Reigns holding the belt after beating HHH, after the match HHH will shake his hand and basically say that I am Romans biatch and I enjoyed him burying me.

Lesnar should fight the entire wyatts, only that will make sense. And for once they should let Wyatts go over. Lesnar can get the win in the return match at Extreme Rules or Summer Slam

Yeah, HHH will actually make iwc more mad if he puts over Reigns. I don't get why they can't just make him heal. There are tons of guys who can replace the Baby Face for Life Cena. Why does it have to be Reigns.

Shaz imagine if Rock debuted during this era, he would have been enemy no.1 to sensible WWE fans :))

Reigns should turn on Ambrose and become heel. He should join the Authority and then get over but this is just a dream and will remain a dream.
Lesnar should fight the entire wyatts, only that will make sense. And for once they should let Wyatts go over. Lesnar can get the win in the return match at Extreme Rules or Summer Slam

Yeah, HHH will actually make iwc more mad if he puts over Reigns. I don't get why they can't just make him heal. There are tons of guys who can replace the Baby Face for Life Cena. Why does it have to be Reigns.

Shaz imagine if Rock debuted during this era, he would have been enemy no.1 to sensible WWE fans :))

Reigns should turn on Ambrose and become heel. He should join the Authority and then get over but this is just a dream and will remain a dream.

The Rock would be the face of the company if he debut in this era.

They can't turn him heel because they want him as the face, obvious vince believes that Reigns is the best looking guy and most marketable but Daniel Bryan proved that theory wrong by becoming the most over face on the roster. If the machine give the other wrestlers a chance as much as they've pushed Reigns they'd solve so many problems.

Scott Hall tweeted that how about Reigns v HHH, Bryan as the special ref, Rock in Reigns corner and HBK in HHH's corner. Man [MENTION=137419]dashing_man[/MENTION] I would mark out to see HBK and Rock fight for a short while.
[MENTION=137419]dashing_man[/MENTION] [MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION]

What about this:

if Bryan becomes the referee w/ the Rock in Reigns corner and HBK in HHH's corner... it would be total anarchy.

It would start off with Bryan just being a spectator and when Reigns seems to be the one to finally win the championship. What will happen is this, Bryan will make the count 1.... 2..... and then, he gives Reigns the finger. The Rock gets upset as he gets into Bryan's face and then HBK superkicks the Rock and HHH pedigrees Reigns. Everyone would think Bryan had turned heel as people would remember that he is Shawn's greatest student.

HHH covers Reigns where Bryan does the count 1.... 2.... and then, he spits into HHH's face and attacks him to the shock of Shawn who pulls Bryan apart only for Bryan to assault him. Bryan then grabs a chair, knocks out Shawn. Knocks out HHH, knocks out the Rock and knocks out Reigns. Then does the count 1.... 2.... 3.... grabs the belt and declares himself the winner only to then spit on the WWE title and tells Vince to go F himself and quits. Thus, would end WrestleMania on a shocking note where it sort of ends with a whimper where the future of WWE becomes in doubt as the blame will be on Scott Hall for this idea.


Best option could be for stone cold to be the ref. Roman wins. Austin stunners HBK. Then Austin stunners HHH. Austin Reigns and Rock all have beers. Austin stunners Reigns gets a massive pop. Then rock and him go face to face but Austin stunners the rock. Everyone is laid out the championship is on the ground you can see Austin tease that he is going to pick it up but instead puts his beer beside the championship. Daniel Bryans music plays and the crowd chants Yes! Austin celebrates with more beer.
Last edited:
[MENTION=132954]Aman[/MENTION] I got the AJ Styles top and then there was an offer where I could get another top for free so was deciding between these two:



I got the suplex city one in the end. Which one do you think was better out of the two [MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION]
lol now i'm mad, I had to pay $5 for a second :)))

Not sure, both look great.

Either will do.
lol now i'm mad, I had to pay $5 for a second :)))

Not sure, both look great.

Either will do.

How much did you pay in total and which T-shirts you got all together? The AJ one, what else?

Also, the gloves should come soon imo NJPW use to put them out and they sold really well



Man all this time Big E had this much charisma but the legendary creative team hindered him for a long time until Xavier unlocked his potential



Man all this time Big E had this much charisma but the legendary creative team hindered him for a long time until Xavier unlocked his potential

Big E would have been Rock 2 in AE
[MENTION=137419]dashing_man[/MENTION] [MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION]

What about this:

if Bryan becomes the referee w/ the Rock in Reigns corner and HBK in HHH's corner... it would be total anarchy.

It would start off with Bryan just being a spectator and when Reigns seems to be the one to finally win the championship. What will happen is this, Bryan will make the count 1.... 2..... and then, he gives Reigns the finger. The Rock gets upset as he gets into Bryan's face and then HBK superkicks the Rock and HHH pedigrees Reigns. Everyone would think Bryan had turned heel as people would remember that he is Shawn's greatest student.

HHH covers Reigns where Bryan does the count 1.... 2.... and then, he spits into HHH's face and attacks him to the shock of Shawn who pulls Bryan apart only for Bryan to assault him. Bryan then grabs a chair, knocks out Shawn. Knocks out HHH, knocks out the Rock and knocks out Reigns. Then does the count 1.... 2.... 3.... grabs the belt and declares himself the winner only to then spit on the WWE title and tells Vince to go F himself and quits. Thus, would end WrestleMania on a shocking note where it sort of ends with a whimper where the future of WWE becomes in doubt as the blame will be on Scott Hall for this idea.


Best option could be for stone cold to be the ref. Roman wins. Austin stunners HBK. Then Austin stunners HHH. Austin Reigns and Rock all have beers. Austin stunners Reigns gets a massive pop. Then rock and him go face to face but Austin stunners the rock. Everyone is laid out the championship is on the ground you can see Austin tease that he is going to pick it up but instead puts his beer beside the championship. Daniel Bryans music plays and the crowd chants Yes! Austin celebrates with more beer.

This could happen but Bryan won't become the Champion. He will steal the belt and run

Austin ain't wrestling bruh. He's done and he can't because of his injury. HBK can do some superkicks. Maybe we could finally see Rock V HBK :yk2
The sheild was a great faction whether as a heel or face; Roman Reigns was best utilied in that faction because Seth and Ambrose hid his weaknesses. But after they broke up, Seth/Ambrose carved out their own identity while Vince allowed Reigns to keep the sheild gimmick in the hope he'd get over. Being a heel comes a lot more naturally to Reigns and a silent bad-asss but in the end they wanted him to turn face so not only does he suck as a character his in-ring work is rubbish to and no where it needs to be for a main-eventer
Yes they were a great faction but even in the shield days you must have realized that they were specially pushing roman reigns more within that group compared to Seth Rollins & Dean Ambrose for e.g. 2014 Royal Rumble where they had roman reigns break Kane's record & eliminate seth rollins & Dean Ambrose at the same time

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Hopefully AJ has a match on Raw, it's the only reason I watch WWE now.
Yes they were a great faction but even in the shield days you must have realized that they were specially pushing roman reigns more within that group compared to Seth Rollins & Dean Ambrose for e.g. 2014 Royal Rumble where they had roman reigns break Kane's record & eliminate seth rollins & Dean Ambrose at the same time

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That's a good point. The shield as a whole were protected by creative and pushed strong as a unit, for me there was little to separate them in terms of how they were booked which was what made it such a great faction but towards the end of it's tenure creative got a little more behind Roman given that they were going to split the group. They strapped a rocket behind Roman because he was their guy and also because they had to find a way to make him compelling since he no longer could hide is weaknesses, Seth they had huge plans and Ambrose was supposed to be the guy who'd get lost in the shuffle given that he'd be a babyface but Dean found a way to get over and carve out his own identity despite how the machine never backed pushed him as hard as Reigns and Seth.

After the split, Ambrose was the one expected to turn heel and with Seth remaining a face. It was surprise that the roles were reversed. Being a heel comes a lot naturally to Ambrose and for Seth being a babyface plays a lot more to his strengths on the mic. Both have proven their versatility though by going on to achieve critical acclaim in opposite roles to what was expected while Reigns has not improved on any level and relies entirely on how hard creative push him.
[MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] did you see Lana wedding dress:ksi

No lets see, also Russev went on upUpdown as well :)) am watching the video. He likes video games to and Italian cars :akhtar he owns a masterati to:


He's a really good guy Russev, very humble and hard-working. Sacrificed so much cashing his dream to become a pro-wrestling, left his country in the early 20's with no gurantee's that WWE would sign him but he managed to get noticed by them and was signed within 2 years. Spent 3 years at developmental before moving up the main-roster and becoming possibly one of the best foreign monster heels I've ever seen, he is so versatile in the ring given his size and excellent on the mic to. Saved up quiet a bit and I think him and Lana have their dream home now as well
I miss Seth Rollins, when he returns as a babyface it's going to be epic.

This could happen but Bryan won't become the Champion. He will steal the belt and run

Austin ain't wrestling bruh. He's done and he can't because of his injury. HBK can do some superkicks. Maybe we could finally see Rock V HBK :yk2

Didn't say Austin is going to wrestle, he's just going to drink beer and stun the hell out of everyone; that would send the crowd home happy then bloody reigns going over hunter :facepalm:

And lmao Bryan steal the belt and run to NJPW :))) I don't think WWE are going to let Bryan wrestle again musa. But Bryan can't do anything because he's under contract with the WWE. Bryan is not ready to retire or accept any backstage role either in the WWE. I think once Bryans contract expires he's going to NJPW and become the new leader of the Bullet Club.
Big E would have been Rock 2 in AE

lmao wouldn't take it that far but he's really good. Also Xavier doesn't get enough credit, guy is so good on the mic; apparently the two people creative have most faith in and let them say what they like are Cena and Xavier
No lets see, also Russev went on upUpdown as well :)) am watching the video. He likes video games to and Italian cars :akhtar he owns a masterati to:


He's a really good guy Russev, very humble and hard-working. Sacrificed so much cashing his dream to become a pro-wrestling, left his country in the early 20's with no gurantee's that WWE would sign him but he managed to get noticed by them and was signed within 2 years. Spent 3 years at developmental before moving up the main-roster and becoming possibly one of the best foreign monster heels I've ever seen, he is so versatile in the ring given his size and excellent on the mic to. Saved up quiet a bit and I think him and Lana have their dream home now as well

I don't get why there's so much against Lana. Let it go people

She didn't intentionally spoiled walking dead :))) I bet she did
Didn't say Austin is going to wrestle, he's just going to drink beer and stun the hell out of everyone; that would send the crowd home happy then bloody reigns going over hunter :facepalm:

And lmao Bryan steal the belt and run to NJPW :))) I don't think WWE are going to let Bryan wrestle again musa. But Bryan can't do anything because he's under contract with the WWE. Bryan is not ready to retire or accept any backstage role either in the WWE. I think once Bryans contract expires he's going to NJPW and become the new leader of the Bullet Club.

Do Bryan get paid ?

And I don't think brie is going to let Bryan go to Japan. They already have their dream house
I don't get why there's so much against Lana. Let it go people

She didn't intentionally spoiled walking dead :))) I bet she did

I don't know. not been following her gossip, show us the pic of her in the wedding dress, when are her and russev getting married
Do Bryan get paid ?

And I don't think brie is going to let Bryan go to Japan. They already have their dream house

Yeah he does get paid, he's under contract with them. Even those who get injured do as well. There are obviously guaranteed a certain amount beyond the number of dates they work when it comes to the wrestling, plus with the network shows Bryan probably makes a lot more then others and his merch sells pretty well online to.

I know but she is very understanding Brie and Wrestling is Bryans absolute passion. Bryan is a huge fan of the NJPW and was really over there when he worked as the American Dragon in Japan, he just loves Japanese wrestling so it's something he'll seriously consider. AJ Styles had a family to and loads of young kids but he still managed to make it work for 2 years. If it's a big problem to Brie then he got Lucha Underground as another option in the US, I just hope and pray he doesn't go to TNA. Imagine he joined the UFC like Punk :))) that would really hurt Vinny. Still it's safe to say that Bryans career in the WWE is done if they don't let him wrestle.
Yeah he does get paid, he's under contract with them. Even those who get injured do as well. There are obviously guaranteed a certain amount beyond the number of dates they work when it comes to the wrestling, plus with the network shows Bryan probably makes a lot more then others and his merch sells pretty well online to.

I know but she is very understanding Brie and Wrestling is Bryans absolute passion. Bryan is a huge fan of the NJPW and was really over there when he worked as the American Dragon in Japan, he just loves Japanese wrestling so it's something he'll seriously consider. AJ Styles had a family to and loads of young kids but he still managed to make it work for 2 years. If it's a big problem to Brie then he got Lucha Underground as another option in the US, I just hope and pray he doesn't go to TNA. Imagine he joined the UFC like Punk :))) that would really hurt Vinny. Still it's safe to say that Bryans career in the WWE is done if they don't let him wrestle.

I'm certain Bryan will go to Lucha Underground. Meh, at least that will make me watch that show.

And lol he ain't going to UFC. his body isn't the same it was 20 years ago

Vince got his hands tied. He dont wana lose bryan and he can't let him wrestle because of lawsuit. He offered bryan role of trainer but bryan gave him the finger
I'm certain Bryan will go to Lucha Underground. Meh, at least that will make me watch that show.

And lol he ain't going to UFC. his body isn't the same it was 20 years ago

Vince got his hands tied. He dont wana lose bryan and he can't let him wrestle because of lawsuit. He offered bryan role of trainer but bryan gave him the finger

You never know, NJPW is still a possibility. And Lucha I can't seem to get into because I can't keep up with the episodes. Still haven't finished watching the season finale. Although I can't wait to see Rey Mysterio's appearance on Lucha, I miss that bug :(

If Punk did you never know.

Which Lawsuit? They just don't want Bryan to wrestle obviously because of the risk involved but then again all the doctors besides WWE's have cleared him, Vince is also holding him back because he knows fans would want Bryan as the top guy rather then Reigns
I been waiting for this for days! the build to sasha v bayley 3 has been better then any of the matches on fast lane bro :)))

Vince should learn from this, the punishment made me remember Molly Holly V Victoria at XX

and BAAAH GAWWD, I thought for a moment MVP and Blackman returned :sree

and the best line was "I look like you" :))) :)))
Vince should learn from this, the punishment made me remember Molly Holly V Victoria at XX

and BAAAH GAWWD, I thought for a moment MVP and Blackman returned :sree

and the best line was "I look like you" :))) :)))

You jobber I was marking out as well :)))

Man it's only a few days ago that I was watching MVP videos on youtube: [MENTION=95766]leatherface58[/MENTION]

I miss him! he was so good and it just goes to show how great smackdown was back then, the talent had the tools but they were booked strong as well. Did you know he's Muslim to aha not many people know that. Wish he didn't go TNA and returned to the WWE instead. His gimmick would get really over even now. Remember that storyline where Teddy Long had to sign a million dollar contract or something to get MVP to join smackdown :))) that was brilliant especially for MVP's contract, it made him seem like a great deal from the word go. Really enjoyed his short run. My favourite match of his was against Benoit at Wrestlemania 23
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You remember MVP :))

You jobber I was marking out as well :)))

Man it's only a few days ago that I was watching MVP videos on youtube: [MENTION=95766]leatherface58[/MENTION]

I miss him! he was so good and it just goes to show how great smackdown was back then, the talent had the tools but they were booked strong as well. Did you know he's Muslim to aha not many people know that. Wish he didn't go TNA and returned to the WWE instead. His gimmick would get really over even now. Remember that storyline where Teddy Long had to sign a million dollar contract or something to get MVP to join smackdown :))) that was brilliant especially for MVP's contract, it made him seem like a great deal from the word go. Really enjoyed his short run. My favourite match of his was against Benoit at Wrestlemania 23

I really enjoyed his feuds with Matt hardy and Kane. Matt Hardy ones were the best, had me on the floor :)))

and that inferno match was good

You remember MVP :))


I used to enter my classroom like that every day. all the losers there were WWE haters and bollywood lovers, didn't know what I was doing. started calling me lame names :sanga
I used to enter my classroom like that every day. all the losers there were WWE haters and bollywood lovers, didn't know what I was doing. started calling me lame names :sanga

Did you dress up like MVP as well and do that pose as you got in :))) with me behind rapping the theme I'M COMING! Nobody could stop, Ain't nobody could hold me, Ain't nobody control me. I'm comin'! I'm here to do my thang, I'm here to bring the pain, I'm never ever gon' change!
I really enjoyed his feuds with Matt hardy and Kane. Matt Hardy ones were the best, had me on the floor :)))

and that inferno match was good

Remember Matt Hardy's Version 1 self-help guru gimmick? that was so good :)) I don't know why he left WWE but had he stayed he'd have become world champion. It was emotional when Christian finally won it, Matt was another one of those guys who deserved the title

You remember MVP :))

MVP was one of my favourite guys on SmackDown. I remember he had that feud with Kane the inferno match all the power ranger chants. Then he had that really good feud with Benoit improving his in ring skills a lot. Then his feud with Matt Hardy was epic for the U.S title. After that he fell out of favour with management went on that big losing streak. He ended up tagging with Henry and was released. He would be a good addition to the mid card as a heel.

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MVP was one of my favourite guys on SmackDown. I remember he had that feud with Kane the inferno match all the power ranger chants. Then he had that really good feud with Benoit improving his in ring skills a lot. Then his feud with Matt Hardy was epic for the U.S title. After that he fell out of favour with management went on that big losing streak. He ended up tagging with Henry and was released. He would be a good addition to the mid card as a heel.

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He was my favourite to, I respected his heel work and couldn't help but want him to get battered but at the same time was in awe of his character work and just found him really cool. If he had hung around longer and not become out of favour with management he could have become a world champion one day. I can even envision MVP as a main-event level heel, his mic skills were brilliant (the feud with jeff was great to) :

Here's MVP shooting on the Iraq/Afg war :))

I remember when Lana did something similar but indirectly, she got heat some real good heat but the retardeed media in the WWE criticised her :facepalm: I remember Zeb being criticised for his anti-immigrant persona to lmao but he buried everyone in a promo. Anyway the heat which lana got in the media, WWE in the past would have used it but instead they released a statement apologising. Thing is, people want to talk crap about pro-wrestling etc but do the American media actually realise it's sports entertainment or not lmao probably got butt hurt by the truth